Intro Thermo Public in Felt A Partial

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Pierre Infelta
Independent Researcher


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Pierre Infelta

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Lausanne, Switzerland

BrownWalker Press

Boca Raton, Florida


Copyright © 2004, Pierre Infelta.

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or translated without the

prior written permission of the copyright owners, except as permitted
by law.

BrownWalker Press – 2004 purchase from editor
1-58112-416-3 (paperback)
1-58112-421-X (ebook)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Infelta, Pierre, 1942–

Introductory thermodynamics / Pierre Infelta.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1–58112–416–3 (alk. paper)
1. Thermodynamics. I. Title.

QD504.I54 2004
542’.369––dc22 2003027840

In numerous fields, a certain level of understanding of

thermodynamics is a necessity, yet the amount of time imparted to
this end is often very scanty. Hence, the need for a simple, compact
and easy to read text, intended for students beginning in the field.

This textbook provides a very concise yet clear presentation of

classical thermodynamics in 180 pages. I include many examples (111
actually) to provide instant illustrations and applications of the results

Being concise implies that the reader has to accept a number of

properties without rigorous derivations, such as “Entropy is a state
function”. We all know, however, that a good understanding and logical
derivations significantly decrease the amount of material that needs
to be memorized. Whenever possible, I present many simple (often
somewhat original) derivations with intermediate steps in the
derivations. Equations, without clear statements giving the extent of
their validity, are useless. I made a point to clearly mention, where
needed, the conditions under which a relation is valid. I also include a
very extensive index.

The ebook version is a very small file, instantly available for download.
It is very useful for efficient searches, highlighting and writing notes
and is enriched with colored figures.

I wish to express my thanks to the many colleagues, former colleagues

and friends who have contributed so significantly to the quality of this
book by their careful reading and their subsequent comments.

Pierre Infelta
School of Basic Sciences,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Lausanne, Switzerland
Table of contents

1. Thermodynamic Systems : Definitions ----------- 1

1.1 Interactions of Thermodynamic Systems with their
Surroundings ---------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Equilibrium------------------------------------------------- 1
1.3 Thermal Reservoir. Heat Source------------------------- 1
1.4 Diathermal and Adiabatic Enclosures -------------------- 2
1.5 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics-------------------------- 2
1.6 Intensive and Extensive Variables. State Functions
and State Variables --------------------------------------- 2
1.6.1 Definitions ------------------------------------------ 2
1.6.2 Fundamental and Auxiliary State Variables or
Functions -------------------------------------------------- 3
1.6.3 Thermal Coefficients------------------------------- 4
1.7 Change of a State Variable as the Result of a
Thermodynamic Process ---------------------------------- 5
1.7.1 General Process ------------------------------------- 5
1.7.2 Cyclic Process --------------------------------------- 5
1.7.3 Mathematical Characteristics of a State
Function --------------------------------------------- 6
1.8 Reversible and Irreversible Processes ------------------ 7
1.9 Equation of State ----------------------------------------- 8
2. Work------------------------------------- 9
2.1 Sign Convention for Energy Exchange ------------------- 9
2.2 Mechanical Work ------------------------------------------ 9
2.2.1 Definition ------------------------------------------- 9
2.2.2 Work and Volume Change-------------------------- 10
2.2.3 Process at Constant External Pressure----------- 11
2.2.4 Work during an Isothermal (Reversible) Change
of an Ideal Gas------------------------------------- 11
2.3 Remarks -------------------------------------------------- 12
2.4 Electrical Work ------------------------------------------ 12
2.5 Various Forms of Energy -------------------------------- 13
2.6 Various Expressions for Work -------------------------- 13
3. First Law of Thermodynamics ---------------- 15
3.1 Introduction---------------------------------------------- 15
3.2 The Joule Experiment ----------------------------------- 15
3.3 Internal Energy. First Law ------------------------------ 15
3.3.1 General Aspects. Expression of the First Law -- 15
3.3.2 Closed System – Adiabatic Process --------------- 16
3.3.3 Closed System – General Process. First Law----- 16
3.3.4 Closed System – Cyclic Process ------------------- 16
3.3.5 Infinitesimal Process ------------------------------ 16
4. Second Law of Thermodynamics--------------- 17
4.1 Kelvin Formulation of the Second Law ------------------ 17
II Introductory Thermodynamics

4.2 Carnot Cycle. Heat Engine. Thermodynamic

Temperature --------------------------------------------- 17
4.3 Entropy. Reversible and Irreversible Processes.
Equilibrium------------------------------------------------ 19
4.3.1 Definition ------------------------------------------ 19
4.3.2 The Second Law, Entropy and Spontaneity of
4.3.3 System in Contact with a Single Thermal
Reservoir ------------------------------------------- 21
4.3.4 Clausius Inequality---------------------------------22
4.3.5 Differential Expression for the Internal
Energy and Enthalpy of a Closed System---------23
4.3.6 Equilibrium Condition ------------------------------24
4.3.7 Thermal Equilibrium -------------------------------24
4.3.8 Isothermal (Reversible) Expansion of an Ideal
4.3.9 Monothermal Irreversible Expansion of an
Ideal Gas -------------------------------------------27
4.3.10 Reversible Adiabatic Process of an Ideal Gas ---29
4.4 Carnot Cycle and Entropy --------------------------------30
4.5 Heat Engines, Refrigerators, Heat Pumps -------------- 31
4.5.1 Thermal Machines --------------------------------- 31
4.5.2 Efficiency of an Engine----------------------------32
4.5.3 Performance of a Refrigerator -------------------33
4.5.4 Performance of a Heat Pump----------------------34
4.6 Otto Cycle or Beau de Rochas Cycle --------------------34
4.7 Stirling Cycle ---------------------------------------------36
5. Auxiliary Functions : Enthalpy, Helmholtz Energy,
Gibbs Energy ----------------------------- 39
5.1 Introduction----------------------------------------------39
5.2 Closed Systems ------------------------------------------40
5.2.1 Constant Volume Process (Isochoric Process) ---40
5.2.2 Constant Pressure Process (Isobaric Process) ---40
5.2.3 Monobaric Process--------------------------------- 41
5.3 Characteristic Variables. Fundamental Equations.
Open Systems. Systems with Chemical Reactions -----42
5.3.1 Generalities ----------------------------------------42
5.3.2 Internal Energy ------------------------------------42
5.3.3 Enthalpy --------------------------------------------43
5.3.4 Helmholtz Energy (Helmholtz Function, Free
Energy) ---------------------------------------------44
5.3.5 Gibbs Energy (Gibbs Function, Free Enthalpy) --44
5.3.6 Chemical Potential. Summary ---------------------45
5.4 Maxwell’s Relations --------------------------------------47
5.5 Thermodynamic Equation of State ----------------------49
5.5.1 General Case ---------------------------------------49
5.5.2 Equation of State for an Ideal Gas ---------------50
5.6 Properties of Cp and CV --------------------------------- 51
5.6.1 Relation between Cp and CV ----------------------- 51
Table of Contents III

Variation of CV with Volume and of Cp with

Pressure --------------------------------------------52
5.7 Physical Meaning of the Auxiliary Functions -----------53
5.7.1 Helmholtz Energy (Helmholtz Function, Free
Energy) ---------------------------------------------53
5.7.2 Differential Form----------------------------------55
5.7.3 Gibbs Energy (Gibbs Function, Free Enthalpy) ---55
5.7.4 Differential Form----------------------------------56
5.7.5 Spontaneous Evolution and Equilibrium
Condition -------------------------------------------57
6. Mixtures and Pure Substances :
Partial Molar Quantities and Molar Quantities --- 59
6.1 Homogeneous Functions and their Properties ----------59
6.2 Extensive Variables --------------------------------------60
6.3 Intensive Variables --------------------------------------60
6.4 Explicit Expressions for Various Extensive Variables---62
6.5 Gibbs-Duhem Equation -----------------------------------62
6.6 Partial Molar Quantities ---------------------------------63
6.7 Molar Quantities. Pure Substances --------------------64
6.8 Other Relations ------------------------------------------65
7. Thermodynamics of Gases ------------------- 69
7.1 Pure
Ideal Gas--------------------------------------------69
Chemical Potential of a Pure Ideal Gas -----------69
Selection of the Standard State Pressure ------69
Mathematical Expressions of other
Thermodynamic Functions of Ideal Gases--------70
7.2 Mixtures of Ideal Gases---------------------------------70
7.2.1 Basic Properties. Ideal Gas Mixture.
Dalton’s Law ----------------------------------------70
7.2.2 Chemical Potential of an Ideal Gas in an Ideal
Gas Mixture ----------------------------------------72
7.2.3 Mixing Properties ---------------------------------74
7.2.4 Irreversible Mixing of Two Ideal Gases ---------75
7.3 Pure Real Gases ------------------------------------------75
7.3.1 Molecular Interactions in Real Gases-------------75
7.3.2 Chemical Potential of a Pure Real Gas ------------76
7.3.3 Fugacity Coefficient of a Pure Real Gas----------77
7.3.4 The Virial Equation --------------------------------77
7.3.5 The van der Waals Equation of State ------------78
7.3.6 Joule–Thomson Effect ---------------------------- 81
7.4 Mixtures of Real Gases ----------------------------------83
7.4.1 Chemical Potential of a Real Gas in a Mixture----83
7.4.2 Variables of Mixing for Real Gases ---------------84
7.5 Ideal Mixtures of Gases---------------------------------86
8. Systems with Several Phases, No Chemical
Reaction. Third Law of Thermodynamics ------- 89
8.1 Introduction----------------------------------------------89
IV Introductory Thermodynamics

8.2 Differential Expressions for State Functions ---------89

8.3 Spontaneous Transfer of a Species from One Phase
to Another One ------------------------------------------90
8.4 The Phase Rule ------------------------------------------- 91
8.5 Equilibrium of Two Phases of a Pure Substance --------92
8.5.1 Clapeyron Equations -------------------------------92
8.5.2 Equilibrium between a Gaseous Phase and a
Condensed Phase (Liquid or Solid) of a Pure
Substance ------------------------------------------94
8.5.3 Schematic Representation of some of the
Thermodynamic Functions in the Vicinity of a
Phase Change---------------------------------------95
8.5.4 Effect of the Pressure of an Insoluble Gas on
the Vapor Pressure of a Liquid--------------------95
8.5.5 Effect of Temperature on the Latent Heat of Phase
Change and on the Equilibrium Pressure ----------------97
8.6 Phase Diagram of a Pure Substance---------------------98
8.7 Evaluation of Entropies ---------------------------------100
8.8 Third Law of Thermodynamics ------------------------- 101
8.9 Implications of the Third Law-------------------------- 101
8.9.1 Heat Capacities ----------------------------------- 101
8.9.2 Effect of Pressure and Volume on Entropy
at 0 K ---------------------------------------------- 101
8.9.3 Helmholtz Energy and Gibbs Energy at 0 K -----102
9. Energetics of Chemical Reactions------------- 103
9.1 Introduction---------------------------------------------103
9.2 The Extent of Reaction---------------------------------103
9.3 Variables of Reaction -----------------------------------104
9.3.1 Gibbs Energy of Reaction ------------------------104
9.3.2 Other Variables of Reaction ---------------------105
9.3.3 Standard Variables of Reaction -----------------105
9.3.4 Standard Variables of Formation ----------------107
9.4 Hess’ Law ------------------------------------------------108
9.5 Kirchhoff’s Equation ------------------------------------ 110
9.6 Effect of Temperature on the Entropy of Reaction
and the Gibbs Energy of Reaction---------------------- 112
9.7 Conversion of Chemical Energy into Work ------------- 113
9.7.1 Any Form of Work -------------------------------- 113
9.7.2 Work other than Work due to Volume Change -- 114
10. Chemical Equilibria ------------------------ 117
10.1 Change in G() with the Extent of Reaction ----------- 117
10.1.1 Expression for a Mixture of Reacting Ideal
Gases ---------------------------------------------- 117
10.1.2 Schematic Representation ----------------------- 118
10.2 Spontaneous Reaction. Equilibrium -------------------- 119
10.2.1 Isothermal Isobaric System --------------------- 119
10.2.2 Isothermal Isochoric System--------------------120
10.2.3 Adiabatic Isobaric System----------------------- 121
Table of Contents V

