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PowerFactory 2022

What’s New


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March 2022
Welcome to PowerFactory 2022!

We’d like to let you know about some of the new features and enhanced analysis capabilities in this
latest version of PowerFactory.

An exciting development for Quasi-Dynamic Simulation is the new Artificial Intelligence module, which
applies the concept of pre-trained neural networks to facilitate ultra-fast network analysis. Have a look
at section 1.3 for more details.

Many existing modules have been extended with new features. For example, for RMS and EMT
simulations we now include initial developments for supporting Modelica as a modelling language for
discrete-time models (see section 1.5.1), and external controller models can be imported using the
widely-used FMI (Functional Mock-up Interface) standard. The Co-Simulation functionality now offers
the possibility of co-simulation with other simulation tools, based on the FMI for Co-Simulation interface
(see section 1.5.3).

There are several developments in the Reliability Analysis Functions module, including a new Optimal
Recloser Placement command, described in section 1.8.2. Other calculation modules have new fea-
tures and additional functionality, such as an enhancement to the Protection Coordination Assistant, to
support both distance and overcurrent protection.

Plots have been improved with the introduction of new colour schemes that make use of colour palettes.
The colour palettes, which offer flexible options for both ready-made colour schemes and customised
colouring, are described in section 2.2.

For customers with a multi-user database, the database options have been extended: the open-source
database management system PostgreSQL is now also supported. Regarding the management of data
at PowerFactory Project level, the Variation Manager has been developed further (see section 3.1.1),
offering many more options for working with Network Variations.

All the major developments to our Power Equipment Models are described in section 4. These include
a new railway train model, to enable simulations of moving trains in railway power supply networks.

These are just a few of the new features in the latest version of PowerFactory. Read on to see what
else is on offer!

We wish you continued success with PowerFactory 2022.

Your DIgSILENT team

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New i



1 Analysis Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Load Flow Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1.1 Starting point of calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Short-Circuit Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2.1 Extension to ANSI Short-Circuit calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Artificial Intelligence (Neural Network Analysis) NEW MODULE . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3.1 Neural network data generation and training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3.2 Neural network approximation for Quasi-Dynamic Simulation . . . . . 4

1.4 Network Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.4.1 Regional Equivalent method enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.5.1 Dynamic modelling with Modelica / FMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.5.2 Introduction of DSL level 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.5.3 Co-simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.5.4 Frequency response analysis enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.6 Small Signal Stability (Eigenvalue Analysis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.6.1 Eigenvalue plot enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.7 Protection Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.7.1 Protection Coordination Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.8 Reliability Analysis Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1.8.1 Simplified recloser model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1.8.2 Optimal Recloser Placement NEW FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.8.3 Loss of Grid Assessment NEW FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

1.8.4 Introduction of busbar transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

1.9 Distribution Network Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.9.1 Tie Open Point Optimisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.10 Power Quality and Harmonic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

1.10.1 Risk assessment of sub-synchronous oscillations using radiality factors 21

1.11 System Parameter Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

1.11.1 Quasi-Dynamic Simulation now supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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1.12 Economic Analysis Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

1.12.1 Techno-Economical Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

1.13 Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

1.13.1 Redundant Constraint Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2 Network Diagrams and Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.1 Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.1.1 Plots redesign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.2 Colouring in Diagrams and Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.2.1 Redesign of colouring options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3 Handling and Data Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.1 Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.1.1 Variation Manager enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.2 Compare and Merge Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.2.1 Object alignment via foreign key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.3 Network Model Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.3.1 Number formats and precision settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.4 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.4.1 Support of PostgreSQL database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4 Power Equipment Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.1 New Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.1.1 Modelica models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.1.2 Moving train model NEW MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.1.3 Line shunt parameter (line compensation) NEW MODEL . . . . . . . 39

4.2 Overhead Lines and Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.2.1 Frequency-dependent phase-domain Line Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.2.2 Frequency-dependent phase-domain model for DC lines . . . . . . . . 40

4.2.3 Short-circuit calculation for distributed parameter lines . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.2.4 Distributed parameter model for single-phase AC lines . . . . . . . . . 41

4.3 Generators and Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.3.1 Single-phase induction machine model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.3.2 Asynchronous Machine enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.3.3 Asynchronous Machine parameter estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

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4.3.4 Asynchronous Machine now incorporates saturation . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.3.5 Asynchronous Machine parameters derived from curves . . . . . . . . 43

4.3.6 Static Generators can now include sub-models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.4 Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.4.1 Grounding of booster transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.4.2 Enhanced loading calculation for transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.5 Compensation Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.5.1 Enhancement of Series Capacitor model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.6 Power Electronic Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.6.1 Introduction of a capacitor commutated converter (CCC) model . . . . 46

4.6.2 Transformer tap-changer control for HVDC LCC/CCC model . . . . . . 46

4.6.3 DC-DC converter sub-models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.6.4 TCSC model enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.7 Busbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.7.1 Busbar ratings can now be defined via the busbar type . . . . . . . . . 47

4.8 Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.8.1 Impulse source enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.9 Measurement Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.9.1 Measurement of RMS quantities in EMT simulation . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.9.2 Saturation model single phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4.10 Protection Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4.10.1 Enhancement to relay models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4.10.2 Relay model library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5 Interfaces & Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.1 ANAREDE and ANAFAS Import and Export Converters NEW MODULE . . . . 50

5.2 PSS/ADEPT Import Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.3 Python 3.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New iv


1 Analysis Functions

1.1 Load Flow Analysis

1.1.1 Starting point of calculation

Load Flow Analysis is an essential part of PowerFactory funtionality, and we constantly seek to improve
the robustness and speed of the load flow calculation. In this release we offer some new options relating
to load flow initialisation.

Some users will be aware of the No initialisation, no flat start option available in earlier versions. This
option is repackaged in PowerFactory 2022 as part of a more extensive “Starting point” initialisation

Figure 1.1: Initialising a Load Flow calculation from results stored in memory

By default, the load flow calculation is initialised as a flat-start, but the user has the option to start from
the last available calculation results, or to start from a previously-stored set of results (even if the results
have been reset due to network changes, for example). As indicated in Figure 1.1, results can be saved
either in memory, or in a file, with the file-path being specified by the user. Results saved in memory
are available until the study case is deactivated, whereas results stored in a file are still available for
use after PowerFactory has been restarted, or even if the project has been imported into a different
PowerFactory installation.

Using saved results can lead to a much faster load-flow calculation, as fewer iterations may be required.
However, it is also possible that (due to significant changes in network data) using existing results as a
starting point might lead to non-convergence where the flat-start might have succeeded. If this happens,
the load flow will automatically be repeated using the flat-start method.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 1

1.2 Short-Circuit Analysis 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

1.2 Short-Circuit Analysis

1.2.1 Extension to ANSI Short-Circuit calculation

The ANSI Short-Circuit calculation in PowerFactory 2022 has been brought up to date with the IEEE
Std 551 (2006). Peak current calculations have been adapted to yield a closer approximation to the
exact peak current via the use of a fictitious time, 𝜏 , which is calculated based on the X/R ratio. The
new “Multivoltage” system option shown in Figure 1.2 allows the consideration of networks with more
than one voltage level and the application of associated reactance multipliers for rotating equipment.
Inverters (ElmRec and ElmRecmono) can now be defined to have a short-circuit contribution in the
calculation of momentary currents.

Figure 1.2: Updated options in ANSI short circuit dialog

1.3 Artificial Intelligence (Neural Network Analysis) NEW MODULE

During the past decades, neural networks have changed the way computers can analyse complex
information and produce reliable predictions. This has led to revolutionary improvements in many fields
of research and applications, such as image recognition, autonomous driving, biotechnology and many
others. In the area of power systems as well, neural networks are gaining more and more attention.

The complexity of modern power systems is increasing rapidly, pushing the standard computational
algorithms to their limits. New technologies such as artificial intelligence are therefore required to meet
the challenges of a safe and reliable operation of future power systems.

With the newly introduced Artificial Intelligence module1 , PowerFactory 2022 addresses this need for
innovative power system analysis methods.

It offers a fast way to predict variables of interest for a large number of different load flow scenarios by
using trained neural networks.

PowerFactory 2022 supports the creation of training data sets covering the relevant system configura-
tions. A neural network may then be trained based on such data. The trained neural network may then
be applied in a Quasi-Dynamic-Simulation, allowing for precise and fast predictions of power system
calculation quantities over a given range of time points.

