Country's Culture

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1. Choose one country (except the Philippines). Research and learn 5 facts about your
chosen country’s culture, language, tradition, etc. and list them below column A. In
column B, compare and contrast each fact with a specific culture, language, tradition, etc.
that it matches in the Philippine setting.
India Philippines
1. They touched the feet of their elders to 1. We use “pagmamano” where we bow
show them respect. and pressed our forehead to the hand
of an elder as to show them respect.
2. Shakes or wobble their head which 2. Shakes our head if we want to
indicates understanding, also as a disagree or deny something.
respect to their God.
3. They spit before they pee. Because 3. We say “tabi tabi po” to address and
they believe if the place they pee is ask for pardon of entering when we
inhabited by a ghost, spitting can keep found ourselves setting foot to a place
the ghost away. said to be inhabited by spirits or other
mythical being. So, if we try to pee to
on such places it is common to say
“tabi tabi po” before peeing.

4. It is common to them to arrange 4. It is common to us for men to court

marriage where the parents planned the women he wants to be married.
who will be the spouse of their child. The most famous way of courting is
5. Most common religion is Hinduism. 5. Most common religion is Christianity.
The God they worship is called They God we worship is called Jesus.

2. Share your globalization experiences. Do you often use social networking sites? Do you
speak words that exist in the global world? List down globalized terminologies (which
are not listed above) that you often use and share the definition of each.
21st Century Word Definition
1. Binge-watch Watching multiple or all episode of a tv series
in a manner of rapid succession.
2. Vlog Stands for video blog. Making a video of
yourself doing something or talking about a
particular subject.
3. YouTuber An individual who creates a video and upload
it on the video-sharing website YouTube.
Some examples are Pewdipie, MrBeast, and
4. Hashtag A phrase or word that starts with the hash
symbol. It is to identify a specific topic.
5. Photobomb To cause a flaw on a photograph by an
unexpected appearance of someone or
6. Ghosting Before ghosting simply means an appearance
of a ghost but in 21st century it means
suddenly ending a relationship without
7. N00b A beginner of something and still
inexperience especially on online games.
8. Grind It means doing something repeatedly. At first
it is only used for games like completing
quest or killing monster, but nowadays people
is using it almost on everything that they do.
9. DC Stands for disconnect. Use when someone
was disconnected in an online meeting, online
game, and such.
10. GG Stand for “good game”. Literary means
saying the game is good after a match
between two teams, but these days it is use as
an expression when someone is having a
trouble or problem.

3. Review the forms of language register. Gather facts and examples for each and think of
contexts where these language registers are used. Make an essay for each type of register.
Formal register
As its name suggest formal register is applied in a formal setting like business transaction or
academe. It is a one-way communication and uses complete sentence. As it is formal slang,
abbreviations, and other ambiguous expressions must be avoided, use technical or academic
vocabulary. Formal registers are used in business letter, academic essay, reports, and many more.
Also, during your wedding, it is also appropriate to use formal register when making your vows.
You are in the presence of your bride/groom, so many people, the pastor or priest that officiating
your wedding, and most of all God. Given this it is appropriate to use formal register in such

Informal register
As its name suggest informal register is applied in an informal setting like when talking to
families and friends. Grammar is not really an important factor to this type of register. You are
free to use slang, idioms, abbreviation, and other ambiguous expressions. Informal registers are
use when chatting or texting with friends, talking to you siblings, and many more cases when
you talk to someone you know very well. Informal register can also be used when you are
writing your diary. Because writing diary is like talking to yourself and we know that there is no
one who better know us than ourselves, so it is okay to use informal register.

Neutral register
Neutral register is applied in a non-emotional setting or a setting that emotion is not required. It
neither too formal nor too informal and used to convey facts. Neutral registers are used in
reviews, articles different signages, and many more. Technical writings or writing process,
instructions, and such uses this type of register. Because these writings only purpose is to deliver
information on a particular subject so it is not needed to show or convey emotions.

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