Unit 38 DatabaseManagementSyst

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Module Booklet

Unit 38: Database Management Systems

Unit level 5

Unit code Y/615/1682

Unit Type Optional

Qualification Code 603/0471/6

Credit Value 15

Qualification BTEC HND in Computing

Term Start Date 03 June 2019
Hand out date 03 June 2019
Submission Deadline 12 August 2019
Lecture 8 weeks
Revision & Formatives 2 Weeks
Guided Learning hours 60
Module Leader Mr Suneth
Lecturer Mr Suneth
Copyright Statement:
Copyright © - All rights reserved - UK College of Business and Computing
This document is the product and property of the UK College of Business and Computing and therefore may
not be: shared with any external third party; reproduced in full or in part; or used in any other related manner
whatsoever, without prior expressed written permission. This statement is for the attention of students, staff
and external parties. In the case of copyright infringement, legal action will be exercised.


1.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................3

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1.2 Learning outcomes....................................................................................................................................................4

2.0 Essential Content.......................................................................................................................................................4

3.0 Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria:............................................................................................................7

4.0 Programme Specification/ Schemes of work.............................................................................................................8

5.0 Recommended resources.........................................................................................................................................11

6.0 Assignment Brief Section...................................................................................................................................15

7.0 Assignment Guidelines:...........................................................................................................................................23

8.0 : Glossary of terms used for internally assessed units.............................................................................................25

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As globalisation and the 24-hour economy develop and increase, organisations must ensure that
their database management systems (DBMS) are reliable, secure, efficient and able to cope
with rapid change. Database management systems will continue to service the many operations
of our modern world; they are becoming increasingly complex, to develop and manage, due to
technological advancements and changes in the way organisations do their business in a global

In this unit, students will examine the structure of data, and how an efficient data design
follows through into an effectively developed database management system. Students will
examine the merits of different DBMS platforms, and investigate system administration and
management tools of the platform
Amongst the topics included in this unit are: examination of different database management
systems, database design tools and techniques of relational database management systems,
using an open source platform to develop, test and manage a client’s system.
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of
the fundamentals of database management systems, be able to make informed choices between
vendor and open source platforms for database management systems, design and develop a
relational DBMS for a client using an open source platform, and carry out system
administration tasks.

As a result they will develop skills such as communication literacy, critical thinking, analysis,
reasoning and interpretation, which are crucial for gaining employment and developing
academic competence.

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1.2 Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

LO1. Analyse different types of database management systems.

LO2. Design a database management system using a relational model to meet client
LO3. Develop a database management system using a suitable platform.
LO4. Demonstrate the system administration and management tools available on the chosen

2.0 Essential Content

LO1 Analyse different types of database management systems

Types of database management systems (DBMS) and their operating system support, e.g.
MySQL, Oracle.
Data models: Entity-Relationship, relational, hierarchical, network, object oriented, object-
Examine details of DBMS based on a relational model.
Relational data structures, including: relations, attributes, domain, tuple, cardinality.
Constraints: key, domain, referential integrity.
Normalisation in developing efficient data structures.
Modelling languages: query language, data definition language (DDL), data, manipulative
language (DML), relational languages.
Transaction and concurrency in DBMS.
Investigation of open source and vendor-specific systems
Multiple platform approaches to database management.

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LO2 Design a database management system using a relational model to meet client requirements

Determine user and system requirements.