The design of a simple neural network is illustrated in Figure 1.3. Based on the input parameters such as
load and generation setpoints, the neural network uses its so called hidden layers of neurons to predict
the desired output values. The architecture of neural networks usually is more complex, consisting of
different kinds of layers and connections.

1 The Artificial Intelligence module exploits GPU performance. Dedicated hardware is required to use this module and train a

neural network.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 2

1.3 Artificial Intelligence (Neural Network Analysis) NEW MODULE 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.3: Example of a neural network with one hidden layer

1.3.1 Neural network data generation and training

The new functions of the Artificial Intelligence module, Setup for Neural Networks and Neural Network
Training can be found in the Additional Tools toolbox; see Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4: New functions for Neural Networks in the Additional Tools toolbox

Neural Network Training allows the user to generate datasets for electrical systems and train neural
networks with these datasets. The generation of data and the training of the neural network can be
done in one process or separately. This enables the user to use different hardware for data generation
and training, if required. Figure 1.5 shows the function setup for the generation of a new dataset and
the training.

Figure 1.5: Neural network data generation and training

The accuracy of the approximation of a neural network strongly depends on the quality and size of the
data set used for training. In PowerFactory, data generation is performed by using the integrated Probal-

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 3

1.3 Artificial Intelligence (Neural Network Analysis) NEW MODULE 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

istic Analysis. This is a user-friendly framework that allows the creation of training samples representing
a wide range of system states, including advanced modeling techniques such as correlations between
network components.

Furthermore, the number of generated samples can be set arbitrarily high. This is advantageous since
the number of samples required for a high approximation accuracy of a neural network depends on
the number of network components. For a small power system, it may be sufficient to generate a few
thousand data samples, while larger systems may require several hundred thousand samples. These
potentially large data sets are automatically split into training and validation subsets.

Training a neural network can be performed either for a specified number of epochs, or until it falls below
a targeted approximation error. For each training epoch, the training and validation errors are printed
to the output window so the user can check progress at any time. Since neural network training is very
computationally intensive, a suitable GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is recommended to enable the
required parallel processing. A Nvidia GPU is required to use the mandatory API CUDA for parallel

Figure 1.6: Visualisation of the reduction in training and validation error over epochs

If the neural network approximation error is still too high after training, the Continue option can be used
to generate additional data samples or to train the neural network for further epochs.

Setting up a probabilistic model of a power grid to generate data can be challenging. The new Setup for
Neural Networks command provides an intuitive way to accomplish this task. It facilitates the definition
of distributions required for neural network training based on time-series characteristics.

1.3.2 Neural network approximation for Quasi-Dynamic Simulation

Neural networks can be used within the Quasi-Dynamic Simulation to obtain quick approximative results
without having to calculate a load flow for each individual time step. The performance gain occurs
especially in complex and large power systems if many time points have to be calculated.

Figure 1.7: Quasi-Dynamic Simulation configured to use an existing neural network

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 4

1.3 Artificial Intelligence (Neural Network Analysis) NEW MODULE 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

The Quasi-Dynamic Simulation function now has a new option to use the neural network to approximate
selected values. The trained neural network is selected within the command as shown in Figure 1.7.

Benchmark Test for Texas Grid example

To demonstrate the performance and the precision of the neural network approximation, a neural
network was trained using the Texas Grid example project.

For the data generation and the training of the neural network, a computer with 128 GB RAM, AMD
Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor (3.70 GHz) and a GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 with 64 GB
was used. The CPU is of importance for the data generation and the GPU for the training of the neural

Here, the active power of all 544 generators and 1350 loads have been considered in order to predict
the loading of all branch elements.

The Texas Grid example is a transmission system with 2,000 busbars. Therefore 200,000 training
samples were generated, in order to cover a wide range of relevant system states.

Based on this data set, a neural network has been trained. Figure 1.6 shows the training progress for
a similar dataset. The decay of the validation error clearly demonstrates the ability of the trained neural
network to provide close approximations to the real load flow results.

Using this neural network, analysing one year in one-hour steps, the calculation time of the Quasi-
Dynamic Simulation was decreased by a factor of 10, from around 15 minutes to 1.5 minutes.

The approximation result for a line loading is presented in Figure 1.8. It can be seen that the estimated
line loading fits very well to the load flow results.

Figure 1.8: Results of Quasi-Dynamic Simulation with neural network and classic load flow calculations

This example illustrates that the neural network approach can allow a fast and precise power system

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 5

1.4 Network Reduction 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

1.4 Network Reduction

1.4.1 Regional Equivalent method enhancement

The regional network reduction has been extended with an option to support Quasi-Dynamic Simulation.
The new time sweep option uses the same principles as the regional reduction based on one point in
time (load flow equivalent). The load and generation of each region is aggregated to one node, with time-
series characteristics being assigned to the equivalent loads and generators. The nodes are connected
to each other and to the border nodes of the retained network using common impedances. The last step
of the reduction is the optimisation of the created impedances (whose values are constant across the
time period) using the System Parameter Identification function. The new time sweep option optimises
the impedance values with the objective to minimise the overall mismatch in interchange flows for the
selected time period.

Figure 1.9: Regional equivalent method with time sweep

1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations

1.5.1 Dynamic modelling with Modelica / FMI

Modelica for discrete-time models

The Modelica language is a state-of-the art systems modelling language. Its characteristics are: non-
proprietary, object-oriented, equation based. Using Modelica, it is possible to represent complex sys-
tems covering a broad range of physical and systems control domains. A long list of open-source and
commercially available tools provide built-in support for Modelica. PowerFactory 2022 enables users
to design, deploy and use discrete-time dynamic simulation models (so called “synchronous systems” )
using the Modelica language. Whenever a time-continuous non-linear simulation model (e.g. using
DSL) is not able to offer the required level of accuracy or functionality for a given power system’s
component controllers then discrete-time (procedural) models offer the capability of representing such
detailed behaviour. The implementation supports both RMS- and EMT-type simulation domains.

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1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.10: PowerFactory 2022 now supports discrete-time modelling using the Modelica language

With this new feature, PowerFactory enables users to define procedural models (i.e. sequential execu-
tion of code) based on specified execution rates (i.e. sample times). These can include digital controls
and calculation algorithms.

The Modelica interface development has been tailored for discrete-time modelling, which is only the
first step in fully supporting the Modelica language. The models can be developed by making use
of two new PowerFactory objects, the “Modelica Model Type” (TypMdl) and the “Modelica Model”
(ElmMdl). Using these objects, the powerful Modelica language can be used following a familiar process
of model development, deployment and usage as is already available with DSL models. Conceptually,
the purpose of the Modelica Model Type (TypMdl) is similar to that of the DSL Model type (BlkDef ),
whereas the purpose of the Modelica Model (ElmMdl) is similar to that of the DSL Model (ElmDsl).

Figure 1.11: Modelica Model Type

The available framework allows the definition of sampled systems containing various Modelica features:
• Modelica language syntax and constructs (specific for synchronous systems modelling)

• Sequential execution of code within the algorithm section

• Modelica standard data types: Real, Integer, Boolean
• Handling of scalar and multi-dimensional array variables i.e. vectors and two-dimensional matrices
• Arithmetic operations on scalars and vectors

An example of the behaviour of a discrete-time controller is shown in Figure 1.12.

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1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.12: Behaviour of a discrete-time (digital) controller implemented using Modelica language

An example of the results of a user-defined algorithm (ascending sort of an input vector) is shown in
Figure 1.13. The upper plot displays the values of an input signal unordElem (a vector variable of
size 8), with the values at each time step being unordered. The algorithm is run at each sample time
(parameter defined in the “Modelica Model” (ElmMdl)) and performs an ascending re-ordering of the
input values such that the output signal (a vector variable of size 8, shown in the lower plot) is always
sorted in ascending order, i.e. first index in the output signal is the lowest, second index is the second
lowest, and so on.

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1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.13: Example of a value sorting algorithm implemented using Modelica language

Similarly to DSL, the execution of the new discrete-time Modelica models can either be interpreter-
based (in which case no external model files are required) or compiler-based (in which case the model
exists as an external file compiled model). The benefits of compiled models are similar to those of their
DSL counterparts: faster simulation times and the possibility to better protect the internal information of
the model. Models can be easily compiled with a single click on the Compile button within the Modelica
Model Type (TypMdl), functionality which is included in both of the dynamic simulation licensing modules
(Stability Analysis Functions (RMS) or Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) licences).

