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Circular Motion - Work Power Energy

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1. Theory 2 – 20

2. Exercise -1 21 – 31

3. Exercise -2 31 – 35

4. Exercise - 3 35 – 38

5. Exercise - 4 38 – 41

6. Exercise - 5 42

7. Answer key 43 – 44

Angular Variables
Angular displacement
Angle substended by a moving particle on a point is called angular displacement about the fixed point.
Thus angular displacement about O1 is 1 & about O2 is 2. Its unit is radian. It should not be used in
degree. P1
P 2
Angular displacement is different for different observers in the same 1
frame). O
2 1

If a body is rotating in a plane, then we treat it as a vector. Generally, anticlockwise is taken as positive
and clockwise is taken as negative
Direction of angular displacement vector is decided by right hand rule.i.e. move your right hand fingers in
sense of motion and direction of your thumb will be the direction of angular displacement.

Angular velocity P'
Rate of change of angular displacement is called angular velocity. Its
unit is rad / sec. P
Suppose a particle moving in circular path of radius “r” moves from P to r 
P’ so that its angular position changes from  to ( + ) as shown.
 
 av = x
   d 
  = Lim 
t  0  t
  dt
It is the measure of how fast a particle or body is rotationg. For example faster rotating fan means it has
grater angular velocity.

Angular velocity vector

Angular speed  is the magnitude of vector called the angular velocity  of the particle. Direction of 
can be determined from circular motion right hand rule. Curl your fingers of right hand in the sense of

rotation of particle,then the extended thumb points in the dirction of  .


Here the angle  is measured from the x-axis.
Suppose a particle is completing “ f ” rotations per second (called frequency). In each rotation, 2
radians are covered. So number of radians covered per second,  = 2 f rad/s
Time period i.e. time taken to complete one rotation is T =
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 =
n 2 n
If particle rotates with n r.p.m., f =    rad/s
60 60

Relation between linear velocity (v) and angular velocity ()

For a particle undergoing circular motion,
 S    
v = Lim    r Lim 
t  0 t t  0 t
   
 v=r
Thus different points of second’s hand of a clock are rotating with same angular velocitybut with different
speeds and its tip has greatest speed.
For any curvilinear motion (like the motion of particle P as shown below)

 v cos
r v
v sin

If the particle has only velocity componant v cos (along r ) If the particle has only velocity componant
v cos (along r ), the observer O need not turn his head to always look at the particle i.e. this componant
does not contribute in angular motion. Thus only the componant v sin is responsible for changing the
angular displacment.
v sin 
 =
velocity componant perpendicular to the line joning the particle and the observer
In general,  =
distance between the particle and observer
AngularAcceleration ():
It is rate of change of angular velocity.

For example, while iscreasing the rotation rate of a farm, we are providing it angular acceleration.

Unit : rad s–2 Dimensional formula : T–2

Direction is along angular velocity if is increasing and is opposite to angular velocity if is decreasing.
dω dω d
• = = ·
dt d dt
 =

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Equation for angular motion

I Constant angular velocity
 = constant
 angular displacement  = t
II Constant angular acceleration
If 0 is initial angular velocity
 = 0 + t ..........(i)
1 2
 = 0t + t ..........(ii)
2 = 02 + 2 () ..........(iii)

 n th  0  ( 2n – 1) ..........(iv)
Unit vectors along Radial direction ( r̂ ) and tangential direction ( v̂ )
Suppose a particle moving in a cirular path of radius r in x y plane with origin as centre and makes angle
 with x-axis as shown, at any instant. Its position vector at this instant can be given by
 y
r  r cos  î  r sin  ˆj 
 v
r 
 r̂   cos  î  sin  j ˆ
r 
  x
Also v  – v sin  î  v cos  ĵ

 v̂   – sin  î  cos  ĵ

Uniform circular motion

When a particle is moving with constant speed in a circular path, its motion is called unifrom circular
motion.Although magnitude of velocity is constant but its direction changes continuously. It means it is
continuonsly having some acceleration. This acceleration is always directing towards the centre. This is
called centripetal acceleration (ac).
Magnitude of this acceleration is constant but direction changes
continuounsly, ar
Its magnitude and direction can be obtained by following method ar
As we have discussed in the previous topic ar
 a r
r  r (cos  î  sin  ˆj)

and v  – v sin  î  v cos ˆj  v(– sin  î  cos  ˆj)

 dv
 
ˆ  d  ˆ dv
= v – cos  î – sin  j    v(sin  î  cos  j)
 dt  dt

 dv dv
| v | is constant  =0 i.e. =0
dt dt
Also =
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 a = – v  (cos  î  sin  ˆj)

a = v  â
here â = – (cos  î  sin  ˆj) = – r̂
Thus direction of this acceleration is opposite to r̂ i.e. radially inwards.

Also | a | = v 

 ar = v or or 2 r [ v = r ]

Non-uniform circular motion

For a particle moving in non-uniform cicular motion both direction as well as magnitude of velocity

v  v – sin  î  cos  ˆj

 dv d dv
 a  = – v(sin  î  cos ˆj) · + (– sin  î  cos ˆj) ·
dt dt dt
= – v  r̂  v̂
  
we can write a  a r  a t

where a r = v (– r̂ ) i.e. radial acceleration.
  dv 
and a t =   v̂ having unit vector equal to v̂ i.e. it is also in tangential direction and is called tangential
 dt  
acceleration. V
 
Thus in this case acceleration has two componants one along velocity a at

i.e. tangential acceleration and another normal to velocity i.e. radial 
acceleration as shown.

If net acceleration ( a ) makes angle  with tangential direction, we may write
tan  = a

also |a | = a 22  a12
Some points to remember
dv d
• at = =r =r
dt dt

 | a | = (2 r ) 2  (a ) 2

dv d  
• Students need not to be confused with and | v | . v contains both magnitude and driection. Thus
dt dt
 
dv  dv 
means a net i.e. = | a net | .
dt dt

Also | v | means magnitude of velocity onlywhich changes because of tangential acceleration.

 = at
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Radius of curvature
If a body is moving in any curvilinear path, then at different locations, the curvature would be different,
thus the radius would be different.

For general curvilinear motion, when the particle crosses a pointA, it is satisfying condition of moving on
an imaginary circle. At this instant, if a = V (where Rc is radius of curvature at this instant.)
comp.of acceleration perpendicular to velocity

Dynamics of circular motion

Here we deal with the forces which are responsible for keeping an object in circular path.
Centripetal force
Force or combination of forces which provide contrepetal acceleration necessary for the rotation of a
particle is called centripetal force or radial force. For example
(a) For object tied to a string and is rotated on a smooth horizontal surface, tension is centripetal force.
(b) To revolve satellite around the Earth, gravitational force provides centripetal acceleration, so
gravitational force is centripetal force.
(c) For motion of electron around nucleus, the electrostatic force on electron is centripetal force on it.
(d) For an object placed on a rough rotating table, friction on the object due to table is centripetal force.
Problem solving strategy
1. Identify the plane of circular motion.
2. Locate the centre of ratation and calculate the radius.
3. Make F.B.D.
4. Resolve force along the radial direction and along the direction perpendicular to it.
 V2 
5. The net force along radial direction is mass times the radial acceleration i.e. m   or m (2R)
 R 
 mV 2 
Centripetal force   is no saperate force like Tension, Weight, Spring force, Normal
 R 
reaction, Friction ect. In fact anyone of these or their combination may play a role of centripetal

Conical Pendulum
It consists of a small sphare (bob) connected to a light string.
The bob is given some speed such that it rotates in a horizontal  

circular path while the string makes constant angle (say ) with
the vertical as shown. r
Resolving in horizontal (radial) direction and vertical direction,
(Fnet)y = 0  T cos  = mg
 T=
cos 
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mV 2 T
Also (Fnet)x = ma  T sin  = 
r V2 

 mg  mV 2
   sin  
 cos    sin  mg r = sin
 V = sin 
cos 

2r 2 sin   cos 

Time period of rotation (t) = = = 2
V g g
sin 
cos 
Results obtained
Tension (T) =
cos 
Speed (V) = sin
cos 
 cos 
Time period (t) = 2
Banking of road
When a vehicle is taking on horizontal circular turn, friction on tyres due to the road provides centripetal
acceleration. Many times the friction is not sufficient enough, for example when speed is too large or the
turn is too narrow. In such cases, instant of keeping the road horizontal, it is made tilted with the outer-
side as higher side. This is called banking of road and the angle with which the road is kept inclined is
called angle of banking. This enables the normal force to provide a horizontal component to help friction
to provide centripetal acceleration. This can be explained below mathematically.


 f
mg 
(Fy) = 0  N cos  + f sin  = mg
Under limithing condition, i.e. when the car is about to skid, f =  N
 N cos  +  N sin  = mg
mg N cos
N= ..........(i)
cos    sin 
Also (Fx)net = m ar
f sin
 V2  v2
 N sin + f cos  = m  R  R
 
f cos N sin
mV 2
 N (sin  +  cos  ) =
R mg

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substituting value of N found in equation (i), we get

mg(sin    cos ) mV 2

cos    sin  R

g R (sinθ  μcosθ)
 V
(cosθ  μsinθ)
This is the speed at which friction achieves its maximum value i.e. it is the maximum speed with which the
vehicle can take turn safely on banked road.
Special cases :
I If friction is neglected i.e.  is taken zero.
V= gR tan 
II If banking is not provided i.e.  = 0º
V= gR

Centrifugal force
This the pseudo force which has to be taken under account when the frame of reference is rotating
object itself, since the rotating object is accelerated i.e. non-inertial frame of refernce. The magnitude of
mV 2
this force is or m2r (where r - radius of circular path of the object) and its direction is always
radially outwards.
Solving problems with the concept of centrifugal force
Tension in rotating ring
Diagram shown top view of a uniforming of mass m roating in horizontal plane.


