HPSC AP Physics 2016
HPSC AP Physics 2016
HPSC AP Physics 2016
2. In casc of any dcfcct - Misprint, Missing Question/s Gct thc bor:klct changcd.No complaint shall be entcrtaincd
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f4r$ ron dI Zfa; $t\ orsse oqr{, nq-gq cv< d qn,r} ,} G1'qil sfi gRnfiT qcrqr i} t qfteTI sq{B gq trqt-R al frfft dl
Rrmr{rd qq Ffiqq =r€l f+q qrg{Tr l
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f+-e .t cs;r oT src ti * nd rrrgkmr c-{ Efr faorrfi qa d apn s.irgfwo i fiqcq qq{fi6 npn sfr .iii t
4. Thcre are FOUR options to cach question. Darkcn only onc to which you think is thc right answcr. Thcrc will be
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q-ct-ocrq d en fr-oe t< .rC t r {iie-o1 onq s€} uirq qrqi t, d {a{ dra r-o Tfl o) [fr nr6 Ti I Tm( \rd{ d ftc o}i 3ro
Td) orgl qTIqT I
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cfrerT d a< vrrgkzarq m vtc,fr f,plr {s t T{ ftuS .fr s.ff-{qTi o1 qfreTr d< d"si 01 crgqfr T& fr
qn,fr t
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sdqsR zrs gFtrdd of fu ssi
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qR iF){ rq ord e\ a} s-E' syi gkmT d orf, t fu t
,rc RrFi q{ fr oi r frffi rfr furR oTfrftffi Y{d srder +€l m-rflqT qlgqT I
8. Write the BOOKLET SERIES in the space provided in the answer sheet, by darkening the corresponding
v-r-<gkor. qq fiq r\ erFI w ur+gk_mT at {tftq fut apr {iEEa Tfl o} 1ft ore utl
@oo@ @6C@ @ c @@ @ d o@ @ o o@
9. Regarding incorrect questions or answers etc. Candidates kindly see NOTE at the last page of the Question
rrdd !.sq sT s-rn {srR S fu sdf{qri s-eII sv;i 5Rffi S 3{frq Yrd q"r F< ,Tc q}z oi id t
10.In casc of any discrcpancy in English and llindi vcrsion, thc English vcrsion will bc takcn as f,rnal.
qR 3rffi gq fffi fa--q*i"r i tht{ f}'ffi E} rn Br}S fa-{i!T srfrq qrfl \frlYrT l
[] When a thin film of thickness r is (a) 10*a Joule (qo)
placed in the path of light wave emerging
out of 51 then increases in the length of (b) 10-3 qo
optical path will be
(c) 10-2 qa
(d) 10-tqo
(c) pr
[3] V2u : - 4np represents
(a) Maxwell's equation
[] oe 16 qilft tu-n, ftm-frffi r t, dr Sr
t onft g$ u-oru il{.r d cq t Ti*r qnr t dr (b) Laplac's equation'
d dqt or qn dr.n
AP/2017/0039 Series-D Page | 1
t5l A magnetic dipole of dipole [6] wr ftqqf, sTfrcr otx uRqI6qdr e) tgo
moment z is placed in a non-uniform'
magnetic field B. If the position vector of
gq-frq st' t s-{ftid o-t qot t?
the dipole is Z the torque acting on the O(;, ):3xyz-4tand At r ):(2x-
dipole about the origin is o!i+ rS,,_22)i + (z _2ei,u\i.,q-d ro
(b) i * v < *. bl (a) ei'qd-q')-s i
@)(mx\) (c) a ue ar: 0 dr cq
@)(;"b!+i* v ( *. B) (d),re
Series-D Page | 2
[8] The vector potential due to cument [10] The electric field inside the sphere at
distribution is: a distance d from the centre is
-kra ^
A: (b)
(c) (l/4ne6)[P] ="r
-kd2 o
(d) None of these
[8] *rTiT A ft-iliur d onq qfus ftqq dr,n
-kE} *
A: (d) 6
(a) (y,sl 4nr)lPl ="
(b) A: (W)bll 4xr) [10] ro.H d oret dq q d $ w fuo *e
(c) A: (1/4ne s)[P] OI qlq EITI
@) B - c'B'
(c) B' [14] What are charge density and the total
charge of the system which gives rise to
@)tr the electric field E(x):[(qe"')/r3] i?