To further increase the customisation options of the dynamic models, the Modelica Model Type (TypMdl)
allows users to select a specific category out of a predefined set, as shown in Figure 1.14.

Figure 1.14: Model categorisation options in the Modelica Type object

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1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Integration of external models using FMI

The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) is a free standard which facilitates the exchange of simulation
models among a large number of simulation programs. Currently, more than 150 tools actively support
FMI. The benefits of a widely used and well established standard are now readily available in PowerFac-
tory 2022, thus allowing the power systems community to seamlessly link with the developments and
know-how of many other technology domains. With the new developments in PowerFactory 2022, users
can incorporate any external model into their simulation runs, based on the open Functional Mock-up
Interface (FMI) standard.

Figure 1.15: PowerFactory 2022 now supports the Functional Mock-Up Interface for model exchange

PowerFactory 2022 supports the following FMI components:

• FMI version 2.0 for Model Exchange (FMU model import)

• FMI version 2.0 for Co-simulation (FMU model import)

With respect to PowerFactory, an overview of the proposed tool-chain is shown in Figure 1.16, in which
one or multiple Functional Mock-Up Units (FMUs) can be integrated within a power system simulation.

Figure 1.16: Overview of integrating Functional Mock-Up Units (FMUs) into PowerFactory

The PowerFactory 2022 support of FMI brings power systems simulation experts and equipment man-
ufacturers closer together by minimising time and cost within the simulation model sharing process.
For example, the state-of-the-art control systems dynamic modelling environment Matlab® Simulink®
allows the export of simulation models into FMI compliant FMUs (e.g. FMI for co-simulation export).
These FMUs can be imported into PowerFactory and used within a large scale RMS-Simulation or
a detailed EMT-Simulation. In particular, the integration of detailed simulation models (e.g. black-
box, firmware code based) now becomes a straightforward process of exporting an FMU from one tool,
commonly used by model developers of equipment, and importing it into PowerFactory, commonly used
for executing power systems simulations.

The integration of the FMUs is realised within PowerFactory by employing the new object classes
for Modelica compliant dynamic models i.e. the Modelica Model ElmMdl and the Modelica Model
Type TypMdl. A fully automated process of importing the FMU is already available in PowerFactory,

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 10

1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

thus allowing the power systems engineer to focus on the analysis itself and to not waste time on the
cumbersome integration of external models into a power system model.

Moreover, FMI models (ElmMdl) can be parameterised using parameter structures, presented using
hierarchical tree structures, as shown in Figure 1.17.

Figure 1.17: Parameterisation using hierarchical tree structures

Note: Matlab® and Simulink® are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.
Please see mathworks.com/trademarks.

Export of Modelica discrete-time models using FMI

Along with the introduction of discrete-time models in PowerFactory 2022 it is now possible to export
these models as Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs) based on the standardised Functional Mock-Up
Interface (FMI), version 2.0.2. The export is supported via the new licensing module “FMU Model
Export”. PowerFactory exports the models using both FMI variants: FMI for Model Exchange and
FMI for Co-simulation. The resulting .fmu file includes: model parameterisation, model binary files and
model source code. Exported models can be afterwards imported in any of the third-party tools currently
supporting either FMI for Model Exchange or FMI for Co-simulation.

Note that the FMU model import capability comes with the PowerFactory 2022 base package, whereas
FMU model export requires the additional FMU Model Export licence module.

1.5.2 Introduction of DSL level 7

In PowerFactory 2022, DSL has been further developed by introducing DSL level 7. The new level
brings a series of improvements, for example:
• Significantly improved initialisation time of complex/large uncompiled DSL models
• Iterative solver initialisation method newtoninc can now be compiled
• Initialisation of derivative of state variables is now possible (e.g. statements such as “inc(x.) = 0”
can be defined)

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 11

1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

1.5.3 Co-simulation

Multi-port Norton/Thevenin equivalent

Co-simulation using the Explicit method has been enhanced to support multi-port Norton/Thevenin
remote network equivalents of the external power system within each Co-simulation unit (see example
in Figure 1.18). The option is available for both internal and external Co-simulation, RMS-balanced,
RMS-unbalanced and EMT domains. With this major development, the dynamics of the passive power
system at the fundamental frequency of a remote network can be much more accurately reproduced
compared with the outcome using single-source representations. This enhances the numerical stability
and accuracy of the Co-simulation, especially in the case of unbalanced systems. Whenever a Co-
simulation is run in EMT domain, the remote network reduction can be executed with options that
ensure the generation of numerically stable equivalents.

Figure 1.18: Example of a remote network equivalent applied in Co-simulation using Explicit method

FMI for Co-simulation

The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) is a free standard that defines a container and an interface to
exchange dynamic models using a combination of XML files, binaries and C code zipped into a single
file. Currently, more than 150 tools actively support FMI, from various technology domains, including

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 12

1.5 RMS and EMT Simulations 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

power systems analysis.

With PowerFactory, you can now utilise the FMI for Co-Simulation for power systems Co-simulation.

Figure 1.19: PowerFactory 2022 now supports the Functional Mock-Up Interface

The benefits of a widely used and well established standard are now readily available in PowerFactory
2022, enabling users to carry out power system Co-simulation with any of the external tools supporting
FMI for Co-simulation. A specific definition of exchanged electrical quantities at the Co-simulation
boundary is required between Co-simulation units.

The FMI for Co-Simulation is offered as a replacement for the previous implementation of the Co-
Simulation with External Solver. The licensing module Co-Simulation Interface now supports the FMI
for Co-Simulation.

Furthermore, PowerFactory Co-simulation units operate based on TCP/IP communication, which can
optionally be encrypted, thus providing increased data security when co-simulating via external network
assets (e.g. the internet).

1.5.4 Frequency response analysis enhancement

In PowerFactory 2022, the Calculation of Frequency Response (ComFreqresp) function provides an

additional tab Input signal diagram, which displays the waveform (time-dependent) and the amplitude
spectrum (frequency-dependent) of the applied input signal. The diagram is helpful when configuring
the parameters of the command in order to ensure that the input signal does not exceed a certain
maximum, thus maintaining the tested system within a quasi-linear operating region. A sample diagram
is shown in Figure 1.20.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 13

1.6 Small Signal Stability (Eigenvalue Analysis) 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.20: Additional input signal diagram in the frequency response analysis command

1.6 Small Signal Stability (Eigenvalue Analysis)

1.6.1 Eigenvalue plot enhancements

The plots associated with Modal/Eigenvalue analysis have been enhanced with several new features.
See 2.1.1 for details.

1.7 Protection Functions

1.7.1 Protection Coordination Assistant

PowerFactory 2022 comes with a new protection feature: The Protection Coordination Assistant for
overcurrent devices. This will enable users to automatically calculate overcurrent settings according to
user-defined rules. The setting rules follow the same flexible structure as for the distance protection
coordination, i.e. the user defines equations to account for various protection philosophies and applica-
tions. For different power equipment types such as loads, lines, transformers, motors, generators and
even busbar incomers different rules may be defined. The coordination assistant considers relay-to-fuse
coordination and can be regarded as an extension to the distance coordination assistant. It works hand
in hand with the distance coordination, enabling the user to grade overcurrent devices with distance
devices and vice versa.

The coordination assistant allows the user to specify rules for up to three overcurrent stages indepen-
dently from one another: one inverse definite time stage and two definite time stages. Directional and
non-directional protection devices are taken into account as well. Pre-defined keywords for calculated

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 14

1.7 Protection Functions 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

load flow and short circuit currents and the nominal equipment current can be selected to determine the
setpoint of each stage as shown in figure 1.21. The assistant is also able to select and coordinate fuses
based on a given characteristic.

Figure 1.21: Coordination rule definition based on pre-defined keywords for various equipment types

Based on a topological search, short circuit calculations are executed to determine the maximum
and minimum current in each primary and all relevant backup protection zones. According to the
coordination rules specified by the user, the current setpoints are calculated. The time grading is done
in a second step with the input of a minimum time delay for each equipment type and various minimum
grading times to account for grading in low and high voltage systems and grading combinations between
relays and fuses (see figure 1.22).

