MAHENDRA S221062 ICTICT526 Assessment-Task-2

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Student Must Fill this Section

Qualification ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology

Student Name: Sangam Acharya

Student ID: Term: 02 Year: 2022
“I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the
auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”.
“I declare that:
Authenticity  The material I have submitted is my own work;
Declaration:  I have given references for all sources of information that are
not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others”.
Student Signature:

Date: 26 th June 2022

Assessment Outcome

Assessor Name:
Not Yet Assessor
Attempt Satisfactory Date
Satisfactory Signature

Initial attempt  

2nd attempt/Re-
assessment  

Information for Student:

 All work is to be entirely of the student.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

General Information for this assessment:

 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.

 Be sure to PRINT your FIRST name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, essay
reports, etc. The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial
12 pts.
 All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the
unit of competency.
 If the student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the
assessor to interpret the assessment.
 Re-submission of assessment after the term will incur additional fees.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade
via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer.
This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of
commencement of the new term.

Re-assessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-
assessment /appeal.
 Academic Manager will delegate another faculty member to review the
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review
panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic
Manager OR if need be an external assessor.
 The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the
appeal. The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek
independent advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be
required to re-enrol in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base
his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require
assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.
Academic Appeals:
 If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a
right to appeal through academic appeals handling protocol.
 To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for
Appeal of a Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is
available via our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be
submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via
the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta
NSW 2150, Email: [email protected]
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer
and submitted within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must
re-enrol in the unit.
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you
must forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of
appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on
the medical certificate.
 The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
 Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent
external body as detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Comments/Feedback to Students

Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 2 - Project

The purpose of this checklist

The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for
assessment. The trainer/assessor must review the checklist with the student before the
student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not
clear to the student, the trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student
to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must
ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.
Section 1: Information for Students
☒ Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this
☒ Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks
to be completed.
☒ Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
☒ Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.
☒ Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered
during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and
negotiate these with your trainer/assessor).
☒ Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type
the answers).
☒ Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this
assessment task.
☒ The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable.
☒ In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit
an assessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor. Evidence of the compelling and
compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an
extension to submit your assessment work.
☒ The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before
the due date.
Section 2: Reasonable
Network adjustments
Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and criteria as
provided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required and select the
correct checkbox.
☒ I do require reasonable adjustment
☒ I do not require reasonable adjustment
Declaration (Student to complete)
☒ I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment task has been clearly
explained to me.
☒ I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation
to the assessment process.
☒ I confirm that the criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as
have the consequences and possible outcomes of this assessment.
☒ I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in
the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.
☒ I confirm I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and/or other
arrangements for this assessment.
☒ I confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Student Name: Sangam Acharya

Student Signature:

Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines:

Assessment type

 Project - Complete a set of activities given in the assessment task

Instructions provided to the student:
Assessment task description:     
 This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be
deemed competent in this unit of competency.
 This assessment task requires you to complete a project.
 You are required to complete the following set of activities in this assessment
 Establish business relationship through investigation of the organisation and
interviews with client and staff
 Determine and document business expectations and needs, including critical
business requirements
 Work with clients and staff to gather, analyse and confirm information
 Review and gain approval for system specifications.
You will receive your
Infrastructure feedback
Specification within two-three weeks, and you will beContent
V10.11 notified by
your trainer/assessor when results are available.
 You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess
your competency in this assessment task.

Applicable conditions:        
 This project is untimed and is conducted as an open book assessment (this
means you are able to refer to your textbook).
 You must read and respond to all the criteria of the project.
 You may handwrite/use computers to answer the criteria of the project.
 You must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the
task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your
practical skills, techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
 The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to
ensure that this is your own work.

Resubmissions and reattempts: 

 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
 The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in
completing this task and require reasonable adjustments.
 For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student

 This assessment task may be completed in:
☐ a classroom
☐ learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
☐ workplace,
☐ or an independent learning environment.
 Your trainer/Assessor will provide further student information regarding the
location for completing this assessment task.

Purpose of the assessment

This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities:
 Skill to establish business relationship through investigation of the organisation
and interviews with client and staff
 Skill to determine and document business expectations and needs, including
critical business requirements
 Skill to work with clients and staff to gather, analyse and confirm information
 Skill to review and gain approval for system specifications.

Task instructions

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

 This is an individual assessment.
 To ensure your responses are satisfactory you should consult a range of
learning resources and other information such as handouts, textbooks, learner
resources etc.
 You must follow organisational policies and procedures and security plan when
attempting these activities.
 You must document their responses in the provided template.
 The student must be concise, to the point and write answers according to the
given word limit to each question and not provide irrelevant information.
 You must write your responses in your own words.
 You will be required to complete all parts of this assessment task.

Assessment environment
The assessment can be completed in one of the following assessment environments:
 Online environment
 Simulated environment/ Classroom environment
 Workplace environment

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Online Environment

Assessment task instructions

 The purpose of this assessment task is to deal with clients at a senior level, to
identify their business requirements and verify the accuracy of the information
 The training organisation must ensure that the online assessment environment is in
accordance with the requirements specified.
 The training organisation will assign a supervisor to the student.
 The training organisation will provide the resources required to complete the
assessment task.
 The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
 The student must follow the word-limits specified in the templates.
 The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist

Online environment requirements

Assessment task environment

This assessment task will be completed in an online environment prepared by your training

All required resources to complete the assessment task will be discussed with the student before
they commence the assessment. The online environment is very much like a learning
environment where a student is able to practice, use and operate appropriate industrial
equipment, techniques, practices under realistic workplace conditions.

Requirements for the online assessment environment

The trainer/assessor will ensure that the online assessment environment is set up to complete this
assessment task.

The online environment consists of:

 A learning management system where the student will be required to complete their job-
related tasks and activities

 The standard operating/workplace procedures related to the tasks and activities.

 The trainer/assessor will provide the student with assistance throughout the assessment

The online environment must meet the following criteria:

Opportunities for the student to: Yes/No/NA

Follow standard operating/workplace procedures  

Use up-to-date software and equipment  

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines  

Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with multiple tasks  

Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies  

The environment to work with others in a team  

Online assessment environment sufficient to communicate, contribute and  

participate in tasks and activities.

Assessment environment sufficient to work independently and manage workload  

Resources, tools, and equipment requirements

The following resources, tools and equipment required to complete the assessment task will be
discussed with the student before they commence the assessment:

 Workplace personnel/stakeholders to participate in the questioning session requires active

participation in a range of creative thinking activities
o Please refer to the roles and responsibilities section for more information
o This should be organised by the training organisation either via, LMS, telephone
conferences, video conferencing or anything of a similar nature
 client expectations brief
 business objectives
 systems, data gathering and appropriate software products.

Online assessment scenario 

You are required to deal with clients at a senior level, to identify their business requirements and
verify the accuracy of the information gathered. You are required to read and understand a
predetermined issue and/or situation and participate in a number of assessment activities.

The following are the goals and objectives to complete this assessment task:

 Establish business relationship

 Identify organisational structure, culture and politics in relation to support requirements
 Identify internal and external organisational stakeholders
 Develop business relationship with client
 Schedule regular liaisons with client to manage relationship
 Determine context of business need or problem
 Work with client to define business problem to be investigated
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
 Establish system boundaries and scope according to business requirements
 Manage preparation of required information gathering
 Confirm that project objectives and outcomes are documented
 Work with client to substantiate documentation
 Source and analyse information
 Supervise information gathering from identified clients of system
 Analyse gathered client responses according to business information needs
 Analyse new system requirements according to business information needs
 Confirm that new system requirements and problems have been documented
 Confirm system specifications
 Review system specifications documentation with client
 Work with client to verify system specifications, updating documentation as required
 Obtain final approval and sign-off from client

A supervisor will be assigned to you by your training organisation. The supervisor can answer
your questions related to understanding the requirements associated with the assessment task.
The supervisor will act according to job role and responsibilities.

The supervisor can be your trainer or assessor or a different trainer or assessor or a staff member
(including mentors) from the training organisation.

Roles and responsibilities

As part of your job role, you have the following job responsibilities:

 Identifies, analyses and evaluates complex and technical online and hard copy
documentation containing specific terminology, diagrams and numerical information to
identify organisational requirements, analyse business problems and identify solutions
 Uses questioning strategies, avoiding loaded or leading questions, when developing
information gathering documentation
 Uses grammatical structures and terminology, diagrams and flow charts, numerical
information, and formatting and document structure relevant to the job role and
organisation to record new system requirements and associated risks
 Participates in a verbal exchange of ideas and solutions and uses detailed and clear
language to clarify and present information according to requirements and audience
 Interprets numerical information and applies mathematical calculations relating to time
durations and budgetary information
 Uses a combination of formal and logical planning processes and an increasingly intuitive
understanding of context to evaluate appropriate solutions
 Takes responsibility for high-impact decisions in complex situations involving many
variables and constraints
 Recognises and identifies the strategic and operational potential of digital trends to achieve
work goals, enhance work processes, create opportunities and reduce risks

Task requirements

This assessment task requires you to deal with clients at a senior level, to identify their business
requirements and verify the accuracy of the information gathered. The assessment activities are
mentioned within the assessment task.
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Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
Simulated Environment

Assessment task instructions

 The purpose of this assessment task is to deal with clients at a senior level, to
identify their business requirements and verify the accuracy of the information
 The training organisation must ensure that the simulated assessment environment is
in accordance with the requirements specified.
 The training organisation will assign a supervisor to the student.
 The training organisation will provide the resources required to complete the
assessment task.
 The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
 The student must follow the word-limits specified in the templates.
 The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist

Simulated environment requirements

Assessment task environment

This assessment task will be completed in a simulated environment prepared by your

training organisation. 

The simulated environment will provide you with all the required resources (such as the
equipment and participants, etc.) to complete the assessment task. The simulated
environment is very much like a learning environment where a student is able to practice,
use and operate appropriate industrial equipment, techniques, practices under realistic
workplace conditions.

Requirements for the simulated assessment environment

The trainer/assessor will ensure that the simulated assessment environment is sufficient
to complete this assessment task.

The simulated environment consists of:

 The training organisation as the workplace where the student will be required to
complete their job-related tasks and activities 

 The standard operating/workplace procedures related to the training organisation

 The trainer/assessor will provide the student with assistance throughout the
assessment activity.

The simulated environment must meet the following criteria:

Opportunities for the student to: Yes/No/NA

Follow standard operating/workplace procedures  

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Use up-to-date software and equipment  

Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines  

Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with  

multiple tasks

Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies  

Simulated environment to work with others in a team  

Simulated environment sufficient to communicate, contribute and  

participate in tasks and activities.

Simulated environment sufficient to work independently and manage  


Resources, tools, and equipment requirements

The following resources, tools and equipment will be made available by the training
organisation at the simulated workplace to complete this assessment task: 

 Workplace personnel/stakeholders to participate in the questioning session

requires active participation in a range of creative thinking activities
o Please refer to the roles and responsibilities section for more information
 client expectations brief
 business objectives
 systems, data gathering and appropriate software products.

Simulated assessment scenario 

You are required to deal with clients at a senior level, to identify their business
requirements and verify the accuracy of the information gathered. You are required to
read and understand a predetermined issue and/or situation and participate in a number
of assessment activities.

The following are the goals and objectives to complete this assessment task:

 Establish business relationship

 Identify organisational structure, culture and politics in relation to support
 Identify internal and external organisational stakeholders
 Develop business relationship with client
 Schedule regular liaisons with client to manage relationship
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
 Determine context of business need or problem
 Work with client to define business problem to be investigated
 Establish system boundaries and scope according to business requirements
 Manage preparation of required information gathering
 Confirm that project objectives and outcomes are documented
 Work with client to substantiate documentation
 Source and analyse information
 Supervise information gathering from identified clients of system
 Analyse gathered client responses according to business information needs
 Analyse new system requirements according to business information needs
 Confirm that new system requirements and problems have been documented
 Confirm system specifications
 Review system specifications documentation with client
 Work with client to verify system specifications, updating documentation as
 Obtain final approval and sign-off from client

A supervisor will be assigned to you by your training organisation. The supervisor can
answer your questions related to understanding the requirements associated with the
assessment task. The supervisor will act according to job role and responsibilities.

