UMEP Modelling
UMEP Modelling
UMEP Modelling
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: UMEP (Urban Multi-scale Environmental Predictor), a city-based climate service tool, combines models
Received 18 April 2017 and tools essential for climate simulations. Applications are presented to illustrate UMEP's potential in
Received in revised form the identification of heat waves and cold waves; the impact of green infrastructure on runoff; the effects
29 August 2017
of buildings on human thermal stress; solar energy production; and the impact of human activities on
Accepted 29 September 2017
heat emissions. UMEP has broad utility for applications related to outdoor thermal comfort, wind, urban
Available online 27 October 2017
energy consumption and climate change mitigation. It includes tools to enable users to input atmo-
spheric and surface data from multiple sources, to characterise the urban environment, to prepare
meteorological data for use in cities, to undertake simulations and consider scenarios, and to compare
Urban climate services and visualise different combinations of climate indicators. An open-source tool, UMEP is designed to be
Heat risk easily updated as new data and tools are developed, and to be accessible to researchers, decision-makers
Solar energy and practitioners.
Green infrastructure © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
1364-8152/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87 71
communication, and use of climate knowledge and information for enable its use without restriction with respect to cost, license or
urban planning, building design and the operation of cities, is not rights issues. Users are encouraged to contribute to the tool to
straight-forward (Chrysoulakis et al., 2013; Grimmond et al., 2014; enhance and extend its capabilities. One of its major features is the
Masson et al., 2014; Baklanov et al., 2017). Appropriate input data ability for users to interact with spatial information to determine
(surface and atmospheric) can be challenging to access and model parameters, and to edit, map and visualise inputs and re-
specialist formats often make them inaccessible to many end-users sults. For this reason, the software is written as a plug-in to QGIS, a
(Grimmond, 2013). Communication between producers and users cross-platform, free and open source desktop geographic infor-
of climate services has been poor, with outputs often not easily mation system (GIS) application (QGIS Development Team, 2017).
interpretable by non-specialists. Tools that are more user-friendly, UMEP has three main elements (Fig. 1): pre-processor (for inputs
and are technically and economically accessible to users, are of meteorological and surface information); processor (modelling
needed to improve communication across disciplines, researchers system e.g. Urban Land Surface Models, ULSM); and post-processor
and users; to better identify user needs; to ensure common as- (tools to analyse the outputs (individual case and ensemble, in-
sumptions across models; to build capacity to address urban dicators of uncertainty, user applications etc.)). Each element is
climate and weather concerns; and transfer research into practice. described briefly in Table 1, with more complete details presented
Past initiatives have tended to focus on specific processes (e.g. in the online manual (
Herbert et al., 1998) or restricted spatial or temporal scales (e.g. UMEP). UMEP allows users to: integrate atmospheric and surface
Bruse and Fleer, 1998), with applications most often intended for data from multiple sources; take meteorological data measured at
specialist researchers. Many of these studies have focused on water ‘standard’ sites and adapt them to be representative of the urban
and waste water management (e.g. Paton et al., 2014; Saagi et al., environment; use reanalysis or climate prediction data; and
2017) and not on integrated hydro-climatological models appro- compare and visualise results or scenarios for different climate
priate for application at multiple scales (neighbourhood to city) indicators of interest (heat indices, intense precipitation, water/
which account for feedbacks and complex interactions (for example energy demand). This all can be done at a range of spatial scales
the effect of water on heat exchanges as well as on flooding). consistent with end-users’ needs and interests (Table 1). To aid
Here we introduce UMEP (Urban Multi-scale Environmental uptake and use of the model, and to develop capacity in urban
Predictor), an integrated tool for urban climatology and climate- modelling more generally, a series of tutorials have been developed
sensitive planning applications. While elements of UMEP have (
been presented elsewhere (see further discussion below and One key contribution of UMEP is to facilitate the preparation of
summary in Table 1), this is the first full description of UMEP and its input data required for City-Based Climate Services (CBCS). UMEP
potential across a broad range of applications. provides both guidance and tools that enable the preparation and
In its current form, the tool can be used for applications related manipulation of data (Table 1). This is particularly important as
to outdoor thermal comfort, urban energy consumption and climate most end-users are familiar with some, but not the full spectrum of,
change mitigation. UMEP consists of a coupled modelling system data needed for applications. For example, planners are knowl-
which combines state-of-the-art 1-D and 2-D models with systems edgeable about building heights, materials and their spatial
to input data from multiple sources, formats and at different tem- arrangement (i.e. urban surface data) and often have GIS skills, but
poral and spatial scales, and to generate output as data, graphs and they may not necessarily have detailed knowledge of meteorolog-
maps. An important feature of UMEP is its ability to couple relevant ical data. Equally, those knowledgeable of the latter may not be
processes and to use common data across a range of applications. expert of the former. Although remotely sensed data may play a
Here the basic structure of UMEP is described, followed by examples very useful part in CBCS, these data may require further processing
of applications to illustrate the potential of this tool. to be applicable in urban areas. UMEP has been designed to
enhance their integration. The tools within UMEP can also be used
2. UMEP overview to provide data to export to other more complex weather, climate,
hydrological, environment modelling systems. Alternatively, data
UMEP is being developed as a community, open-source tool to from more complex models may be imported into UMEP.