Figure 1.22: Grading time definition for different relay-fuse combinations

An interactive tabular report is generated by the coordination assistant, giving users the possibility to
view and verify the calculated settings. It is possible to show short circuit locations taken for the settings
calculation and also the coordinated devices for the time grading. The settings can be transferred to the
protection devices per device or simply for all devices.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 15

1.8 Reliability Analysis Functions 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.23: Overcurrent coordination assistant interactive report

1.8 Reliability Analysis Functions

1.8.1 Simplified recloser model

The existing breakers are enhanced with a simplified recloser model. The corresponding checkbox
includes the number of reclosing attempts and simplifies configuring the reclosing functionality of a
breaker-relay combination.

Figure 1.24: Recloser configuration within the breaker model

The calculation of the reliability indices has been improved too, offering an option for an enhanced
consideration of automatic reclosing devices. It now accounts for the impact on reliability indices of
reclosers involved in the power restoration following a fault and its isolation in the system.

The option has a major impact on the calculation of the indices. For faults not protected by a recloser, a
transient fault is treated in the same way as a sustained fault, increasing the reliability indices linked
to lasting interruptions. If reclosers are in place, for transient faults the power supply is restored
immediately, whereas for sustained faults the periods between reclosing attempts will be considered
as momentary interruptions (MAIFI).

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 16

1.8 Reliability Analysis Functions 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

1.8.2 Optimal Recloser Placement NEW FUNCTION

The Optimal Power Restoration toolbox is extended with a new function “Optimal Recloser Placement”.
It aims to find optimal locations for reclosers in the analysed system, to improve the reliability indices
and reduce customer down-time resulting from transient faults on overhead lines.

Figure 1.25: New commands in the Optimal Power Restoration toolbox

The optimisation is based on reliability assessment and offers as possible objective functions the
following reliability indices:
• ENS: Energy not supplied

• SAIDI: System average interruption duration index

• EIC: Energy interruption costs
These allow the focus to be set on different aspects of the reliability, for new reclosers.

As an input to the function, the user specifies candidate (potential) locations for reclosers. Since
reclosers are involved in the fault clearance, only circuit breakers or switches with protection devices
can be chosen. In addition, breakers protecting cable sections and/or a selection of specific candidates
may be excluded to restrict the set of potential breakers to realistic locations.

Based on the execution of a reliability assessment, the contribution of each candidate location on the
target reliability index is evaluated and the optimal locations are determined. The number of proposed
reclosers in the whole system as well as in single feeders can be entered as input parameters in the
command. The resulting solution can either be reported only, placed in the existing network model or
put into the model and recorded by a dedicated network variation.

Figure 1.26: Highlighted breakers proposed for recloser upgrade, together with tabular reports

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 17

1.8 Reliability Analysis Functions 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

If candidate locations lead to an improvement of the selected reliability index, the reclosers are high-
lighted in the single line diagram and reported in the output window, along with the reliability index before
and after their placement. In addition, the function offers two dedicated tabular reports, accessible from
main toolbar, which list further reliability indices before and after the optimisation, and the contributions
of switches to the reliability indices.

1.8.3 Loss of Grid Assessment NEW FUNCTION

A power station’s connection to the grid provides both a connection for the generated electricity exported
from the station and a connection for the supply of grid electricity to the station. Of principal concern
to critical power station operators is the potential for loss of the grid supply to the station. Failures of
the grid external to the power station are commonly referred to as Loss of Grid (LoG) events and the
corresponding frequency in probabilistic safety analysis studies as Loss of Grid Frequency (LoGF). LoG
events are in effect the “islanding” or isolation of a substation from the grid.

Figure 1.27: Loss of Grid Assessment function

The new Loss of Grid Assessment function in PowerFactory considers a user-defined time period,
together with Areas, Zones or Boundaries delimiting the substations to be considered, and analyses
the impact of various short-term events such as faults due to bad weather. An overall LoGF figure for
the substation under consideration is then calculated.

The “Loss of grid frequency” and also the “Time period between loss of grid events” are reported for the
substation of interest. These two results, available only after calculation, can be shown in the flexible
data page for the substation.

1.8.4 Introduction of busbar transfer

Optimal power restoration is integral part of reliability assessment and helps to reduce the impact of
faults on a network and to increase the system’s reliability. The existing algorithm is now enhanced
with an option for optimal busbar transfer. It allows the algorithm to open and close coupling breakers
between busbars in a substation with more than one transformer. Whereas until now, only busbars
affected by the fault were transferred to other transformers, based on a simplified connectivity analysis,
the new option optimises the transfer of both unsupplied and supplied busbars. This extends the
flexibility for the power restoration algorithm to find more sophisticated restoration schemes. To account
for operational restrictions in a substation’s topology, the user can decide whether the transfer should
allow the parallel operation of transformers or not.

Figure 1.28 below illustrates an example. Here, transformer T1 is faulted.

Direct re-supply of the affected load by transformer T2 is not possible without it being overloaded.
However, after transferring some of its original load to transformer T3, it has the capacity to restore the
unsupplied area without constraint violations.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 18

1.9 Distribution Network Tools 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.28: Busbar transfer in a substation

1.9 Distribution Network Tools

1.9.1 Tie Open Point Optimisation

Tie Open Point Optimisation is part of the Distribution Network Tools module and can be used to
determine the optimal open point that separates two feeders. In PowerFactory 2022, the existing Tie
Open Point Optimisation calculation is enhanced by two additional functionalities. As shown in Figure
1.29 below, the optimisation can now be executed for:

• A user-defined selection of operation scenarios

• A user-defined time period

This improvement is valuable to distribution network planners who intend to operate their system not on
the basis of a single (worst-case) scenario, but to find an open point arrangement which minimises the
average losses (or other target function) over the whole year.

Figure 1.29: Definition of multiple operation scenarios in Tie Open Point Optimisation

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 19

1.9 Distribution Network Tools 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

The Tie Open Point Optimisation will analyse each operation scenario or point in time to find the optimal
network open points for all selected scenarios or time points. The following objective functions are
available for the optimisation:

• Minimisation of losses
• Optimisation of reliability indices
• Cost optimisation (losses + reliability)

For each of the operation scenarios considered, a weighting factor can be specified, as shown in
Figure 1.29, so that certain scenarios are prioritised in the optimisation.

As a further enhancement, in addition to analysing multiple scenarios, it is now also possible to receive
multiple solutions from the optimisation. This enables the analysis of several different open points in the

The results before and after the optimisation can be viewed in the associated report. Newly found open
points are also highlighted visually in the schematic diagram.

In addition, the icon can be used to access a new command for loading or applying the Open Point
Optimisation results based on a given scenario.

Figure 1.30: Newly found open points in Tie Open Point Optimisation

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 20

1.10 Power Quality and Harmonic Analysis 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

1.10 Power Quality and Harmonic Analysis

1.10.1 Risk assessment of sub-synchronous oscillations using radiality factors

The standard screening method in the case of device-dependent sub-synchronous oscillations (DDSO),
also known as interactions between a generator-turbine system and external network components, is
the unit interaction factor (UIF). The UIF cannot be successfully applied to systems whose impedance
does not linearly change in the sub-synchronous frequency region (e.g. as for series-compensated
power systems). As described in literature2 , an alternative means of evaluating the risk of DDSO is the
computation of a frequency-dependent network impedance based index known as the “radiality factor”

The Frequency Sweep tool has been enhanced in PowerFactory 2022 with the possibility of obtaining a
set of additional frequency-dependent calculation results: the radiality factor and the equivalent mutual
admittance and impedance. The radiality factor index corresponds to an “Oscillating generator” and
associated “Influencing device”, as illustrated here in Figure 1.31.

Figure 1.31: Simplified network representation

An example of radiality plots in a series-compensated network is shown below in Figure 1.32.

2 M. S. Annakkage, C. Karawita and U. D. Annakkage, “Frequency Scan-Based Screening Method for Device Dependent

Sub-Synchronous Oscillations”, in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1872-1878, May 2016, doi:

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 21

1.10 Power Quality and Harmonic Analysis 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.32: Radiality factor calculation for multiple scenarios in a series compensated network

Along with the calculation of the radiality factor, the equivalent admittance and impedance is calculated,
as shown in Figure 1.33.

Figure 1.33: Equivalent admittance calculation for multiple scenarios in a series-compensated network

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 22

1.11 System Parameter Identification 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

1.11 System Parameter Identification

1.11.1 Quasi-Dynamic Simulation now supported

In previous versions, the System Parameter Identification function supported the optimisation of load
flow and time-domain simulation (RMS and EMT) based problems. The functionality has been extended
in order to enable the optimisation and identification of parameters for Quasi-Dynamic Simulation.