The supervisor can be your trainer or assessor or a different trainer or assessor or a staff
member (including mentors) from the training organisation.

Roles and responsibilities

As part of your job role, you have the following job responsibilities:

 Identifies, analyses and evaluates complex and technical online and hard copy
documentation containing specific terminology, diagrams and numerical
information to identify organisational requirements, analyse business problems
and identify solutions
 Uses questioning strategies, avoiding loaded or leading questions, when
developing information gathering documentation
 Uses grammatical structures and terminology, diagrams and flow charts,
numerical information, and formatting and document structure relevant to the job
role and organisation to record new system requirements and associated risks
 Participates in a verbal exchange of ideas and solutions and uses detailed and
clear language to clarify and present information according to requirements and
 Interprets numerical information and applies mathematical calculations relating to
time durations and budgetary information
 Uses a combination of formal and logical planning processes and an increasingly
intuitive understanding of context to evaluate appropriate solutions
 Takes responsibility for high-impact decisions in complex situations involving
many variables and constraints
 Recognises and identifies the strategic and operational potential of digital trends
to achieve work goals, enhance work processes, create opportunities and reduce
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
Task requirements

This assessment task requires you to deal with clients at a senior level, to identify their
business requirements and verify the accuracy of the information gathered. The
assessment activities are mentioned within the assessment task.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Workplace Environment

Assessment task instructions

 The purpose of this assessment task is to deal with clients at a senior level, to
identify their business requirements and verify the accuracy of the information
 The training organisation must ensure that the workplace assessment environment
is in accordance with the requirements specified.
 The workplace will assign a supervisor to the student.
 The trainer/assessor can also act as a supervisor to the student as well.
 The workplace will provide the resources required to complete the assessment task.
 The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
 The student must follow the word-limits specified in the templates.
 The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist

Workplace requirements

Assessment task environment

This assessment task will be completed in your workplace. 

The requirements for the workplace environment

The assessment task can be completed in the workplace if the student is currently
working or has access to a workplace meeting the assessment criteria.

The workplace must meet the following criteria:

Opportunities for students to: Yes/No/NA

Follow standard operating/workplace procedures  

Use up-to-date software and equipment  

Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines  

Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with  

multiple tasks

Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies  

Workplace environment to work with others in a team  

Workplace environment to sufficient to communicate, contribute and  

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
participate in tasks and activities.

Workplace sufficient to work independently and manage workload  

Resources, tools, and equipment requirements

The following resources, tools and equipment must be available at the workplace to
complete this assessment task: 

 Workplace personnel/stakeholders to participate in the questioning session

requires active participation in a range of creative thinking activities
o Please refer to the roles and responsibilities section for more information
 client expectations brief
 business objectives
 systems, data gathering and appropriate software products.

Workplace scenario 

You are required to deal with clients at a senior level, to identify their business
requirements and verify the accuracy of the information gathered. You are required to
read and understand a predetermined issue and/or situation and participate in a number
of assessment activities.

The following are the goals and objectives to complete this assessment task:

 Establish business relationship

 Identify organisational structure, culture and politics in relation to support
 Identify internal and external organisational stakeholders
 Develop business relationship with client
 Schedule regular liaisons with client to manage relationship
 Determine context of business need or problem
 Work with client to define business problem to be investigated
 Establish system boundaries and scope according to business requirements
 Manage preparation of required information gathering
 Confirm that project objectives and outcomes are documented
 Work with client to substantiate documentation
 Source and analyse information
 Supervise information gathering from identified clients of system
 Analyse gathered client responses according to business information needs
 Analyse new system requirements according to business information needs
 Confirm that new system requirements and problems have been documented
 Confirm system specifications
 Review system specifications documentation with client
 Work with client to verify system specifications, updating documentation as
 Obtain final approval and sign-off from client
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
A supervisor will be assigned to you by your training organisation. The supervisor can
answer your questions related to understanding the requirements associated with the
assessment task. The supervisor will act according to job role and responsibilities.

The supervisor can be your trainer or assessor or a different trainer or assessor or a staff
member (including mentors) from the training organisation.

Roles and responsibilities

As part of your job role, you have the following job responsibilities:

 Identifies, analyses and evaluates complex and technical online and hard copy
documentation containing specific terminology, diagrams and numerical
information to identify organisational requirements, analyse business problems
and identify solutions
 Uses questioning strategies, avoiding loaded or leading questions, when
developing information gathering documentation
 Uses grammatical structures and terminology, diagrams and flow charts,
numerical information, and formatting and document structure relevant to the job
role and organisation to record new system requirements and associated risks
 Participates in a verbal exchange of ideas and solutions and uses detailed and
clear language to clarify and present information according to requirements and
 Interprets numerical information and applies mathematical calculations relating to
time durations and budgetary information
 Uses a combination of formal and logical planning processes and an increasingly
intuitive understanding of context to evaluate appropriate solutions
 Takes responsibility for high-impact decisions in complex situations involving
many variables and constraints
 Recognises and identifies the strategic and operational potential of digital trends
to achieve work goals, enhance work processes, create opportunities and reduce

Task requirements

This assessment task requires you to deal with clients at a senior level, to identify their
business requirements and verify the accuracy of the information gathered. The
assessment activities are mentioned within the assessment task.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Assessment Task 2: Project


In this assessment task, you are required to read the scenario and perform the following
activities to prepare a business requirements document.

 establish business relationship through investigation of the organisation and

interviews with client and staff

 determine and document business expectations and needs, including critical

business requirements

 work with clients and staff to gather, analyse and confirm information contributions

 review and gain approval for system specifications.


Design Excellence is a small interior design business provides consultancy and installation
services specialising in kitchen and bathroom designs within the greater Sydney region.
They provide these services to both individual clients and a number of architectural firms
who subcontract projects for their clients.  They have been in operation for 12 years and
have worked extensively on a wide range of contracts.

They currently promote their services via their website and social media channels included
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They also advertise in selected design magazines and
on selected radio stations.

Design Excellence works with a large number of other businesses and trade
subcontractors when undertaking installation work. This includes ordering bathroom and
kitchen products, as well as installation and fitting of kitchens and bathrooms.

The organisational chart of Design Excellence is provided below:

Recently Design Excellence work premises were extensively damaged in a large fire that
started in a neighbouring business. As a result of this, the entire contents of the building
including its entire network was destroyed, and insurance costs are currently being
assessed. While some business data was lost, most of it can be recovered as the business
houses backup facilities offsite.

Because of the recent disaster, and the delays in rebuilding the old premises, Design
Excellence has found a newly refurbished premise in the surrounding area and will be
moving to these premises in the near future. The premises have already been pre-cabled
with Category 6 Ethernet cable. As this is the case, the hardware components just need to
be determined and purchased, along with any software requirements to configure and
manage the network, and to allow employees to complete their normal work tasks.

You work as the IT Manager for Design Excellence and have been tasked by Terry
Jackson who is the Managing Director, to implement a network in the new premises, so
that the business can become operational as soon as possible. Your role requires you to
do business
Network analysis for the
Infrastructure organisation.
Specification V10.11 Content
You have pulled some of the organisations data out of the backed-up business files. This
includes the following list of the old network components that were used prior to the fire:

 A domain server running Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

 Client desktop computers running Windows 7 Professional

 A router which acted as the gateway/firewall for the network

 Two 24 port switches to direct network communications

 A Network Attached Storage (NAS) that stored the business files

 Two network printers

 An Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

And a network diagram of how these components fitted together:

The employees previously used the following software applications on the network:

 Microsoft Office 2013 suite

 Microsoft Project 2013 for management of projects

 Reckon One for payroll and financial requirements

 Salesforce CRM software for client management

 Adobe Reader

 Adobe suite for graphic designer requirements

 NetBeans IDE for web developer

 Autodesk AutoCad for interior designers

 Samanage for IT asset management and IT helpdesk support

While the website, the social media accounts, Intranet files, and most of the business
internal work files were backed up and can be restored, most of the applications used by
the employees and their associated files have been lost. As such, identification of whether
this software is still appropriate or whether it can be changed should be an important
priority for the project.

A summary of the main business processes includes:

 Designing kitchens and bathrooms for clients

 Purchasing supplies which are used in the kitchen and bathroom designs

 Organising installation of kitchen and bathrooms including sub-contractors

 Normal business operations in relation to sales, marketing, HR, finance, and

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
A portion of the organisations Business Plan is provided below:

Mission: to provide design and installation of quality kitchens and bathrooms that exceed
customer expectations.

Vision: to become Australia’s best kitchen and bathroom designers.

Objectives: the current objectives are listed as follows:

 To deliver first-class kitchens and bathrooms

 To provide customer service excellence beyond expectations

 To be a sustainable business

Your task for this assessment is to prepare a business requirements document to:

 establish business relationship through investigation of the organisation and

interviews with client and staff

 determine and document business expectations and needs, including critical

business requirements

 work with clients and staff to gather, analyse and confirm information

 review and gain approval for system specifications.

Design Excellence has project management policies and procedures that outline the
organisational standards expected for gathering requirements, planning the project through
to implementation and to completion. A portion of the project management work procedure
for gathering and analysing requirements is provided below:

Undertaking an interview and analysing the responses

When undertaking a stakeholder interview the facilitator should develop an Interview

Agenda using the organisational template. This should be distributed to the invitees prior to
the interview time and be used by the facilitator to conduct the interview.

During the interview, the facilitator should take notes of the responses and then analysis
these using the Interview Question Analysis Document organisational template.

Undertaking a survey and analysing the responses

When developing a survey, the facilitator should develop it using the Requirements Survey
organisational template and then distribute the survey to these stakeholders who will be
completing it. Once the survey takers have completed the survey, they are to return it to
the facilitator who should use the Survey Analysis Document to analyse the survey

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Activity 1: (Information sources)

In this activity you need to review the scenario and also interview clients and staff, and
then provide answers to the following in a word processor:

1. Provide an overview of the business including its business domain. (100-200

words expected)


Design Excellence may be a little insides plan trade gives consultancy and establishment
administrations practicing in kitchen and lavatory plans inside the more prominent Sydney
locale. They give these administrations to both person clients and a number of structural
firms who subcontract ventures for their clients. They have been in operation for 12 a long
time and have worked broadly on a wide extend of contracts.

They right now advance their administrations through their site and social media channels
included Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They too publicize in chosen plan magazines
and on chosen radio stations.

Design Excellence works with an expansive number of other businesses and exchange
subcontractors when undertaking establishment work. This incorporates requesting
lavatory and kitchen items, as well as establishment and fitting of kitchens and bathrooms.

Mission: to supply plan and establishment of quality kitchens and lavatories that surpass
client desires.

Vision: to ended up Australia’s best kitchen and lavatory originators.

Objectives: the current objectives are listed as follows:

• To convey first-class kitchens and bathrooms

• To give client benefit greatness past expectations

• To be a feasible business

Reference: Case study

2. Provide a summary of the old network including the hardware and software used. (100 –
200 words expected)


The ancient organize components that were utilized earlier to the fire:

• A space server running Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

• Client desktop computers running Windows 7 Professional

• A switch which acted as the gateway/firewall for the network

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

• Two 24 harbour switches to coordinate organize communications

• A Organize Connected Capacity (NAS) that put away the commerce files

• Two organize printers

A Continuous Control Supply (UPS) And a arrange chart of how these components
fitted together:

The workers already utilized the taking after computer program applications on the

• Microsoft Office 2013 suite

• Microsoft Venture 2013 for administration of projects

• Reckon One for finance and monetary requirements

• Salesforce CRM program for client management

• Adobe Reader

• Adobe suite for realistic creator requirements

• NetBeans IDE for web developer

• Autodesk AutoCad for insides designers

• Samanage for IT resource administration and IT helpdesk support

Reference: Case study

3. Identify five key stakeholders (apart from yourself) that should have involvement in this
project, and what you believe their degree of involvement in this project will be.