Here tension inside the ring is an internal force for the ring. So to find it, we take a very small part of the
ring which subtends angle d as shown.

/2 /2
T d T
T /2 /2 T y


we take y- axis towards the centre and x-axis in tangential direction and origin as the mid-point of the
 (Fnet)x = (dm) 2R
 d 
 2T sin   = (dm) 2 R ........(i)
 2 

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 d  d
but sin   ~ ( d is very small)
 2  2
Also dm = (Mass per unit length of ring)× length of element
 M  M
 dm =   (Rd) =   d
 2R   2 
Putting these values in equation (i), we get
 d   M 
2T   =   d×2R
 2   2 

M 2 R
 T=

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Work Energy and Power

 
Work done by a constant force F on an object when displaced by S is given by
W  F' S
Where F' is the component of force which is in the direction of displacement

In above figure, F' = F cos 
 W = (F  ) S = F S cos 
 cos
 W = F·S
So work may also be given as dot product of force and displacement.
• Its unit is Newton meter (N.m) or Joule (J)
   
• If F = Fx î + Fy ˆj + Fz k̂ and S = x î + y ˆj + z k̂ , then W = F · S = Fx (x) + Fy (y) + Fz (z)
• Work done by force is frame dependent as displacement is frame dependent
• Work can be positive or negative or zero. When a force acts in the same direction as the motion, it
does positive work. Aforce acting at 90º to the motion does no work.And when a force acts to oppose
motion, it does negative work.
W>0 F
F  < 90º

S S
(a) (b)
90º <  < 180º W<0

S S
(c) (d)
e.g. According to equation the person pushing the car in figure (a) does work equal to the force he applies
times the distance the car moves. But person pulling the suitcase in figure (b) does work equal to only the
horizontal component of the force times the distance the suitcase moves. Furthermore, by our difinition,
the waiter of figure (c) does no work on the tray. Why not ? Because the force on the tray is vertical
while the tray’s displacement is horizontal; there’s no component of force in the direction of the tray’s
W = Fx(x) 

W = F x Fy
x 


(a) (b) (c)

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Work Done by friction

There is a misconception that the force of friction always does negative work. In reality, the work done
by fricition may be zero, postive or negative depending upon the situation as shown in the figure.
s=0 s
(a) fk

s A F


(a) When a block is pulled by a force F and the block does not move, the work done by friction is zero.
(b) When a block is pulled by a force F on a stationary surface, the work done by the kinetic friction is
(c) Block A is placed on the block B. When the block A is pulled with force F, the friction force does
negative work on block A and positive work on block B, which is being accelerated by a force F. the
displacement ofArelative to the table is in the forward direction. The work done by kinetic friction on
block B is positive.

Work Done by Gravity

Consider a block of mass m which slides down a smooth inclined plane of angle  as shown in figure.

y h yi



Let us assume the coordinate axes as shown in the figure to specify the components of the two vector
although the value of work will not depend onthe orientation of the axes.

Now, the force of gravity, Fg  – mg ĵ
and the displacement is given by

s  x î  y ˆj  z k̂
The work done by gravity is
 
Wg  Fs .s  – mg ĵ.(x î  y ĵ  z k̂ )
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or Wg  –mg(y)
Since y = yf – yi = – h
 Wg = + mgh
If the block moves in the upward direction, then the work done by gravity is negative and is given by
Wg = – mgh
1. The work done by the force of gravity depends only on the initial and final vertical coordinates, not on
the path taken.
2. The work done by gravity is zero for path that returns to its initial point.

Work done
 by a variable force B

Since F is not  F
We take a very small part dS of its path. This displacement 
 
dS is so small that in variation force maybe neglected during it. dS
So we may write, for the work done during this displacement
  A
as dW  F.dS
= F dS cos 
The total work done in going fromAto B as shown may be calculated by summing up i.e. integrating the
work done during its small fractions.
  B
i.e. W A B   .dS   F cos dS

In terms of rectangular components,

F  Fx î  Fy ĵ  Fz k̂

and dS  dx î  dy ˆj  dz k̂
xB yB zB

WAB   Fx dx   Fy dy   Fz dz
xA yA zA

Work done as Area under the force displacement graph

Suppose of particle moving along a straight line and a force acting on it varies with its displacement x as

W   F.dx
x in

= Area under F vs x graph from x = xin to xf

In general, the work done by a point xin to final point xf is given
by the area under the force - displacement curve as shown in x
the figure. xin xf
Area (work) above the x-axis is taken as positive, and below x-axis as negative.

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Work done by spring force x

A spring provides an important example of a force that
varies with position. We’ve seen that an ideal spring
exerts a force proportional to its displacement from 
FSpring 
equilibrium : F = – kx, where k is the spring constant F

and the minus sign shows that the springforce is opposite
the direction of the displacement.

 Work done (Ws) by spring force when its deformation changes from xin to xf is

Ws = – k  x.dx
x in

k xf2 – xin
Ws = –
 
Note : Work done by a spring force to stretch it from its undeformed length to deform it upto x is
1 1
W = – k (x2 – 0)= – kx2
2 2
• Work done by the spring force depends only on initial and final deformation.
1 2 2
• In the equation, W = – k ( x f – x in )
xin & xf are magnitudes of deformations no matter if these are compressions or extensions.
x1 x2 x2
k k k

e.g. (a) m (b) m (c) m

Work done by spring force from position (a) to (b) and that from (a) to (c) are same and equal to
– k x 22 – x12 
Work Energy Theorem
The net work is done by all the forces acting on an object, so we use the net force in our expression for
work. We’ll consider one-dimensional motion with force and displacement along the same line. In that
case, the Equation below gives the net work :
Wnet =  Fnet dx
But net force can also be written as
Fnet = ma = mv
 Fnet dx = mvdv

Wnet   mvdv
v in

m v f2 – v in2
Wnet =  
 Wnet =  K.E.
Thus change in an object’s kinetic energy is equal to the net work done on the object. This
called Work Energy Theorm.
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(i) The kinetic energy of an object is a measure of the amount of work needed to increase it speed from
zero to a given value.
(ii) The kinetic energy of a particle is the work it can do on its surroundings in coming to rest.
(iii) Since the velocity and displacement of a particle depend on the frome of reference, the numerical
values of the work and the kinetic energy also depend on the frame.
(iv) If work done by net force is positive, kinetic energy of the system increases. If net work done is
negative K.E. decreases and if net work is zero, K.E. remains contact

Consevative and Non-conservertive force

If we throw a body up along smooth incline plane with some speed v0, then it moves along the incline till
it becomes stationary for a moment and then moves down the incline. It is observed the, when it reaches
the point of projection, its speed is v0 again, which proves that during the journey the net work done on
the block is zero. Two forces act on the block during its motion. One is Normal force (N) which is
continuously perpendicular to the block’s motion, so its work for any part of the path is zero. Another
one is weight (mg) which does negative work while upward motion and positive work of same magnitude
during downward motion, does zero net work when the body reaches the initially position again.
Now we throw the same body on a rough incline plane. When it reaches the initial position, its speed is
lesser than the speed of projection since friction does negative work for motion during up and as well as
down the incline.
Thus, here we find two categories of force .
Conservative force
When the total work done by a force F acting as an object moves over any closed path is zero, the force
is conservative. Mathematically.
 
 · dr  0
F (conservative force)
Suppose we move an object along the straight
path between point A and B shown in figure,
along which a conservative force acts; let the
It takes work W
work done by the conservative force be WAB. AB
to move from A to B
Since the work done over any closed path is on this path ...

zero, the work WBA done in moving back from

B toAmust be –WAB, whether we return along
the straight path or the curved path or any other
path. So, goingfromAto B involves workWAB,
regardless of the path taken.
In other words : The work done by a A
conservative force in moving between two ...so it must take –W
to move back along the
points is independent of the path taken; curved path – or any other path
 
mathematically,  F·d r depends only on the

endpoints A and B, not on the path between

These include force due to gravity (mg), spring force, electrostatic force etc.

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Non-conservative force
Work done by non-conservative forces depends on path also. Least work is done for straight line path
and any curved path it involves more work. These include frictional force, viscous force etc.

Potential Energy
When we move an object upto some height against gravity and release, it gains kinetic energy while
moving down. It means work done against a conservative force like gravity is somehow stored, in the
sense that we can get it back again in the form of kinetic energy. We can consider the “stored work” as
potential energy U.
The change UAB in potential energy associated with a conservative force is the negative of the work
done by that force as it acts over any path from point A to point B:
 
UAB = –  · d r
If a conservative force does positive work (as does gravity on a falling object), then potential energy
must decrease – and that means U must be negative. Conversely, if a conservative force does negative
work (as does gravity on a weight being lifted), then energy is stored and U must be positive.
Change in potential energy are all that ever matter physically; the actual value of potential energy is
meaningless.All though optenlyit is convinient to establish a refernce point at which the potential energy
is defined to be zero. When we say“the potential energyU,”we reallymean the potential-energydifference
U between the point we’re considering and the reference point.