Table 1
Description of UMEP components and scales of applicability [C: city; L: local (neighbourhood); M: micro (e.g. street canyon, park)], with an example of where their application
may be useful. Those components with post-processing visualization tools are indicated with (*), benchmarking or other statistics are indicated with (þ), and components
described in detail in the text with (#). Note, the micro scale applications are usable across a whole city, but are likely to be computer intensive.
(a) Pre-processor
Meteorological Prepare existing C/L/M Formats meteorological data for input to the models, Local weather station data can be manipulated into a n/a
data data# dealing with missing data standard format and subjected to basic quality
Download Data C/L Downloads climate re-analysis data; modifies it for If local meteorological data are unavailable, allows Weedon et al.
(WATCH)# use in an urban context, representative of the local reanalysis data for land surface modelling to be used (2011, 2014)
scale Kokkonen et al.
Ward et al.
Spatial Data Spatial Data C/L/M Downloads spatial data from public servers If spatial population data within a city are n/a
Downloader# unavailable, they can be downloaded from world-
wide online dataset
Tree Generator C/L/M Creation/manipulation of 3D vegetation data Influence of vegetation on thermal comfort and n/a
energy exchanges in a city
LCZ Converter C/L Allows morphometric parameters and land cover Generates surface input data for city- to Stewart and Oke
fractions (see Table 4) to be calculated from Local neighborhood-scale modelling. (2012)
Climate Zone (LCZ) maps generated by WUDAPT Ching et al. (2017)
Urban Sky View Factor L/M Amount of the hemisphere with restricted view of the Solar access, urban heat island, thermal comfort Lindberg and
geometry sky modelling. Grimmond
Wall Height L/M Height and orientation of buildings and walls Solar access, urban heat island, thermal comfort Lindberg et al.
Aspect# modelling. (2016a)
Urban land Land Cover C/L/M Geodata can be translated into the land cover classes Remote sensing and other geodata sources (e.g. n/a
cover Reclassifier used by all the models MODIS classes) can be modified for use with models
and made appropriate for a local area.
Land Cover L/M Surface cover fractions are determined for an area Analysis and characterization of a measurement site n/a
Fraction (point) (circle of selected diameter) or specific directions
(Table 4)
Land Cover C/L As above, but a grid is used to determine fractions for Data input for an extensive area for modelling. n/a
Fraction (grid) multiple areas.
Urban Morphometric L/M Morphometric parameters (Table 4) are determined Interpretation of a measurement location in terms of Kent et al.
Morphology Calculator (point) for an area (circle of selected diameter) or specific surface roughness (2017a,b)
directions can be used. Table 4
Morphometric C/L As above, but a grid is used to determine parameters Data input on surface roughness for an extensive Kent et al.
Calculator (grid) for multiple areas. area for modelling (2017a,b)
Table 4
Source Area L/M As above, but determined for an area derived from Interpretation of observations, investigation of Kormann and
(point) source area models. potential siting of instruments Meixner (2001)
Kljun et al. (2015)
Kent et al.
SUEWS Prepare# C/L Prepares input data for the SUEWS model (processor) For extensive analysis using SUEWS, input forcing n/a
based on information derived from other pre- data and derived spatial information needed can be
processing tools within UMEP. prepared
(b) Processor
Thermal ExtremeFinder# C Finds extreme high and extreme low events (e.g. heat Identification of extreme temperatures from a long See Table 2
Comfort waves or cold waves) in meteorological time series climate record.
data (Table 2).
Mean Radiant L/M SOLWEIG estimates spatial (2-D) variations of 3-D Tmrt is an important meteorological variable Lindberg et al.
Temperature radiation fluxes and the mean radiant temperature governing the human energy balance and thermal (2008)
(SOLWEIG)* (Tmrt) in complex urban settings. Both 3D vegetation comfort outdoors, especially during clear and calm Lindberg and
(trees and bushes) as well as ground cover variations summer days (Mayer and Ho €ppe, 1987) Grimmond
are currently considered in the model. (2011a,b),
Lindberg et al.
Urban Energy Anthropogenic C/L Globally applicable method (low spatial resolution) to Quantifies contributions to energy budget from Allen et al. (2011)
Balance Heat (QF) (LQF) calculate QF building energy use and road traffic. Lindberg et al.
Gabey et al. (2017)
Anthropogenic C/L Locally applicable method (high spatial resolution) to Quantifies contributions to energy budget from road Iamarino et al.
Heat (QF) (GQF)# calculate QF traffic, residential and non-residential building (2012)
energy use, with different fuels and vehicle types Gabey et al. (2017)
Urban Energy C/L Urban land surface model that allows radiation, Simulations of evaporation and heat fluxes for a €rvi et al. (2011,
and Water energy and water fluxes to be calculated for a single neighborhood or across a city 2014)
Balance (SUEWS; point or area. Ward et al. (2016,
Simple)* # 2017b)
Urban Energy C/L As above, but for multiple areas (e.g. a city with 1000s Assessment of future city plans and impacts of Table 3
and Water of grid squares, or local planning zones (of any shape)). drought, heatwaves, water management, green
Balance (SUEWS; infrastructure.