This project is progressing to be a big one and their number of partners are attending to be
more than just five. Here I am attending to recognize all the partners of this venture and
their association within the project.

Stakeholders Roles

Sponsor A support could be a individual or bunch

who gives supplies and bolster for the
venture and is at risk for helping victory.
He may be outside or inner to the
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
Users Clients are the individuals or
organizations who will endorse and
oversee the project’s item, benefit, or
result. Clients, as clear from the title,
utilize the item.

Sellers Dealers, moreover known as sellers, are

outside companies that enter into a
legally binding assertion to supply
administrations or assets vital for the

Business Partners They are outside organizations that

have a uncommon relationship or
organization with the undertaking.

Organizational Groups Organizational bunches are inner

partners who are impacted by the
activities of the extend group. For case,
human assets, showcasing, deals,
legitimate, back, operations, fabricating,

Functional Managers They are key people who play the part
of administration inside a regulatory or
useful range of the commerce. For
illustration, human assets, fund,
bookkeeping, etc.

Stakeholders are important to an organization because they consist of everyone in the organization
that you need to deliver the required services to. If the people in charge are clear regarding who
are the stakeholders of their IT services, they will be able to effectively define roles, responsibilities
of supporting organizations, process, and the management of interfaces between different roles
and processes.

The main roles played by the stakeholders, that highlight their importance are:

1. Defining the Service

It is the obligation of benefit portfolio administration to create beyond any doubt that
partners are included in characterizing and assessing the benefit.

2. Deploying the Service

It is critical to keep the partners overhauled with respect to the advance of the benefit
execution all through the extend. By doing so, partners will be included within the benefit

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

3. Service Operation and Monitoring

The operation exercises influence the partners specifically. It is in this way imperative to get it the
interface of the partners and their way of utilizing the administrations to urge optimal yields. By
observing, we will guarantee that benefit level administration, ITSM, and the client are given with
coordinate data.

Reference: Case study

4. Identify five different potential document-based information sources that might be

applicable for this project.


The different potential document-based information sources that we are using for this
project are:

1. Business Plans

2. Technical requirement documents

3. Risks and Issue Log

4. Team Communication Plan

5. Lessons Learn Register

6. Backed Up Business Files

5. Identify what quality assurance practice you will use to determine the validity of the
information gathered.


 To begin with of all, what is Information Quality? For the most part talking, information is
of tall quality when it fulfills the prerequisites of its planning utilize for clients, decision-
makers, downstream applications and forms. A great similarity is the quality of a item
created by a producer, for which great item quality isn't the commerce result, but drives
client fulfillment and impacts the esteem and life cycle of the item itself. Additionally, the
quality of the information is an vital property that might drive the esteem of the
information and, subsequently, affect perspectives of the trade result, such as

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

administrative compliance, client fulfillment, or precision of choice making. Underneath
records 5 fundamental criteria utilized to degree information quality:

• Accuracy: for anything information portrayed, it ought to be accurate.

• Relevancy: the information ought to meet the prerequisites for the aiming use.

• Completeness: the information ought to not have lost values or miss information records.

• Timeliness: the information ought to be up to date.

• Consistency: the information ought to have the information organize as anticipated and can

be cross reference-able with the same results.

The standard for great information quality can contrast depending on the necessity and the nature of

the information itself. For illustration, the centre client dataset of a company must meet exceptionally

tall benchmarks for the above criteria, whereas there can be higher resistance of mistakes or

inadequacy for a third-party data source. For an organization to provide information with good

quality, it must oversee and control each data capacity made within the pipeline from the starting to

the end. Numerous organizations essentially centre on the ultimate data and contribute in

information quality control exertion right some time recently it is conveyed. Usually not great

sufficient and as well regularly, when an issue is found within the conclusion, it is as of now as well

late — either it takes a long time to discover out where the issue came from, or it gets to be as well

expensive and time expending to settle the issue. Be that as it may, in case a company can

oversee the information quality of each dataset at the time when it is gotten or made, the

information quality is normally ensured. There are 7 basic steps to making that happen:

1. Rigorous data profiling and control of incoming data

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

In most cases, terrible information comes from information getting. In an organization, the

information more often than not comes from other sources exterior the control of the company or

office. It may be the information sent from another organization, or, in numerous cases, collected by


program. In this manner, its information quality cannot be ensured, and a thorough data quality

control of approaching information is maybe the foremost critical viewpoint among all information

quality control assignments. A great information profiling device at that point comes in helpful; such

a instrument ought to be competent of analysing the taking after perspectives of the data:

• Data arrange and information patterns

• Data consistency on each record

• Data esteem conveyances and abnormalizes

• Completeness of the data

It is additionally basic to computerize the information profiling and information quality cautions so

that the quality of approaching information is reliably controlled and overseen at whatever point it is

gotten — never expect an approaching information is as great as anticipated without profiling and

checks. In conclusion, each piece of approaching information ought to be overseen utilizing the

same measures and best hones, and a centralized catalog and KPI dashboard ought to be set up to

precisely record and screen the quality of the information.

2. Careful data pipeline design to avoid duplicate data

Copy information alludes to when the complete or portion of information is made from the same

information source, utilizing the same rationale, but by distinctive individuals or groups likely for

distinctive downstream purposes. When a copy information is made, it is exceptionally likely out of

adjust and leads to distinctive comes about, with cascading impacts all through different frameworks

or databases. At the conclusion, when an information issue emerges, it gets to be troublesome or

time-consuming to follow the root cause, not to specify settling it.

In arrange for an organization to avoid this from happening, an information pipeline ought to be

characterized and carefully
Infrastructure planned
Specification in ranges counting information resources,
V10.11 information
displaying, commerce rules, and design. Successful communication is additionally required to

promote and uphold information sharing inside the organization, which is able make strides in

general productivity and diminish any potential information quality issues caused by information

duplications. This gets into the centre of information administration, the subtle elements of which are

past the scope of this article. On a high level, there are 3 areas that need to be established to

prevent duplicate data from being created:

1. A information administration program, which clearly characterizes the possession of a dataset and

successfully communicates and advances dataset sharing to dodge any division silos.

2. Centralized information resources administration and information modeling, which are looked into

and reviewed regularly.

3. Clear coherent plan of information pipelines at the undertaking level, which is shared over the


With today’s rapid changes in technology platforms, solid data management and enterprise-level

data governance are essential for future successful platform migrations.

3. Accurate gathering of data requirements

An vital perspective of having great information quality is to fulfill the prerequisites and convey the

information to clients and clients for what the information is aiming for. It isn't as straightforward

because it to begin with sounds, because:

• It isn't simple to properly present the information. Genuinely understanding what a client is trying to

find requires careful information disclosures, information investigation, and clear communications,

frequently by means of information illustrations and visualizations.

• The prerequisite ought to capture all information conditions and scenarios — it is considered

deficient on the off chance that all the conditions or conditions are not checked on and documented.

• Clear documentation of the necessities, with simple get to and sharing, is another critical viewpoint,

ought toInfrastructure
be upheld bySpecification
the Information Administration Committee.
V10.11 Content
The part of Trade Investigator is fundamental in prerequisite gathering. Their understanding of the

clients, as well as current frameworks, permits them to talk both sides’ dialects. After gathering the

requirements, business analysts also perform impact analysis and help to come up with test plans to

make sure the data produced meets the requirements.

4. Enforcement of data integrity

An imperative include of the social database is the capacity to uphold information Keenness utilizing

methods such as outside keys, check imperatives, and triggers. When the information volume

develops, at the side increasingly information sources and deliverables, not all datasets can live in a

single database framework. The referential judgment of the information, therefore, ought to be

implemented by applications and processes, which have to be be characterized by best hones of

information administration and included within the plan for execution. In today’s huge information

world, referential requirement has gotten to be increasingly troublesome. Without the attitude of

upholding astuteness within the to begin with put, the referenced information may ended up out of

date, deficient or postponed, which at that point leads to genuine information quality issues.

5. Integration of data lineage traceability into the data pipelines

For a well-designed information pipeline, the time to troubleshoot an information issue ought to not

increment with the complexity of the framework or the volume of the information. Without the

information heredity traceability built into the pipeline, when an information issue happens, it may

take hours or days to track down the cause. In some cases, it seem go through numerous groups

and require information engineers to see into the code to investigate.

Data Ancestry traceability has 2 aspects:

• Meta-data: the capacity to follow through the connections between datasets, information areas and

the change rationale in between.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

• Data itself: the capacity to follow an information issue rapidly to the person record(s) in an

upstream information source.

Meta-data traceability is an fundamental portion of viable information administration. Usually

empowered by clear documentation and modeling of each dataset from the starting, counting its

areas and structure. When a information pipeline is planned and upheld by the information

administration, the meta-data traceability ought to be set up at the same time. Nowadays, meta-data

heredity following may be a must-have capability for any information administration apparatus on the

market, which makes it easier to store and follow through datasets and areas by some clicks, rather

than having information specialists go through reports, databases, and indeed programs.

Data traceability is more difficult than meta-data traceability. Below lists some common techniques

to enable this ability:

1. Trace by one of a kind keys of each dataset: This to begin with requires each dataset has

one or a bunch of one of a kind keys, which is at that point carried down to the downstream

dataset through the pipeline. In any case, not each dataset can be followed by one of a kind

keys. For illustration, when a dataset is totaled, the keys from the source get misplaced

within the amassed data.

2. Build a one-of-a-kind arrangement number, such as exchange identifier or record identifier

when there are no obvious interesting keys within the information itself.

3. Build connect tables when there are many-to-many connections, but not 1-to-1or 1-to-

many. 4. Add timestamp (or form) to each information record, to demonstrate when it is

included or changed.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

5. Log information alter in a log table with the esteem some time recently a alter and the

timestamp when the alter happens

Data traceability takes time to plan and actualize. It is, in any case, deliberately basic for information

planners and engineers to construct it into the pipeline from the starting; it is unquestionably worth

the exertion considering it'll spare a colossal sum of time when an information quality issue does

happen. Moreover, information traceability lays the establishment for advance progressing

information quality reports and dashboards that empowers one to discover out information issues

prior some time recently the information is conveyed to clients or inner clients.

6. Automated regression testing as part of change management

Clearly, information quality issues frequently happen when a modern dataset is presented or an

existing dataset is adjusted. For compelling alter administration, test plans ought to be built with 2

topics: 1) affirming the alter meets the prerequisite; 2) guaranteeing the alter does not have an

inadvertent affect on the information within the pipelines that ought to not be changed. For mission

basic datasets, when a alter happens, standard relapse testing ought to be executed for each

deliverable and comparisons ought to be done for each field and each push of a dataset. With the

quick advance of advances in huge information, framework migration constantly happens in a

couple of a long time. Automated regression test with exhaustive information comparisons could be

a must to form beyond any doubt great information quality is kept up reliably.

7. Capable data quality control teams

Lastly, 2 types of teams play critical roles to ensure high data quality for an organization:

Quality Assurance: This group checks the quality of computer program and programs at whatever

point changes happen. Thorough

Network Infrastructure alter administration
Specification V10.11 performed by this group is basicContent
to guarantee
information quality in an organization that experiences quick changes and changes with data-

intensive applications.