Figure 1.34: System Parameter Identification for Quasi-Dynamic Simulation

The new functionality is directly applied in the extension of the Network Reduction for the Regional
Equivalent to support Quasi-Dynamic Simulation (see 1.4.1).

1.12 Economic Analysis Tools

1.12.1 Techno-Economical Calculation

The Techno-Economical Calculation function has been extended by a new study case comparison tool
and associated calculation quantities. In addition, the calculation of losses in the Techno-Economical
Calculation has been enhanced.

Techno-Economical study case comparison NEW FUNCTION

This new Techno-Economical command enables the cost evaluation and comparison of different strate-
gies (study cases) based on the NPV (net present value) and new calculation quantities, listed below. A
dedicated in-built script executes the command, to compare one or more strategies with the base case,
or “Do Nothing” strategy.

Using the comparison with the base case, the NPVs of the strategies are used to evaluate the benefits
due to cost savings versus the investments.

• Internal rate of return (IRR), being the calculated interest rate which results in an NPV of zero. An
internal rate of return is the discount factor, the use of which leads to discounted future payments
corresponding to today’s price or the initial investment. When this interest rate is greater than the
calculation interest rate then the investment is economical over the total investment period. As
the different strategies are evaluated compared with the base case, this enables the user to see
which strategy has the highest IRR.
• Estimated payback period, which can be regarded as the time taken to recover the cost of an
investment. The estimated payback period can help to decide whether an investment project
should be carried out or not: the shorter payback period an investment has, the more attractive it
• Discounted estimated payback period (DPP) is similar to the estimated payback period but with
an adjustment to take into account the time value of money. The discounted payback period is a
method of investment calculation that can be used to determine the profitability of a project. The
discounted payback period indicates the number of years required to recover the initial expenditure
by discounting future cash flows and taking into account the time value of money.
• The benefits for all result parameters (costs for losses, EIC costs, total NPV) are available.

When determining these quantities, PowerFactory incorporates all techno-economical quantities deter-
mined by the Techno-Economical Calculation, such as costs for losses, reliability costs or even user-
defined costs. Therefore, the evaluation is made in separate study cases, firstly one without application

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 23

1.12 Economic Analysis Tools 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

of any investment/grid-expansion strategy, and then a separate study case for each strategy. The
strategy is the plan of actions to be taken in order to attain an objective such as network expansion.

The command includes options for reporting the results (see Figure 1.35) and for visualising the out-
come of the comparison in plots, as shown in Figures 1.36 and 1.37.

Figure 1.35: Results from Techno-Economic Comparison

Figure 1.36: Comparison of calculated quantities for different strategies

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 24

1.13 Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

Figure 1.37: Time variation of various quantities for different strategies

Enhanced calculation of losses

The Techno-Economical Calculation tool now offers an option to use Quasi-Dynamic Simulation for
the estimation of losses during the calculation period. This means that time-based characteristics
for network equipment such as generating units can be taken into account, simulation events can be
entered for a certain period, and QDSL models can be used, for example for battery energy storage
systems. Since all these factors can have a significant influence on the losses in the grid, evaluation
based on the Quasi-Dynamic Simulation leads to much more precise results.

1.13 Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation

The focus in PowerFactory 2022 for Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation has been an im-
provement in performance and handling. In addition to performance enhancements during the set up
and re-calculation of the Unit Commitment, it is now possible to specify further solver parameters and
settings. The configuration of a GUROBI server solution is also now possible. This allows the calculation
of Unit Commitment in PowerFactory with several clients and a separate solving process on a dedicated

Enhancements in this version also include extended constraint filter options, more flexible consideration
of start-up costs, the possibility to define different constraint limits or constraint types (soft or hard) on
branches for contingencies, and soft constraint handling with individual scaling factors for branches.

1.13.1 Redundant Constraint Filter

The Redundant Constraint Filter command now has the possibility to specify a delta in the net positions
of groupings based on virtual power plants and a minimum remaining available margin (minRAM). The

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 25

1.13 Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation 1 ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS

critical constraints (and respective contingencies) can be determined based on the adapted net posi-
tions, to replicate the mechanism for determining critical branch/critical outage combinations (CBCOs
or CNECs) used by the flow based market coupling (FBMC) in Central Western Europe (CWE).

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 26


2 Network Diagrams and Plots

2.1 Plots

2.1.1 Plots redesign

After a full redesign of many plots in the previous version, we have now continued this process with the
following plots:

Vector Plots

A vector plot is useful for visualising complex values such as voltages, currents and apparent power as
vectors. For better usability, the vector plots have been enhanced to include a new feature called Vector
Transformation. Using this feature, it is possible to transform a complex variable using another variable
or a constant. Various operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, in addition
to shift, can be applied to the complex variable, and the information about the operation being applied
to the complex vector is visible in the plot legend.

Figure 2.1: Different operations for vector transformation

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 27


Figure 2.2: Vector transformation in vector plots

There is also the possibility to display result file data in a vector plot. One application case of this
enhancement would be to display the result variables from dynamic simulation plots on the vector plots,
enabling users to see all the results together. In addition, in the vector plots, the option “Time point
Selection” can be used to investigate the results at different points in time. Furthermore, the cursor
can be added to the vector plots in order to keep a track of the result variables in both the vector and
dynamic simulation plots simultaneously: as the cursor is moved along the time axis of the dynamic
simulation plots, the vectors update accordingly.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 28


Figure 2.3: Displaying the result file data of a simulation plot in a vector plot

Modal/Eigenvalue Analysis

To compare various scenarios and visualise the results of Modal Analysis calculation, multiple result
files can now be added simultaneously to the eigenvalue plots.

Moreover, the eigenvalue plot is now linkable to one or multiple polar or modal bar plots. In other words,
the selection of an eigenvalue in the eigenvalue plot will automatically update the mode plots and display
the respective plots accordingly. This enhancement can be very helpful for more detailed, yet efficient
analysis of modes.

Figure 2.4: Creating linked mode plots

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 29


Also, in order to improve the usability for selection of the eigenvalues which are lying close to each
other, clustering is applied and all of those values can be seen together in the tool tip. The user can
then cycle through the clustered eigenvalues using the mouse, to see each set of values.

Figure 2.5: Displaying eigenvalues in close proximity

Harmonic Analysis

The Harmonic Distortion plot has been enhanced to provide a better display of the harmonic limits being
applied. In addition, the selection of harmonic limits is now more user-friendly, as it can easily be done
on the same page as the curve definition, and the fill style and colours for the harmonic distortion limits
are now user-defined.

Figure 2.6: Setting harmonic limits

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 30

2.2 Colouring in Diagrams and Plots 2 NETWORK DIAGRAMS AND PLOTS

Figure 2.7: Harmonic distortion plot

2.2 Colouring in Diagrams and Plots

2.2.1 Redesign of colouring options

Colouring is used extensively in PowerFactory, from data representation in the Network Model Manager
to network diagrams and plots, and the user is able to customise the selection of colours according to
his or her own requirements. Until now, the required colours were selected from a numbered list, but in
PowerFactory 2022 a new approach has been implemented, which is both flexible and user-friendly.

The numbered list of colours has been replaced by standard colour palettes, supplemented by the
option for users to define their own customised colours.

Colour palettes for plots

As a default, a number of built-in colour palettes are already available, and a new icon on the plot
page allows the user to select the required palette.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 31

2.2 Colouring in Diagrams and Plots 2 NETWORK DIAGRAMS AND PLOTS

Figure 2.8: Standard colour palettes

The built-in colour palettes include “PowerFactory Standard”, which provides a new default selection of
well-differentiated colours, and “PowerFactory Classic”, for users who prefer to use the previous default
colours. The preferred palette can be set as a default for all plots. The colours for plots will then
automatically be taken from the chosen palette, but can also be individually modified.

In addition, users can create, store and use their own colour palettes within their projects.

Using colour palettes for network elements

The same range of colour palettes is available for network elements, the colours being used for colour-
ing in the single-line-diagrams via the existing dialog, and for the Network Model Manager and Data
Manager. As with plots, a default palette can be assigned for this purpose, but the network element
colouring will not be automatically changed to the selected palette.

