RESUBMISSION - CIPD Level 5 HR RMT Assessment Template v1.0
RESUBMISSION - CIPD Level 5 HR RMT Assessment Template v1.0
RESUBMISSION - CIPD Level 5 HR RMT Assessment Template v1.0
Strategic Analysis
1.1 The context of the reward environment and the key perspectives that
inform reward decisions
Baker’s Department Store has been implementing a reward policy which has been
in place for several of years. The store mainly rewards the employees who have
done exceptionally well in their duties. But this particular policy is prone to both
internal and external risks which can be current while others will affect the store in
the future. Using modern analysis tools, it is possible to identify the factors that can
affect the company’s reward policy either now or in the future.
Number of employees- The department store has been growing steadily and this
requires a policy that can accommodate the rising number of employees. If the
number of employee is high, there will be reasons to come up with a more
elaborated reward policy that can accommodate all the employees and ensure
Automation-The store is automating some of its operations which will require even
the reward policy to be adjusted. Modern systems simplify the entire process
especially in checking the records of the employees who should be rewarded.
Strengths Opportunities
Weaknesses Threats
The number of employees is
too high to reward everyone
who deserves
Using a reward system that Some employees feeling left
The reward environment at Baker’s Department Store primarily involves the line
manager and the employees. The manager uses the performance report to
establish the performance of an employee over a period of time (Rose, 2018).
Another aspect that informs reward decision at the department store is doing
extra ordinary things while at work (White, 2016). These are the employees who
will not hesitate to inform the relevant managers when something is not going
well. They can inform on issues such as theft or a certain form of laxity.
Employees who have shown exceptional leadership qualities are also rewarded
by the companies they work for. These are the workers who will rally and direct
others towards working even harder in their duties. It is important to reward such
employees because they can easily use their leadership qualities to negatively
rally the employees into things such as strikes and revolts (Michael, 2017).
Reward Intelligence
Perkins (2018) defines reward intelligence as the information and data used to
make different reward decisions. This information provides guidelines on the
steps to be taken during reward decision making in organization such as Baker’s
Department Store.
Direct reward intelligence- This is the intelligence that is obtained directly from
the employees as they go on with their duties. The person collecting the
intelligence is able to directly see what the employees are doing in their
Indirect reward intelligence- This is information collected from third parties and
documents related to different employees. The intelligence collector does not
need to see or know the employees being evaluated provided there is data and
information regarding the particular employees.
Personal Records
Each and every employee is required to present his or her resume while
applying for a job at the department store. The company keeps these resumes
and they provide helpful information while deciding the person to be rewarded.
This is especially applicable when dealing with rewards such as promotions
because it easy to tell the qualifications of different employees.
Former employers
Most employees have been employed in a number of organizations and as a
result, former employers have details regarding the employees such the former
responsibilities and roles, and performance track records.
Simple to implement because the information is already compiled
Can get information from a number of past employers provided the employee has
worked in a number of organizations and access the employee performance track
The information can be biased especially if the employee did not leave some
of the past jobs in good faith.
Former employee may be unwilling to disclose performance track record
about the employee
Some employees might be judged wrongly
Stock market
The stock market is a good source of information on how the economy is
performing at a particular time. To get information from the stock market, one
needs to work with stoke brokers or visit the official London Stock Market
website. This website is always updated and it also keeps records of the past
transactions. Financial Experts in organizations such as Baker’s Department
Store can help managers translate the figures on the website. The information
obtained here includes inflation rates, taxes and competitions. Furthermore, the
stock market can also show the behaviour of different people when it comes to
financial management. This means that it is possible to tell the people who are
risk takers and those who are more careful with their finances. The more careful
people usually buy stocks that have lower risk and they tend to buy stocks for
long term purposes.
It is open for anyone to see
It is accurate because it shows factual figures
Provides general information which needs to be analyzed before final
decisions can be made.
The information that can be obtained in this process includes the
relationship of the worker with other employees.
Financial institutions
Employees usually take loans and credit from different financial institutions
including banks. These institutions keep records on the financial transactions of
the employees and they can provide insight on how well the employees manage
their finances. All what is needed is to follow the right channels and abide by the
Date Protection Act which protects personal information from being accessed by
unauthorized people.
Local administrators
The local administrators usually know details regarding people leaving in
different communities. Such people can provide helpful information that will help
in knowing the conduct of such person out of work. The information includes the
family life and social lives of the people concerned. Soe of these administrators
have known different people since they were small children.
There are chances that the leaders might not be interested in providing
the information
Social Media
This is another ideal source of intelligence mainly in the current days where
people post personal information about themselves. The information posted is
seen by a lot of people and this information can be very helpful in making
reward decisions.
Easy access of information
Labour market and pay trends provide information on current and emerging trends relating to
employment earnings, working hours, cost of living etc.
This can help us assess the extent to which labout and skills are available and make
judgements about pay stance depending on sector, location etc.