F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87 73
Table 1 (continued )
Solar Radiation Solar Energy on L/M Shortwave irradiance on ground, roofs and building Potential for energy production, resource planning. Lindberg et al.
Building walls is estimated based on high resolution Digital (2016b)
Envelopes (SEBE) Surface Models (DSMs) and input meteorological
*# forcing data.
Daily Shadow L/M Shadow maps are derived from buildings and 3D Impact of building form and vegetation on energy Lindberg and
Patterns vegetation. production, outdoor thermal comfort. Planning of Grimmond
parks and outdoor spaces (2011a,b), Ratti
and Richens
(c) Post-processor
SEBE L/M Visualization of solar irradiation on building Identify areas of good or poor potential for n/a
(Visualization) envelopes (roofs and walls) generation of solar energy if panels were installed
SOLWEIG L/M SOLWEIG output: point (temporal), model domain Identify: potential hazard areas; potential sites for n/a
Analyzer#þ (spatial/temporal) , park).
outdoor activities (e.g. cafe
SUEWS C/L SUEWS output: point (temporal), model domain Comparison of indicators under different planning Ward and
Analyzer#þ (spatial/temporal) scenarios through time and as maps Grimmond (2017)
Benchmarkingþ C/L/M Statistical tool to compare different datasets Model evaluation n/a
Table 2
The heat-cold- wave indices used in UMEP- ExtremeFinder.
Heat- Meehl and Tebaldi (2004) Longest period when maximum temperature is above the 97.5th percentile for at least 3 days; average daily maximum
wave temperature across the event is over the 97.5th percentile; and all days are above the 81st percentile.
Fischer and Sch€ ar (2010) Periods of at least 6 days where maximum temperature exceeds the calendar day 90th percentile.
Vautard et al. (2013) Periods of various length when daily mean temperature is above the 90th percentile.
Schoetter et al. (2014) At least 3 days above the 98th percentile of maximum temperature.
Cold Keevallik and Vint (2015) Cold night: temperature lower than 10th percentile of daily minimum temperatures calculated for a 5-day window centered
-wave on each calendar day in dataset;
Cold wave: six consecutive cold nights.
Srivastava et al. (2009) Minimum temperature is below the normal temperature by 3 C or more, consecutively for 3 days or more.
Busuioc et al. (2010) Cited by At least 6 consecutive days with negative deviations of at least 5 C from the normal value of each calendar day.
Micu (2012)
UMEP has a broad range of capabilities (Table 1). Each of its extreme meteorological conditions are of interest and concern. To
elements may be used independently or in varying combinations. identify these extremes, analysis of a long climatological record is
Users may be interested in the output from tools that are provided required (Table 2). However, if such data are not available for the
in the pre-processor for other modelling applications (e.g. in area of interest, UMEP allows the user to draw on the reanalysis
generating urban surface information or standardised meteoro- dataset WATCH Forcing Data ERA-Interim (WFDEI) (Dee et al. 2011;
logical fields) or in applications that require a chain of tools to Weedon et al., 2011, 2014). This product was selected as it was
provide climate indicators for decision making. As many of the designed to be used for hydrological and land-surface modelling for
individual tools, as well as their evaluations, have been described in climate purposes and has been used in several cities around the
disciplinary focussed papers (see Table 1 references), here we world to explore variations in energy flux partitioning (Best and
present a range of examples, each of which requires the use of Grimmond, 2016).
several tools to obtain a solution. To determine the extreme thermal conditions for a site, the first
step is to use the UMEP Download data (WATCH) (Table 1) to
obtain a meteorological time series for the period and location of
3. UMEP applications
interest. These data can also be used for other UMEP applications
(e.g. section 3.2). For example, they can be downscaled to the area
In this section examples of applications are presented to illus-
of interest using the techniques of Best and Grimmond (2016) and
trate UMEP's potential, specifically in the identification of heat
Ward et al. (2017a,b) (Appendix 1).
waves and cold waves in cities (ExtremeFinder) (bold is used
Currently, ExtremeFinder provides four methods to identify
hereafter to indicate the component of the UMEP plug-in tool) ; the
heat-waves and three for cold-waves (Table 2), as there is no
implications of green infrastructure on runoff (SUEWS); micro-
generally accepted definition of either phenomena (Robinson, 2001;
scale heat stress (SOLWEIG); solar energy production (SEBE); and
Vaidyanathan et al., 2016) different percentiles are used to define
sources of anthropogenic (human-generated) heat (LQF, GQF). Each
extremes (e.g. Table 2). The thresholds for the extremes are based on
application draws on different combinations of UMEP tools.
fixed values or quantiles calculated from the meteorological time
series. Use of a time series spanning decades is therefore recom-
3.1. Application example 1 - identification of extreme thermal mended. The user can modify the fixed thresholds and quantiles
conditions (
Thermal_Comfort:_ExtremeFinder). Daily values are then evaluated
For many urban planning and human health applications,
74 F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87
to determine if an extreme event has occurred. ExtremeFinder b) SUEWS (Advanced) provides a full version of the model
identifies the dates and daily maximum (average or minimum) appropriate for investigating both spatial and temporal varia-
temperatures of all extreme high (low) events during the period of tions of the urban energy balance.
interest (Fig. 2, yellow boxes) based on the criteria set out by the
method chosen. The SUEWS model has been extensively evaluated for a variety
of locations and situations worldwide (Table 3).
