Earthworm-An Alternative Approach To Biomedicine

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INT J CURR SCI 2014, 13: E 6-8


Earthworm-An alternative approach to biomedicine
Lakshmi Prabha M* and S. Shathya
Department of Biotechnology, Karunya University, Coimbatore-641 114, India
*Corresponding author: [email protected]; Phone: 0091-9442424136

Earthworms are found virtually worldwide and live in almost any type of soil that contains the right amounts of

moisture and organic particles. Earthworms are of various sizes and colors. The earthworm is widely used as Chinese herbal

medicine. It has dense nutritional content because of their soil based origin. Extracting medicinal compounds from the

earthworm has traditionally been practiced by indigenous people throughout the world, more particularly in Asia. Earthworm

studies have shown its antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, anticancer and scar wound healing characteristics. The anti-

inflammatory activity together with antioxidant properties seems to be due to the high polyphenolic content in earthworm

tissue. Moreover, crude earthworm extract has a thrombolytic effect that could significantly promote blood circulation to

remove stasis. Earthworm powder (EWP), a natural boon for medicine, has showed a wide variety of biological activities,

which make it a good candidate for the treatment of many oxidative stress-mediated diseases.

Keywords: earthworm, biomedicine, antimicrobial, anticancer

Received: 14thJune; Revised: 14thAugust; Accepted: 12thSeptember; © IJCS New Liberty Group 2014


Conventional medicine is excellent at treating community. TAIM therapies are successful in healing

acute injuries and infections, however, account for the acute chronic diseases. TAIM attempts to heal infertility,

link between mind and body. Therefore, its usefulness in epilepsy, psychosomatic troubles, and depression. In

chronic illness and pain is decreased as it treats the addition, efficacy and safety of TAIM are increasingly

symptoms and not the cause. A more holistic approach to important where supervision of techniques and

management of chronic disease and pain has proven, in procedures is required for commercial and traditional

some cases, to be effective. The alternative and applications (Cooper, 2005).

complementary medicines are all mainstream proven Earthworms have provided ancient cultures with

alternatives. Herbal medicine is classified into four food and sources of medicinal cures. Ayurveda,

herbalistic systems. Traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and practices in

Western-which originally came from Greece and Rome Japan, Vietnam, and Korea have focused first on

to Europe and then spread to North and South America earthworms as sources of food. Gradually fostering an

and Traditional Arabic and Islamic Medicine (TAIM). approach to potential beneficial healing properties, there

Arabic traditional herbal medicine is still practiced in the are renewed efforts through bioprospecting and

Middle East and is acquiring worldwide respect and evidence-based research to understand by means of

interest among traditional herbalists and the scientific rigorous investigations the mechanisms of action whether
Lakshmi Prabha and Shathya, 2014

earthworms are used as food and/or as sources of important for the health of the internal organs. It is

potential medicinal products (Cooper et al., 2004) .Di calming to the nervous system and is considered a

Long or Dilong extract literally earth-dragon/ worm heart tonic, lung tonic and plays a role in blood

powder is a medicinal preparation based on abdominal sugar regulation (Lee, 2005).

extracts from the earthworm species Lumbricus 4. Acorus Gramineus - Used traditionally as a

rubellus used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for digestive tonic supporting the circulation of

a wide variety of disorders, from convulsions and fevers digestive juices, for ringing in the ears, excess

to rheumatoid arthritis (Wei, 2000). phlegm, abdominal bloating, achiness and poor

Lumbricus tonic memory.

Lumbricus Tonic is a multi-agent supplement of Boluoke (lumbrokinase) is the only fully

which the principal ingredient is lumbricus, earthworm researched oral enzyme on the market supporting a

powder in combination with Atractylodes alba, Poria healthier blood state, and it shows great promise in

cocos and Acorus gramineus. This formula is used for supporting a healthy balance of coagulation and

supporting digestion, assimilation, liver function, fibrinolysis in the body. In China, earthworm protein

relieving liver congestion, enhancing hepatic antioxidant extracts and lumbrokinase have been studied thoroughly

and detoxification function. and have been used to support a healthier blood state.

