The 8 Body Constitutions

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To wish you the best of good luck using this book I wrote out this Chinese proverb:
Together we will gladly share the methods and secrets that lead to great good health.
A Comprehensive Self-help Guide
to Chinese Health and Fitness

Dr. Tsoi Nam Chan

Edited By
David Carroll
1st edition published by U.N. Acupuncture Center in 2019
307 E 44th Street, NYC, NY 10017, USA
[email protected]

Copyright © 2019 by Dr. Tsoi Nam Chan

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, dis-

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copying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without
the prior written permission of the publisher. Write to the publisher via
mail at the address above.

The information provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed.
This book is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For
diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem, consult your own physician. The publisher and author are
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Art and design: Dr. Tsoi Nam Chan

Photographer: Sid Hoeltzell, Miami.
Computer Graphic: Cindy X.W. Feng
Model: Natalie Halbuer, Green Agency/Miami
Special thanks to my mother and father; my brothers Shek Man, Chor Man,
Kwok Wai, Kowg Hung, Yau Nam, Hoo Sang and to my sister Yuet Sheung.
Thanks also to Lucy Yu, Jordan Ryan, Sabrina Seid, Adriane Boscardin and Harriet Shapiro.
Printed in New York, USA

Chapter 1 Human Types: A Primer 1

Chapter 2 Fast and Easy Primer of Chinese Medicine 23

Chapter 3 Determining your Constitutional Type 49

Chapter 4 Constitution One: The Yang Deficiency Type 71

Chapter 5 Constitution Two: The Qi Deficiency Type 97

Chapter 6 Blood Stasis Constitution 119

Chapter 7 The Dampness-Heat Constitution 143

Chapter 8 The Dampness-Heat Constitution 163

Chapter 9 The Phlegm-Damp Constitution 187

Chapter 10 The Yin Deficiency Constitution 207

Chapter 11 The Qi Stagnation Constitution 229

Chapter 12 The Perfectly Balanced Constitution 249

For more than 4.5 billion years, our earth has orbited the solar system.
It is now in a state of perfect equilibrium.

If our planet is just a little closer to the sun or a little farther away, we
would instantly burn or freeze. But nature has been kind and has allowed
earth to locate itself in a small, unique zone of space where every one of the
necessary ingredients of life is available. And since all organic beings on our
“blue marble” are composed of materials derived from the building blocks of
nature - water, earth, air and fire – we as human beings are part of this earth
and of natural forces that oversee it. Indeed, our bodies are not only made
of the four elements but are in synchronicity with the natural environment
that produces it. As the ancient Hermetic saying goes, “As above, so below.”

For example, when it rains we get headaches, stuffy noses and joint
pain. When the sun shines we feel uplifted and the entire world becomes
bright and light. When the weather turns cold we get flu and chills; when
summer arrives colds and heatstroke are common. When the moon is full it
raises the tides on the sea, causing sailors to make appropriate adjustments.
When the sun is too hot it burns our faces and backs. We and the forces of
nature that create and sustain us are one.

In recent years, however, due to the pollution that man has unleashed
on the world Mother Earth is, as it were, striking back in the form of unusually
destructive floods, fires, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes
and climate change in general. As a Zen master recently told me, “Humans
are doing everything possible to disrupt our health and environmental balance
out of desire and ignorance. If we only had the eyes to see we would know that
the very elements that compose our bodies and our environment are living
forces that are angry at us and are turning against us.”
What to do?

In a nutshell, we must begin to look at our bodies from a new and more
grounded perspective. Based on personal genetics, local geographic conditions,
the environment we grew up in, our living habits and many other factors,
readers of this book are encouraged to improve the way they look at their
health and the natural world around them. The former requires heightened
environmental awareness and conscious efforts to be frugal with our planet’s
resources. The latter is more personal and should, in fact, become our number
one priority. Why? Because without health, as those who suffer chronic pain
and serious disease know, life is barely worth living.

This book, therefore, is an attempt to set readers on the track of true

fitness and wellbeing, providing them with information on their personal
body type - information that, in turn, is based on both ancient traditional
Chinese medicine and modern medical knowledge. There are, as you will
see, eight primary human body constitutions plus a ninth that is less a
type, more an ideal. By taking the questionnaire to establish your body type
provided in the beginning of this book and then living in accord with the
do’s and don’ts belonging to your particular body constitution the results
will quickly become apparent: increased mental clarity, a strengthening of
the organs and development of the kind of energetic balance that invariably
leads to strength, vigor and peace of mind.

Today in the modern world the media is constantly informing us that

our lives will become richer and better if only we follow this particular diet,
wear this brand of jeans, buy this new electronic gadget. But such a vain quest
for happiness only ends up creating more desire plus the greed and anxiety
that invariably accompanies it. The true path to joy and wellbeing, as all
spiritual paths have told us since the beginning of time, is not found in the
outside world but in our own bodies, minds and spirits. This book, I sincerely
hope, will help you find the peace and health which is your true birthright.

~ Dr. Tsoi Nam Chan

Chapter One
Human Types: A Primer

Health is the most precious gain and contentment the

greatest wealth.

~ Buddha
Dhammapada, Sukhavagga, vs 204

Constitutional types – yes or no What constitutes a constitutional type?