Figure 2.9: Assigning network element colours in a single line diagram

Defining individual colours

If the user wishes to define specific colours for diagram colouring or plots, for example, or wishes to
define specific colours for a user-defined palette, this is easily achieved by selecting “More Colours...”
to bring up a Select Colour dialog:

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 32

2.2 Colouring in Diagrams and Plots 2 NETWORK DIAGRAMS AND PLOTS

Figure 2.10: Defining a custom colour

The colour can be defined using the standard HSV, RGBA or HTML formats, or simply by clicking on
the colour panel. Another option is to use the Pick Screen Colour button to reproduce any colour visible
on the user’s screen.

Users can also define their own custom colours, which are then made available in the drop-down lists
for colour selection.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 33


3 Handling and Data Management

3.1 Variations

3.1.1 Variation Manager enhancements

In PowerFactory 2021, we introduced a Variation Manager, to allow users a Gantt-chart style overview
of their network variations and expansion stages. In PowerFactory 2022, there is a significant extension
to the functionality: as well enabling users to view the variations and expansion stages in more detail,
the tool offers multiple options for selecting and displaying information, together with an attribute-editing

The overview of variations, already available in PowerFactory 2021, is now referred to as the Stage
Order. Two further tabs, Attribute Modifications and Object Modifications, are new in PowerFactory
2022. These tabs can also be displayed directly from a Data Manager or Network Model Manager,
using the context menu from a selected object.

Stage Order

The Stage Order tab of the Variation Manager presents an overview of the variations. In PowerFactory
2022, the selection of variations to be viewed has been enhanced with additional options, such as
currently-active variations, or variations relating to a particular network element.

Figure 3.1: Selecting variations on the Stage Order tab of the Variation Manager

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 34


Object Modifications

The Object Modifications tab is new. The left-hand side of the tab lists all, or selected, objects affected
by the selected variations. The objects can be simply listed or shown in a hierachy, and the adjacent
filterable columns show such information as the number of references to the object, and conflict infor-
mation. On the right-hand side, the additions, changes and deletions are shown in Gantt-chart format.

Figure 3.2: Object Modifications tab of the Variation Manager

By right-clicking on any object in the left-hand panel, a number of options are obtained, including “Show
attribute modifications”, which will open a new tab:

Attribute Modifications

Also new in this release, the Attribute Modifications tab allows the user not only to have an overview of
all the attribute changes for a particular element, but also offers the possibility of editing attribute values
directly in the variation expansion stages.

Figure 3.3: Attribute Modifications tab of the Variation Manager

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 35

3.2 Compare and Merge Tool 3 HANDLING AND DATA MANAGEMENT

3.2 Compare and Merge Tool

3.2.1 Object alignment via foreign key

The Compare and Merge tool now supports the option to identify corresponding elements by foreign
key. This option makes it possible to align objects with same foreign key and same class automatically
irrespective of their location and name. This can be useful when combining grid models from different
sources when different names are used and the location may not fit perfectly.

The additional option is found on the Advanced Options page of the Compare and Merge Tool.

Figure 3.4: Option to compare and merge by foreign key

3.3 Network Model Manager

3.3.1 Number formats and precision settings

The Project Settings dialog now includes a Formats and Units page, which allows the unit exponents
for both input and output variables, and the default number of decimal places shown for output variable
values, to be defined.

These settings are easily accessed from the Flexible Data pages of both the Network Model Manager
and the Data Manager, as shown below in Figure 3.5

Figure 3.5: Accessing the Formats and Units page of the Project Settings

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 36


3.4 Database

3.4.1 Support of PostgreSQL database

In addition to the Single-User Edition with local database, PowerFactory offers a Team Edition solution,
whereby a number of users share one multi-user database, with both Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server
databases being supported in previous PowerFactory versions.

Over recent years, the free, open-source and award-winning database management system Post-
greSQL has gained greatly in popularity; therefore, in PowerFactory 2022 we now also offer for Team
Edition a driver for PostgreSQL databases.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 37


4 Power Equipment Models

4.1 New Models

4.1.1 Modelica models

Two new PowerFactory objects, the “Modelica Model Type” (TypMdl) and the “Modelica Model” (Elm-
Mdl), have been introduced as part of an ongoing development to support the Modelica language.
Please see section 1.5.1 for further details.

4.1.2 Moving train model NEW MODEL

A new railway train model has been introduced, to enable simulations of moving trains in railway power
supply networks to be carried out. The application is supported for both single-phase AC systems and
DC systems.

Figure 4.1: New train element

The power demand of the train model comprises traction power and auxiliary power. Generative
braking (power recuperation) is supported as well. Reactive power or power factor is considered,
with either constant power factor or power factor depending on the train’s active power and speed,
or voltage at pantograph and speed. Several options are available to represent the voltage depen-
dency of traction/recuperation power. As well as the voltage-dependent current limitation according to
EN 50641:2020 (which includes current limitation according to EN 50388), flexible user-defined input
of voltage-dependent limitation of active power or current magnitude via a look-up table, linear current
reduction below a voltage threshold, and voltage-dependent power demand are supported.

Trains can move along lines/tracks by setting their position within the railway power supply network via
DPL or Python commands. Trains can be placed on nodes or at defined positions on lines (single-phase
AC and DC lines are supported). The lines which represent railway tracks with catenary or conductor
rail are marked in the network model, for handling the moving trains on the lines in a performance-
optimised manner. The train positions on those lines are typically considered with a resolution of a few
metres (depending on the line impedance per length, the resolution is typically better than 20 m).

As a train simulation contains of a sequence of several hundreds or thousands of load flow calculations,
PowerFactory 2022 introduces a performance-optimised load flow calculation for train simulation, which
is enabled via an option in the load flow calculation command.

As results, the voltages at the train pantographs, the current and power flows through the individual
components of the railway power supply network and equipment loading (among many other quantities)
can be depicted and investigated.

Fig. 4.2 shows an example results extract of a train simulation with two trains running on a double track
in opposite directions. The double track system with paralleled catenary is supplied from one side.
The trains meet at minute 18:40, which results in similar voltages at their pantographs at that instant in
time. The power of Train 1 is reduced from minute 16:00 on, because of the decreasing voltage with

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 38


increasing distance from the power supplying substation. The power of Train 2 is not affected, because
of its smaller power demand.

Coupling PowerFactory for calculation of the electrical quantities with an external tool that simulates
the speed and positions of the running trains based on time schedule, mechanical forces and power,
establishes a simulation environment for closed-loop train simulation, as specified in EN 50641 (Railway
applications - Fixed installations - Requirements for the validation of simulation tools used for the design
of traction power supply systems).

Figure 4.2: Example results of a train simulation: position of trains and voltages at pantographs over

4.1.3 Line shunt parameter (line compensation) NEW MODEL

The line model (ElmLne) has been enhanced in order to allow line compensation data to be specified
directly within the line model rather than via a separate shunt model (ElmShnt). This potentially leads
to a cleaner single line diagram and aids data conversion with other software.

The data is entered via a new compensation tab on the basic data page of the line element. The com-
pensation can be added to either or both ends of the circuit and is added using a new line compensation
object class (ElmLnecomp). The compensation can be defined in terms of power values or electrical
design parameters with differentiation between positive sequence and zero sequence impedance.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 39

4.2 Overhead Lines and Cables 4 POWER EQUIPMENT MODELS

Figure 4.3: Line compensation (ElmLnecomp dialog)

4.2 Overhead Lines and Cables

4.2.1 Frequency-dependent phase-domain Line Model

Phase-domain line models are now available when using line (ElmLne) elements. Previously the
Universal Line Model (ULM) and the Frequency Dependent Model (FDM) were only available for tower
and cable coupling elements. Now the user is able to use these frequency-dependent models in the
normal line element (ElmLne) as well.

4.2.2 Frequency-dependent phase-domain model for DC lines

The frequency-dependent phase-domain model is now available for DC lines. Any DC overhead line
or cable system can now be simulated with both available phase-domain models: the Universal Line
Model (ULM) and the Frequency Dependent Model (FDM).

4.2.3 Short-circuit calculation for distributed parameter lines

In PowerFactory 2022, it is now possible to calculate a short-circuit on a line which uses the “Distributed
Parameter” line model. This applies to both static short-circuit calculations and RMS simulations.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 40

4.3 Generators and Loads 4 POWER EQUIPMENT MODELS

4.2.4 Distributed parameter model for single-phase AC lines

The availability of the distributed phase-domain model has been extended to single-phase AC lines. It is
now possible to model single phase lines such as tower structures in lightning studies using distributed
phase-domain models.