Gravitational Potential Energy (Near the Earth’s Surface)

The work done by gravity on a particle of mass m whose vertical coordinate changes from yA to yB is
Wg = – mg (yB – yA)
From equation, we have Wg = – Ug = – (UB – UA)
Thus gravitational potential energy at the point B near the surface of the Earth is given by
UB = UA + mgh
If we assume potential energy at the point Ato be zero, then potential energy at the point B is given by
UB = 0 + mgh = mgh
The potential energy (PE) change
is the same along either path, but
it's calculated more easily or
the straight path

The PE change
on the vertical
sement is mgh

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Elastic Potential Energy

When you stretch or compress a spring, you do work against the spring force, and that work gets stored
as elastic potential energy. For an ideal spring, the force is F = – kx, where x is the distance the spring is
stretched from equilibrium, and the minus sign shows that the force opposes the stretchingor compression.
x2 x2
1 1
 F(x) dx  –  (– kx) dx  2 kx
U = – 2 – kx12
x1 x1
where x1 and x2 are the initial and final values of the stretch. If we take U = 0 when x = 0 –that is, when
the spring is neither stretched nor compressed –then we can use this result to write the potential energy
1 2
U2= U at an arbitrary stretch (or compression) x2 = x, U = kx
Potential energy, U

compression Equilibrium Stretch

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

The work-energy theorem, shows that the change KE in a body’s kinetic energy is equal to the net
work done on it : KE = Wnet
Consider separatelythe work Wc done by conservative force and the work Wnc done by nonconservative
forces. Then KE = Wc + Wnc
We’ve defined the change in potential energy U as the negative of the work done by conservative
forces. So we can write KE = – U + Wnc or KE + U + Wnc
We define the sum of the kinetic and potential energy as the mechanical energy. Then Equation shown
that the change in mechanical energy is equal to the work downe by non-conservative forces.
i.e. E = Wnc
 E = 0 if Wnc = 0
Thus if work done by non-conservative forces is zero the mechanical energy of the system is unchanged.
This called law of conservation of mechanical energy. It may also be written as
U+ K E = 0
or U = – KE
or U + K E = constant
or Uin + K Ein = Ug + K Eg
The surfaces shown in the figure are frictionless and horizontal surface is taken as reference level.
Final state U = mgH
KE = 0
Initial state m
U = ½ kx0 Intermediate
state, U = 0
x0 2
k KE = 1/2 mv0 H
m m

1 2 1
By conservation of mechanical energy kx0  0  0  mv02  mgH  0
2 2
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Types of equilibrium

Suppose a small ball is placed on a smooth track under three different situations as shown in figure (a),
(b) & (c). In all the three situation, the ball, is in equilibrium
(A) In figure (a), when the ball is slightly displaced from its equilibrium position, it tries to attain the shown
position again, such type of equilibrium is called stable equilibrium.
Here potential energyin equilibrium position is minimum as compares to its neighbouring points i.e. under
stable equilibrium, potential energyis minimum
dU d2U
i.e.  0 and 0
dr dr2
(B) In figure (b), when the ball is slightlydisplaced from its equilibrium position it tends to move farther form
the shown equilibrium position. Such type of equilibrium is called unstable equilibrium.
Here potential energy in equilibrium is maximum as compared to its near by points
dU d2U
i.e.  0 and 0
dr dr2
(C) In figure (c), when the ball is displaced, it accepts the new position as equilibrium position, such type of
equilibrium is called neutral equilibrium.
Here potential energyremains uniform for the equilibrium position
dU d2U
i.e.  0 and 0
dr dr2
Although, the above discussion is under the effect of gravity but the results observed is applicable in
other situations also where a particle can move under the effect of the conservative force only.
The above result can also be studied with the help of the following graphs.
For a particle whose position (r) varies along a straight line, the graphs below
Show variation of U vs r and F vs r.
U is maximum

U is minimum

 dU 
 – 
 dr 

B C r

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At PointA F=0;  0 , but F = 0 at its nearly points also. So when slightly displaced from A, the new
position is also equilibrium. Thus point,Ashown is the position of neutral equilibrium.
At Point B F = 0;  0 , Now when it is slightly displaced towards left of B, force is positive i.e. towards
right and when it is slightly displaced towards right of B, force is negative i.e. towards right. Thus force
tries to bring the particle towards B again. This type of force is called restoring force and the point B is
the position of stable equilibrium.
At Point C F = 0,  0 but when particle is displaced slightly form it towards any direction, force acts in
that direction only i.e. to move the particle away from C. Thus point C is the position of unstable
Power is the work done per unit time. If W a work done in time t, the average power is Pav=
Average power becomes intantaneous power as t approches to zero.
 W 
 Instantaneous Power P = Lim  
t 0 t 

 P=
Due to a particular force on a particle
 
W = F·S

 S  d s
 P = Lim F · = F·
t 0 t dt
  
 P = F·V (where V is velocity)
Centripetal force is always perpendicular to velocity, so power due to it is zero.
Vertical circular motion
Suppose a bob of mass m connected to light string of
length r is given speed u, at its bottom-most poit A as

When the string gets turned by angle , the bob lifts up by height h given by A u

h = R – R cos 
= R (1 – cos )
Also tension can be given by  R
R R cos 
mv 2
T – mg cos  = h

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mv 2 v2/R
 T = mg cos  + ...........(i)
By work energy theorem
Wg + WT =  KE
Where work done by tension, WT = 0 mg cos 
(since tension is continuously perpendicular to motion) mg sin 
and work done by gravity Wg = – mgh
= – mgR (1 – cos)
 – mg R (1 – cos  ) = m (v2 – u2)
 v2 = u2 – 2 gR (1 – cos ) ......(ii)
 from equation (i) and (ii)
m 2
T = mg cos  + [u –2gr (1 – cos )]

mu 2
 T= + 3mg cos  – 2mg .......(iii)
Thus T is maximum when  = 0º i.e. at the lower most positionA

mu 2
Tmax = TA = mg +
Also T is minimum when  = 180º i.e. at the top most point B

mu 2
Tmin = TB = – 5 mg
Thus : Tmax – Tmin = 6 mg (independent of initial speed provided the porticle is able to complete the
circular path)
From equations (i) and (iii), following results are obtained

Case I
If u = 2gR , V becomes zero exactly at point C

Also when it is at point C tension, T = m 0
Now it oscillates between points C and D.
Case II
If u < 2gR , V becomes zero V2

even before  = , let at point E T
2 mg sin  mg cos 

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At this point
 v2 
T – mg cos  = m  R   0
 
 T = mg cos  0
Case III
If u = 5gR then at the top most point B where  = 180º, the speed of the particle is

v= 5gR  2gR 1  (1)  = 5gR  4gR = gR

m( gR ) 2
At this point, mg + T =
 T=0
i.e. string is just slacked, but it still continues to move in circuler path, since it has got speed.
Case IV
If u > 5gR and T > 0 even at the topmost point (B) and particle completes circular path
Case V
If 5gR > u > 2gR

T becomes zero at some point between C and B i.e. for     . And that instant v is non zero [see
equation (ii)] and thus particle move in parabolic path after that due to gravity only.

Motion of a particle at the inner surface of a vertical circular track

Same results as above are obtained when a body is given some speed u at the
bottom most point inside a fixed circular loop as shown. Here instead of tension;
normal force due to inner surface of the loop comes into action. u

Case I : If u = 2gR , it oscillates with maximum angle = and the normal force and its velocitybecomes zero
at point C.

Case II : If u < 2gR , it oscillates with maximum angle < and the normal force never becomes zero i.e. The
boject does not loose contact.
Case III : If u = 5gR , the normal becomes zero just at point B (=), V = gR at that point and it is just able
to complete the circular path.
Case IV : If u > 5gR , it completes circular path and normal never becomes zero.

Case V : If 4gR  u  5gR , normal force becomes zero some where between C and B and it then moves
in Parabolic path.

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EXERCISE-1 (Objective Questions)

Q.1 If angular velocity of a disc depends an angle rotated  as  = 2 + 2, then its angular acceleration  at
 = 1 rad is :
(A) 8 rad/sec2 (B) 10 rad/sec2 (C) 12 rad/sec2 (D) None

Q.2 A particle is moving in a circle :

(A) The resultant force on the particle must be towards the centre.
(B) The cross product of the tangential acceleration and the angular velocity will be zero.
(C) The direction of the angular acceleration and the angular velocity must be the same.
(D) The resultant force may be towards the centre.

Q.3 Figure shows path followed by a particle and position of a particle at any instant. Four different students
have represented the velocityvectors and acceleration vectors at the given instant. Which vector diagram
can not be true in any situation? (In each figure velocity is tangential to the trajectory).

v 
trajectory of   v
v v 0°
particle  9
P >90°  >90°
90° a
particle at a a
 
 a
given instant Sita a Ram Shyam
(A) Sita (B) Gita (C) Ram (D) Shyam

Q.4 The graphs below show angular velocity as a function of time. In which one is the magnitude of the
angular acceleration constantly decreasing?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.5 The magnitude of displacement of a particle moving in a circle of radius a with constant angular speed 
varies with time 't' as.
t t
(A) 2 a sint (B) 2a sin (C) 2a cos t (D) 2a cos
2 2
Q.6 Tangential acceleration of a particle moving in a circle of radius 1 m varies with
time t as (initial velocityof particle is zero).Time after which total acceleration of
particle makes and angle of 30° with radial acceleration is
(A) 4 sec (B) 4/3 sec
(C) 22/3 sec (D) 2 sec

Q.7 A pendulum bob is swinging in a vertical plane such that its angular amplitude is less than 900. At its
highest point, the string is cut. Which trajectory is possible for the bob afterwards.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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Q.8 The dumbell is placed on a frictionless horizontal table. SphereAis attached to

a frictionless pivot so that B can be made to rotate aboutAwith constant angular
velocity. If B makes one revolution in period P, the tension in the rod is
42 Md 82 Md
(A) (B)
P2 P2
4 2 Md 2Md
(C) (D)