For many centuries a persistent question Let’s start by comparing a tall, lean, rosy
has fascinated, puzzled and at times ob- cheeked, high-spirited woman with a
sessed scholars and medical people alike: short, square-bodied, pale, lethargic wom-
Is the human species naturally organized an. Observing both, we quickly realize we
into a number of biological sub-groups, are looking at two fundamentally different
members of which can be recognized by examples of human structure and human
a distinctive physical appearance and psy- nature.
chological temperament – groups that we The same with a six-foot three,
refer to as constitutional types? large-shouldered, slow moving, square-
Experience, research and common faced melancholy man standing next to a
sense all point in this direction, telling us five-foot eight, small-boned, round-faced,
that yes, there are distinct and identifiable highly energetic and cheerful man. Clear-
human types, and that the pieces of the ly there are primary differences between
picture that make up each type are based them on both a psychological and somat-
on a unique blend of body shape, physiol- ic level. And clearly we have met versions
ogy, psychology and genetics. and variations of these types in our own
At the same time, there are many lives, embodied in the personality and ap-
versions of these groupings from differ- pearance of the people we deal with every
ent parts of the world, some old and some day. The question is, how best to organize
new. Many of these typologies are similar, these different types of human temper-
though none are exactly alike, a phenome- ament, and physical form, into a tool we
non that is due to a variety of circumstanc- can use and understand?
es including different cultural influences,
physical environment, different historical Questions and answers
time periods and each civilization’s collec- Different world cultures have approached
tive genetics. This book is about the old- this challenge in a variety of intriguing
est and, I believe, most comprehensive, ways. Through the centuries philosophers,
helpful and accurate human typing system theologians, scholars and physicians have
available today: the Chinese classification all taken their turn asking and answering
of Eight Constitutions. the same fundamental questions:

• Do constitutional types exist? If they es are he would call on his knowledge of
do, exactly how many types are there? body constitutions to diagnose and treat
you. If you visit a Chinese doctor today
• Do constitutional types vary from cul-
and request an examination he or she
ture to culture and race to race? Or is
is just as likely to use a similar if more
there one set of types that is universal
evolved method of constitutional evalua-
to the entire human species?
tion. The Chinese system is that old, and
• Does a person’s type change over his or has been in continuous use for that long.
her lifetime or is it fixed from birth to Before we approach the subject
death? Can a person have more than of Chinese constitutional types, however,
one type? and before we get down to the brass tacks
of how you can apply this system to de-
• Is one type superior to another or sim-
termine your own type and use it to live a
ply different?
better life, let us take a look at some of the
• What physical and mental benchmarks similar (and not so similar) human classi-
should we use to identify each type? fication systems that have been developed
by different civilizations throughout the
• How can we learn to identify our own
ages. Learning how other cultures cate-
type and the types of people we know?
gorize sub-groups provides insight into
• How can we use the knowledge of our the compelling question of human types
own constitutional type to improve our in general. It shows how many of the same
psychological well-being, our work, our types appear time after time in societies
social life and most of all our health? separated by vast distances and centuries
of time. Most importantly, it helps lay the
In the chapters that follow we will ad-
groundwork for a better understanding of
dress these and many other questions per-
the Chinese healing arts in particular.
taining to this important and sometimes

life-altering topic.
Good and bad humors
In the West many of us are familiar with
Humorism, an ancient and widespread
If you lived in China during the time of
medical doctrine that traces its roots back
Confucius and visited your doctor, chanc-

to classical Greece. Based on even old- physiological activities, and basing a large
er medical models taken from the Bab- part of his medical teachings on their in-
ylonians and Egyptians, this enduring teractions.
approach to healing was founded on the According to the Greek father
belief that each human being, male and of medicine, each of us is composed of a
female, can be typed according to one mixture of the four humors, the balance
of four body “fluids” or “humors,” all of between them changing on a daily basis
which reside in the blood. These humors according to our life style, mental attitude
are looked on less as palpable substances, and environment. Invariably though, one
more as ethereal essences that exist in a of the four humors predominates through-
state somewhere between the material and out a person’s lifetime. Here’s how it breaks
the energetic. They include: down:

• Phlegm 1. An individual in whom the humor

• White bile blood predominates is known as a
Sanguine type.
• Yellow bile
• Blood (a somewhat different substance 2. An individual in whom black bile pre-
from arterial blood) dominates is a Melancholic type.

3. An individual in whom yellow bile

Hippocrates, the most famous of Greek
predominates is a Choleric type.
physicians and a champion of the Humor-
ist theory, examined countless samples 4. An individual in whom phlegm pre-
of his patients’ blood over the years, con- dominates is a Phlegmatic type.
cluding that these samples were indeed
When a person is healthy, Hippocrates
composed of four different humors: a red
taught, the four humors are in a state of
fluid (the humor blood), a white fluid
balance. Health problems begin when an
(the humor phlegm), a yellow frothy sub-
excess or insufficiency of a particular hu-
stance (the humor yellow bile) and a dark
mor develops, disrupting the balance of
heavy substance (the humor black bile).
the other humors and the person’s wellbe-
The Greek physician thought of these sub-
ing with it. This disruption can be caused
stances as half physical, half vaporous,
by poor diet, exposure to harsh weather,
believing that they mediate all the body’s
negative emotions, bad living habits and a