4.3 Generators and Loads

4.3.1 Single-phase induction machine model

The single-phase induction machine is now supported by PowerFactory within the Asynchronous Ma-
chine model (TypAsmo/ElmAsm). The model is particularly useful for the detailed analysis of single
phase distribution feeders in which a considerable share of the load consists of single-phase motors.
Split-phase, capacitor-start and capacitor-start, capacitor-run configuration variants are available. The
machine can be parameterised using the equivalent electrical circuit parameters. Phase-to-phase and
phase-to-neutral connection schemes are supported.

The model can be used in all relevant calculation functions (e.g. unbalanced load flow, unbalanced
RMS-simulation, EMT-simulation).

4.3.2 Asynchronous Machine enhancements

On the Plots tab of the Load Flow page of the Asynchronous Machine Type (TypAsmo) dialog there is
a button which can be used to export data series defining the illustrated characteristics of the model
to the windows clipboard. This data can then be used for visualisation of the characteristics in other
software tools such as Excel. Previously, only the specified torque-speed characteristic was exported,
but the feature has been enhanced to additionally support the export of the displayed current-speed

4.3.3 Asynchronous Machine parameter estimation

The three-phase Asynchronous Machine (TypAsmo, three-phase option) model has been enhanced
with the addition of advanced parameter estimation methods: LBFGS ([Limited-memory] Broyden-
Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno), Particle swarm optimisation and Conjugate gradient descent. The legacy
parameter identification method (i.e. Newton) has been retained for compatibility reasons. A new
Electrical Parameters Estimation tool is now available by clicking the “Calculate” button in the load flow
page of the Asynchronous Machine type edit dialog, as shown in Figure 4.4. The tool allows users to
switch between and parameterise the algorithms. Information regarding the machine’s specifications is
provided in the pane Specified performance parameters. The achieved performance parameters (com-
puted based on the estimated electrical equivalent model) are shown in the pane Resulting performance

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 41

4.3 Generators and Loads 4 POWER EQUIPMENT MODELS

Figure 4.4: Asynchronous Machine parameter estimation tool

4.3.4 Asynchronous Machine now incorporates saturation

The Asynchronous Machine Type (TypAsmo) object has been improved to include consideration of the
main flux saturation. This option is considered by loadflow calculations as well as by RMS and EMT
simulations. The available options are listed below and may be familiar to users who have previously
applied saturation characteristics for the synchronous machine model or for the Saturable Asynchronous
Machine Type TypAsm1 model:

• No Saturation.
• Quadratic (SG10/SG12)

• Exponential (SG10/SG12)
• Tabular input

Maximum flexibility is afforded by the Tabular input option.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 42

4.3 Generators and Loads 4 POWER EQUIPMENT MODELS

4.3.5 Asynchronous Machine parameters derived from curves

Using the measurement curves input mode, it is now possible for a user to directly specify the following
datasheet characteristics in the Asynchronous Machine type (TypAsmo) model via a tabular input:

• Current-speed
• Torque-speed

• Power factor-speed
• Efficiency-speed

With these characteristics specified, the enhanced parameter estimation algorithm of the TypAsmo (see
section 4.3.2) can then be used to estimate appropriate electrical parameters for the selected equivalent

Figure 4.5: Tabular input of motor characteristic curves

The specified characteristics and the resulting characteristics arising from the estimation can be visually
compared in the electrical parameter estimation tool.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 43


Figure 4.6: Comparison of estimation with specified characteristics

4.3.6 Static Generators can now include sub-models

The Static Generator element (ElmGenstat) and the PV System element (ElmPvsys) now support user
defined sub-models for EMT domain simulations. The sub-models allow users to freely define the
internal circuit of the generator with enhanced flexibility. This feature is especially useful when defining
detailed representations of the power electronics circuitry by making use of individual components
such as diodes or IGBTs, thus allowing the implementation of various topologies within the built-in
elements. Refer to the PowerFactory User Manual for more information on how to use sub-models for
EMT Simulations.

4.4 Transformers

4.4.1 Grounding of booster transformer

The Booster Transformer model (ElmTrb) has been enhanced to improve the handling of its LV-side
neutral connection and grounding. In doing so, the model has been brought in line with other transformer
models in PowerFactory. This means that the LV neutral can now be:

• Distributed to a separate busbar (Separate on LV)

• Distributed to the same busbar as the phase conductors (At terminals (ABC-N)
• Not distributed (None)

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 44

4.5 Compensation Equipment 4 POWER EQUIPMENT MODELS

Additionally it is possible to explicitly specify whether the neutral is connected to ground or isolated. If
the neutral is connected, a grounding impedance can be specified (as before).

4.4.2 Enhanced loading calculation for transformers

The models for 2-/3-/4-winding transformers have been enhanced with tap dependent ratings. The
corresponding transformer types offer now the following options:
• No dependency: The rating of the transformer is defined by the winding ratings.

• Reduced Capacity Below Normal (RCBN): For transformers rated with RCBN, the model con-
siders the decreasing rated current for the taps corresponding to a higher transforming ratio. When
supplying the transformer with a selected tap and corresponding voltage higher than nominal, the
same power transferred leads to the same loading as for nominal voltage.
• Full Capacity Below Normal (FCBN): For transformers rated with FCBN, the rated current of
the taps is also adapted for positions corresponding to lower transforming ratio. This leads to the
effect that when supplied with a lower voltage and the corresponding tap selected, the transformer
is able to transfer the rated power without overloading.

4.5 Compensation Equipment

4.5.1 Enhancement of Series Capacitor model

The Series Capacitor can now be bypassed via a “Bypassed” option on the Basic Data page. This allows
a series capacitor in a network model to be considered as being switched on or as being bypassed
(switched off), without the need to explicitly model a bypass disconnector switch. Fig. 4.7 shows the
graphical representation of the series capacitor in a network diagram.

Figure 4.7: Series Capacitor - left: switched on, right: bypassed

For EMT simulations, the damping circuit of the optional spark gap, which is often installed as over-
voltage protective equipment for a series capacitor, is enhanced by an additional parallel conductance,
which is in parallel to the resistance and reactance of the damping circuit.

Furthermore, the capacitance and the conductance of the series capacitor element can be varied during
the EMT simulation via new input signals. This extension can be used for modelling corona effects of
overhead lines in lightning transients studies, for example.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 45

4.6 Power Electronic Devices 4 POWER EQUIPMENT MODELS

4.6 Power Electronic Devices

4.6.1 Introduction of a capacitor commutated converter (CCC) model

Capacitor-commutated converters (CCC) are the preferred alternative to classical LCC configurations
for certain power transmission projects. With this new development, transmission system operators with
HVDC-CCC links can now optimally integrate their systems into PowerFactory.

The existing Rectifier/Inverter model (TypRec/ElmRec) and the HVDC LCC/CCC model (TypHvdclcc/
ElmHvdclcc) have been enhanced with the support of a new CCC model option (with representation of
positive-sequence behaviour). The new simulation model supports all relevant calculation functions, as
for the line-commutated converter (LCC), including RMS and EMT-domain simulation.

4.6.2 Transformer tap-changer control for HVDC LCC/CCC model

The HVDC LCC/CCC model (TypHvdclcc/ElmHvdclcc) has been enhanced with more tap changer
control functions, which were previously available only in the Rectifier/Inverter model (TypRec/ElmRec).
Therefore, the following additional tap changer control options are now available:
• Angle setpoint control: firing angle if operating as rectifier (valid for both LCC and CCC) or
extinction angle (in case of LCC) / commutation margin (in case of CCC) if operating as inverter.
• Udc setpoint control

Based on this enhancement, a unified HVDC control strategy can now be applied for all relevant model
types (both the Rectifier/Inverter and the HVDC LCC/CCC models)

4.6.3 DC-DC converter sub-models

The DC-DC converter element (ElmDcdc) now supports user-defined sub-models for EMT domain
simulations. The sub-models allow users to freely define the internal circuit of the converter, thus
providing full freedom in the choice of the converter topology. The sub-model may contain any power
electronics specific components such as diodes, IGBTs or any passive element (resistor, inductor,
capacitor). Refer to the PowerFactory User Manual for more information on how to use sub-models
for EMT Simulations.

4.6.4 TCSC model enhancements

The thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) can now be bypassed via a “Bypassed” option on the
Basic Data page. This allows the TCSC in the network model to be considered as being switched on or
as being bypassed (switched off), without the need of explicitly modelling a bypass disconnector/switch.
Fig. 4.8 shows the graphical representation of the TCSC in a network diagram.