@)Exb (c) -1
(a) o
(a) al(2uo)
(b) ala
(c) (za)la
@) at(a)
[13] ro frRa-d qreqq d tgd g<-drq a-r'.r A ftc
S-ds / M'q stq-.q 6y2 = ak, t, qd
(a) al(2at)
APl20t7/0039 Page | 4
[15] The photoelectric threshold of tl7l A beam of light of wavelength I with
tungsten is 230040. The energy of the iilumination Z falls on a clean surface of
electrons ejected from the surface by Sodium. If N photoelectrons are emitted
ultraviolet light of wavelength 180040 is: each with kinetic energy E, then:
(a) a-r,r fr nrc gu
'trkqq or vsd-c
(b) oq dr aro X"r t
(c) dr=ii, m;.r 3tn 6ur fr are gvr t
(d) t fr f,r.r fr <-w etn q €r Eur 6 aro X"r t
(b) na2
palThe energy of a particle in a box is (c) 3na2
given by:
(d) 4xa2
(a) Continuous energy spectrum
(b) [(n2r2h'ltqzmr'y
[27] Which of the following is not a Boson?
(c) 11n2n\t(2mt2n2)) (a) Neutral helium atom
(d) [(nh)/(2n)] (b) u particles
[24] v-o tr{q t o"r dr s-qi q-ffi ffi t (c) Photon
(a) eGE s-qt q+qg
(d) Muons
(b) [(n2n2h'1t1zmr'11
lz7lfrq t t dH ffi{ T€it?
(c111n2n\t(2mt2n2)1 (a) ile*?i frfr?rq qg
(d) [(nh)/(2r)] (b) oror (a) - oq
[25] The expectations value of momentum (c) +Hr
of a particle whose wave function is
_-3 (d) qutrc
g(x): Nr#* ikx, is given as:
(a) trk
(b) (hk)tu
(c) o
(d) (ih)t(a2)
APt20t7/0039 Series-D Page | 7
[28] If the oscillator is in its normal state, pl: iil, tdr [.r', p] oran dr.n
[30] qfr lx,
then the probability of finding the particle
outside the classical limits
approximately: &) -2i[x'
(a) t6% (c) -3iflr'
(b)24% (d) +3inrl
@) a8%
(d) 84% [31] The time - independent Schrodinger
equation of a system represents the
[28] qR drfrr* oTci slqr;q er+s?ir d t dl
wrfuo-o ftqr d qre{ 6q d qtc qri dt conservation of the
qqgil Of e.f.Trr CH t (a) total binding energy of the system
(a) 16%
(b) total potential energy of the system
(c) total kinetic energy of the system
@) a8%
(d) total energy of the system
(d) 84%
[31] v-o cunfr 6'r qryq wff{ 4rE R
(b) o*or: o,
(c) o,or: io,
(d) o*o, : cyo,
AP/201710039 Page | 8
[32] The normalized wave functions qr [34] For nitrogen Cp - C,= x and for argon
and correspond to the ground state and
<pz C, - C, : y. The relation between a andb
the first excited state of a particle in a is given by
potential. You are given the information (a) *: y
that the operator i acts on the 'wave (b) x:74
functions u, f : gt : tFz and i : #z : (c) :7
9r. Which of the following are eigen (d) x: (Ilz)y
functions of A2 ?
