Module 6 - Technology, Humanity and Future

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Module 6
Technology, Humanity and
Mary Ann T. Tarnate
the Future

Email Address:
[email protected]

Contact Number:
Module Duration: 09276033138
April 6- April 13, 2022

Science, Technology, and Society

Technology, Humanity, and the Future!


Week Covered: Week 5

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. describe the human conditions before the development of science & technology;
2. name ways on how technology aided in revealing the truth about the human being;
3. know the different technological advancements in society and in the Philippines;
4. discuss the effects of the interplay between technology and humanity through the
dilemma(s) they face.

Week 5
ACTIVITY NO.1: Seeing the future! Retrieve the video below by accessing its YouTube
link. Answer the succeeding questions.
Clip 1: Is THIS the Future of Food? Experts say we'll be Guide Questions:
eating these 10 Foods By 2050
1. Based on the video, what are the
top 10 future foods?

2. Among these future foods, which

of them will you consume more,
and which will you consume the
least, why?

3. Why do you think this video predicts these as future foods?

Comparing the lives of the people before

and now will make anyone realize the
changes that happened in society not just in
terms of culture, language, or rights but
more importantly, changes in people's way
of life due to the existence of science and

The term "generation gap" is attributed mainly to the changes brought

about by technology. Although the original idea is for technology to
help everyone, it cannot be denied that until today, not everyone is
comfortable in using the different kinds of technologies. Mostly those
who belong to the older generation think that these technologies are
too complicated to operate. They have been used to the simple living
in the past and these available technological devices, though very
appealing, are a difficult puzzle to them.
However, this gap is not something to be worried about. This does
not in any way make technology a villain. Instead, it is a challenge for
people in the field of science and technology to make these
technological advancements more accessible and less confusing for
people who are not as young

This is also a challenge for the

younger generation to take the older
generation to an exciting journey in
science and technology. In this way,
everyone can experience what it is
like to live with ease and comfort
because of the availability of modern
technology. numerous magnificent inventions that people in the present
are able to enjoy and benefit from. Through science and
Even technology, people get to experience what it really means
before, to live because it helps people in more ways than one.
d with
gy. This
n led to

People who lived in the past and people who are living in the present all have different
views of what it means to flourish, primarily due to the kind of environment and the period
one is in.

People's ways of life and how the society works also affect how one construes the concept
of human flourishing. The environment needs to be assessed in order to know the
possibility of human flourishing and to what extent it is possible.

Since there have been drastic changes in people's way of life, it can be inferred that there
have been drastic changes not only in the conception of human flourishing but to people's
actual human condition. These changes were brought about by the interplay of different
factors but essentially, it was brought about by science and technology.

Humanity became more complex. The primary goal was not merely to survive, but to live
the good life. As described in the previous modules, technology has been instrumental in
all of these because in searching for the good life, people were able to come up with
creations that would make life easier, more comfortable, and more enriching.

Although the good life envisioned before might be pale in comparison to the diversity of
today, it offered us the initial details of how today came to be. Such details are also evident
in the machines created and causes endeavored by the people of long ago.

[Lawsin, N. (2020). Science, Technology, and Society . Instructional Material for Dissertation, Improving STS
Teaching Practice Through Transversal Competencies Towards Seamless Blended Digital Learning] 55

They perceive death as, at the very least, unpleasant and concocted potions to ward evil
off from their kinsmen, often appealing to their gods for blessings. Medicine was thus
born, although it would take a considerably long time before it parted ways with potion.

It is with great effort that people were able to achieve such great inventions. It makes life
so much easier and more convenient than ever before. It can clearly be seen from the
simplest task at home to the most complicated ones inside the office or laboratory.

Technology these days enjoys such fame and glory because of the many different benefits it
brings to mankind. Some would even say that it does not only bring convenience but
also pleasure and happiness to people. This is because of the different leisure activities
that technology can offer to people.

For example, it allows people to listen to good music wherever they are. Another is, it
allows them to communicate with their loved ones anywhere in the world; but most of all,
it allows them to surf and play games anytime, anywhere.