Office for National Statistics
Labour Market Outlook
Inflation – It’s difficult to avoid hearing about inflation in the post credit crunch news these
days but the office for the National Statistics is a reliable and up to date of information about
inflation and other UK economic indicators.
Data from job advertisements- We can search for information about pay and benefits for
particular jobs by trawling printed or online recruitment publications and websites for free.
Published pay surveys- Data is gathered from organisations and can provide an indication of
market rates. It can be difficult to make meaningful comparisons due to limited contextual
information but it can help to provide periodic ‘temperature checks’.
Pay clubs – These are made up of employers who regularly exchange information on pay
Pay settlements – A pay settlement is a pay level, or a pay raise that is agreed as the result of
bargaining between unions and employers.
Consultants pay databases – Consultants, for example, recruitment agencies and job
evaluation specialists, hold information on pay levels of their clients and can be a useful
source of benchmarking intelligence.
Employment legislation – It’s critical that reward decisions comply with relevant legislation,
including National Minimum Wage, National Living Wage, Equal Pay and so on.
Baker’s Department Store can benefit a lot from a total reward approach
considering the number of people it has employed. The top priorities of the
company’s reward policy include motivating the employees, reducing
employees’ turnover and creating harmony in the workplace. These priorities
perfectly fit into the total reward policy since the policy touches each and every
employee working at the store.
One of the things that the department store can expect after applying total
reward approach is employees working with more harmony. When this particular
approach is applied, the employees feel equal to each other depending on their
rank in the company. This improves relations among the employee consequently
making them enjoy working for the company. With total reward approach, there
will also be improved productivity considering that all the employees will be
motivated. Employees will not even mind working overtime since they will take
the success of the company as their personal success.
The reward policy at Baker’s does not necessarily recognize the employees who
are referred to as non-essential. This means that even the more hardworking
casual employees are not recognized. With such a policy it is easy for the
employees to revolt against the policies of the company.
When it comes to non-financial rewards, only the top managers in the store are
given housing allowance therefore making the junior employees feel left out.
Among the things that the department store is doing wrong is failing to give
equal rewards to people with equal achievements. This is especially when it
comes to non-financial rewards where some employees are rewarded with
bigger rewards. An employee will be promoted to a higher position despite
having achieved the same achievement with the employees who are not
promoted. When it comes to financial rewards, the company has been
concentrating more in giving rewards which are based on the experience of the
employees. But this is wrong because there are younger employees who
achieve more despite not being very experienced. The financial rewards should
not be based on experience since the experienced who are not experienced feel
left out.
While implementing total reward approach, the department store should consider
the cost. It is not logical for the store to spend more than it can afford in the
implementation of the policy. Timing should also be done properly where the
rewarding should be done when the employees can appreciate the rewards
more. Furthermore, the department store should consider the kind of rewards to
be given to the employees. There are certain rewards that are easier to give out
and they can even be given to teams instead of individuals.
Step 8-Get approval from the relevant authorities for the awarding to take place.
Step 9- implement the policy formulated and make sure all the stakeholders know
about the new policy.
Significance of equity
Equity is an integral part of any reward policy as stipulated by Perkins, (2018) in
his work. This involves ensuring that employees with similar achievements get the
same rewards for their efforts. It is not right to reward some employees with
bigger rewards than others when their achievements were the same. If the
available rewards are not enough, it is better to wait until there are enough
rewards so that each and every recipient can feel appreciated. Sometimes it
might even be necessary to reduce the number of recipients so that everyone can
receive a reward equal to his or her achievements.
Significance of fairness
Fairness is also an important virtue when giving out rewards to employees for
what they have achieved. A process that is not fair will leave some employees
unhappy and this can have negative effects both to the employees and the
organisation. A company such as Baker’s department store which has different
department should make sure that rewards to different departments are optimally
fair depending on what the employees have achieved (Nwaozor& Thompson,
Significance of transparency
Being transparent entails letting all the stakeholders know how the recipients
were selected. Through being transparent, everyone is satisfied that the people
selected rightfully deserved to be rewarded. The simplest way of being
transparent is involving the employees in selecting the people to get the
rewards. But since it might be possible to involve everyone especially in big
organisations such as Baker’s Department Store, the representatives of the
employees can participate in the exercise.
Significance of consistency
Consistency is rewarding the employees at certain stipulated times without
failure. There should be a set timeline on when the rewards are to be given out.
Most companies prefer to give awards annually, but this can change depending
on the policy of the particular company as White, (2016) has explained. Being
consistent ensures that everyone involved is adequately prepared and ready. It
also gives the employees something to look forward to especially if they have
been working extra hard.
The Adam’s Equity theory further confirms this by stating that; ‘employees
maintain a fair relationship between the performance and rewards in comparison
with others’. The theory further explains that renumeration alone is not enough
where the employees also wants to be motivated so that the fairness in work
places can be maintained. This requires the employers to take a close look of
how employees have been performing while making reward decisions. The
performance of all employees should be examined depending on their efforts to
determine the employees who deserve the rewards more. This is because there
are employees who se duties are hard to quantify and such employees might be
overlooked. Baker’s Department Store is enhancing the Adam’s Equity theory by
ensuring that the reward policy is transparent. All the employees can know the
rewards given to their colleagues and therefore all the employees feel
appreciated depending on their efforts. The relevance of this theory is that it lets
employee understand that they are rewarded according to their performance and
as a result, they are encouraged to work even harder.
