Course Syllabus Intro To Business
Course Syllabus Intro To Business
Course Syllabus Intro To Business
Introduction to Business & Technology is the foundational course for CTAE pathway courses. The course is
designed for high school students as a prerequisite for all CTAE career pathway courses offered at Islands High
School and provides an overview of business and technology skills required for today's career environment.
Knowledge of business principles, the impact of financial decisions, and technology proficiencies demanded by
business & industry establish the elements of this course. Emphasis is placed on developing proficient
fundamental computer skills required for all career pathways. Students will learn essentials for working in a
business & industrial environment. Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects
throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business & industry.
Various forms of technologies will be highlighted to expose students to the emerging technologies impacting
the future careers. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical and legal issues,
and the impact of effective presentation skills are taught in this course as a foundational knowledge to prepare
students to be college and career ready.
IBT-2 Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity by creating, editing, and publishing industry-
appropriate documents.
IBT-3 Master word processing software to create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business
IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the business environment.
IBT-5 Demonstrate understanding of the concept of marketing and its importance to business ownership.
IBT-6 Use professional oral, written, and digital communication skills to create, express, and interpret
information and ideas.
IBT-8 Understand, interpret and use accounting principles to make financial decisions.
IBT-9 Develop effective money management strategies and understand the role and functions of financial
IBT-10 Research and interpret the various risks involved in operating a business while determining the role
of insurance for a business.
IBT-11 Examine basic human resources and the legal aspects of a business while incorporating the methods
into business practices.
IBT-12 Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of career and technology education
courses through leadership development, school and community service projects, entrepreneurship
development, and competitive events.
First Semester: Second Semester:
1. Introduction to Technology 1. Leadership and Management
2. Word Processing Applications 2. Accounting 101
3. Effective Communication Skills 3. Money Management Basics
4. Introduction to the World of Marketing 4. Managing Risks
5. Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership 5. Introduction to Human Resources
Instructional Supplies
Grading Scale
Paper, Pen, and Pencil A: 90-100
Earbuds B: 80-89
Flash Drive C: 70-79
F: 69 and below
Please notify the instructor quietly, privately, and politely of concerns that arise, and they will be
addressed and resolved with you.
*The order and type of consequences depends on the severity and nature of a violation.
We acknowledge that we have read and understand the course syllabus criteria and classroom expectations
provided by Ms. Herrington for the course Introduction to Business and Technology.
Student Signature____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________