[34] il{dd.t etri oTr,lq d ftq rq$, Co - Cu: x
(a) q, and <p2
deTI Cp C, : y. d nt a oiri b
(b) qz and not <p1 d qeq ii se-+t drqr
(c) qr and not 92 (a) x: y
(d) Neither
{p1 nor e2
(c) y:7
[32] w ftqs t qrflq-E-d a-rrr s-irfi {p1 and <p2
(a) x: (L/6)
(b) x: (L/2)
(c) x: (L/3)
(d) x: (L/4) aw (3L14)
Series-D Page | 9
t t36l The ideal black body is [38] Vander-Waal's equation predicts that
(a) Lump of charcoal heated to a high the critical coefficient of a gas
temperature [(RT")/(P"V")] has the value
(a) 8/3
(b) Metal coated with a black dye
(c) Glass surface coated with coalta r
b) 2
@) 413
(d) Hollow enclosure blackend inside and
(d) 3/8
having a smallhole
[38] arcr-oi'o sfi-o-{ur Er €rEqr{ t fo +rs or
[36] w ern:i w fte t
rrfr-fi. Wno. [(RT")/(P"V")] or en t
(a) ua dr35-q irs'rrd gur an-dro or t-< (a) 8/3
(b) ord sd t r,t S€ ,rrg
.o) 2
(c) otoon t gfr silti d sff6
@) a/3
(d) ot-q-i fr aqw o.rdr r+-drq-f,r .hor ffi \,fi (d) 3/S
drcr frq dr
(b) q-qrq qdqr qa q-o-dr t (c) wft dFrmrr elruqqrq wvxq t orfY6 t
(c) e-qrs Ei=,r fi-*q rkn (d) <-{q slr drwq w ft*tt e-rd gs trt$ ft
(d) <-+ro vbrn
qrq dr rn-6-dr t
[40] cffi cffitro cbqr d A$q ft6rq Er (c) The heat exchanged during the process
(d) The work done on the system
drc rrr Xur ft+a q"ir €dI V Sfi
[42] T-S etts w l-<\ft oTEr d sqFnin
(a) vcdd ts*r \'fr srdrfrq ter tr{s tqsr d eiafo or
(b) orq-oq
&t s-dwrsqffrdo-rort?
(c) frRts v.sqr
(a) nmtt d anr ft'qr.rqr od
(d) c-qft
(b) cund d oridfto s-qi t q{erFr
(c) (as/apr:
(b) rf L: 800T - 0.070s
@PIAT)v gas at 300K
(c) If L: 800T2 - 0.7057
(d) (as/aP)5: (6Vl6T)p
(d) If L: 800T - 0.705T2
[41] ftq t t dH sr sErT,rffiq or misl t43l ERs UkT sqr Bfi-o-rur Cz -Cr (dL /
dT) - (L I T). or sqdrrr orn gv f{qr{ fu
ftrifuTs sdft-ft uq-fiq fr sim qror t? cunfi fr ftRressqr au6c'rfi drfr:
(a) ()Tt)Y)s: (aPlas)v (a) qR L: 800 0.7057-
(b) qR L: 800T - 0.0705
(b) (arlaP)5: (dvl6s)p
(c) qR L: 800T2 - 0.7057
(c) (as/dv)r: (lPl1T)v 300K qr
(d) qR L: 800T - 0.705T2
(d) (as/aP)5: (6VldT)p
(a) Millikan's oil droP exPeriment (a) v.aor t eiitu Q o\Riiru engfr e-'di w
(b) Photoelectric effect experiment caar t
(c) AC Josephson effect experiment (b) u-cor t ditu Q ottut{ urgfr ea-i w
(d) Michelson - Moreley experiment q.aar t
t48l fu-smr Bqdrrr o--{& qro nq-aro d ftt} dR
(c) Q otfutq d drqrft d onur 3Tr{ft n qqn
c{sHIqrq+ar t
(a) ftftro< 6l i-.T {s sdFr
d eroql ste sqn t
(d) sv-trm sfi
(b) u-orvr figo utrio u-dn
(c) AC drsw-s{ q.rtqrdlrr
t51l Two resistances 100+5Cl and
d€ 150+150 are connected in series' If the
(C) qrE-o-e-wq - qdrrl
sa wgft w Br€-fr or sqrft cfoqlq [55] Which one of the following electronic
transitions in Neon is NOT responsible for
{s-S D.C cmq fr gorr t ftq qs6 t
LASER action in a helium-neon laser?
