A Long Walk To Freedom Nelson Mandela
A Long Walk To Freedom Nelson Mandela
A Long Walk To Freedom Nelson Mandela
1. Mahatma Gandhi spent his years in prison. Nelson Mandela too was shut
off from his countrymen for 27 years, imprisoned. Both wanted to help
humanity. Yet they had their similarities and dissimilarities in approach for
the freedom struggle in their respective lands. Highlight those similarities and
differences in the struggle for freedom of their respective countries.
Ans. Both Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were outstanding leaders of
men and the present destinies of their respective countries have been shaped
by them. Both Gandhi and Mandela mobilised the masses against
oppression, against hatred and against prejudices. They both suffered in jails,
they both suffered politically. Their unwavering commitment to nationalism
was not only rooted in freedom; it also aspired towards freedom. Even after
all these similarities in their vision and their mission, they also had some
differences. The main difference is in their approach as Gandhi believed in
non-violence while Mandela on the other hand felt violence necessary to
oppose tyranny of the Apartheid system. Gandhi never competed in any
elections. On the other hand Mandela became an active politician after his
release and accepted office of power after independence.