Tense, Pronunciation, Etc.: Correction Strategy Advantages Disadvantages

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Error Correction Strategies

Cambridge CELTA

Correction strategy Advantages Disadvantages

a Teacher prompts using Easy to use. Learners need to be familiar

with the terminology used.
terminology, e.g. grammar, Indicates the type of error that
the learner should be looking It can stop the flow of the
tense, pronunciation, etc. for. discussion.

b Teacher repeats the Quick and easy. Gives Teacher needs to use
utterance to the point of the guidance to where exactly the appropriate intonation, or
error. e.g. Yesterday you ... problem is. gesture, to ensure that the
learner understands that this is
a correction procedure and
not part of communication.

Moreover, it might sound like


c Finger correction (Teacher Gives a very clear indication of Only works with short
uses fingers to indicate the where the problem is. Quite utterances. Takes practice for
position of the error.) flexible – can be used to most teachers to become
indicate the need to put a confident.
word in, take a word out, run
words together (‘I’m’ etc.).

d Teacher asks a question, e.g. A good way to discover the questions need to be clear and
Do you mean you go learner’s intended message easy to answer to avoid
everyday? and repairs the further confusing the learner.
communication after a

e Reformulation, e.g. You Quick and easy. Doesn’t break Learners may not realize that
went to the beach the flow of communication. they are being corrected and it
may therefore have a little

f Delayed correction Does not interfere with the Correction sometimes has less
flow of communication. The impact if served cold but if it
teacher has time to prepare was a fluency activity, it has to
what to say, rather than be delayed in order not to
having to do it immediately. stop/slow the flow.

The CELTA Course - Cambridge

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