10.2.4 Adiabatic Isochoric System ---------------------122

10.3 Law of Mass Action for a Gas Mixture ----------------123
10.3.1 Standard Equilibrium Constant ------------------123
10.3.2 Other Forms of the Law of Mass Action --------124
10.4 Chemical Equilibrium in the Presence of Pure
Condensed Phases ---------------------------------------125
10.4.1 Chemical Potential of a Pure Condensed Phase --125
10.4.2 Law of Mass Action for Heterogeneous
Systems -------------------------------------------126
10.5 Independent Reactions ---------------------------------128
10.5.1 General Remarks ----------------------------------128
10.5.2 Number and Nature of Independent Reactions-128
10.5.3 Equilibrium of Systems where Several
Reactions can Take Place Simultaneously ------- 131
10.5.4 Consequences on Equilibrium ---------------------132
10.6 Phase Rule for Systems with Chemical Reactions -----133
10.7 Effect of Temperature on the Equilibrium Constant---134
10.8 Displacement Laws of Equilibria------------------------135
10.8.1 Effect of Temperature --------------------------136
10.8.2 Effect of Pressure -------------------------------136
10.8.3 Effect of Volume ---------------------------------137
10.8.4 Effect of the Addition of an Inert Gas ---------137
11. Perfect and Ideal Solutions ----------------- 139
11.1 Basic Considerations ------------------------------------139
11.2 Perfect Solution----------------------------------------- 141
11.2.1 Isothermal Representation ---------------------- 141
11.2.2 Isobaric Representation -------------------------143
11.3 Mixing Properties of Ideal Solutions ------------------145
11.4 Effect of Pressure and Temperature on Liquid Vapor
11.5 Lowering of the Freezing Temperature of a Solvent
in the Presence of a Solute – Eutectic-----------------147
11.6 Elevation of the Boiling Temperature of a Solvent in
the Presence of a Non Volatile Solute -----------------150
11.7 Osmotic Pressure --------------------------------------- 151
12. Non Ideal Solutions ----------------------- 155
12.1 Introduction---------------------------------------------155
12.2 Variables and Excess Variables of Mixing -------------156
12.3 Effect of Pressure and Temperature on the Activity
Coefficient ----------------------------------------------157
12.4 Standard State – Convention I for the Activity
Coefficient ----------------------------------------------159
12.5 Liquid – Vapor Equilibrium ------------------------------160
12.5.1 Isothermal Diagram ------------------------------160
12.5.2 Isobaric Diagram ---------------------------------163
12.6 Standard State – Convention II for the Activity
Coefficient ----------------------------------------------164
12.7 Liquid – Liquid Extraction -------------------------------167
VI Introductory Thermodynamics

12.8 Other Composition Scales and Standard States ------167

12.8.1 Molality--------------------------------------------167
12.8.2 Concentration -------------------------------------169
12.9 Law of Mass Action for Liquid Phase Systems --------170
12.10 Electrolytes ---------------------------------------------172
12.10.1 General Considerations ---------------------------172
12.10.2 Chemical Potential of Ions in Solution -----------173
12.10.3 Dissociation Equilibrium --------------------------174
12.10.4 Hydrogen Ion Convention for Aqueous Solutions175
12.10.5 Electrode Potential -------------------------------177
13. Bibliography ----------------------------- 179
13.1 Textbooks -----------------------------------------------179
13.2 Handbooks and Tables ----------------------------------179
13.3 Articles --------------------------------------------------180
3. First Law of Thermodynamics

3.1 Introduction
Energy exchanges between bodies do occur. One can observe :

• Energy exchange as either work or heat

• Conversion of work to heat or conversely of heat to work
• Energy exchange simultaneously as both work and heat.
The First Law formulates some of the rules applicable to energy
exchanges. It can be simply stated as : energy is conserved.

3.2 The Joule Experiment

By using the fall of a weight in the gravity field of the earth, a paddle
wheel that turns in liquid water causes a rise in its temperature.
Joule showed that the same temperature rise could be obtained using
an electrical resistor heated by an electric current.
Work can be transformed into heat. Heat and work are of the same
nature and constitute different forms of energy. They are expressed
in the same units.
The joule (symbol J) is the SI unit of energy. One still encounters in
practical applications the calorie (symbol cal) to express amounts of
heat. One calorie corresponds to the amount of heat that is needed
to get one gram of water from 14.5oC to 15.5oC. We have the
equivalence 1 cal = 4.1840 J.

3.3 Internal Energy. First Law

3.3.1 General Aspects. Expression of the First Law
The internal energy U depends on the state of the system and
accounts for all energy exchanges.
We ignore the potential energy of the system in the gravity field of
the earth or in external fields.

The internal energy of a system is a state function. The

differential of the internal energy U is an exact

16 Introductory Thermodynamics

3.3.2 Closed System – Adiabatic Process

A closed system contained inside an adiabatic enclosure does not
exchange heat. When work is done on such a system, it changes its
internal energy.

q=0 UF – UI = wadiabatic (3.1)

The work done on a gas during an adiabatic process is 1000 J. The change of its internal
energy for this process is :
UF – UI = wadiabatic = 1000 J

3.3.3 Closed System – General Process. First Law

Consider a closed system exchanging energy with its surroundings as
both work and heat.
Between two given states of the system, the change in the internal
energy of the system is independent of the process. This statement
actually constitutes the first law.
UF – UI = w + q (3.2)
The work done on the system and the heat received by the system
depend on the process.
As a result of a thermodynamic process, 1000 J of work is done on a system in contact
with a thermal reservoir at 300 K. The system receives – 700 J of heat (The system
actually transfers heat to the thermal reservoir). The change in the internal energy of the
system is :
UF – UI = w + q = 1000 – 700 = 300 J

3.3.4 Closed System – Cyclic Process

For a cyclic process, the initial and final states are identical :
UF = UI  U = 0 = w + q (3.3)

The sum of the work and heat received by a system during

a cyclic process is zero.
3.3.5 Infinitesimal Process
For an infinitesimal process, we can write Eq. 3.2 in a differential
form :
dU = dw + dq (3.4)
dU is an exact differential while, in general, dq and dw are not.
4. Second Law of Thermodynamics

4.1 Kelvin Formulation of the Second Law

The second law of thermodynamics can be formulated in the following
way :
Using a system which undergoes a cyclic thermodynamic
process, it is impossible to obtain useful work if, globally,
heat is only exchanged with one thermal reservoir.
A process where heat is only exchanged with a single thermal
reservoir is called a monothermal process. Useful work to us
corresponds to w  0. In a mathematical form, we can write the Kelvin
formulation of the second law as :
w 0 cyclic process – single thermal reservoir affected (4.1)
As a consequence, for a cyclic monothermal process, we have :
U = w + q = 0  q 0 (4.2)
It can be shown that for a cyclic monothermal reversible process
w = 0.

4.2 Carnot Cycle. Heat Engine. Thermodynamic

The Carnot cycle is a dithermal reversible cycle. The system
exchanges heat reversibly with two thermal reservoirs at
temperatures, T (cold) and Th (hot) (see Fig. 4.1).
Due to the reversibility requirements :

The system can only be brought in contact with a thermal
reservoir when its temperature is identical to the temperature
of the thermal reservoir. While in contact with the thermal
reservoir, the process is isothermal, the system temperature is

When the system is not in contact with one of the thermal
reservoirs, the process that it undergoes can only be adiabatic.
The system then receives or provides work. Its internal energy
changes and so does its temperature.
Therefore, the Carnot cycle comprises the following steps :
• 1-2 Isothermal (reversible) process in contact with the
thermal reservoir at high temperature Th, the system receives qh

18 Introductory Thermodynamics

• 2-3 Reversible adiabatic process that changes the system

temperature from Th to T
• 3-4 Isothermal (reversible) process in contact with the
thermal reservoir at low temperature T, the system receives q
• 4-1 Reversible adiabatic process that changes the system
temperature from T to Th.


4 2

Figure 4.1 Example of a Carnot engine cycle.
An engine provides work to a user (w is negative). For a Carnot engine
cycle (or forward Carnot cycle), it can be shown that we have the
following relations :
w + qh + q = 0  qh  0 
  (4.3)
w0 q  0  and qh  |q | 
where w is the algebraic work done on the system during the cycle.
For any system undergoing a reversible Carnot cycle, one can show
that the ratio of the amount of heat received by a system from each
thermal reservoir is independent of the system and depends only on
the thermal reservoirs.
This fact is used to define a temperature scale that has a universal
character, the thermodynamic temperature. We write :
Th qh q q
=–  + 0 (4.4)
T q Th T
This choice implies that the temperatures of the thermal reservoirs
have the same sign on this scale and are always positive. We also
have :
Th  T (4.5)
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 19

The temperature of the hot thermal reservoir is larger than that of

the cold thermal reservoir.
Unique temperature values are obtained by selecting as a reference
for the thermodynamic temperature the triple point of water,
temperature at which ice, liquid water and water vapor are at
equilibrium†. The vapor pressure of liquid water is then 6.11 mbar
(hPa). The numerical value selected for that temperature is
Ttp H2O = 273.16 K, the temperature unit is the kelvin (symbol K). With
this choice, the temperature at which ice melts under a pressure of
1 bar is 273.15 K and the boiling temperature of water under the
normal pressure of 1 atm is 373.15 K. This selection leads, for these
two phenomena, to a difference of 100 K on the thermodynamic scale
and a 100°C difference on the Celsius (centigrade) temperature scale.
All the equations of thermodynamics are only valid if we
use the thermodynamic temperature scale.
Under the SI standard pressure of 1 bar, the boiling temperature of
water is 372.8 K.
As a result of a Carnot cycle, a system provides 1000 J of work. Therefore – 1000 J of
work is done on a system that comes in contact with thermal reservoirs at 1500 K and
300 K. This system actually does work on its surroundings. The ratio of the amount of
heat received by the system from the thermal reservoirs is :
Th qh qh 1500
T = – q  q  = – 300 = – 5

The amounts of heat received by the thermal reservoirs are :

q = – 250 J
w + qh + q = 0 – 1000 – 5 q + q = 0q = 1250 J 
We find that 250 J of energy is “wasted” to obtain 1000 J of work.

4.3 Entropy. Reversible and Irreversible Processes.

4.3.1 Definition
We define a new function called entropy. During an infinitesimal
reversible change of a system in contact with a thermal reservoir at
temperature T, the entropy of the system varies by :
dSsys = (4.6)

† Phase equilibrium is presented in chapter 8.

20 Introductory Thermodynamics

dqrev is the amount of heat received by the system during the

reversible process. The entropy S of a system is a state function.
During an adiabatic reversible process, the system entropy does not
vary since dqrev = 0. An adiabatic reversible process is also called an
isentropic process. Equation 4.4 indicates that as a result of a Carnot
cycle, the entropy of the system does not change.
During a reversible adiabatic process, 2500 J of work is done on a system. The internal
energy change of the system is :
UF – UI = wadiabatic = 2500 J
The entropy change of the system is :
SF – SI = 0 J K–1

4.3.2 The Second Law, Entropy and Spontaneity of Processes

If a closed adiabatic system evolves irreversibly and thus
spontaneously, its entropy in its final state is larger than its entropy
in its initial state. This statement can be shown to be a direct
consequence of the Kelvin formulation given at the beginning of this
Sfinal  S initial  Sfinal – S initial  0
Note that any spontaneous process is irreversible. It usually takes
place as a consequence of some change imposed to the system or to
part of it. Since reversible adiabatic processes are isentropic, we can
also state :
It is impossible to imagine a process for a closed adiabatic
system that would result in a decrease of its entropy.
Consider now a system that can be in contact with a thermal reservoir
at temperature Ttherm. The global system (system of interest plus
the thermal reservoir) is an adiabatic system. For an irreversible
process, the entropy change of the global system is positive.
For any process of a closed adiabatic global system, we have the
relation :
global system = system of interest plus thermal reservoir
dSglobal  0 (SF – SI)global  0 (4.8)
The equality applies to a reversible process and the inequality to an
irreversible one. It is often possible to consider that a system and its
surroundings constitute an adiabatic closed system. The entropy of an
adiabatic closed system does not change during a reversible process.

† The Bases of Chemical Thermodynamics, M. Graetzel & P. Infelta,

chapter 4.
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 21

Consider a system undergoing a Carnot cycle. For this cyclic process the entropy change
of the system is zero since the initial and final states of the system are the same. The
entropy changes of the thermal reservoirs are :
qh q
(SF – SI)therm h = – T (SF – SI)therm  = – T
h 
In virtue of Eq. 4.4, the global entropy change (system plus thermal reservoirs) is found to
be zero.
Consider two containers with adiabatic walls separated by a stopcock. Initially, one
container contains one mole of an ideal gas at a pressure of 1 bar, while container 2 is
evacuated. Both containers have the same volume. The initial temperature of the gas
is 25°C.
We open the stopcock. An irreversible
expansion takes place and the gas Gas Vacuum
occupies the entire volume at its
disposal. Since the system is
adiabatic, q = 0, and the system
volume does not change, w = 0, the internal energy of the gas does not change.
UF – UI = 0 = w + q
The internal energy of an ideal gas depends only on its temperature (chapter 7). When the
system has reached equilibrium, its temperature has not changed. The change in the
entropy of the gas can be obtained starting from (Eq. 4.13) using also the ideal gas law :
p dV
dU = 0 = – p dV + T dS  dS = T dV = n R V

SF – SI = n R  V = n R ln V = 8.3145 · ln 2 ≃ 5.76 J K–1
 I
For this irreversible adiabatic process, the entropy of the system increases.