number of other internal and external in- a number of conditions including head-
fluences, all of which disturb the four-fold ache and high blood pressure.
harmony of the humors and thus increase Note here the parallel of Humorism to the
the body’s vulnerability to disease. Chinese system of medicine in which the
quality of health is believed to stem from the
Tools of the Humorism trade balance and interplay of internal energies. In
In Greece and later the medieval times, the the case of Chinese medicine, this balance
classic technique for healing humor imbal- begins with the relationship between the
ance was bloodletting. When practicing this Yang or active force of nature and the Yin or
minor form of surgery a physician would passive force. I will speak a good deal more
open a vein on the inside of a patient’s arm about these two primary agents of sickness
to let out excess yellow bile. Another vein and health in the chapters to come.
would then be opened to drain black bile
and still another for phlegm or blood. Cup- Dynamics of the Humorist system
ping, herbs, massage, exercise, rest, diet, As in all traditional and holistic medi-
fasting, compresses, hot and cold baths and cines, the human body is viewed as an in-
a number of other natural therapies were trinsic part of nature. Seen in this light our
then prescribed as adjunct treatments, es- physical presence shares affinities and cor-
pecially in Europe during the Middle Ages. respondences with the weather, vegetation
While bloodletting itself seems to have been cycles, the seasons, the elements, the color
of limited medical effectiveness, the supple- spectrum and even the planets and stars.
mentary treatments used along with it may As a result, each humor in the Hu-
well have contributed to many cures.* morist system, besides striving to maintain
_________________________________ equilibrium with the other humors, was as-
_________________________________ sociated with the properties of temperature
* While draining sizeable amounts of a and moisture level. A humor could be too
patient’s blood is clearly of dubious value hot or too cold, too dry or too moist, while
both medically and safety-wise, in Chinese paired combinations of temperatures (hot
medicine pricking certain acupoints on a and moist, cold and dry, cold and moist) of-
patient’s finger, ears or toes and releasing a fered important information when making a
drop or two of blood relieves pressure and diagnosis and strategizing a cure. A predom-
expels poisons, bringing effective relief for inance of one particular humor was also be-

lieved to produce a person of a distinct psy- The third or Phlegmatic type lives
chological and moral temperament. up to its name. People born with extra
supplies of phlegm humor are slow, cau-
Humorist temperaments – For example, tious, low on energy and ambition but in
if a person is born with a predominance a healthy person, placid, steady, insightful,
of black bile, he or she is believed to have fair, strong and grounded. Phlegmatics are
a Melancholic disposition. Melancholics ruled by the element water (a Phlegmatic
are characterized by introversion, sensi- person was often described as silent and
tivity, deep thought, artistic ability, empa- deep like the ocean), cold and moist (like
thy, pessimism and a generally serious and phlegm itself), the season of winter (when
sometimes gloomy outlook on themselves the nose drips most frequently and coughs
and the human condition. Cosmological- come easily), the lungs (origin of phlegm),
ly they are associated with the element white (the color of phlegm), old age, and
earth, the properties of cold and dry, the the moon (white, barren and dreamy).
season of autumn (hence sadness and bar- Finally the fourth human type,
renness), the spleen, the color black (dark Choleric (yellow bile), is known for its
moods), middle age, and the planet Saturn classic Type A personality traits: assertive,
(from which the word “saturnine”). ambitious, insightful, creative, hot tem-
A prevalence of the humor blood pered, irritable, quick minded and active
produces the Sanguine temperament: op- as opposed to contemplative. (The word
timistic, patient, reasonable, jovial, gener- “choleric” is still used to describe a per-
ous though sometimes self-deluded, in- son who is angry and irascible.) Typical-
sensitive, naïve, arrogant and superficial. ly, a Choleric man or woman is ruled by
Sanguine types are represented by the the element fire (a person with a “fiery”
element air (an “airy” personality is typi- personality is often choleric), hot and dry
cally a Sanguine personality), and are hot (i.e., hot-headed), the season of summer,
and moist. They personify the season of the liver and/or gallbladder (having lots of
spring, the organ of the heart (or in some gall), the color yellow, the planet Mars (the
systems the head), the color red, the age of Roman god of war), and the age of early
childhood and the planet Jupiter (Roman youth (impulsive Cholerics are often typi-
god of laughter and “joviality,” Jove being fied as being juvenile or adolescent).
the Greek name for Jupiter).

Humorism and human behavior – In prac-
tice, there were many possible contrasts and
pairings of these four humoric types.
For example, the gloomy Mel-
ancholic was thought to be the oppo-
site of the light-hearted Sanguine. The
quick-tempered, energetic Choleric con-
trasted with the peaceful, passive Phleg-
matic. Cholerics and Sanguines were
vigorous and dynamic, making expert sol-
diers, entertainers, business persons and
statesmen. Phlegmatics and Melanchol-
ics were passive, producing good monks,
philosophers, analysts, artists, long term
planners, and so forth. haviors. Some of our friends and associ-
Each of the types, moreover, was ates are highly active (Choleric) yet also a
layered into different prioritized arrange- bit dour (Melancholic). Others are on the
ments the way varying combinations of slow, methodical side (Phlegmatic) but
four colored blocks might be stacked on cheerful (Sanguine) and ambitious (Cho-
a dowel: White on top, yellow next, then leric) as well. Still others are optimistic
black and red; or white on top, red next, (Sanguine) but with a lazy streak below
then black and yellow. the surface (Phlegmatic) and an angry
A Phlegmatic individual, for instance, streak below that (Choleric).
might first be of a Phlegmatic nature, From these and dozens of other
second Choleric, third Melancholic and possible combinations a complex and in
fourth Sanguine. This mixture would many ways ingenious system of human
produce a considerably different type of types was developed that served as the ba-
Phlegmatic than one whose second pre- sis of Western medicine and psychology
dominant humor was Sanguine, third for almost two thousand years.
Melancholic and fourth Choleric.
In daily life these combinations
translate into social and psychological be-