srlso. dFr
(a) 6s -+ 5p
(a) fu,-< vwo
(b) 5s -> 4p
(b) rtrfrvfrer wra
(c) 5s -+ 3p
(c) ,fq-t errn
(d) as -+ 3p
(d) w-tr*o vfi
[55] &frq-{-ftdq aw t ft'rtutuo { t
drc qr E-e+dfro u-f,qoT ftm-{ q
[53] A neutron passing through a detector
is detected because of dq{ (LASER) fr-qr d ftu mq=o oE *
(a) the ionization it produces (a) 6s -+ 5p
(b) ss + 4p
(b) the scintillation light it produces
(c) 5s -+ 3p
(c) the electron-hole pairs it produces
(d) the secondary particles produced in a (d) as -+ 3p
(b) (A+ nl e
1c;1 A+n) c
(d) None of these
Page | 14
[56] When an intense beam of (b) 2
monochromatic light is scattered by a
(c) 3
liquid the spectrum of the scattered
radiations contains line whose (d) 4
wavelengths are longer and shorter than [58] qellryo (CH3CH2OH) or NMn *feqq
the incident radiation. This effect is linown d-rEd tqreii fr fr-{ Tdi t ft-dnt qff drft t r
CH2 wqi t mifta x-o t $r<o tqrstidr s€Tr
(a) Seebeck effect tu-rft drfr
(b) Doppler effect (a) I
(c) Stark effect (b)2
(d) Raman effect (c) 3
Which two of the above structures have (d) 9.5 ,< l016
equal APF?
(a) P and Q
[68] The powder diffraction pattem of a
(b) S and T body-centred cubic crystal is recorded by
(c) R and S using Cu K" X-rays of wavelenglh 1.54 A,
(d) R and T If (002) planes diffract at 600, then lattice
parameter is
[66] fuq fite-iT \ry{q-flqt or ctqrg tfuT gun-o.
(a) 2.67 ,4
(APF) o) e+s q 1*
P- sreE$-o.
(b) 3.08 d
(c) 3.56 ,4
Q -qi$dF<-dqqR-n
(d) s34.4
R - +-sdP{dqR-6
(d)RawT (d)5s4 A
X af
[75] The value o, { along a square
loop of side L in a uniform field is lTTlThe average value of the function i(x)
:4x2 inthe interval of I to 3 is
(a) o
(a) ls
(b) 20
(c) aLA
(c) a0
(d) L2A
(d) 80
t75l $ * q,t1d t tusor qr.r L [77]vaol1*; : 4x2 qt e}so qn I t3
t etn vo vqrq ela { rrlr t. ?n qrq d er;o-srq { t
(a) o
(a) 15
(b) 2LA
(b) 20
(c) 4LA
(c) a0
(d) L2.,\
(d) 80
Page | 19
[78] The maximum value of (log x) / x is b) atl2
(a) I (c) (saA)
(c) e
[80] c-s nd{ fr tfu wr dFt fusol sTfY6-rq
(a) 1
(b) al"'12
(b)2te (c) (sata)
(c) e
(d) E-{t t dr$ Te
(d) l/e
(d) 3Aml
t7e1 IG) = * Zsinx* 3 coszx,(o a
7 t ?)
