NCP For Postpartum
NCP For Postpartum
NCP For Postpartum
1. Administer 1. To provide
multivitamins/ nutrition and
medicine to infant as health
attending physician’s maintenance
order. necessary for
Subjective Low self- Short Term Goal: Independent: Short Term Goal:
“Pamati nako nag esteem After 3 hours of 1. Determine client’s level 1. Unplanned After 3 hours of
fail ko as a mother related to nursing of anxiety and source of cesarean births nursing
and wife kay wala perceived interventions, the concern. Encourage the can damage a interventions, goals
nako nakaya ang failure at a client will: client/couple to share client's self- were met.
vaginal delivery.” life event as • Discuss any unmet needs. esteem, making The client:
evidenced concerns her feel • Shared her
“Gibuhat man gyud by related to inadequate and a concerns and
nako ang tanan verbalization her/his role in failure as a perception of
pero wala gyud of negative and 2. Determine the client/ woman. her birth
nako nakaya.”, as feelings perception of couple’s response to 2. To identify other experience.
verbalized by the the birth cesarean birth. concerns. • Shared her
patient 2 days after experience. 3. Explain the normalcy of understanding
the birth of her first • Verbalize such feelings. 3. Helps the woman of the
baby. understanding realize that it is circumstance
of the not her fault. that led to
Objective: circumstance 4. Review client/couple 4. Help them see current
• Anxious that led to role in birth the big picture of situation.
• VS: current experience. Identify pregnancy and • Expressed
➢ PR: 58 situation. positive prenatal and how their positive self-
bpm • Express antenatal behaviors. activities have appraisal.
➢ RR: 17 positive self- helped the result.
cpm appraisal.
➢ T: 37.1 5. Encourage partner's 5. Encourages
➢ BP: presence/participation. verbalization of
140/90 concern and
6. Differentiate vaginal 6. Emphasis is
and cesarean births. placed on the
Maintain a positive outcome rather
attitude and provide than the birth
postpartum care process, implying
similar to the care given that cesarean
to clients after vaginal birth was needed
birth. 7. Reduces
7. Help the client/couple emotions of
find coping methods inadequacy and
and build new ones as promotes
needed. positive role
8. Misinformation
8. Provide correct can enhance
client/infant status. feelings of
of control.
1. If the client's 1. They may need
reactions are further
maladaptive, refer to professional
professional help.