Manejo de Corpo Estranho Retal Incomum
Manejo de Corpo Estranho Retal Incomum
Manejo de Corpo Estranho Retal Incomum
PII: S2210-2612(22)00297-8
Reference: IJSCR 107051
Please cite this article as: A.E.d.L.M.T. Grossi, J.E.R. Rodriguez, A.A. de Freitas Sousa,
et al., Management of unusual rectal foreign body – Case report and literature review,
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports (2021),
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Title: Management of unusual rectal foreign body – Case report and literature review
Ana Elisa de Landa Moraes Teixeira Grossi : [email protected]
Juan Eduardo Rios Rodriguez : [email protected]
Alexia Aina de Freitas Sousa : [email protected]
Danielle Alcântara Barbosa : [email protected]
Victor Vinícius Monteiro Lins de Albuquerque : [email protected]
Frank Pinheiro Pessoa Coelho de Macedo : [email protected]
1. General Surgery Resident, Nilton Lins Hospital Complex, Manaus, Brazil
2. General Surgery Resident, Getúlio Vargas University Hospital (HUGV), Manaus, Brazil
E-mail: [email protected]
Present address: Av. Professor Nilton Lins, 3259 – LT3 – Bairro Flores Manaus, AM
Management of unusual rectal foreign body – Case report and literature review
Introduction: Retained rectal objects represent a rare complaint in the emergency room,
affecting mainly males between 20-40 years, with most objects of a sexual nature, but the
examiner must be aware of objects of an unusual nature. Presentation of Case: A 54-year-old
male patient arrives at the surgical emergency department, with a report of an accident with
the insertion of an object via the rectum, a gym dumbbell. Initially opted for transrectal object
removal, but with difficulties due to its position. Discussion: Retained rectal objects are a rare
complaint in the emergency department, but with an increasingly important occurrence in
recent years. Physical examination should include an assessment of the abdomen and digital
rectal examination. Imaging tests are mandatory for diagnosis, with abdominal and pelvis
radiography being the most requested. Although there is no consensus on the most
appropriate removal technique, less invasive initial approaches are recommended, with
transanal removal with a 60-75% success rate under local anesthesia. The follow-up after the
procedure depends on several factors, and in general, the patient should be kept under
observation and attention should be paid to significant changes in the evolution and
alterations in the imaging tests. Conclusion: The clinical history in these cases can be
confusing, due to the patient's fear of reporting the complaints. Radiography is the best initial
test, and CT is reserved for cases of suspected complications. Whenever possible, perform the
extraction rectally.
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Insertion of foreign bodies via the rectum is a rare scenario in emergency care, with the sexual
practice being a common cause within the cases. Patient assessment is usually difficult due to
the patient's fear during the history, as he tends not to report what happened objectively [1].
Attention should be paid to unusual objects as they can cause complications, such as in cases of
perforation by glass objects, even though within the total cases, complications are rare [2]
Below, we present a case of management of a retained foreign body via the rectum. This case
A 54-year-old male patient arrives by his means at the surgical emergency department of an
emergency care hospital, with an initial complaint of cramping abdominal pain in the
hypogastrium, right and left iliac fossae starting 24 hours before. He refers to nausea, vomiting in
small volume, and stopping of evacuation for approximately 2 days. He denies weight loss,
dysphagia, anorexia, unusual food intake, haematoquezia or other symptoms. She denies
previous comorbidities or chronic use of medications, nor drug allergy. On physical examination,
the patient was clinically stable, but with a distended abdomen, with mild pain on diffuse
palpation, especially in the left iliac fossa and hypogastrium, with no signs of peritoneal irritation
or palpable masses. Digital rectal examination was performed without evidence of palpable
masses, blood, or other findings, the patient was uncooperative during the examination. Vital
signs within the normal range (BP 130x90; FC 98; Sat 98%). Blood count and biochemical study
were requested, as well as radiography for acute abdomen.
The patient was referred to the operating room, anesthesia was performed with an initial
spinal block and an initial anoscopy was performed, with partial visualization of the foreign
body, but without the possibility of extracting the object using grasping instruments. Opted for
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manual extraction of the object without tweezers, with difficulties, but with complete removal
of the same (Figure 3). On procedure site review, no active bleeding, mucosal lesions, or other
The patient remained in post-anesthetic recovery for 4 hours and was referred to the general
surgery ward. A control abdomen radiograph was performed, without signs of
pneumoperitoneum after 12 hours of the procedure. He remained hospitalized for 3 days,
without changes in hematimetric values or other complications, with a medical discharge on
the 4th postoperative day.
Retained rectal objects are a rare complaint in the emergency department, but an increasingly
important occurrence in recent years. A Caribbean study conducted in hospitals over 5 years
revealed an incidence of approximately 0.15 cases per 100,000 population/year, but exact
frequency data is not known [4]. Despite being a problem that affects both genders, in the
literature consulted there is a predominance of males, at a ratio of 28:1 to females, more
specifically white men between 20-40 years old, having practices of sexual gratification. as the
greatest motivation [5,6]. A huge variety of rectal objects have been described, with a greater
predominance of those of a sexual nature, followed by glass objects, which should be handled
with greater care due to their fragility and risk of injury if broken [1]. The case in question
draws attention due to the particular nature of the object, a metallic dumbbell of about 20 cm
and approximately 2 kilos or 4,4 pounds.