The workflow for an application utilizing SUEWS within UMEP
3.2. Application example 2 - urban energy and water balance fluxes is outlined in Fig. 3. Geodatasets that contain information about the
urban environment are used with the pre-processor tools (Fig. 3,
Energy and water balance fluxes are critical to surface- gray and yellow) to provide the required surface parameters. The
atmosphere interactions in an urban area. The impact of extreme model can be applied to areas of any shape, as in most cities
conditions (heat waves, droughts, floods etc.) are influenced by the planning units have known boundaries already available in vector
state of the urban environment prior to these events, with the ur- polygon format (e.g. boroughs, wards). Alternatively, a square grid
ban energy and water balance varying with different neighbour- can easily be created in QGIS (Fig. 4a).
hood (local-scale) characteristics. The Surface Urban Energy and As land cover (Fig. 3) is a key variable for many calculations, a
Water balance Scheme (SUEWS) is an urban land-surface model method to reclassify data is provided. The UMEP Land Cover
included in the processing part of UMEP (Table 1). The model Reclassifier enables land cover raster grids to be created from
simulates the urban radiation, energy and water balances using sources such as MODIS and then converted to the standard UMEP
commonly measured meteorological variables and information cover types (Table 4). Surface cover fractions are very important
about the surface cover. SUEWS is applicable at the neighborhood given differences in energy and water partitioning that result from
to city scale. In UMEP SUEWS is uncoupled, i.e. advection between underlying differences in moisture availability and surface
grids is not accounted for. UMEP allows SUEWS to be run as a properties.
standalone model, or UMEP can provide the appropriate parame- Accessing reliable sources of land cover information to derive
ters for the use of SUEWS within a 3-D model meso-scale model these parameters at the scale of interest remains a challenge.
such as WRF (Dudhia, 2014). The parameters calculated with UMEP Crowd-sourced data sets such as OpenStreetMap (http://www.
tools can provide the input parameters to a wide range of urban and WUDAPT (, see
land surface models (either standalone versions SURFEX (Masson below) offer potential but may be incomplete or inconsistent. Other
et al., 2013), JULES (Best et al., 2011), CLM (Lawrence et al., 2011), sources such as MODIS (
SLUCM (Kusaka et al., 2001) or coupled to larger scale models). instruments/modis) are likely to be complete but give low spatial
SUEWS uses an evaporation-interception approach (Grimmond resolution at the sub-km scale. In addition, the number of human-
and Oke, 1991) for an area comprised of seven land cover types altered (urban) classes from such data are limited (3 classes) and
(water, buildings, grass, paved, bare soil, deciduous trees/shrubs the discrimination between land cover classes needs to be made
and evergreen trees/shrubs). The state of each surface type at each based on land use. In the example given here for central London,
time step is calculated from the running water balance of the the land cover information (Fig. 4a) is derived from OS MasterMap®
canopy where the evaporation is calculated from the Penman- Topography Layer (Ordnance Survey, 2010). The Land Cover Frac-
Monteith equation. The soil moisture below each surface type tion (Grid) tool is used to calculate grid-based land cover fractions
(excluding water) is considered. UMEP has the latest version of (Tables 1 and 4) based on the land cover raster grid.
SUEWS (Ward et al., 2017a,b) accessible through two links: Morphometric parameters (Table 4) related to surface rough-
ness can be obtained from the Morphometric Calculator (Grid)
a) SUEWS Simple: provides a useful starting place to introduce using digital surface models (DSM) (Fig. 4b). From these data, the
UMEP and SUEWS. Example data are provided so that users can zero-plane displacement (zd), aerodynamic roughness length (z0)
explore the impact of modifying urban surface characteristics. and other geometric parameters such as mean roughness-element
With SUEWS Simple, the ULSM can be executed for a single height and frontal area index are calculated (Table 4). The rationale
location (area). behind the different methods, and a basis for selecting between
Fig. 2. After heat-wave or cold-wave conditions are identified with ExtremeFinder, a series of graphs are generated including the daily temperatures with the extreme periods
indicated in yellow. In the example here, heatwaves are identified for London (yellow boxes) in the period 1990e2010 using the Meehl and Tebaldi (2004) method (Table 2). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87 75
Table 3
Studies that have evaluated and applied SUEWS (presented chronologically). Note other sub-component models have been evaluated and applied prior to these references.
