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2 Merged
2 Merged
KARNATAKA – 590018
(Sponsored by KSCST, Bengaluru)
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award for the degree of
Guide Co-Guide
Certified that the project work entitled “ADVANCED MIXED MODE SOLAR
USN: 2HN18ME037 & MRS. SHWETA.M. KUMBAR USN: 2HN19ME410 are bonafide
fulfillment for the award of Bachelor Of Mechanical Engineering of the Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2021-2022. It is certified that all
corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been
incorporated in the Report. The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic
requirements in respect of project work prescribed for the said degree.
External Viva
Dedicated to Our beloved
Parents, Teachers and
Friends for their Co-
The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without mention of the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance
and encouragements crowned my efforts with success. We take this opportunity to express my
deepest gratitude and appreciation to all those who helped us directly or indirectly
Last but not the least; we would like to thank all our faculty members and friends,
who have helped us in preparation of this dissertation.
The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry any food substances
loaded, which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural product and helps in
preservation of agricultural product. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g.
exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the
for food preservation. In the dryer, the solar radiations are made to fall directly on solar
collector , and at the same time, the drying cabinet absorbs solar energy directly through the
solar collector.
The results obtained during the test period revealed that the temperature inside the
dryer and solar collector were much higher than the ambient temperature during most hours
of day-light. The temperature rise inside the drying cabinet was up to 74%. The dryer
exhibited sufficient ability to dry food items reasonably to a safe moisture level and
simultaneously it ensures a superior quality of dried product.
Fig. No. Description Page No.
1.1 Working principle of sun Drying 10
1.2 Direct type solar dryer 11
1.3 Indirect Type solar Dryer 12
4.1 Fiber glass 20
4.2 Spiral Rolling Conveyor 21
4.3 Solar Air Colletor 22
4.4 Exhaust Fan 22
4.5 Circuit Diagram of Ardunio Uno 23
4.6 Temperature Sensor (DHT11) 24
4.7 Internal Circuit Diagram of Motor Driver Module 25
4.8 Circuit Diagram of IR Sensor Module 26
4.9 Solar Panel 27
4.10 Geared Motor 27
4.11 LCD Display 28
4.12 BreadBoard 29
5.1 Spiral Rolling Conveyor 36
5.2 Solar Cabinet 37
5.3 Solar Air Collector 37
5.4 Solar Cabinet Stand 38
5.5 Solar Collector Stand 38
MR - Amount of moisture removed.
T - Drying time
TB - Atmospheric temperature
TC - Chamber temperature
- Density of air.
Qd - Drying energy
Ac - Collector area
e - Collector efficiency
∆ - Change in density.
∆p - Change in pressure.
Ig - Thermal power.
Different type of solar dryers has been designed, developed and tested in the different
regions of the tropics and subtropics. The major two categories of the dryers are the natural
convection solar dryers and forced convection solar dryers. In the natural convection solar dryers,
the air flow is established by buoyancy induced airflow while in forced convection solar dryers
the air flow is provided by using fan operated either by electricity/solar module or fossil fuel.
Now the solar dryer designed and developed for and used in tropics and subtropics are discussed
under two headings.
Energy is important for the existence and development of human kind and is a key issue
in international politics, the economy, military preparedness, and diplomacy. To reduce the
impact of conventional energy sources on the environment, much attention should be paid to the
development of new energy and renewable energy resources. Solar energy, which is environment
friendly, is renewable and can serve as a sustainable energy source.
Hence, it will certainly become an important part of the future energy structure with the
increasingly drying up of the terrestrial fossil fuel. However, the lower energy density and seasonal
doing with geographical dependence are the major challenges in identifying suitable applications
using solar energy as the heat source. Consequently, exploring high efficiency solar energy
concentration technology is necessary and realistic.