Indian Ayurved According to Ayurvedic typology,
Vata types are thin, wiry, changeable, en-
For many centuries and in many forms thusiastic, and moody. Tolerant, quick-wit-
Humorism was the foundation stone of ted and creative, they are associated with
medicine not only in Europe but through- the elements air and ether (ether is the fifth
out the world. The invasion of India by Al- element in Indian philosophy, along with
exander the Great during the fourth cen- fire, water, earth and air). The Vata type
tury B.C. brought Greek medicine to the loosely corresponds to both the Sanguine
subcontinent where over time it melded and Choleric types in Humorism.
with the ancient Hindu healing system, Pita types are of medium build,
eventually morphing into modern day often ruddy and light haired, with quick
Ayurvedic medicine. In the process, the tempers and a keen intelligence. They
four humors were reduced to three, form- can be impatient, critical, optimistic, pas-
ing a trio of fundamental constitutions. sionate, and quick-witted, in many ways
matching the Sanguine and Choleric type.
The three Ayurvedic constitutions – Ac- Kapha types tend to be heavy and
cording to the Indian Ayurveda (the word round in build, stolid, with a tendency to
“veda” taken from the ancient Hindu overweight. They are slow to act and react,
scriptures known as the Vedas), there are even ponderous at times, but once they
three basic body constitutions or doshas. move they are decisive and effective. They
These include: can be inflexible and sluggish but also sin-
gle-minded, persuasive, tenacious, and
• Vata
sometimes darkly stubborn and bullying,
• Pita all attributes that correspond closely with
• Kapha the Phlegmatic, and to a limited extent,
Melancholic temperaments.
As in Humorism, each dosha is character-
In the Ayurveda, as with Humor-
ized by physical, psychological and cos-
ism and Chinese medicine, achieving bal-
mic qualities; and like Chinese medicine,
ance in body temperatures – or as the Chi-
the physician’s goal is to help each patient
nese call them, “climates” – is a definitive
achieve a state of balance between these
medical goal.
doshas and hence between body, mind
When a person eats hot, spicy foods
and spirit.

and is gripped with indigestion, the Ayurve- his career the renowned Swiss psychiatrist
dic doctor prescribes a bland diet to cool Carl Jung worked with hundreds of private
internal temperatures. When lack of fluids patients, concluding over time that human-
creates dryness in the joints, hydration with ity is divided into four different classes of
herbal tonics sets things right. When en- people. Each, he believed, perceives the
ergy flow is sluggish and cool, massage is world in a way that is different enough to
performed using oils that heat the viscera place it in its own separate category. Indeed,
and improve circulation. When examina- the four types often undergo the same ex-
tion shows that a headache is caused by ex- perience, then describe what they see and
cess heat in the head a cold foot bath is pre- feel in such different terms that, according
scribed. Simple solutions, but powerful and to Jung, “one wonders if these people share
by centuries of experience often as effective the same basic human perceptions and
as chemical medicines. even neurological connections.”
This insistence that the ultimate aim In his book Psychological Types
of medicine is to help the body maintain in- Jung defines the four basic ways that hu-
ternal equilibrium is found in all traditional man beings see, act and judge in the world,
forms of medicine and historically has led using terms that have a far more familiar
to a constant exchange of medical ideas ring to our modern ears than “humor”
among physicians in Europe, the Middle and “fluid.” They include:
East and the Orient. For this reason one
often finds the same natural treatments for 1. Sensation – Sensation-oriented people
disease in societies as far distant from one perceive the world mainly through their five
another as Rome and China. senses rather than by analytical thinking or
emotional response. They are earthy types
Types of types who gravitate towards sensual pleasures –
food, drink, partying, sleep, sex. They draw
The idea that each human being is born conclusions according to what they see,
with an identifiable set of physical and men- hear and touch rather than what they think
tal predispositions has appeared in many or feel, corresponding in obvious ways to
cultures East and West and exists today in a the Phlegmatic type in the Humoral system
number of contemporary typologies. and the Kapha type in Ayurveda.
For example, during the course of