t [81] M q-aFFI ?FI w fro-s ftrq-or frrrs
(c) (3tmr4)12
(a) (2a1.'b)
[82] A spring oscillating in water is acted [8a] If a planet revolves round the Sun in a
upon by an external force Bcosar. With circular orbit of radius 'oa" with a period of
the passage of time, the frequency of the revolution T, then (k being a positive
spring tends to be
(a) T:ka2t3
(a) Greater than rrl (b) T:ka3t2
(b) Less than rrr (c) T:kaz
(c) Equal to or (d) 7: ka3
[84] qR s6 .16 qd d ir$rso'g$-+ oen
(d) Decreasing exponentially
frrq-fr Awr "a" t etr "Ri Tf, d ersfU i't, Tq
t sru sd Bcosa/. d'q,Trs t qft k rr-ffcro ftq-drfi dr dr
[82] ro fuil qfr
(a) T:ka2/3
dr6{ o.-{fr t t q'rq g-.l-{i d qrq fti.r dt eflgft
(b) T: ka3/2
(a) rD t eq
(d) T:ka3
(b) or t oq
[85] A sound wave of frequency f
(c) or dwr*r propagating through air with a velocity c,
is reflected from a surface which is
(d) etTfts sq t oq drft moving away from the source with a
constant speed v: the frequency of the
reflected wave, measured by the observer
[83] Two tuning forks when sounded at the position of the source is
together produce 3 beats per second. On (a)lf@-v)t(c+v)l
loading cne of them with a little wax, 20
beats are heard in 4 second. Its frequency, (b) t/(c + v)t(c - v))
if the frequency of the other is 386 Hz, (c) [/tc + lv)/(6-r v)]
will be
(a) 383 Hz (d) [/(c + v)t(c -2v)]
if the two word points are separated such (a) {1k/4 - ektm)l
that (b; r/1(g/4 + eHm)l
(a) I'I- ii l' > c' (t, - t )2 (c) Vt(dD - @/2k)l
(b) il- ii l, c2 -
t 7t1 t212 to)-r/tkz) + (m/2k)l
(c) ii- ii l', c2 (tr -b)2
[89] gef, qtqrq E-{ t} qq1qliT +trq, fr qFnar
(d) ;i- ii l' . c'1t, -t 1'
3r-{fu Cr,ft
[87] u<-* i-e-ct rpr tern dil ara Cii qR ?r vraq
@) tltk.rl - ektm))
fuS !-o. {st t ft-q q-6n ormrr Er
0) {tklD + ektm))
(a) t ,i- ii l'> c2 (t1 - t2)2 tcl {ttgrO - @/2k)j
0) t;I-dlr=c2(tr_b)2 (d) {tklD + @t2k)l
(c) I .i- ii l', c2 7t, - t212
(d) I ;i- Vi t'. c' (t, - t ),
cmrq G t 10% unr Xwre t dr vre cmreT [92] ro \A-qiq ffi{ S qti aw gfru oet ii
or qH dr-r[
qffiT erq-rdr t fuq-o.r qrs 0. I nm * ffi or<q
(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) remains the same
(d) becomes half
(a) utt
0) q.afi
M ffq 1.0 mA
[93] ro ffiefficy
oer cmq l.A ohm t d t 0V [95] The orbital speed of electron orbiting
ftfl d.
around a nucleus in a circular
orbit of
\-fr ffiey t e-6qt d m,q t tffi eirq or radius 50pm is 2.2 x 706 ms-\.
Then the
qmst fu-s'ilr6t e.n+r magnetic dipole moment of
an electron is
(a) 1.6 x lO-re Am2
(a) eee C! Afi q
(b) 5.3 x 10-2r Am2
Page | 24
[96] Curies law states that [97] we A.c fi .rTgfu dr[ft q-r fr qrc dr L-c-
R qRqq s'r qsus
(a) Magnetic susceptibility is inversely
proportional to the absolute temperature. (a) urw dr+t
(a) Is halved
(b) Is doubled.
(c) Increases
(d) Decreases
[99) fiuno
c-6 Ed-eiq d"cqr oli d en !f Cr,ro
d vq6 qmr t otr* wr ftor-fdr t?
(a) ro qffn
(d)u s
(d)u i
Series-D Page | 26