Module 1 What Is Social Studies
Module 1 What Is Social Studies
Module 1 What Is Social Studies
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Effective teaching and learning of Social Studies at any level demands a detailed but not
lopsided understanding of the meaning of the subject in such a way that the bias of training
does not influence the way a teacher ends up handling the subject in class. In this Unit, which
happens to be your first contact with this course material, it is expected that you will be
familiarized with the definitions of the subject as supported by contemporary practitioners of
the subject. The various confusions that have characterized the definitions of the subject based
on the professional biases of teachers handling the subject in our schools will be cleared. This
will therefore give you the chance of getting acquainted with the details of what an ideal
definition of Social Studies should be.
By the end of your interaction with this Unit, you should be able to:
1. identify definitions that are not compatible with the nature and focus of Social Studies.
2. give a concise definition of Social Studies which represents its value-laden nature and focus.
Some other practitioners of the subject have equally defined Social Studies as the study of the
relationship between man and his environment. As an adjunct, they it is how man influences the
environment and how the environment influences man. Quartey (1984) observes that this view
has strong geographical and sociological connotations. These standpoints present the false
notion that Social Studies has nothing new to offer. By presenting Social Studies in subject
compartments, it attempts to negate the importance attached to the attainment of unity of
knowledge. Teachers who had this perception of the subject’s definition, taught Social Studies
purely for knowledge acquisition. This approach to the definition of the subject does not
adequately emphasize the affective domain of learning as it merely focuses on the cognitive
orientations of the subject.
Though none of these definitions can be an acceptable definition of Social Studies, each
contains some elements which an ideal definition of the subject should contain. Again, one
cannot deny that Social Studies deals with facts derived from interpersonal and man-land
relationship, but it is wrong to assume that it focuses on a body of precise memorable facts
about man and the environment. This is because Social Studies is not a discipline in which
academic selfishness is exhibited or promoted. That is, a discipline in which a teacher seizes
opportunity to emphasize his/her own area of specialization at the expense of the real content of
the subject (no compartmentalization of knowledge). This position will lead us into looking at
what an ideal definition of the subject should read like.
Activity Page
1. Give any two definitions of Social Studies which you are convinced will unacceptable
to the contemporary practitioners of the subject.
a. _______________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________
The foregoing reveals that attempts at defining Social Studies can be fraught with
and professional biases. However, the correct definition of Social Studies will basically present
it as a discipline that deals with man’s problem of survival. The focus of the definition should
nevertheless not one that focuses on the problem per se but on how to prepare man to confront
such problems. Any definition of the subject that cannot make this happen should be regarded
as one of those that depict what Social Studies is not.
In this Unit you have learnt that the area of specialization a teacher handling Social Studies in
schools is capable of influencing his perception of what the subject is. However, those who
present the subject as amalgamation of social sciences and humanities could be described as
scholars who stopped mid way while trying to do justice to the task. Rather, Social Studies
should be defined as a discipline that allows the learners to study people as they interact with
one and other, as they meet their needs for survival and comfort, develop their unique life
styles, work out problems of group living as they reflect on the knowledge, beliefs,
environmental characteristics and tides of circumstances that have brought them to their present
status and are likely to propel them into the future.
Frost, J. L. & Rowland, G. T. (1969). Curricula for the Seventies. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
NCSS (1992). Testing and Evaluation of Social Studies Students Social Education55 (5)
Lawal, M. B. & Oyeleye, A. S. (2003). Foundations and Principles of Social Studies
Education. Lagos: A Triads Associate
Quartey, S. M. (1984). A Method Book for Social Studies Teachers. Lagos: Orit Egwa Ltd