Q.9 Aroad is banked at an angle of 30° to the horizontal for negotiating a curve of radius 10 3 m.At what
velocity will a car experience no friction while negotiating the curve?
(A) 54 km/hr (B) 72 km/hr (C) 36 km/hr (D) 18 km/hr

Q.10 An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very slowly (see the figure). The
coefficient of friction between the insect and the surface is 1/3. If the line joining
the centre of the hemispherical surface to the insect makes an angle  with the
vertical, the maximum possible value of  is given by
(A) cot  = 3 (B) tan  = 3 (C) sec  = 3 (D) cosec  = 3

Q.11 A man is standing on a rough (= 0.5) horizontal disc rotating with constant angular velocity of
5 rad/sec. At what distance from centre should he stand so that he does not slip on the disc?
(A) R  0.2m (B) R > 0.2 m (C) R > 0.5 m (D) R > 0.3 m

Q.12 A car travelling on a smooth road passes through a curved portion of the road in
form of an arc of circle of radius 10 m. If the mass of car is 500 kg, the reaction
on car at lowest point P where its speed is 20 m/s is
(A) 35 kN (B) 30 kN (C) 25 kN (D) 20 kN

Q.13 The ratio of period of oscillation of the conical pendulum to that of the simple pendulum is :
(Assume the strings are of the same length in the two cases and  is the angle made by the string with the
vertical in case of conical pendulum)
(A) cos  (B) cos  (C) 1 (D) none of these

Q.14 Aconicalpendulumismovinginacirclewithangularvelocityasshown.If
tension inthestringis T, whichoffollowingequationsarecorrect?
(A) T = m2l (B) T sin = m2l
(C) T = mg cos (D) T = m2 l sin

Q.15 A particle is moving along the circle x2 + y2 = a2 in anticlockwise direction. The x–y plane is a rough
horizontal stationarysurface.At the point (a cos, a sin), the unit vector in the direction of friction on the
particle is:
(A) cos  î  sin  ˆj  
(B)  cos  î  sin  ˆj (C) sin  î  cos  ˆj (D) cos  î  sin  ˆj

Q.16 A body of mass m accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed v0 in time t0. The work done on the body
till anytime t is
1  t2  1  t0   t   t 
(A) mv0  2 
2 (B) mv02   (C) mv02   (D) mv02  
2  t0  2  t   t0   t0 
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Q.17 A man who is running has half the kinetic energy of the boy of half his mass. The man speeds up by
1 m/s and then has the same kinetic energy as the boy. The original speed of the man was
(A) 2 m/s (B) ( 2 – 1) m/s (C) 2 m/s (D) ( 2 + 1) m/s

Q.18 The work done in joules in increasing the extension of a spring of stiffness 10 N/cm from 4 cm to 6 cm is:
(A) 1 (B) 10 (C) 50 (D) 100

Q.19 A body with mass 2 kg moves in one direction in the presence of a force
which is described by the potential energy graph. If the body is released
from rest at x = 2m, then its speed when it crosses x = 5 m is
(A) zero (B) 1 ms–1
(C) 2 ms–1 (D) 3 ms–1

Q.20 A block of mass m is hung verticallyfrom an elastic thread of force constant mg/a. Initiallythe thread was
at its natural length and the block is allowed to fall freely. The kinetic energy of the block when it passes
through the equilibrium position will be :
(A) mga (B) mga/2 (C) zero (D) 2mga

Q.21 The work done by centripetal force in one revolution on a particle performing uniform circular motion
is zero because :
(A) the net displacement is zero
(B) the force is not real
(C) the force is zero
(D) the force is perpendicular to the displacement at every instant
Q.22 A light spring of length 20 cm and force constant 200 N/m is placed vertically on a table.A small block
of mass 1 kg falls on it. The length h from the surface of the table at which the ball will have the maximum
(A) 20 cm (B) 15 cm (C) 10 cm (D) 5 cm
Q.23 The P.E. of a certain spring when stretched from natural length through a distance 0.3 m is 10 J. The
amount of work in joule that must be done on this spring to stretch it through an additional distance
0.15 m will be
(A) 10 J (B) 20 J (C) 7.5 J (D) 12.5 J

Q.24 A rope of length l and mass ‘m’ is connected to a chain of length l and
mass 2m and hung vertically as shown in figure. What is the change in
gravitational potential energy if the system is inverted and hung from
same point.
(A) mg (B) 4mg (C) 3mg (D) 2mg
Q.25 In the figure shown all the surfaces are frictionless, and mass of the block,
m = 1 kg. The block and wedge are held initially at rest. Now wedge is given a
horizontal acceleration of 10 m/s2 by applying a force on the wedge, so that the
block does not slip on the wedge. Then work done by the normal force in
ground frame on the block in 3 seconds is
(A) 30 J (B) 60 J
(C) 150 J (D) 100 3J
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Q.26 A block attached with a spring is kept on a smooth horizontal surface. Now the free end of the spring is
pulled with a constant velocity u horizontally. Then the maximum energy stored in the spring during
subsequent motion is:

(A) mu2 (B) mu2 (C) 2 mu2 (D) 4 mu2

Q.27 A 1.0 kg block collides with a horizontal weightless spring of force constant
2.75 Nm–1 as shown in figure. The block compresses the spring 4.0 m from the
rest position. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and horizontal
surface is 0.25, the speed of the block at the instant of collision is
(A) 0.4 ms–1 (B) 4 ms–1 (C) 0.8 ms–1 (D) 8 ms–1

Q.28 Acrate of mass m is dropped vertically onto a conveyor belt that is moving at v m/s.Amotor maintains
the belt's constant speed. The belt initially slides under the crate.After a short time, the crate is moving at
the speed of the belt. During the period in which the crate is being accelerated, find the work done by the
motor which drives the belt.

1 3 3
(A) mv2 (B) mv2 (C) mv2 (D) mv2
2 4 2

Q.29 The work done by the force F  x 2 î  y 2 ˆj around the path shown in the figure is
2 3 4 3
(A) a (B) zero (C) a3 (D) a
3 3

Q.30 A particle is released from rest at origin. It moves under influence of potential field U = x2 – 3x , kinetic
energy at x = 2 is
(A) 2 J (B) 1 J (C) 1.5 J (D) 0 J

Q.31 F = 2x2 – 3x – 2. Choose correct option

(A) x = – 1/2 is position of stable equilibrium (B) x = 2 is position of stable equilibrium
(C) x = – 1/2 is position of unstable equilibrium (D) x = 2 is position of neutral equilibrium

Q.32 Assume the aerodynamic drag force on a car is proportional to its speed. If the power output from the
engine is doubled, then the maximum speed of the car.
(A) is unchanged (B) increases by a factor of 2
(C) is also doubled (D) increases by a factor of four.

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Q.33 A bob attached to a string is held horizontal and released. The tension
and vertical distance from point of suspension can be represented by.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.34 A small cube with mass M starts at rest at point 1 at a height 4R, where R is the
radius of the circular part of the track. The cube slides down the frictionless
track and around the loop. The force that the track exerts on the cube at point
2 is nearly _____ times the cube's weight Mg.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

Q.35 The tubeAC forms a quarter circle in a vertical plane. The ball B has an area of cross–section slightly
smaller than that of the tube, and can move without friction through it. B is placed at Aand displaced
slightly. It will
(A) always be in contact with the inner wall of the tube
(B) always be in contact with the outer wall of the tube
(C) initially be in contact with the inner wall and later with the outer wall
(D) initially be in contact with the outer wall and later with the inner wall

Q.36 A stone is tied to a string of length l is whirled in a vertical circle with the other end of the string at the
centre.At a certain instant of time, the stone is at its lowest position and has a speed u. The magnitude of
the change in its velocity at it reaches a position where the string is horizontal is
(A) (u 2  2 gl ) (B) 2gl
(C) (u 2  gl ) (D) 2(u 2  gl )

Q.37 A small block is shot into each of the four tracks as shown below. Each of the tracks risks to the same
height. The speed with which the block enters the track is the same in all cases.At the highest point of the
track, the normal reaction is maximum in

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.38 A particle is rotated in a vertical circle by connecting it to a light rod of length l and keeping the other end
of the rod fixed. The minimum speed of the particle when the light rod is horizontal for which the particle
will complete the circle is
(A) gl (B) 2gl (C) 3gl (D) none

Q.39 A particle, which is constrained to move along the x-axis, is subjected to a force in the same direction
which varies with the distance x of the particle x of the particle from the origin as
F(x) = – kx + ax2. Here k and a are positive constants. For x  0, the functional form of the potential
energy U (x) of the particle is

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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Q.40 A long horizontal rod has a bead which can slide along its length, and initiallyplaced at a distance L from
one end ofAof the rod. The rod is set in angular motion aboutAwith constant angular acceleration. If
the coefficient of friction between the rod and the bead is  and gravity is neglected, then the time after
which the bead starts slipping is
  1
(A) (B) (C)  (D)infinitesimal
 

Q.41 A particle is projected at an angle  = 30º with the horizontal. Which of the following curves best
represents the variation of KE and potential energy as a function of time? [Take the point of projection
as the reference level for the gravitational potential energy.]