Position-wise, the humans of today are much better off compared to humans several
centuries ago. Advancements in medicine, technology, health and education ushered in

[Lawsin, N. (2020). Science, Technology, and Society . Instructional Material for Dissertation, Improving STS
Teaching Practice Through Transversal Competencies Towards Seamless Blended Digital Learning] 56

humanity's best yet, and show no sign of stopping Below are some of the notable
comparisons then and now:

1. Mortality Rate. Due to technology, lesser women and children die during birth,
assuring robust population and strong workforce. Medical care for premature infants
allows them to survive and develop normally, while proper maternal care ensures that
mothers can fully recover and remain empowered.
2. Average Lifespan. Aside from the reason that people engage less in combat and are
less likely to die in treatable diseases now as opposed to then, science is able to prolong
lives by enhancing living status and discovering different remedies to most diseases.
Distribution of medicines is also made easier and faster.
3. Literacy Rate. Access to education provided to more individuals generally creates a
more informed public that could determine a more just society.
4. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Although not an indicator of an average person's
lifestyle in a certain country, it is often used to determine the value of the country's
goods and services produced within the territory given a certain time period. Higher
country income is brought upon by high productivity, often an indicator of presence of

The view of technology proves to be goal-oriented. It assumes that it is instrumental in

achieving a goal in mind, that it is a purposeful, deliberate craft humans steer in order to
reach some greater good.

Tracing back the Human Condition

Technology's initial promises proved to be true, regardless of its consequences. All in all,
the human condition improved, only if by improving we measure the level of comfort,
various scientific breakthroughs, and improved lifestyles of those who had the luxury to
afford to do so.

Different machineries aid in prolonging lives-assisting those with disabilities, honing

efficiency in industrial workplaces, and even exploring the universe for places we can
thrive once all the Earth's resources are depleted.

A lot of people still

subscribe to religion in
explaining things that they
do not know. For those
who have ceased to do so,
they have turned their
worships to reverence of

Whether science or
religion, these people are
still bent on trying to make
sense of the events
happening in the world on
the basis of either of these
two paradigms. They are
still trying to discover and
rediscover thing that would
give meaning to their lives-
whether it be honor,
strength, or -. People are
still trying to make sense of
their existence in the world
and technology does little
to aid them in their pursuit
of life's meaning.

For starters, we might begin with considering other concepts, which corresponds to the
Good, such as Aristotle's conception of human flourishing.

His notion entertains the idea of holistic enrichment of a person situated in his society.
A notable distinction on Aristotle's idea is his subscription on evaluative concepts called
virtues and their role in achieving the good life. Technological advancements are
seemingly occurring in a rapid pace that our morality cannot quite keep up: no such
consideration was given in this approach in achieving the good life. This will further be
discussed in the following chapters.


ACTIVITY NO.2: MOVIE REFLECTION. Watch the Movie, “Transcendence (2014)”

and answer the following questions
Guide Questions:
1. How was the concept of technology crossed
the humanity in this movie?

2. Do you think that the plot of this movie is

anchored on scientific principles?

3. Among the possible inventions presented in

the movie, which of these is your most
favorite? Why?

4. What are the concepts of good life and human

flourishing presented in the movie?

5. If happen that you and a member of your family would have life-threatening
disease/disorder, will you avail the technology of Dr. Will Caster? Why or why not?

6. Honestly, what was your feeling after watching this movie? Why do you think you have
that kind of thoughts?

7. What do you think is the social philosophy of the director why he came up with this

1. Do technological devices bring more of good than bad to people?
2. Should there be more budget for technological researches despite the dilemmas they are
currently facing?
3. Should there be a limit to technological advancements?
4. Do you believe in the old saying, “Necessity is the mother of all inventions” Why or why

[Lawsin, N. (2020). Science, Technology, and Society . Instructional Material for Dissertation, Improving STS
Teaching Practice Through Transversal Competencies Towards Seamless Blended Digital Learning] 59

The ever-growing society has made people see technology as some form of necessity.
Tracing back its origins, the word "technology" came from the Greek words techne and
logos which mean art and word, respectively. Taking the two words together, technology
means a discourse on arts (Buchanan, 2010).

It first appeared in the seventeenth century where the concept was only used to talk about
the arts, specifically applied arts. However, as technology progressed, the concept also
started to have a wider range of meaning where art is no longer the only topic included.
Concepts like machine and tools were also attached to the word "technology" which is the
more popular sense of the concept nowadays.

The roles played by technology these days are very

crucial not only to a few but also to everyone. In one
way or another, each person in the society is directly or
indirectly affected by technology whether he wills it or

In fact, most people survive their everyday lives with

great reliance to the different technological
advancements already available to the masses. While
there may be some who would claim that their lives are
not greatly affected by technology, the fact cannot be
denied that technology is already an inevitable part of
the society.