4.3.3 System in Contact with a Single Thermal Reservoir

Consider a process of a closed system that can exchange heat with
only one thermal reservoir at temperature Ttherm during part of the
process. The global system (subscript global) made of the system and
the thermal reservoir, is a closed adiabatic system. The system
receives qsys. The amount of heat received by the thermal
reservoir is :

qtherm = – qsys (4.9)

22 Introductory Thermodynamics

Since the global change of entropy cannot be negative, we have :

(SF – SI)global = (SF – SI)sys + (SF – SI)therm

qsys  (4.10)
= (SF – SI)sys – 0 
T therm
From which we can write :
qsys  Ttherm (SF – SI)sys = (qsys)rev (4.11)
For a system going from state I to state F, the amount of heat the
system receives is smaller for an irreversible process than for a
reversible one. The last equality in Eq. 4.11 is justified by imagining a
reversible process that takes the system from its initial to its final
state. We carry out a reversible adiabatic process to bring the
system temperature to Ttherm, followed by a (reversible) isothermal
process at Ttherm and finally another adiabatic reversible process to
bring the system to its final state, thus the expression for (qsys)rev.
Here, we show the reversible path for a gaseous
system going from an initial state I to a final p F Reversible

state F, via a reversible adiabatic process followed Adiabatic

by an isothermal process at the temperature Ttherm

and finally another reversible adiabatic process to
bring the system temperature to TF. The entropy I
of the system varies only during the isothermal part Isothermal

of the process.

4.3.4 Clausius Inequality

Consider a system that, during a cycle, comes in contact with several
thermal reservoirs at different temperatures, T1, T2, …, Ti, …, Tn. The
entropy change of the system during the cycle is of course zero since
entropy is a state function. Using the inequality established in (4.10)
for each thermal reservoir and summing for all thermal reservoirs, we
can write :
n n
qi sys
qi sys 
0 = Ssys =  S i sys   Ti
  Ti
 0
i=1 i=1 i=1 
 (4.12)
for a system
in contact with

two thermal
Th T
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 23

qi sys is the amount of heat received by the system from the thermal
reservoir at temperature Ti. The equality is valid for a reversible
cycle while the inequality applies to any irreversible cycle.
For a cyclic process of a system entering in contact with n thermal reservoirs, the entropy
change of the system is zero. From the amount of heat received by the thermal reservoir
at temperature Ti, we find the entropy change of that thermal reservoir to be :
qi sys qi sys
(SF – SI)therm i = – Ti  (SF – SI)global = – Ti ≥0
We find using 4.12 that the global entropy change is positive for an irreversible cyclic
process and zero for a reversible one.

4.3.5 Differential Expression for the Internal Energy and

Enthalpy of a Closed System
Assume that work due to volume change is the only type of work done
on a closed system (without chemical reactions). For a reversible
process, the external pressure is equal to the internal pressure
(system pressure) and the system temperature is equal to a thermal
reservoir temperature if and when there is thermal contact (needed
of course for heat exchange).
pext = pint = p 
 (4.13)
dU = dw + dqrev = – pext dV + T dS = – p dV + T dS 

The resulting expression is valid for any process, even irreversible

processes, since U is a function of state and dU is an exact
Enthalpy is another extensive state function. We can find the
expression for the differential of enthalpy from the expression just
obtained for dU :
H=U+pV  dH = dU + p dV + V dp = T dS + V dp (4.14)
Let us find the differential expression for the entropy change of n moles of a pure ideal gas.
From the two different expressions of the differential of the internal energy of n moles of an
ideal gas, we obtain :
CV, m p  CV, m R 
dU = n CV, m dT = – p dV + T dS  dS = n T dT +T dV = n  T dT +V dV 
 
CV,m is the molar heat capacity of the gas at constant volume (see chapters 5 and 6). This
differential expression can be integrated assuming that the molar heat capacity of the gas
24 Introductory Thermodynamics

is constant. We obtain the expression for the change in entropy of an ideal gas
characterized by its temperature and volume :
 TF VF
SF – SI = n  CV,m ln  T  + R ln  V 
  I  I 
Using the ideal gas law and Eq. 5.52, we find expressions for the entropy change when the
states are characterized by other variables :
 pF VF VF  pF VF
SF – SI = n  CV,m ln  p V  + R ln  V  = n  CV,m ln  p  + Cp,m ln  V 
  I I  I    I  I 
 T
 F p T
 I F  T
 F p
 F
SF – SI = n  CV,m ln  T  + R ln p T  = n Cp,m ln  T  – R ln  p 
  I  F I   I   I 
C p, mis the molar heat capacity of the gas at constant pressure (chapters 5 and 6.

4.3.6 Equilibrium Condition

Let us now consider a chemical system in an adiabatic enclosure. An
irreversible, thus spontaneous, process can take place only if it results
in an increase in entropy of the system. Such a process keeps on going
until the entropy of the system can no longer increase. The system is
then at equilibrium and its entropy has reached a maximum.
When no spontaneous process takes place, the entropy of
a closed adiabatic system is maximal and the system is at

4.3.7 Thermal Equilibrium

Consider two identical blocks of matter in thermal contact with each
other (Cp1 = Cp2 = Cp = Heat capacities of each block at constant
pressure). The system is adiabatic. The heat transfer is assumed to
be very slow (then the temperature of each block stays uniform). The
amount of heat received by a system during an isobaric (constant
pressure) process is the change of its enthalpy (See § 5.2).
Since the global system receives no heat, the change of its enthalpy is
zero. We obtain the final temperature, TF :

TF TF 
HF – HI = Cp dT + Cp dT = Cp (TF – T1) + Cp (TF – T2) = 0
T1 T2

 TF =
T1 + T2
The entropy change of the system during the process is :
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 25

T1 T2

Figure 4.2 Heat exchange between two blocks of matter at different

temperatures. Globally, the system receives no heat.

SF – SI = dT + dT = Cp ln + Cp ln (4.16)
T T T1 T2
T1 T2
T2F (T1 + T2 )2
SF – SI = Cp ln = Cp ln 
T1 T2 4 T1 T2

  (4.17)

 (T1 – T2 )2  

SF – SI = Cp ln 1 +

4 T1 T2 

The entropy change of this closed adiabatic system is always positive,
except if both blocks are at the same temperature. Then no process
takes place, since the blocks are already in thermal equilibrium.
Let us examine how the ratio (SF – SI )/Cp varies with the ratio T2/T1 of the initial
temperatures of the blocks. We have :
 1 – T  
 T2 0.5
SF – SI  1 

Cp = ln 1 +
 4T 

 1 

We see that if, in the initial state, the

temperatures of the blocks are different, 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5
the heat transfer implies an increase of T2 /T1
the entropy of the system. A bigger
difference in the initial temperatures
results in a larger entropy increase.
26 Introductory Thermodynamics

4.3.8 Isothermal (Reversible) Expansion of an Ideal Gas

Thermal reservoir Thermal reservoir

at T at T

Figure 4.3 Isothermal expansion of an ideal gas. The walls of the cylinder are in
thermal contact with a thermal reservoir. The mobile piston is
A system contains n moles of an ideal gas in a cylinder closed by a
mobile adiabatic piston (Fig. 4.3). The other walls of the cylinder are
in thermal contact with a thermal reservoir at temperature T.
The external pressure stays identical to the pressure inside the
system, pext ≃ pint, for all states during the process. The internal
energy of the ideal gas remains constant (See chapter 7). We have :

VF VF n R T VF

  
wsys = – pext dV = –
dV = – n R T ln  
 I

 (4.18)

UF – UI = 0 = wsys + qsys

qsys = n R T ln 

 
 I

 
The entropy change of the system is :
1 qsys VF
 
(SF – SI)sys =  dqrev = = n R ln   (4.19)
I  I

The entropy change of the thermal reservoir is :

1 – qsys VF
 
(SF – SI)therm =  dqtherm = = – n R ln   (4.20)
I  I
The entropy change of the global (closed adiabatic) system is zero, as
expected for a reversible process.
(SF – SI)global = (SF – SI)sys + (SF – SI)therm = 0 (4.21)

Let us find the work done on 0.1 mole of an ideal gas during a reversible isothermal
process at 400 K when its volume doubles.
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 27

wsys = – n R T ln  V  = – 0.1 · 8.3145 · 400 ln 2 ≃ – 230.5 J
 I
The amount of heat received (from the thermal reservoir) by the system and its entropy
change are :
qsys = – wsys ≃ 230.5 J (SF – SI)sys = n R ln  V  ≃ 0.58 J K–1
 I
The internal energy of the gas stays constant during the process. The work obtained
comes integrally from the thermal reservoir. The entropy change of the thermal reservoir
is :
qtherm qsys
(SF – SI)therm = T = – T ≃ – 0.58 J K–1
The global entropy change for this reversible process is zero.
4.3.9 Monothermal Irreversible Expansion of an Ideal Gas
Consider now the irreversible expansion of the ideal gas where the
initial and final states of the gas are the same as in the case just
examined (Fig.4.3).
The external pressure is now assumed to remain constant during the
process and has the value pF  pI. Entropy is a state function, the
entropy change of the system is :
VF pI
   
(SF – SI)sys = n R ln   = n R ln   (4.22)
V p
 I  F
The work done on the system is :

wsys = – pext dV = – pF dV = – pF (VF – VI) (4.23)
The final temperature of the gas is the same as its initial temperature
and equal to the thermal reservoir temperature. The first law
provides :
UF – UI = 0 = wsys + qsys  qsys = – wsys = pF (VF – VI) (4.24)
The entropy change of the thermal reservoir is :
qtherm = – qsys = – pF (VF – VI)

(SF – SI)therm=
pF (VF – VI)
pFVF 

1 –
VI 
 
T T T 

VF 
 

= – n R 1 –
VI 

= – n R 1 –
pF 
 

VF 
 
pI 
 
28 Introductory Thermodynamics

Combining 4.22 and 4.25, we obtain the entropy change of the global
system (gas plus thermal reservoir) :
 pI   pF  
(SF – SI)global = n R  ln   – 1 –  (4.26)
 pF   pI  
We show in Fig. 4.4 how the global entropy changes as a function of
the ratio pF /pI. The entropy of the global system increases except if
pF = pI (when no process takes place).

Figure 4.4 Entropy changes for a monothermal irreversible process (expansion or
compression) of an ideal gas at constant external pressure pF.

Let us find the work done on 0.1 mole of an ideal gas during the irreversible monothermal
process of § 4.3.9 when its volume doubles (same initial and final states as in the previous
example). The temperature of the gas is 400 K in its initial and final states. The work done
on the system is :
 VI 
wsys = – pF (VF – VI) = – pF VF 1 – V 
 F
 VI 
= – n R T 1 – V  = – 0.1 · 8.3145 · 400 · 0.5 ≃ – 166.3 J
 F
The amount of heat received by the system is :
qsys = – wsys ≃ 166.3 J
The entropy change of the system is the same as in the reversible process (previous
example) since entropy is a state function. The entropy change of the thermal reservoir is :
qtherm qsys 166.3
(SF – SI)therm = T = – T ≃ – 400 ≃ – 0.42 J K–1
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 29

The change of the entropy of the global system (system + thermal reservoir) is :
(SF – SI)global = (SF – SI)sys + (SF – SI)therm ≃ 0.58 – 0.42 = 0.16 J K–1
As expected from the second law, it is a positive quantity.

4.3.10 Reversible Adiabatic Process of an Ideal Gas

Consider n moles of an ideal gas undergoing an adiabatic reversible
process. The first law implies :

dq = dU – dw = CV dT + p dV = 0 (4.27)

Since the process is reversible, we can express p with the ideal gas
law, we obtain :

dV dV
CV dT + n R T =0 CV dT + (Cp – CV) T = 0 (4.28)
We replaced n R by its value in terms of the heat capacities of the
system (Eq. 5.52). We can divide Eq. 4.28 by the number of moles n
and, assuming constant molar heat capacities, we can integrate the
resulting differential equation.
T2  V2
   
CV, m ln   + (Cp, m – CV, m) ln   = 0 (4.29)
T1 V1
   
CV, m and Cp, m are the molar heat capacities. We can obtain various
forms of this relation :
 Cp, m 
 – 1 
 
T2  V1   V, m   V1  ( – 1)
 
Cp , m 
= 
T1 V2
 
= 
 2
with  =
CV, m 

using p V = n R T  p 1V1 = p 2V2

The entropy change of the system is zero. This process is an
isentropic process. During an isothermal change of an ideal gas, the
product p V remains constant, while during an isentropic change, it is
the product p V  that remains constant. In a diagram giving p vs. V,
and at a specific point p0, V0, the slope of an isothermal curve is
- p0/V0 while that, on an adiabatic curve going through the same point,
is –  p0/V0. The ratio of the heat capacities at constant pressure and
at constant volume, , is always larger than 1 (see Fig. 4.5). The
absolute value of the slope of the adiabatic curve is always larger than
that of the isothermal curve going through the same point.
30 Introductory Thermodynamics

p Isothermal curve
2 3 4 5
6 7 8
Adiabatic curve


V0 V
Figure 4.5 Comparison of reversible adiabatic and isothermal curves for an
ideal gas.

