TCW Part 1 Midterm 2nd - Sem.2021!22!2
TCW Part 1 Midterm 2nd - Sem.2021!22!2
TCW Part 1 Midterm 2nd - Sem.2021!22!2
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
The lesson provides the students an overview on the concept of Globalization. In this module,
students will learn the different concepts of globalization that they are now experiencing in real-life situation
as a 21st century learner.
At the end of the discussions, the students are expected to:
1. share a personal definition of globalization;
2. describe the natures of globalization;
3. differentiate competing conception of globalizations;
4. discuss the characteristics and qualities of globalization as a phenomenon; and
5. Identify the underlying philosophies of the varying definitions of globalization; and
6. synthesize and agree on a working definition of globalization for the course
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See also: explainitychannel. (July 11, 2013). Globalization explained (explainity® explainer video). Retrieved August 11,2020
a. There is a greater demand in business and industry, health, engineering and technology to have
people, who can work with other nations with varied culture.
b. There is a greater demand of promoting the local business and industry to other countries.
c. The contemporary world faces global challenges that will take interdisciplinary groups to solve these
challenges on how to provide access to clean water, clean environment, clean renewable energy that
is affordable to everyone.
d. Creating a meaningful, harmonious and workable relationship that link globally.
e. Knowledge of merits and demerits and reasons of globalization will enable the students to work as a
model of collaborative international team in the near future in the are of business, education, health,
science, arts, engineering, hotel industries and others.
Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in
such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. This process is marked by the common
consumption of cultures that have been diffused by the Internet, popular culture media, and
international travel.
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Informational Globalization. This aspect of Globalization has perhaps had the greatest impact on the
world today. Sitting at one end of the world, you can have access to the information available in any other
part of the world with just the push of a button. Internet, television, telephone, fax, etc. are some of the
inventions that may be considered as a part of the informational Globalization process where the
information flow has dramatically increased between geographically remote areas of the world.
Social globalization refers to the sharing of ideas and information between and through different
countries. In today’s world, the Internet and social media is at the heart of this. Good examples of social
globalization could include internationally popular films, books and TV series. The Harry Potter/ Twilight
films and books have been successful all over the world, making the characters featured globally
recognizable. However, this cultural flow tends to flow from the center (i.e. from developed countries such
as the USA to less developed countries). Social globalization is often criticized for eroding cultural
Ecological globalization. The effects of globalization in the ecology are still not completely identified,
though some studies suggest that the process of globalization has many consequences in our ecology.
Globalization and the Politics. Through globalization, political issues such as the rights of women and
children are now currently discussed, many laws are now already implemented regarding the issues on
the rights of women and children.
Globalization with technology. Technology really plays a huge part in the life of every individual. Also,
through the advancement of technology we can now already communicate with others despite the
distance that separate us. And through our technology today, the process of globalization is now taking
place much faster.
Geographical. Globalization is moving towards the trend of a borderless world. We can now explore
different countries without having any dangers.
Globalization or Westernization? For westerners’ conception on the term globalization, scholars
attributed it as part of the growing imperialist mechanism of American and Western powers, which they
considered as the building blocks of technological and economic innovations. Such phases of
developments were interpreted as “westernization” in which they strongly linked the global events to the
American imperialism.
The idea of Westernization is deeply rooted in the Western World where often associated with the
Western culture and values. The World Wide Web (www) for example, is the hallmark for the integration
of western and eastern culture.
Competing Concepts of Globalization
The formation of a global village - closer contact between different parts of the world, with
increasing possibilities of personal exchange, mutual understanding and friendship between
"world citizens".
Economic globalization - "free trade" and increasing relations among members of an industry
in different parts of the world (globalization of an industry), with a corresponding erosion of
National Sovereignty in the economic sphere.
Anti-Globalization - Many anti-globalism activists see globalization as the promotion of a
Corporatist agenda, which is intent on constricting the freedoms of individuals in the name of
profit. They even claim that increasing autonomy and strength of corporate entities increasingly
shape the political policy of nation-states. Globalization imposes credit-based economics,
resulting in unsustainable growth of debt and debt crises.
1. Peaceful Relations - Most of the countries have resorted to trade relations with each other
in order to boost their economy, leaving behind any bitter past experiences if any.
2. Employment - Considered as one of the most crucial advantages, globalization has led to
the generation of numerous employment opportunities. Companies are moving towards the
developing countries to acquire labor force.
3. Education - A very critical advantage that has aided the population is the spread of education.
With numerous educational institutions around the globe, one can move out from the home
country for better opportunities elsewhere.
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
4. Product Quality - The product quality has been enhanced so as to retain the customers.
Today the customers may compromise with the price range but not with the quality of the
product. Low or poor quality can adversely affect consumer satisfaction.
5. Cheaper Prices - Globalization has brought in fierce competition in the markets.
6. Communication - Every single information is easily accessible from almost every corner of
the world Circulation of information is no longer a tedious task, and can happen in seconds.
The Internet has significantly affected the global economy, thereby providing direct access to
information and products.
7. Transportation - Considered as the wheel of every business organization, connectivity to
various parts of the world is no more a serious problem. Today with various modes of
transportation available, one can conveniently deliver the products to a customer located at
any part of the world.
8. GDP Increase - Gross Domestic Product, commonly known as GDP, is the money value of
the final goods and services produced within the domestic territory of the country during an
accounting year.
9. Free Trade - Free trade is a policy in which a country does not levy taxes, duties, subsidies
or quota on the import/export of goods or services from other countries. There are countries
which have resolved to free trade in specific regions. This allows consumers to buy goods and
services, comparatively at a lower cost.
10. Travel and Tourism - Globalization has promoted tourism to great heights. International trade
among different countries also helps in increasing the number of tourists that visit different
places around the world.
11. External Borrowing - With the help of globalization, there is opportunity for corporate,
national, and sub-national borrowers to have better access to external finance, with facilities
such as external commercial borrowing and syndicated loans.
Pro-Globalization - Supporters of free trade point out that economic theories such as
comparative advantage suggests that free trade leads to a more efficient allocation of resources,
with all those involved in the trade befitting. In general, they claim that this leads to lower prices,
more employment and better allocation of resources.
1. Health Issues. Globalization has given rise to more health risks and presents new threats
and challenges for epidemics. The dawn of HIV/AIDS. Having its origin in the wilderness of
Africa, the virus has spread like wildfire throughout the globe in no time. Food items are also
transported to various countries, and this is a matter of concern, especially in case of
perishable items.
2. Loss of Culture. With large number of people moving into and out of a country, the culture
takes a backseat. People may adapt to the culture of the resident country. They tend to follow
the foreign culture more, forgetting their own roots. This can give rise to cultural conflicts.
3. Uneven Wealth Distribution. It is said that the rich are getting richer while the poor are
getting poorer. In the real sense, globalization has not been able to reduce poverty.
4. Environment Degradation. The industrial revolution has changed the outlook of the
economy. Industries are using natural resources by means of mining, drilling, etc. which puts
a burden on the environment.
5. Disparity. Though globalization has opened new avenues like wider markets and
employment, there still exists a disparity in the development of the economies. Structural
unemployment owes to the disparity created. Developed countries are moving their factories
to foreign countries where labor is cheaply available.
6. Conflicts. It has given rise to terrorism and other forms of violence. Such acts not only cause
loss of human life but also huge economic losses.
7. Cut-throat Competition. Opening the doors of international trade has given birth to intense
competition. This has affected the local markets dramatically. The local players thereby suffer
huge losses as they lack the potential to advertise or export their products on a large scale.
Therefore, the domestic markets shrink.
Are These Signs of Globalization?
a. Increase in international trade at a faster rate than the growth in the world economy.
b. Increase in international flow of capital including foreign direct investment.
c. Greater trans-border data flow, using such technologies such as the Internet,
d. communication satellites and telephones
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
One of the undesirable impacts of globalization is the environmental degradation where in the
environment is being ruined because the amount of raw materials needed to run industries and factories
is taking toll on the natural reserves of the planet earth.
Likewise, there is a growing gap between the rich and the poor because the rich are getting richer
while the poor are struggling for a square meal and they are getting poorer and poorer every day.
furthermore, it is also the reason why there is a rise in health risks because globalization bought people
from various countries together which makes it easier to transport viruses from one country to the other.
It is indeed that a globalization is a blessing and a curse at some point.
Globalization will always be there and it will never stop. It is only up to us how we will handle and
take it. Let us be flexible and open minded to the things that are coming to us but let us not forget to be
watchful because not everything we think are good is always good, because at the end of the day there
will always be an effect that we will never forget. always think of that globalization is full of opportunities
and threats.
Globalization is here to stay with us and it is better to embrace the concept and live with it, in this
contemporary world.
Activity 1. Reflective Writing
My Globalization Story (21 Points)
Use the illustration below to conceptualize your globalization story.
e-mail phones
travel shopping
education internet
Activity 2.
NVSU Vision: “A premier university in a global community.” Is NVSU as a university, a global school?