Examine design tools and techniques for a relational database management system.
Physical system design.
Logical design: design for relational databases, tables, data elements, data types, keys and
indexes, entity relationship modelling, data flow diagrams, flowcharts.
Mathematical relations e.g. relational algebra, relational calculus.
DBMS selection, e.g. MySQL.
Application design, including: data entry/input (verification, validation, calculated fields,
masks, directed input), reports (queries, presentation of data, layouts), task automation
(imports, updates, deletions), queries using multiple criteria, form values and wild cards, action
queries, calculated queries, queries across multiple tables.
Hardware, software and other resource requirements.
Test plans to check correctness of data, security, functionality, accessibility and usability.
Quality, effectiveness and appropriateness of the solution: correctness of data, relationships
between data, data integrity, normalisation.
Working with clients and others to improve the quality, effectiveness, security and
appropriateness of solution design

LO3 Develop a database management system using a suitable platform

Use of an appropriate database management system and Structured Query Language (SQL) to
produce a secure solution to meet client’s requirements.
Creating, setting up and maintaining data tables.
Applying data validation rules.
Generating outputs e.g. user-generated queries, automated queries, reports.
Application and user interface e.g. navigation, data entry forms and subforms, automated
functions. Populating the database.
SQL statements to extract, manipulate and modify data.
Applying security measures to control access to data, e.g. user access levels.
Testing the database solution using different types of testing: referential integrity, functionality,
security, stability. Selection and use of appropriate test data.
Selecting suitable test users and gathering feedback from users.

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Making use of testing outcomes to improve and/or refine the solution.
Reviewing the solution, criteria for use when reviewing the solution against: quality of the
database, fitness for purpose, suitability against the original requirements, technology
constraints, strengths and improvements, platforms and compatibility.
Optimising the solution: data types, data sizes e.g. size on disk, many tables e.g. overheads for
many tables, query optimising.

LO4 Demonstrate the system administration and management tools available on the chosen platform

Describe core database administration tasks and tools.

Practical demonstrations of server management to include: Setting up and managing data
storage for servers and users.
Backup and recovery routines for data and applications.
Managing authorisations.
Managing security and encryption.
Importing and exporting data.
Trace database activity.
Monitoring performance and optimising performance.
Audit trails.
Managing alerts and notifications.
Database maintenance including setting up automatic routines.

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3.0 Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria:

Copyright © - All rights reserved - UK College of Business and Computing
4.0 Programme Specification/
Schemes of work
Accrediting Body: EDEXCEL
Course: BTEC HND IN Computing
Unit 38: Database Management Systems

Week/ Learning
Session Activities
Sessions Outcome(s)
Sample activities:
Topic: Database Lecture and discussion on different database management systems in
Week1 management organisations. Research on open source and vendor-specific platforms for
Session 1 systems – open database management systems.
source and
vendor platforms

Topic: Database Sample activities:

management Lecture and discussion of standards applied to open source and vendor-
Week 1 systems – specific platforms, use of multiple platforms in organisations and their
Session 2 standards, use of implications, criteria applied in the selection of platform to use.
multiple platform
and platform
selection criteria
Sample activities:
Week 2 Presentations –
Student presentations – each group to choose a different open source or
Session 3 open source and
vendor platform. Follow up with discussions on merits of each.
Topic: Sample activities:
Week 2
Session 4 Database design Lecture and discussion of database design and the tools and techniques used.
tools and Students apply tools and techniques to their database project.
LO1 Independent workshop.
Week 3
Topic: Workshop can either be a facilitated session or an independent self-study
Session 5
Project workshop session.

Copyright © - All rights reserved - UK College of Business and Computing
Week/ Learning
Session Activities
Sessions Outcome(s)
Sample activities:
Discussion of relational databases design, tables, data elements, data types,
keys and indexes, entity relationship modelling, data flow diagrams,
Week 3 Topic:
Session 6 Relational
Explanation of mathematical relations.
database design
Discussion of different DBMS and how to select an appropriate
Independent workshop for students to research, develop and create database
Week 4 design documentation.
Session 7 Workshop can either be a facilitated session or an independent
Project workshop
self-study session.
Sample activities:
LO2 Discussion and demonstration of application design, including: data
entry/input (verification, validation, calculated fields, masks,
Week 4 Topic:
directed input), reports (queries, presentation of data, layouts), task
Session 8 Database
automation (imports, updates, deletions), queries using multiple
application design
criteria, form values and wild cards, action queries, calculated
queries, queries across multiple tables.
Sample activities:
Week 5 Topic: Discussion on the importance and implementation of quality assurance,
Session 9 including testing, security, effectiveness and appropriateness of the solution.
Independent workshop for students to research, develop and create database
Week 5 LO2
design documentation.
Session Topic:
Workshop can either be a facilitated session or an independent
10 Project workshop
self-study session.
Week 6 Sample activities:
Session Topic: Database Assessment expectations and how this element will be assessed.
11 management