Solar energy is free, environmentally clean, and therefore is recognized as one of the
most promising alternative energy recourses options. In near future, the large-scale introduction
of solar energy systems, directly converting solar radiation into heat, can be looked forward.
However, solar energy is intermittent by its nature, there is no sun at night. Its total available
value is seasonal and is dependent on the meteorological conditions of the location. Unreliability
is the biggest retarding factor for extensive solar energy utilization. Of course, reliability of solar
energy can be increased by storing its portion when it is in excess of the load and using the stored
energy whenever needed.
Solar drying is often differentiated from sun drying by the use of equipment to collect the
sun's radiation in order to harness the radiated energy for drying applications. Sun drying is a
common farming and agricultural process in many countries, particularly where the outdoor
temperature reaches 30°C or higher. In many parts of South East Asia, spices and herbs are
routinely dried. However, weather conditions often preclude the use of sun drying because of
spoilage due to rehydration during unexpected rainy days. Furthermore, any direct exposure to
the sun during high temperature days might cause case hardening, where a hard shell develops on
the outside of the agricultural products, trapping moisture inside. Therefore, the employment of
solar dryer taps on the freely available sun energy while ensuring good product quality via
judicious control or the radiated heat. Solar energy has been used throughout the world to dry
products. Such as the diversity of solar dryers that commonly solar-dried products include grains,
fruits, meat, vegetables and fish. A typical solar dryer improves upon the traditional open-air sun
system in five important ways.
It is faster. Materials can be dried in a shorter period of time. Solar dryers enhance drying
times in two ways. Firstly, the translucent, or transparent, glazing over the collection area traps heat
inside the dryer, raising the temperature of the air. Secondly, the flexibility or enlarging the solar
collection area allows for greater collection of the sun's energy. It is more efficient. Since materials
can be dried more quickly, less will be lost to spoilage immediately after harvest. This is
especially true of products that require immediate drying such as freshly harvested grain with
high moisture content. In this way, a larger percentage of products will be available for human
consumption. Also, less of the harvest will be lost to marauding animals and insects since the
products are in safely enclosed compartments.
It is hygienic. Since materials are dried in a controlled environment, they are less likely
to be contaminated by pests, and can be stored with less likelihood of the growth of toxic fungi.
It is healthier. Drying materials at optimum temperatures and in a shorter amount of time enables
them to retain more of their nutritional value such as vitamin C. An added bonus is that products
will look better, which enhances their marketability and hence provides better financial returns
for the farmers. It is cheap. Using freely available solar energy instead of conventional fuels to
dry products, or using a cheap supplementary supply of solar heat, so reducing conventional fuel
demand can result in significant cost savings.
• Active solar-energy drying systems (most types of which are often termed hybrid solar
Three distinct sub-classes of either the active or passive solar drying systems can be
identified which vary mainly in the design arrangement of system components and the mode of
utilization of the solar heat namely,
Direct solar dryers have the material to be dried placed in an enclosure, with a transparent
cover on it. Heat is generated by absorption of solar radiation on the product itself as well as on the
internal surfaces of the drying chamber. In indirect solar dryers, solar radiation is not directly incident
on the material to be dried. Air is heated in a solar collector and then ducted to the drying chamber to
dry the product. Specialized dryers are normally designed with a specific product in mind and may
include hybrid systems where other forms of energy are also used. Although indirect dryers are less
compact when compared to direct solar dryers, they are generally more efficient. Hybrid solar
systems allow tor faster rate of drying by using other Sources of heat energy to
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Department of Mechanical, HSIT
supplement solar heat. The three modes of drying are: (1) open sun, (2) direct and (3) indirect in
the presence of solar energy. The working principle of these modes mainly depends upon the
method of solar-energy collection and its conversion to useful thermal energy.