(A) (B)
t t



(C) (D)
t t

Paragraph for question nos. 42 to 44
Saurav (mass = 50 kg) has missed his exams at Bansal Classes and he has been allotted a lower batch.
He is inspired by film ‘Sholay’ where Dharmendra threatens village men that he would jump from the
water tank if he is not married to Basanti. He decides to threaten Mr. Bansal to maintain his batch. He
goes to the top floor of Gaurav Tower and threatens to jump off if his batch is not restored. Mr. Bansal
does not give attention, so he jumps off with negligible velocity. But he is smart enough to tie an elastic
string (k = 100 N/m) to his leg before jumping. Neglect his dimensions, take natural length of string as 60
m. Height of Gaurav Tower is 100 m.

Q.42 What is the height from ground when his acceleration becomes zero ?
(A) 20m (B) 25m (C) 35m (D) 30m

Q.43 At what height from ground does he stop for the first time :
(A) 10m (B) 20m (C) 15m (D) 25 m

Q.44 What is his acceleration at that time ?

(A) g (B) g  (C) 5g  (D) 3g 

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Paragraph for question nos. 45 to 46

A spring block system is placed on a rough horizontal floor. The block is pulled towards right to give
2mg mg
spring an elongation less than but more than and released.

Q.45 Which of the following laws/principles of physics can be applied on the spring
block system
(A) conservation of mechanical energy (B) conservation of momentum
(C) work energy principle (D) None

Q.46 The correct statement is

(A) The block will cross the natural length of the spring position.
(B) The block come to rest when the forces acting on it are exactly balanced
(C) The block will come to rest when the work done by friction becomes equal to the change in energy
stored in spring.
(D) None
Q.47 Statement-1 : Non zero work has to be done on a moving particle to change its momentum.
Statement-2 : To change momentum of a particle a non zero net force should act on it.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.48 Consider a pendulum bob of length  hanging on a thin rod. Rod is given just sufficient velocitysuch that
it negotiates vertical circle.
Statement-1 : Minimum velocity at top most point of circle is nearly zero.
Statement-2 : In order to complete circle tension in rod is always nonzero during motion from lowest
to topmost point.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.


Q.49 A body of mass 1 kg starts moving from rest at t = 0, in a circular path of radius 8 m. Its kinetic energy
varies as a function of time as : K.E. = 2t2 Joules, where t is in seconds. Then
(A) tangential acceleration = 4 m/s2 (B) power of all forces at t = 2 sec is 8 watt
(C) first round is completed in 2 sec. (D) tangential force at t = 2 sec is 4 newton.

Q.50 A man is standing on a plank which is placed on smooth horizontal surface. There is sufficient friction
between feet of man and plank. Now man starts running over plank, correct statement is/are :
(A) Work done by friction on man with respect to ground is negative.
(B) Work done by friction on man with respect to ground is positive
(C) Work done by friction on plank with respect to ground is positive.
(D) Work done by friction on man with respect to plank is zero.

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Q.51 A particle with constant total energy E moves in one dimension in a region where the potential energy is
U(x). The speed of the particle is zero where
dU( x ) d 2 U( x )
(A) U(x) = E (B) U(x) = 0 (C) =0 (D) =0
dx dx 2
Q.52 Aparticle is moving along a circular path. The angular velocity, linear velocity, angular acceleration and
   
centripetal acceleration of the particle at any instant respectively are , v,  and a c . Which of the
following relations is/are correct ?
       
(A)  • v  0 (B)  •   0 (C)  • a c  0 (D) v • a c  0

Q.53 A cart moves with a constant speed along a horizontal circular path. From the cart, a particle is thrown
up vertically with respect to the cart
(A) The particle will land somewhere on the circular path
(B) The particle will land outside the circular path
(C) The particle will follow an elliptical path
(D) The particle will follow a parabolic path

Q.54 The potential energy in joules of a particle of mass 1 kg moving in a plane is given by U = 3x + 4y, the
position coordinates of the point being x and y, measured in metres. If the particle is initially at rest at
(6,4), then
(A) its acceleration is of magnitude 5 m/s2
(B) its speed when it crosses the y-axis is 10 m/s
(C) it crosses the y-axis (x = 0) at y = –4
(D) it moves in a straight line passing through the origin (0,0)

Q.55 The alternative that gives the conservative force of the following is
 
(A) F1  2 xyî  x 2 ˆj (B) F2  y 3î  xy 2 ˆj
 
(C) F3  yî  xĵ (D) F4  xy 2 î  x 2 ˆj

Q.56 A box of mass m is released from rest at position 1 on the frictionless curved
track shown. It slides a distance d along the track in time t to reach position 2,
dropping a vertical distance h. Let v and a be the instantaneous speed and
instantaneous acceleration, respectively, of the box at position 2. Which of the
following equations is valid for this situation?
(A) h = vt (B) h = (1/2)gt2 (C) d = (1/2)at2 (D) mgh = (1/2)mv2

Q.57 A ball of mass m is attached to the lower end of light vertical spring of force constant k. The upper end
of the spring is fixed. The ball is released from rest with the spring at its normal (unstretched) length,
comes to rest again after descending through a distance x.
(A) x = mg/k
(B) x = 2 mg/k
(C) The ball will have no acceleration at the position where it has descended through x/2.
(D) The ball will have an upward acceleration equal to g at its lowermost position.
Q.58 An escalator is moving down with constant speed.You are moving on it such that you remain at rest with
respect to ground. Choose correct statements from ground frame :
(A) work done by you is zero (B) work done by escalator on you is zero
(C) work done by gravity on you is zero (D) work done by escalator on man is negative
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Q.59 A particle of mass m is at rest in a train moving with constant velocity with respect to ground. Now the
particle is accelerated bya constant force F0 acting along the direction of motion of train for time t0.Agirl
in the train and a boy on the ground measure the work done by this force. Which of the following are
(A) Both will measure the same work
(B) Boy will measure higher value than the girl
(C) Girl will measure higher value than the boy
(D) Data are insufficient for the measurement of work done by the force F0

Paragraph for question nos. 60 to 62

A particle of mass m is released from a height H on a smooth curved

surface which ends into a vertical loop of radius R, as shown

Q.60 Choose the correct alternative(s) if H = 2R

(A) The particles reaches the top of the loop with zero velocity
(B) The particle cannot reach the top of the loop
(C) The particle breaks off at a height H = R from the base of the loop
(D) The particle break off at a height R < H < 2R

Q.61 If  is instantaneous angle which the line joining the particle and the centre of the loop makes with the
vertical, then identify the correct statement(s) related to the normal reaction N between the block and
the surface
(A) The maximum value N occurs at  = 0
(B) The minimum value of N occurs at  =  for H > 5R/2
(C) The value of N becomes negative for /2 <  < 3/2
(D) The value of N becomes zero only when   /2

Q.62 The minimum value of H required so that the particle makes a complete vertical circle is given by
(A) 5 R (B) 4 R (C) 2.5 R (D) 2 R

Q.63 The figure shows one direct path and 4 indirect paths from point Ato B.Along the direct path and 3 of
indirect paths only a conservative force F does work on a object. On the fourth path, both conservative
F and non conservative force Fnc do work on the object. The change of mechanical energy in each path
is indicated.
C –30J D

32J E –6J F 10J

20J –4J
15J –10J
40J G 7J H 2J

I –30J J

(A) the path on which Fnc acts is AIJB

(B) Emec along direct path is 12J
(C) work done by Fnc along the path where it acts is –2J
(D) if we want to conserve mechanical energy, we can move along pathAEFBHGA.

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Q.64 Mark matching options for situation shown in respective figures at the instant when particle/car is located
on the x-axis as shown.
Column - I Column - II
(A) Block attached to string is moving (P) Force due to friction may have
along a circle on rough surface. non-zero x-component

l x

(B) Block is placed on a disk rotating with (Q) Force due to friction may have
non-uniform angular velocityas shown non-zero y-component
below. There is no slipping between
block and disk

(C) Car moving on ground along a circular (R) Force due to friction may have
horizontal track at a constant speed non-zero z-component

(D) Car moving on ground at constant speed (S) Force due to friction may be zero.
along a circular banked track

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Q.65 A bob of mass 1kg is hanging byan inextensible of length 1m as shown. The bob is given a velocity v0 at
lowest point as shown.

Column-I Column-II
(A) v0 = 2 m/s (P) Tension becomes zero at some point in motion.
(B) v0 = 4 m/s (Q) The path is always circular.
(C) v0 = 6 m/s (R) The string maybe horizontal at some point in its motion.
(D) v0 = 8 m/s (S) The bob completes vertical circle.

EXERCISE-2 (Subjective Questions)

Q.1 Aparticle is travelling in a circular path of radius 4m.At a certain instant the particle is movingat 20m/s and
its acceleration is at an angle of 37o from the direction to the centre of the circle as seen from the particle
(a)At what rate is the speed of the particle increasing?
(b) What is the magnitude of the acceleration?

Q.2 A stone is thrown horizontallywith the velocity15m/s. Determine the tangential and normal accelerations
of the stone in 1 second after it begins to move.

Q.3 A particle moves in a circle of radius R with a constant speed v. Then, find the magnitude of average
acceleration during a time interval 2 v .

Q.4 A particle is moving in a circle of radius 2m such that its centripetal acceleration is given by ac = 2t2.
Find the angle (in rad.) traversed by the particle in the first two seconds.

Q.5 A particle of mass m, movingin a circular path of radius R with a constant

speed v2 is located at point (2R, 0) at time t = 0 and a man starts
moving with a velocity v1 along the +ve y-axis from origin at time t = 0.
Calculate the linear momentum of the particle w.r.t. the man as a function
of time.

Q.6 A mass m rotating freely in a horizontal circle of radius 1 m on a

frictionless smooth table supports a stationary mass 2m, attached to the
other end of the string passing through smooth hole O in table, hanging
vertically. Find the angular velocityof rotation.