Vancouver, Canada J€
arvi et al. (2011) Water use, anthropogenic heat flux, radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, soil moisture, surface wetness
Los Angeles, USA J€
arvi et al. (2011) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes
Helsinki, Finland J€
arvi et al. (2014) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, snowmelt, runoff, albedo, snow depth
Montreal, Canada J€
arvi et al. (2014) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, snowmelt, albedo, snow density, snow depth
Dublin, Ireland Alexander et al. (2015, 2016a) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes
Sacramento, USA Onomura et al. (2015) Boundary layer height, sensible and latent heat flux
Hamburg, Germany Alexander et al. (2016a) Sensible and latent heat fluxes
Melbourne, Australia Alexander et al. (2016a) Sensible and latent heat fluxes
Phoenix, USA Alexander et al. (2016a) Sensible and latent heat fluxes
Swindon, UK Ward et al. (2016) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, soil moisture, surface wetness
London, UK Ward et al. (2016) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, soil moisture
Helsinki, Finland Karsisto et al. (2015) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, snow depth
Shanghai, China Ao et al. (2016) Radiation
Singapore Demuzere et al. (2017) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes
Basel, Switzerland J€
arvi et al. (2017) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, snow depth
Minneapolis-Saint Paul, J€
arvi et al. (2017) Radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, snow depth
Helsinki, Finland Nordbo et al. (2015) Effect of surface cover resolution on SUEWS performance
Dublin Alexander et al. (2016a,b) Impact of urban development pathways on sensible and latent heat fluxes across the city of Dublin
Dublin, Ireland Alexander et al. (2016b) LCZ classification combined with SUEWS
Hamburg, Germany Alexander et al. (2016b) LCZ classification combined with SUEWS
Melbourne, Australia Alexander et al. (2016b) LCZ classification combined with SUEWS
Phoenix, USA Alexander et al. (2016b) LCZ classification combined with SUEWS
Porto, Portugal Rafael et al. (2016) Urban resilience measures under different climate scenarios
London, UK Ward and Grimmond (2017) Impact of urban development and climate mitigation measures on energy partitioning across Greater London
Table 4
Spatially related urban surface parameters determined by UMEP pre-processors.
Plug-in Parameters
Land Cover Types: water, building, paved surfaces, bare soil, deciduous trees, evergreen trees, and grass surfaces
Plan area fraction; the combined fractions for a grid must sum to 1.
Source area Two source area models are included: Kormann and Meixner (2001), Kljun et al. (2015)
Morphometric methods Hav e average roughness-element height Methods for z0 and zd:
lp e plan area index Rule of thumb (Grimmond and Oke, 1999)
lf e frontal area index Raupach (1994)
Hmax e maximum roughness-element height Bottema and Mestayer (1998)
sH e standard deviation of roughness-element heights Macdonald et al. (1998),
z0 e Aerodynamic roughness length Millward-Hopkins et al. (2011)
zd e zero-plane displacement Kanda et al. (2013)
Wall Height and Aspect Wall height
Aspect (orientation )
SVF Calculator Sky View Factor (Values of 1 indicate complete sky access, 0 no sky access. Height of calculations can be varied)
them, is outlined in Kent et al. (2017a,b). Parameters can be derived Downloader). In the example given here, averaged population
for the full surrounding area or for sectors reflecting different wind density between residential and working population is used
directions. (Fig. 4c). Such differentiations are very important in locations such
Applications which involve an assessment of the area sur- as central London for anthropogenic heat flux calculations (Dong
rounding a measurement point can use the Source Area Model et al., 2017; Gabey et al., 2017).
(Point). Currently, there are two turbulent flux source area models Given the challenges of acquiring all the datasets needed (DEM,
included within UMEP (Tables 1 and 3): the analytical model of DSM, and land cover in Fig. 3), local climate zone maps (LCZ;
Kormann and Meixner (2001) and Kljun et al.'s (2015) parameter- Stewart and Oke, 2012) are included in UMEP. From these, a first
isation of a Lagrangian stochastic particle dispersion model. These estimate of input parameters for SUEWS can be made. In UMEP
models indicate the probable surface area contributing to a turbulent the LCZ maps from the WUDAPT database (;
flux measurement at a specific point in time and space with imposed Ching et al., 2017) can be translated using the LCZ Converter.
boundary conditions (e.g. meteorological conditions, sources/sinks If more detailed information is available for specific areas, or
of passive scalars or surface characteristics). The results from these becomes available subsequently (e.g. local high resolution DSMs),
models facilitate interpretation of observations, enable improved parameters can be updated.
evaluation of flux models, and/or allow assessments of the appro- The other major input to SUEWS is the meteorological forcing
priateness of siting of new instrumentation (Fig. 5). data (Table A1.1). Such data need to be for above the height of the
Population density (people per hectare) is used in the estima- roughness elements (trees, buildings). A common format is used in
tion of anthropogenic heat flux in SUEWS. If population density all UMEP models (Table A1.1). Most applications require a contin-
datasets are unavailable (e.g. as would be obtained from local uous gap-filled data set. For many urban applications, the start and
census data), the Spatial Data Downloader can be used. This plug- finish of daylight savings is linked to important behavioural pat-
in is directly connected to various Web Coverage Services (WCS) terns (e.g. the shift of rush hour). Therefore, the individual models
including global datasets on population density (http://urban- account for daylight savings if relevant (e.g. timing of anthropo- genic energy use, irrigation). The Preparing Existing Data UMEP
76 F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87
tool (see Appendix 1) supports preparation of the meteorological reducing surface runoff compared to an increase in grass surfaces (a
data and conversion into the format used in all UMEP models. 10% increase in street trees is more effective than a 30% increase in
Once all the required information is pre-processed, SUEWS grass surfaces).