Topic: Practical
Week 6 demonstration of Sample activities:
Session database Teacher demonstration and practical application by students.
12 management
tasks in a lab. Link
to vendor
LO3 Sample activities:
Week 7
Individual and group supervision of practical tasks, as per assessment, using
Session Topic: Assessment witness statement checklists.
13 of practical tasks
Copyright © - All rights reserved - UK College of Business and Computing
Week/ Learning
Session Activities
Sessions Outcome(s)
LO3 Independent workshop for students to develop and create a relational
Week 7
Session Topic: Project Workshop can either be a facilitated session or an independent
14 workshop self-study session.
Sample activities:
Week 8 Topic:
Introduction to the principles of database administration and the tools and
15 Introduction to techniques used.
Week 8 Topic: Sample activities:
Session Application of
16 system Practical demonstrations of server management.
Week 9 Independent workshop.
Session Topic: Project Workshop can either be a facilitated session or an independent
17 workshop self-study session.
Week 9 Independent workshop.
Session Topic: Project Workshop can either be a facilitated session or an independent
18 workshop self-study session.
Week 10 Sample activities:
Session Topic: Assessment One-to-one support tutorials/workshops.
19 support and sign-
Week 10 Sample activities:
Session Topic: Assessment One-to-one support tutorials/workshops.
20 support and sign-

Copyright © - All rights reserved - UK College of Business and Computing
5.0 Recommended resources


 Connolly, T. and Begg, C. (2014) Database systems: A practical guide to design, implementation
and management. 3rd Ed. Addison-Wesley.
 Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S. (2011) Fundamentals of Database Systems. 6th Ed. Addison-Wesley
 Hoffer, J. (2008) Modern Database Management. Pearson Education. Jeffrey A., Ramesh, V. and
Topi Heikki, T. (2012) Modern Database Management. Pearson Education
 Silberschatz, A., Korth, H.F. and Sudarshan, S. (2011) Database System Concepts. 6th Ed.
McGraw-Hill Edition
 Plus others linked specifically to the version of the software used for a given platform.

 Journals International Journal of Database Management Systems
 Journal of Database Management
 The Computer Journal
 Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences
This unit links to the following related units:
 Unit 4: Database Design & Development
 Unit 7: Strategic Information Systems

Teaching and Learning Activities

The module tutor(s) will aim to combine lectures with tutorial activities. This environment will provide
opportunities for the student to understand the course material through case study and text and to apply it in
a practical way. The intent is to facilitate interactive class activities, and discussion about the significant
role of research in a global and local business environment.

2.3 Teaching Ethos

The college’s approach towards teaching and learning is simple and effective. The main aim of UKCBC is
to assist learners in maximising their potential by ensuring that they are taught clearly and effectively. This
will enable students to engage in the learning environment and promote success in both their academic
studies and subsequent career.

2.3.1 Methods of Delivery:


These will be developed around the key concepts as mentioned in the indicative course content and will
use a range of live examples and cases from business practice to demonstrate the application of theoretical
concepts. This method is primarily used to identify and explain key aspects of the subject so that learners
can utilise their private study time more effectively.


These are in addition to the lectures. The seminars are designed to give learners the opportunity to test their
understanding of the material covered in the lectures and private study with the help of reference books.
This methodology usually carries a set of questions identified in advance. Seminars are interactive sessions
led by the learners. This method of study gives the learner an excellent opportunity to clarify any points of
difficulty with the tutor and simultaneously develop their oral communication skills.


