Gem Carbo NHS
Gem Carbo NHS
Gem Carbo NHS
Advanced or metastatic bladder cancer, ureteric cancer or renal pelvis carcinoma, where renal function poor or
patient not fit for cisplatin
Neo-adjuvant or adjuvant use in transitional cell carcinoma in high-risk patients not suitable for cisplatin-based
It is mandatory for the carboplatin dose to be based on the EDTA result, when available.
Checks should always be made by the prescriber and the screening pharmacist to confirm
whether an EDTA result is available at the start of treatment.
If the EDTA result is not available this should be documented on ARIA, by the prescriber,
before prescribing carboplatin using the Cockcroft & Gault formula to predict creatinine
When using Cockcroft & Gault, a “cap” of 125 ml/min should be used for carboplatin dose
Carboplatin dose should be re-calculated using the EDTA result, once available, for
subsequent cycles (do not “cap”).
Administration: Gemcitabine diluted in 250 ml 0.9% sodium chloride and infused over 30 minutes
Carboplatin diluted in 250 ml 5% glucose and infused over 30 - 60 minutes
Extravasation: non-vesicants
Reason for Update: new EDTA statement added Approved by Consultant: C Mikropoulos
Version: 6 Approved by Lead Chemotherapy Nurse: E Masters
Supersedes: Version 5 Date: 23.4.20
Prepared by: S Taylor Checked by: S Seymour
Dose Modifications
Haematological Day 1:
Toxicity: Neutrophils < 1.5 x 109/l Delay treatment for 1 week. Repeat FBC and, if
or normal, proceed with treatment*.
Platelets < 100 x 109/l
*Reduce the gemcitabine dose to 75% of the original cycle initiation dose (and do not
increase this dose again) if any of the following have occurred:
Neutrophils < 0.5 x 109/l for > 5 days
Neutrophils < 0.1 x 109/l for > 3 days
Febrile neutropenia
Platelets < 25 x 109/l
Cycle delay of more than one week due to toxicity
Day 8:
If a dose reduction to 50% of the Day 1 dose has been made on Day 8, the dose should be
increased to 100% again on Day 1 of the next cycle, providing the FBC has returned to
normal limits.
Hepatic Impairment: If bilirubin > 27 μmol/L, initiate treatment with gemcitabine 800mg/m 2
Reason for Update: new EDTA statement added Approved by Consultant: C Mikropoulos
Version: 6 Approved by Lead Chemotherapy Nurse: E Masters
Supersedes: Version 5 Date: 23.4.20
Prepared by: S Taylor Checked by: S Seymour