The psychological contract and the Adam’s Equity Acts are the primary things
that keep employers from moving skipping the planned reward programs in the
organisations. Since these legislations are not in writing, they are easier to break
for the part of the employer. But the Act gives power to employee to revolt
against any changes that are made against these laws. A good example is using
holistic reward system on Baker’s done annually based on laws and regulations
on contracts.
A good example of a company that suffered from not following the rules is BBC
which was compelled to adjust its payment structure after it was established that
female employees were being paid less than their male colleagues. Such
companies contravenes the Equity Act 2010 which explains that; ‘employees
doing the same job should be paid equally irrespective of gender’
The Equity Act 2010 further allows female employees to work in male dominated
roles such as operating heavy machines provided they are qualified. This is
complimented by the gender pay gap which shows that women have been
receiving lesser remuneration than men despite performing the same duties.
This Act also ensures that all the employees with special qualities such as
different races, disability or different religious believes are not discriminated. The
act was developed specifically to look at the rights of the people who might be
considered to certain weakness or different characters from discrimination.
Baker’s department can ensure the reward system operates fairly and
transparently by taking closer look at the performance of each employee. This
will directly result to all employees receiving equal pay depending on their roles.
I can also ensure fairness through letting the employees work indecently. This
allows the manager to identify the employees who are competent than others.
The organization should ensure it is treating all employees fairly because not
doing so will be going against the laid legislations such as the Equity Act 2010.
Not treating employees fairly would also demoralize the employees and this will
significantly reduce productivity. Some of the mechanisms that can be put in
place to ensure equity include rewarding the employees in the organization.
Different departments should not hold different reward processes. Furthermore,
the organization can go a ahead and abolish the rewards from being kept
secretive. There should be an open policy where every stakeholder can see and
understand the rewards being given.
Managers are not always fair and some do it even without realizing. This means
that there are some managers who make decisions thinking that they are fair but
the decisions end up being unfair to other employees. Furthermore, managers
are not always fair especially when it comes to dealing with undisciplined
employees. There are some managers who are more lenient towards some
employees compared to others. Managers also fail to be fair when making
decisions regarding recruitment and selection. There have been cases of
managers deciding to hire certain people just because they are from certain
Line managers at Baker’s Department Store are the ones directly involved with
issues related to the welfare of the employees including providing suitable
working environment (Rose, 2018). As a result, they are the ones responsible of
selecting the employees who are to be rewarded. This responsibility involves
applying the various outlined methods to identify the employees who deserve
rewards. The line managers usually receive lists of the employees who are
eligible to be rewarded. From the lists they select the specific employees who
are more qualified for the rewards.
Line managers also have the duty of balancing the rewards given to the different
employees. It is not wise to give big rewards to some employees and then give
very small rewards to others. The ones who receive the small rewards will feel
as if they were not fully appreciated. Line managers need to make sure that the
rewards are proportional to what every employee has achieved.
HR can support managers to reduce the various risks identified by ensuring that
the employees are competent and properly qualified. This will ensure that the
various duties in the department stores are executed with high levels of
professionalism. HR can also support the line manager to reduce the various
risks identified through providing all the required resources on time. With this, it
will be easier to plan and prepare for the award process to be implemented.
Another good example that can show the importance of extrinsic rewards is
Google which has been rewarding its employee with different things including free
food and decompression capsules. The company has been combining this with
intrinsic rewards such as free classes and access to therapists among others.
Google also offers peer bonuses where employees can nominate their colleagues
to receive different rewards. All these rewards have made Google become one of
the most satisfying and rewarding places to work. As expressed by ‘Engaging for
Success’ report, the company has been using the four key enablers of employee
engagement which are; strategic narrative, engaging managers, employee voice
and integrity. This combination has allowed both the employees and the
organization benefit from the different kinds of rewards.
The concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are best captured by the
MacLeod and Clarke’s report (Wójcik-Karpacz, 2018). This report mainly
concentrated on four aspects which are strategic narrative, engaging managers,
employee voice and integrity. These four aspects are meant to enhance
employee engagement where intrinsic rewards can be given to employees with
an objective of letting them feel nearer to their managers and their feel more feel
free to communicate. On the other hand, the extrinsic rewards are given to
employee by managers so that employees can have chances to grow in their
careers and therefore feel more confident about their opinions.
Baker’s Department Store should seriously consider using the total reward policy
more often. The approach should be combined with other basic approaches so
as to produce the desired results. It is also advisable for the department store to
further automate its rewarding process. Even though some of the aspects are
already automated, it is helpful to utilize the very latest technology since it is
more efficient. Furthermore, the department store should involve the employees
more in the reward process so that everyone can always be on the same page.
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