Prepare can arrange the data so the model can be executed. SUEWS
Analyzer (Fig. 3) allows spatial (Fig. 6a), temporal (Fig. 6b) and 3.3. Application example 3 - mean radiant temperature
between variable (Fig. 6c) model results to be explored. In this
example application, central London average daytime sensible heat Temperature-related health problems are expected to increase
fluxes (QH) for four-months period in 2015 are mapped (Fig. 6a), with rising temperature in cities, especially during more extreme
with detail of temporal variations of net all-wave radiation (Q*) and temperatures associated with heat waves. Mean radiant temper-
QH for nine days for one area (grid ID 44) graphed (Fig. 6b). The ature (Tmrt) is one of the most important meteorological variables
relation between Q* and QH for grid ID 44 for the whole time period governing the human energy balance and thermal comfort out-
(Fig. 6c) is also plotted. doors, especially on clear and calm summer days (Mayer and
To illustrate a hydrological application, to examine runoff gen- Ho€ppe, 1987). To provide estimates of thermal comfort/heat
eration in different planning scenarios, SUEWS was run for a highly stress for people, SOLWEIG (SOlar and LongWave Environmental
built-up catchment area (24 ha) in Helsinki for 2010 (Fig. 6def). The Irradiance Geometry model) can be used to calculate Tmrt. In
planning scenarios considered the current land cover/use (base SOLWEIG, both 3D vegetation (trees and bushes), as well as var-
run), and a 10% and 30% increase in areal coverage of street trees iations in ground cover, can be considered (Lindberg and
and grass surfaces at the expense of paved surfaces (Fig. 6f). Results Grimmond, 2011b; Lindberg et al., 2016b). SOLWEIG has been
from these simulations indicate that the increase in the amount of evaluated extensively and applied at urban locations worldwide
street trees (i.e. areal fraction of street trees) is more effective in (Table 5).
Table 5
Evaluation and application studies using the SOLWEIG model.
Gothenburg, Sweden Lindberg et al. (2008) Radiant fluxes and Tmrt City square, courtyard
Gothenburg, Sweden Lindberg and Grimmond (2011a) Radiant fluxes and Tmrt City square with tree
Kassel, Germany Lindberg and Grimmond (2011a) Tmrt Street canyon
Freiburg, Germany Lindberg and Grimmond (2011a) Tmrt Four urban sites
London, UK Lindberg et al. (2016b) Radiant fluxes and Tmrt Different urban ground covers
Shanghai, China Chen et al. (2016) Tmrt Very dense urban environment
Hong Kong, China Lau et al. (2016) Tmrt Very dense urban environment
Gothenburg, Sweden Thorsson et al. (2010) Spatial and temporal Tmrt Future climate scenarios
London, UK Lindberg and Grimmond (2011b) Tmrt Intra-urban differences
Gothenburg, Sweden Lindberg et al. (2013a,b) Spatial Tmrt Consideration of weather
Stockholm, Sweden Thorsson et al. (2014) Tmrt Prediction of heat related mortality
Porto, Portugal Lau et al. (2014) Tmrt Effects of urban geometry, climate change
Gothenburg, Sweden Lau et al. (2014) Tmrt Effects of urban geometry, climate change
Frankfurt, Germany Lau et al. (2014) Tmrt Effects of urban geometry, climate change
Berlin, Germany €nicke et al. (2016)
Ja Tmrt City-wide characteristics
Adelaide, Australia Thom et al. (2016) Tmrt Influence of increasing tree cover
Gothenburg, Sweden Lindberg et al. (2016b) Spatial and temporal Tmrt Future climate scenarios
Fig. 3. Workflow and geodata for analysing urban energy balance using the SUEWS model. Bold outlined boxes are mandatory items. In some cases alternatives are shown. Yellow,
orange and red indicates pre-processor, processor and post-processor tools, respectively (consistent with Fig. 1). Grey boxes indicate geodatasets and white boxes other types of
data. DEM e digital elevation model, DSM e digital surface model, LCZ e local climate zones. It is strongly recommended that all geodata used are transformed into the same
projected coordinate system. Model areas need to be defined in a vector polygon layer. For the meteorological forcing, users could manipulate their own data (Metdata Processor),
use the WATCH e WFDEI climatological data set (Download data (WATCH)) or link to their own already-prepared data. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87 77
Fig. 5. The UMEP Source Area Model tool calculating the source area for: (a) individual meteorological conditions and (b) varying conditions to generate a source area climatology.
Required input information includes a measurement location (x, y and z), a surface elevation database and meteorological conditions.
Fig. 6. Results from applications of SUEWS in (aec) London, UK, 17 Jul - 27 Oct 2015 and (def) Helsinki SeptembereNovember 2010. Examples of output from SUEWS Analyzer: (a)
Average daytime sensible heat flux (QH), (b) time series of net radiation (Q*) and QH for grid ID 44, (c) scatterplot between hourly values of Q* and QH grid ID 44. (d) Aerial image of
the water monitoring area (©2011 Kaupunkimittausosasto, Helsinki, Finland), (e) LiDAR derived land cover fractions (Nordbo et al., 2015), and (f) scatterplot between surface runoff
and precipitation for different planning scenarios. Base run is the current case and in the alternative scenarios paved surfaces have been changed to street trees and grass areas. For
visualisation, only events with runoff >4 mm have been plotted.