An important learning methodology is the extensive use of case studies. They enable learners to apply the
concepts that they learn in their subjects. The learners have to study the case, analyse the facts presented
and arrive at conclusions and recommendations. This assists in the assessment of the learner’s ability to
apply to the real world the tools and techniques of analysis which they have learnt. The case study serves
as a supplement to the theoretical knowledge imparted through the course work.


Any act of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with according to the colleges and awarding bodies’
regulations. In this context the definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work as your won. It includes copying information directly from the
web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort;
copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework form another student and submitting it as your
own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with
according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student
code of conduct.)

Academic Misconduct’ Statement:

‘Academic Misconduct’ is a term used to describe a deliberate attempt by a student to take unfair
advantage over other students to undermine the quality, standards and credibility of the programmes and
qualifications offer by UKCBC. Academic Misconduct includes: plagiarism; collusion; falsification;
replication; cheating; bribery; and impersonation. A student suspected of Academic Misconduct will be
investigated by the College and appropriate action will be taken.

‘Contract Cheating’ Statement:

‘Contract Cheating’ is defined by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) as occurring when, “a third party
completes work for a student who then submits it to an education provider as their own, where such input
is not permitted.” Such third party companies have become known as ‘essay mills’, and it is the
responsibility of students to avoid contact and association with such third party companies throughout their
entire period of study. A student suspected of Contract Cheating will be investigated by the College and
appropriate action will be taken.

The module will be assessed meeting all the LO as specified by the awarding body, Pearson.

Please read the instructions carefully while addressing the tasks specified.

Contribution: 100% of the module

6.0 Assignment Brief Section

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in


Assignment Brief

Unit Number and Title Unit 38: Database Management Systems

Academic Year September 2018

Unit Tutor Mr Suneth

Assignment Title Design and Implementation of a database system.

Issue Date 03 June 2019

Submission Date 12 August 2019

IV Name & Date Raj K

Submission Format


The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings,
paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced
using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing
system. The recommended word limit is 500–1,500 words, although you will not be penalised for
exceeding the total word limit. (LO1)

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Analyse different types of database management systems

Assignment Brief and Guidance

You have been appointed as a database consultant for a leading company who provides database
management solutions for companies. As part of your role, you have been asked to produce a report on
different types of database management systems. Your report should include a critical evaluation of
different types of database management systems, comparison of different types of database models and
the efficiency of relational database model.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Analyse different types of database management systems

P1 Compare and contrast the M1 Assess how relational database D1 Critically evaluate different
different types of database models and the process of database management systems
models. normalisation can provide reliable available in relation to open
and efficient data structures. source and vendor-specific
platforms, justifying the criteria
used in the evaluation.

LO2 Design a database management system using a relational model to meet client requirements
LO3 Develop a database management system using a suitable platform
Submission Format

Part 1: The submission is in the form of a fully functional database management systems demonstrated
to the tutor (LO2 & LO3)

Part 2 An individual report.

Your report written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are
required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be
supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a
bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 1,000–2,000 words,
although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO2 Design a database management system using a relational model to meet client requirements
LO3 Develop a database management system using a suitable platform
Assignment Brief and Guidance

Part 1 :

You work as a database developer for a leading company who provides database solutions for
companies. As part of your role, you have been asked to design and develop a database management
systems using relational model to meet the client requirements of a company of your choice.

Before you start the design and development process your manager has asked to produce a set of user
and systems requirements, for the design and development of a relational database management system.

Your design should include, physical system design, logical design, application design and a test plan.
Your development should include creating, setting up and maintaining data tables, applying data
validation rules, generating outputs, application and user interface, SQL statements to extract,
manipulate and modify data, applying security measures to control access to data, user authorisations ,
testing the database solution, reviewing the solution and optimising the solution.