Use C V, m= 5 R/2 = 20.8 J mol–1K–1 for a monoatomic gas assumed to behave ideally. A
reversible adiabatic compression brings one mole of the gas at 300 K, 1 bar to 2 bar.
From Eq. 4.29 using the ideal gas law, we get :
T2  V2 T2  T2 p1
C V, m ln T  + R ln V  = 0  C V, m ln T  + R ln p  T  = 0
 1  1  1  2  1
T2  p1 p2 C
C p, m ln T  + R ln p  = 0 T2 = T1 p  p, m = 300 · 20.4 = 396 K
 1  2  1

4.4 Carnot Cycle and Entropy

On Fig. 4.6, we show two different representations of an engine
Carnot cycle (of a gas). We show a p vs. V diagram as well as a T vs. S.
• 1-2 Isothermal (reversible) expansion at temperature Th,
qh = Th (S2 – S1) 
 (4.31)
wh = – qh 
• 2-3 Adiabatic reversible expansion from Th to T, (isentropic)
dq = 0 dU = CV dT = dw
q23 = 0 w23 =

 (4.32)

Th 
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 31

1 T 1 2

4 2

3 4 3
Figure 4.6 Representation of a Carnot cycle. In the direction used here, this is
an engine cycle. The area inside either curve represents the work
done on the system.

• 3-4 Isothermal (reversible) compression at temperature T,

q = T (S4 – S3) = T (S1 – S2)
 (4.33)
w = – q 
• 4-1 Adiabatic reversible compression from T to Th, (isentropic)
dq = 0 dU = CV dT = dw
  (4.34)
q41 = 0 w41 = CV dT = – w23
T 
The work done on the system is :
w = wh + w= – (qh + q) = (S1 – S2) (Th – T) (4.35)

A system undergoes a Carnot cycle. The thermal reservoirs temperatures are Th = 1300 K
and T = 300 K. Let us find what the entropy change from state 1 to state 2 needed to
obtain 1000 J of usable work (w = – 1000 J). We have :
w 1000
S2 – S1 = – T – T = 1300 – 300 = 1 J K–1
h 

4.5 Heat Engines, Refrigerators, Heat Pumps

4.5.1 Thermal Machines
All machines that conceptually exchange heat with at least two
thermal reservoirs at different temperatures are thermal machines.
It is of interest to evaluate the efficiency of such devices. The
efficiency of a machine is the ratio of the desired energy form to the
energy that had to be supplied to obtain it.
32 Introductory Thermodynamics

Thermal q q Thermal
reservoir h reservoir
Machine T

Figure 4.7 Heat and work exchanges taking place in a thermodynamic machine, in
contact with two thermal reservoirs. The indicated heat and work are
those received by the machine which here constitutes the system.

For refrigerators and heat pumps, this ratio is often larger than 1 and
is usually called the coefficient of performance. In Fig. 4.7, we show
the energy exchanges that take place using the sign convention
mentioned earlier.

4.5.2 Efficiency of an Engine

For an engine undergoing a reversible cycle, we obtain, using the result
of § 4.4 :

– w qh + q (S2 – S1) (Th – T) T

e(rev) = = = =1– (4.36)
qh qh Th (S2 – S1) Th

In real systems, the cycle is not reversible. Using the Clausius

inequality, we have :
h q q T

0 
Th 
q T
 (4.37)

e = 1 +
 1–
The efficiency of a real engine isalways smaller than that of a
reversible engine and always smaller than 1.
Let us find the maximum efficiency for a thermal engine that exchanges heat with only two
thermal reservoirs at 2000 K and 300 K.
T 300
e(rev) = 1 – T = 1 – 2000 = 0.85
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 33

4.5.3 Performance of a Refrigerator

The inside of the refrigerator is the cold thermal reservoir. The
outside of the refrigerator plays the role of the hot thermal
reservoir. For this type of machine, q is positive.
0  qh  –
q 
 qh  0  (4.38)
since q  0 
 |qh|  q

Using the first law (Eq. 3.3), we find that :
w = – qh – q 
w + qh + q = 0    (4.39)
w  0 
The coefficient of performance, r, is given by :

q q
0  –


Th T

q T

q q 1 1  (4.40)
r = = =
w – qh – q qh

Th 


We calculate the maximum value of the coefficient of performance for a refrigerator that
operates reversibly in a room at 298 K while the inside is kept at 278 K :
1 1
r = T = 298 = 13.9
T – 1 278 – 1

If 100 W of work is provided, the maximum amount of heat that can be extracted from the
refrigerator in 1 hour is :
w = 100 · 3600 = 3.6 105 J q= r · w = 13.9 · 100 · 3600 ≃ 5 MJ
In practice this type of efficiency can never be achieved of course.
The heat of fusion of ice is 6000 J mol–1. The maximum amount of water already at
freezing temperature that can be transformed in ice is :
18 10–3 kg mol–1· 5 106 J
m= ≃ 15 kg
6000 J mol–1
34 Introductory Thermodynamics

4.5.4 Performance of a Heat Pump

The hot source (the inside of a building) receives heat (qh  0) from
the cold source (q  0 for example the outside air). The coefficient
of performance, HP, is :

0 
 
– qh – qh 1 1
 (4.41)
HP =
– qh– q

T 
Th 
The efficiency or coefficient of performance is found to be lower
than that of an ideal machine operating reversibly between the same
heat sources.
We calculate the coefficient of performance of a heat pump that operates reversibly to
warm up a house at 298 K while the outside temperature is 273 K.
1 1
HP = T = 273 ≃ 11.9
1–T 1 – 298
If work is provided at the rate of 100 W, the maximum amount of heat, qh, that can be
released inside the house in 1 hour is :
w = 100 · 3600 = 3.6 105 J qh= HP · w = 11.9 · 100 · 3600 ≃ 4.29 MJ

4.6 Otto Cycle or Beau de Rochas Cycle

Figure 4.8 schematically represents this cycle. Gas engines, which
operate in cars, work according to this cycle. It has four steps that
are :
• 1-2 Compression of the fuel air mixture (adiabatic)
• 2-3 Combustion of the mixture at constant volume
• 3-4 Adiabatic expansion (step during which the engine provide
usable work)
• 4-1 Cooling of the products of the combustion at constant
The exhaust of the burnt gases and the intake of the fuel air mixture
are not part of the thermodynamic evaluation presented here.
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 35

p 3

Figure 4.8 Representation of the Otto cycle (or Beau de Rochas cycle).

With a number of simplifying assumptions, we can calculate the

efficiency of such a cycle. The efficiency of an engine is given by :
e=1+ (4.42)
Assume :
• The fuel air mixture behaves as an ideal gas.
• The heat capacity of the gases remains constant during the cycle.
• The processes 1 2 and 3 4 are reversible adiabatic.
U3 – U2 = qh = CV (T3 – T2) U1 – U4 = q = CV (T1 – T4) (4.43)

q T1 – T4
e= 1+ =1+ (4.44)
qh T3 – T2

T1 and T2 are on a reversible adiabatic curve, so are T3 and T4. By

using 4.30 for a reversible adiabatic change of an ideal gas, we have :
T2 VF ( – 1) T3 VF ( – 1) Cp , m
   
=  =  where =
T1 VI T4 VI CV, m
   
T1 – T4 1 VF
e=1+ = 1– where a= (4.46)
T3 – T2 a
( – 1) VI

The efficiency of the cycle improves as the compression ratio a is

36 Introductory Thermodynamics

For a mixture of gases with  = 1.4 and a compression ratio of a = 8, the efficiency is :
 e = 1 – (1.4 – 1) = 0.56
After compression the gas mixture, initially at 300 K has reached :
VF ( – 1) 0.4
T2 = T1  V  = 300 · 8 = 689 K
 I
To obtain 1000 J of useful work we must supply :
w – 1000
qh = – = – 0.56 ≃ 1786 J
Assuming we have 0.04 mol of gas mixture (1 liter of gas at 300 K) with a molar heat
capacity, CV, m= 20.8 J mol–1 K–1, the temperature reached by the gas at the end of the
combustion is :
qh 1786
T3 = T2 + n C = 689 + 0.04 · 20.8 ≃ 2836 K
V, m

4.7 Stirling Cycle

This cycle has four steps and is represented in Fig. 4.9.

• 1-2 Isothermal at T • 2-3 At constant volume V2

• 3-4 Isothermal at Th • 4-1 At constant volume V1

p 3 Isothermal Tl
Isothermal Th
4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5
2.0 1.5 1.0 Isochoric

Figure 4.9 Schematic representation of the Stirling cycle.
4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 37

We assume that the gas is ideal.

1-2 U2 – U1 = 0 q = – w = n R T ln 
 

 V1 
2-3 U3 – U2 = CV dT = qi w23 = 0

T 
3-4 U4 – U3 = 0 qh = – wh = n R Th ln 
 V1 
   (4.47)

4-1 U1 – U4 = CV dT = – qi w41 = 0

Th 
The work w is done on the system. We have :

 V1 
 
– w = (q + qh ) = n R (Th – T) ln   (4.48)
 2

The efficiency of the cycle is given by :

w T
e= – =1– (4.49)
qh Th

Let us examine a Stirling cycle of 0.05 mol of N2 behaving ideally. The thermal reservoir
temperatures are 300 K and 600 K. The heat capacity of the gas is assumed to be
constant and we use CV, m = 5 R/2 = 20.8 J mol–1K–1. In state 1, the pressure of the gas
is 105 Pa. The volume V2 is 1/10 of V1. Volumes and pressures are :
0.05 · 8.3145 · 300 V1
V1 = ≃ 1.247 10 –3 m3 p = p = 106 Pa
105 2 1V
Th V2
p3 = p2 T = 2 106 Pa p4 = p3 V = 2 105 Pa
 1
We have the following results :
q = – w = 0.05 · 8.3145 · 300 ln 0.1 ≃ – 287 J 
  w ≃ – 287 J
qh = – wh = 0.05 · 8.3145 · 600 ln 10 ≃ 574 J 
The cyclic process produces work. The heat received by the system during step 2–3 is :

qi = n CV, m  dT = 0.05 · 20.8 · (600 – 300) ≃ 312 J

38 Introductory Thermodynamics

This amount of heat is usually obtained mostly from a heat exchanger that is heated during
step 4–1 when the system receives – qi, warming up the heat exchanger in the process.
Note that steps 2–3 and 4–1 can be reversible only if the system can get in contact with an
infinite number of thermal reservoirs always at the system temperature as its pressure and
temperature change. If, at step 2, the system is brought in contact with the thermal
reservoir at high temperature, then the heat exchange is irreversible. In this case, we can
use the result of example of § 4.3.5 to find the entropy change for the global system during
step 2–3 is :
(S3 – S2)global = (S3 – S2)sys + (S3 – S2)therm

Th qi
= n CV, m ln T  – T
  h
= 0.05 · 20.8 · ln 2 – 600 ≃ 0.20 J K–1
The positive result obtained agrees with the second law. If the isochoric process takes
place when the system is in contact with the cold thermal reservoir then we find :
(S1 – S4)global = (S1 – S4)sys + (S1 – S4)therm

T qi
= n CV, m ln T  + T
 h 
1 312
= 0.05 · 20.8 · ln 2 + 300 ≃ 0.319 J K–1
7. Thermodynamics of Gases

7.1 Pure Ideal Gas

7.1.1 Chemical Potential of a Pure Ideal Gas
We use the equation of state for n moles :
pV=nRT (1.16)
The differential of the Gibbs energy is (5.22) :
dG = – S dT + V dp + dn (7.1)
Using Schwarz theorem (see also 6.30) :
∂ ∂V ∂ RT
  =  = Vm    = (7.2)
∂p T, n  ∂n  T, p ∂p T, n p
The integration of this partial differential equation gives us the
dependence of the chemical potential of a pure ideal gas on pressure :


 dp p 
 d = R T p   =0(T) + R T ln  0
p 
 0 p0
The chemical potential of a pure ideal gas has the value 0(T) at
pressure p0. 0(T) is a function of temperature only.