The working principle of open sun drying by using solar energy. The short wavelength of
solar energy falls on the uneven product surface. A part of this energy is reflected back and the
remaining part is absorbed by the surface. The absorbed radiation is converted into thermal energy
and the temperature of product starts increasing. This results in long wavelength loss from the surface
of product to ambient air through moist air. In addition to 1ong length radiation loss there is
Convective heat loss too due to the blowing wind through over the material surface. Evaporation of
moisture takes place in the form of evaporative losses and so the material is dried. Further apart of
absorbed thermal energy is conducted into the interior of the product. This causes a rise in
temperature and formation of water vapor inside the material and then diffuses towards the surface of
the and finally losses thermal energy in the end then diffuses towards the surface of the and finally
losses the thermal energy in the form or evaporation. In the initial stages, the moisture removal is
rapid since the excess moisture on the surface of the product presents a wet surface to the drying air.
Subsequently, drying depends upon the rate at which the moisture within the product moves to the
surface by a diffusion process depending upon the type of the product.
In open Sun drying, there is a considerable loss due to various reasons such as rodents,
birds, insects and micro-organisms. 1he unexpected rain or storm further worsens the situation.
Further, over drying, 1nsuticient drying, contamination by foreign material like dust dirt, insects,
and micro-organism as well discoloring by UV radiation are characteristic for open sun drying.
In general, open sun drying does not fulfill the international quality standards and therefore it
cannot be sold in the international market.
With the awareness of inadequacies involved in open sun drying, a more scientific
method of solar-energy utilization for drying has emerged termed as controlled drying or solar
drying. The main features of typical designs of the direct and of indirect types solar –energy
dryers are illustrated.
However, convective and evaporative losses occur inside the chamber from the heated
material. The moisture is taken away by the air entering into the chamber from below and escaping
through another opening provide at the top. A direct solar dryer is one in which the material is
directly exposed to the sun's rays. This dryer comprises of a drying chamber that is covered by a
transparent cover made of glass or plastic. The drying chamber is usually a shallow, insulated
box with air-holes in it to allow air to enter and exit the box. The product samples are placed on a
perforated tray that allows the air to flow through it and the material. Solar radiation passes
through the transparent cover and is converted to low-grade heat when it strikes an opaque wall.
This lowgrade heat is then trapped inside the box by what is known as the "greenhouse effect".
Simply stated, the short wavelength solar radiation can penetrate the transparent cover. Once
converted to low-grade heat, the energy radiates.
M Mohan raj, P. Chandrasekar et al. (2009) carried out experiment on the performance of
an indirect forced convection solar drier integrated with heat storage material was designed,
fabricated and investigated for chili drying. The drier with heat storage material enables to
maintain consistent air temperature inside the drier. The inclusion of heat storage maternal also
increases the drying time by about 4 h per day. The chilly was dried from initial moisture content
72.8% to the final moisture content about 9,2% and 9.7% (wet basis) in the bottom and top trays
respectively. They concluded that, forced convection solar drier is more suitable for producing
high quality dried chilly for small holders. Thermal efficiency of the solar drier was estimated to
be about 21% with specific moisture extraction rate of about 0,87 kg/kW h.
Sandeep Panchal et.al (2013) carried out a survey on ordinary sun drying method and it
was found out that the existing method was very tedious, time wasting, wastage, in terms of
produce and consequently having a very low hygienic level. The direct exposure to sunlight, or
more precisely ultraviolet radiation, can greatly reduce the level of nutrients such as vitamins in
the dried product. As a solution to these problems enumerated above, an idea was conceived and
a Distribution Passive Solar Energy Maize Dryer was designed, fabricated, and tested. The aim
of this research work therefore, is to design, construct and test a Simple Solar Dryer to dry at
least 1kg of mango slices.
S R. Desai et al. (2009) developed and evaluated a farm solar dryer for chilly drying in a
selected village of Raichur district. They reported that on an average 41.5 percent of higher
temperature was obtained in farm solar dryer over the ambient temperature. A total drying time
of 30 hours (4-5 Sunny days) was required for chilly drying in farm solar dryer to reduce the
moisture content from 76.5 percent (w.b) to about 9.0 percent (w.b) as compared to that of 48
hours for open sun drying for the same level of moisture contents which resulted in a net saving
in drying time of 37.5 percent for farm solar dryer over open sun drying.
