Course Task Week 7 314 Rle

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 Disturbed Sensory Perception related to changes in the eyes due to aging

 Disturbed sensory perception (visual) related to damaged retina as evidence by inability to

see properly at night.


Assess the patient's ability to see and perform It provides a baseline for determining changes that affect a
activities. patient's vision.

Encourage patients to see an ophthalmologist You can monitor for progressive anopsia or complications.
at least once a year. Poor vision can increase confusion in older patients.

Provide proper lighting, so that the patient

Older patients need twice as much light as younger ones.
can perform the activity.

The eyes of older patients are more sensitive to glare,

Provides lighting to avoid glare on surfaces
cataracts spread and increase glare, and patients have more
such as walls and reading materials.
visual problems.

The patient's eyes may require longer adaptation time to

Provide a nightlight in your room and make
changes in illumination. Providing proper lighting will help
sure the lighting suits your patient's needs.
prevent injury.

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