7.1.2 Selection of the Standard State Pressure

The special superscript is used to refer to a standard state
quantity. The chemical potential of an ideal gas is written :
o p _
 =  (T) + R T ln _ = (T) + R T ln p (7.4)
where  (T) is the chemical potential of_ the ideal gas under
o _ o
consideration at standard state pressure, p .  (T) is known as the
standard chemical potential at temperature T.
The right hand side of Eq. 7.4 is valid because the standard state
pressure always has a value of 1 (either 1 atm or 1 bar according to the
selected convention) (1 atm = 1.01325 105 Pa). The most recent
convention for the standard state pressure is a pressure of 1 bar
(1 bar = 105 Pa = 750.0062 mmHg). In view of this choice, gas pressures
should be expressed in bar in equations involving chemical potentials.

70 Introductory Thermodynamics

Let us calculate the change in the chemical potential of an ideal gas when its pressure
varies from 1 bar to 2 bar at 300 K. We have :
 2
 (T, 2) –  (T, 1) = 8.3145 · 300 · ln 1 ≃ 1729 J mol –1
 
At a temperature T, the difference of the standard chemical potentials using 1 bar or 1 atm
as the standard pressure is :

_o _o p_ob
b – a = R T ln  _ = – T  where  = R ln 1.01325 = 0.10944 J mol–1 K–1
pa 
At 298.15 K the difference of the two standard potentials is 32 J mol–1.

7.1.3 Mathematical Expressions of other Thermodynamic

Functions of Ideal Gases
The molar entropy of an ideal gas is given by (Eq. 5.30) :
 ∂   ∂ S d _
  =–  = – Sm  Sm = – –R ln p = S (T) – R ln p
∂Tp,n  ∂n T,p dT

_ (7.5)
where S (T) is the standard molar entropy of the _ideal gas
considered, at temperature T. Since only depends on T, S depends
only on T as well. Various expressions of the molar enthalpy are :
Hm =  +T Sm
  _
o 
 d 
 
=  + R T ln p + T – – R ln p
 dT
 

G = H – TS
 _o 
 d
 T

 
 
o  _
=  –T = –T 2 =H
dT dT
_ (7.6)
Hm is identical to the standard molar enthalpy, H , independent of
7.2 Mixtures of Ideal Gases
7.2.1 Basic Properties. Ideal Gas Mixture. Dalton’s Law
A mixture of ideal gases is an ideal gas mixture if both of the
following properties are valid :

The internal energy of the mixture at temperature T is the
sum of the internal energy of the species (ideal gases) of the
mixture taken separately at the same temperature T.
7 Thermodynamics of Gases 71

U = U i (7.7)
• The enthalpy of the mixture at temperature T is the sum of
the enthalpy of the species (ideal gases) of the mixture taken
separately at the same temperature T.

H = H i (7.8)
The equation of state of a pure ideal gas and the definition of H allow
us to write :

H =U+pV=  (U + p V ) = U + n R T = U + n R T
i i i i (7.9)
i i
The number of moles n identifies with the sum of the number of moles
of the species as it should.
Consider an ideal gas mixture containing two species. Assume that the heat capacities at
constant volume are constant. The change of the internal energy of the mixture, when the
temperature changes, is :
U2 – U1 = (n1 CV, m 1 + n2 CV, m 2) (T2 – T1 )
unaffected by volume.
The change of the enthalpy is, using 5.52 :
H2 – H1 = (n1 CV, m 1 + n2 CV, m 2)(T2 – T1 ) + (n1 + n2) R (T2 – T1) 

= (n1 Cp, m 1 + n2 Cp, m 2)(T2 – T1 ) 
unaffected by pressure.
If the ni moles of species i occupied by themselves the entire volume,
the pressure as given by the equation of state would be :
pi V = ni R T (7.10)
The pressure pi is known as the partial pressure of species i in the
mixture. We can write using the fact that there are n moles of gas :

p i
R T p1 pi i p
= = … = =…= = using p V =n R T (7.11)
V n1 ni n
 ni
p=  pi pi = p xi xi =
n (7.12)
72 Introductory Thermodynamics

The pressure of the mixture is equal to the sum of the partial

pressures of the species (Dalton’s law). We also obtained the
expression of the partial pressure of species i as a function of its
mole fraction, xi, in the mixture and of the total pressure.
In a 3 10–3 m3 vessel at 400 K, we have 0.4 mol of N2 and 0.1 mol of O2 assumed to
behave ideally. Let us find the partial pressure of each gas and the total pressure. We
have :
0.4 · 8.3145 · 400
pN = ≃ 4.434 106 Pa = 44.34 bar
2 3 10–3
0.1 · 8.3145 · 400
pO = ≃ 1.109 106 Pa = 11.09 bar
2 3 10–3
the total pressure is the sum of the partial pressures :
0.5 · 8.3145 · 400
ptotal = ≃ 5.543 106 Pa = 55.43 bar
3 10–3
We can obtain the partial molar volume using :
nRT R T  ∂V  RT
p n i
  
∂ni T, p, n
  j
= Vi =
= Vm
The partial molar volume of an ideal gas in an ideal gas mixture is the
same as its molar volume and it is also the same for all gases at given
p and T. As a consequence, the molar volume of a mixture in an ideal
gas mixture is independent of the composition of the mixture.

7.2.2 Chemical Potential of an Ideal Gas in an Ideal Gas

We start from the differential expression of the Gibbs energy and
take into account the ideal gas law to express V and the fact that the
pressure is the sum of the partial pressures.

V = … = ni pR T = … 

= V dp – S dT + i dni with 

i dp = i dpi  (7.14)
ni R T 
=  pi   dn
dpi – S dT + i i 
i i
We can find the variation of i with the partial pressures. Using
Schwartz theorem, we find :
7 Thermodynamics of Gases 73

∂ ni R T
 ∂  i
  RT
∂pi p ,T, n , n = ∂ni  pi  p , p ,T, n = pi
  j i j   i j

 ∂ i  ∂ nj R T
 
∂pj p ,T, n , n = ∂ni  pj  p , p ,T, n = 0
  i i j   i j j
From Eq. 7.15 and 6.12, one can find the expression for the chemical
potential of an ideal gas in a mixture.
o _
i =  i (T) + R T ln pi =  i (T) + R T ln _

 (7.16)
=  i (T)
+ R T ln p + R T ln xi 
From this expression, we can get expressions for other
thermodynamic properties. Using 6.29, we get :
  _o 
 ∂ i
H i = – T 2   
 ∂  i 
= – T 2   

∂T T p, n , n
i j
∂T  T p, n , n
i j

 _o 
 i 
(7.17) 
d 
T _ 

=–T2 = H i = Hi, m
The partial molar entropy of an ideal gas in an ideal gas mixture
depends on the composition of the mixture.
 
Si =–  =–
d i
– R ln p – R ln xi
 ∂T  p, n , n
i j
 (7.18)

– R ln p – R ln xi = S*i, m – R ln xi
S i (T) 
the standard molar entropy of species i. S *i, m is the molar
S i (T)is
entropy of species i pure at pressure p. The superscript * is
conventionally used to indicate a pure species property.
Consider an ideal gas mixture assuming that the Cp,m i are constant. From the enthalpy of
the pure species, we obtain the partial molar enthalpy :
 
Hi = ni Hm i(T0) + Cp, m i (T – T0) 

∂Hi  _o
H i =  ∂n  = Hm i(T0) + Cp, m i (T – T0) = H i (T)
 i  T,p
74 Introductory Thermodynamics

The partial molar heat capacity is given by :

d H i dH i _o
C p i = dT = dT = C p i = Cp, m i
We can also find how the standard molar entropy varies with temperature. We have :
dS i (T) o_ _o _o T
T dT = C p i = Cp, m i  S i (T) = S i (T0) + Cp, m i lnT 
 0

7.2.3 Mixing Properties

In its initial state, a system is made of several pure ideal gases, all at
pressure p and temperature T. We mix them reversibly to obtain a
mixture at the same pressure p and temperature T. The entropy
change for such a process is known as the entropy of mixing :

mixS =  
ni S i – ni S*i, m = –  ni R ln xi (7.19)
i i i
Since the mole fractions xi are smaller than 1, the system entropy
increases during the mixing process. We also have :
mixH = HF – HI = 0

mixG = GF – GI = mixH – T mixS
 (7.20)

= T  n R ln x
i i

i 
The enthalpy and internal energy of mixing are zero and the
Helmholtz energy of mixing is given by :
mixU = UF – UI = 0

mixA = AF – AI = mixU – T mixS
 (7.21)

= T  n R ln x
i i

i 
Note that the change in A is equal to the work done on the system
during this reversible process. Since the internal energy of the gases
does not change (T is constant), the system also receives heat during
this reversible process.
7 Thermodynamics of Gases 75

7.2.4 Irreversible Mixing of Two Ideal Gases

Consider two gases in two different compartments of a vessel in
contact with a thermal reservoir. Both gases are at the same
temperature T and pressure p. When mixed, they form an ideal gas
mixture. The vessels are connected via a stopcock that is now open.
The final pressure is p. No work is done on the system. Since the
temperature of the system is constant, its internal energy does not
change. The first law of thermodynamics therefore tells us that no
heat exchange takes place. The entropy change of the thermal
reservoir, Stherm, is therefore zero. The state functions of the
system undergo exactly the same changes as obtained for the
reversible mixing. The global change of entropy (system plus thermal
reservoir) is, in this case, the change of the entropy of the system,
which is equal to the entropy of mixing and is positive. This indicates
the irreversibility of such a mixing process.
We consider a two-compartment vessel in contact with a thermal reservoir at 300 K. One
compartment contains 0.2 mol of O2 and the other,
0.8 mol of N2 . The pressure is the same in both
compartments and is 105 Pa. When the stopcock O2 N2
is open, the gases mix. We assume that the gases
behave ideally. At equilibrium, the mixture has a
uniform composition. The pressure remains constant since the total volume, the
temperature and the number of moles are constant.

mixS = –  n R ln x = – 8.3145 (0.2 · ln 0.2 + 0.8 ln 0.8) = 4.16 J K

i i

We find, as expected, that the entropy change of the global system is positive.

7.3 Pure Real Gases

7.3.1 Molecular Interactions in Real Gases
A real gas can behave as an ideal gas if its temperature is significantly
above its temperature of liquefaction and its pressure is sufficiently
low, practically of the order of atmospheric pressure. Gas molecules
interact via forces known as “van der Waals forces”. The potential
energy of interaction of two non polar molecules can be described to a
good approximation by the Lennard-Jones potential :

C2 C1
Einteraction = – 6 (7.22)
r12 r
76 Introductory Thermodynamics

E r


Figure 7.1 Schematic representation of the interaction energy between two

molecules of gas as a function of the separation distance.
The constants C1 and C2 depend on the nature of the molecules. We
have given a schematic representation of the interaction energy, E(r),
in Fig. 7.1.
When molecules are sufficiently apart, the attractive forces are the
dominating interaction. At very short separation distances, the
repulsion forces dominate and the potential energy becomes strongly
positive. The distance where repulsive and attractive forces are equal
corresponds to the van der Waals complex.

7.3.2 Chemical Potential of a Pure Real Gas

Since we observe that real gases behave as ideal gases at low enough
pressure, we express the chemical potential of such a gas by a
mathematical expression similar to that obtained for an ideal gas :
o _ o _ 
 =  (T) + R T ln f =  (T) + R T ln p + R T ln  
 (7.23)
with f=p   1 when p  0 
f is called the fugacity of the gas and has units of pressure. is the
fugacity coefficient, is dimensionless and is a function of
temperature and pressure.
The standard state for a real gas is the state that corresponds to the
standard state pressure (1 bar or 1 atm according to the convention
selected) and a value of the fugacity coefficient,  = 1. For many real
gases at standard state pressure, the fugacity coefficient, , is quite
close to 1. We can also write :
real = ideal + R T ln  (7.24)
10. Chemical Equilibria

10.1 Change in G() with the Extent of Reaction

10.1.1 Expression for a Mixture of Reacting Ideal Gases
Let us illustrate the relation between the Gibbs energy of reaction
and the extent of reaction. Consider a closed isothermal and isobaric
system where all chemical species are ideal gases and reaction 9.3 is
the only reaction that can take place. Assume that only work of
volume can be done on the system. Prior to any reaction, the initial
composition of the system is :
Initial composition n 0i moles of species i i = 1, 2, …, n (10.1)

Due to the stoichiometric of the reaction, the changes in the number

of moles of each species are related to changes in . We have seen
that :
dn1 dni
 = … =  = … = d  (9.5)
1 i
In the initial state of the system, no reaction has yet taken place and
 = 0. For a reaction extent , the number of moles of each of the
species is given by :
n1 = n 01 + 1  … ni = n 0i + i  … (9.6)
A positive value of  corresponds to the reaction proceeding to the
right and a negative value of  corresponds to the reaction proceeding
to the left. As already mentioned in chapter 9, the allowed values of 
are restricted to limits corresponding to the total disappearance of
either one of the reactants or one of the products. The maximum and
minimum possible value for  are :
n 0i
 