Palled Vijay Kumar et al. (2010) commissioned and evaluated a solar tunnel dryer of one ton
capacity for grapes drying in a selected village of Bijapur district. They reported that a maximum
temperature of 62 ॰C recorded at 14:00 hours inside the solar tunnel dryer during drying process
which was 42.74 percent higher than the maximum ambient temperature (35.5) at the same time. On
an average, a total drying time of 60 drying hours (8-9 sunny days) were required for Solar tunnel
dryer to reduce the moisture content of grapes from 82 percent (w.b.) to a final moisture content of 14
percent (w.b.) while the traditional method of shade drying required on an
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Department of Mechanical, HSIT
average 140 drying hours (20-21 sunny days) to obtain same level of moisture content. This
resulted in a net saving of 57.14 percent in drying time for solar tunnel dryer over open shade
Drying and preservation of agricultural products have been one of the oldest uses of solar
energy. The traditional method, still widely used throughout the world, is open sun drying where
diverse crops, such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains, tobacco, etc. are spread on the ground
and turned regularly until sufficiently dried so that they can be stored safely. However, there exist
many problems associated with open sun drying. It has been seen that open sun drying has the
following disadvantages. It requires both large amount of space and long drying time. The Crop
is damaged because of the hostile weather conditions, contamination of crops from the foreign
materials, degradation by overheating, and the crop is subject to insect infestation, the crop is
Susceptible to reabsorption of moisture if it is left on the ground during periods of no sun, and
there is no control on the drying process. This could lead to slow drying rate, contamination and
poor quality of dried products, and loss in production. Although the spreading of the crop on the
ground or on a platform and drying it directly by the sun 1s cheap and successfully employed for
many products throughout the world, where solar radiation and climatic conditions are favorable,
because o the above mentioned factors of open sun drying process and a better understanding or
the method of utilizing solar energy to advantage, have given rise to a scientific method called
solar drying Solar drying of farm crops offers the following advantages by permitting: early
harvest which reduces the field loss of products from storm and natural shattering.
The field conditions (dry and fewer weeds) are often better for harvesting earlier in the season,
planning the harvesting season to make better use of labor. From crops can be harvested when
natural drying conditions are unfavorable, long-time storage with little deterioration. Extended
storage periods are becoming increasingly important with large amount of grain being stored and
carried over through another storage year by the farmer, government, and industry, and the
farmer's taking advantage of higher price a few months after harvest although in some years there
may be no price advantage. By removing moisture, the possibility of the grain heating with
subsequent reduction or destruction of germination is decreased.
The farmer's selling a better-quality product which is worth more to him and to those who must use
those products. Therefore, by providing a sheltered drying area or chamber in which the crops to be
dried and stored, a stream of air is heated by solar energy to reduce its relative humidity which is then
passed over the crops. This form of solar drying could improve the quality of the crop to be dried,
reduce spoilage by contamination and local overheating, reduce spillage losses, speed up the drying
process, achieve better quality control, and reduction in drying time.
The disadvantages of open sun drying need an appropriate technology that can help in
improving the quality of the dried products and in reducing the wastage. This led to the application of
various types of drying devices like solar dryer, electric dryers, wood fuel driers and oil-burned
driers. However, the high cost of oil and electricity and their scarcity in the rural areas of most third
world countries have made some o1 these driers very unattractive. Therefore, interest has been
focused mainly on the development of solar dryers. Solar dryers are usually classified according to
the mode of air flow into natural convection and forced convection natural convection dryers do not
require a fan to pump the air through the dryer. The low air flow rate and the long drying time,
however, result in low drying capacity. Thus, this is restricted to the processing of small quantities of
agricultural surplus for family consumption. Where large quantities of fresh produce are to be
processed for the commercial market, forced Convection dryers should be used.