An individual 10-15 minutes demonstration to the tutor of the design and development of the database


Part 2

An extended individual report containing all the user and the system requirements, the screenshots of the
design and development of the database management system with detail annotations. In addition
critically evaluate the effectiveness of the system design and development against client and system
requirements and analyse how the design optimise systems performance.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO2 Design a database management system using a relational model to meet client requirements
LO3 Develop a database management system using a suitable platform

P2 Produce a design for a M2 Analyse how the design will LO2 & LO3
relational database management optimise system performance. D2 Critically evaluate the
system to meet client effectiveness of the system design
requirements and development against client
and system requirements

P3 Develop a fully functional M3 Implement effective features

system which meets client and in the solution to handle
system requirements, using an concurrency, security, user
open source language (with an authorisations and data recovery.
application software e.g. MySQL
with front end Microsoft Access).
P4 Test the system for
functionality and performance.

LO4 Demonstrate the system administration and management tools available on the chosen platform

Submission Format

Part 1: The submission is in the form of a ten-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® style presentation to be
presented to your colleagues and the tutor. The presentation can include links to performance data with
additional speaker notes and a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The presentation
slides for the findings should be submitted with speaker notes. You are required to make effective use of
headings, bullet points and subsections as appropriate. Your research should be referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 500 words, including speaker notes,
although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Part 2 An individual written report. Your report written in a concise, formal business style using single
spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as
appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing
system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended
word limit is 500–1,000 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO4 Demonstrate the system administration and management tools available on the chosen

Assignment Brief and Guidance

Part 1

You have been asked by your chosen company to present and demonstrate the system administration and
management tools available in your chosen database platform. Your presentation should include core
database administration tasks and tools, setting up and managing data storage for servers and users,
backup and recovery routines for data and applications, managing authorisations, managing security and
encryption, importing and exporting data, trace database activity, monitoring performance and
optimising performance, audit trails, managing alerts and notifications and database maintenance
including setting up automatic routines.

Part 2

An individual written report that assess the effectiveness of the system administration and management
tools available on the chosen platform and any future improvements that may be required to for effective
operation of the database management system.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO4 Demonstrate the system administration and management tools available on the chosen platform

P5 Demonstrate the tools M4 Assess the effectiveness of D3 Assess any future

available in the system to monitor the system administration and improvements that may be
and optimise system performance, management tools available on required to ensure the continued
and examine the audit logs. the platform identifying any effectiveness of the database
P6 Demonstrate the tools shortcomings of the tools system
available in the system to manage
security and authorisations.

7.0 Assignment Guidelines:
 File Format
 Assignments should be uploaded on E-Learning platform before the deadline
 Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless mitigating and may
be entitled for a late fee.
 Assignments must be submitted in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx
or .pdf
 Do not submit html files, web pages, CAD files, Visio (.vsd), PowerPoint (.ppt) or zip files
unless these are specifically required for your course
 If you are not sure about the file format required contact your lecturer

 Assignment Format
 Use a common format for the questions, for example:
 Introduction (analyse the question.)
 Underpinning Knowledge (write about the relevant theory/points)
 Applied knowledge (Data Analysis)
 Conclusions and Recommendations (summarising the whole scenario keeping in
view pass, merit, distinction criteria.)
 In order to PASS you need to address all the LO
 In order to get a MERIT you need to address the characteristics of Pass and address M1,
M2,M3 and M4
 In order to get a DISTINCTION you need to address the characteristics of Pass, merit and
address D1, D2 and D3.

 Fonts
 Use a clear, readable font such as Verdana, Calibri, Tahoma or Arial, and be consistent and
use the same font throughout
 Use black text on a white background. Avoid coloured backgrounds or text in a colour
other than black unless you have special permission to use them (for example, if you're
 Use 12 point for the body of your assignment

 Spacing
 Use 1.5 or double spacing and fairly wide margins: this leaves room for the marker’s
 Leave a blank line between paragraphs
 If the questions are short, leave a blank line between each question; If they are long, start
each question on a new page
 Left-justify your work (also known as left-aligned). AVOID block-justified (flush left and
right); it might look tidy, but it is harder to read as it can result in gaps between words.

