Newborn Rev
Newborn Rev
Newborn Rev
NEWBORN weight.
The breastfed newborn recaptures birth
THE PROFILE OF A NEWBORN weight within 10 days; a formula-fed infant
accomplishes this gain within 7days.
All infants begin to gain about 2 lb per
month (6 to 8 oz per week) for the first 6
months of life.
34 to 35 cm (13.5 to 14in.).
A mature newborn with a head
VITAL STATISTICS circumference greater than 37 cm (14.8 in.)
Vital statistics measured for a newborn or less than 33 cm (13.2 in.) should be
usually consist of the baby’s weight, length, carefully assessed for neurologic
and head and chest circumferences. involvement, although some well newborns
Safety issues specific to newborn care have these measurements.
when taking these measurements, such as CHEST CIRCUMFERENCE
not leaving a newborn unattended on a bed
or scale and protecting against Chest circumference is measured at the
hypothermia. level of the nipples. The chest
circumference in a term newborn is about 2
As long as newborns are breathing well, (0.75 to 1in.) less than head circumference.
they are weighed nude and without a 32-33 cm
blanket soon after birth in the birthing room. VITAL SIGNS
Initial weight for baseline data, an infant is
weighed nude once a day, at approximately TEMPERATURE
the same time every day, during a hospital
99°F (37.2°C) at birth
or birthing center stay.
The majority of heatloss occurs because of
The birth weight of newborns varies
four separate mechanisms: convection,
depending on the racial, nutritional,
radiation, conduction, and evaporation
intrauterine, and genetic factors that were
a newborn’s temperature stabilizes at
present during conception and pregnancy.
98.6°F (37°C) within 4 hours after birth.
During the first few days after birth, a
newborn loses 5% to 10%of birth weight (6 TERMS:
to 10oz) (Thulier, 2016).
Convection is the flow of heat from the
newborn’s body surface to cooler
surrounding air. Eliminating drafts, such as
from air conditioners, is an important way to
reduce convection heat loss.
Radiation is the transfer of body heat to a NOTES:
cooler solid object not in contact with the
• they can only breathe through their
baby, such as a cold window or air noses; the only time newborns breathe
conditioner. Moving an infant as far from the through their mouths is when they are
cold surface as possible helps reduce this crying
type of heat loss.
Conduction is the transfer of body heat to • unless their nasal passage has some
a cooler solid object in contact with a baby. blockage, which can lead to mouth
breathing; develop the reflex to breathe
For example, a baby placed on the cold
through their mouths at 3 or 4 months
base of a warming unit quickly loses heat to
the colder metal surface. Covering surfaces
with a warmed blanket or towel is necessary
to help minimize conduction heat loss. newborn is approximately 80/46 mmHg at
Evaporation is loss of heat through birth
conversion of a liquid to a vapor. 10th day, it rises to about 100/50 mmHg
Newborns are wet when born, so they can and remains at that level for the infant year
lose a great deal of heat as the amniotic Blood pressure tends to increase with crying
fluid on their skin evaporates. Hemodynamic monitoring is used when
continuous assessment is required.
D. URINARY SYSTEM 1. Blink Reflex
Average newborn voids within 24 hours Elicited by shining a strong light such as a
after birth flashlight into an eye.
Newborns who do not void within this time 2. Rooting Reflex
need to be assessed for the possibility of Cheek is brushed or stroked near the
urethral stenosis or absent kidneys ofureter corner of the mouth, the infant will turn the
usually light colored and odorless head in that direction.
6 weeks of age before much control over This reflex serves to help a newborn find
reabsorption of fluid in tubules and food. Disappears at about the 3-4 months
concentration of urine becomes evident.
Single voiding in a newborn is only about
15ml Specific gravity ranges from 1.008 to
5. Extrusion Reflex
Newborn extrudes any substance that is 8. Placing Reflex
placed on the anterior portion of the tongue is elicited by touching the anterior lower leg
Fades at 4months against a surface such as the edge of a
6. Palmar Grasp Reflex table.
Newborns grasp an object placed in their The newborn makes a few quick lifting leg
palm by quickly closing their fingers on it motions, as if to step onto the table.
Disappears at about 6 weeks to 3 months
After it fades, a baby begins to grasp
b) Hyperbilirubinemia
c) Pallor
d) Harlequin Skin
a) Hemangiomas
Erythema Toxicum
Skin turgor
head usually appears disproportionately large
because it is about one fourth of the total body
At least one pinpoint white papule (a The forehead appears large and prominent.
plugged or unopened sebaceous gland) is The chin appears to be receding, and it
usually found on a cheek or across the quivers easily if the infant is startled or cries.
bridge of the nose of every newborn. If a newborn has hair, the hair should look
disappear by 3to 4 weeks of age full bodied; both poorly nourished and
avoid scratching or squeezing the papule, preterm infants have thin, lifeless hair.
which could lead to secondary infection. If internal fetal monitoring was used during
labor, a newborn may have a pinpoint ulcer
at the point where the monitor was
Fontanelles Molding
Fontanelles are the spaces or openings After birth, this area appears prominent and
where the skull bones join asymmetric
It is diamond-shaped and measures 2 to
3cm (0.8 to 1.2in.) in width and 3to 4 cm
(1.2to 1.6in.) in length.
Posterior fontanelle is located at the junction
of the parietal bones and the occipital bone;
closes by the end of the second month.
Anterior fontanelle can be felt as a soft spot;
normally closes at 12 to 18 months of age.
Caput Succedaneum
normally assumes the position maintained
in utero for days after birth, with the back
rounded and arms and legs flexed across
the abdomen and chest.
spine of a newborn typically appears flat in
the lumbar and sacral areas
Inspect the base of a newborn’s spine
carefully to be certain there is no pinpoint
opening, dimpling, or sinus tract in the skin,
which suggest a dermal sinus or spina bifida