Production Quality Control: Depending on an organization, this group does not have to be be a

partitioned group by itself. At some point it can be a work of the Quality Confirmation or Commerce

Investigator group. The group has to have a great understanding of the commerce rules and

commerce prerequisites, and be prepared by the instruments and dashboards to identify anomalies,

exceptions, broken patterns and any other bizarre scenarios that happen on Generation. The

objective of this group is to recognize any data quality issue and have it settled some time recently

clients and clients do. This group moreover should accomplice with client benefit groups and can get

coordinate criticism from clients and address their concerns rapidly. With the progresses of present-

day AI advances, proficiency can be possibly made strides definitely. In any case, as expressed at

the starting of this article, quality control at the conclusion is fundamental but not adequate to

guarantee a company makes and maintains great information quality. The 6 steps expressed over

are too required.

6. Describe current industry accepted hardware and software and critical business
requirements that are applicable to this project including its features and capabilities. (150 -
200 words expected)


Notwithstanding of the industry you work in, equipment is the spine for much of today’s fruitful
businesses. By contributing in high-quality equipment, not as it were can you spare time, but see an
increment in efficiency, driving to a more positive state of intellect and possibly expanded income
and benefits. With the riches of equipment accessible, the address is what is fundamental for your
business. The desktop or portable workstation computer

The computer has rapidly gotten to be the workhorse of nearly each commerce, without which most
present-day businesses would likely not be able to function. Whether working a multi-user
workstation, portable workstation or a desktop, contributing in a dependable computer will without a
doubt spare you from push and sweat.

When searching for a computer for your trade, you’re likely progressing to utilize a computer for
your commerce for at slightest
Network Infrastructure three toV10.11
Specification five a long time, so go for one that requires Content
moo support.
Numerous businesses prefer a trustworthy choice, like a Mac, or a PC running Windows.
Numerous of the greater title brands are known for their inviting user interface and negligible
upkeep. For those searching for one with movability, attempt a portable workstation or ultrabook.

Regardless which system you select, you would like to guarantee your unused computer is
consistent along with your existing computer program and frameworks. The final thing you need is
to contribute in us current machine and have to be spend indeed more on modern computer
program or equipment updates.

Mobile devices

If you’re always on-the-go, having a trusty versatile gadget can be like having a
individual collaborator. Think tablets, e-book perusers or indeed smartphones. Not as
it were are these gadgets simple to carry around, but a parcel of them are prepared
with valuable work applications and details that are competent of performing errands
you'd usually fulfill employing a computer. Numerous trade proprietors discover that
the flexibility of a portable gadget compensates for its cost. When it comes to portable
devices, there are three fundamental frameworks businesses have to be select from:

• Android – Possessed by Google, you'll discover a wide assortment of gadgets

appropriate for any need.
• iOS – Possessed by Apple, offers dependable items and a wide number of apps for
your business.
• Windows Phone – Possessed by Microsoft, these gadgets are most appropriate for
workplaces that utilize Microsoft’s other administrations. Usually to a great extent due
in portion to the profound integration between systems.
Laserjet printers
Not each trade employments a printer but indeed in the event that your commerce is one that
empowers a paperless work space; contributing in a tough laser-jet printer can spare time and
vitality. At a few point you'll got to print, whether that's a contract, archives or picture files.Some
laserjet printers are too prepared with a scanner, photocopy and fax work. With a cost tag
beginning from roughly USD$100, having one in-house beats requiring one any day.

Wireless routers
Broadband modems are an necessarily portion of any Internet-connected trade, but get your hands
on a remote switch and you won’t see back at cables once more. Not as it were does a remote
switch keep your office associated to the Web without cables, it moreover acts as a Web splitter,
meaning all your gadgets can be associated from anyplace inside switch run. Not as it were that,
but most advanced remote switches come with built-in firewalls as well as the capacity to constrain
a network to computers you believe, which suggests more security for your computer.

Network servers
Whereas individual computers are able of acting as a organize server, a devoted server will donate
you the preferences of quicker CPU (Central Handling Unit), high-performance memory and
expanded capacity capacity. A great organize server arrangement can successfully back your
database, e-mail applications and other records, as well as give comprehensive security and
reinforcement options.

We prescribe talking to a pro to create sure you're buying the correct bundle for both current and
future needs. An IT accomplice like us can be a colossal offer assistance in selecting, actualizing
and overseeing a comprehensive arrange solution.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Hardware is accessible in each advertise and the sheer sum can make choosing the correct
arrangements troublesome. Be that as it may, once prepared equipment can improve workflow as
well as results .

Network hardware components required for Design Excellence


 Used to connect 2 or more networks eg router in your house connects to an Internet

Service Provider
 They are located at gateways or entry points to the network
 They send packets of data between the two networks eg this is how the internet
information comes into your house
 Commonly has 2 or 4 or 8 ports


 Used to connect many computers in a local area network (LAN)

 Connects many computers in the LAN to a server
 Used to send data within a local area network (LAN)
 Commonly has 24 or 48 ports


 Software that checks incoming data and stops dangerous data

 Uses rules to 'filter out' this data
 "It can't get past the firewall", complained the student.
 A firewall can stop data based on IP addresses
 Examples are Norton 360, Avast Internet Security, Intego VirusBarrier


 A phone line connects to a modem, this connects the internet to the building.
 Changes analogue (voice) to digital so it can go over the telephone line.
 Changes the signal back from digital to analogue at the other end of the telephone line
so we
Network can hear it.Specification V10.11
Infrastructure Content
 This change is called MOdulate/DEModulate

Network Interface Card (NIC)

 Is the hardware that connects a computer to a network

 No NIC = no network
 A wireless network interface card (WNIC) is common in laptops. These are usually
USB/bluetooth types.

Wireless Access Point (WAP)

 It is commonly attached to a wall and has an antenna to receive and send signals to
laptops and smartphones 
 It sends these signals back to the server through a wired connection.
 A WAP can handle anywhere from 10-50 devices connecting to it. Depending on type.


 Is uses the MAC address to forward data between two ethernet LANs
 It works by using the MAC address on each computer to send the data to.
 A 2-port networking bridge may have LAN1 connected to its port 1, and LAN2 connected
to its port 2.
 For example a computer on LAN1 may send data to a computer in LAN2 and it will go
through the bridge.
 It builds a bridging table which gives mac addresses and ports for host connection.
 Once the example above happens, a bridging table would record eg 00-97-78-AA-4D-5C
and 00-26-23-C8-2A-5C on port 2.


 The place where the internet comes into a network is a gateway example
 Connects networks that use different protocols
 Secure location with firewall, or proxy server, and other hardware such as routers
 It controls data leaving the LAN and going to the internet AND coming back to the LAN


 Is hardware that receives a signal, amplifies it and then sends it on.

 It is used to increase the distance a signal can travel.

Detailed Specification:

PC Desktop and laptops

Intel Core
 Network (i3, i5, i7) processors, 5th
Infrastructure generation or newer
Specification V10.11 Content
 8 GB of RAM
 Dual Band spectrum (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) with 802.11ac or 802.11n
 Use Windows' Operating System and PC Info to find your hardware information
Mac desktop and laptops

 Intel Core (i3, i5, i7) processors, 5th generation or newer; and M1 processors
 8 GB of RAM
 Dual Band spectrum (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) with 802.11ac or 802.11n
 Use Apple's About this Mac feature to find your hardware information
The specifications below detail the minimum software version that is required to receive support
from OIT.

 Windows 10 (1909)
Desktop/Laptop OS  macOS 10.15 (Catalina)

Office  Office 365

Word Processors  Office 2019 (Mac)
Spreadsheets  Office 2016 (Windows)
 Google Workspace

Browsers  Microsoft Edge

 Safari
 Firefox
 Chrome

Email, Calendar, and Contact  Outlook Online (Office 365)

Readers  Outlook 2019 (Mac)
 Outlook 2016 (Windows)
 Gmail

Video Conferencing /  Microsoft Teams

Collaboration  Zoom Web Conferencing 

Utilities Antivirus/Anti-spyware:

 System Center Endpoint Protection for Windows (unive

 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (Mac) (university owned com
 Windows Defender
 Malwarebytes (personally owned computers)
Whole Disk Encryption:

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

 BitLocker (Windows)
 FileVault (Mac)
Secure File Transfer (SFTP) and Secure Shell (SSH) Utilities:

 Fetch (Mac)*
 Open SSH (Mac)*
 Terminal utility (Mac)
*Most current version of the software

PDF Utilities:

 Adobe Reader 
 Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
 Preview (macOS)
 Native Windows PDF viewers

Media and Design Tools  Adobe Creative Cloud

Desktop Virtualization Tools  VMware Fusion

 VMware Workstation
 Microsoft HyperV on Windows 10
 Parallels Desktop for Mac

Remote Access  CU Boulder VPN Service

Unix and Linux OS and Servers Support is available through Systems Engineering for a fee for n
using Redhat Linux.

Windows Server  Windows 2012 Server

Support is available through Systems Engineering for a fee.

Mobile Devices
The specifications below detail mobile device operating system requirements to receive support.
Support is limited to the configuration of Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace, and UCB
wireless on devices, and basic device troubleshooting.

 Android 8.x (Oreo) and later

 Apple iOS 14.x and later

For interviewing clients and staff, you must follow these guidelines:

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

 You must interview at-least one (1) client and 1 staff member. The role of client and
staff members can be played by your fellow students or staff members from the

 Your role is to:

o establish business relationship through investigation of the organisation and

interviews with client and staff

o determine and document business expectations and needs, including critical

business requirements

o work with clients and staff to gather, analyse and confirm information

 The role of the client will be based upon the following guidelines:

o Asking your questions about the products and services provided by the

o How the services and/or products meet current industry standards and

o Asking you questions on quality of the services/products provided. (i.e. how

to ensure and how to maintain)

o Discussion on the client expectations brief

o The client must use plain English to interact with you throughout the role play.

 The role of the staff i.e. Terry Jackson, who is the Managing Director, to implement
a network in the new premises, so that the business can become operational as
soon as possible will be based upon the following guidelines:

o Providing you assistance regarding the products and services provided by the

o Providing you ideas and the client ideas/solutions and presenting information.

o Providing you assistance with strategic and high-impact decisions in complex

situations involving variables and constraints.

o Discussing current business needs

o Discussion on business objectives

o Discussion on systems, data gathering and appropriate software products.

o The client must use plain English to interact with you throughout the role play.

You must complete the meeting minutes template to record the agenda items discussed.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Meeting minutes template

Meeting with the client

Program/Area: Designing and implementing a brand-new network for Design


Meeting Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is to try and identify the network for the
new premises, so that the business can become operational as soon
as possible. This can include any requirements for what hardware
and software is needed, the budget, and the time scale for the

Meeting Date: 17/06/2022

Meeting Time: 7min09sec

Meeting Location: Design Excellent Temporary Office

Meeting Facilitator: Prakash Sapkota

Signature of the stakeholder (Assessor):
Signature of System Analyst 1:

Signature of System Analyst 2:

Signature of System Analyst 3:

Minutes Issued By: Suman Kunwar

Next Steps: (Task, assigned to, Checkpoint Date) Owner Due Date
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
Identifying all the required hardware for the network and Suman 23rd June 2022
planning to install them according to the design Kunwar

Identifying all the required software for the network and Sangam 25th June 2022
planning to install them according to the design Acharya

Decisions Made: (What, Why, Impacts)

After having short and sweet conversation with the client, clients want platform as a
service and software as a service including application which is directly provided by
Cloud Service Provider.

As per the client vision he wants types of system for maintaining privacy of employees
by having limited finance.

For future they want to increase numbers of workers at list 250 among three different

On internet requirements they want safe working environment as “Secure Security”

even after using unauthorized sites.

After taking interview with clients I found that specially he wants secured and strong

Discussion: (Items/Knowledge Shared)

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

 After having short and sweet conversation with the client, clients want platform
as a service and software as a service including application which is directly
provided by Cloud Service Provider.