Why? (10pts)
Description: This rubric will help you know exactly what I am expecting to find in your essay.
4/ Needs
10/ Excellent 8/ Very Good 6/ Average
The content is clear This content is mostly The writer defines Topic is not well-
and focused, that focused, and has the topic through defined and/or
holds the reader's some good details basic presentation. there are too many
attention through and quotes. topics.
relevant details.
Activity 3. List down events in the past that have captured the ideas of the public worldwide. Provide at
least three events for each region/continent in the world from 2010-2020. (12 Points)
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Short Quiz (True or False) – (10 Points)
Direction: Read and analyze each statement. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
1. _____________ Today, the world has become a global village due to the IT revolution.
2. _____________ The Philippines entered globalization only when it became a member of the WTO.
3. _____________In general, globalization makes our life easy and comfortable.
4. _____________The influx of agricultural products like rice from Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam is a
result of the free-trade.
5. _____________The phenomenal growth of Korean culture and popular culture Hallyu encompassing
everything from music, movies, drama to online games and Korean cuisine is a product of globalization.
6. _____________Globalization is a social process reshaping and remaking the world order.
7. _____________Globalization involves human consciousness and awareness.
8. _____________People and institutions/organizations are forces, that form part globalization.
9. _____________The global economy is a manifestation of globalization compared to politics.
10. _____________The World Wide Web (www) stands as the hallmark for integration of western and
eastern culture.
Make a research on the different international institutions/organizations that significantly extending
help to the Philippines; as a member, at least five (5). (15pts)
Abinales, Patricio N. et. al (2018) The Contemporary World. Quezon City: C & E Publishing.
Dacles D. & Maslang K. (2018) The Contemporary World. Nueva Vizcaya: Saint Mary’s University Digital and Publishing
De Ocampo F. et al. (2019) Introduction to the Contemporary World. Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House
Sklair, Leslie. (1999). Competing Concepts of Globalization. Retrieved August 9,2020 from
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
2. Phones
3. Shopping
4. Internet/e-mail
5. Health
6. Travel
7. Education
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Activity #2 (10pts.)
NVSU Vision: “A premier university in a global community.” Is NVSU as a university, a global school?
Activity # 3 (12pts.)
List down events in the past that have captured the ideas of the public worldwide. Provide at least (2) two
events for each region/continent in the world from 2010-2020.
Region/Continents Events in the past that have captured the ideas of the public worldwide
1.North America A.
2.South America A.
3.Australia A.
4.Asia A.
5.Africa A.
6.Europe A.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Direction: Below is a reflection figure that looks like a human figure. Determine what you have learned
(the knowledge that serves as your foundation to stand and keep); the things that you have realized and
appreciated (attitude towards learning) and the things you discovered (skills that you will cherish in life)
Things I have
discovered and
wanted more
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Short Quiz (True or False) – (10 Points)
Direction: Read and analyze each statement. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
1. _____________ Today, the world has become a global village due to the IT revolution.
2. _____________ The Philippines entered globalization only when it became a member of the WTO.
3. _____________In general, globalization makes our life easy and comfortable.
4. _____________The influx of agricultural products like rice from Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam is a
result of the free-trade.
5. _____________The phenomenal growth of Korean culture and popular culture Hallyu encompassing
everything from music, movies, drama to online games and Korean cuisine is a product of globalization .
6. _____________Globalization is a social process reshaping and remaking the world order.
7. _____________Globalization involves human consciousness and awareness.
8. _____________People and institutions/organizations are forces that form part globalization.
9. _____________The global economy is a manifestation of globalization compared to politics.
10. _____________The World Wide Web (www) stands as the hallmark for integration of western and
eastern culture.
Assignment: (15pts.)
Make a research on the different international organizations that significantly extending help to the
Philippines as a member.
2. 1.
3. 1.
4. 1.
5. 1.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
1. Leading Theoretical Explanations
1.1. Realism
1.2. Liberalism
1.3. Idealism/ Perfectionism
2. Roles of Ideas and Technology in Globalization
2.1. Spread of Democracy
2.2. Global Economic Ties
2.3. International Institutions/Organizations
3. Institutions and Globalization
The lesson provides the students an overview on the origin, leading theories, standpoints on the
current political, economic, and technological situations of the world.
At the end of the discussions, the students are expected to:
1. discuss the definition of the three leading theories explaining globalization;
2. familiarize the known leading theorists and their standpoint on globalization;
3. discuss the origin of the three theories and its relevance to the study of globalization;
4. apply the three theories on the current political, economic and technological situations of the world,
5. interpret the competing theoretical approaches of Globalization through Collage and/ or data
retrieval chart and/ or concept mapping.
As a student, what are the parameters to consider in understanding the simplest definition and
concept of globalization as a phenomenon? Do you think technological development and scientific
innovations enough to make a concrete conclusion on the definition of globalization?
In the field of decision making and problem solving, one must understand the factors affecting
decisions and the forces that affect one another. Economic, political, technological, environmental factors
are difficult to analyze if one would miss out in examining its parts and components.
This stage composed of three components. First, the immediate cause of the problem. For an
instance, if an individual will identify the major causes of economic development China, his response
might center the effects of globalization in Asia. Second, precipitating cause, this level of decision-making
will answer the question, ‘Why China’s economy is developing?’ It will answer the growing market
demand and high availability of resources in mainland China. This answer is becoming closer and more
acceptable. The third is the root cause, again if we are going to answer the question on China’s using
the third level of identifying solution to the problem, the massive domestic structural reforms would be
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
emphasized as the major cause of development. Analyzing events, decision-making and globalization
have complexities
1.1. Realism
Realist perspective explaining globalization focuses on the shifting distribution of power among
states. (Walt, 1998 and Snyder, 2004). They explained that the core idea of dominating the world is
through the employment of power.
Example: Power that overrule the:
Economic (the market & resources like financial & manpower)
Political (military and territory)
Technology (Logistics and systems)
However, realist warn that countries may suffer and struggle to maintain its power if it will be
overreached and used wrongly. Countries with the power to dominate and control the world are those
whose economies have the “powers” to affect and influence the operation worldwide.
Globalization is sometimes associated with Westernization and Americanization because of the
Western’s intensification of its economy, like the US economy.
Realist Countries open their economies because:
Financial returns of expanding market
1. proliferation of MNCs
2. (McDonalds, Chevron, Ford, Coca-Cola)
Continued centrality of political power & military strength
e.g. Bush announcement to fight terrorism by spreading liberal democracy to Middle East countries
signaled the American expression of promoting freedom of security.
Founders of Globalization
1. Hans Morgenthau - a German-born American political scientist and historian noted as a leading
analyst of the role of power in international politics.
The mentioned that international leadership is depended on the qualities of political
leadership, namely, that international leadership requires political leaders to display intellectual,
moral, and practical virtues. These include wisdom, foresight, judgment, prudence, willingness,
determination, courage, restraint, skill, leadership, governance, and persuasion.
2. Kenneth Waltz (An American political scientist and educator)
According to him, international politics is best understood by examining the structure of the
international system as reflected in alliances and other cooperative arrangements between state. He
likewise added that the key factor in international relations is the polarity of the system—that is,
whether it is dominated by one, two, or many superpowers (unipolarity, bipolarity, and multipolarity,
respectively). He considered the unipolar system that prevailed in world politics after the fall of the
Soviet Union to be the most unstable and dangerous configuration, because it left one superpower
(the United States) free to engage in foreign adventures.
Henry Kissinger was the single most controversial diplomat of the 20th century. This article
explores Kissinger's approach to the philosophy of realism in international affairs, his role in Vietnam
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policy making, and his most recent engagement in the debate over the Iraq War. It argues that
Kissinger's realism, although philosophically consistent and having roots within his own life's
experience, was always tempered by his desire to exercise influence within the American political
1.2. Liberalism
It is a perspective in international relations where actors and institutions emphasize relationships
and negotiations. Liberalists observe the importance of interaction and communication and focus on
solving problems and conflicts affecting them. This is evident in countries where democratic governance
and institutions plays major roles in maintaining national cohesiveness in managing domestic and
international affairs.
Example: When the Chinese government asserted its rights over the contested West Philippine Sea
(WPS) or South China Sea (SCS), the Philippine government diplomatically responded to avoid conflict.
Realist China has shown its military strength to its neighbors through giving signal of its advantageous
capability, while the Liberalist Philippine government, utilized soft approaches through protesting in the
International Criminal Court.
Liberalists believe that to avoid international conflict and problems, negotiations and dialogues are
potential mechanism in confronting issues among parties.
It describes the transformation of political-economic structures and the development of global
1.1.2.a. Spread of Democracy and institution
Liberals see that democracy is mean of not using threat to intimidate and harm other nations, they
believe in the vital function played by rule of law as a safeguard of self-respect and social stability.
