Whatsapp Catalogue
Whatsapp Catalogue
Whatsapp Catalogue
that you have available in stock and the services that you render.
You are going to include images of product that you have in stock, images of
service that you render,
case scenario
I'm probably the one that designed this logo, Oranje Academy.
So I'm going to click on add new item, add images, and i'll add this image.
You can put images of several products that you have on stock.
You can put several angles of that same image so your customers or clients
can see a full preview
Description, you can write a description of the products that you have in
you can write the description of the service that you render.
Rather than sending Several images to customers or clients that are asking
for images of products or
You just store all of them on your WhatsApp catalog and you easily send it to
This is very helpful as it enables you to save data on Space on your mobile