In general, technology keeps on progressing due to not only the changing times and
environment but also to the ever-progressing mind of mankind. It would not be possible
for all these technological advancements to exist if it were not for the brilliance,
creativeness, and power of the mind.

However, it is also important to note that anything too much is bad. The same problem
is faced by technology. Although it has been very helpful to people, it is still not immune
to criticisms and backlash.

Various ethical dilemmas have been identified throughout time involving the use of
different technological devices and its effects to humanity. Usually, different problems
arise when either the technological device available in misused or if in the first place, it
was invented to produce bad results.

Technological Advancements: The Ethical Dilemmas it faced

While it is true that these technological devices are useful and beneficial, the fact remains
that there are several dilemmas faced by these "necessities." First, most parents would
argue that these devices make their children lazy and unhealthy. This is because of the
fact that people who are fixated on these technological advancements start and end their

[Lawsin, N. (2020). Science, Technology, and Society . Instructional Material for Dissertation, Improving STS
Teaching Practice Through Transversal Competencies Towards Seamless Blended Digital Learning] 61

day by using such devices. They have a great tendency to sit and chill all day long without
doing anything productive in their homes, thus making them unhealthy because they do
not just skip meals sometimes but also lack exercise or any bodily movements.

Here, it can be inferred that these types of people are already overly dependent on these
technological devices. For example, those who love to watch television shows stay in front
of the Television for more than six hours a day, while those who love to surf the Internet
or play computer games stay on their laptops, computers, or mobile phones for more
than half a day. These people have the tendency to be unaware of the time because they
are so captivated with the use of technological devices.

Another dilemma faced by these technological devices is the moral dilemma, People,
especially the children who are not capable yet of rationally deciding for themselves what
is right or wrong, are freely exposed to different things on television, mobiles phones,
laptops, or computers. Because of the availability and easy access to the Internet, they can
just easily search the web and go to different websites without restrictions. This allows
them to see, read, or hear things which are not suitable for their very young age. This
makes them very vulnerable to character change and can greatly affect the way they view
the world and the things around them.

On the first dilemma, it is really

concerning to know that there are
people who develop different kinds
of sickness because of too much use
of technological devices. Not only
this, it also causes them to become
reclusive, alienating themselves from
other people. Although some would
argue that technology brings people
together, it can also be argued that
this is not always the case in the real
world because it may bring then virtually closer but not physically or personally.

In fact, there are people who are friends, for example, only on social media but not in
real life. This just shows that there are things that technology claims to do but in reality,

does not. It is for these reasons why there are people who call for the establishment of
ethics of technology. This subcategory of ethics will in one way or another guide people
on how technology ought to be used in order to prevent abuse and other unfortunate

Digging deeper, it can be said that these reasons make technological devices somewhat
unethical because they bring undesirable consequences to people. However, it can also
be argued that it is not the fault of the technological devices but the agents using them or
the ones making them.

The word "responsibility" in the sense of being accountable for and accountable to is very
appropriate to the ethics of technology because it makes each and every person in the
scientific-technological development a proxy with reference to one another.

In other words, each person must indicate the priorities, values, norms, and principles
that constitute the grounds for one's actions and define one's contribution to the scientific-
technological event.

The ethics of responsibility focuses on the positive rather than the negative. Instead of
asking "What ought not to be allowed?" ask "What ought to be allowed to put it in another
way, people who are part of the scientific development ought to let the public know the

[Lawsin, N. (2020). Science, Technology, and Society . Instructional Material for Dissertation, Improving STS
Teaching Practice Through Transversal Competencies Towards Seamless Blended Digital Learning] 63

good in their respective technological contribution/s. In this way, the people will have an
idea how the devices ought to be used in order to maximize their positive results.

However, it is also important for the people in the scientific world to inform the masses
of the dangers of their contribution/s to the world of technology. In this way, the people
will be sufficiently aware of what to do and what not to do. In addition to this, the agents
using the devices should also be accountable to and accountable for their use of their

Robotics and Humanity

Another great product or the innovative minds of the people is the robot. Robots are now
widely used. For example, there are the so-called service robots. These particular robots
do specific tasks but focus mainly in assisting their masters in their everyday tasks.