Q.7 Two strings of length l = 0.5 m each are connected to a block of mass m = 2 kg at
one end and their ends are attached to the pointAand B 0.5 m apart on a vertical
polewhich rotates witha constant angular velocity=7 rad/sec. Find the ratio T
of tension in the upper string (T1) and the lower string (T2). [Use g = 9.8 m/s2]
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Q.8 Two blocks of mass m1=10kg and m2=5kg connected to each other by a massless inextensible string of
length 0.3m are placed along a diameter of a turn table. The coefficient of friction between the table and
m1 is 0.5 while there is no friction between m2 and the table. The table is rotating with an angular velocity
of 10rad/sec about a vertical axis passing through its centre. The masses are placed along the diameter
of the table on either side of the centre O such that m1 is at a distance of 0.124m from O. The masses are
observed to be at rest with respect to an observer on the turn table.
(i) Calculate the frictional force on m1
(ii) What should be the minimum angular speed of the turn table so that the masses will slip from this position.
(iii) How should the masses be placed with the string remaining taut, so that there is no frictional force acting
on the mass m1.

Q.9 Fx that varies with position as in figure. Find the work done by the force on the body as it moves (a)
from x = 0 to x = 5.00 m, (b) from x = 5.00 m to x = 10.0 m, and (c) from x = 10.0 m to x = 15.0 m.
(d) What is the total work done by the force over the distance x = 0 to x = 15.0 m?

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Q.10 A spring, which is initially in its unstretched condition, is first stretched by a length x and then again by a
further length x. The work done in the first case is W1 and in the second case is W2. Find .

Q.11 A4 kg particle moves along the X-axis. It's position x varies with time according to x(t) = t + 2t3, where
x is in m and t is in seconds. Compute:
(a) The kinetic energy at time t.
(b) The force acting on the particle at time t.
(c) The power delivered to the particle at time t.
(d) The work done on the particle from t = 0 to t = 2 seconds.

Q.12 A small object of mass m is pulled to the top of a frictionless half-cylinder (of radius R) by a cord that
passes over the top of the cylinder, as illustrated in figure. If the object moves at a constant speed, show
that F = mg cos . Find the work done in moving the object at constant speed from the bottom to the top
of the half cylinder.

Q.13 In the figure shown, pulley and spring are ideal. Find the potential energy stored
in the spring (m1 > m2).

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Q.14 The P.E. of a particle oscillating on x-axis is given as U = 20 + (x – 2)2 here U is in Joules & x is in
meters. Total mechanical energy of particle is 36 J
(a) Find the mean position
(b) Find the max. K.E. of the particle

Q.15 A particle is confined to move along the +x axis under the action of a force F(x)
that isderivable from the potential U(x) =ax 3bx.
(a) Find the expression for F(x)
(b) When the total energy of the particle is zero, the particle can be trapped with in
the interval x=0 to x=x1. For this case find the values of x1.
(c) Determine the maximum kinetic energy that the trapped particle has in its motion. Express all answers in
terms a and b.At what value of x will the kinetic energy be maximum ?

Q.16 The potential function for a conservative force is given by U = k( x + y). Find the work done by the
conservative force in moving a particle from the point A(1, 1) to point B (2, 3).

Q.17 A ring of mass m can slide over a smooth vertical rod. The ring is connected to a
spring of force constant K = where 2R is the natural length of the spring. The
other end of the spring is fixed to the ground at a horizontal distance 2R from the
base of the rod. The mass is released at a height of 1.5R from ground
(a) calculate the work done by the spring.
(b) calculate the velocity of the ring as it reaches the ground.

Q.18 The ends of spring are attached to blocks of mass 3kg and 2kg. The 3kg block rests on
a horizontal surface and the 2kg block which is vertically above it is in equilibrium
producing a compression of 1cm of the spring. The 2kg mass must be compressed
further by at least _______, so that when it is released, the 3 kg block may be lifted off
the ground.

Q.19 Power applied to a particle varies with time as P = (3t2 – 2t +1) watt, where t is in second. Find the
change in its kinetic energy between time t = 2 s and t = 4 s.

Q.20 A 650-kg elevator starts from rest. It moves upward for 3.00 s with constant acceleration until it reaches
its cruising speed of 1.75 m/s.
(a) What is the average power of the elevator motor during this period?
(b) How does this power compare with its power when it moves at its cruising speed?

Q.21 A car’s engine can deliver 90kW of power. The car’s mass is 1000kg.

Assume the total resistive force is proportional to the velocity: |Ffriction| = v. The drag coefficient  is
 = 100Ns/m. Car can maintain on a level road a maximum speed of _______ m/s?

Q.22 Consider the shown arrangement when a is bob of mass ‘m’ is suspended by means

of a string connected to peg P. If the bob is given a horizontal velocity u having
magnitude 3gl , find the minimum speed of the bob in subsequent motion.

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Q.23 A body of mass 2 kg is moving under the influence of a central force whose potential energy is given by
U (r) = 2r3 Joule. If the body is moving in a circular orbit of 5m,then find its energy.

Q.24 Aball is attached to a light thread of length 35cm as shown. It is projected horizontally with a speed v. It
is seen that the thread becomes slack when it makes an angle of 60° with the upward vertical. What was
value of v (in cm/s) ?

Q.25 Aball of mass 1 kgis released from positionAinside a wedgewith a hemispherical

cut of radius 0.5 m as shown in the figure. Find the force exerted by the vertical
wall OM on wedge, when the ball is in position B. (neglect friction everywhere).
Take (g = 10 m/s2)

Q.26 A particle of mass 5 kg is free to slide on a smooth ring of radius r = 20 cm fixed in

a vertical plane. The particle is attached to one end of a spring whose other end is
fixed to the top point O of the ring. Initially the particle is at rest at a point Aof the
ring such that  OCA = 60°, C being the centre of the ring. The natural length of the
spring is also equal to r = 20cm. After the particle is released and slides down the
ring the contact force between the particle & the ring becomes zero when it reaches
the lowest position B. Determine the force constant of the spring.
Q.27 Aparticle is revolving in a circle of radius 1m with an angular speed of 12 rad/s.At t = 0, it was subjected
to a constant angular acceleration  and its angular speed increased to(480/) rpm in 2 sec. Particle
then continues to move with attained speed. Calculate
(a) angular acceleration of the particle,
(b) tangential velocity of the particle as a function of time.
(c) acceleration of the particle at t = 0.5 second and at t = 3 second
(d) angular displacement at t = 3 second.

Q.28 Aparticle moves in the x-yplane with the velocity v  a î  b t ˆj .At the instant t = a 3 b the magnitude
of tangential, normal and total acceleration are _____, _______, & _________.

Q.29 Astone is launched upward at 45° with speed v0.Abee follows the trajectory of the stone at a constant
speed equal to the initial speed of the stone.
(a) Find the radius of curvature at the top point of the trajectory.
(b) What is the acceleration of the bee at the top point of the trajectory? For the stone, neglect the air

Q.30 The blocks are of mass 2 kg shown is in equilibrium. At t = 0 right spring in fig (i) and right string in
fig (ii) breaks. Find the ratio of instantaneous acceleration of blocks?

figure (i) figure (ii)

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Q.31 A block of mass m placed on a smooth horizontal surface is attached to a spring

and is held at rest by a force P as shown. Suddenly the force P changes its
direction oppositetothe previous one.How manytimes isthe maximum extension
l2 of the spring longer compared to its initial compression l1?

Q.32 A uniform rod of mass m length L is sliding along its length on a horizontal table
whose top is partly smooth & rest rough with friction coefficient . If
the rod after moving through smooth part, enters the rough with velocity v0.
(a) What will be the magnitude of the friction force when its x length (< L) lies in the rough part during
(b) Determine the minimum velocity v0 with which it must enter so that it lies completely in rough region
before coming to rest.
(c) If the velocity is double the minimum velocity as calculated in part (b) then what distance does its front
endAwould have travelled in rough region before rod comes to rest.

Q.33 Ablockofmassmisheldatrestonasmoothhorizontalfloor.Alightfrictionless,
small pulleyis fixed at aheight of 6m from thefloor.Alight inextensiblestring
of length 16 m, connected withApasses over the pulleyand another identical
block B is hung from the string. Initial height of B is 5m from the floor as
shown in Fig.Whenthesystem isreleasedfrom rest,Bstartstomovevertically
downwards andAslides on the floor towards right.
(i) If at an instant string makes an angle  with horizontal, calculate relation between velocityu ofAand v of B.
(ii) Calculate v when B strikes the floor.

Q.34 Two trains of equal masses are drawn along smooth level lines by engines; one of then X exerts a
constant force while the other Y works at a constant rate. Both start from rest & after a time interval 't'
both again have the same velocity v. Find the ratio of travelled distance during the interval 't'.

Q.35 A bead of mass m is attached to one end of a spring of natural length 3 R and

( 3  1) mg
spring constant k = . The other end of the spring is fixed at pointA
on a smooth fixed vertical ring of radius R as shown in the figure. What is the
normal reaction at B just after the bead is released?

Q.36 A particle is suspended verticallyfrom a point O byan inextensible massless

string of length L.Avertical lineAB is at a distance L/8 from O as shown.
The object given a horizontal velocity u.At some point, its motion ceases
to be circular and eventually the object passes through the lineAB.At the
instant of crossingAB, its velocity is horizontal. Find u.