…, 
min = max  –  ,…  for the positive i
 i 
 n 0i   (10.2)
 
max= min …, –  ,…  for the negative i
 i 
Using the expression of the chemical potential of ideal gases,
(Eq. 7.16) and the expression of the Gibbs energy (Eq. 6.16), we obtain
the expression for the Gibbs energy of the system as a function of  :
118 Introductory Thermodynamics

n  
i =  i (T) + R T ln p + R T ln xi G= i i
i 
xi =
n 0i + i 
 (10.3)

 n  (n j
j + j ) 
j j 
and finally :
n i + i 
G() = (n i + i )  i (T) + R T ln  p 
o 0
i   (n j + j )   0

 j 
10.1.2 Schematic Representation
The function G() depends on pressure, temperature, stoichiometric
coefficients of the reaction, chemical potential of the species in their
standard state and on the extent of reaction. We have given in
Fig. 10.1 a schematic representation of G() as a function of , for
isobaric and isothermal conditions. The state of equilibrium for this
system corresponds to the value of  for which the Gibbs energy is
minimum (See 5.7). The system tends to spontaneously evolve towards
this state. We can now look in more detail at the equilibrium criterion
and the spontaneity of chemical reactions under various conditions.


x min 0 x eq x max x
Figure 10.1 Schematic representation of G() as a function of the reaction extent
for isobaric and isothermal conditions.
10 Chemical Equilibria 119

10.2 Spontaneous Reaction. Equilibrium

10.2.1 Isothermal Isobaric System
Consider an isothermal (in contact with a thermal reservoir) and
isobaric closed system that can only exchange work due to volume
change and in which a single chemical reaction can take place. The
system tends to have a spontaneous evolution such that its Gibbs
energy decreases. For an infinitesimal change,dG  0, (relation 5.73),
Eq. 9.7 shows that :
• If rG  0, then the reaction takes place spontaneously
from right to left since dG  0 implies that d  0.
• If rG  0, then the reaction takes place spontaneously
from left to right since dG  0 implies that d  0.

If rG = 0, there is no evolution. The system is at
The equilibrium condition is that the Gibbs energy of reaction be zero.

   =0
Chemical equilibrium is reached
rG = i i
  G has reached its minimum value (10.5)


Consider an isothermal isobaric (pressure ptot) system where the following reaction takes
place between ideal gases :
 2 A(g)  A (g) 2
Pressures are proportional to number of moles and depend on the reaction extent. Using
the properties of equal ratios, we have :
nA = nA0 +   pA pA ptot
2 2 2
  = =
nA = nA0 – 2  nA0 + 0
nA – 2  0
nA + nA0 – 
2 2
The value of the reaction extent eq that corresponds to the equilibrium is the value of 
solution of :
_o nA0 +   _ nA0 – 2  
rG = 0  A + R T ln
p – 2  o + R T ln ptot = 0
0 0  0 0 
2 nA + n A –  tot A nA + nA – 
2  2 
The equilibrium state depends on the temperature, the standard chemical potential of the
species and the pressure imposed to the system. The volume at equilibrium is different
from the initial volume.
(nA0 + nA0 – eq) R T
V= ptot
120 Introductory Thermodynamics

10.2.2 Isothermal Isochoric System

Consider an isothermal (in contact with a thermal reservoir) and
isochoric (constant volume) closed system on which no work is done
and in which a single chemical reaction can take place. The system
tends to have a spontaneous evolution such that its Helmholtz energy
decreases (for an infinitesimal change dA  0, relation 5.67). From
the differential expression of dA (Eq. 5.22), we find :

dA = – p dV – S dT +   dn =    d 
i i i i
i i
 (10.6)
= 
 ∂  V, T
d = rG d 
According to the sign of rG, we obtain the same conclusions as in the
isothermal isobaric case (in general, the system pressure changes).
The equilibrium is achieved when the Gibbs energy of reaction is
zero :

   =0
Chemical equilibrium is reached
rG = i i
 A has reached its minimum value (10.7)


Consider an isothermal isochoric system (volume V) where the following reaction takes
place between ideal gases :

2 A(g) 
 A2 (g)
Here again, pressures are proportional to number of moles and depend on the reaction
extent. The system pressure depends also on the reaction extent.
nA = nA0 +   pA pA ptot RT
2 2 2
  = = = V
nA = nA0 – 2  nA0 + 0
nA – 2  0
nA + nA0 – 
2 2

The value of the reaction extent eq that corresponds to the equilibrium is the solution of :
_o R T  _o R T 
rG =  A + R T ln  (nA0 + )   0 
V  – 2  A + R T ln  (nA – 2 ) V   = 0
2  2

The equilibrium pressure is different from the initial pressure.

peq = (n A0 + n A0 – eq) V
11. Perfect and Ideal Solutions

11.1 Basic Considerations

Consider a system containing a mixture of two species A and B that do
not chemically react. Such a mixture, which contains only two species,
is a binary mixture. The system, at equilibrium under the chosen
experimental conditions, has a single liquid phase and a gaseous phase.
The variance of this system is :
v = n + 2 –  = 2 + 2 – 2 = 2 (11.1)
For given values of the temperature of the system and of the mole
fraction of one of the species in the liquid phase, all of the other
intensive variables of the system are determined from equilibrium
relations. The chemical potential of A in such a system is  (p, T, xA)
where xA is the mole fraction of A in the liquid. Using some very
simple assumptions, one can find an explicit expression for the
chemical potential of A.
At equilibrium, the partial pressure of a system containing only
species A in the liquid state is p A * (T, p) , the vapor pressure of pure A
which depends only slightly on the total pressure of the system
(§ 8.5.4). If the system contained only pure B, then the partial
pressure of A would be zero. A simple way to accommodate these two
extreme cases is to assume that the partial pressure of A is
proportional to xA, the mole fraction of A in the liquid. With this
assumption, we have :
pA = xA p A* (T, p) ≃ xA p A* (T) (11.2)
At equilibrium, the chemical potential of A has the same value in both
phases. Assuming the gas phase behaves as an ideal gas, we have :
A(l) = A(g) =  A (T) + R T ln _
_ pA* (T, p) 
A 
=  A (T) + R T ln _ + R T ln x
p A* (T, p)
 (11.3)

 A* (T, p) =  A (T) + R T ln _



= A * (T, p) + R T ln x
140 Introductory Thermodynamics

A* (T, p) is the chemical potential of pure liquid A at T and p, which is

simply related to the standard chemical potential of the vapor
pressure of pure A. A species i in a solution is said to be ideal when
its chemical potential is given by :
i = *i (T, p) + R T ln xi (11.4)
where xi is the mole fraction of species i in the solution. The standard
chemical potential  *i (T, p) corresponds to the value of the chemical
potential for a mole fraction xi = 1. The superscript * indicates that
the value is for the pure substance.
A solution is ideal if all of its species are ideal in some range of
Assuming the gas phase behaves as an ideal gas mixture, we obtain
interesting results. At equilibrium, the chemical potential of each
species is the same in the gas phase and in the liquid phase. We get :
_ ln pA
* (T, p) + R T ln x =  o (T) + R T
A(l) = A(g)  A A A _ (11.5) o
from this equation, we can write :
pA = xA KA p
 * _
o 
 A (T, p) –  A (T)
 (11.6)

KA= exp 
 RT

We get back more than assumed, since we obtain the dependence of
KA on p. We have (6.25) :
 *  VA (l) V *
∂ ln KA 1 ∂ A (T, p) A, m
  =   = RT = RT (11.7)
 ∂p  T R T  ∂p T
where V A, m is the molar volume of pure A liquid. The variation of KA
with pressure is rather small since, in general, the molar volume of a
liquid is small compared to R T.
For H2O at 25°C, we have :
∂ ln KA
Vm = 18 10–6 m3   = 7.3 10 –9 Pa–1
 ∂p T
For a pressure change of 1 bar (105 Pa), the relative change of KA is 7.3 10–4.
When xA is close to 1, the solution is ideal and we see that KA
corresponds to the vapor pressure of liquid A pure at pressure p. We
can write the following relations neglecting the effect of the pressure
on the chemical potential of pure A :
11 Perfect and Ideal Solutions 141

 A* (T, p) ≃  A (T) + R T ln p A* (T) 
o *

KA p ≃ p A (T) = kR A  Raoult’s constant
 (11.8)

pA ≃ xA p A  Raoult’s Law 
A species in a solution is said to obey Raoult’s law when the last
equation of 11.8 is experimentally verified. This type of behavior is
experimentally observed in the case of liquid mixtures of species of a
similar nature as well as for the solvent in dilute solutions. The
constant kR A is Raoult's constant for species A. It is equal to the
vapor pressure of pure A. The standard chemical potential of A in the
liquid is related to the standard chemical potential of A in the gas
phase and to the vapor pressure of A by the first equation of 11.8.
At 320 K, the vapor pressure of pure liquid hexane in equilibrium with its vapor is
48248 Pa. In an ideal solution with a mole fraction of hexane xhex = 0.4, the partial
pressure of hexane when liquid vapor equilibrium is achieved is :
phex = 0.4 · 48248 = 19299 Pa

11.2 Perfect Solution

11.2.1 Isothermal Representation
When expression 11.4 for the chemical potential is valid for all the
species in the solution whatever the composition, the solution is known
as a perfect solution. Raoult's law is then valid for all species
assuming the vapor behaves as an ideal gas mixture. We obtain the
pressure of a binary system at equilibrium at a given temperature as a
function of xA :
* pB = xB pB*
pA = xA pA

p = pA + pB = xA pA* + xB pB*  p = pB* + xA (pA* – pB*) (11.9)
with xA + xB = 1 
On Fig. 11.1, we display the data for a system where A is hexane and B
is triethylamine at 350 K. The total equilibrium pressure is
represented as a function of the composition of the liquid, known as
the vaporization curve or boiling point (also bubble point) curve. We
also display the partial pressures of the species as a function of the
liquid composition. The compositions of the vapor phase, in A and B, yA
and yB are :
142 Introductory Thermodynamics

)*+,# !" #$

- . %$ #$



O ("
Vapor '
p p,#


x y
Figure 11.1 Partial vapor pressures and total pressure in a binary system at
350 K. The system contains hexane and triethylamine.

pA xA p A pB xB p B*
yA = = yB = = (11.10)
p xA p A* + xB p B* p xA p A* + xB p B*
The curve giving the pressure of the system at equilibrium as a
function of the vapor composition is the condensation curve or the
dew point curve.
In the data presented in Fig. 11.1, the vapor pressures of the pure species (hexane and
triethylamine) at 350 K are p *A = 129761 Pa and p B* = 68429 Pa. For a composition of the
liquid phase where xhex = 0.6, the equilibrium pressure is :
p = 0.6 · 129761 + 0.4 · 68429 ≃ 105229 bar
The vapor composition is :
0.6 · 129761
yhex = 105229 ≃ 0.740

We have :
yA xA

 yB  xB if 
p A*  p B*
yA pA xA p A*
= =   (11.11)
yB pB x p * y x
yAB  xAB if p A  p B
* *

11 Perfect and Ideal Solutions 143

We see that the vapor is richer in the most volatile species.

For a given average composition of the system, zA (here zhex), we find
that :
•If the point representing the state of the system (p and
composition zA) is below the condensation curve, the system only
has a vapor (g) phase of composition zA (point 1).

• If the point representing the state of the system (p and

composition zA) is above the vaporization curve, the system has
only a liquid phase of composition zA (point 2).

• If the point representing the system is between the two

curves, then the system, at equilibrium, has one liquid and one
gas phase (point O).
The ratio of the number of moles in the vapor (g) phase and the
liquid (l) phase can be determined using the following relations :
n zA = (n(l) + n(g)) zA 
  n(l) (z – x ) = n(g) (y – z ) 
= n(l) xA + n(g) yA A A A A

 (11.12)
n(g) (zA – xA) OL
= = 
n(l) (yA – zA) OV

This rule is known as the lever rule and the result can be roughly read
off the graph.
A system containing 0.04 mol of hexane and 0.06 mol of triethylamine is at equilibrium at
89000 Pa and 350 K. At that pressure we have :
p = xhex · 129761+ (1 – xhex) · 68429 = 89000  xhex ≃ 0.335
The composition of the vapor phase is :
xhex p *hex 0.335 · 129761
yhex = p = 89000 ≃ 0.489

We find the ratio of the number of moles in the vapor phase to the number of moles in the
liquid phase to be :
n(g) (zhex – xhex) 0.4 – 0.335
n(l) = (y – z ) = 0.489– 0.4 ≃ 0.73
hex hex
All these results can be graphically estimated on Fig. 11.1.