Figure 4.8: TCSC - left: switched on, right: bypassed

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 46


For EMT simulations, the TCSC model is enhanced by a metal oxide varistor (MOV) and by a bypass
breaker, which are typically installed as over-voltage protective equipment. Each can be enabled
individually via a flag. The MOV characteristic is entered tabularly with current and voltage values,
see Fig. 4.9. The bypass breaker is equipped with a damping circuit and can be tripped (closed)
automatically depending on TCSC current, TCSC voltage drop, MOV energy or MOV power respectively.
It is also possible to close the bypass breaker via input signals, controlled by a dynamic model. The
MOV current, voltage, power and absorbed energy, as well as the bypass breaker current and voltage,
can be observed in each phase.

Figure 4.9: Example for the input of the metal oxide varistor of a TCSC

4.7 Busbars

4.7.1 Busbar ratings can now be defined via the busbar type

A new rated current attribute has been added to the busbar type, making it possible to calculate the
busbar maximum loading. For busbars with defined bays, it was already possible to calculate the
maximum current at the busbar when the Load Flow option Calculate max. current at busbars was
selected. The maximum current is now used to calculate the busbar loading, using the newly-introduced
rated current in the busbar type.

Figure 4.10: Maximum current and loading for busbars

4.8 Sources

4.8.1 Impulse source enhancement

The Impulse Source (ElmImpulse) now supports parameterisation of lightning waveforms according to
the commonly used procedure described in “CIGRE TB 63 - Guide to procedures for estimating the

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 47

4.9 Measurement Devices 4 POWER EQUIPMENT MODELS

lightning performance of transmission lines”. The waveform is useful in EMT-simulation when carrying
out specific studies such as insulation coordination analysis.

4.9 Measurement Devices

4.9.1 Measurement of RMS quantities in EMT simulation

The voltage (StaVmea), current (StaImea) and power (StaPqmea) measurement devices now allow the
calculation of RMS type quantities within an EMT simulation. Two calculation options are available for
the current and voltage measurements; for the power measurement only the second option can be
• True RMS
• FFT analysis
True RMS is a simple and fast method for evaluating the RMS value of an AC voltage or current. The
option provides results for the per-phase RMS values of the measured quantity. A fixed frequency
(nominal grid frequency) is used in this calculation.

FFT analysis supports a complex identification of the sequence components of voltage and current. The
fundamental frequency is evaluated at each update time and the positive, negative and zero sequence
components are computed.

The power measurement device (StaPqmea) now supports the calculation of active and reactive power
for positive, negative and zero sequence components. Furthermore, current and voltage phasors (per
sequence) are made available.

Figure 4.11: RMS values measured and converted by a Current measurement (StaImea) and its

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 48

4.10 Protection Devices 4 POWER EQUIPMENT MODELS

4.9.2 Saturation model single phase

The saturation model is now available for single phase current transformers. This includes current
transformers modelled as purely single phase transformers at each phase in the network, as well as
zero sequence current transformers. It enables the user to implement and simulate saturation effects in
single phase systems such as railway networks or neutral paths of transformers.

4.10 Protection Devices

4.10.1 Enhancement to relay models

The voltage protection elements of many real digital relays can be configured to work with phase-phase
or phase-ground voltages. In order to represent this capability using PowerFactory ’s previous Voltage
Protection model (RelUlim) implementation, it was necessary to model two units and set the unused
unit out of service. This would lead to a relay model containing many more components than ideally

To address this, the Voltage Protection block has now been enhanced to accept six distinct voltage
inputs (three phase to phase and three phase to ground). In the Voltage Protection element (RelUlim),
the user can now select whether the device should use the phase-to-ground signal values or the phase-
to-phase signal values.

4.10.2 Relay model library

The relay library has been extended with new and enhanced relay models. With PowerFactory 2022,
the following new relay model has been included:

• ABB REF54x (for REF541, REF543 and REF545)

The following relay models have been completely overhauled and are suitable for use within Station-
• ABB REF542plus

• ABB REL511
• Siemens 7SA8x
• Siemens 7SJ61

• Siemens 7SJ62
• Siemens 7SJ63
• Siemens 7SJ64

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 49


5 Interfaces & Converters

5.1 ANAREDE and ANAFAS Import and Export Converters NEW MODULE

ANAREDE is a network calculation software product from Electrobras Cepel (Brazil), for the analysis of
steady state phenomena in electrical power systems. With PowerFactory 2022, importing and exporting
ANAREDE *.pwf files is now possible.

Similarly, importing and exporting of ANAFAS *.ana files is now possible, where ANAFAS is Electrobras
Cepel’s network calculation software for short-circuit analysis in electrical power systems.

For importing, conversion settings for 2-winding/3-winding transformers and detailed line compensation
are selectable.

5.2 PSS/ADEPT Import Converter

PSS/ADEPT is a former network calculation software product provided by Siemens, and for a number
of years the import of older PSS/ADEPT formats (PSS/U) into PowerFactory has been possible.

Now, with PowerFactory 2022, PSS/ADEPT HUB and Construction Dictionary files can be imported.

HUB files (*.dmp) are ASCII files that contain all the significant data of the network, including the
graphics. Construction Dictionary files (*.con) contain line and cable type data.

Construction Dictionary files are not mandatory for the import.

5.3 Python 3.10

Python 3.10 has been released, and with PowerFactory 2022 Python 3.10 is supported and will be
selected as default Python version. Former versions 3.9 3.8, 3.7 and 3.6 are also still supported and
can be selected within the configuration.

For more information about the changes of Python 3.10, please refer to the official Python release notes.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2022, What’s New 50

DIgSILENT was founded in 1985 and is a fully
­independent and privately owned company located in
Our Power System Monitoring PFM300 p­ roduct
Gomaringen close to Stuttgart, Germany. DIgSILENT
line features grid and plant super­vision, fault ­
continued expansion by establishing offices in Australia,
recording, and power quality and grid charac-
South Africa, Italy, Chile, Spain, France, the USA and
teristics analysis. The Grid Code ­Compliance
Oman, thereby facilitating improved service following the
­Monitoring PFM300-GCC system also offers
world-wide increase in usage of its software products
compliance auditing of power plants with
and services. DIgSILENT has established a strong partner
respect to grid code requirements. This monitor-
network in many countries such as Mexico, Malaysia,
ing and non-compliance detection provides the
UK, Switzerland, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, China and India.
complete transparency and assurance required
DIgSILENT services and software installations are used in
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more than 160 countries.

The DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited DIgSILENT

Test Laboratory for NAR Conformity carries out
DIgSILENT produces the leading integrated measurements in accordance with FGW TR3 on
power system analysis software PowerFactory, the operational type 1 generation plant (directly
which covers the full range of functionality from coupled synchronous machines). These measure­
standard features to highly sophisticated and ments are carried out in accordance with the
advanced applications including wind power, “individual verification procedure” as required
distributed generation, real-time simulation by the German grid connection guidelines VDE-
and performance monitoring for system test- AR-N 4110/20/30. DIgSILENT has many years of
ing and supervision. For various applications, international expertise in the field of generation
­PowerFactory has become the power industry’s and consumption/load systems testing. The
de-facto standard tool, due to PowerFactory in-house developed and produced measuring
models and algorithms providing unrivalled systems enable the testing laboratory to offer
accuracy and p­ erformance. customised measuring solutions for a wide range
of power plants and applications.

StationWare is a central asset management

system for primary and secondary equipment. DIgSILENT GmbH is staffed with experts of
In addition to handling locations and devices in ­various disciplines relevant for performing
a user-definable hierarchy, the system allows ­consulting services, research activities, user
­manufacturer-independent protection settings training, educational programs and software
to be stored and managed in line with customer-­ development. Highly specialised expertise is
specific workflows. It facilitates the management available in many fields of electrical engine­er-
of a wide variety of business processes within a ing applicable to liberalised power markets and
company and centralises the storage of docu- to the latest developments in power ­generation
ments. StationWare can be integrated seamlessly technologies such as wind power and distribut-
into an existing IT environment and the inter- ed generation. DIgSILENT has provided expert
face with PowerFactory enables the transfer of consulting services to several prominent PV and
­calculation-relevant data for p­ rotection studies. wind grid integration studies.


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