Drying processes play an important role in the preservation of agricultural products. They are
defined as a process of moisture removal due to simultaneous heat and mass transfer. The purpose of
this project is to present the developments and potentials of solar drying technologies or drying
grains, fruits, vegetables, spices, medicinal plants. The traditional method of drying. known as sun
drying. involves Simply drying the product in the sun on mats, roofs or drying floors Major
disadvantage of this method is contamination of the products by dust, birds and insectsSome
percentage will usually be lost or damaged, it is labor intensive, nutrients loss, such as vitamin A and
the method totally depends on good weather conditions. Because the energy requirements sun and
wind - are readily available in the ambient environment, little capital is required. This type of drying
is frequently the only commercially used and viable methods in which to dry agricultural products in
developing countries. The safer alternative to open sun drying is solar dryer. This is a
more efficient method of drying that produces better quality products, but it also requires initial
investments. If drying conditions such as weather and food supply are good, natural circulation
solar energy, solar dryers appear to be increasingly attractive as commercial proposition.
To study and Develop a solar dryer in which the grains are dried simultaneouslyby the heated air
from the solar air heater. The problem of low, medium & large scale processor could be
alleviated, if the solar dryer is designed and constructed with the consideration of overcoming the
limitation of direct & indirect type of solar dryer.so therefore, this work will be based on
importance of a solar dryer which is reliable and economically, design and construct a solar dryer
using locally available materials and to evaluate the performance of this solar dryer.
1) To eliminate the unwanted and unpredictable food spoilage.
2) To study the characteristics and performance of the solar dryer system with continous
4) To Design & Develop low cost & Product based Automated(Ardunio Controlled) Solar
Cabinet Dryer for the welfare of Farmers & Food Processing Industries.
5) To achieve favorable temperature for various agri-products with different wetness with
1) Fiber Glass
4) Exhaust Fan
5) Ardunio UNO
7) Motor Driver
8) IR Sensor
9) Solar Panel
10) DC Motor
12) Breadboard
13) Switchs
14) Buzzer
Fiber glass is a type of fiber reinforced plastic where the reinforcement fiber is
specifically glass fiber. The glass fiber may be randomly arranged but is commonly woven into a
mat. The plastic matrix may be a thermosetting plastic is most often epoxy, polyester resin or
vinylester or a thermoplastic.
Why we commonly use glass fiber in Thermal Insulation?
Glass fiber are useful Thermal Insulators because of their high ratio of surface area to
weight. However, the increased surface area makes them much more susceptible to chemical
attack. By trapping air within them, blocks of glass fiber make good thermal insulation, with a
thermal conductivity of the order of 0.05 W/(m.k).
vertical transfer of product (in either direction) from upper and lower levels. The spiral
conveyors offers an extremely small footprint compared to a conventional Belt Conveyors.
Fan is a machine used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas such as air. The fan
consists of a rotating arrangement of vanes or blades which act on the fluid. The rotating
assembly of blades and hub is known as an impeller, a rotor, or a runner. Usually, it is contained
within some form of housing or case. This may direct the airflow or increase safety by preventing
objects from contacting the fan blades. Most fans are powered by electric motors, but other
sources of power may be used, including hydraulic motors hand cranks and internal combustion
engines. Fans produce flows with high volume and low pressure as opposed to compressors
which produce high pressures at a comparatively low volume. A fan blade will often rotate when
exposed to a fluid stream, and devices that take advantage of this, such as anemometers and wind
turbines, often have designs similar to that of a fan.
Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet). It has 14
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.. You can tinker with your
UNO without worring too much about doing something wrong, worst case scenario you can
replace the chip for a few dollars and start over again.
interface with other microcontrollers. s you can see the data pin is connected to an I/O pin of the
MCU and a 5K pull-up resistor is used. This data pin outputs the value of both temperature and
humidity as serial data. If you are trying to interface DHT11 with Arduino then there are ready-
made libraries for it which will give you a quick start. If you are trying to interface it with some
other MCU then the datasheet given below will come in handy. The output given out by the data
pin will be in the order of 8bit humidity integer data + 8bit the Humidity decimal data +8 bit
temperature integer data + 8bit fractional temperature data +8 bit parity bit. To request the
DHT11 module to send these data the I/O pin has to be momentarily made low and then held
high as shown in the timing diagram below.
DHT11 Specifications:
• Operating Voltage: 3.5V to 5.5V
• Operating current: 0.3mA (measuring) 60uA (standby)
• Temperature Range: 0°C to 60°C
• Humidity Range: 20% to 90%
• Resolution: Temperature and Humidity both are 16-bit
• Accuracy: ±1°C and ±1%
7) MOTOR DRIVER :- This L298N Motor Driver Module is a high power motor driver
module for driving DC and Stepper Motors. This module consists of an L298 motor driver IC and a
78M05 5V regulator. L298N Module can control up to 4 DC motors, or 2 DC motors with directional
and speed control. The L298N Motor Driver module consists of an L298 Motor Driver IC, 78M05
Voltage Regulator, resistors, capacitor, Power LED, 5V jumper in an integrated circuit. 78M05
Voltage regulator will be enabled only when the jumper is placed. When the power supply is less
than or equal to 12V, then the internal circuitry will be powered by the voltage regulator and the 5V
pin can be used as an output pin to power the microcontroller. The jumper should not be placed when
the power supply is greater than 12V and separate 5V should be given through 5V terminal to power
the internal circuitry. ENA & ENB pins are speed control pins for Motor A and Motor B while IN1&
IN2 and IN3 & IN4 are direction control pins for Motor A and Motor B.
The IR Sensor Module or infrared (IR) sensor is a basic and most popular sensor in
electronics. It is used in wireless technology like remote controlling functions and detection of
surrounding objects/ obstacles. IR sensors mainly consist of an Infrared(IR) LED and a
Photodiode, this pair is generally called IR pair. An IR LED is a special purpose LED, it is can
emitting infrared rays ranging from 700 nm to 1 mm wavelength. These types of rays are
invisible to our eyes. In contrast, a photodiode or IR Receiver LED detects the infrared rays.
The main components of a solar power system are photovoltaic (PV) panels, a DC to AC
power converter (called an inverter) and a rack system that holds the PV panels in place .This
conversion takes place within the cells of solar panels which are specially fabricated, usually of
10) DC MOTOR :-
A gear motor is an electric motor and a power reducer combined into a single unit that
reduces the number of revolutions but increases the torque of the operating shaft. Such gears for
electric motors are often used in modern machines and mechanisms, it is universal for many
types of equipment. Some hybrid models combine practicality and durability. The housing is
made of plastic and the gears are made of metal. This design gives a minimum noise level during
the operation of the devices, the voltage can be from 12 to 24 V.
A Breadboard is simply a board for prototyping or building circuits on. It allows you to
place components and connections on the board to make circuits without soldering. The holes in
the breadboard take care of your connections by physically holding onto parts or wires where you
put them and electrically connecting them inside the board. The ease of use and speed are great
for learning and quick prototyping of simple circuits. More complex circuits and high frequency
circuits are less suited to breadboarding. Breadboard circuits are also not ideal for long term use
like circuits built on perfboard (protoboard) or PCB (printed circuit board), but they also don’t
have the soldering (protoboard), or design and manufacturing costs (PCBs).
c) PVC pipe
d) Glue gun
e) Sealant
f) Aluminum Sheet
h) Black paint
i) Nails
1) GLASS: -
Glass is one of three basic types of ceramics; Glass is distinguished by its amorphous
(non-crystalline) structure solid material that exhibits a glass transition. Glasses are typically
brittle and can be optically transparent. Molecules that link up with each other to form long
chains and network. Hot glass cools, chains unable to organize into a pattern. Solidification has
short-range order only. Amorphous structure occurs by adding impurities (Na, Mg, Ca, and Al3).