Transparency is also identified as a measurement in sustaining international cooperation and global
A country with weak political institutions is more likely to experience social and civil unrest. They
are prone to domestic and international conflict. The strong participatory presence of citizens in key
issues affecting their interest could be used as reference in balancing interest of the stakeholder.
1.1.2. b. Global Economic Ties
Market integration and economic alliances are fitting fixtures of globalization, like the promotions of
free trade markets by (WTO) World Trade Organization and European Union (Eurozone), two of the
world’s largest economic bodies. It is also associated with the presence of technology, like banking and
finance, airline and travel, and outsourcing.
1.1.1.c. International Organization
Continue the stability of the global order, states are expected to adhere and show allegiance in
its willingness and commitment to follow international norms set by international bodies. Formation of
leading regional and international organizations like global commerce and governance are main
instruments in the maintenance of peace and solidarity.
1. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has a global commitment for the
sustainability of oil supply to countries that are dependent with the organization’s member
2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is expected to continuously provide security umbrella
to all countries under its watch.
1.3. Idealism/Perfectionism
This theory emphasizes on the functions of ideologies, frameworks, systems, and identifies in
understanding globalization and international order. Its core beliefs centers on the centrality of ideas,
beliefs, emotions and collective values that shape the political and economic landscapes of the world.
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
are all inter-governmental organizations that are formed by national governments, that set rules and with
the purpose of regulating the flow of communication and movement of resources. Such as the World
Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development, the North Atlantic Pact and the World Bank
Activity No.1. (18 Points)
Direction: List down three powerful countries as realist, liberalist and idealist. Provide a brief
description of their identity.
Activity No. 2. (10 Points)
Direction: You are tasked to investigate (1) one economic law in the Philippines (example Oil
Deregulation Law, Anti Mining Law).
1. Identify the principal proponent (lawmaker) and the dynamics of passing the bill and its
2. Describe the behavior (action, ideas) of the proponent and lawmakers who supported the passage of
the law.
3. The timeframe or the period the bill was proposed, debated, and signed by the president.
4. The national significance of the law (weighed the positive and negative features found in the law).
5. Examine and describe if lawmaker is liberalist, realists, or idealists? What are your basis?
Activity No.3 (9 Points)
Reflective Figure
Direction: Reflection figure that looks like a human figure. Determine what you have learned (the
knowledge that serves as your foundation to stand and keep); the things that you have realized and
appreciated (attitude towards learning) and the things you discovered (skills that you will cherish in life)
Direction: Read and analyze each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise FALSE.
1._____________Countries with weak political institution will not likely to experience social and civil unrest.
2._____________Innovation as a product of technological development has rendered national borders to be
more powerful in international system.
3._____________Liberalism is described when actors and institutions emphasize relationships and
negotiations, rule of law.
4._____________Realist are known in using power as a tool in intimidating other countries like what China is
doing to the Philippines.
5._____________Negotiations and diplomatic talks are examples of power used by realist.
6._____________Powerful China continues to strengthen its military installation over the West Philippine Sea
as a Liberalists.
7._____________Knowledge and technology are significant determinants of wealth and power.
8._____________The Philippines as a democratic country doesn’t need to be a member of international
institutions or organizations like the United Nations.
9._____________ When ideas are used well, based on their intended application, development takes place
like in the different mobile/smart phone makers around the world.
10.____________ Transparency is always identified as a measurement in sustaining international cooperation
and global understanding.
Make a table on the categories of the Three Worlds and World Order. At least (5) five countries each
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Republic of the Philippines
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Biao, Zhiang (September 13, 2017). Hans Morgenthau, Realist Theory of International Leadership, and the
Future of Global Order. Retrieved August 8,2020 from
De Ocampo F. et al. (2019) Introduction to the Contemporary World. Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House.
Lind, Michael (December 15, 2018) John Mearsheimer on International Relations, Great Power Politics,
and the Age of Trump. Retrieved August 8, 2020 from
Munro, Andrei.André. Kenneth N. Waltz: American political scientist and educator. Retrieved August 8,202 0
Schwartz, Thomas A. (March 2011). Henry Kissinger: Realism, Domestic Politics, and the Struggle Against
Exceptionalism in American Foreign Policy. Retrieved August 18,2020 from https://www.researchgate. net/
publication/ 262946122_Henry_Kissinger_Realism_Domestic_Politics_and_the_ Struggle_Against_
Exceptionalism _in_American_Foreign_Policy
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Liberalist Countries
Idealist Countries
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Things I have
discovered and
wanted more
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Direction: Read and analyze each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise FALSE.
1._____________Countries with weak political institution will not likely to experience social and civil unrest.
2._____________Innovation as a product of technological development has rendered national borders to be
more powerful in international system.
3._____________Liberalism is described when actors and institutions emphasize relationships and
negotiations, rule of law.
4._____________Realist are known in using power as a tool in intimidating other countries like what China is
doing to the Philippines.
5._____________Negotiations and diplomatic talks are examples of power used by realist.
6._____________Powerful China continues to strengthen its military installation over the West Philippine Sea
as a Liberalists.
7._____________Knowledge and technology are significant determinants of wealth and power.
8._____________The Philippines as a democratic country doesn’t need to be a member of international
institutions or organizations like the United Nations.
9._____________ When ideas are used well, based on their intended application, development takes place
like in the different mobile/smart phone makers around the world.
10.____________ Transparency is always identified as a measurement in sustaining international cooperation
and global understanding.
Make a table on the categories of the Three Worlds and World Order. At least (5) five countries each.
Categories Countries
First World 1.
Second World 1.
Third World 1.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
1. Globalization in Historical Perspectives
1.1. First Phase of Globalization 1.0 (1492-1800)
1.2. Second Phase of Globalization 2.0 (1800-1950)
1.3. Third Phase of Globalization 3.0 (1950-2000)
2. Three Dimensions Globalization
3. Globalization as Competition
4. Three Worlds and Worlds
4.1. First World
4.2. Second World
4.3. Third World
The lesson provides the students the important topics on the historical development of globalization
as well as the dimensions of this phenomenon.
At the end of the discussions, the students are expected to:
1. identify the waves of globalization and its historical backdrop;
2. discuss the developments of globalization from its earliest period up to the present;
3. be familiar with the historical origin & development of globalization;
4. develop appreciation on how the process of globalization is affecting countries and institutions
around the world
5. interpret the practice of globalization through data retrieval chart.
Today, the world economy, people and institutions/ organizations are transforming into a continuous
development from traditional mode making it irrelevant in our daily living. The advancement in technology,
transportation, finance, and communication resulted to increase of uniform, standard, and homogenous
practices of nations. Indeed, the world is totally an integrated environment composed of different forms
of interrelated drivers of changes and social development.
Globalization as a new social formation, adds color to the endless debates and criticisms of the
current mode of state interactions. There are identified losers and winners, some will be pushed as part
of growth while others might be pulled due to absence of “core ingredients” of the transformation process.
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Thomas Friedman, Holton (1998), Sholte (2001), and Lawson (2012) described the phases
of globalization into three periods.
1.1. First Phase of Globalization 1.0 (1492-1800)
a. This was the period of mercantilism and immediate rise of British economy during the age of
b. The inventions of steam engine, printing press, railway system were common symbols of this era.
Such growth of town in Europe was coupled by the development of some social systems and
institutions like government, education, and exchange of goods and commodities within the
This period was marked by the Conclusion of World War II as this was also identified by some
scholars of the Age of Pax Brittanica. Formation of market integrations and institutionalizations of
major economic activities in the global market as key contributor.
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
The increasing incidence of transnational crimes and the growing role of migration in
The rise of global attention given to environmental concerns such as the effect of
global warming and the more aggressive movement of anti-globalization campaign.
The increasing formalization of international relations through agreements and treaties
of some countries in Europe and the birth and formation of new states.
1.2. Nation-state system. The sovereignty of states in the period of modernization has been
emphasized as a primary part of independence and autonomy. As sovereign entities, nation-states
have the right to make their own collective objectives
Nation – (people). The nation is created by a shared belief that the people inside a country are connected
to each other.
Nation-State -is a system of organization in which people with a common identity live inside a country
with firm borders and a single government.
2.3. World military. Most states in the world have shifted their focus in strengthening the military
capability like China.
3. Globalization as Competition
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IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
a. Chinese government initiated a system of economic liberalization through opening its market to
the world. In 2017, its economy was ranked number two in powerful economies in the world. It
has surpassed giant economies in Europe and Japan.
b. The collapse of the communist governments of USSR and the departure of eastern European
nations marked the increasing players of emerging markets.
c. The series of government-initiated reforms in India and some parts of Asia turned its strategy in
developing its heavy sources and engines of economic development which compete against giant
markets in the West. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and telecommunication are key
drivers of India’s economy.
The concept of 1st world, 2nd world, and 3rd world was a construct of the Cold War era. This
period of bloodless conflict between the US and Soviet Union for 45 years.
Origin of Cold War:
First, the conflict was caused by the aggressive behavior and domestic polies of Soviet Union
prompting other countries especially US to react. (HENRY KISSINGER, a known realist
described it as “Russia on the march”.)