(JEE Main Previous Year's Questions)
Q.1 A mass of M kg is suspended by a weightless string. The horizontal force that is required to displace it
until the string makes an angle of 45º with the initial vertical direction is –
(A) (B) Mg ( 2 –1) (C) Mg ( 2 +1) (D) Mg 2
[AIEEE 2006]
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Q.2 A particle of mass 100 g is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 5 m/s. The work done by the force
of gravity during the time the particle goes up is –
(A) 1.25 J (B) 0.5 J (C) – 0.5 J (D) – 1.25 J
[AIEEE 2006]
Q.3 A ball of mass 0.2 kg is thrown vertically upwards by applying a force by hand. If the hand moves 0.2 m
while applying the force and the ball goes upto 2 m height further, find the magnitude of the force.
Consider g = 10 m/s2.
(A) 20 N (B) 22 N (C) 4 N (D) 16 N
[AIEEE 2006]
Q.4 The potential energy of a 1 kg particle free to move along the x-axis is given by
 x 4
x2 
V(x) =  4  2  J.
 
The total mechanical energy of the particle is 2 J. Then, the maximum speed (in m/s) is –
(A) 1/ 2 (B) 2 (C) 3/ 2 (D) 2
[AIEEE 2006]
Q.5 A 2kg block slides on a horizontal floor with a speed of 4 m/s. It strikes a uncompressed spring,
and compresses it till the block is motionless. The kinetic friction force is 15 N and spring constant
is 10,000 N/m. The spring compresses by
(A) 5.5 cm (B) 2.5 cm (C) 11.0 cm (D) 8.5 cm
[AIEEE 2007]
Q.6 A particle is projected at 60° to the horizontal with kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the
highest point is
(A) K (B) zero (C) K/4 (D) K/2
[AIEEE 2007]
Q.7 An athlete in the olympic games covers a distance of 100 m in 10 s. His kinetic energy can be
estimated to be in the range
(A) 2 × 105 J – 3 × 105 J (B) 20,000 J – 50,000 J
(C) 2,000 J – 5,000 J (D) 200 J – 500 J
[AIEEE 2008]

Q.8 For a particle in uniform circular motion, the acceleration a at a point P(R,) on the circle of radius R is
(Here  is measured from the x-axis)
v2 v2 ˆ v2 v2
(A) î  j (B) – cos  î  sin  ĵ

v2 v2 v2 v2
(C) – sin  î  cos  ĵ (D)  cos î  sin  ĵ
[AIEEE - 2010]
Q.9 A point P moves in counter clockwise direction on a circular path as y
shown in the figure. The movement of 'P' is such that it sweeps out a B
length s = t3 + 5, where s is in metres and t is in seconds. The radius of P(x,y)

the path is 20 m. The acceleration of 'P' when t = 2s is nearly :


(A) 14 m/s2 (B) 13 m/s2 O x

(C) 12 m/s2 (D) 7.2 m/s2 A

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Q.10 Two cars of masses m1 and m2 are moving in circles of radii r1 and r2, respectively. Their speeds are
such that they make complete circles in the same time t. The ratio of their centripetal acceleration is :
(A) r1 : r2 (B) 1 : 1 (C) m1r1 : m2 r2 (D) m1 : m2
Q.11 The potential energy function for the force between two atoms in a diatomic molecule is approximately
a b
given by U(x) = 12
 6 , where a and b are constants and x is the distance between the atoms. If the
x x
dissociation energy of the molecule is D = [U(x = ) – Uat equilibrium], D is
b2 b2 b2 b2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2a 12a 4a 6a
Q.12 At time t = 0s particle starts moving along the x-axis. If its kinetic energy increases uniformly with time t,
the net force acting on it must be proportional to
(A) t (B) constant (C) t (D)
Q.13 This question has Statement-1 and statement-2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose
the one that best describes the two statements.
If two springs S1 and S2 of force constants k1 and k2, respectively, are stretched by the same force, it is
found that more work is done on spring S1 than on spring S2.
Statement-1 : If stretched by the same amount, work done on S1, will be more than that on S2.
Statement -2 : k1 < k2
(A) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and Statement-2 is the correct explanation of Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and Statement-2 is not the correct explanation of Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
(D) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false
Q.14 Two cars of masses m1 and m2 are moving in circles of radii r1 and r2, respectively. Their speeds are
such that they make complete circles in the same time t. The ratio of their centripetal acceleration is :
(A) r1 : r2 (B) 1 : 1 (C) m1r1 : m2 r2 (D) m1 : m2
Q.15 When a rubber-band is stretched by a distance x, it exerts a restoring force of magnitude F = ax + bx2
where a and b are constants. The work done in stretching the unstretched rubber-band by L is

1 aL2 bL3 1  aL2 bL3 

 
(A) (aL2 + bL3)
(B)  (C)
2  2  3  (D) aL2 + bL3
2 3  
[JEE Main-2014]
Q.16 A point particle of mass m, moves along the uniformlyrough track PQR
as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction, between the particle P
and the rough track equals µ. The particle is released, from rest, from
the point P and it comes to rest at a point R. The energies, lost by the
ball, over the parts, PQ and QR, of the track, are equal to each other, h = 2m
and no energyis lost when particle changes direction from PQ to QR.The 30° R
values of the coefficient of friction µ, and the distance x (=QR), are, Horizontal Q
respectively close to: Surface
(A) 0.29 and 6.5 m (B) 0.2 and 6.5 m (C) 0.2 and 3.5 m (D) 0.29 and 3.5 m
[JEE Main 2016]
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Q.17 A person trying to lose weight by burning fat lifts a mass of 10 kg upto a height of 1 m 1000 times.
Assume that the potential energy lost each time he lowers the mass is dissipated. How much fat will he
use up considering the work done only when the weight is lifted up? Fat supplies 3.8 × 107 J of energy
per kg which is converted to mechanical energy with a 20% efficiency rate. Take g = 9.8 ms–2 :
(A) 12.89 × 10–3 Kg (B) 2.45 × 10–3 kg (C) 6.45 × 10–3 kg (D) 9.89 × 10–3 kg
[JEE Main 2016]
Q.18 A time dependent force F = 6t acts on a particle of mass 1 kg. If the particle starts from rest. the work
done by the force during the first 1 sec. will be [JEE Main 2017]
(A) 18 J (B) 4.5 J (C) 22 J (D) 9 J
Q.19 A particle is moving in a circular path of radius a under the action of an attractive potential U = 2 . Its
total energyis: [JEE Main 2018]
 3k k k
(A) zero (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
2a 4a 2a
(JEE Advanced Previous Year's Questions)
Ablock of mass m starts moving on a rough horizontal surface with a velocity v. It stops due to friction
between the block and the surface after moving through a certain distance. The surface is now tilted to an
angle of 30° with the horizontal and the same block is made to go up on the surface with the same initial
velocity v. The decrease in the mechanical energy in the second situation is smaller than that in the first
The coefficient of friction between the block and the surface decreases with the increase in the angle of
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 isTrue, Statement-2isTrue; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True [JEE 2007]
Q.2 A bob of mass M is suspended by a massless string of length L. The B
horizontal velocityV at positionAis just sufficient to make it reach the
point B. The angle  at which the speed of the bob is half of that at A,
   
(A)  = (B) << L
4 4 2
 3 3 V
(C) << (D) << A
2 4 4
[JEE 2008]
Q.3 STATEMENT-1 : For an observer looking out through the window of a fast moving train, the nearby
objects appear to move in the opposite direction to the train, while the distant objects appear to be
 
STATEMENT-2 : If the observer and the object are moving at velocities V1 and V2 respectively with
 
reference to a laboratory frame, the velocity of the object with respect to the observer is V2  V1 .
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True [JEE 2008]
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Q.4 A light inextensible string that goes over a smooth fixed pulleyas shown
in the figure connects two blocks of masses 0.36 kg and 0.72 kg. Taking
g = 10 m/s2, find the work done (in joules) by the string on the block of
mass 0.36 kg during the first second after the system is released from

Q.5 A block of mass 2 kg is free to move along the x-axis. It is at F(t)

rest and from t = 0 onwards it is subjected to a time-dependent 4N

force F(t) in the x direction. The force F(t) varies with t as shown
in the figure. The kinetic energy of the block after 4.5 seconds 4.5s
is O 3s t
(A) 4.50J (B) 7.50J
(C) 5.06J (D) 14.06J
Q.6 A ball of mass (m) 0.5 kg is attached to the end of a string having length
(L) 0.5 m. The ball is rotated on a horizontal circular path about vertical
axis. The maximum tension that the string can bear is 324 N. The
maximum possible value of angular velocityof ball (in radian/s) is
(A) 9 (B) 18 (C) 27 (D) 36 m
Q.7 A block of mass 0.18 kg is attached to a spring of force-constant 2N/
m. The coefficient of friction between the block and the floow is 0.1.
Initially the block is at rest and the spring is un-stretched.An impulse is
given to the block as shown in the figure. The block slides a distance of
0.06 m and comes to rest for the first time. The initial velocity of the
block in m/s is V = N/10. Then N is
Q.8 Two identical discs of same radius R are rotating about
their axes in opposite directions with the same constant
angular speed . The discs are in the same horizontal
plane. At time t = 0, the points P and Q are facing each  
other as shown in the figure. The relative speed between
the two points P and Q is vr. In one time period (T) of P Q
rotation of the discs, vr as a function of time is best
represented by
vr vr

(A) (B)

0 t 0 t
vr vr

(C) (D)

0 t t
T 0 T
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Q.9 Consider a disc rotating in the horizontal plane with a constant angular speed  about its center O. The
disc has a shaded region on one side of the diameter and an unshaded region on the other side as shown
in the figure. When the disc is in the orientation as shown, two pebbles P and Q are simultaneously
projected at an angle towards R. The velocity of projection is in the y-z plane and is same for both
pebbles with respect to the disc.Assume that (i) theyland back on the disc before the disc has completed
rotation, (ii) their range is less than half the disc radius, and (iii)  remains constant throughout. Then
R 