11.2.2 Isobaric Representation

We can similarly select a constant system pressure, p, and the
composition of the liquid phase. The other intensive variables are
then determined.
11 Perfect and Ideal Solutions 151

xsolv T Lsolv(T) Lsolv  1 1  

d ln xsolv  – R T 2 dT
 ln xsolv ≃  – 
R T T0 
x solv = 1 – xsolute ln (1 –xsolute) ≃ – xsolute


Lsolv T – T0 
xsolute ≃
R 
T T0 
The latent heat of vaporization is always positive, thus we will always
find that T  T0, the boiling temperature is always raised in the
presence of a non-volatile solute. If a known mass of a single solute is
present, one may obtain the molar mass of the substance from the
elevation of the boiling temperature.
Let us find the expected elevation of the boiling temperature of water when a solution of a
non volatile solute contains xsolute = 0.05. The enthalpy of vaporization of water at
373.15 K is 40657 J mol–1. We have :
Lsolv T – T0 8.3145
xsolute ≃ R  T – T0 = 0.05 · (373.15)2 40657 ≃1.424 K
T T0

11.7 Osmotic Pressure

We now direct our interest to a system with two liquid phases. One is
a pure solvent, while the other one is the same solvent containing a
solute. The two phases are separated by a membrane permeable only
to solvent molecules. Such a membrane is known as a semipermeable
This system is schematically represented in Fig. 11.3 and the chemical
potential of the solvent is given by Eq. 11.4, for each part of the
system. If both liquid phases have the same pressure, p, the chemical
potential of the pure solvent is larger than that of the solvent
containing the solute, since the mole fraction of the solvent is less
than 1 in that case. The solvent will therefore tend to spontaneously
pass through the membrane, going from the high chemical potential
region (pure solvent) to the lower chemical potential region (solution).
The osmotic pressure is the pressure difference that must exist
between the two compartments so that the chemical potential of the
solvent is the same on either side of the membrane. The flux of
solvent is then zero.
152 Introductory Thermodynamics

Solvent + solute Pure solvent

p’ p

Figure 11.3 Osmotic pressure. Only pure solvent can go through the membrane
separating the two compartments. At equilibrium, a pressure
difference must exist between the two compartments.

Let us assume that equilibrium is achieved when the pressure on the

pure solvent side is p and the pressure on the solution side is p’. The
chemical potential of the solvent is then the same in both
compartments, which we write :
 *solv (T, p’) + R T ln xsolv =  *solv (T, p) (11.30)
This expression can be transformed by making use of the fact that
the molar volume of a liquid does not vary much with pressure.
* *
– R T ln xsolv=  solv (T, p’) –  solv (T, p)

p’  *
∂ 
 solv  * p’ 
= 
 ∂p  dp = V m, solv dp
 T 
 (11.31)

≃V m, solv (p’ – p) = V *m, solv  
The excess pressure , the osmotic pressure, needs to be applied to
the solute containing side to achieve equilibrium between the two
compartments. It depends on the mole fraction of the solvent in the
compartment that contains the solute. If only one solute is present
and its mole fraction is small, then we can write the following
approximations :

x solv = 1 – xsolute and ln (1 – xsolute) ≃ – xsolute ≃ – 

 = p’ – p ≃
xsolute ≃
nsolute R T

V *m, solv Vsolv 

This equation bears a certain resemblance to the equation of state of

an ideal gas.
11 Perfect and Ideal Solutions 153

Let us evaluate the osmotic pressure at 300 K for a system where we have a solution of
10 g of methanol in 100 g of water separated from pure water by a membrane permeable
only to water. We use MH2O = 18.05, MMeOH = 32.04 and Vm(H2O) = 18.11 10–6 m3 mol–1.
We have :
nH O = 18.05 ≃ 5.54 mol  nH O

2 2
10  x solv = nH O + nMeOH ≃ 0.947
nMeOH = 32.04 ≃ 0.312 mol  2

We find that the osmotic pressure is :

– 8.3145 · 300 ln (0.947)
 = ≃ 7.5 106 Pa = 75 bar
18.11 10–6

Activity —, 17, 30
coefficient and molality, 164 reverse —, 18
coefficient in the concentration Change
scale, 166 isothermal reversible — of a gas, 11
coefficient of a species in a real of a state variable, 5
solution, 151 of the Gibbs energy in a mixture of
coefficient using convention I, 155 chemical species, 114
coefficient using convention II, 160 of the Gibbs energy with the
effect of pressure and extent of reaction, 114, 115
temperature on the — Characteristic variables, 40–45
coefficient, 153 Châtelier
of a species in a real solution, 151 Le —’s principle, 132
Activity Chemical
of a pure condensed phase, 122 conversion of — energy into work,
Adiabatic 110, 111
chemical equilibrium of an — independent — reactions, 125
isobaric system, 117 reaction, 100
chemical equilibrium of an — Chemical equilibrium
isochoric system, 119 effect of an inert gas on a —, 134
closed — system, 20, 51, 53 effect of pressure on a —, 133
enclosure, 2, 16 effect of temperature on a —, 132
process, 16 effect of volume on a —, 133
reversible process, 17 of an adiabatic isobaric system, 117
reversible process of an ideal gas, of an adiabatic isochoric system,
28 119
Auxiliary of an isobaric isothermal system,
functions, 38 115
state variable, 3 of an isothermal isochoric system,
Azeotropy, 156–60 116
Beau de Rochas cycle, 34 Chemical potential
Binary definition, 42
mixture, 135, 140 of a multiphase system at
system, 156 equilibrium, 87
Boiling point of a pure condensed phase, 122
—, 137, 140 of a pure ideal gas, 67
elevation of the — of a solvent in of a pure liquid, 136
the presence of a solute, 146 of a pure real gas, 74
Bubble point, 137 of a real gas in a mixture, 80
Carnot cycle of a species in a real solution, 151

2 Introductory Thermodynamics

of an ideal gas in an ideal gas of the vapor phase of a binary

mixture, 70 solution, 138, 140, 157, 159
of an ideal species, 135 Compressibility
of ions in solution, 169 factor, 74, 78
reference state —, 136, 155, 160, isothermal — coefficient, 4
164, 166 Compression
standard —, 67, 155, 160, 164, 166 isothermal — of an ideal gas, 26
Chemical reaction ratio, 35
energetics of —s, 100 Concentration
isothermal and isobaric —, 101 and composition, 165
system with several —s, 128 scale, 165
Clapeyron equations, 89 Condensation
Clausius inequality, 22 —, 76
Clausius-Clapeyron equations, 91 curve, 138, 140, 157, 159
Closed Condensed phase
adiabatic system, 20 chemical potential of a pure—, 122
system, 1, 38–40 Constant
system with one chemical reaction,, Avogadro’s —, 13
100 critical —s, 76
Coefficient Henry’s —, 161
activity — and molality, 164 Raoult’s —, 137
activity — and the concentration standard equilibrium —, 120
scale, 166 thermodynamic equilibrium —, 120,
fugacity — of a pure real gas, 74 124
fugacity — of a real gas in a volume thermal expansion
mixture, 81 coefficient, 4
isobaric — of thermal expansion, 4 Constant pressure
isothermal compressibility —, 4 process at —, 115, 117
Joule-Thomson —, 79 Constant volume
of performance, 32 process at —, 38, 116, 119
partition —, 163 Continuity of the fluid state, 96
stoichiometric —s, 100 Convention
thermal expansion —, 4 relation between — I and II
van der Waals —s, 76 activity coefficients, 163
Combustion Convention
internal — engine, 34 I for the standard state and
Components activity coefficient, 155
number of — in a system, 130 II for the standard state and
Composition activity coefficient, 160
concentration scale,, 165 sign — for energy exchanges, 9
molality scale,, 163 Convention
mole fraction scale, 69 relation between — II and the
mole fraction scale,, 59, 136, 151 molality scale, 164
Index 3

for aqueous systems, 171 for the Gibbs function, 43

Conversion of chemical energy into for the Helmholtz energy, 43
work, 110 for the Helmholtz function, 43
Corresponding states of real gases, 77 for the internal energy, 41
Critical of state functions (multiple
constants, 76 phases), 86
point, 76 —s for open systems,, 44, 128
temperature, 76 Dilute solutions, 155, 164, 165
Curve Dissociation equilibrium, 170
condensation —, 138, 140, 157, 159 Dithermal cycle, 17
dew point —, 138, 140 Effect
fusion —, 95 Joule–Thomson —, 78
inversion —, 79 of an inert gas on chemical
sublimation —, 95 equilibria, 134
vaporization —, 95, 137, 140, 159 of pressure and temperature on the
Cycle activity coefficient, 153
Beau de Rochas —, 34 of pressure and volume on entropy
Carnot —, 17, 30 at 0 K, 98
dithermal —, 17 of pressure on chemical equilibria,
Otto —, 34 133
reverse Carnot —, 18 of pressure on phase equilibrium,
Stirling —, 35 89
Cyclic process, 5, 16 of temperature on chemical
Dalton’s law, 69 equilibria, 132
Debye-Hückel theory, 169 of temperature on the entropy of
Degrees of freedom reaction, 109
number of —, 88, 129 of temperature on the Gibbs
Delay energy of reaction, 109
phase change —s, 96 of temperature on the latent heat,
Dew point curve, 138, 140 94
Diagram of temperature on vapor pressure,
isobaric — for a perfect binary 94
solution, 139 of volume on chemical equilibria,
isothermal — for a perfect binary 133
solution, 137 Efficiency of an engine, 31, 32
phase —, 95 Electrical work, 12
Diathermal enclosure, 2 Electrode potential
Differential and standard entropy of reaction,
exact —, 6 174
Differential expression definition, 173
for the enthalpy, 42 Electrolyte
for the free energy, 43 chemical potential of ions in
for the free enthalpy, 43 solution, 169
for the Gibbs energy, 43 dissociation, 168
4 Introductory Thermodynamics

Electroneutrality of a solution, 168 standard —, 105

Elevation of the boiling temperature Equation
of a solvent in the presence of a Clapeyron —s, 89
solute, 146 Clausius-Clapeyron —s, 91
Enclosure Gibbs-Duhem —, 60
adiabatic —, 2, 16 Kirchhoff’s —, 107
diathermal —, 2 van der Waals — of state, 75
Endothermic reaction, 106 virial —, 75
Energetics of chemical reactions, 100 Equation of state
Energy of an ideal gas, 49
free —, 42 thermodynamic —, 47
Gibbs —, 38 van der Waals —, 75
Helmholtz —, 38, 42 Equilibria
internal —, 15, 41 simultaneous —, 128
sign convention for — exchanges, 9 Equilibrium
various forms of —, 13 chemical — displacement laws, 132
Enthalpie, 38 condition, 24, 54
Enthalpy dissociation —, 170
of an ideal gas mixture, 68 effect of an inert gas on a
Enthalpy chemical —, 134
—, 3 effect of pressure and
explicit expression for the —, 60 temperature on liquid vapor —,
Enthalpy 142
of mixing, 72 effect of pressure on a chemical —,
Enthalpy 133
of mixing, 82 effect of pressure on phase —, 89
Enthalpy effect of temperature on a
of phase change, 91 chemical —, 132
Enthalpy effect of volume on a chemical —,
of reaction, 102 133
Enthalpy gas and condensed phase —, 91
standard — of formation, 104 liquid vapor —, 137
Enthalpy of a chemical system, 1, 114
of mixing, 142 of two phases, 89
Entropy system in a state of —, 1
at 0 K, 98 thermal —, 1, 2, 24
definition, 19 Equilibrium constant
effect of temperature on the — of —, 120
reaction, 109 effect of temperature on the —,
evaluating —, 96 130
global —, 26, 52 in heterogeneous systems, 123
of an ideal gas, 68 in solutions, 167
of mixing, 72, 142, 153 in the gas phase, 121
of reaction, 102 in the liquid phase, 167
Index 5

standard —, 120 continuity of the — state, 96

thermodynamic —, 120, 124 Force
Euler's identity, 57 external —, 9
Eutectic, 145 van der Waals —s, 73
Evaluation of entropies, 96 work of an external —, 9
Exact differential, 6 Formation
Excess standard enthalpy of —, 104
entropy of mixing, 153 standard Gibbs energy of —, 104
entropy of mixing (gases), 83 standard variables of —, 104
Gibbs energy of mixing (gases), 82 Free
variable of mixing (gases), 82 energy, 3, 38, 42
variables of mixing, 152 enthalpy, 3, 38
Excess Freezing point lowering by a solute,
Gibbs energy of mixing, 152 143
Exothermic reaction, 106 Fuel cell, 111
Expansion Fugacity
isobaric coefficient of thermal —, and the law of mass action, 120
4 coefficient of a pure real gas, 74
isothermal — of an ideal gas, 26 definition, 74
monothermal — of an ideal gas, 27 of a real gas in a mixture, 81
Expression Function
explicit — for enthalpy, 60 auxiliary state —, 38
explicit — for the Gibbs energy, 60 homogeneous —s, 57
explicit — for the Helmholtz properties of homogeneous —s, 57
energy, 60 state —, 2, 86
explicit — for the internal energy, Fusion, 95
59 Gas
of the molar entropy of an ideal constant, 8
gas, 68 effect of an inert — on vapor
Extensive pressure, 92
properties of — variables,, 58 equation of state of an ideal —, 49
variable, 2, 38 ideal — mixture, 68
Extent of reaction real —es, 73
—, 100 thermodynamics of —es, 67
and expression of enthalpy, 107 General process, 5, 16
and work, 110, 111 Generalization of Hess’ law, 105
change of the Gibbs energy with Gibbs energy
the —, 114, 115 —, 3, 38, 53
Extraction and extent of reaction, 114
liquid-liquid —, 163 at 0 K, 98
Field effect of temperature on the —
magnetic —, 13 energy, 109
First law of thermodynamics, 15 excess — of mixing, 152
Fluid excess — of mixing (gases), 82
6 Introductory Thermodynamics

