Teachers Are Key Role Models

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A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others,

especially by younger people.

True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have, and those
who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people. They help us to advocate for
ourselves and take a leadership position on the issues that we believe in. Role models show young
people how to live with integrity, optimism, hope, determination, and compassion. They play an
essential part in a child’s positive development.

Teachers are key role models, who can influence the attitudes, values and behaviors of their
pupils. A positive role model serves as an example–inspiring children to live meaningful lives.
Teachers are a constant presence in a child's life. They influence children as much as—if not even
more than—parents do. Over the years, I've seen the tremendous impact teachers have had on their
students. They're not just educators; they're role models who inspire and motivate children outside the
classroom as much as they impart knowledge inside it.Teachers follow students through each pivotal
stage of development. At six to eight hours a day, five days a week, you as a teacher are poised to
become one of the most influential people in your students’ life. After their parents, children will first
learn from you, their primary school teacher. Then, as a middle school teacher, you will guide students
through yet another important transition: adolescence. As children become young adults, learning
throughout middle school and into high school, you will answer their questions, listen to their problems
and teach them about this new phase of their lives. You not only watch your students grow you help
them grow.

Is not an easy job but it is very rewarding.

The most effective techniques can be made useless if the teacher does not organize the students
Duties and Responsibilities of a Teacher Towards Yourself
1. Be Punctual and Organize- Great teachers are good organizers. They have files and folders
to keep their important papers and past year papers. They have their stationery – pens,
pencils, chalks for blackboard, markers for whiteboard, staplers, safety pins for an emergency –
all neatly packed in a box that they carry to carry. Also, plan our lessons for the week on every
Sunday, see that we have all the material, and photocopy whatever we need for the week on
Sunday itself, or on the previous week. Planning and organizing is very important in a teacher’s
 The best way teachers can show students how to execute their work is to show up on time
and be ready to teach.
2. Dress decently- Students will tend to model the behavior and appearance they see in the
classroom. An effective teacher will dress appropriately as a professional educator to model
success. Your respect in the classroom begins with your appearance and you should strive to
be a positive role model for each student.
3. Be Knowledgeable- As a teacher, knowledge matter in teaching because it is the hallmark of
a profession. We must demonstrate an understanding of the curriculum, subject content,
pedagogical knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences.
We cannot teach if we don’t have a knowledge. Be rich in the course/subject contents allotted
to you.
4. Be Updated and Flexible- As we are in the modern days, There are many changes in nature
of teaching we must be updated with the strategies and techniques in the teaching learning
process. For example; Using games, interactive videos in lesson. As children go through their
different stages of life, they approach learning in different ways.
And Also we must be flexible, Being flexibility is beneficial is that it allows teachers to
respond to different learner abilities, needs and interests. If you are inflexible, you might
find that students are unable to follow exactly what you are trying to teach them, as it isn't suited
to their specific needs.
5. Be Kind  great teacher shows kindness to students, colleagues, parents, and those around her
or him. My favorite saying is “kindness makes the world go around.” It truly changes the
environment in the classroom and school. Being a kind teacher helps students feel
welcomed, cared for, and loved
6. Follow the rules and regulations and instructions given from time to time. As a role model
teacher, the pupils must also see that we follow rules and regulations. We have many rules and
regulations that we must follow as written in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

“A good teacher is like a candle which consumes itself to light the way for others.”

Teacher in role is a method of teaching that utilizes techniques of drama to facilitate education. It is a
holistic method designed to integrate critical thought, examination of emotion and moral values and
factual data to broaden learning.
There are two basic set of roles to fulfill. One set corresponds with the major functions of instruction,
socialization, and evaluation. The second set is concerned with motivating pupils, maintaining control,
and generally creating an environment for learning.'

To sum up, teachers wear many hats: friend, counselor, judge, mentor--hundreds of roles and
different roles for different classes, students, and extracurricular duties.
Student- like a child is a clean slate teacher can make what the want of him.

Determine, dedicate, decide and desire for a better tomorrow.


Abstract: A role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live
to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. A role model is someone we admire and
someone we aspire to be like.
We learn through them, through their commitment to excellence and through their ability to
make us realize our own personal growth. We look to them for advice and guidance. Role model can
be anybody: a parent, a sibling, a friend but some of our most influential and life-changing role models
are teachers. Teachers play important role in our life to become successful in career and business. A
good teacher helps us to become good human being in the society and good citizen of the country.
Teachers know that students are the future of any nation. So, the future development of any nation is
in the hands of teachers. What we become in life is depends on teachers. Teachers impart the data
and information in the brain of students to analyze.