 As per the client vision he wants types of system for maintaining privacy of
employees by having limited finance.

 For future they want to increase numbers of workers at list 250 among three
different cities.

 On internet requirements they want safe working environment as “Secure

Security” even after using unauthorized sites.

 After taking interview with clients I found that specially he wants secured and
strong password.

Miscellaneous Items:

After taking meet with clients, we are able add lots of things to our framework so that
ready to create great and awesome framework. For that, we must receive unused
advances to upgrade organizational execution. Moreover, we will include trade
examiners centre on necessities prioritization. This guarantees that necessities with
higher esteem are executed to begin with and the commerce gets the good thing
about the arrangement as early as conceivable. In expansion, Great BAs coupled with
great BA prepare guarantees tall quality prerequisites and hence a high-quality item
as well. Besides, we guarantee that the data security perspective for the applications
is taken care within the frame of non-functional necessities. Subsequently, they
guarantee the framework being secured against noxious assaults. Any handle which
is repeatable and unsurprising ought to be mechanized so that important human
assets can be discharged to perform errands which are higher in terms of esteem.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Meeting with the staff

Program/Area: Designing and implementing a brand-new network for Design


Meeting Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is to try and identify the network for the
new premises, so that the business can become operational as soon
as possible. This can include any requirements for what hardware
and software is needed, the budget, and the time scale for the

Meeting Date: 17/06/2022

Meeting Time: 7minute 09 second

Meeting Location: Design Excellent Temporary Office

Meeting Facilitator: Prakash Sapkota

Signature of the stakeholder (Assessor):
Signature of System Analyst 1

Signature of System Analyst 2

Signature of System Analyst 3

Minutes Issued By: Sangam Acharya

Next Steps: (Task, assigned to, Checkpoint Date) Owner Due Date

Identifying all the required hardware for the network and Prakash 23rd June 2022
planning to install them according to the design Sapkota

Identifying all the required software for the network and Suman 25th June 2022
planning to install them according to the design Kunwar
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
Discussion: (Items/Knowledge Shared)

 After having short and sweet conversation with the client, clients want platform
as a service and software as a service including application which is directly
provided by Cloud Service Provider.

 As per the client vision he wants types of system for maintaining privacy of
employees by having limited finance.

 For future they want to increase numbers of workers at list 250 among three
different cities.

 On internet requirements they want safe working environment as “Secure

Security” even after using unauthorized sites.

 After taking interview with clients I found that specially he wants secured and
strong password.

Miscellaneous Items:

After taking meet with clients, we are able add lots of things to our framework so that
ready to create great and awesome framework. For that, we must receive unused
advances to upgrade organizational execution. Moreover, we will include trade
examiners centre on necessities prioritization. This guarantees that necessities with
higher esteem are executed to begin with and the commerce gets the good thing
about the arrangement as early as conceivable. In expansion, Great BAs coupled with
great BA prepare guarantees tall quality prerequisites and hence a high-quality item
as well. Besides, we guarantee that the data security perspective for the applications
is taken care within the frame of non-functional necessities. Subsequently, they
guarantee the framework being secured against noxious assaults. Any handle which
is repeatable and unsurprising ought to be mechanized so that important human
assets can be discharged to perform errands which are higher in terms of esteem.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist
Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) S N/ Trainer/Assessor to complete

in this assessment task the S (Comment and feedback to students)
participant needs to demonstrate
competency in the following critical
aspects of evidence
a) Provided an overview of the
business and its business

b) Summarised
the current 

c) Identified key stakeholders and

their degree of involvement

d) Identified what quality

assurance practices will be
used to validate gathered data

e) Described
software including its features
and capabilities that is
f) Interviewed the staff according
to the set parameters

g) Interviewed the client according

to the set parameters

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Activity 2: (Conduct Interview)

Note: This activity is in continuation of the previous activity

In this activity you need to review the scenario, and then develop an interview agenda to
determine possible requirements for the project and work with clients and staff to gather,
analyse and confirm information contributions. You need to select two stakeholders that
you have identified in the previous activity for the purpose of the interview.

As per the scenario the purpose of the interview to try and identify the network for the new
premises, so that the business can become operational as soon as possible. This can
include any requirements for what hardware and software is needed, the budget, and the
time scale for the implementation. Based on the two stakeholders identified you will need
to identify 6 questions to ask them. For example, if you have identified Terry Jackson is
one of the stakeholders you might ask him questions relating to the budget for the project,
what human resources you can utilise for the project, and when he would want it
implemented by? Or if you identify one of the managers you might ask them questions
related to their software needs for their department or individual employees, their backup
requirements, or their security requirements for files that need to be protected.

Once the interview agenda has been created you need to present the interview orally and
undertake analysis of the stakeholder responses.

For the purpose of this activity the assessor and fellow student will play the role of the

1. Develop an interview agenda using the organisational template below that includes:

 The location, date, and time of the interview

 The stakeholders who need to attend

 An introduction of what the interview is about, and what it will cover

 Six questions that can be used to during the interview to confirm with
stakeholder’s business critical factors relating to current and future directions of
the organisations network. You should use a mixture of open and closed

 A closing statement

Note: you need to provide this agenda to the assessor so they can organise an interview
time and prepare appropriate answers for the questions.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Interview Agenda

The reason of this meeting is to undertake and recognize the arrange for the modern premises,
so that the commerce can ended up operational as soon as conceivable. This will incorporate
any prerequisites for what equipment and computer program is required, the budget, and the
time scale for the execution.

Location: Design Excellence Temporary Office

Date and time:17th June at 4:30 AM

Stakeholders to attend:

Stakeholder 1:

Stakeholder 2:

Stakeholder 3:

Stakeholder 4:

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content


As we all know that as of late Plan Fabulousness work premises were broadly harmed in a huge
fire that begun in a neighbouring commerce. As a result of this, the whole substance of the building
counting its whole arrange was crushed, and protections costs are as of now being evaluated.
Whereas a few commerce information was misplaced, most of it can be recuperated as the
business houses reinforcement offices offsite. That's why we are conducting a assembly with the
stakeholder and the reason of this assembly is to undertake and distinguish the arrange for the
modern premises, so that the commerce can ended up operational as before long as conceivable.
This will incorporate any necessities for what equipment and program is required, the budget, and
the time scale for the usage.


1. Do you have any current cloud-based requirements, or is this something you are looking
to move too/explore as part of the new network design? E.g., Azure, AWS.
2. Can you please tell me about your current office footprint?
3. What is your expected future growth over the next5 years?
4. Internet requirements?
5. What type of pf security requirements you are expecting?

Closing statement

I am grateful for this interview with you today. You have given me a clear overview of the
requirements of your proposed solution. I think my experience and accomplishments can provide
value to this project. I am attaching the interview question analysis document below for your review.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Interview Question Analysis Document

Question Response Analysis

1. Do you As per client said his past arrange After having short and sweet
have any current wiped out by fire. They utilized to conversation with the client,
cloud-based store all the information to their clients want platform as a
requirements, or expansion, they had a service and software as a
is this something reinforcement as a cloud-based. After service including application
you are looking this fiasco they reinforcement their which is directly provided by
to move 70% information. Presently they need Cloud Service Provider.
too/explore as stage and computer program as a
part of the new server not as it were capacity or
network design? reinforcement. As well as they need
E.g., Azure, to download everything online on
AWS. their computer and application
straightforwardly from the cloud
benefit supplier as a server to spare
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
capacity as well as cash. At last, he is
concurred to utilize as a benefit
supplier which is given by Microsoft.

2. Can you When it comes to footprint client said As per the client vision he
please tell me that their company impression is as wants types of system for
about your well straightforward so that they have maintaining privacy of
current office been doing everything inside their employees by having limited
footprint? company. They put away information finance.
from clients and put away them on
their one and as it were server
“Cloud-Based Servers”. They need to
keep their laborers information
private and secret by being in certain

3.What is your For the assist development he has For future they want to
expected future said they got extraordinary arrange increase numbers of workers
growth over the like including more representatives, at list 250 among three
next5 years? building development some time different cities.
recently the fire. Also he anticipated
to extend the number of company
upto 3 different cities as well as
specialists upto 250 by the following
5 a long time.

4.Internet As an internet requirement they have On internet requirements

requirements? tremendous intentions towards it they want safe working
since they plan houses for the clients. environment as “Secure
He said to provide awesome service Security” even after using
for their clients. They got to download unauthorized sites.
parts of data from the web so that he
needs to create his account secure
that much expand. So that, they
cannot see their IP address whereas
downloading from obscure sources.
Which comes about they cannot track
their area, foundation so that they
can perform everything in secure

5.What type of pf On pf security necessities he said he After taking interview with

security must secure their username and clients I found that specially
requirements you passwords since they had different he wants secured and strong
are expecting? users upto 50. For that they have to password.
be set solid watchword each single
month by dodging redundancy. For
occurrence, it ought to not be
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
ABC_123. In expansion, they need
secured on-site server so that he
need to free of any kind of

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist
Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance

To be assessed as satisfactory S N/ Trainer/Assessor to complete

(S) in this assessment task the S (Comment and feedback to
participant needs to demonstrate students)
competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence
a) Developed an
agenda that contains:
interview 
 Date and location
 Introduction section
 Who needs to attend
 Six open and closed
 Closing section
b) Orally conducted
interview based on the
the 

c) Used listening skills to

understand feedback queries
and to reply verbally during
the interview
d) Analysed the interview
responses using the template

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

Activity 3: Developing a business requirements document for reviewing and gaining
approval for system specifications

Note: This activity is in continuation of the previous activities

For this task you need to develop a business requirements document on the analysis of the
data you have collected, provide an overview of important factors in the project, and make
some recommendations based on your analysis.

Using a word processor, you need to use the following organisational template and fill in
the information you have gathered over the previous tasks under the appropriate headings
and make some recommendations.

Template: Business requirements document

Business Requirements Document

Design Excellent Network Development

Author: Sangam Acharya S221062

Prakash Sapkota S211858

Suman Kunwar S21226

Version: 0.1

Date: 26.06.2022

Document ID: 12205397

Table of Contents

1  Executive Summary.

2  Project Description.

3  Project Scope.

3.1    In Scope.

3.2    Out of Scope.

4  Business Drivers.

4.1    Business Driver 1.

4.2    Business Driver 2.

4.3    Business Driver 3.

5  Current Process.

6  Proposed Process.
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content
7  Functional Requirements.

7.1    Priority.

7.2    Requirements Category 1 (RQC)

7.3    Requirements Category 1 (RQC)

8  Non-Functional Requirements.

9  Glossary.

10     References.

11     Appendix.

12     Document History.

13          Approval

 Executive Summary

This Business Requirements Document (BRD) outlines the requirements for the Design
Excellent Network Development project. It contains both functional and non-functional
requirements, an overview of the current process, as well as the proposed process once
the solution is implemented. It is used to determine what needs to be done, and as a
starting point for solution design.

 Project Description

As we all know that as of late Plan Fabulousness work premises were broadly harmed in a
expansive fire that begun in a neighbouring trade. As a result of this, the whole substance of the
building counting its whole organize was crushed, and protections costs are right now being
evaluated. Whereas a few commerce information was misplaced, most of it can be recuperated as
the business houses reinforcement offices offsite. That's why we ought to distinguish the unused
arrange prerequisites and we need to construct the new network. The reason of this extend will be
to construct the arrange for the modern premises, so that the commerce can ended up operational
as before long as conceivable. This could incorporate any necessities for what equipment and
computer program is required, the budget, and the time scale for the usage.

  Project Scope

This section describes the scope of the project at a high level. It is kind of a summary of the
business requirements, so people can read this section to understand what is being done,
and what isn’t being done.


Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

 In Scope

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Content

General requirements

Diverse connectivity

All rooms shall be provided with two or more separate and dedicated ICT duct
routes for resilience. Interconnections between buildings shall be made using blown
fibre in micro ducts.

