By yogacharya SUNDARAM
Diet & Digestion, Raja Yoga , Sri Sundra Yogic Theropy or The
Marvels of Yogic Cure, & Tamil Books Ananda Rahasyam,
Arogya Vunavu, Valivum Vanappum, Yoga Sikichai,
Santhi Yogam, Sandhya Gayathri Japayogam,
Surya Namaskaram, Kandan Pugal,
Annayin Thiruvadi Malargal Etc.
1. What is it? 1
2. Advantages of
Yoga Asanas 4
3. A few suggestions
to beginners 10
4. Padmasana 1, 2 13
5. Bhujangasana - 3, 4, 5 16
6. Salabasana - 3, 6 19
7. Dhanurasana - 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 21
8. Pachimothanasana -13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 25
9. Halasana - 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 30
10. Mayurasana - 27, 28, 29, 30 37
11. Sarvangasana - 31, 32, 33 43
12. Matsyasana - 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 51
13. Sirshasana - 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 56
14. Vipareethakarani- 45, 46 60
15. Ardhamatsyendrasana- 47, 48, 49 63
16. Yoga Mudra - 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 66
17. Thrikonasana - 55, 56 69
18. Padahasthasana - 57, 58, 59, 60 70
19. Uddiyana - 61 73
20. Nauli - 62, 63, 64 77
21. Savasana - 65 81
22. Breath control
or Pranayam 66, 67 87
23. Siddhasana - 68, 69 99
24. Pavana Mukthasana - 70, 71 100
25. Janu Sirasasana - 72 102
26. Urdhva Padmasana - 73 103
27. Utthitha Padmasana - 74 104
28. Utthitha Hasta
Padmasana - 75 105
29. Akarshna
Dhanurasana - 76 107
30. Shat Kriya - 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 108
31. Bandas - 118
32. Yogic Therapeutics 121
33. For women - 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 135
34. Yogic and Muscular
Exercises 142
35. Certain useful hints - 144
36. Conclusion - 148
The Secret of Happiness
Yogic Physical Culture
VARIED are the aims of human existence. One man may live
to eat. There are gourmonds who fritter their patrimony in pleasing
the palate. Another strives to climb the highest rung of the political
ladder. A third hunts after fame; while the fourth pursues wealth.
And so on, these bubbles in Time and Space go in untiring search of
the endless modifications of deceptive Maya. There is the Vedantin.
His object is to realise Brahman - to achieve the hardest - Self
Realisation - to complete the cycle of evolution.
Who owns this system? Is the owner reaping its full benefit?
And what is it? To the first the answer is India; the second, alas No;
And to the last, the reply echoes through centuries of neglect - YOGA-
ASANA. If India has not reaped its full benefits and does not
occupy its merited place as the foremost country in the world, it is
due to the fault of its citizens. Perhaps they would have continued to
sleep and-the modern world might neither have known the system
nor appropriated its remarkable benefits. But savants have risen, and
chief among them are the authors of the “Yoga-Mimamsa” Journal,
Lonavla (Poona). They proclaim from mountain tops the existence
of this lore, far richer than Solomon’s mines, and convince the modern
sceptics and struggling humanity of its benefits, powers and utility.
The Secret of Happiness or Yogic Physical Culture
India was once fabulously rich. But she is poor now. Her wealth
is being drained away in millions by the day by foreigners. Naturally
her children, sons and daughters of Mother India are poverty-striken.
They cannot afford the luxury or grip-dumb-bells, developers,
weight-lifting apparatus and so forth. Perhaps the ancient sages had
foreseen this era of distress. To learn and practice Yoga-Asanas,
one need not spend much. The practice costs little. A blanket or
cloth at the most and a few feet of level clean space are all the
When half-fed and non-fed people offer very easy targets for
any lurking disease, and when through the curse of past foreign
domination and poverty, doctors and drugs are out of rich of the many,
the preventive and curative powers of the Yoga-Asana are
immeasurable blessings. This would check the ravages of malnutri-
tion and help the poor to bear their lot with minimum of sufferings.
Perhaps it is phantasy; yet people nod when the poor are said
to be blessed in the spirit better than the rich. It is common knowl-
edge that the first sign of regeneration appears in the suffering and
the upward lift from sordid things starts in the needy. The poor man
may shrug his shoulders and smile in despair when you ask him to do
this and that to maintain healthy. But tell him ‘ this is religion, friend-
The Secret of Happiness or Yogic Physical Culture
you must do penance in these forms, tapas and asans, that you
might be elected to the Lotus Feet of the Omniscient One! Then
perchance he lifts his head and soon follows you in the movements.
For, true religion has not lost its hold on the masses in spite of
frauds in churches and temples. Man’s makeshifts may mutilate
‘the Purpose’ but watchful. Divinity ever goes on setting it right.