Impurities: interfere with formation of crystalline structure.
Crystal Structure
When metals change from the molten to the sold state, they assume crystalline structures.
The atoms arrange themselves in definite ordered symmetrical patterns which metallurgists speak
of as "lattice" structures. Aluminum, like copper, silver and gold, crystallizes with the face-
centered-cubic arrangement or atoms, common to most of the ductile metals. This means that the
atoms form the comers of a cube, with one atom in the centre of each face. The length of the
sides of the cube for high purity aluminum has been determined as 4.049 x 10-8 cm, the shortest
distance between two atoms in the aluminum structure is 2 divided by x 4.049. The face centered
cubic structure is one of the arrangements assumed by close packed spheres, in this case with a
diameter of 4.049 x 10-8 cm, the corners of the cube being at the centre of each sphere.
Thermal Conductivity
The thermal conductivity, K, of 99.99% pure aluminum is 244 W/mK for the temperature
range 0-1000 C which is 61 9% of the IACS, and again be-cause of its low specific gravity mass
thermal conductivity 1s twice that of copper. The combined properties of high thermal
conductivity, low weight and good formability make aluminum an obvious choice for use heat
exchangers, car radiators and cooking utensils while in the cast form it is extensively used for I/C
engine cylinder heads.
Apart from weather conditions the drying behavior of agricultural crops during dying
depends on the,
• Product
• Size and shape
• Initial moisture content
• Final moisture content
• Bulk density
• Thickness of the layer
• Mechanical or chemical pre-treatment
• Turning intervals
• Temperature of grain
• Temperature, humidity of air in contact with the grain
• Velocity of air in contact with the grain
The performance of solar dryers is significantly dependent on the weather conditions.
Both the heat required for removing the moisture as well as the electricity necessary for driving
the fans are generated in the most cases by solar energy only. In addition to the pre-treatment of
the product, the weather conditions have the biggest influence on the capacity of product that can
be dried within a certain time period.
The drying time is short under sunny conditions and accordingly ex-tended during
adverse weather conditions. The difference in drying capacity between dry and rainy season has
to be taken into consideration for the calculation of the yearly capacity of the dryer.
The utilization of solar energy as the only energy source is recommended for small-scale
dryers where the risk of spoilage of big quantities of crops due to bad weather is low. If
largescale solar dryers are used for commercial purposes it is strongly recommended to equip the
dryer with a back-up heater to bridge periods with bad weather.
For small farmers the man purpose in storing grains is purpose in storing grains is to
ensure house-hold food supplies. Farm storage also provides a form of saving, to cover future
cash need for barter exchange or gift-giving. Grain is also stored for seed and as inputs into house
hold enterprises such as beer brewing, or the preparation of cooked food.
There is ongoing debate about whether farmers are forced to sell because of debt a
economic dependence on others, or whether they sell because they regard storage as
• Too costly (in terms of time), or
• Too risky (given the risk of losses and unpredictability of future prices), or
• Unprofitable in relation to other investments such as cattie
There is no single answer to the debate, since there is much variation in the circumstances under
which individual famers operate, both within and be-tween nations.
The capacity of a solar dryer mainly depends on the crop itself and the shape. On the one
hand, it should not be too big to ensure that the preparation (washing, slicing and pre-drying
processing) of the product to be dried can be completed within a certain time period. On the other
hand it should be big enough to enable the user to generate income and thus to create new jobs.
❖ The solar cabinet dryer is based on greenhouse effect where the solar heat is trapped
inside the drying chamber and thus increases the temperature level.