Students look up to teachers. Students not only interested in academic lessons but they are
interested to follow their life lessons. That’s why it’s highly important for teachers to inspire students to
follow good habits not bad by their own example.
Principles of A Model Teacher
• Cultivate what works for our students
Every classroom is unique because of the kind of children it has. Not only do they have different
capabilities, but also different learning styles. A good teacher understands the learning style of his/her
learner and incorporates different strategies to teach.
• Create a safe and positive learning environment
The Child-Friendly School model, developed by UNICEF, promotes inclusiveness, gender-
sensitivity, tolerance, dignity and personal empowerment.
A safe and positive environment fosters positive thinking and a positive attitude among the students.
Create activities and discussions that foster conversations and discovery about who they are, and how
they can appreciate the differences between each other. This type of focus from time to time will build
a stronger bond between students and help them to resolve conflicts and generate a positive outlook
towards life. Also, an environment of trust will build, which can relax the atmosphere and help students
focus more on learning. It’s also important to help students understand the way they learn and in turn,
these positive vibes will also be reflected the teacher which makes the students have more respect for
their teacher.
• Care ,Encourage and Appreciate Learners
Take interest in their life outside the classroom. It’s important to have an emotional connect with the
students. Know their interests and encourage them. It’s not always possible for a teacher to teach
various activities in the school because of various constraints. Make sure you encourage your students
if they are excelling in something outside of the school. Give them responsibilities in the class and
encourage them to take initiatives. Praise them in front of the class and point out how they helped you.
Appreciate the effort and not the result.
• Inspire lifelong learning
We cannot do this till we become a lifelong learner. Give them opportunities to be self-directed
learners. This encourages everyone to think and apply their knowledge. Never demean someone who
has a wrong answer. Ask them what made them think of this answer. Or tell them it’s an interesting
perspective and discuss that in the class. Stories can be very engaging and makes even boring
lessons interesting.
• Involve parents and families
Learning and education are not limited to classrooms. Teachers should involve parents and let them
know that their contribution is valued. They could do storytelling, teach them a new skill, coach them to
play something, sing or play an instrument, tell them about their jobs.... options are infinite. They have
so much knowledge to share.
• Use technology to good use
Though we are not a big advocate of online learning for very young students, think concept of blended
learning is surely good. Also, technology could be used to explain concepts and implementations. On
the management side, it could be helpful in time management. The time saved using technology could
be used in a better way.
•Always Prepared One critical component of effective teaching is preparation and planning. If the
teacher lacks behind in planning, then it will lead to failure. Good teachers are always over-
prepared, always thinking about the next lesson and are in a continuous state of preparation and

Teachers hold a very sensitive role in the modern civilized society. Regarded as social engineers,
teachers possess immense knowledge on various issues that affect our daily lives as a community of
human beings. Though in many countries including the developed ones, teachers are poorly
remunerated they make invaluable contributions to their communities, to society and to the world at
large, engaging in yeoman services with selfless love and dedication that could only be considered
Twelve qualities of a good teacher or mentor
1. Committed to the work
 Focuses on educational needs of the students
 Works with passion
 Keen to uphold the university's values
 Enthusiastic about work and about teaching
2. Interacts and communicates respect
 Communicates effectively with others
 Listening deeply and giving credit for their contributions
 Acts with integrity
 Provides a model of high ethical standards
 Shows a caring attitude
3. Motivates students
 Encourages students to achieve their goals
 Provides constructive feedback
 Monitors progress of students and fosters their success
 Listens to students and discovers their educational needs
 Values students, never belittles
 Provides constructive feedback
 Helps and supports people to grow
 Teaches students how to monitor their own progress
4. Seeks continually to improve teaching skills
 Seeks to learn and incorporate new skills, and information teaching
 Seeks feedback and criticism
 Keeps up to date in specialty
 Contributes to course design and structure
 Contributes to publications on education
 Evidence of self-development in an educational context
 Demonstrates creativity in teaching strategies
 Committed to professional development in education
5. Encourages an open and trusting learning environment
 Creates a climate of trust
 Encourages students to learn from mistakes
 Helps students redefine failure as a learning experience
 Encourages student questions and engagement in the learning process
 Encourages student growth with appropriate behavior-based feedback
6. Fosters critical thinking
 Teaches students how to think, not what to think
 Encourages students to organize, analyze and evaluate
 Discusses ideas in an organized way
 Helps students to focus on key issues
 Trains students in strategic thinking

Critical thinking goes beyond memorization, encouraging students to connect the dots between
concepts, solve problems, think creatively, and apply knowledge in new ways. Despite myths that
critical thinking skills are only applicable to subjects like science and math, the reality is that these
skills—which are based on the evaluation and application of knowledge—are not only vital for success
in all subject areas, but everyday life as well.

 Teachers serve as role models, influence career choices and enable students to reach their potential.
Some of the necessary qualities are inherent, others can be acquired. 

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