2. Thinking - Thinking types assess the 4. Intuition – People who are rooted in
world through a process of rational analysis the intuitive mode respond to life with
and intellectual reason. We speak of them their gut – with hunches, instinct, flashes
as being “in their head” as opposed to “all of insight and sometime even psychic sen-
heart” like emotional types or “rooted to the sors; this, rather than sensation, thought
earth,” as in a sensual type. Thinking peo- or feeling. Such people appear to be dis-
ple are perceived as living in a bubble, aloof cursive and unfocused, leaping nervous-
and reserved yet enthusiastic, brilliant and ly from subject to subject and thought to
capable of insightful solutions when called thought. Yet, when their ideas are seen
on to save the day. Parallels exist between in the larger picture they often show far
the thinking person and the Sanguine per- deeper insight than the conclusions ar-
sonality. An interesting saying I once came rived at by logic or passion. The Melan-
across has it that “the person who thinks cholic type with its creative and intuitive
laughs, the person who feels cries.” instincts is sometimes compared to this
fourth Jungian type, though the Choleric
3. Feeling – Feeling people perceive reality and Sanguine types also show flashes of
not according to sight, sound, smell, taste or visceral perception.
touch, not according to logical assessment, According to Jung, the above list
but based on the emotions that different ex- can be paired down even further into ra-
periences evoke in them. Poetic, passionate, tional and irrational types. The functions
impulsive and dramatic, Feeling types judge of sensation and intuition are irrational
according to sentiment rather than intel- because logical analysis is rare for both
lect, even if the common sense logic of such types. Thinking and feeling are rational
judgments does not always add up. They see because they involve, in Jung’s words, “the
the world in terms of pleasant or unpleasant, supremacy of reason.”
like or dislike, and can be accordingly kind Interestingly, Jung developed an
or cruel, depending on character and cir- even more essential theory of human type
cumstances. Choleric types in the Humor- based on the now familiar binary pair of
al system are often characterized as “feeling Extrovert and Introvert.
driven.” Melancholics have a tendency to feel The Extrovert, he believed, is a
glum or despondent. confident, out-going, highly social person
who relates primarily to input from the ex-

ternal world. The Introvert is shy, subjec- bical heads. Because of the symmetry be-
tive and inward, with an emphasis on in- tween their bones and muscles they are con-
trospection, self-knowledge, and the need sidered the most balanced of all body types.
for inner security. From a Chinese point Extreme Mesomorphs include Mr. Ameri-
of view this separation of people into ac- ca types (picture Arnold Schwarzenegger)
tive and passive types again hints at the and toned, husky athletes.
philosophical notion that human inter-
action is driven either by the motivating, 2. The Ectomorph – Think tall and lean
dynamic force of Yang or the receptive, with long, light bones, narrow shoulders,
passive force of Yin. high metabolism and a conspicuous lack
of Mesomorph-like muscle development.
Sheldon’s body types Their hair is thin and often full and un-
kempt; baldness is rare among males. Ribs
Another noteworthy typology that is still may show on their taut torsos and the Ec-
invoked by some physicians and psychol- tomorph’s triangular faces often wear a pre-
ogists today was developed by American occupied, nervous look. But though they
psychologist William Sheldon during the appear frail they can be surprisingly ath-
mid 1900s. Sheldon’s most famous work, letic, especially at sports such as long dis-
the Atlas of Man (1970), presents a vast tance running and gymnastics. Typical Ec-
system for defining basic human phy- tomorphs include Audrey Hepburn and, in
siques. Working with over 4,000 photo- its exaggerated form, Ichabod Crane.
graphs of young men taken from front,
back and side, he concluded that there are 3. The Endomorph – Classic Endo-
three basic male prototypes. (He would morphs have relatively short arms, stumpy
later apply similar criteria to the study of legs, small hands and feet and an inclina-
women’s body types.) These types include: tion towards overweight. Their physique is
soft and pear-shaped, slightly pudgy with
1. The Mesomorph – Mesomorphs have baby fat and a predominance of body mass
square, thick, symmetrically muscled bod- centered in the abdomen. Not always fat
ies with a low distribution of body fat. They per se, Endomorphs nonetheless have low
stand at medium height with large bones, muscle definition and generally love to eat.
broad shoulders, slim low waists and cu- Think of Falstaff, Santa Claus or on a more

shapely level, the actress Drew Barrymore. pattern of common human tendencies.
Although Sheldon is mainly Parallels carry over to Sheldon’s
known for his classification of body struc- other types as well.
tures his attempt at typing the human spe- For example, the Mesomorph em-
cies was more holistic than is supposed bodies mesotonia, a tendency toward ac-
and involved a concerted attempt to show tion, aggression, independence and lead-
that body type and personality are related. ership. Mesomorphs, Sheldon claims, are
After interviewing hundreds of men and assertive, courageous, extroverted and
women with different physiques and ask- insensitive, with a strong urge to take
ing a battery of personal and emotionally risks. Where the center of gravity for En-
charged question, he concluded that there domorphs is pleasure and the stomach,
is indeed a cross-over between body type Mesomorphs are all about muscle, work
and psychological behavior. and activity. They are lukewarm toward
Endomorphs, for instance, exhib- food, rest infrequently and play hard. At
it a behavior Sheldon dubbed endotonia: a work they thieve in a competitive environ-
love of social life, creature comfort and es- ment, taking great pleasure in praise and
pecially food. They tend to be even-tem- achievement. Living on the edge where
pered, lazy, slow to react, jovial, friendly, everything is an adventure, they are quick
and sympathetic, with an easy going atti- witted, sometimes violent but always at
tude towards life, an urge to absorb and di- the center of the action where the stakes
gest both on a bodily and emotional level, are highest. They can be angry and antag-
and a need to belong to family and society. onistic but also charming and in times of
Sound familiar? crisis, the hero of the day. They make ex-
Certainly an argument could be cellent soldiers, athletes, law enforcement
made that a parallel exists between Shel- workers, lawyers and CEO’s.
don’s Endomorph and the Humorist Parallels?
Phlegmatic, the Ayurvedic Kapha, and the In a number of ways mesotonia
Jungian Sensation type. Not precisely the embodies qualities of both the Choleric
same, of course, but the overlap is none- and Sanguine constitutions. A case could
theless so obvious that a case could be also be made for similarities with the
made that these similarities suggest a uni- Thinking and Feeling Jungian types, and
versal archetype, or if not than certainly a the Pita type in Ayurvedic medicine.