Interconnections between wiring centres within the same building shall be made using
standard fibre optic cable supplemented by 24 No. Augmented Category 6 (hereafter
referred to as Category 6A or Cat 6A) copper cables as directed by Design

Interconnections between wiring centres and buildings shall be designed as

schematics by Design Excellence IT Services.

Data outlet type and distribution

All building spaces shall be provided with data outlets in quantity and positions in
accordance with Section 4. All data outlets shall be fitted in pairs, i.e. as “dual”
outlets. See also Section 1.4.

Data outlet layouts designed by a project architect or project manager shall be

approved by Design Excellence IT Services before preliminary acceptance.
Preliminary and final acceptances are conditional on receipt of documentation
described in Section

Wireless infrastructure

All building spaces shall be provisioned with data outlets for wireless access
points (WiFi, wireless APs) in accordance with Section 4.9. Owing to the rapidly-
changing technology, design shall be done only by Design Excellence IT

Cabling etc. requirements

Any work involving installation, re-installation, modification, or movement of data

outlets requires that the outlets be re-tested and re-certified (see Section 7).

All data outlets shall be dual RJ45 outlets to Category 6A standard unless previously
agreed with Design Excellence IT Services, and chosen from the products listed in
Section 9.

All horizontal cabling (i.e. cabling connecting RJ45 data outlets) shall be made with
approved products and terminated in data cabinets in accordance with Section 5
and Section 9.

No cable run shall be longer than 90m. Where necessary, a building shall be
provided with more than one wiring centre.

All cabinet layouts shall be designed by Design Excellence IT Services.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 5

Acceptance of data cabling and associated infrastructure by Design Excellence IT
Services is conditional on receipt of documentation as described in Section 7.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 6

Connection of equipment

All network infrastructure equipment such as switches, routers, wireless APs, etc.
shall be supplied, installed and patched only by design Excellence IT Services or
personnel under direct contract to Design Excellence IT Services.

No switches, routers, wireless controllers, wireless APs etc. shall be used or installed
by contractors for the purpose of connecting to or communicating with other
equipment unless under instruction from the Design Excellence IT Services.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 7

External services

Duct routes and construction

All buildings other than “satellite” buildings (see below) shall be provided with two or
more diverse ICT duct routes, each having a minimum of two 100mm ducts, for
resilience. These shall be in addition to and separate from, ducts required for all
other services including electrical supply, dedicated alarm systems and commercial
telecommunications providers including BT.

Designation of a building or wiring centre as “subsidiary” or “satellite” is at the sole

discretion of IT Services. In general a “satellite” wiring centre is one which is sited in
a satellite building such as an electrical substation and which services 24 or fewer
outlets, with no current or future requirement for onward feeds to other wiring

Where a building has only one wiring centre, the duct systems may both terminate
in that wiring centre. Otherwise, they shall terminate in different wiring centres.

Where diverse duct systems enter a building at the same location, their point
of divergence shall be at no greater distance than 5m from the point of entry
to the building, and there shall be an access chamber at the point of

External ducts for fibre optic and other connections between buildings shall be twin
walled rigid duct, minimum 100mm diameter, externally ribbed with a smooth

All ducts shall be provided with polypropylene draw ropes to facilitate

pulling additional cables, and when used for this purpose, draw ropes shall
be replaced.

Duct access

Manhole covers over splicing or access chambers shall be robust and

meet any requirements laid down by the Directorate of Estates and
Campus Services.

Access chambers for data ducts shall be independent of access chambers for
other services, such as power, heating, BMS systems, water, control cabling,

Main arterial routes (aka “the superhighway”) on the Heslington West campus
consist of 6No. 100mm diameter ducts shared with the Directorate of Estates
and Campus Services. On the Campus Utilities Corridor (CUC) and on the
Heslington East campus an independent ICT duct network has been installed.
This infrastructure uses fewer physical ducts as the Heslington East campus
employs blown fibre or blown cable technology with a minimum of 7 sub ducts
or micro ducts throughout.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 8

External cabling and micro ducts

Data connections between buildings shall be made using fibre optic cables. Copper
cables are not permitted between buildings.

The default standard for fibre optic cables is 48 core single mode to OS2 (9/125)
specification or better. Where Design Excellence IT Services specify multimode fibre
optic cable, this shall be to OM3 (50/125) specification or better.

Fibre optic interconnections between wiring centres and buildings shall be designed as
schematics by Design Excellence IT Services.

Wherever possible, interconnections between buildings shall be made using blown

fibre in approved micro ducts; between buildings the micro-ducts shall be installed
within the normal ducts.

Where blown fibre is not used an armoured cable must be used e.g. corrugated
steel taped (CST) or steel taped armoured (STA).

External fibre optic cables shall be labelled at each end and in each access chamber
according to the convention in Section 6.1. Micro ducts shall be labelled at each
end, in each access chamber and where they are diverted or “tee’d” from the rest of
the bundle, in the same style. The colour of micro ducts must not change along their

Fibre optic cables for external connections shall be terminated in metal patch panel
boxes fitted with duplex LC connectors. The patch panel boxes shall be 1U high and
accommodate 24 duplex connectors (48 fibre cores). The rear cable entries shall be
slotted to permit removal of the cable without the need to cut and re-terminate it.
Single mode and multimode fibre terminations shall not be mixed on the same 1U

Each pair in a fibre optic installation shall be fitted as a crossover. Because fibre
optic connections require overall Tx-to-Rx crossover connections, this is essential in
order to preserve an odd number of Tx-to-Rx crossovers when patching.

Fibre optic termination panels shall be labelled in accordance with Section 6.3 and
tested in accordance with Section 7.2.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 9

Wiring centres


Wiring centres, other than those explicitly designated by Design Excellence IT

Services as “satellite” wiring centres (see Section 2.1), shall be provided with no
less than two separate fibre optic connections to other wiring centres, for resilience.
Note that this requires each building has a minimum of two duct routes to other


Wiring centre rooms shall be secure (lockable), with standard plant-room key (Yale
22028 E305 D17 on Heslington West, and GG02282 01127 on Heslington East). Key
issue shall be restricted to Design Excellence IT Services and Directorate of Estates
and Campus Services.

Access must be available to authorised Design Excellence IT Services staff,

including out-of-hours. Note that this may require consideration of access route,
alarms, etc.
Wiring centres shall be located so that access is from outdoor or indoor public areas
(rather than departmental areas which may be closed off). Access to staff other than
Design Excellence Services and Directorate of Estates and Campus Services and
their contractors is prohibited.

Access for contractors will be by arrangement with Design Excellence Services. All
keys shall be signed out from Design Excellence Services, and shall be returned to
Design Excellence Services directly, or out of normal hours to the University Library
Help Desk or Security Services. No keys may be retained overnight.

General design and layout

Wiring centres shall consist of a dedicated room provisioned with appropriate

services (see Section 3.4). The room shall not be used for storage or any other
purpose not directly related to the delivery of Design Excellence IT services.
Wiring centres shall not be used to site power distribution equipment other than
that dedicated to the operation of the wiring centre.

Certain other building services shall be excluded from wiring centres. These include
but are not limited to water supplies, drains (including drain pipes), and heating pipes.
There must be no water or liquid pathway, sources or outlets in the ceiling above the
cabinet(s). This includes waste water pipes, chilled water pipes, hot water pipes,
sewer pipes, and rainwater downpipes.

New wiring centres shall be capable of accommodating an appropriate number of

data cabinets to meet total outlet count based on a typical maximum of 384 outlets
per cabinet with allowance for 30% future growth. For example, wiring centres
serving more than 1200 data outlets will require four cabinets. Each cabinet must be
800mm wide by 1000mm deep and minimum 42U high. Clearance is required to
provide access space of a minimum of 1000mm to front and rear, and 1000mm to at
least one side.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 10

Where such equipment is required one data cabinet will be reserved for Facilities
Management in each major wiring centre (see Section 5.2).

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 11

Wiring centres shall be fitted out with an appropriate floor covering, such as antistatic
vinyl or tiles, or in certain cases by prior agreement with Design Excellence IT
Services, painted concrete. Carpet and carpet tiles are not acceptable.

After construction and decoration, and before any active equipment can be fitted,
the wiring centre shall be thoroughly cleaned to eliminate all dust and debris,
including the interiors and tops of data cabinets.

Power and environment

Adequate ventilation and/or cooling shall be provided to maintain the room

temperature below 26°C based on a nominal thermal load of 1kW per data cabinet
and data cabinet location.

Each wiring centre shall be provided with a means of fire detection, connected to the
University fire alarm system and optionally to any relevant building management

Each data cabinet shall be provided with a minimum 1No. IEC 60309-2 16A (2P+E)
outlet fed from a dedicated mains supply. This circuit should feed the data cabinet in
such a manner as to prevent trip hazards from trailing cables and shall be provided
with a method of isolation within easy reach and outside of the cabinet e.g. a rotary
isolator in the circuit located on a wall adjacent to the cabinet between 1m to 1.7m
from finished floor level. Where multiple data cabinets are installed power cables
shall not pass through one data cabinet to reach another.

Each wiring centre requires a minimum of one 13A TSSO for general small power.

Lighting within the wiring centre should take into account the number and location of
data cabinets with levels meeting the minimum requirements set by other Design
Excellence specification documents.

Where possible power and data should be delivered to cabinets at high level on suitable
basketwork or cable trays.


The door to each wiring centre shall be labelled with the Design Excellence space
code in accordance with the requirements of the Directorate of Estates and Campus
Services, and shall in addition have a small sign stating “Restricted Access. IT
Services only.”

Within each wiring centre, all data cabinets shall have a sign affixed to the front door
stating “This wiring centre is managed by IT Services. No additions or alterations to
equipment or cabling may be made except by IT Services.”

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 12

Data outlet distribution

Design and planning

Data outlet quantities and locations shall be designed by or in consultation with

Design Excellence IT Services Network staff before construction. Subject to the
foregoing and the rest of this section, data outlet layout may be designed by a
project architect or project manager, but shall be approved by Design Excellence IT
Services before preliminary acceptance. Such approval shall be conditional on
receiving lists of quantities and drawings indicating proposed layout.

High-level data outlet quantities and locations for wireless AP’s shall be designed by
Design Excellence IT Services (see Section 4.9).

Designs shall be produced in accordance with or to exceed the minimum data

outlet requirements detailed in Sections 4.3 to 4.9 and in accordance with any
additional requirements of the University Department which will occupy or be
responsible for the space.

All data outlets shall be fitted in pairs, as “twin” or “dual” RJ45 outlets. All
components of the installation shall be to Category 6A standard unless
previously agreed with IT Services, shall be chosen from a single range of the
products listed in Section 9, and shall only be installed by an installer approved
by the manufacturer for that product range (see Section 10).

No data cable run shall be longer than 90m. Where necessary to comply with this
requirement, a building shall be provided with more than one wiring centre,
suitably located, and connected by fibre optic cable to two other wiring centres.
Any cable run exceeding 90m in length will fail the standards tests and will not be

Wiring runs shall be in wire trays within equipment rooms, risers, ceiling voids, and
loft spaces. In under-floor spaces, where outlets are to be in floor boxes, galvanised
sheet trays may be used instead of wire trays to facilitate fitting flexible conduit.
Where wiring runs are not in such spaces they shall be enclosed in plastic trunking
on the surface of a wall. In some locations, mini-trunking may require painting to be
discrete and/or to avoid reflections.

Designers should note that Category 6A cable is significantly thicker than older
types and should use one of the readily-available cable containment calculators to
ensure adequate containment provision.

Dado trunking, back boxes, floor boxes and containment must be specified to have
sufficient depth to accommodate the bending radius of Category 6A cable from any
of the approved cabling systems listed in Section 9.

