Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in The 21 Century Quarter 1: Week 5 Module 5
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in The 21 Century Quarter 1: Week 5 Module 5
Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
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Management Team:
Beforeyou proceed to the main lesson, let us refresh your mind and pour
out that brilliant ideas you have as a critical thinker.
Let This
us proceed
the lesson proper.
of two Read criticallythe comprehensive
LessonI. Theof
discussion Gestalt
today’sPrinciples and The
lesson. Relax andCreative Imagination
internalize the new concepts as you
Lesson 2. Mind Map and Reflective Essay
start your journey in the world of words guided withyour critical and analytic
The Gestalt Theory
common of to Creativity:
look for Athe roots
Gestalt of creativity in some
aspect of the individual. We assume that the creative person
must have - Imagination
a unique characteristic or characteristics unavailable
to others.
Creativity is Usually
the ability tothesecreatecharacteristics are sought
originalideas that produce positive in
bring versions
into existence. Having a of personality
creative theory,But
outlet is important. intellect and
imagination canmore
be misused,
recently, injust
some likeaspect
most technologies.
of the neuroscience revolution. Unlike
effects. Creativityisthecapacityandtheabilityto
other theories of psychotherapy and think personality,
uniquely and imagine
Gestaltthings in
order to Imagination
takes the field asis itsthe formation
unit of of a mental image of something
make things or cause things to be or to become or to
basic observation.
imagesis of
not perceived
things as realability
or events.The and isto not
deal present to the
resourcefully withsenses.
problems.By Imagination
field, Gestaltists mean that
is the creative abilitythe whole
to form context or
the mind without direct input from the senses, such as
of which the person and his or her neuropsychological seeing or hearing.
Imagination helps make knowledgeapplicable
system is a part or portion works as one, and that it is impossible in
solving problems
and misleading andto understand
to try is fundamental andtoobserve
integratinga person “apart
experience and the learning process.
Mind Mapping
A mind map is a tool for the brain that captures the thinking that goes on
inside your head. Mind mapping helps you think, collect knowledge, remember and
create ideas. Most likely it will make you a better thinker. A mind map is a diagram
that displays information visually. The subject of a mind map is always located in
the center of the map. From there, related ideas and keywords branch out in all
directions, resulting in a radiant structure.
Why Is Mind Mapping Helpful for Students?
● A mind map’s radiant structure directly corresponds to the way our brains
store and retrieve information.
● A mind map conveys the hierarchy and relationships between individual
ideas and enables you to see the big picture.
● A mind map makes use of mental triggers (such as pictures, colors, and
connections) to help your brain memorize things more easily.
● The best part: mind mapping doesn’t feel like work!
● Make a list of unfamiliar words and other questions that turn up while
you read.
● Summarize the plot of a text and describe its main characters.
● Use the map to review your notes before an exam.
5. Group Project Mind Map. If you’re one of the many students who dread group
projects in school, mind maps can be the key to change this. A mind map can
make it much easier to visualize what needs to be done and work together with
your teammates to accomplish all tasks.
6. Homework Mind Map. You can also use mind maps to create to-do lists
and ensure you never forget important homework or a reading assignment.
7. Essay Mind Map. Mind maps can not only help you brainstorm ideas for the
topic of your essay, but they’re also great for collecting arguments and quotes from
the various sources you want to cite and for outlining the structure of your essay.
8.. Exam preparation Mind Map. Additionally, you can note down instructions from
the teacher and other information about the exam, such as date and time, format
(essay, multiple-choice, etc.), what you need to bring (calculator, pens, ruler), and
so on.
9. Creative Writing Mind Map. If you have to write a short story for one of your
classes, a mind map is a great way to outline the story you want to tell. You can
define your characters’ looks and personalities, even add images you find online
showing what you think you those characters look like for reference.
10.Lab report mind map. If you’re more interested in art than science, creating an
artistic mind map to use for capturing and documenting tests you ran in the
science lab can ignite your interest during your science classes.
Format of a Reflective Essay
A reflective essay is an essay in which the writer examines his or her
experiences in life. The writer then writes about those experiences, exploring how
he or she has changed, developed or grown from those experiences.
The format of a reflective essay may change slightly depending on who the
audience is. For example, writing a reflective essay for a college course and an
academic audience will have slight changes in how the essay is organized from
writing a reflective essay for a magazine or a collection of essays, which has a
broader audience, without people who have necessarily gone to college. However,
some major elements go into a typical reflective essay: introduction, body and
As a student, the best type mind map for me is note-taking mind map because it helps to note
down all of the most important information This makes note making easier for students, as it reduces
pages of notes into one single side of paper. Having one visual resource to refer to makes everything
easier. Then, when you come back to review your notes, you will remember the information more
A reflection essay is an essay which the writer examines his or her experience
in life. The writer then writes about those experiences, exploring how he or she
has changed, developed or grown from those experiences. While mind map is a
tool for the brain that captures the thinking that goes on inside your head. Mind
map helps you think, collect knowledge, remember and create ideas.
Paragraph Writing Rubrics
5 3 1
Complete Sentences Produced complete Some incomplete Several incomplete
sentences, correcting sentences. sentences.
fragments and run-
Topic Sentences Produced a clear and Topic sentence Topic sentence was
logical sentence. needed strengthened. not relevant.
Relevant or Provided a sufficient More relevant or Little or no details
Supporting Details amount of relevant supporting details were not evident.
or supporting details. needed.
Transition Words Used a variety of More transition Little or no
transitional words words needed. transition words
and phrases to were evident.
manage the
sequence of the
Closing Sentences Provided a Conclusion needed A conclusion was not
conclusion that strengthened. evident.
follows the
paragraph different
from the topic
C.U.P. S Used grade level Some C.U.P.S errors. Several C.U.P.S
capitalization, verb errors.
usage, capitalization
and spelling.
1. Why is there a need for interconnections among the different nations? Cite
timely situational example /s to justify your stand.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted virtually every facet of life, including
schooling for students around the world.As a student social media play an
important role for teaching students during the new normal class.With the
help of social media, students can get information easily. Students can get
connected or communicate with their teachers or professors and can gain
knowledge and information through its help.
II. Apply Me In Your Life Output No. 2.
5 4 3 2 1
Neatness and The mind The mind The mind The mind The mind
Presentation map was map was map was map was map was not
well well mostly well not neat neat enough
presented all presented all presented enough to to
the the but some of understand understand.
information information the most
is easy to is easy to information concepts.
understand. understand was difficult
Use of Most Some A few The mind The mind
images / categories categories categorioes map map includes
symbols are enhanced are enhanced are enhanced includes a few images.
with simple with simple with simple some
symbols or symbols or symbols or images.
diagrams. diagrams. diagrams.
Use of colors Has included Has included Has included Has used Has failed
color r to color to some color in very little color to
show all demonstrate the mind but color in the include in
connections some has not used mind map the map.
and / or to connections color to and has not
categorize and or categorize used color to
topics topics throughout categorize
throughput throughout the mind throughout
the mind the mind map. the mind
map. map. map.
Great job!
You are almost done with this module.
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