Then lastly, the Ectomorph
Temperament-wise, Ectomorphs Dr. D’Adamo’s blood types - Through the
are intelligent, quiet, artistic, self-aware years many attempts have been made to
and high-strung, with introverted and of- define human sub-groups, some based on
ten creative personalities that pick up on physical traits, some on mental-emotional
every subtlety around them like human behavior, and some on a combination of
tuning forks. Restrained and shy, some- the two. There have also been explanations
times nervous, they have frequent mood that work entirely outside this framework,
swings and easily fall prey to dark mental perhaps the best known being the theories
states such as paranoia and depression. of Dr. Peter D’Adamo who in his best-sell-
Because of their cloistered personality ing book Eat Right 4 Your Type (1997) de-
they tend to avoid crowds, social activities fines four constitutional types based on the
(especially with strangers), loud noise, and four human blood types: O, A, B, and AB.
personal commitment, preferring to stay According to D’Adamo, people of
on the periphery of life where they make different blood types are prone to differ-
their razor-sharp observations of the peo- ent diseases, require separate diets, thieve
ple around them. High strung and lone- on different forms of exercise and stimu-
ly with a tendency toward nervous sys- lation, have different sleep demands and
tem problems, Ectomorphs tend to look exhibit singular psychological behaviors.
younger than other types but to act older. To remain clear-minded, happy and fit a
At their best, using their honed intuition person must learn their blood type, then
and piercing intellect, they are often the live according to its needs.
wise ones of the human family. Creating a great deal of contro-
In Ayurvedic medicine the Vata versy when it first came out, D’Adamo’s
type bears many resemblances to the Ec- theories proved therapeutic for some and
tomorph. Both exhibit mood fluctuations, superficial for others. Though opinions of
an artistic temperament, quick thinking his blood-based prototypes remain mixed
and hypersensitivity. In the Jungian per- to this day, a number of physicians stand
spective Ectomorphs fits nicely into the by his theories and many recommend his
Intuitive category, while from the stand- diet and lifestyle to their patients.
point of Humorism the Ectomorph shares
qualities with the Melancholic.

Illustration 1: The Enneagram

The Enneagram - Another outside-the- jieff ’s work have expanded on his ideas, de-
box system that continues to intrigue lib- fining nine fundamental human types that
eral minded doctors and psychologists is are linked to one another by crisscrossing
based on a diagram known as the Ennea- vectors within the Enneagram (see illus-
gram. Originally introduced by the mystic tration 1). Currently there are dozens of
philosopher George Gurdjieff in the first books available on the Enneagram, a ma-
decades of the 20th century, the Ennea- jority of which focus on versions of the nine
gram is a nine-pointed star arranged inside personality types shown in this illustration.
a circle that allegedly represents a map of Check your local bookstore or on-line book
the human psyche (among other things). In sites for listings.
recent years thinkers influenced by Gurd-

Astrological types - In still other non-sci- each sign behaving in ways that accord with
entific typologies human groups are de- their sign’s unique behavioral features.
fined by the influence of planetary vi-
brations as understood in traditional Overlapping typologies – In all, therefore,
astrology. This system was extremely pop- the practice of human typology has a long
ular from the Middle Ages up to the last history in psychology and medicine, with
century, and its defined types show up fre- elements that run the spectrum from the
quently in Western literature (especially scientific to the occult. There are, more-
Shakespeare), poetry and even music. over, significant overlaps between such
For instance, the Martial type typologies as Humorism and Ayurveda,
(Mars) is aggressive and competitive, a and the methods of Chinese medicine.
natural leader like the god of war himself. Concepts such as maintaining the balance
The Jovial type (Jupiter) is expansive, full of internal energies, diagnoses based on
of good humor and high spirits, a sensu- hot, cold, dry and moist, the importance
alist, a bombast and a scholar. The Satur- of lifestyle and environment in physical
nian type (Saturn) is gloomy, practical, health, the use of hands-on, non-chemical
profound and aloof. The Mercurial type therapies such as massage, herbs, hot and
(Mercury) is hasty, quick witted, energet- cold baths, diet and so forth – all are com-
ic, and manipulative. The Venusian (Ve- mon features found in different medical
nus) is sensual, warm, self-indulgent, vain typing systems around the world. The fact
and loyal. The Lunar (moon) is secretive, is that in countries separated by centuries
passionate, moody, sensual and nurturing. of time, vast distances, race, religion, lan-
The Solar (sun) is warm-hearted, egocen- guage and entirely different belief systems,
tric, charismatic, generous and entitled, similar constitutions and types can be
the king of the zodiac and all its planets. found, suggesting if not proving that uni-
Finally, there is the basic astrolog- versal human prototypes are a reality.
ical system itself based on the 12 houses Yet even with these many overlaps
of the zodiac wherein each sun sign con- and similarities it must be said that when
stitutes its own human type. We have, for placed under the examining light of mod-
instance, the Pisces type, the Aries type, ern science many of the traditional typ-
the Taurus type, the Gemini type, and so ing systems we have looked at so far fail
on round the 12 houses, with members of to pass the test of experiment and experi-