Second, cold war was a result of the US economic system of expansionist-capitalism.
Third, the war was a consequence of security response from the two countries on the power
vacuum and threat of central Europe.
4.1. First World
Describe powerful economies having stable governments, robust financial markets, advanced
and modern infrastructures, low poverty, and high standard of living like US, Canada,
Australia, Japan, Singapore and some other countries in Europe.
4.2. Second World
It composes Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba was perceived as 2nd
world. Producing nuclear armed ballistic missiles and transporting it to Cuba leading to missile
crisis in the US.
4.3. Third World
Have poor economies, have challenges in the political spectrum of institutional-building which
includes human rights, freedom and democracy, dictatorship, and repressive regimes.
Problems like poor health care, high poverty incidence and mortality rate, environmental
pollution and substandard facilitates are known social constraints.
Brazil, India, China, and South Africa are classified as 3rd world countries but are actually
parts of the developing economies with the inclusion of Russia forming BRICS group. (Brazil,
Russia, India, and South Africa), these countries are the newly industrialized economies and
are predicted to become superpowers in the next 20-25 years.
Activity No. 1.
Direction: In a matrix form, write down (5) micro and macro effects of globalization to an individual
and community? (20pts.)
Activity No. 2 (10 Points) Use the rubric on page 7 as your guide in your essay.
Globalization a THREAT or OPPORTUNITY? Explain
Activity No. 3. (9 Points)
Reflective Figure
Direction: Reflection figure that looks like a human figure. Determine what you have learned (the
knowledge that serves as your foundation to stand and keep); the things that you have realized and appreciated
(attitude towards learning) and the things you discovered (skills that you will cherish in life)
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
1. The United Nations establishment was part of the first phase of Globalization.
What is the role of international trade in global economy? Submit it through taking a photo of it or
screenshot. (25 Points)
Abinales, Patricio (2018). The Contemporary World. Quezon City: C & E Publishing
Ariola, Mariano A. (2018). The Contemporary World. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services &
Publishing Incorporated.
Dacles D., Maslang K. (2018) The Contemporary World. Nueva Vizcaya: Saint Mary’s University Digital
and Publishing House.
De Ocampo F. et al. (2019) Introduction to the Contemporary World. Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing
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Individual 1.
Community 1.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Things I have
discovered and
wanted more
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may be reproduced for educational purposes and not for commercial distribution.”
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Direction: Read and analyze each statement. Write the world TRUE if it correct and FALSE otherwise.
1. The United Nations establishment was part of the first phase of Globalization.
What is the role of international trade in global economy? Submit it through taking a photo shoot or
screen shot. (25pts.)
Photos/Screen Shots Role of International Trade in Global Economy
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
The lesson provides the students the reasons why countries engaged in international trade, various
theories and perspectives explaining the practice of international trade, the roles and functions of different
international economic organizations and the formation of economic integration and cooperation.
At the end of the discussions, the students are expected to:
1) define international trade and identify the reasons why countries engage in international trade;
2) examine the various theories and perspectives explaining the practice of international trade;
3) evaluate the roles and functions of different international economic organizations;
4) discuss the factors leading the formation of economic integration and cooperation
5) develop critical thinking on global governance through debate.
The global economy refers to the interconnected worldwide economic activities that take place
between multiple countries. These economic activities can have either a positive or negative impact on
the countries involved.
An economic system is a means by which societies or governments organize and distribute available
resources, services, and goods across a geographic region or country. Economic systems regulate
factors of production, including capital, labor, physical resources, and entrepreneurs. An economic
system encompasses many institutions, agencies, and other entities.
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Market economic systems are based on the concept of free market. A system where the laws
of supply and those of demand direct the production of goods and services. Supply includes natural
resources, capital, and labor. Demand includes purchases by consumers, businesses, and the
A market economy’s greatest downside is that it allows private entities to amass a lot of
economic power, particularly those who own resources of great value. The distribution of resources
is not equitable because those who succeed economically control most of them.
Businesses sell their wares at the highest price and consumers will pay. At the same time,
shoppers look for the lowest prices for the goods and services they want. Workers bid their services
at the highest possible wages that their skills allow. Employers seek to get the best employees at the
lowest possible price.
Private Property. Most goods and services are privately-owned. The owners can make legally
binding contracts to buy, sell, or lease their property. Their assets give them the right to profit from
ownership. There are some assets U.S. law excludes. Since 1865, for example, you cannot legally
buy and sell human beings.
Freedom of Choice. Owners are free to produce, sell, and purchase goods and services in a
competitive market. They only have two constraints. First is the price at which they are willing to buy
or sell. Second is the amount of capital they have.
Motive of Self-Interest. Everyone sells their wares to the highest bidder while negotiating the lowest
price for their purchases. Although the reason is selfish, it benefits the economy over the long run.
This auction system sets prices for goods and services that reflect their market value. It gives an
accurate picture of supply and demand at any given moment.
The force of competitive pressure keeps prices low. It also ensures that society provides goods and
services most efficiently. As soon as demand increases for a particular item, prices rise thanks to the
law of demand. Competitors see they can enhance their profit by producing it, adding to supply. That
lowers prices to a level where only the best competitors remain. This competitive pressure also
applies to workers and consumers. Employees vie with each other for the highest-paying jobs. Buyers
compete for the best product at the lowest price.
System of Markets and Prices. A market economy relies on an efficient market in which to sell
goods and services. That's where all buyers and sellers have equal access to the same information.
Price changes are pure reflections of the laws of supply and demand. There are five determinants of
demand: product price, buyer's income, prices of related goods, consumer taste, buyer's
Limited Government. The role of government is to ensure that the markets are open and working.
For example, it is in charge of national defense to protect the markets. It also makes sure that
everyone has equal access to the markets. The government penalizes monopolies that restrict
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competition. It makes sure no one is manipulating the markets and that everyone has equal access
to information.
1.1.2. Command Economy
The quantity of goods and services produce in the market is based on the decision of the
government. A command economy is where a central government makes all economic
decisions. Either the government or a collective owns the land and the means of production.
Five Characteristics of Command Economy
a. The government creates a central economic plan. The five-year plan sets economic and societal
goals for every sector and region of the country. Shorter-term plans convert the goals into
actionable objectives.
b. The government allocates all resources according to the central plan. It tries to use the nation's
capital, labor, and natural resources in the most efficient way possible. It promises to use each
person's skills and abilities to their highest capacity. It seeks to eliminate unemployment.
c. The central plan sets the priorities for the production of all goods and services. That includes
quotas and price controls. Its goal is to supply enough food, housing, and other basics to meet
the needs of everyone in the country. It also sets national priorities. These include mobilizing for
war or generating robust economic growth.
d. The government owns monopoly businesses. These are in industries deemed essential to the
goals of the economy. That includes finance, utilities, and automotive. There is no domestic
competition in these sectors.
e. The government creates laws, regulations, and directives to enforce the central plan. Businesses
follow the plan's production and hiring targets. They can't respond on their own to free-market
Here are examples of the most well-known countries with command economies:
Belarus: This former Soviet satellite is still a command economy. The government owns
80% of the country's businesses and 75% of its banks.
China: After World War II, Mao Tse Tung created a society ruled by Communism. He
enforced a strictly planned economy. The current leaders are moving toward a market-
based system. They continue to create five-year plans to outline economic goals and
Cuba: Fidel Castro's 1959 revolution installed Communism and a planned economy. The
Soviet Union subsidized Cuba’s economy until 1990. The government is slowly
incorporating market reforms to spur growth.
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Iran: The government controls 60% of the economy through state-owned businesses. It
uses price controls and subsidies to regulate the market. This control created recessions,
which it has ignored. Instead, it devoted its resources to expanding its nuclear capability.
The United Nations imposed sanctions, worsening its recessions. The economy improved
once the nuclear trade deal ended sanctions in 2015.
Libya: In 1969, Muammar Gaddafi created a command economy reliant upon oil revenues.
Most Libyans work for the government. Gaddafi had been instituting reforms to create a
market-based economy. But his 2011 assassination halted these plans.
North Korea: After World War II, President Kim Il-sung created the world's most centrally-
planned economy.5 It created food shortages, malnutrition, and several bouts of mass
starvation. Most state resources go into building up the military.
Russia: In 1917, Vladimir Lenin created the first Communist command economy. The
Russian people were ready for a radical change, having suffered starvation during World
War I. Joseph Stalin built up military might and quickly rebuilt the economy after World
War II. The Soviet State Planning Committee, or “Gosplan,” has been the most-studied
command economy entity. The USSR was also the longest-running command economy,
lasting from the 1930s until the late 1980s. Then, the state transferred ownership of the
largest companies to oligarchs.