Generally, most patients, because of embarrassment, only present for medical attention after
several unsuccessful attempts to remove the object alone, resulting in an average calculated
delay of 1.4 days to seek help [4]. Many of them have nonspecific complaints of lower
abdominal pain, anorectal pain, constipation, or bleeding, so it is up to the examiner to
maintain high suspicion and take a careful approach to reach the diagnosis. A good history
should evaluate the nature of the inserted object, as well as the way of insertion, to decide the
best way of removal, taking into account the material, size, and location of the object. [6]
Physical examination should include inspection, palpation, and abdominal auscultation to
evaluate transabdominal palpable objects and rule out signs of peritonitis. Although the digital
rectal examination is essential for diagnosis, as it provides data on the presence, size, and
location of the object, in addition to assessing the state of the anal sphincter, an abdominal
radiograph should be performed before its performance to rule out the presence of sharps or
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glass objects in the rectum, thus avoiding secondary injuries to the patient and the examiner
Imaging tests are mandatory to confirm the diagnosis, with anteroposterior and lateral
radiographs of the abdomen and pelvis being the most commonly requested to confirm the
presence, number, and location of rectal objects, in addition to checking for the presence of
free air. Chest X-ray should be considered in the initial evaluation to exclude
pneumoperitoneum. Other imaging tests such as non-contrast computed tomography are
important in the evaluation of non-opaque rectal objects, as well as assisting in suspected
cases of intestinal perforation.[5]. Laboratory tests are not essential in the initial evaluation
unless there are signs of peritonitis and preoperative preparation is required [8]. In
radiographic examinations performed in our patient, findings of distention of the descending,
transverse, and ascending colon loops, with the presence of a radiopaque dumbbell-shaped
foreign body in the rectosigmoid transition, but without signs of pneumoperitoneum or
Although there is no consensus regarding the most appropriate removal technique, less
invasive initial approaches are recommended. Studies suggest a 60-75% success rate for
transanal extractions under local anesthesia [9,10]. Several techniques can be used if the
patient is stable, with a bimanual extraction attempt being initially performed with the patient
in the lithotomy position, and if the patient is calm, collaborative, and tolerates the procedure
without the need for sedation, there is an advantage in asking to be performing the Valsalva
maneuver actively at the correct time, other techniques include the use of forceps and finally
instability, fever, severe pain, or signs of peritoneal irritation that may indicate perforation
[9,6,13]. In the case of the patient, despite the location of the object being considered high,
manual transanal extraction was chosen, inserting the surgeon's forearm with some difficulty,
without post-extraction complications.
Postoperative follow-up depends on several factors, from the patient's clinical condition,
associated comorbidities, presence or absence of problems due to delay in seeking care, and
possible trauma-related to removal [7,14]. Serial imaging tests for control should be ordered to
evaluate signs of peritonitis and perforation, when available, request endoscopic exams such
as colonoscopy or rectosigmoidoscopy to rule out mucosal injuries, as well as evaluate anal
sphincter injuries that could lead to certain degrees of fecal incontinence, with subsequent
need for outpatient follow-up. The patient should be kept under observation and attention
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should be paid to significant changes in the evolution, such as the occurrence of fever,
vomiting, and changes in imaging tests, and surgical evaluation should be considered in cases
of need. [15,16, 7]. In the case presented, the patient underwent imaging without signs of
pneumoperitoneum in the first 12 hours, remained hospitalized for 3 days, and progressed
without complications, being discharged on the 4th postoperative day.
Despite being a rare complaint in the routine of emergency and having no defined incidence,
cases of rectal foreign bodies have increasing numbers, mainly due to auto-erotic causes. The
clinical history can be confusing, due to the patient's fear of reporting the complaints. Physical
examination should be the standard for an obstructive acute abdomen, but pay attention to
cases of piercing objects that could injure the examiner. Radiography is the best initial test,
and CT is reserved for cases of suspected complications. Whenever possible, perform rectal
extraction, except when there is suspicion of perforation or impossibility of rectal evaluation
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Management Algorithm for Retained Rectal Foreign Bodies., Am. J. Mens. Health. 11 (2017) 684–
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Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case
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No fundings available
Ana Elisa, Juan Rodriguez and Alexia Aina contributions to conception, design,
collected the patient details and wrote the paper. Ana Elisa, Danielle Barbosa and
Frank Pinheiro made contributions to patient management. Victor Lins, Ana Elisa and
Danielle Barbosa critically revised the article. All authors read and approved the final
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Figure 1. Pelvic radiography (antero posterior view) showing a foreign body (dumbbell)
approximately in rectosigmoid transition
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Ana Elisa, Juan Rodriguez and Alexia Aina contributions to conception, design, collected the patient
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