ence. Today it would clearly be ill-advised Europe and the United States, TCM has an
for health care professionals to base their air of the distant, the exotic and for some
theories of medicine on the notion of the – still – the superstitious.
four humors, say, or on the psychologi- Second, traditional Chinese med-
cal traits attributed to the 12 astrological icine has only been part of Western con-
signs. There are health care practitioners sciousness since Richard Nixon’s histor-
who do this, it is true, but hard evidence ic visit to China in 1972. While on this
supporting these disciplines is controver- trip James Reston, one of the journalists
sial at best. accompanying the President, was given
At the same time, there is one an emergency appendectomy in a Bei-
method of human typology that has not jing hospital. While recovering his severe
only stood the test of the centuries, but post-operative pain was quickly relieved
is more relevant in today’s modern world by acupuncture. Upon returning to the
than ever before. Little known outside United States, Reston wrote about his
Asia, rarely discussed even in contempo- cure in glowing terms and in the process
rary books on Chinese medicine, this sys- helped introduce acupuncture to Amer-
tem is the ancient – and modern – Chi- icans. Though recent polls show that to
nese system of the Eight Constitutions. date more than 20 million Americans have
been treated with some form of TCM, it
The Eight Chinese Constitutions remains little used, if not little known,
among a majority of the population.
Compared to the four humor theory Finally, for centuries the system
championed by Hippocrates or the body of Eight Constitutions was the property
types of Sheldon, the Chinese system of of Chinese physicians alone who guarded
Eight Constitutions is relatively unknown its use with typical Chinese mystification.
in the West. Even to this day it remains largely undis-
There are several reasons for this. cussed outside the circle of Chinese prac-
First, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) titioners and is rarely explained in con-
comes from the other side of our planet temporary books on the subject of TCM.
and is based on healing principles that are In the chapters that follow I hope to open
vastly different from those of convention- the doors of this extraordinary approach
al Western medicine. For many people in to human health and introduce you to its

pragmatic, functional and highly effective the shamanistic belief that all disease is
secrets. caused by curses, spells and evil spirits.

Early Roots
Early Chinese constitutional types - As
The Yellow Emperor speaks - The first re- Chinese medicine continued to develop
corded instances of classifying body con- during the Han Dynasty (25–220 AD) the
stitutions in traditional Chinese medicine classification of body constitutions devel-
can be traced back three or four hundred oped what we describe today as a clinical
years B.C. to the Qin and Han Dynasties. approach; a medicine based on experi-
Examples are found in the earliest known ment, practical bedside observation and
Chinese medical text, the Huang Di Nei physical examination rather than belief in
Jing (The Yellow Emperor’s Canon on In- helpful and harmful spirits. Using these
ternal Medicine), and in medical treatises tools the medical sage Zhang Zhong Jing
composed during the following centuries. defined five basic constitutions:
The theory presented by the myth- • Strong people
ical Yellow Emperor is that all human
• Weak people
beings, both men and women, can be di-
• People born with too much Yang
vided into five categories, each correlating
(positive force)
with one of the so-called Five Elements or
Phases in Chinese Taoist teachings. These • People born with deficient Yang
elements include Metal, Water, Wind, Fire • People who were once strong but are
and Earth. We will talk more about this now weak
important concept in the next chapter. Along the way Zhang Zhong Jing intro-
When developing his classification duced the idea that people with different
system the Yellow Emperor considered constitutions can be classified as Yin per-
the morphological and physiological fea- sons (Yin is the passive force in nature),
tures of human beings as they relate to a Yang persons (the strong force in nature),
patient’s health and to their psychologi- or as persons with a perfect balance be-
cal characteristics and quality of lifestyle. tween Yin and Yang. More on Yin and
At the time these were ground-breaking Yang in the next chapter and throughout
medical concepts in an era dominated by the book.

