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Mapeh: Rubrics For Performance Tasks

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Rubrics for

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
(15) (12) (9) (6)
Message Catchy and/or Informs the Idea/message is Idea/message is
informative and importance of present. confusing or
makes a lasting topic/idea inadequate.
Graphics All graphics are Most graphics are Some graphics are Graphics do not
related to the topic related to the topic not related to the relate to the
and make it easier and make it easier to topic and makes it topic.
to understand. understand. quite difficult to
Total 30 24 18 12


Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

(10) (8) (6) (4)
Message Catchy and/or Informs the Idea/message is Idea/message is
informative and importance of present. confusing or
makes a lasting topic/idea inadequate.
Graphics/Images All graphics are Most graphics are Some graphics are Graphics do not
related to the related to the topic not related to the relate to the
topic and make it and make it easier topic and makes it topic.
easier to to understand. quite difficult to
understand. understand.
Neatness and The poster is The poster is The poster is good The poster is
Organization exceptionally pleasant in terms of though it may be a messy or very
attractive in terms design, layout, and bit messy. poorly designed.
of design, layout, neatness.
and neatness.
Total 30 24 18 12


Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

(5) (4) (3) (2)
Efficiency The student was The student was able The student was able The student
able to finish the to finish the task in to complete the task used the least
task in the most the projected amount but used methods that efficient method
effective way of time. consumed more time in finishing the
without wasting or resource. task.
time and effort.
Creativity Innovative Very original Some original Basic
thought presentation
Appeal Fascinating to Somewhat Somewhat irrelevant Boring
viewers interesting
Skills All skills from the Most skills in the Some skills in the Few or no skills
topic are applied. topic are applied. topic are applied. from the topic
are applied.
Quality of Essay There is one clear, The explanation is The explanation is Vague or
well-focused clear but supporting somewhat clear but unclear
explanation. information is more supporting explanation
general. details are needed.
Total 25 20 15 10


Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

(5) (4) (3) (2)
The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly
attractive in terms neatness. Good though it may be bit messy.
of neatness. Well- construction and not messy.
constructed and very messy.
not messy.
The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan does
exceptionally creative, and a good creative, and some not reflect any
attractive in terms amount of thought thought was put into degree of
of neatness. Well- was put into decorating it. creativity.
constructed and decorating it.
not messy.
Exceptional use of Good use of new Average use of new No use of new
new ideas and ideas and originality ideas and originality ideas and
originality to to create slogan. to create slogan. originality to
create slogan. create slogan.
There are no There is one There are two There are more
grammatically grammatical mistake grammatical than two
Grammar mistakes on the on the poster. mistakes on the grammatical
poster. poster. mistakes on the
Total 20 16 12 8

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
(10) (8) (6) (4)
Required The poster All required Only few required Several required
Elements includes all elements are elements are elements are
required elements included on the missing on the missing on the
as well as poster. poster. poster.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly
attractive in terms design, layout, and though it may be a messy or very
of design, layout, neatness. bit messy. poorly designed
and neatness. and not
Slogan The slogan meets The slogan meets the The slogan does not The slogan does
the required required number of follow the required not follow the
number of words. words. It is original number of words. It required number
It is original and but not catchy. is catchy but not of words. It is
catchy. original. not original and
Total 30 24 18 12


Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

(5) (4) (3) (2)
Following Thorough Followed the Partially follows Rarely follows
Directions understanding of directions of how to directions. directions.
mosaic artwork. create a mosaic most Incomplete or Minimal attention
Great attention to of the time. The inconsistent detail to detail.
detail throughout artwork contains within the artwork.
the artwork. essential details.
Quality Work Outstanding effort Average effort and Satisfactory effort Insufficient effort
and neatness. neatness. Mosaic is and neatness. Mosaic and neatness.
Mosaic is completed with some is not completed with Mosaic is not
completed with no white showing. lots of white completed at all.
white showing. showing.
Skill Exceptional skill Average skill and Developing skill and Minimal skill and
and techniques. techniques. Mosaic techniques. Most techniques. It is
Mosaic tiles were tiles were cut with mosaic tiles were cut unclear what the
cut with scissors scissors but were not with scissors. Two or image is supposed
and placed in an placed neatly. Some more sections with to be.
orderly manner. colors are repeated in the same color are
Each section is a different sections. next to each other.
different color.
Creativity Always expresses Consistently Occasionally Infrequently/
creativity. Always expresses creativity. expresses creativity. rarely creative.
adds imaginative Adds imaginative Inconsistent with Rarely adds
details to the details to the mosaic adding imaginative imaginative
mosaic. most of the time. details within the details to the
mosaic. mosaic.
Total 20 16 12 8


Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

(5) (4) (3) (2)
Required The material All required elements Most of the required Several required
Elements includes all are included in the elements are included elements are
required elements material. in the material. missing
as well as
Labels All items of Almost all items of Few items of Labels are too
importance on the importance on the importance on the small to view or
material have labels material have labels material have labels no important
that can be read that can be read from that can be read from items were
from at least 3 ft. at least 3 ft. away. at least 3 ft. away. labeled.
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate to Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the topic the topic. One or two relate to the topic
and easier to and most are easier borrowed graphics or several
understand. All to understand. Some have a source borrowed
borrowed graphics borrowed graphics citation. graphics do not
have a source have a source have a source
citation. citation. citation.
Attractiveness The material is The material is The material is The material is
exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive not attractive.
attractive in terms design, layout, and though it may be a bit
of design, layout, neatness. messy.
and neatness.
Grammar and There are no There are some (up There are few (6-10) There are many
mechanics grammatical/ to 5) grammatical/ mechanical errors in (11 or more)
mechanical errors mechanical errors in the material. grammatical/
in the material. the material. mechanical errors
in the material.
Total 25 20 15 10


(Performance Task ARTS9 - using the different elements and principles of art)

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

(10) (8) (6) (4)
Elements and Excellent evidence Considerable Some evidence of use Limited evidence
Principles of Art of use of elements evidence of use of of elements and of use of elements
and principles of art elements and principles of art and principles of
resulting in a high principles of art resulting in art resulting in
degree of resulting in good satisfactory limited
craftsmanship in craftsmanship in craftsmanship in craftsmanship in
finished piece. finished piece. finished piece. finished piece.
Planning, Thorough evidence Considerable Some evidence if Limited evidence
Organization and and planning and evidence of planning planning and of planning and
Use of Materials organization during and organization organization during organization
the creative during the creative the creative process. during the
process. Excellent process. Materials Materials were used creative process.
use of materials. were used well. adequately. Materials were
either not used
properly or
Effort A high degree of Considerable effort Some effort shown Limited effort
effort shown during shown during during activity. Piece shown during
activity. Piece is activity. Piece is is complete but lacks activity. Piece is
complete and show complete and shows precision and care. incomplete
evidence of evidence of care and
creative and unique thought.
care and thought.
Total 30 24 18 12

Prepared by:

MAPEH Teachers

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