F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87 79
Fig. 8. SOLWEIG (aed) spatial input and (eef) output data displayed with SOLWEIG Analyzer. Inputs include “raw” data (a) digital surface models (DSM and CDSM), (b) ground
cover, and UMEP derived data (see text) (c) sky view factor from buildings and vegetation, (d) wall pixels and height. The pixel resolution here is 1 m. Tmrt ( C) results for 26 July
2006 Gothenburg: (e) at 1 p.m., and (f) hourly Tmrt and air temperature ( C) for the courtyard point of interest (POI). The POI can be represented in any GDAL/OGR (a computer
software library for reading and writing raster and vector geospatial data formats) point vector layer.
Fig. 9. The Civic Square (Medborgarplatsen) in Stockholm, Sweden (a) mean radiant temperature (Tmrt) at 14:00 using meteorological forcing from a hot summer day (28 July 1994)
and (b) hazard map based on number of hours when Tmrt > 59.4 C on one day, (c) same as (b) but with a 2 C and (d) 4 C increase in air temperature.
Anthropogenic heat flux (QF), heat released directly by humans Fig. 10. SOLWEIG output showing the relation between average ground surface Tmrt and
and their activities (Sailor, 2011), is a distinct feature of urban vegetation volume for 500 m 500 m grids in Stockholm, Sweden on the 28 July at 2 p.m.
F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87 81
Fig. 11. SEBE results for an online application for rooftop irradiance in central Uppsala, Sweden, (a) pop-up window with statistics for one of the buildings, (b) 3D view of shortwave
irradiance (walls and roof) for the building. ( Meteorological data used in this example originate from a meso-scale model for solar radiation (STRÅNG, developed by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).
areas with significant impact on energy and water exchanges. In shows the spatial distribution of each component, and the
UMEP, in addition to the methods within SUEWS, QF can be resultant larger QF towards the city centre (Fig. 12b, d, f). The
modelled using two standalone approaches (Appendix 2): (i) LQF, assumptions applied here limit LQF to spatial scales of the order
which uses the LUCY methodology (Allen et al., 2011; Lindberg 1 km (Gabey et al., 2017). At spatial scales less than 1 km,
et al., 2013a) and provides simple estimates at low spatial reso- movements of people, for example from home to work, are
lution; and (ii) GQF, which is a reimplementation of GreaterQF important and the structure of the road network needs to be
(Iamarino et al., 2012), and produces high-resolution estimates captured (Gabey et al., 2017). Example output maps from GQF
with greater insights into specific types of energy use. In UMEP, (Fig. 12a, c, e) show order-of-magnitude agreement with LQF,
each has been supplemented with a spatial input data pre- with a notably different spatial structure in QF,T (Fig. 12c, d)
processor that makes use of standard GIS data formats, and out- because road network topology is used rather than population
puts spatially and temporally-resolved QF estimates of traffic count. The effect of using the workday (GQF) rather than resi-
(QF,T), metabolic (QF,M) and building (QF,B) emissions in Universal dential (LQF) population on the daytime metabolic emission
Coordinated Time. The LQF results can be incorporated into the (Fig. 12e, f) is visible as a strong enhancement in the centre of the
meteorological data used to force SUEWS via the refinement stage city. A similar enhancement is also evident in the building
of the Download data (WATCH) tool. emissions (Fig. 12 a, b), which is attributable to the use of
An example of LQF output across Greater London in October spatially-resolved energy consumption in GQF compared with
2015 using Local Super Output Area (LSOA) population data residential population-based attribution in LQF.