(A) P lands in the shaded region and Q in the unshaded region
(B) P lands in the unshaded region and Q in the shaded region
(C) Both P and Q land in the unshaded region
(D) Both P and Q land in the shaded region
 x y 
Q.10 The work done on a particle of mass m by a force, K  2 2 3/ 2
î  2 ĵ
2 3 / 2  (K being a
 (x  y ) (x  y ) 
constant of appropriate dimensions), when the particle is taken from the point (a, 0), to the point (0, a)
along a circular path of radius a about the origin in the x-y plane is
2 K K K
(A) (B) (C) (D) 0
a a 2a
Q.11 A particle of mass 0.2 kg is moving in one dimension under a force that delivers a constant power 0.5 W
to the particle. If the initial speed (in ms–1) of the particle is zero, the speed (in ms–1) after 5s is
Paragraph for Questions 12 to 13
A small block of mass 1 kg is released from rest at the top of a rough track. The track is a circular arc of
radius 40 m. The block slides along the track without toppling and a frictional force acts on it in the
direction opposite to the instantaneous velocity.The work done in overcoming the friction up to the point
Q, as shown in the figure below, is 150 J. (Take the acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 ms–2)




Q.12 The magnitude of the normal reaction that acts on the block at the point Q is
(A) 7.5 N (B) 8.6 N (C) 11.5 N (D) 22.5 N

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Q.13 The speed of the block when it reaches the point Q is

(A) 5 ms–1 (B) 10 ms–1 (C) 10 3 ms–1 (D) 20 ms–1
Q.14 Consider an elliptically shaped rail PQ in the vertical plane with OP = 3 m and OQ = 4m. A block of
mass 1 kg is pulled along the rail from P to Q with a force of 18 N, which is always parallel to line PQ
(see the figure given).Assuming no frictional losses, the kinetic energy of the block when it reaches Q is
(n × 10) Joules. The value of n is (take acceleration due to gravity = 10 ms–2)


O 3m P
Q.15 A wire, which passes through the hole in a small bead, is bent in the form of quarter of a circle. The wire
is fixed verticallyon ground as shown in the figure. The bead is released from near the top of the wire and
it slides along the wire without friction.As the bead moves from Ato B, the force it applies on the wire
is A
(A) always radially outwards
(B) always radially inwards
(C) radiallyoutwards initially and radiallyinwards later 90° B
(D) radiallyinwards initially and radiallyoutwards later
Q.16 A particle of unit mass is moving along the x-axis under the influence of a force and its total energy is
conserved. Four possible forms of the potential energy of the particle are given in column I (a and U0
are constants). Match the potential energies in column I to the corresponding statement (s) in column II.
Column I Column II
U0   x 2 
(A) U1(x) = 1     (P) The force acting on the particle is zero at x = a.
2   a  
U0  x 
(B) U2(x) =   (Q) The force acting on the particle is zero at x = 0.
2 a

U0  x 
2   x 2 
(C) U3(x) =   exp     (R) The force acting on the particle is zero at x = – a.
2 a   a  

U0  x 1  x 3 
(D) U4(x) = 2     (S) The particle experiences an attractive force towards
 a 3  a   x = 0 in the region | x | < a.
(T) The particle withtotal energy canoscillate about
the point x = – a.
[JEE 2015]

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(Potential Problems Based on CBSE)
Q.1 When a conservative force does positive work on a body, the potential energy of the body increases/
decreases/remains same. Comment. [1]
Q.2 Is work done in the motion of a body over a closed loop is zero for every force in nature ? [1]
Q.3 Work done by a body against friction always results in loss of its kinetic energy/potential energy.
Q.4 A body is moving on a curved path with a constant speed. What is the nature of its acceleration ? [1]
Q.5 A body is moving on a circular path with a constant speed. What is the nature of its acceleration? [1]
Q.6 A car and a truck moving with same K.E. are stopped by applying same retarding force by means of
brakes. Which one will stop at a smaller distance and why ? [2]
Q.7 Explain that a uniform circular motion is an accelerated motion. What is the direction of this acceleration.
Q.8 A very small particle rests on the top of a hemisphere of radius 20 cm. Calculate the smallest horizontal
velocity to be given to it if it is to leave the hemisphere without sliding down its surface. [2]
Q.9 What is centripetal acceleration ? Find the relation for the magnitude of centripetal acceleration and
discuss its direction. [3]
Q.10 What is a uniform circular motion ? Explain the terms ; time period, frequency and angular velocity.
Establish relation between them. [3]
Q.11 If stretch in a spring of force constant K is doubled. Calculate
(a) Ratio of final to initial force in the spring (b) Ratio of elastic energies stored in the two cases (c)
Work done in changing to the state of double stretch. [3]
Q.12 What are conservative and non-conservative forces ? Give examples. [3]
Q.13 A train weighing 100 metric ton is running on a level track with a uniform speed of 72 km/h. If the
frictional resistance amounts to 0.5 kg per metric ton, find the power of the engine. [3]
Q.14 What is meant by work ? Obtain an expression for work done by a variable force. [3]
Q.15 A pump motor is used to deliver water at a certain rate from a given pipe. To obtain n times water
from the same pipe in the same time, by what amount (a) the force and (b) power of the motor should
be increased ? [3]
Q.16 What is centripetal acceleration ? Find its magnitude and direction in case of a uniform circular motion
of an object. [5]
Q.17 Discuss briefly the banking of roads and railway tracks. [5]
Q.18 Obtain an expression for minimum velocity of projection of a body at the lowest point for looping a
vertical loop. [5]
Q.19 A particle moves along the x-axis from x = 0 to x = 5 m under the influence of a force given by f = 7
– 2x + 3x2. Calculate the work done.
Q.20 (a) Two springs have force constants K1 and K2 (K1 > K2). On which spring is more work done
when they are stretched by the same force ?
(b) Two masses one n times the other have equal K.E. How do their momenta compare ? [5]

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Q.1 C Q.2 D Q.3 D Q.4 A Q.5 B
Q.6 C Q.7 C Q.8 B Q.9 C Q.10 A
Q.11 A Q.12 C Q.13 B Q.14 A Q.15 C
Q.16 A Q.17 D Q.18 A Q.19 C Q.20 B
Q.21 D Q.22 B Q.23 D Q.24 A Q.25 C
Q.26 A Q.27 D Q.28 B Q.29 B Q.30 A
Q.31 A Q.32 B Q.33 A Q.34 C Q.35 C
Q.36 D Q.37 A Q.38 B Q.39 D Q.40 A
Q.41 C Q.42 C Q.43 A Q.44 C Q.45 C
Q.46 C Q.47 D Q.48 C Q.49 B Q.50 ACD
Q.51 A Q.52 ACD Q.53 BD Q.54 ABC Q.55 AC
Q.56 D Q.57 BCD Q.58 CD Q.59 AC Q.60 BD
Q.61 ABD Q.62 C Q.63 BC
Q.64 (A) Q (B) PQ (C) P (D) PRS Q.65 (A) Q (B) Q (C) PR (D) QRS


2g 3g 2 2 v2
Q.1 (a) 75m/s2, (b) 125m/s2 Q.2 at= , an= Q.3
13 13 R

Q.4 2.00 Q.5 PPM  m v PM   mv 2 sin t î  m ( v 2 cos t  v1 ) ˆj

Q.6 2g rad/s Q.7 9

Q.8 (i) 36N, (ii) 11.66rad/sec ,(iii) 0.1m, 0.2m Q.9 (a) 7.5 J (b) 15 J (c) 7.5 J (d) 30 J
Q.10 W2 = 3W1 Q.11 (a) 2 + 24t + 72t J, (b) 48 t N, (c) 48t + 288t3 W, (d) 1248 J
2 4

2m12 g 2
Q.12 mgR Q.13 Q.14 (a) x =2, (b) 16 J

b 2b b b
Q.15 F = 3ax2 + b, x = , KEmax = , x Q.16 –3k
a 3 3 a 3a

Q.17 mgR/2, 2 gR Q.18 2.5cm Q.19 46 J

1 gl
Q.20 (a) 6 × 103 W (b) 1 × 104 W Q.21 30 Q.22
3 3

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15 3
Q.23 625 J Q.24 350 Q.25 N
Q.26 500N/m
Q.27 (a) 2 rad/s2, (b) 12+2t for t < 2s, 16 for t > 2s, (c) 28565 ~ 169, 256 m/s2 (d) 44 rad

Q.28 3b 2 , b 2 , b Q.29 (a) , (b) 2g Q.30 25/24

m 5
Q.31 3 Q.32 (a) f = - xg ; (b) g ; (c)
 2

Q.33 u = vsec , v =
m/s Q.34 3/4 Q.35 1 
3 2 mg

3 3 
Q.36 u= gL  2 
 2 

Q.1 B Q.2 D Q.3 B Q.4 C Q.5 A
Q.6 C Q.7 C Q.8 D Q.9 A Q.10 A
Q.11 C Q.12 D Q.13 C Q.14 A Q.15 B
Q.16 D Q.17 A Q.18 B Q.19 A

Q.1 C Q.2 D Q.3 B Q.4 8 Q.5 C
Q.6 D Q.7 4 Q.8 A Q.9 C Q.10 D
Q.11 5 Q.12 A Q.13 B Q.14 5 Q.15 D
Q.16 (A) PQRT (B) QS (C) PQRS (D) PRT

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