Bing (Soal Procedure Text)
Bing (Soal Procedure Text)
Bing (Soal Procedure Text)
1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 — 20 cm away from the LCD screen.
2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.
3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush.
Jaw aban: D
2. Before cleaning the screen surface, we spray the detergent on the screen
surface directly or spray it on ….
Jaw aban: C
3. "Cleanse gently with the fabric cleanser or brush" (step 3). What does the
underlined word mean?
Jaw aban: A
1. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays. If you have a second refrigerator,
use it to temporary store these items. If not, put the food in a cardboard box and
cover it with newspaper. Dump the ice cubes.
2. Removes all other food stuff and place on your kitchen counter or in cardboard
3. Either turn the temperature control "defrost" or unplug the electricity to the
refrigerator (or both).
4. Never scrape or jab at the ice with a sharp instrument. You may cause serious
damage to the freezing unit. Allow it to melt.
5. Either put a flat pan under the freezer to catch the drips or put a large towel in
the bottom of the refrigerator.
Jaw aban: D
Jaw aban: C
1. Turn on the oven 160o C.
2. Lightly grease an oven tray.
3. Mix oats, flour and sugar in a large bowl.
4. Melt butter and golden syrup in a pan.
5. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup.
6. Add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup.
7. Add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl, mix together well.
8. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Put on the try 5 cm apart.
9. Press lightly on top of each with a fork.
10. Bake for 20 minutes.
Jaw aban: A
Jaw aban: B
1. Choose the size you want. If you want to put longer items, such as a ruler,
placed in your pencil case, you'll need a longer pencil case.
2. Find a bag or box that suitable with your choice of size. It doesn't have be nice
looking, but strong and clean.
3. Cover the box with paper, any color.
4. Decorate the container. Try some or all of the following ideas.
Put on same cool sticker.
Decorate with your own art with makers: draw lines, shapes, animals, people,
Glue on shells, buttons, or anything else you want to decorate the pencil case
with. Add glitter if you like.
5. Show all your friends, and be proud of your unique pencil case.
Jaw aban: A
9. From the text above we can conclude that we have to be .... in decorating the box
to have a good result.
Jaw aban: C
10. " ... Add glitter if you like." (step 4) The synonym of the underlined word is ....
Jaw aban: D
1 pack or 12 burger buns
1/3 pound chuck roast, rinsed and dried
2 medium onions, chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tomato
barbecue sauce
freshly ground black pepper
1. Put olive oil in a pot. Then heat it on medium heat.
2. Cook the onions for about 5 minutes. Then, add the tomato and
barbecue sauce while increasing the heat to medium high and cook for
10 minutes.
3. Next, add the chuck roast and cook until the meat is very tender, for
about 3 hours. Stir occassionally.
4. Transfer the meat from the pot to a plate. Then, shred the roast into
small pieces with a knife and a fork.
5. Set the heat on medium-high until the liquid becomes thicker. Uncover
the pot. Don’t forget to stir it to prevent burning.
6. Put the meat back into the pan. Warm it throughly. Add salt and pepper
to taste. Serve on buns.
1. The text above tells you about . . .
Jawaban :A
A. Completely.
B. Carefully.
C. Slowly.
D. Briefly.
E. Subtly.
Jawaban : C
4. The text above tells you about . . .
A. How everyone should maintain their body.
Jawaban : D
B. Seated Extensions.
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
E. 20
A. Weird.
B. Dislike.
C. Enthusiast.
D. Observer.
E. Crazy people.
Klik Untuk Melihat Jawabannya
The following section provides useful information concerning exam formats,
procedure and student responsibilities before, during and after examiniations.
C. What student should keep in mind both during and after the
Make It Stick
Nah untuk membantu kalian mengingat apa yang kamu pelajari lebih baik,
coba jawab ketujuh pertanyaan berikut ini dengan benar!
A. Material
B. Conclusion
C. Numbering
D. Steps
E. Goals
A. Struktur
B. Unsur Kebahasaan
B. Conclusion
C. Aim
D. Imperative
E. Action Verbs
Nah itu tadi pembahasan mengenai Procedure Text. Semoga setelah
membaca artikel ini kamu memahami struktur dari sebuah Procedure Text
dan mampu dengan mudah menjawab soal – soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa
Inggris dengan Procedure Text sebagai topik utamanya.
Dengan rutin menjawab contoh – contoh soal Procedure Text, kamu akan
terbiasa menemukan gagasan penting yang ditanya. Hal ini dikarenakan
kamu telah terbiasa dengan berbagai macam struktur Procedure Text yang
sering digunakan.
Jadi agar kamu lebih mantap dalam menghadapi Ujian Nasional, tidak ada
salahnya kamu mencoba menjawab soal – soal yang ada diblog atau website
English Cafe atau yang kami post di media sosial
seperti Facebook atau Instagram.
Better Preparations Lead to Better
Untuk membantu kamu mempersiapkan diri dengan baik menghadapi Ujian
Nasional Bahasa Inggris. English Cafe tidak hanya mengeluarkan artikel –
artikel berisi contoh soal atau latihan soal tapi juga memberikan kalian video
pembahasan soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris di channel youtube kami.
So ch