The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) and United Nations Economic

Commission for Europe (UNECE) made it their task to formulate a working definition
for service robots. A preliminary extract of the relevant definition is (IFR, 2012):

A robot is an actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with a degree of

autonomy, moving within its environment, to perform intended tasks. Autonomy in
this context means the ability to perform intended tasks based on current state and
sensing without human intervention.
A service robot is a robot that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment
excluding industrial automation application. Note: A robot may be classified
according to its intended application as an industrial robot or a service robot.
o A personal service robot or a service robot for personal use is a service robot
used for a noncommercial task, usually by laypersons. Examples are domestic
servant robot, automated wheelchair, personal mobility assist robot, and pet
exercising robot.
o A professional service robot or a service robot for professional use is a service
robot used for a commercial task, usually operated by a properly trained
operator. Examples are cleaning robot for public places, delivery robot in
offices or hospitals, fire- fighting robot, rehabilitation robot and surgery robot
in hospitals. In this context, an operator is a person designated to start,
monitor, and stop the intended operation of a robot or a robot system.

Roles Played by Robotics

Robots play different roles not only in the lives of the
people but also in the society as a whole. They are
primarily used to ease the workload of mankind.
They were invented to make life more efficient and
less stressful.

On one hand, they perform complicated activities

which human beings are incapable of doing. On the
other hand, they perform the simplest tasks at home
so that their masters can perform the complex ones
without stressing themselves over the simple tasks.

There are also robots which are made for pleasure.

To be more specific, these types of robots perform
activities to entertain people.

They can usually be found in amusement parks or

exhibits. In addition, there are also some robots
which were made to serve as toys. They also perform
different activities but they are usually child- friendly.

Other examples of robots are those which can be

seen in movies. One of the reasons why robots are
very famous is because of movies. A number of local
and national movies were inspired by robots. This
goes to show that people have developed a distinct
fascination over robots.
In the field of robotics, there are the so-called partial autonomy and full autonomy.
Partial autonomy includes active human-robot interaction while,
Full autonomy excludes active human-robot interaction. In other words, a robot with
full autonomy can perform actions or activities even without a master telling it
what should be done or what should be performed next (IFR, 2012).

Ethical Dilemma/s Faced by Robotics

Just like any other technological advancements, robotics also faces different problems and
dilemmas. Although the idea is to help people and make their lives a lot easier than before,
it is still not immune to different ethical dilemmas and possible undesirable outcomes.
One of the dilemmas faced by robots is safety. Who should be held accountable if
someone's safety is compromised by a robot? Who should be blamed, the robot, the
agent using the robot, or the maker/inventor of the robot? It is important to know
who should be blamed and who should be held responsible if such thing happens

Another ethical dilemma faced by robots is the emotional component. This may
seem a little absurd as of the moment, but looking at how fast technology progresses
nowadays, it is not completely impossible for robots to develop emotions (Evans,
2007). So here, the questions become,
o "What if robots become emotional?”
o “Should they be granted robot rights?”
o “Should they have their own set of rights to be upheld, respected, and
protected by humans?" It is interesting to know how people would react if the
time comes when robots can already feel pain and pleasure. Would they act
differently or not at all?


1. How do you reconcile the need for technology and the dilemma/s it faces?

2. How can technological advancement help to promote sustainable development?

3. How does solution-oriented mindset be cultivated by technological


4. How can technological advancement improve your:

4.1. critical and innovative thinking
4.2. interpersonal skills
4.3. intrapersonal skills
4.4. global citizenship
4.5. healthy lifestyle
4.6. media and information literacy

5. What must be the role of government to catalyze our country’s technological


[Lawsin, N. (2020). Science, Technology, and Society . Instructional Material for Dissertation, Improving STS
Teaching Practice Through Transversal Competencies Towards Seamless Blended Digital Learning] 66


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Buchanan, R. A. (2010). “History of Technology.” Accessed February 3, 2017.

De Vries, M.J (2005). Teaching About Technology: An Introduction to the Philosophy of

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Evans, D. (2007). “The Ethical Dilemmas of Robotics.” Accessed February 6, 2017.,stm.

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International Federation of Robotics. (2012). “Service Robots.” Accessed February 6, 2017.

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Rudgley, R. (2000). The Lost Civilization of the Stone Age. New York: Simon and Schuster.

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Quezon City, Philippines

Date Retrieved: September 11, 2020

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