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PATHFit Module 1-5

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TOPIC OR LESSON : Core Training B.

Locomotor TOPIC OR LESSON : Core Training

SUB-TOPIC/S : Posture and Core Stability  Locomotor movement skills are those in which SUB-TOPIC/S : Posture and Core Stability
the body is moved in one direction, or a
 Fundamental Movement Skills  Posture and Core Stability
combination of directions, from one point to
 Assessment of Physical Activity Readinessand another. Activities such as walking, jogging,  Functional Anatomy of the Core
Levels moving forwards, backward, side- shuffling,
skipping, running, jumping, hopping, and POSTURE AND CORE STABILITY
Core Training leaping are considered fundamental locomotion Core stability muscles, or postural muscles, are
Core training is considered as the strengthening movements. the deep muscles in your abdomen, pelvis, and
and conditioning of the core muscles C. Manipulative back. They act as a corset or scaffolding holding
surrounding the mid-section of our body—the you together rather than moving your trunk. It
abdomen, hips, pelvis, and lower back. These  Manipulative movements are movements that is important to have good postural muscles to
muscles wrap and protect the spine which is involve the use of a body part like hands or feet help maintain a good posture. In the abdomen,
responsible for stabilizing and balancing the to move or manipulate an item. Manipulative there are four layers of muscles. And also, there
body during movement. And also, core training movements can include gross motor skills, like are syndromes that are developed when the
refers to core stabilization or balance training. kicking or bouncing a ball, or fine motor skills, muscles of your shoulders, neck, and chest are
like writing or coloring. Manipulative motor out of balance — some too weak and some too
Fundamental Movement Skills skills are often important in sports. tight.
 The Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) are Assessments of Physical Activity and Readiness
some of the most common actions from
childhood to adulthood.  Besides your movement skills competency,
checking your current levelsof activity and
 FMS consists of three skills groups that define fitness is crucial to determine the readiness of
physical literacy which are the non-locomotor, your body forphysical activities.
locomotor, and manipulative skills.
 Most of the Assessments being done are the
A. Non-Locomotor PAR-Q where the results of this test will
 Any movement that does not travel, but uses determine if you have a medical problem and
the available space in any direction or need to addressit as soon as possible.
movement organized around the axis of the  This assessment will be done before
body (axialmovement); bending, twisting, participating in the fitness test or any physical
stretching, and swinging is an examples of axial activity.

Ex. Stretching, twisting, squats, lunge,

Anatomy of the Core and Multifidus, (small segmental muscles lining TOPIC OR LESSON : Body Movement and Basic
your spine) Positions
 The core is the group of the trunk and hip
muscles that surround the spine,  Mobilizers of the spine are the more SUB-TOPIC/S : Body Divisions, locomotor and
superficial muscles that cross over multiple non-locomotor
abdominal viscera, and hip. Core muscles are
essential for proper load balance joints so that when they contract, they move (axial) movement, Directions of Movement,
many joints at once:
within the spine, pelvis, and kinetic chain. They
spare the spine from excessive o the rectus abdominus,

load and are essential for lad transfer between o obliques,

the upper and lower body.
o lateral portions of erector spinae,
 Abdominal, gluteal, hip girdle, paraspinal, and
o latissimus dorsi,
other muscles work in concert to
o quadratus lumborum.
provide this needed spinal stability.

 Having a strong, stable core helps us to

prevent injuries and allows us to perform

at our best.
Every movement that we do has a connection in
 There is also an upper quadrant core the division of our body, and we
(glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joints)
must know the limit of each division movement
and a lower quadrant core (hip and trunk) coverage to avoid injuries. As we move,
 Core Trunk Muscles: Abdominals; we perform Axial (non-locomotor) and
thoracolumbar; lumbar and lateral locomotor even in the simplest change in our
thoracolumbar muscles position. In this module learners are expected
to think about the different anatomical
 Core Hip Muscles: Hip flexors, extensors,
abductors, adductors, and rotators. divisions of the body, differentiate and perform
Axial and Locomotor movement and
 Your core stabilizers are made up of 3 main
muscles groups – your Transverse formulate routines containing the types of
Abdominals (Deep Abs); your Pelvic Floor (a
sling from your pubic bone to tail),
TOPIC OR LESSON : Body Movement and Basic d. Tuck sitting position
e. Stride sitting position g. Arms oblique
SUB-TOPIC/S : Basic Positions
f. Side sitting position h. Arms upward