82 F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87
Software availability
Fig. 12. Example outputs from (left) GQF and (right) LQF Greater London on 2nd
October 2015 at 11:00 UTC. (a,b) Building, (c,d) transport and (e,f) metabolic emissions Name of software: Urban Multi-scale Environmental Predictor
are shown to highlight the different spatial distributions that the models produce. The
same colour scale is used for all maps. Appendix 2 provides more details about the two
methods. Developers: Fredrik Lindberg, Sue Grimmond, Andrew Gabey, Bei
Huang, Christoph W Kent, Ting Sun, Natalie E
Theeuwes, Isabella Capel-Timms, Leena Ja€rvi, Helen C
4. Concluding comments Ward, Yuanyong Chang, Niklas Krave, D Meyer, Frans
€stberg, Lingbo Xue, Zhe
Olofson, Jianguo Tan, Dag Wa
The city based climate service tool UMEP (Urban Multi-scale Zhang
Environmental Predictor) is introduced through a series of appli- Contact: Fredrik Lindberg: [email protected], þ46 31 786 2606
cations. The QGIS plug-in has a coupled modelling system of “state Sue Grimmond: [email protected]. þ44 118 378
of the art” 1-D and 2-D models which can provide estimates of 6248
essential urban climate processes. It also provides tools for deter- Year first available: 2015
mining parameters for more complex 3-D models. A key contri- Hardware required: NA
bution of UMEP is to provide a method to consistently determine Software required: QGIS 2.X
model parameters across a suite of models and applications. This Operation system required: OS independent
serves to ensure consistency in theoretical assumptions between Program language: Python
models, data analysis, observations, evaluation and applications Program size: ~2.5 Mb (compressed), ~9 Mb (uncompressed)
(different scales, applications and end users). Common processing Availability and cost: Open source (no cost)
tools also enable rapid updates when new data become available Repository:
(for example, release of new national statistical data used in the Webpage:
anthropogenic heat flux) or when new parameterisations are
developed (for example, new aerodynamic roughness models of Appendix 1. Meteorological information
Kent et al., 2017a,b) which can then be used to understand flux
measurements (Source Area Model) and to perform energy and UMEP uses a common data format for meteorological data
water balance calculations (SUEWS). (Table A1.1). Preparing Existing Data (Figure A1.1), imports variables
Example applications have been presented to illustrate UMEP's from ASCII files and allows for time related variables (year, day of
potential, specifically of the identification of heat waves and cold year, hour and minute) and other time formats (such as month, day
waves in cities (ExtremeFinder); the implications of green infra- of month etc.) in preparation for analysis. During this process, some
structure on runoff (SUEWS); micro-scale heat stress (SOLWEIG); quality control is performed to ensure the data are within reason-
solar energy production (SEBE); and sources of anthropogenic able limits (Table A1.1, Figure A1.1) and to identify missing time
(human-generated) heat (LQF, GQF). Each application draws on intervals.
different combinations of UMEP tools.
F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87 83
0 1
> TC
> B 18:678 T C
> B 234:5 C C
> B C 1:00072 þ p 3:2 106 þ 5:9 1010 T2 TC 0 C
> 6:1121 expB C C
> @ TC þ 257:14 A
es ¼ 0
> 1
> T
> B 23:036 þ C
> B 333:7 C C
> B C 1:00022 þ p 3:83 106 þ 6:4 1010 T2 TC < 0 C
> 6:1115 expB C C
> @ TC þ 279:82 A
84 F. Lindberg et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (2018) 70e87
where Rv ¼ 461:5 J K1 kg1 the specific gas constant for water Appendix 2. Anthropogenic heat flux
vapour, Rd ¼ 287:04 J K1 kg1 the specific gas constant for dry
air, p the atmospheric pressure (kPa) and TC the air temperature LQF is designed to provide “out-of-the-box” anthropogenic heat
( C). flux (QF) estimates at 1-h time steps. The minimum user-provided
Other corrections consider the effect of elevation. With a input data required are the spatially-resolved population count and
coarse grid the city or of area of interest may be at a lower a daily mean air temperature time series. Both data sets can be
elevation than the surroundings. As one example, Vancouver, the obtained using tools within UMEP. Heat fluxes are estimated using
real weighted mean WFDEI grid height includes mountains but a top-down methodology that draws on a database of national
much of the city is much lower (Kokkonen et al., 2017). Thus, energy consumption, population and vehicle ownership statistics.
consideration needs to be given to: (i) the elevation of the area of LQF attributes this energy consumption and traffic based on local
interest, (ii) the height of the roughness elements (buildings, population count variations, and estimates QF in each population
trees), and (iii) the appropriate height for the forcing data for the area. It is possible to replace the national data with provincial or
simulation. In UMEP, the WFDEI temperature and pressure values smaller regions if the data are available.
are adjusted to the simulation height using environmental lapse The database contains diurnal variations for metabolism,
rate (G ¼ 6.5 C km1) and the hypsometric equation (Weedon traffic flow and building energy consumption, which are
et al. 2011). RH, used by SUEWS, is calculated from the WFDEI optionally overridden with user-specified versions. Weekend/
specific humidity assuming it is constant with altitude to avoid weekday variations are captured for buildings (QF,B) and trans-
supersaturation. Interpolation and altitude corrections may port (QF,T), while the user-specified versions provide control over
require a spin-up period to avoid interpolation errors and each day of the week. Day-to-day building energy consumption
missing data points at the beginning and at the end of the time is estimated using a database-held, country-specific temperature
series. Thus, longer periods should be used for analysis than the response function and assumption about the prevalence of air-
period of specific interest. conditioning (Lindberg et al., 2013a). A blanket weekend traffic
reduction is also applied to capture day-of-week traffic flow
Table A1.1
Meteorological data used in various components of UMEP are formatted in the order indicated. The Metdata Pre-processor tool does simple quality control to ensure data are
within acceptable ranges. Not all variables are required in UMEP (with the exception of the four time-related columns): All e any that use meteorological data, SU e SUEWS, SO
e SOLWEIG, SA e source area model, SE e SEBE, for some application these data are required (Bold). The variables extracted by Download data (WATCH) are indicated
(column 5). When data are not needed it can be assigned 999 to indicate no data available. Day of year is used instead of date within a month for simplicity. The hour and
minute is local standard time and refers to time ending.
Table A2.1
Input data files required by the LQF model
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