Now fast forward ahead through were recognized and treated by Chinese
the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Qing Dy- doctors. In recent decades an eighth has
nasty (1644-1912), up to the early 20th been identified, the Allergic Constitution
century where classification of body con- which includes people who are sensitive
stitutions in China had by now become a to both natural causes such as pollens and
sophisticated science. During the late Qing molds and to chemical pollutants exclu-
a certain Doctor Zhang divided body con- sive to the modern era. Some practitioners
stitutions according to Yin and Yang, then also speak of a ninth constitution, the
broke this pair down into four subgroups: Neutral Constitution, though this type is
• Overabundance of Yin and Yang not a constitution per se but a model of the
human body in perfect health.
• Overabundance of Yang leading to
Yin deficiency
Today’s version - The theory of body con-
• Overabundance of Yin leading
stitutions that started with the Yellow Em-
to Yang deficiency
peror and evolved into to the modern age
• Balance of Yin and Yang was made official on April 9, 2009 when
Based on Dr. Zhang’s work, Doctor Lu Jin the China Association for Traditional Chi-
Sheng took this categorization one step nese Medicine published a paper formally
further by classifying body constitutions recognizing the Eight Constitutions as a
according to the added properties of tem- cornerstone of medical treatment.
perature and moisture. These properties, This categorization system, based
also used in Humorism and Ayurvedic on body type, temperament, health
medicine, include: strengths and weaknesses, and the ability
to adapt to the environment is the medi-
• Damp heat
cal model Chinese doctors use today. The
• Dry heat
complete system, including the hypotheti-
• Cold dampness
cal ninth constitution, includes:
• Dry cold
1. Yang Deficient Constitution
Based on these criteria and previous work
2. Qi Deficient Constitution
in the field a complete system of body
types began to emerge. Through much of 3. Blood Stasis (stagnancy) Constitution
the 20th century seven body constitutions 4. Dampness-Heat Constitution

5. Phlegm and Dampness Constitution Chinese means life force. A fundamental
6. Allergic Constitution concept in Chinese medicine and in most
7. Yin Deficient Constitution other natural medicines as well, we will
have much to say about the role that this
8. Qi Stagnation Constitution
universal force plays in human health in
9. Neutral or Perfectly Balanced Consti-
the chapters to come.

As said, among these constitutions only More on the constitutions

number 9, the Perfectly Balanced Con-
stitution, functions in a fully healthy way. The Eight Constitutions have both inborn
This ideal can best be observed in young and acquired origins.
children whose organs are still clean and If both parents are born with the
unspoiled by environmental poisons and same constitution or set of constitutions
misuse, and in adults who have main- the odds are strong that their children will
tained a spotlessly healthy way of life since be born with them as well. While each
their childhood. constitution embodies a specific chronic
Each of the other eight constitu- condition, however, this does not mean
tions is defined by a specific pattern of it is fated to remain fixed for life. Under
symptoms, each indicating that the body’s the right circumstances constitutions can
energy balance is in some way out of sync be modified, improved and in some cases
with its inherent needs and rhythms, and entirely brought into a state of balance.
thus a potential cause of ill health.
For example, an imbalance in one Changing constitutions – During both
constitution may be caused by a deficiency childhood and adulthood we are exposed
of Yang, in another by a deficiency of Yin, to countless influences that affect us in
in still another by a stagnation of Qi ener- positive and negative ways. If a person
gy and so on. In this sense, each constitu- leads a profligate life for years but then
tion represents a kind of separate patho- has a change of heart and tries to live in
logical condition that comes with its own tune with nature and the Tao – that is, if he
characteristic set of ailments and cures. or she eats the right foods and avoids the
Note the use of the term Qi in the wrong ones, sleeps and wakes at the prop-
above list of constitutions, a term that in er times, regulates their sexual activity,

keeps their emotional life on an even keel, weather patterns, medications, types of ex-
enjoys good friends and a rich family life, ercise, social situations, sleep, seasons of
exercises, takes tonic herbs, practices sen- the year and more. As far as the influence of
sible hygiene, exposes themselves to fresh the environment on different constitutions
air, clean water and sunlight – over time goes, one size definitely does not fit all. As
this person’s constitution can improve or a result, becoming familiar with our partic-
even morph into a fully healthy state of ular constitution provides us with a golden
mind and body. ounce of prevention, a physical and psy-
On the other hand, if people born chological compass that can guide us past
with a perfectly balanced constitution fail the things and situations that harm us and
to maintain temperate living habits and urge us on towards the things that help.
a composed emotional life their organs
slowly but surely fall out of harmony with Discovering your own constitution –
one another, unbalancing the entire sys- Becoming familiar with one’s own consti-
tem and increasing susceptibility to illness. tution and working to improve it – each
As Mark Twain once replied (and punned) constitution has its particular needs and
when asked if life was worth living: “It all weaknesses which you will learn about–
depends on the liver.” brings a wealth of benefits.
        Our constitutions, therefore, are By first determining which con-
intimately linked with both our physical stitutional symptom picture fits you best,
health and our psychological wellbeing. then working to change, improve and
For instance, men and women with Qi de- transform its harmful features into a state
ficiency constitutions catch colds easily and harmony and balance with the rest of your
are often troubled by depression. Those system you provide exactly what your
with a Phlegm and Dampness Constitution body asks of you. As the famous Chinese
are statistically likely to be overweight and book Su Wen or The Art of Life through
prone to metabolic diseases like hyperlipid- the Four Seasons relates, “The sages in an-
emia, hypertension and fatty liver. cient time would not treat those who were
People with different constitutions already sick but only those who were not
also have widely varying positive and neg- sick. They would not intervene where un-
ative reactions to the same life conditions. rest had already broken out but only where
They respond differently to certain foods, there was not yet unrest. When a disease

has already broken out and is then treated In short, prevention is always bet-
with medicines, or when unrest has bro- ter than cure. And true prevention starts
ken out and only at this late date does one – and ends – with identifying one’s con-
intervene to impose order, would that not stitutional type, determining its causes,
be just as late as waiting for thirst to come learning how to remedy its imbalances
before digging a well or going into battle and then acting accordingly.
before casting one’s weapons?”


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