1. Lumbricus (earthworm powder) - Supportive for First, there were the dried earthworms used in traditional

muscle relaxation and tonification of the Oriental medicine decoctions, and then there was

sympathetic nervous system, thereby being ground-up earthworm powder. Later came the granular

potentially beneficial for digestion. crude extract of earthworms, and now there is Boluoke®,

2. Atractylodes alba - Supportive for the functions of a nutraceutical product containing purified enzymes

the stomach and spleen, (organs responsible for extracted from earthworms (Pronounced Boh-LUKE).

food digestion in Eastern Philosophy) thereby Just like Omega-3 molecules in fish oil, the polyphenols

being potentially beneficial for low appetite, poor in green tea, and curcumin and turmeric, the group of

digestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and enzymes called lumbrokinase shall in time be known as a

indigestion. Atractylodes has been shown to be of valuable characteristic of earthworms (Yu et al., 1998).

benefit for abdominal distention, pain and gurgling Benefits of Earthworm as a natural medicine

sensations in the abdomen (Chen et al., 1997). Working as a bio medicine, there are no side effects,

3. Poria cocos - The most widely used herb in safe for all ages (very good for adults and children), safe

Chinese herbalism. Supportive for the spleen, lung, to consume in the long term and continuously and safely

kidney, triple warmer, bladder, heart and used in conjunction with doctor medication, also enhance

gallbladder, Poria cocos is a Yin tonic benefiting the drugs work.

fluid metabolism by regulating body fluids. It Diseases can be cured by earthworms: Type of

benefits the circulation in the triple warmer and is earthworm which usually used as a natural medicine is
Lakshmi Prabha and Shathya, 2014

Lumbricus rubellus, Eisenia fetida and Pheretima sp. Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2: 125-

These earthworms are useful for: normalizing the 127.

metabolism of human body cells, nervous system Lee D, Park HJ, Chae Y, Lim S (2005). An overview of

(calming, lower the heat, stop the pain), cardiovascular bee venom acupuncture in the treatment of

system (lowering blood pressure, normalize the irregular arthritis. Evidence-Based Complementary and

heartbeat), immunological system (enhancing immune / Alternative Medicine 2: 79-84.

immunity against disease), respiratory system (widen Zhao Xiao Yu (1998). Analysis of earthworm fibrinolytic

nasal passages), blood circulation (prevent formation of enzymes composition. China Journal of

thrombus, prevent blood clotting, destroying a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 14: 407-411.

thrombus), healing typhus, lowers cholesterol, improve Yan Shu Fang (1999). Eisenia fetida fibrinolytic

endurance of the body, lowers high blood pressure, enzymes research VIII: determination of

increased appetite of eating, treat digestive tract fibrinolytic enzymes active components. Heilong

infections such as typhus, dysentery, diarrhea and other Jiang Journal of Medicine 12: 263-264.

stomach disorders such as an ulcer, treat respiratory Chen Jing Bin (1997). Chemical composition analysis of

infections such as cough, asthma, influenza, bronchitis Di Long. Journal of Chinese Patented Medicine

and tuberculosis (Fang et al., 1999), reduces aches 19: 35-36.

because of fatigue or rheumatic, lower blood sugar for

diabetic, healing hemorrhoids, eczema, allergies, wounds

and toothache, healing encephalitis, pneumonia, stroke,

inflammation of the ear, liver, acne and maintain stamina

of the body.


Cooper EL, Hrzenjak TM, Grdisa M (2005). Alternative

sources of fibrinolytic, anticoagulative,

antimicrobial and anticancer molecules.

International Journal of Immunopathology and

Pharmacology 17: 237-244.

Li Wei (1996). Using HPLC to determine quantity of

hypoxanthine, xanthine, uracil and uridyl in Di

Long. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Material 19: 625-627.

Cooper EL (2005). CAM, eCAM, bioprospecting: the

21st century pyramid, Evidence-based

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