Mixed economy is a system that combines characteristics of market, command and traditional
economies. It benefits from the advantages of all three while suffering from few of the
International trade is the exchange of goods and services among countries. International trade
allows countries to expand their markets for both goods and services that otherwise may not have
been available domestically. As a result of international trade, the market is more competitive which
results in more competitive pricing which brings a cheaper product home to the consumer.
Global trade allows wealthy countries to use their resources—whether labor, technology or
capital—more efficiently. Since countries are endowed with different assets and natural resources
(land, labor, capital, and technology), some countries may produce the same good more efficiently
and therefore sell it more cheaply than other countries. If a country cannot efficiently produce an item,
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it can obtain the it by trading with another country that can. This is known as specialization in
international trade.
Total trade equals exports plus imports. In 2018, total world trade was $39.7 trillion. That's
$20.8 trillion in exports and $18.9 trillion in imports. Trade drives 46% of the $86 trillion global
economy. More than one-fourth of the goods traded are machinery and electronics, like computers,
boilers, and scientific instruments. Almost 12% are automobiles and other forms of transportation.
Next comes oil and other fuels contributing 11%. Chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, add another
a. Adam Smith - identified as the father of modern capitalism. While accurate to some extent,
this description is both overly simplistic and dangerously misleading. On his book, An Inquiry
into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations that discusses division of labor and free
trade, self-interest in exchange, the limits on government intervention, price, and the general
structure of the market, all signify the moment when economics transitions to the “modern.”
b. David Ricardo was known for his Law of Comparative Advantage stating the principle of
specialization and division of labor (Nau, 2009). Countries have different resources and
talents; they are better in performing in that economic activity than other economic activities.
It explains the importance of free-trade and the role of individual’s performance in choosing
economic activity.
1.4.2. Mercantilists
Mercantilism was an economic system of trade that spanned from the 16th century to the 18th
century. Mercantilism is based on the principle that the world's wealth was static, and
consequently, many European nations attempted to accumulate the largest possible share of that
wealth by maximizing their exports and by limiting their imports via tariffs.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
1.4.3. Structuralists
The earliest wave of mercantilism was described as classical imperialism. The drive of European
countries to explore and colonized underdeveloped countries originated from the aggressive
mercantilist behavior of European economies.
A theory developed by Emmanuel Wallerstein explains the contact of economies between the core,
semi-peripheral and peripheral countries in the world.
Peripheral. Countries that are dependent on core countries for capital and have underdeveloped
industry. Peripheral countries (e.g., most African and low-income countries in South America) are
dependent on core countries for capital and are less industrialized and urbanized. Peripheral
countries are usually agrarian, have low literacy rates and lack consistent Internet access.
Core. Are dominant capitalist countries which exploit the peripheral countries for labor and raw
materials. Core countries own most of the world’s capital and technology and have great control
over world trade and economic agreements. They are also the cultural centers which attract artists
and intellectuals. Core countries (e.g., U.S., Japan, Germany) are dominant, capitalist countries
characterized by high levels of industrialization and urbanization. Core countries are capital
intensive, have high wages and high technology production patterns and lower amounts of labor
exploitation and coercion. Core countries extract raw materials with little cost.
Semi-peripheral. Countries that share characteristics of both core and periphery countries. Semi-
peripheral countries (e.g., South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, Brazil, India, Nigeria, South Africa) are
less developed than core nations but more developed than peripheral nations. They are the buffer
between core and peripheral countries. Semi-peripheral countries exploit peripheral countries,
just as core countries exploit both semi-peripheral and peripheral countries. See the illustration
map on the next page.
Countries trade with each other when, on their own, they do not have the resources, or
capacity to satisfy their own needs and wants. By developing and exploiting their domestic scarce
resources, countries can produce a surplus, and trade this for the resources they need.
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Use of Excess Capacity in Demand. The inadequate domestic demand pushes business,
organizations to expand their market base outside their national territory. These are
companies which have resources and capital to operate in a transnational market; these may
include Nestlē, McDonalds, Toyota and Starbucks. They expanding outside their territory
Cost Reduction and Increase of Profit. A practice in which firms increase its profit while
reducing its operational cost.
Cheaper Supplies. A country imports goods from other countries because of inexpensive raw
materials and supplies use for production.
Addition to Product Line. Economies aim for a variety of products and services available in
the market.
Reduction of Risk. Importing of products is an alternative to countries that are vulnerable to
supply shortage.
Foreign Policy. Countries are becoming a country to regional market integration and economic
relationship is part of its foreign policy. A very important move in sustaining its international
status in global environment.
We must understand first the factors affecting the business operation; like international marketing
which organization and enterprise engage in a foreign market. Likewise, political, economic, cultural
and technological environment are also be taken into consideration to ensure the success in the
international market. Henry Nau (2008), suggested the seven government policies that have direct
effect to a country’s relationship with global economy.
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The role of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in the twenty first century is distinct and
interesting to investigate. The movement of loans, capital, investment and technology and people are
affected by the operations. MNCs continue to offer innovations, products and services. A firm
operating in different countries around the world.
Multinational companies own a home Transnational companies do not have but
company and its subsidiaries. just many companies
Multinational companies have a centralized Transnational companies do not have a
management system. centralized management system.
Multinational companies will face a barrier in Transnational companies are able to gain
decision making due to its centralized more interest in the local markets since
management system. they maintain their own systems.
Multinational, as the term suggests, operates in many countries. The main difference
between multinational and transnational enterprises is that multinational enterprises have a
centralized management system which cannot be seen in transnational enterprise. However,
both multinational and transnational companies have foreign affiliates and operate around the world.
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Multinational companies own a home company and its subsidiaries.
Transnational companies do not have subsidiaries but just many companies.
TNCs are very powerful economic institutions because of their global influence in investment
and network distribution. In a World BANK Development Report in 2000, sales of General Motors
Corporation is almost the same as the GDP of Denmark and Sony’s sales recorded on that year
recorded at 60,052 million dollars, higher than Pakistan’s GDP at 59, 880 million dollars. American
TNCs are remains as the primary top producers of foreign-direct investments in the world.
The formation of economic integration is designed to address and enhance the level of
competitiveness of member economies in trade. Free Trade Area (FTA) is a trading bloc which
involves the reduction of internal tariffs to zero of member economies but retaining its different
external tariffs. But from FTA, it created unfair trade, which is a conduct of trade by a business firm
or government that violates and discriminatory.
The most significant role in promoting free international trade (LabSpace, 2012). The only
international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is
to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
Where countries have faced trade barriers and wanted them lowered, the negotiations have helped
to open markets for trade. But the WTO is not just about opening markets but also to protect
consumers or prevent the spread of disease.
WTO has five (5) main functions, which are the following (WTO, 2013):
a. Trade negotiations. This function covers agreements on goods, as well as services and even
intellectual property. Specifically, WTO, through this mandate, deals with ensuring the commitment
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of every member states to lower their customs tariffs and even other barriers of trade. Of course,
these are in sync with the agreements of the members, which are being reviewed regularly.
b. Implementation and monitoring. According to the WTO agreements, its members are required
to make their trade policies transparent. This is being done by notifying the WTO on the laws or
measures that the members adopt. All of the members of the WTO are required to undergo regular
scrutiny of their policies and practices related to trade.
c. Dispute settlement. Even though that WTO has some established procedures and guidelines,
there might still come a time when trade quarrels may arise. It is in this light that the members are
covered by the Dispute Settlement Understanding, which provide for rules in settling disputes. This
usually happens, most especially when a member thinks that their rights under their specific
agreements are being violated. The judgments will be made by the appointed independent experts.
The World Bank (WB), along with IMF, is the creator of the WTO. WB is part of the Bretton
Woods institutions. It is primarily an international financial institution providing loans to developing
countries (WB, 2012a). However, it has several branches and functions that make it touch the field
of trade as well. The WB group has specific trade programs (WB, 2012b), which include the following:
In order to complement these programs, the Bank launched its new trade strategy in 2011
after having consultations with the stakeholders. This new strategy is about “Leveraging Trade for
Development and Inclusive Growth”. Leverage is an investment strategy of using borrowed money.
According to the World Bank (2011), this strategy has four (4) main priority themes, which
include the following:
a. Trade competitive and diversification;
b. Trade facilitation, as well as transport logistics and trade finance;
c. Supporting market access and the international trade cooperation; and
d. Managing the shocks while promoting greater inclusion.
The Bretton Woods agreement was established as a new global monetary system in 1944. It
replaced the gold standard with the U.S. dollar as the global currency. By so doing, it established
America as the dominant power in the world economy. After the agreement was signed, America was
the only country with the ability to print dollars.
The agreement created the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), U.S.-
backed organizations that would monitor the new system. The Bretton Woods agreement was created
in a 1944 conference of all of the World War II Allied nations. It took place in Bretton Woods, New
Under the agreement, countries promised that their central banks would maintain fixed
exchange rates between their currencies and the dollar. If a country's currency value became too
weak relative to the dollar, the bank would buy up its currency in foreign exchange markets.