❖ The direct solar energy collected in the chamber, heat up the food product and remove
❖ The indirect heat energy collected in the solar collector heats up the air in the
chamber, hence air circulation continuously increases the temperature in the cabinet.
❖ This method of continuous air circulation increases the trapped air temperature which
in turn increases its efficiency.
❖ As the system involve both natural and forced convection, hence called mix mod.
❖ When the solar cabinet with all the system attached to give maximum results.
❖ We Placed the Exhaust fan in reverse order to pass the air for outside to inside the
solar air collector.
❖ This heated air is forced into the chamber using the fans at the inlet and outlet of solar
air collector.
❖ In the chamber we placed Spiral Rolling Conveyor to dry the grain and it is the
continous feeding and outlet Mechanism.
❖ These Exhaust fan movement is controlled at the Particular RPM by the ARDUNIO
system which can be controlled the inner Temperature of the chamber.
❖ The tempeature Sensor(DHT11) is the sensor to which helps to know the temperature
& Humadity inside the chamber with the help of LCD Display.
❖ We have Programmed for ARDUNIO UNO to Control 5 operations
• To Control the RPM of Exhaust Fans.
• To Maintain the temperature inside the chamber by using DHT11 temperature
Sensor & the temperature is already Pre-decided & value are Coded in Program.
• We have connected LCD screen to Arduino board to display the Present
Temperature & Humadity Inside the chamber.
• And also Solar Tracking system is connected to Arduino to get Maximum
intensity of solar radiations.
• To maintain the inside temperature of the chamber we have connected the low
RPM exhaust fan.
Department of Mechanical, HSIT Page 34
1) Mass of water to be evaporated
Me = (mi-mf) Mp ….….(1)
100 − mf
Where, mi= initial water content of product [%] wet basis
mf= desired final water content of product [%] wet basis
Me= mass of water to be extracted from the product [kg]
Mp= mass of product to be dried (after preparation) or
initial feed mass [kg] (1-5 kg assumed as capacity of drying chamber)
• Moisture content in product which is to be feed in dryer (mi) Initial moisture content assumed
:- 85%
• Moisture content in product which is to be achieved in the product as output (mf) Final
moisture content to be achieved :- 15 to 20 %
➢ Therefore, Me= 4.1 Kg
So, Ma= mass flow rate of air=1.04 (Kg/s) is obtained from above calculations
• Now, Mdr= Me/ts =4.1/12=0.641
Mdr= 0.641 (kg/hr)
Where, Mdr = average drying rate (Kg/hr)
Me= mass of water to be extracted from the product[kg]
ts= time required for drying.
• The capacity and efficiency of the can be increased by increasing the cabinet
holding capacity and increasing the solar absorption area.
• Solar tracking system can be replaced by dual axis solar tracking system so that it
can absorb more sun radiation.
• The cabinet can be replaced with 200micron UV protected fiber glass sheet for
holding larger product and higher drying area.
• The solar dryer can raise the ambient air temperature to a considerable high value for
increasing drying rate of agricultural crops.
• The product inside the dryer requires less attentions, like attack of the product by rain or
pest (both human and animals), compared with those in the open sun drying it can be used
to dry other crops like yams, cassava, maize, potato and plantain etc.
• There is easy in monitoring when compared to the natural sun drying technique.
• The capital cost involved in the construction of a solar dryer much lower to that of a
mechanical dryer.
• The dryer exhibited sufficient ability to dry food items reasonably rapidly to a safe
moisture level and simultaneously it ensures superior quality of the dried product cabinet
and air-heater are much higher than the ambient temperature.
• The solar dryer can raise the ambient air temperature to a considerable high value for
increasing c drying rate of agricultural crops. The product inside the dryer requires less
attentions, like attack of the product by rain or pest (both human and animals), compared
with those in the open sun drying.
5 Fabrication 2500
8 Miscellaneous 3000
TOTAL 21900
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