Where floor boxes and containment are set permanently into the floor an allowance
for at least 100% expansion should be made.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 13


All data outlets shall be labelled in accordance with the Design Excellence IT
Services scheme detailed in Section 6.4.

All horizontal cabling (i.e. cabling connecting RJ45 data outlets) shall be made
with approved products, terminated in data cabinets in accordance with Section
5 and certified to comply with the relevant standards.

Cable bundles shall be secured with Velcro cable ties or an equivalent cable tie
designed to prevent any possibility of crushing or deforming of the cable.

When installing cable in new containment or conduit the contractor shall allow for
50% future expansion. However, this requirement may be relaxed in the case of
flexible conduit attached to individual floor boxes, if by prior agreement with Design
Excellence IT Services.

All data cabling must be one continuous unjointed length from patch panel to
outlet and shall not have splices or in-line connectors other than those integral to
the patch panel and the room outlet. No “consolidation points” shall be used.

For reasons of warranty, cables shall not be installed by one contractor and
terminated/tested by another unless by prior approval from Design Excellence IT

Final acceptance of an installation is conditional on receipt of documentation

by Design Excellence IT Services as described in Section 7.

Design Excellence IT Services staff will not patch or “make live” any outlet until it
has been finally accepted as above.

Office areas

Each workstation location in office space shall have at least 2No RJ45 dual data
outlets (i.e. four outlets). Compliance with EN50173 or IEC 11801 requires that a
minimum of 2No data outlets be provided at each work area. In multiple-occupancy
offices, compliance will require an allowance for alternative workstation positions, for
example by fitting sockets on opposite walls, not just along one wall. Note that no
patch cable is permitted to be longer than 5m, nor to be routed where it could
constitute an obstruction, a trip hazard or other health and safety hazard.

Meeting and seminar rooms

Each seminar or meeting room shall be provisioned with sufficient dual data outlets
to service a telephone, audio-visual equipment, at least one wireless access point,
and at least one accessible dual data outlet at the rear of the room.

The Design Excellence Audio Visual Services must be consulted for specific audio-
visual equipment network requirements. This is likely to include a lectern requiring a
minimum of four dual data outlets to support, for example, a managed PC, a laptop
connection, a controller connection, and a telephone. Additional network
requirements may include a Smart board and/or a ceiling-mounted data projector.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 14

Open and communal areas

Open areas shall have a minimum of one RJ45 dual data outlet per 10 square metres
of floor space, to allow for printers, copiers, and telephony equipment, with a
minimum of two dual RJ45 outlets in each area. These shall be distributed evenly
around the area.

Open areas shall be provided with at least one dual data outlet to support a digital
signage system, at one or more locations and at heights to be agreed with Design
Excellence IT Services and Audio Visual Services.

Open areas shall be provided with adequate high-level dual data outlets for wireless
access points as designed by Design Excellence IT Services (see Section 4.9).

Communal areas such as kitchens in residential accommodation shall each be

provided with at least one dual data outlet to support a telephone, one high-level
dual data outlet to support a wireless access point, and one further dual data outlet
to support IPTV or other digital media e.g. games console, all appropriately located.
Residential areas

Study bedrooms shall have a minimum of one RJ45 dual data outlets per occupant.
These data outlets shall be presented at sufficiently high level to avoid damage from
beds or other furniture being pushed against them. They shall be positioned close to
mains power sockets likely to be used for IT equipment and in such a way as to
reduce the possibility of long patch leads trailing across the room.

Tutor rooms, accessible rooms, Dean’s flats, staff flats, and any room larger than
12.5m2 shall be provided with at least two sets of RJ45 dual data outlets, on
opposing walls.

Corridors in residential accommodation shall be provided with adequate high-level

dual data outlets for wireless access points as designed by University of York IT
Services (See Section 4.9).

Plant and store rooms

Plant rooms require at least one data outlet for each piece of networked equipment,
plus at least one spare and always fitted in pairs. BMS equipment must not be
connected via local Ethernet switches. Plant rooms in buildings which are not
otherwise provided with network connectivity shall in addition require a fibre-optic
feed from a nearby wiring centre, and a suitable mounting for a network switch.

Storage rooms larger than 4m2 require one dual data outlet.

Outdoor spaces

As the requirements for outdoor spaces can vary significantly, the network
infrastructure will be designed by Design Excellence IT Services on a case by case
basis but will typically include:

 A duct to a nearby building hosting a network or routing centre

 A fibre connection
 Somewhere to host network switch(es) e.g. a 19” vertical frame or 19” data
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 15
 Minimum 2No. std 3-pin 13A TSSO supplying the network equipment
 Cat 6A cabling internal to the structure to service AV, WiFi and CCTV units
 Somewhere to mount WiFi units

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 16

AV and other service providers such as the Design Excellence Security Team
should also be consulted as they will have further power and data requirements.


The requirement for design and layout by Design Excellence IT Services for data
outlets supporting wireless access points shall be included in any Employer's
Requirements for new or refurbished building work.

Inclusion of dual data outlets for wireless access points shall be included in designs
for corridors, open spaces, office space, communal areas, residential kitchens,
study bedrooms and other areas that may be advised by Design Excellence IT

Prior to commencement of cabling work, DWG files shall be provided to the Design
Excellence IT Services so that modelling software can be used to determine precise
quantities and locations of dual data outlets for wireless access points.

Wireless access points shall be provisioned and installed with due regard to
wireless and client density, interference, propagation differences at different
wavelengths including 2.4GHz and 5GHz and using different modulation techniques
including but not limited to 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, interaction with neighbour wireless
access points, and any building features or construction which may impede the
signals. Note that modern wireless systems use increasingly higher cell densities
and smaller cells and therefore require increasingly closely and regularly spaced
data outlets.

Design Excellence IT Services are responsible for all radio operations in the 2.4GHz
and 5GHz bands on the University campus and no equipment other than that
provided by Design Excellence IT Services or operating under their written permission
shall be installed or operated in or adjacent to Design Excellence premises.

Dual data outlets for wireless access points shall be either wall-mounted at high
level, or such as to allow for ceiling-mounted access points, to be decided by Design
Excellence IT Services according to the type and model of wireless access point

High-level outlets and mounting bracket positions for wall-mounted access points
shall be fitted at a height of approximately 2.3m from the floor, but in all situations
shall be fitted with a clearance of at least 270mm between the ceiling and the
centrelines of both the data outlet and the mounting bracket.

Data outlets intended to serve horizontal ceiling-mounted access points shall be

located in such a position as to be readily accessible to authorised Design
Excellence IT Services staff without the use of specialist tools or equipment for the
purpose of patching to the access point when fitted or serviced.

Where external Wireless Access Points are required weather proofed

infrastructure shall be used. Additional earth bonding shall be installed under
guidance from the Design Excellence IT Services.

The contractor shall install brackets and wireless access points supplied by the
Design Excellence IT Services (internal and external) as required and under
guidance from the Design Excellence IT Services.
Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 17
Data cabinets

Preferred type

The preferred cabinet type for wiring centres is the Dataracks 303 Eco Network
Cabinet range. Alternative products shall only be installed with the prior agreement
of Design Excellence IT Services.

Cabinets shall be standard 19" type, minimum 42U high (where ceiling height
allows), 800mm wide x 1000mm deep.

Wall-mounted data cabinets shall not be used, unless agreed in advance by

Design Excellence IT Services, as this precludes the installation of the
routers/network switches required to feed Wireless Access Points, IP telephony,
CCTV and certain other equipment.

Each cabinet shall be fitted with standard locks (preferably key no. EK333, but 250
or 92250 are acceptable), and mesh (ventilated) doors.

Each cabinet shall be floor-standing and fitted with a plinth at the base. In
exceptional cases, cabinets may be fitted with suitably-rated levelling feet (but not
casters) by prior agreement with Design Excellence IT Services.

Each cabinet shall be internally fitted with two cable trays running vertically, and
positioned on each side, slightly to the rear of the centre line. The front rails must
be mounted back 10cm from the door to allow clearance for patch cables.

Cabinets shall be supplied with side rail mounted cable management, e.g. 20No.
“Elite jumper ring radius knuckles” for a 42U cabinet.


Cabinet layouts shall be designed by Design Excellence IT Services. Contractors

shall not install patch panels until they are in receipt of Design Excellence IT Services
cabinet layouts.

Layout within general purpose cabinets shall be arranged to accommodate eight

groups of patch panels and switches, each group being 4U high. These shall be
spaced to allow for the addition of one additional 1U (44mm) Ethernet switch in each
group, allowing for a maximum of sixteen 24-way patch panels and a maximum of
384 RJ45 positions.

There shall be no more than sixteen patch panels and 384 RJ45 connections in any
cabinet, unless by prior agreement with Design Excellence IT Services.

Major wiring centres may require one cabinet laid out in suitable form to
accommodate one or more chassis switches for network routing, as illustrated below.

Major wiring centres may require one cabinet reserved for Facilities Management
equipment including but not limited to AV equipment, CCTV equipment, Access
control equipment, etc. Allowance will be made for third-party equipment such as
CCTV equipment and cabinet space will be allocated by Design Excellence IT
Services following receipt of space requirements from third parties.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 18

Fibre panels shall be installed starting at the bottom of cabinets, leaving 2U (88mm)
at the bottom of the cabinet for cable management.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 19

Figure 1. Example of standard cabinet layout diagram, accommodating 14 patch
panels and up to 336 data outlets; space has been left for more sets.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 20

Figure 2. Example of layout diagram for the first cabinet in a major wiring
centre, accommodating two chassis switches for network routing, and several
fibre optic panels.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 21

Figure 3. Example of layout diagram for a “Facilities Management” cabinet in a major
wiring centre, accommodating third-party equipment and associated fibre optic panels.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 22


Wiring centres, including the exterior and interior of data cabinets, shall be cleaned
and free of dust and debris before installation of any active equipment.

Patch panels and other equipment shall be fitted using M6 pan-head Pozidrive
screws only, secured to M6 cage nuts.

All equipment shall be aligned vertically on 1U boundaries.

By prior agreement with Design Excellence IT Services only, equipment which is not
inherently rack-mounting may be installed on a fixed shelf which shall be aligned on
a 1U boundary.

Within cabinets, cable bundles shall

be enclosed in cable socks up to the
point at which the bundles are split
out in to individual cables, and shall
be affixed to cable trays with Velcro or
equivalent non-crushing cable ties.

Sufficient slack shall be left in cable

bundles to allow minor repositioning
of panels, to at least 1U up or down.

Cables in cabinets shall be suitably

dressed such that there is clear space
for unimpeded installation of active
equipment to the full depth of the
cabinet between any two adjacent
patch panels.

In multi-storey buildings, outlet

terminations for each floor or
equivalent aggregated area shall be
made on its own group or groups of
panels, and wherever practical in its
own data cabinet.

Figure 4. Cabinet layout after patching with

0.25m patch leads, showing groups of two 1U
24-port Cat.6A patch panels, located above and
below a 48 port PoE switch. Note gaps left to
facilitate maintenance and airflow. Note also the
dressing of the infrastructure cables to facilitate
the switch installation.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 23

When additional outlets are installed from any wiring centre, unused sections of
patch panels shall be utilised before adding additional patch panels.

Data patch panels must be high-density i.e. 24 sockets per 1U height.

Each patch panel must be earthed to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Data outlets, RJ45 patch panels and fibre optic patch panels shall be labelled in
accordance with Section 6.

Each cabinet must be fitted with a power distribution unit with the following features:

 Zero U
 16A single phase input from a commando socket as detailed in Section 3.4
 Minimum 10-standard 3-pin 13A sockets
 Bottom fed with a cord length of approx. 2.5m

The PDU should be mounted at the rear of each data cab in a location which
doesn’t impede installation of the active equipment. Where a UPS is present in the
wiring centre, an additional un-switched PDU with IEC 320 C13 socket connectors
must be fitted to each cabinet.

