Logical Consequences
How many times has a student pushed in line on the way to recess and your reaction
was to take away recess? No offense, but that isn't very logical. It doesn't help the
student develop better self-regulation in line and is pretty unrelated to the infraction.
So let's keep the consequences related to the misbehavior. For example, if that student
pushes in line, they go to the back of the line for the remainder of the day or they
practice lining up. You could have the student practice lining up while they are
missing the initial part of recess. This would be logical since their misbehavior cost
the class recess time.
Make sure that your consequences are connected to the misbehavior. Not what will
make a punishment mean something to the student. Students don't learn from
consequences that feel spiteful or unpredictable.
For example, say my principal told me I had lunch duty all week for talking during a
faculty meeting. Would I think that made any sense at all? I might not talk in faculty
meetings anymore, but it would be out of fear of consequences not because I learned
Consistent Application
The consistent application goes hand in hand with logical consequences. Make sure
that you are consistent with your rules, your consequences, and your reinforcement.
Students succeed in predictable and just environments. They get angry just the same
as we do when they think they aren't being treated fairly or acknowledged.
Think about some of these questions:
Student Specific
Okay, so I know I just said to be consistent. But, you do not want to be inflexible in
your enforcement. You have twenty plus developing humans in front of you every
day. They all are at different points with their skills, and that includes their social-
emotional skills.
When responding to misbehavior, take into account the social, emotional and
cognitive skills of the students, as well as what was happening in the situation. The
consequence for a student might be the same, but you might practice more with this
student or have them reflect on their behavior.
For example, say you have a student that frequently pushes in line. The student has an
assigned line spot that has been working well, but the student still needs reminders to
go to their line spot. You line up your class, but forget to remind this student. The
student goes to a different spot and pushes in line. In this situation, I would tell the
student that the consequence remains the same, but I would apologize for not
reminding them of their spot. I would then practice with them and tell them my plan
to remember in the future.
Calm Spaces
What happens when a student is struggling to control their emotions or behavior? Do
they have a place they can go in your room or a process they can go through?
Lots of classrooms have take-a-break spots, but honestly, these can just reinforce the
behaviors. Have you seen how cozy some of these things are?
Implementing a process for your take-a-break spot and teaching it are more essential
than what the space looks like. Students could even complete the process at their
desks, and this may work better for older students. Feel free to get pinterest-y with it,
but keep the focus on process over product here.
Student-centered discipline requires more of students. They need to be partners in the
classroom and thoughtful about their contributions (or detractions) from the class
Ask students questions that have them reflect on their negative and positive behaviors.
Why is it important keep your hands to yourself when getting in line?
How might you feel if someone pushed you in line? Would you want to stand near
that person again?
You did such a great job lining up! How do you feel when you line up like that? What
do you think your line partner is thinking?
I have also incorporated think sheets and brag sheets in classrooms and in counseling.
This helps students think more about their actions, how they feel, what they think,
what others think, what they could do differently. I like the balance of having student
reflect on both positive and negative actions. Reflection is an important skill.
Coping Skills
Giving students a process, a space, and an emphasis on reflection is part of it. They
also need to develop coping skills to manage their frustration, disappointment, and
stress. And they need to know when to use what strategies.
Not every kid should have a fidget spinner.
Drawing might not be the best strategy when someone is ready to explode. Unless you
like broken pencils and crumpled paper.
A great group activity can be helping students develop an understanding of their
emotions, strategies to cope with negative emotions, and what influences their
negative emotions.
Walk the walk. Model how you handle frustration or stress just the way you would
model a reading strategy.
You can talk about strategies you use when you get upset. The kinds of things that
upset you. How you used to handle them and why you handle them this way now.
Children watch us to understand what to do. Be yourself and show them how you
handle things.
Now this one is on your students. At the end of the day, you want students to make
responsible decisions, take responsibility for their behavior, and understand how their
actions affect others.
What can you do to encourage this behavior? How can you make your classroom a
place where responsibility is a core tenet?
I think it has a lot to do with the 9 components that came before this one.
Gut-Check Time
What classroom-management techniques do you use most?
What are the norms and values of your classroom? Could your students tell someone what
they are?
How do you set norms and values for classroom behavior?
Do your norms focus on high expectations, respect, and caring for all students?
How do you help student learn to regulate their behavior?
How do you respond to students when they misbehave?
What strategies have you found to be ineffective and effective? Why?
What approaches have you used to help students who struggle to follow behavior
Now go out there and create a classroom community that is student-centered, fair, and