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It was created in 1944, while World War II was still raging, as part of the Bretton Woods
Agreement. of the currency devaluations that contributed to the economic challenges of that period.
The IMF’s broad, self-defined mandate encompasses “all macroeconomic and financial sector
issues that bear on global stability,” including trade promotion, economic growth and poverty
According to Manish (2012), the following the roles of the IMF, which are explicitly stated in
the Article I of its Constitution (or their Articles of Agreement), to wit:
a. Promotion of international monetary cooperation;
b. Facilitation of the expansion and balanced growth of international trade;
c. Promotion of exchange stability
d. Assisting to the establishment of a multilateral payments system;
e. Giving confidence to its members by way of making general resources of the IMF temporarily
available to the members under adequate safeguards; and
f. Shortening of the duration and lessening the level of disequilibrium in the aspect of the international
balances of payments among its member countries.
The EU was created by the Maastricht Treaty, which entered into force on November 1, 1993.
The treaty was designed to enhance European political and economic integration by creating a single
currency (the euro), a unified foreign and security policy, and common citizenship rights and by
advancing cooperation in the areas of immigration, asylum, and judicial affairs. The EU was awarded
the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2012, in recognition of the organization’s efforts to promote peace and
democracy in Europe.
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Activity 3 (12pts.)
List down atleast (2) two Roles/Functions of Economic Institutions.
PART II. ESSAY (Explain briefly your answer in one-two paragraphs). 30 Points
1. What is the significance of the United Nations across the world, especially the Philippines as a
developing country?
2. Do poor countries gain much from global corporations? Defend your answer.
3. What do you think is the importance or significance of international financial institutions to poor or
developing economies or countries?
Direction: React on the following: (10 pts. each) Use the rubric on page 7 as your guide in your essay.
1. Education must also be a priority where refugees are concerned in order to avoid a “lost generation”
of youth.
2. Globalization is the effective erasure of boundaries for economic purposes.
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Abinales, Patricio N. et. al. (2018). The Contemporary World. Quezon City: C & E Publishing
Ariola, Mariano M. (2018). The Contemporary World. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services &
Publishing Incorporated.
Brock, Thomas J. (September 3,2020). The Bretton wood system. Retrieved September 4,2020 from
De Ocampo F. et al. (2019) Introduction to the Contemporary World. Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing
Pros and Cons of international trade. Retrieved September 2,2020 from
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Activity 2. (20pts.)
Direction: Create an image of the following aspects and describe your image
1. 2.
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3. 4.
Activity # 3 (12pts.)
List down atleast (2) two Roles/Functions of the following Economic Institutions
Economic Institutions/Organizations Roles/Functions of Economic Institutions
1.WTO- World Trade Organization 1.
5. UN-United Nations 1.
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Direction: Put a (✓) mark on the space provided if the statement is correct and cross (X) mark if the
statement is wrong.
PART II. ESSAY (Explain briefly your answer in one-two paragraphs). 30 Points
1. What is the significance of the United Nations across the world, especially the Philippines as a
developing country? (10pts.)
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2. Do poor countries gain much from global corporations? Defend your answer. (10pts.)
3. What do you think is the importance or significance of international financial institutions to poor or
developing economies or countries? (10pts.)
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Direction: React on the following: (10 pts. each)
1. Education must also be a priority where refugees are concerned in order to avoid a “lost generation” of
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The lesson provides the students a grasp about the functions of governments in globalization,
problems and issues in affecting global governance and relationship of countries, various political
systems and institutions in global order and governance and as well as to examine the nature of
geopolitics under contemporary world.
At the end of the discussions, the students are expected to:
1. define global governments and governance and discuss their functions in globalization;
2. describe problems and issues in affecting global governance and relationship of countries;
3. discuss the various political systems and institutions in global order and governance; and
4. examine the nature of geopolitics under contemporary world by making data retrieval
Global governance or brings together diverse actors to coordinate collective action at the level
of the planet. The goal of global governance, roughly defined, is to provide global public goods,
particularly peace and security, justice and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets and
unified standards for trade and industry. One crucial global public good is catastrophic risk
management – putting appropriate mechanisms in place to maximally reduce the likelihood and
impact of any event that could cause the death of 1 billion people across the planet, or damage of
equivalent magnitude.
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The world faces different challenges like civil wars, hunger and poverty, sexual abuse, climate
change and poor infrastructures are most common problems where collective efforts are needed.
The term “global government” is response on the actions of various stakeholders on finding
out pressing global problems like climate change and issues and peace and security. The world has
no global government and global authority. There are political and economic bodies operating
worldwide but no single organization possesses a global authority in enforcing and compelling others
to follow.
The fact that states in an international order continue to observe to certain global norms
means that there is a semblance of world order despite the lack of a single world government. These
various intersecting processes that create this order signs treaties and form organization in the
process legislating public international law (international rules that govern interactions between states
as opposed to, mention are private companies.
It involves management, authority, cooperation and mechanism that are aimed to attain
certain goals. These various intersecting processes are bounded by consensus and agreements
where numbers are expected to perform based on the guidelines and policies. Institutions of global
governance may include the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World Bank, World
Trade Organization, World Health Organization, etc. operate globally– but have limited or demarcated
power to enforce compliance. They exist because of its identifiable role and function in responding
problems at a global scale.
The downside of a global governance is establishing its sovereignty and accountability to all
decisions framed and actions implemented. States may not conform and deviate by the norms set by
international institutions.
Example: The act of China for not abiding and recognizing to the decisions made by the International
Criminal Court on the diplomatic protest filed by the Philippine government regarding the West
Philippine Sea issue is an example that international bodies with good governance system have
insufficient power to neither comply nor punish its members.
a. Jurisdiction Gap. The lack of governance in taking actions to problems affecting key sectors
arises from the absence of authority. There should be the creation of power and jurisdiction to
governments and international organizations which is committed in confronting issues like
unemployment, human rights, peace and crimes
b. Incentive Gap. This is an issue between rich and poor countries of the world because of uneven
distribution of authority and control over decisions and policies. Poor countries usually received
minimal attention and support from coalition of body due to its contributory constraints. Usually
poor countries that do not provide higher material contribution usually receive lesser amount of
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countries being affected with the implementation of the policy will no longer express their
opposition and unwillingness to cooperate.
3. Political Systems
Political system really has an implication to the success of its economy and the overall
governance. Undayansakar (2012) identified two dimensions of political system: First, a country
emphasizes the importance of individualism as opposed to collectivism. Second, a system in which
a country either democratic or totalitarian in its form of government.
4.1. Individualism
Individualism is a political system that values the significance of individuals over collective goals.
Freedom of the people is the primary consideration in an individual society; government values
choices and preferences of its people at very personal level. Aristotle mentioned that the
interests and individual diversity as well as private ownership should prevail over the interests
of the state.
Elements of Individualism
a. Individual freedom and expression are important in a sense that individuals just like state
have sovereignty. The state must have preferential attention to the sanctity and social worth
of freedom and expression among its people.
b. The pursuit of economic interests among individuals. If people will be given enjoyment on
what to do and how to do things, the best interests will be achieved not just only within the
personal or individual level but even the interests of the nation.
The success of the economy and other aspects of society is based on the personal
interest and pursuit of man
4.2. Collectivism
A philosophy that stresses the importance of collective goals over individual freedom and
interests. The state, as the primary economic manager views collective actions as the best
strategy in establishing the welfare and interests of the nation. As a way of attaining goal, it is
more ideal that individualism where the interest of the many is a majority.
Plato believed that social stratification must be built in order for the society and the entire
economy and government be managed properly and orderly.
Example: Socialist nationalism in which their Central government focusses on the idea of social
and economic equality of individuals. Institutions must restrict the economic freedom and
distributive wealth to the working class.
Democracy is a political system in which government is by the people, exercised either directly or
through elected representatives. The direct participation in modern societies involves representation,
where individual periodically elect someone who has the ability to represent them in government.
Representative Democracy. Competitive elections occur where candidates freely compete for
votes through the conduct of fair and honest election. Elected officials that represents the citizen
are accountable for their actions and the management and operation of the state.
Democratic States have provided constitutional laws to safeguard the welfare and the
interest of the people.
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Wenson (1990) enumerate the nine (9) common practices and description of an ideal representative
Freedom of expression, opinion and organization
Freedom of the media and the press
The conduct of regular elections
Universal adult suffrage
Specific and limited terms for elected officials
Independent judiciary and court system
Nonpolitical and nonpartisan police force
Public access to information
Totalitarianism is a form of government in which one person or political party exercises absolute
control over all spheres of human life, and opposing political parties are prohibited.
Some states across the contemporary world are hungry of power. Some realists define power
as the capability of each country or state like population, resource, territory, economic and as well as
military strength (Chomsky, 2006; Nau, 2008). Atypical definition of power is the ability of an individual
or group of people or institution to affect behavior of others even against their will. Today, the power
of each state or country is associate with their political or economic capability; such as the country of
US, China and Japan for having advanced and expensive military force and big economies.