This is the difference-this between Yoga (Asan) and the purely
physical strain advocated in so material a way by the West. The one
appeals through religion for the highest perfection of body to attain
the greatest realisation of Self and the other tries to penetrate through
the senses and stops with examples of matter-of fact progress in the
flesh and bone. Man is ancient and he knows that tremendous frames
without that spark of love, clothed the tyrants through millenniums
But the waste is of vitality, whether in the rich or the poor. It
is of the most essential nerve energy. The incessant ambition worry
for ‘the morrows’; the tireless search into secrets of Nature; except
the steady contemplation of God, lead to endless waste of the
precious nerve-energy, the degeneration of the nerve-aura,tejas,
resulting in the complete break down of the whole nervous system.
The endocrine glands are perhaps the foremost to react and create
functional defections. This is an inevitable fruit of the present
civilisation. The doctrine of the survival of the fittest leaves no room
for any alternative form of progress. ‘Live or let live’ is quite good
in theory but often in the matter-of-fact world it is shoved into a
corner like a dead snake. He and She are therefore always ‘on
nerves’- for, it is a struggle for the powerful minority to clutch
evermore and the weak majority to hold on the shreds. Both these
do not find time and the latter the heart also. Both waste the same
type of energy.
The remedy must therefore have a two-fold advantage. It
must be one that would directly regenerate the nervous system and
need a minimum expenditure of time and energy. In whom the struggle
has told, the panacea in addition must straighten off benefit and
stimulate the endocrine system. If the same would give calm and
peace of mind also by its effect on the nerves, there would be nothing
A Few Suggestions to the Beginners
like it. But when it possesses a tinge of religion and the pathways to
meditative and realistic philosophy-it would be the very thing
necessary for the suffering humanity-for, both the rich and poor alike
suffer, though in different ways.
The best frame of mind calculated to give beneficient results
is to approach the Asanas with reverential faith in their potentialities
for good. Even when only physical results are desired, it would be
much soothing to the mind to treat this practice as a preliminary stage
for spiritual realisation. Before commencing, a calm meditation of
the lotus feet of the Guru ( preceptor ) for a minute would bring
progress and confidence. When there is no preceptor in person, the
Eternal Guru, Guru Brahma, must be visualised as a shining light, in
the space midway between the eye-brows, in a two-petalled white
lotus, where the Tantrics would have the Ajna Chakra. Then
commence the practice in the order given below;
1. Bhujangasana: The Cobra pose
2. Salabasana: The locust pose
3. Dhanurasana: The bow pose
4. Paschimothanasana: The posterior stretching pose
5. Halasana: The plough pose
6. Mayurasana: The peacock pose
7. Sarvangasana: The pan-physical pose
8. Matsyasana: The fish pose
9. Sirshasana : The Topsy-turvy pose
10. Viparitha Karani : The Inverted action
11. Ardha Matsyendrasana : The Spine Twist
12. Yoga Mudra : The Replacing exercise
13. Padahasthasana : The feet and hand pose
14. Thrikonasana : The Triangular pose
15. Uddiyana : Abdominal Suction
16. Nauli : Rectus Isolation
17. Savasan : The still pose
The Secret of Happiness or Yogic Physical Culture
such as hot and fried stuffs should be avoided. Fruits and fresh
vegetables should form a wholesome variety in the daily diet, if the
cost could be afforded. Two meals and one tiffin, with nothing
between, are enough. Wheat may be freely used according to the
means of each individual.
( The Lotus Pose )
Look at the Lotus! The heart flowers; the mind enters an aes-
thetic grove. The charm of the vision, alchemises into fragrance. It
is not mere smell; it is an experience. The beauty of form is there.
But there is something else transcendental!
This PADMASANA - this Lotus Pose! how rightly the Yogis
of Bharath have termed it and so aptly! Supposing one were not a
learner, he could do it with ease and sit in comfort. The mind seems
to transcend petty turmoils. The calm obtained seems to breathe fra-
grance. That feeling of wellbeing - where does it originate? Is it
purely physical or only mental, or both? Perhaps there is also emotioal
As in the mysteries of higher Yoga, words fail to denominate
the experience in Padmasana. Come, learn it and be at ease in it!
Then one may feel these words have been inadequate to express the
1. PADMASANA-1st Stage 2. PADMASANA ( foot lock picture-2 )
The Secret of Happiness or Yogic Physical Culture
Need one ask why? Through the spinal column passes the
aerial of nerve action and sensations, the spinal cord. Its defection
means partial paralysis of the human body. Various nerves take root
to the spine. In the muscles lying on either side is imbedded the
sympathetic nervous system. So youth of the spine is all in all for
the life and functions of the body.