g. Long sitting rest position i. Arms reverse oblique

h. Heels sit TOPIC OR LESSON : Brief History of Aerobics

Lying Position SUB-TOPIC/S : Aerobics and Dance Aerobics

a. Back lying position Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that

combines rhythmic aerobic
b. Front lying position
exercise with stretching and strength
c. Side lying position
training routines with the goal of improving all
d. Hook lying position
elements of fitness
Arm Support Position (flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-
vascular fitness). It is
a. Back arm support
usually performed to music and may be
b. Front arm support practiced in a group setting led by
c. Slide arm support an instructor (fitness professional), although it
Four Based Position can be done solo and without musical
Standing Position
a. Dog stand position accompaniment. With the goal of preventing
a. Feet Parallel
illness and promoting physical fitness,
b. Bridge position
b. Stride Position
practitioners perform various routines
Hands Position comprising a number of different dance-like
c. Lunge Position
a. Hands on waist exercises.
d. Half knee bend
b. Hands on chest Aerobic exercise (also known
e. Full knee bend
c. Hands on shoulder as cardio or cardio-respiratory exercise)
Sitting Position is physical
d. Hands on neck
a. Long sitting position exercise of low to high intensity that depends
e. Arms Forward primarily on the aerobic energy-generating
b. Hook sitting position
f. Arms Sideward
c. Frog sitting position
process.  "Aerobic" is defined as Latin moves with a global soundtrack including Although ballroom dancing might not be the
"relating to, involving, or requiring free beats from around the world. most strenuous aerobic dance to
oxygen", and
Zumba is not just for people who can dance. do, it is surely full of benefits. It is a moderate
refers to the use of oxygen to adequately meet Anybody can practice it! The activity and is popular
energy demands during exercise
steps are simple yet heart pumping and fun. Not throughout the world. The only downside with
via aerobic metabolism. Aerobic exercise is only will you enjoy the this dance form is that you
performed by repeating sequences of light-
workout but also shed those extra kilos sooner cannot do it alone. You need a partner for the
to-moderate intensity activities for extended than you can imagine! purpose. Once you have found
periods of time.
2. Jazzercise. Jazzercisers all over the country someone to dance with, you are surely going to
Dance aerobic is an exercise movement move to the latest music to burn have a great experience.
coordinates upper and lower extremities
up to 800 calories in 60 minutes. Not only does 4. Belly Dancing. Belly dancing is beautiful and
done in a 30-45 minutes continuous activity this form of exercise give you exotic. It emerged from Arabic
from slow pace to vigorous dance steps.
an aerobic workout, but it also strengthens and countries such as Egypt and Turkey several
4 Types of Dance Aerobics: tones the muscles. decades ago. The name is

1. Zumba. The first and most interesting kind of It will work all those bulky sections of your body entirely western and is a solo dance form where
Aerobic Dance is Zumba. It is a and help you achieve your torso articulation is a must.

great fitness program that combines Latin, fitness goals. Famous since the 1970s, this There are different forms of belly dancing, and
International, and Salsa music with workout is effective, heart rate they all have unique styles. It

some amazing and fun filled dance moves. You elevating, and has a great combination of cardio does fall under the category of aerobic dances
will find interval training, and resistance training. There and is used these days in

resistance training, and strength training. There are over 78,000 Jazzercise instructors today, fitness classes too.It is a particularly good
will be slow and fast rhythms and almost every country workout for the core muscles, and it also tones
alternating throughout so that you can keep conducts weekly classes on Jazzercise.
burning calories. Zumba Fitness strengthens the arms and legs. It doesn't
3. Ballroom Dancing. Ballroom dancing
burn quite as many calories as other
has quickly become one of the most popular comprises many types of dances from
dance aerobics programs. dance workouts -- about 300 an hour -- but it
different parts of the world. Popular dances
teaches you to engage your core
Created in Colombia in the 1990s, this style of include modern waltz, tango,
dance aerobics incorporates muscles and move fluidly. It's also fun and
Viennese waltz, rumba, swing and quickstep.
a great way to meet people and trysomething

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