The way they control and influence global politics marks them as manipulator of world politics.
In the arena of international relations, we have geopolitics as a focus and concentration of a
country’s location, environment and geography as the basis of its national interests. Nau,2008). A
good example of these, are the US and China as they possessed vast land and territory
6.1. Unilateralism
One country like the US is in position of dominance, with other countries following each lead. Us
able to maintain each economic dominance and its valuable role in sustaining the world economy.
Though China and other emerging economies nowadays, their economic growth are dependent on
the American Market. In addition to these, American military power is considered the highly valued
military force in the world with billions of dollars spent by their government. Evidently, their military
presence in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, Europa and South America is a remarkable
manifestation of its control in global defense operation. However, global stability and power being
enjoyed by the Americans can only be sustained if they employ liberal values of freedom, democracy
and human rights, (Balaam and Vesseth, 2008). The US must exercise caution, caution and restraint
and civility to poor countries like Haiti, Sierra Leone and Balkan Strait.
6.2. Multilateralism
For the US to maintain hegemony and global, it has to form alliances and coalitions into a
multipolar configuration of power. The idea of multilateralism includes three power.
Bipolar – This happens if there are only two great powers dominating the distribution of
power. The Cold War between the USSR and the USA is an example of bipolarity, global
power was contested between them.
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Tripolar – The existence of three states dominating the distribution of global order. United
States, Japan and Europe were considered as potential powers during the Second World
War. They controlled areas under their respective military instruments and interests. In
the area of global economic power, Japan, China and the United States are the most
favored nations as identified the three leading economic giants of the modern time.
Multipolar or multipolarity – This situation takes place when there are more states
involved in the distribution of global power. This is the alignment of the powerful and
emerging powers in the world. This may include China, Japan, Europe, Russia and the
United States and major alliances as key players in the distribution of power.
Question: Which style of balance of power will provide sustainable global order?
Wiliam Wohlforth of Georgetown University explained the distribution of power is unstable and
conflict-prone based on the following reasons:
6.3. Isolationalism
The policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to
enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, etc., seeking to devote
the entire efforts of one's country to its own advancement and remain at peace by avoiding foreign
entanglements and responsibilities.
United Nations (UN), international organization established on October 24, 1945. The United
Nations (UN) was the second multipurpose international organization established in the 20th century
that was worldwide in scope and membership. Its predecessor, the League of Nations, was created
by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 and disbanded in 1946. Headquartered in New York City, the UN
also has regional offices in Geneva, Vienna, and Nairobi. Its official languages are Arabic, Chinese,
English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
In addition to maintaining peace and security, other important objectives include developing
friendly relations among countries based on respect for the principles of equal rights and self-
determination of peoples; achieving worldwide cooperation to solve international economic, social,
cultural, and humanitarian problems; respecting and promoting human rights; and serving as a center
where countries can coordinate their actions and activities toward these various ends.
The UN formed a continuum with the League of Nations in general purpose, structure, and
functions; many of the UN’s principal organs and related agencies were adopted from similar
structures established earlier in the century. In some respects, however, the UN constituted a very
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different organization, especially with regard to its objective of maintaining international peace and
security and its commitment to economic and social development.
At present, the United Nations has six principal organs: the General Assembly, the Security
Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice,
and the Secretariat.
The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was first
used in the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when
representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the
Axis Powers.
The main organs of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and
Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat.
General Assembly. The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative
organ of the UN. All 193 Member States of the UN are represented in the General Assembly, making
it the only UN body with universal representation. Each year, in September, the full UN membership
meets in the General Assembly Hall in New York for the annual General Assembly session, and
general debate, which many heads of state attend and address. Decisions on important questions,
such as those on peace and security, admission of new members and budgetary matters, require a
two-thirds majority of the General Assembly. Decisions on other questions are by simple majority.
The General Assembly, each year, elects a GA President to serve a one-year term of office.
Security Council. The main responsibility is the maintenance of international peace and security. It
has 15 Members (5 permanent and 10 non-permanent members). Each Member has one vote. Under
the Charter, all Member States are obligated to comply with Council decisions. It takes the lead in
determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression and calls upon the parties to
a dispute to settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of
settlement. In some cases, the Security Council can resort to imposing sanctions or even authorize
the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security. The Security Council has a
Presidency, which rotates, and changes, every month.
Economic and Social Council. The Economic and Social Council is the principal body for
coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and
environmental issues, as well as implementation of internationally agreed development goals. It
serves as the central mechanism for activities of the UN system and its specialized agencies in the
economic, social and environmental fields, supervising subsidiary and expert bodies. It has 54
Members, elected by the General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms.
Trusteeship Council. The Trusteeship Council was established in 1945 by the UN Charter, under
Chapter XIII, to provide international supervision for 11 Trust Territories that had been placed under
the administration of seven Member States, and ensure that adequate steps were taken to prepare
the Territories for self-government and independence. By 1994, all Trust Territories had attained self-
government or independence.
International Court of Justice. Serves as the principal judicial organ of the United Nations that seats
at Peace Palace in the Hague (Netherlands). The only one among the six principal organs of the
United Nations not located in New York (United States of America). Its role is to settle, in accordance
with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States and to give advisory opinions on legal
questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.
Secretariat. It comprises the Secretary-General and tens of thousands of international UN staff
members who carry out the day-to-day work of the UN as mandated by the General Assembly. The
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Founded in 1949 as a bulwark against Soviet aggression, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) remains the pillar of U.S.-European military cooperation. An expanding bloc of NATO allies
has taken on a broad range of missions since the close of the Cold War, many well beyond the Euro-
Atlantic region, in countries such as Afghanistan and Libya.
In 2019, as the alliance turns seventy, it faces a new set of challenges. Russia has reemerged
as a top geostrategic rival in recent years, underscored by its military incursions into Georgia and
Ukraine as well as its political meddling in NATO countries. Meanwhile, quarrels between members,
some initiated by the United States, have thrown the alliance’s unity into question.
After the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, Western leaders intensely debated the direction of
the transatlantic alliance. President Bill Clinton’s administration favored expanding NATO to both
extend its security umbrella to the east and consolidate democratic gains in the former Soviet bloc,
while some U.S. officials wished to peel back the Pentagon’s commitments in Europe with the fading
of the Soviet threat.
The Strategic Concept is an official document that outlines NATO’s enduring purpose and
nature, and its fundamental security tasks. It also identifies the central features of the new security
environment, specifies the elements of the Alliance’s approach to security and provides guidelines
for the adaptation of its military forces.
Strategic Concepts equip the Alliance for security challenges and guide its future political and
military development.
They reiterate NATO’s enduring purpose and nature, and its fundamental security tasks.
They are reviewed to take account of changes to the global security environment to ensure the
Alliance is properly prepared to execute its core tasks, making transformation in the broad sense
of the term, a permanent feature of the Organization.
The current Strategic Concept “Active Engagement, Modern Defense” (2010) outlines three
essential core tasks – collective defense, crisis management and cooperative security.
Over time, the Alliance and the wider world have developed in ways that NATO's founders could
not have envisaged, and these changes have been reflected in each and every strategic
document that NATO has ever produced.
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1. The founding of NATO's is to protect the freedom of its members. Its focus includes
weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, and cyber-attacks.
2. Global governance brings countries altogether because of the presence of a single global
3. Global governance is a movement geared towards political cooperation among
transnational actors; responding to problems that affects more than one state or region.
4. The WTO member economies do not agree on very controversial issues like policies
affecting the sector of agriculture.
5. There are two political system in the world: an emphasis on the importance of
individualism as opposed to collectivism and a system in a country is either democratic or
totalitarian in its form of government.
6. The Cold War between the USSR and the USA is an example of tripolar.
7. The People’s Democratic Republic of China is now in position of dominance, maintaining
economic and military power across the globe.
8. Communist totalitarianism: advocates achieving socialism through totalitarian dictatorship.
Example: China, Cuba, and North Korea.
9. One of the many reasons why some countries seeking to devote their entire efforts for their
own advancement is to remains at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and
10. Under Representative democracy, selected officials represent their citizens in the
management and operation of the state.
11. The General Assembly is responsible in the maintenance of international peace and
12. After World War II, one of the many important roles of the UN is to prevent conflict; helping
parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the conditions to allow peace to
hold and flourish.
13. The diplomatic protest of the Philippines against China over the West Philippine was filed
to the Security Council of the UN.
14. Japan, China and the United States are tripolar economy; the three most favored nations
as identified leading economic giants of the modern time.
15. The Philippines is a Third World Country with a developing economy, the government must
pursue modernizing its defense and/or military installations across the country.
1. Should the Philippines withdraw its membership to United Nations? Why? Explain. (10pts.)
2. Differentiate Economic Growth to Economic Development? (10pts.)
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Abinales, Patricio N. (2018). The Contemporary World. Quezon City: C & E Publishing
Ariola, Mariano M. (2018). The Contemporary World. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services &
Publishing Incorporated.