Each cabinet must be provided with earth bonding, which must be installed to
comply with the requirements of any shielded cable which may be installed, and
of IET Wiring Regulations, including bonds to the doors and side panels.

Where more than one cabinet is present, they must be bolted together (“bayed”).

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 24


External fibre optic cabling

External fibre optic cables shall be labelled at each end and in each access
chamber using a suitably durable marker e.g. Critchley, Traffolyte or laser-
etched perspex.

Cable markers should use the following convention:

 Department code (Design Excellence four digit code),

 Space character,
 Fibre core count and type,
 Space character,
 Start point consisting of building code and wiring centre number,
 Space character,
 The word ‘to’,
 Space character,
 End point consisting of building code and wiring centre number,
 Space character,
 Sequence number (one

digit) Example 1:

The second of two 48c SM IT Services cables running between Alcuin

College D block wiring centre 1 and Alcuin Teaching Block wiring centre 1
will be labelled:
0087 48C SM A/D WC1 to –ATB WC1 2

Example 2:

A single 48c SM IT Services cable, running between Goodricke College

Baker Court block A2 and Goodricke College Sheldon Court Substation:
0087 48C SM GBA/A2 WC1 to GSH/SUB WC1 1

Commonly used departmental codes are:

 0087 IT Services
 0244 Telephony
 0238 Estates and Campus
 0246 Security Services
 0006 Computer Science

Micro ducts shall be labelled at each end, in each access chamber and where they
are diverted or “tee’d” from the rest of the bundle, in the same style as fibre optic

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 25

Internal fibre optic cabling

Internal fibre optic cables shall be labelled in every inspection location e.g. electrical
risers and to the same standard as that detailed for external fibre optic cables (see
Section 6.1).

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 26

Fibre optic patch panels

Fibre optic panels shall be labelled with the number of cores, the type of cable
(single mode or multimode), the source and destination locations and the
sequence number. For example:
48C SM A/D WC1 to IT Services WC1 1

Data outlets

Rooms and other spaces must be allocated their final space codes before labelling
data outlets or patch panels. Outlets and patch panels shall not be labelled with
interim numbers which may be indicated on, for example, architect’s plans prior to
completion of building works.

By convention the University of York numbers rooms with three digits, of which the
first is the floor number. For example, room A/D/131 is located on the first floor of
Alcuin College D block. All building codes and space codes will be supplied by the

Room outlets shall be labelled according to the following convention, with the
elements separated by slashes ‘/’ except the outlet number, which must be
separated by a dash:

 building code (e.g. 'A/D' for Alcuin College D block)

 wiring centre number (e.g. ‘1’ for Wiring Centre 1 in the building)
 room number
 outlet number within the room

For example, the first two sockets (i.e. the first dual data outlet) in room A/D064; that
is room 64 on the ground floor of Alcuin College D block, which is fed from Wiring
Centre 2 in that building will be:
A/D/2/064-1 A/D/2/064-2
Room outlets shall be clearly labelled with black lettering in a plain typeface on a white
background, and the lettering shall be no less than 3mm high (e.g. 12 point Helvetica).

Self-adhesive labels are preferred.

Patch panels

Individual terminations on patch panels shall be labelled with room number and
outlet number (only) within the room. For example, a connection to the third and
fourth outlets in room 123 (in any building) would be labelled merely:
123-03 123-04
Patch panel ports shall be clearly labelled with black lettering in a plain typeface
on a white background, and the lettering shall be no less than 3mm high (e.g. 12
point Helvetica).

Self-adhesive labels are preferred.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 27

2. Acceptance testing and documentation

Structured cabling

Design Excellence IT Services will not patch or “make live” data outlets until they
are in receipt of the necessary documentation described here.

All data cable related work, including cable installation, re-installation, rework,
modification, or movement of data outlets, trunking or containment replacement, and
any other work that involves adding, repairing or moving outlets or their cabling shall
be tested and (re)certified according to the approved regime and standards.

Acceptance of data cabling and associated infrastructure by Design Excellence

IT Services is conditional on receipt of as-fitted drawings showing positions of
the dual data outlets with correct outlet labelling, schedules of panel
connections, and valid test results.

All wiring installations shall be tested to ensure conformity with Category 6A, BS EN
50173 or IEC 11801, or better. Note that European standards are revised from time
to time and adoption of the latest standards will normally be expected.

Test results shall be delivered in electronic form as Fluke Linkware files or Ideal
Networks DataCenter showing the complete test results to Cat.6A standards as
appropriate, for each outlet.

As-fitted drawings shall be delivered in electronic format as PDF and DWG

documents and shall be of sufficient resolution to read data outlet designations when
printed at A3 size. They shall consist of one or more A3 pages per floor, if necessary
with floors split over multiple pages with an overlap to allow for recombination.

All wiring installations must be supported by a manufacturer’s Performance

Warranty or equivalent, valid for a minimum of 20 years. Documentary evidence in
the form of the manufacturer’s certificate for the specific installation must be
provided in support of this.

Fibre optic installations

Fibre optics shall be terminated in pairs on LC duplex connectors fitted to patch

panels in accordance with Section 2.3. The fibre optic cables shall be labelled in
accordance with Section 6.1, Section 6.2 and the panels shall be labelled in
accordance with Section 6.3.

Each pair in a fibre optic installation shall be fitted as a crossover. Because fibre
optic connections require overall Tx-to-Rx crossover connections, this is essential in
order to preserve an odd number of Tx-to-Rx crossovers when patching.

All fibre installations shall be tested to produce measurements of both ILM (Insertion
Loss Measurement) and OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometry). ILM tests shall
be conducted from both ends. The test results shall be provided to IT Services in
electronic form, either as Ideal Networks, Fluke Linkware or SOR files.

Acceptance of fibre optic cabling and associated infrastructure by Design Excellence

IT Services is conditional on correct outlet labelling and receipt of valid test result.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 28

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 29
  Out of Scope


Unless otherwise directed by University of York IT Services Network Operations staff,

equipment shall not be connected to any part of the University network until it has been
properly registered in the LAN database, an IP address and a hostname has been
allocated, and the relevant part of the “Facilities Network” has been made accessible.

Requests for allocation of IP addresses for “Facilities Management” type devices

such as BMS, CCTV, EPoS, Access Control, emergency lighting, alarm systems, and
other equipment can be made via the “Moves & Changes” web-based system or by
raising a call with the IT Service Desk see Section 11.

Only the contractor actually installing the equipment may request device registration.

Note that it may take several days to satisfy IP address requests, especially where
the secured parts of the “Facilities Network” have to be created specially.

Equipment shall be labelled with the hostname allocated by University of York IT

Services, and this name must be included in any communication with Design
Excellence IT Services.

If any equipment is relocated or replaced, University of York IT Services must be

informed of the change of location or MAC address and the new or relocated
equipment shall not be (re)connected until authorised. In some cases this may
require allocation of a different hostname.


In most circumstances, all standard active network equipment (routers, switches

and WiFi access points) shall be funded by the construction/refurbishment project
but specified and/or provided by the Design Excellence IT Services. Exceptions to
this are to be negotiated with the Design Excellence IT Services in advance of the
Other, specialist equipment that include an element of networking may be provided
by contractors but can only be connected to the network through consultation with
Design Excellence IT Services.

No local or private network switches or wireless devices are permitted on the

University network. All devices must be connected directly to university network

No other equipment operating in the 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands is permitted on the

University campus, except for certain very-low-power devices operating at
2.4GHz with the written permission of University of York IT Services.

All other network-connected equipment shall be installed by the relevant contractor,

in compliance with safety and positioning requirements advised by Design
Excellence IT Services, and shall be connected directly to a data outlet.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 30

Remove all the numbers from each point, read the entire part . Copy and paste it in
your answer. Just make sure wherever you see Design Excellence, you delete that
and write Design Excellence.

Network Infrastructure Specification V10.11 Page 31

4           Business Drivers

Design Excellence could be a little insides plan commerce gives consultancy and establishment administrations practicing in kitchen
and washroom plans inside the more prominent Sydney locale. They give these administrations to both person clients and a number
of engineering firms who subcontract ventures for their clients. They have been in operation for 12 a long time and have worked
broadly on a wide run of contracts. They right now advance their administrations by means of their site and social media channels
included Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They too publicize in chosen plan magazines and on chosen radio stations. Plan
Greatness works with a huge number of other businesses and exchange subcontractors when undertaking establishment work. This
incorporates requesting washroom and kitchen items, as well as establishment and fitting of kitchens and lavatories. A few trade
drivers are: · Overhaul the more seasoned system · Diminish time or costs in a current process.

5           Current Process

 A domain server running Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

 Client desktop computers running Windows 7 Professional

 A router which acted as the gateway/firewall for the network

 Two 24 port switches to direct network communications

 A Network Attached Storage (NAS) that stored the business files

 Two network printers

 An Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

And a network diagram of how these components fitted together:

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
The employees previously used the following software applications on the network:

 Microsoft Office 2013 suite

 Microsoft Project 2013 for management of projects

 Reckon One for payroll and financial requirements

 Salesforce CRM software for client management

 Adobe Reader

 Adobe suite for graphic designer requirements

 NetBeans IDE for web developer

 Autodesk AutoCad for interior designers

 Samanage for IT asset management and IT helpdesk support

While the website, the social media accounts, Intranet files, and most of the business internal work files were backed up and can be restored, most
of the applications used by the employees and their associated files have been lost. As such, identification of whether this software is still
appropriate or whether it can be changed should be an important priority for the project.

6           Proposed Process

Design Excellence has found a newly refurbished premise in the surrounding area and will be moving to these premises in the near
future. The premises have already been pre-cabled with Category 6 Ethernet cable. As this is the case, the hardware components just
need to be determined and purchased, along with any software requirements to configure and manage the network, and to allow
employees to complete their normal work tasks.

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
7           Functional Requirements

Minimum Requirements 

Component Requirement

Processor 1 GHz or faster

Memory 2 GB RAM or more

Hard Disk 1.0 GB available disk space

Display 1024x768 or higher resolution monitor

Operating System Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Graphics DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Internet Connection Minimum 256 Kbps download / 256 Kbps upload per user

Browser Installed Minimum Internet Explorer 11

Microsoft .NET Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5.2

Framework Version

As mentioned previously, these are the minimum requirements for running Atlas. However, we recommend the following specifications to provide
users with the best possible software experience over the foreseeable future.

Recommended Specifications

Component Requirement

Processor 2.0 GHz Dual Core processor or better

Memory 4 GB of RAM or more

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Hard Disk 1.0 GB available disk space

Display 1440x900 or higher resolution

Operating System Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Graphics DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card

Internet Connection Minimum 512 Kbps download / 512 Kbps upload per user

Browser Installed Internet Explorer 11

Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5.2


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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
8     References

9       Document History

This section details the history of the document at each version. It’s good to know what has changed in each version, by who, and
when it happened.

Version Date Changes Author

0.1 25/06/2022 No major changes happened Write the names of

all the team members

10 Approval from the trainer/assessor

Date: 25/06/2022

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist

Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance

To be assessed as satisfactory S N/ Trainer/Assessor to complete

(S) in this assessment task the S (Comment and feedback to
participant needs to demonstrate students)
competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

a) Written a well-defined
executive summary
 Based upon the scenario

 Based upon the additional

information provided within
the assessment task.
b) Documented
the project 
 Explained the purpose of

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

 Any issues that are being

faced and why it’s being
c) Documented the information
gathering processes they

d) Documented stakeholders
and their involvement

e) Documented the quality

assurance processes they

f) Documented
an analysis

g) Documented business drivers 

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
h) Document current processes 

i) Documented
proposed 

j) Documented
functional 

k) Documented
non-functional 

l) Approval
from the 

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

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