explicit expression for the —, 60 —s and the law of mass action, 123
of a mixture of reactants, 114 Homogeneous
of formation of hydrogen ions, 171 functions, 57
of mixing, 72, 142, 152 system, 1
of mixing in solutions, 142 Hydrogen ion convention for aqueous
of mixing of real gases, 82 solutions, 171
of reaction, 101, 102 Ideal
Gibbs function, 3, 38 gas mixture, 68
Gibbs-Duhem equation, 60 mixture of gases, 83
Gibbs-Helmholtz equations, 45 perfect and — solutions, 135–49
Global entropy species, 136
—, 26, 52 Ideal gas
and spontaneity, 27 Chemical potential of a pure —, 67
Half-cell standard potential, 173 definition, 49
Heat law of mass action for —es, 121
—, 15 mixture of —es, 68
engine, 31 partial pressure of an —, 69
engine, 17 Identity
pump, 31 Euler's —, 57
pump, 33 Implications
source, 1, 17, 51 of the first law, 16
system in contact with one — of the second law, 20
source, 17, 51, 53, 115, 116 of the third law, 98
system in contact with several — Independent reactions
sources, 22 —, 125
system in contact with two — and the law of mass action, 129
sources, 17 number of —, 125
transfer, 24 Inert
Heat capacity effect of an — gas on chemical
at constant pressure, 40 equilibria, 134
at constant volume, 39 Infinitesimal process, 16
of reaction, 102 Intensive
Helmholtz energy properties of — variables, 58
—, 3, 38, 42, 51 variable, 59
at 0 K, 98 variable, 2, 3, 38, 44
explicit expression for the —, 60 Internal energy
of reaction, 102 of an ideal gas mixture, 68
Helmholtz function, 3, 38, 42 Internal energy
Henry’s —, 15, 41
constant, 161 differential expression for the —,
law, 161 23
Hess’ law, 105 explicit expression for the —, 59
Heterogeneous system expression for the —, 23
—, 1 Internal energy
Index 7

of mixing, 82 energy unit, 15

Internal energy the — experiment, 15
of reaction, 102 Joule-Thomson
Inversion curve and temperature, 79 coefficient, 79
Ionic strength, 169 effect, 78
Ions Kirchhoff’s equation, 107
chemical potential of — in solutions, Latent heat
169 effect of temperature on the —,
law of mass action for —, 170 94
Irreversible of phase change, 91
process, 7, 19 Law
Isenthalpic process, 79 Dalton’s —, 69
Isentropic process, 20, 29 displacement —s of equilibria, 132
Isobaric Henry’s —, 161
chemical equilibrium of an Hess’ —, 105
adiabatic — system, 117 Raoult’s —, 137
coefficient of thermal expansion, 4 Law of mass action
diagram, 159 —, 119
diagram for a perfect binary for a heterogeneous system, 123
solution, 139 for ideal gases, 121
equilibrium of an — isothermal for ions, 170
system, 115 in a liquid phase, 166
expansivity, 4 in solutions, 166
process, 39 Law of thermodynamics
Isochoric first —, 15
chemical equilibrium of an third —, 97
adiabatic — system, 119 zeroth —, 2
equilibrium of an isothermal — Le Châtelier’s principle, 132
system, 116 Lennard-Jones interaction, 73
Isochoric process, 38, 116, 119 Lever rule, 139, 140, 157
Isolated system, 1 Lewis-Randall rule, 84
Isothermal Lowering of the freezing point in the
compressibility coefficient, 4 presence of a solute, 143
compression of an ideal gas, 26 Magnetic field, 13
diagram, 137, 156 Mass action
equilibrium of an isobaric — system, law of —, 119
115 law of — for a heterogeneous
equilibrium of an isochoric — system, 123
system, 116 Maximum
expansion of an ideal gas, 26 amount of work, 53, 54, 111
representation of perfect solution azeotrope, 157
liquid vapor equilibrium, 137 entropy, 24
reversible process, 17 extent of reaction, 114
8 Introductory Thermodynamics

Measurement of partial molar Mole fraction, 59, 69, 136

volumes, 64 Molecular interactions in real gases,
Mechanical equilibrium, 1, 86 73
Mixing Monobaric
enthalpy of —, 72, 82, 142 and monothermal process, 54
entropy of —, 72, 142 process, 40
excess entropy of —, 153 Monothermal
excess variable of — (gases), 82 and monobaric process, 54
Gibbs energy of —, 72, 142 process, 17
Internal energy of —, 82 Natural variables, 40
irreversible — of two ideal gases, Number
72 of chemical species in a system, 88,
properties of ideal solutions, 141 130
variables of —, 152 of components of a system, 130
variables of — for ideal gases, 72 of independent reactions, 125
variables of — for real gases, 81 of independent species in a system,
volume of —, 141 130
volume of — of real gases, 81 of phases in a system, 88
Mixture Open system, 40, 87
binary, 135, 140 Osmotic pressure, 147
chemical potential of an ideal gas Otto cycle, 34
in an ideal gas —, 70 Partial molar
fugacity of a real gas in a —, 81 enthalpy of an ideal gas, 71
ideal — of gases, 83 entropy of an ideal gas, 71
ideal gas —, 68 Partial molar
law of mass action for an ideal gas quantities, 60, 64
—, 119 quantities of pure substances, 62
—s of ideal gases, 68 volume of an ideal gas, 70
—s of real gases, 80 Partial molar
Molality entropy in a solution, 153
definition, 163 Partial pressure of an ideal gas, 69
scale, 163 Partition coefficient, 163
Molar Perfect
partial — enthalpy of an ideal gas, and ideal solutions, 135–49
71 solution, 137
partial — entropy of an ideal gas, 71 Phase
Molar change delays, 96
partial — quantities, 60, 64 chemical potential of a
partial — volume of an ideal gas, 70 condensed —, 122
properties, 62 definition, 86
quantities, 62 diagram, 95
Molar law of mass action in the liquid —,
partial — entropy in a solution, 153 166
Molarity, 166 number of —s in a system, 88
Index 9

rule, 3, 88, 129 of extensive variables, 58

rule and electrolytes, 168 of homogeneous functions, 57
Physical meaning of of intensive variables, 58
the Gibbs function, 53 Pure
the Helmholtz function, 51 chemical potential of a — ideal gas,
Point 67
critical —, 76 chemical potential of a — real gas,
triple —, 19, 96 74
Potential real gas, 73
half-cell standard —, 173 Rank of a matrix, 126
reduction —, 173 Raoult’s
Pressure constant, 137
effect of — on the activity law, 137
coefficient, 153 Reaction
Pressure endothermic —, 106
effect of — on chemical equilibria, exothermic —, 106
133 extent of —, 100
intensive variable, 59 independent —s, 125
osmotic —, 147 Real
standard state —, 67, 102 mixtures of — gases, 80
Principle solution, 151
Le Châtelier’s —, 132 volume of mixing of — gases, 81
Process Real gas
adiabatic —, 16 fugacity of a — in a mixture, 81
at constant external pressure, 10, partial molar volume of a —, 81
40, 54 pure —, 73
at constant pressure, 115, 117 Reduced variables, 77
at constant volume, 38, 116, 119 Reduction potential, 173
chemical —, 100 Reference state for entropy, 98
cyclic —, 5, 16 Refrigerator, 31, 32
irreversible —, 7, 19 Relation
isenthalpic —, 79 between activity coefficients in
isentropic —, 20, 29 binary systems, 158
isobaric —, 39 between Cp and CV, 49–50
isochoric —, 38, 116, 119 Maxwell’s —s, 45–47
monobaric —, 40 —s between partial molar
monothermal —, 17 quantities, 62
monothermal and monobaric —, 54 Reverse process and the sign of work,
reverse — and work, 12 12
reversible —, 7, 19 Reversible
reversible adiabatic — of an ideal adiabatic process of an ideal gas,
gas, 28 28
spontaneous —, 72 isothermal expansion or
Properties compression of an ideal gas, 26
10 Introductory Thermodynamics

process, 7, 19 transfer of species between

Rule phases, 87
lever —, 139, 140, 157 Standard
Lewis-Randall —, 84 chemical potential, 67
phase —, 3, 88, 129 chemical potential in liquids, 155
phase — and electrolytes, 168 chemical potential using
Schwarz theorem, 7, 45, 50 convention I, 155
Second law of thermodynamics chemical potential using
—, 17–36 convention II, 161
Application to chemical equilibrium, entropy, 105
115 equilibrium constant, 120
Kelvin formulation of the —, 17 Gibbs energy of formation, 104
Spontaneous processes and the —, heat capacity at constant pressure,
54 105
Selection of the standard state molar heat capacity at constant
pressure, 67 pressure, 105
Sign convention for energy exchanges, variables of reaction, 102
9 Standard state
Simultaneous —, 102
independent — reactions, 125 of a real gas, 74
reactions, 128 on the molality scale, 164
Solute pressure, 67, 102
—, 143, 160 temperature, 102
effect of a — on the boiling State
temperature, 146 corresponding —s of real gases, 77
freezing point lowering by a —, 143 equation of —, 8
Solution function, 2, 3, 15, 86
ideal —, 136 standard —, 102
isothermal diagram, 137 standard — and convention I for
non ideal —, 151 the activity coefficient, 155
perfect —, 137 standard — and convention II for
perfect and ideal —, 135–49 the activity coefficient, 160
real —, 151 variable of —, 3
Solvent Stirling cycle, 35
—, 143, 160 Stoichiometric coefficients, 100
elevation of the boiling Sublimation, 95
temperature of a — by a solute, System
146 at equilibrium, 1
lowering of the freezing point of a binary —, 156
— by a solute, 143 closed —, 1, 38–40
Spontaneous closed adiabatic —, 20
evolution of a system, 54 heterogeneous —, 1, 123
process, 20, 72 heterogeneous — and the law of
mass action, 123
Index 11

homogeneous —, 1 spontaneous — of species, 87

in contact with one thermal Triple point, 19, 96
reservoir, 17, 21, 51–54 Van der Waals
in contact with several thermal coefficients, 76
reservoirs, 22 equation of state, 75
in contact with two heat sources, Vapor pressure
17 —, 92, 136
irreversible process in a —, 20 effect of an inert gas on —, 92
isolated —, 1 effect of temperature on —, 94
open —, 1, 40–45, 87 Vapor Pressure
without chemical reaction, 86 of an ideal solution, 137
Temperature Vaporization curve, 95, 137, 140, 159
critical —, 76 Variable
effect of — on chemical equilibria, auxiliary —, 38
132 auxiliary state —, 3, 38
effect of — on the activity excess — of mixing, 152
coefficient, 153 extensive —, 2, 38
effect of — on the equilibrium intensive —, 2, 3, 38
constant, 130 natural —s, 40
inversion —, 79 of mixing, 152
standard state —, 102 of mixing for real gases, 81
thermodynamic —, 18 of reaction, 101
Thermal of state, 3
coefficients, 4 reduced —s, 77
equilibrium, 1, 2 standard —s of formation, 104
equilibrium and entropy, 24 standard —s of reaction, 102
expansion coefficient, 4 Variance of a system, 88, 129
machines, 31 Variation of heat capacities with
Thermal volume and pressure, 50
expansion coefficient, 4 Virial coefficients and equation, 75
Thermal reservoir Volume
definition of a —, 1 effect of — on chemical equilibria,
entropy change of a —, 21, 26, 52, 133
72 of mixing, 141
system in contact with one —, 17, of reaction, 102
21, 51 partial molar — of a real gas, 81
system in contact with several —s, partial molar — of an ideal gas, 70
22 work due to — change, 10
Thermodynamic equilibrium constant, Work
120, 124 any form of —, 110
Thermodynamic temperature, 18 due to volume change, 10
Third Law of thermodynamics, 97 electrical —, 12
Transfer mechanical —, 9
heat —, 24 other than volume —, 111
12 Introductory Thermodynamics

sign convention for —, 9 Zeroth law of thermodynamics, 2

various expressions for —, 13

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