De Ocampo F. et al. (2019) Introduction to the Contemporary World. Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing
Strategic Concepts of the NATO. (June 12, 2018). Retrieved September 4, 2020 from
Masters, Jonathan. (December 3, 2019). North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Retrieved September
7,2020 from
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2. 2.
2. 1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 1. 1.
2. 2.
4. 1. 1.
2. 2.
5. 1. 1.
2. 2.
6. 1. 1.
2. 2.
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Things I have
discovered and
wanted more
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1. The founding of NATO's is to protect the freedom of its members. Its focus includes
weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, and cyber-attacks.
2. Global governance brings countries altogether because of the presence of a single global
3. Global governance is a movement geared towards political cooperation among
transnational actors; responding to problems that affects more than one state or region.
4. The WTO member economies do not agree on very controversial issues like policies
affecting the sector of agriculture.
5. There are two political system in the world: an emphasis on the importance of
individualism as opposed to collectivism and a system in a country is either democratic or
totalitarian in its form of government.
6. The Cold War between the USSR and the USA is an example of tripolar.
7. The People’s Democratic Republic of China is now in position of dominance, maintaining
economic and military power across the globe.
8. Communist totalitarianism: advocates achieving socialism through totalitarian dictatorship.
Example: China, Cuba, and North Korea.
9. One of the many reasons why some countries seeking to devote their entire efforts for their
own advancement is to remains at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and
10. Under Representative democracy, selected officials represent their citizens in the
management and operation of the state.
11. The General Assembly is responsible in the maintenance of international peace and
12. After World War II, one of the many important roles of the UN is to prevent conflict; helping
parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the conditions to allow peace to
hold and flourish.
13. The diplomatic protest of the Philippines against China over the West Philippine was filed
to the Security Council of the UN.
14. Japan, China and the United States are tripolar economy; the three most favored nations
as identified leading economic giants of the modern time.
15. The Philippines is a Third World Country with a developing economy, the government must
pursue modernizing its defense and/or military installations across the country.
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1. Should the Philippines withdraw its membership to United Nations? Why? Explain. (10pts.)
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Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
This chapter discusses the civil society and non-governmental organizations and examine the role of
civil society organizations in globalization. It also discourses the various global civil society organizations
and their interests.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. define civil society and non-governmental organizations;
2. examine the role of civil society organizations in globalization; and
3. discuss the various global civil society organizations and their interests
Civil society and non-governmental organizations or NGOs are the third sector of the society aside
from the government and business. The UN recognizes the important role of partnering with civil society
groups and non-governmental organizations in advancing the welfare of its stakeholders. The participatory
mechanisms of NGOs and civil society groups like the Occupy movement provide avenue for all parties to
relook actions and norms that are considered potentially beneficial and potentially risky to all.
Global Civil Society (GCS), is a global and international network of nongovernmental organizations with the
purpose of influencing governments and organizations in various issues and concerns.
World Bank defined Civil Society, as “the wide array of non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations that
have a presence in public life, expressing the interests and values of their members or others, based on ethical,
cultural, political, scientific, religious or philanthropic considerations.
Civil society organizations, therefore refer to a wide array of organizations: community groups, NGOs, labour
unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and
Civil society and non-governmental organizations or NGOs are the third sector of the society aside from the
government and business.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Civil society helps government agencies and other non-governmental bodies in framing ideal policies and
strengthening networks for a more collaborative partnership of all stakeholders.
Transnational Nongovernmental Organizations are international not-for-profit organizations that are
interdependent and are not controlled by governments. TNGOs operate as an extension of the private life of the
state transcending from domestic to international affairs.
Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and Transnational Corporations, are the modern versions of global
commercial enterprises. Powerful organizations and firms like (Google, Toyota, Exxon Mobil, WalMart, and
Samsung) continuously generating profit at a large scale. MNCs are companies that have global approach to
markets and production with huge investment in production facilities located in different countries.
Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations are considered as vanguard against the abuses of capitalists
and organizations that negatively affect the environment.
Two of the most prominent environmental NGOs
1. Greenpeace is known for its fearless stand and expression on the neglect of key institutions in damaging
oceans, shipments of toxic products, and forest degradation in areas like Brazil.
2. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) the world’s largest multinational conservation organization.
Ways and Styles on how Environmental groups can participate in global governance:
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Activity No.1. (50pts.)
Direction: Conduct a study on issues affecting your community or village through assessing the lives of the
people, the operation of the local government and the state of environment. Pick one pressing problem,
example enhanced facility for senior citizens and PWDs. Prepare a report on the current condition of the
sector or group being studied, and examine the assistance from the government and the progress made.
Suggested format:
1. Overview of the sector (place/address/no.of beneficiaries/members)
2. The current problems experienced; challenges and immediate risks.
3. Required funding and key partners for budget.
4. Timeline of the project from planning up to implementation (table presentation)
5. Expected outcomes and key results
6. Monitoring and Assessment of the project (impact evaluation)
Direction: Read and analyze each statement. Write the word TRUE or FALSE
1. ______Global Civil Society is a global and international network of nongovernmental organizations
with the purpose of influencing governments and organizations in various issues and concerns.
2. ______CSOs are considered political parties that have interest in political operation of the state.
3. ______CSOs bring unique knowledge and experience to evaluate policy and strategy, and identify
4. ______TNGOs are international not-for-profit organizations that are independent and are not controlled
by governments.
5. ______TNGOs are organizations that have global approach to markets and production with huge
investment in production facilities located in different countries.
6. _______Environmental NGOs are considered as vanguard against the abuses of institutions and
groups on the rights of the people.
7. _______Incubator refers to CSOs encouragement to citizen engagement and in championing the rights
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
of the minority.
8. _______UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 centers on the promotion of political
participation and freedom, entitlements, and basic needs under the obligation of the state to its citizens.
9. _______Mad Max is an era characterized by national and international conflicts and will pose
challenges to CSOs in the future.
10. ______Transparency blurred is a period that is deeply engaged in dealing global issues where
governments and private sector will actively partnered combating these problems.
Differentiate GOs from NGOs organization, cite examples and explain. (10pts.)
De Ocampo F. et al. (2019) Introduction to the Contemporary World. St. Andrew Publishing House Plaridel,
Ariola, Mariano M. (2018) The Contemporary World. Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.,
Lobo, Joliver L. et al. (2019) The Contemporary World. Books Atbp. Pub. Corp., Mandaluyong City.
“In accordance with Section 185, fair use of a Copyright Work of Republic Act 8293; the copyrighted worked included in this material
may be reproduced for educational purposes and not for commercial distribution.”
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
“In accordance with Section 185, fair use of a Copyright Work of Republic Act 8293; the copyrighted worked included in this material
may be reproduced for educational purposes and not for commercial distribution.”
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Direction: Read and analyze each statement. Write the word TRUE or FALSE
1. ______Global Civil Society is a global and international network of nongovernmental organizations
with the purpose of influencing governments and organizations in various issues and concerns.
2. ______CSOs are considered political parties that have interest in political operation of the state.
3. ______CSOs bring unique knowledge and experience to evaluate policy and strategy, and identify
4. ______TNGOs are international not-for-profit organizations that are independent and are not controlled
by governments.
5. ______TNGOs are organizations that have global approach to markets and production with huge
investment in production facilities located in different countries.
6. _______Environmental NGOs are considered as vanguard against the abuses of institutions and
groups on the rights of the people.
7. _______Incubator refers to CSOs encouragement to citizen engagement and in championing the rights
of the minority.
8. _______UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 centers on the promotion of political
participation and freedom, entitlements, and basic needs under the obligation of the state to its citizens.
9. _______Mad Max is an era characterized by national and international conflicts and will pose
challenges to CSOs in the future.
10. ______Transparency blurred is a period that is deeply engaged in dealing global issues where
governments and private sector will actively have partnered combating these problems.
Differentiate GOs from NGOs organization, cite examples and explain. (10pts.)
“In accordance with Section 185, fair use of a Copyright Work of Republic Act 8293; the copyrighted worked included in this material
may be reproduced for educational purposes and not for commercial distribution.”
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
“In accordance with Section 185, fair use of a Copyright Work of Republic Act 8293; the copyrighted worked included in this material
may be reproduced for educational purposes and not for commercial distribution.”
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
“In accordance with Section 185, fair use of a Copyright Work of Republic Act 8293; the copyrighted worked included in this material
may be reproduced for educational purposes and not for commercial distribution.”
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
“In accordance with Section 185, fair use of a Copyright Work of Republic Act 8293; the copyrighted worked included in this material
may be reproduced for educational purposes and not for commercial distribution.”
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
School Year
“In accordance with Section 185, fair use of a Copyright Work of Republic Act 8293; the copyrighted worked included in this material
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-GEWRLD-2nd SEM-2021-2022
Course Number
“In accordance with Section 185, fair use of a Copyright Work of Republic Act 8293; the copyrighted worked included in this material
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