 Headings
 Use bold for headings. Do not use underlining or italics
 Essays do not usually require subheadings; reports usually do

 Title Page
 The title and number of the assignment
 The course number and name
 The due date
 Your full name and student number
 This information should be centred, starting approximately one third of the way down the
 Numbering
 Number all pages except the title page
 Tables and figures must be numbered and clearly labelled
 Table captions are placed above the table, while captions for a figures go below the figure
 Do not number the items in a Reference List

 Headers and Footers

 Insert a header or footer on each page (except the title page). It should contain:
 your name (last name, first name/s)
 your student number
 the assignment number
 the page number

 Word Count
 The (approx) word limit for this assignment 5500 to 6000 words
 Any specified word limit in the assignment brief is for guidance purpose only. It is there to
give an indication of the level of depth that may be needed to provide sufficient evidence.
 You will not be penalised for producing work outside this limit but should ensure your word
count is adequate to meet the assessment objectives.
 Remember that the title/title page, reference list and appendices are not included in the
word count

 Reference List
 You must ensure that all external sources used to provide evidence in your work must be
referenced accordingly to avoid plagiarism and collusion
 All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully
acknowledged, such as books and journals, websites (include the date of visit)
 You must use correct and consistent Harvard referencing style
 A full reference list should be at the end of the assignment, and should start on a new page
labelled 'References' or ‘Reference List’
 Appendices
 Use for information that is too long to include in the body of your assignment
 Use for information that supplements or complements the information you are providing
 Start each appendix (if applicable) on a new page. If there's just one appendix label it
‘Appendix’ without a number, but if there are more than one label them Appendix A,
Appendix B, etc. In the main text of your assignment, refer to the Appendix by the label,
e.g. Appendix A.

8.0 : Glossary of terms used for internally assessed units

This is a summary of the key terms used to define the requirements within units.

Term Definition

Analyse Present the outcome of methodical and detailed examination either:

● breaking down a theme, topic or situation in order to interpret and
study the interrelationships between the parts and/or

● of information or data to interpret and study key trends and


Analysis can be through activity, practice, written or verbal


Apply Put into operation or use.

Use relevant skills/knowledge/understanding appropriate to context.

Arrange Organise or make plans.

Assess Offer a reasoned judgement of the standard/quality of a situation or a
skill informed by relevant facts.
Calculate Generate a numerical answer with workings shown.
Compare Identify the main factors relating to two or more items/situations or
aspects of a subject that is extended to explain the similarities,
differences, advantages and disadvantages.

This is used to show depth of knowledge through selection of


Compose Create or make up or form.

Communicate Convey ideas or information to others.

Create/construct skills to make or do something, for example a

display or set of accounts.

Create/Const Skills to make or do something, for example, a display or set of

ruct accounts.
Critically Separate information into components and identify characteristics
analyse with depth to the justification.
Critically Make a judgement taking into account different factors and using
evaluate available knowledge/experience/evidence where the judgement is
supported in depth.

Term Definition

Define State the nature, scope or meaning.

Describe Give an account, including all the relevant characteristics, qualities
and events.
Discuss Consider different aspects of a theme or topic, how they interrelate,
and the extent to which they are important.
Demonstrate Show knowledge and understanding.
Design Plan and present ideas to show the
Develop Grow or progress a plan, ideas, skills and understanding
Differentiate Recognise or determine what makes something different.
Discuss Give an account that addresses a range of ideas and arguments.
Evaluate Work draws on varied information, themes or concepts to consider
aspects, such as:
● strengths or weaknesses

● advantages or disadvantages

● alternative actions

● relevance or significance.

Students’ inquiries should lead to a supported judgement showing

relationship to its context. This will often be in a conclusion. Evidence
will often be written but could be through presentation or activity.

Explain To give an account of the purposes or reasons.

Explore Skills and/or knowledge involving practical research or testing.

Identify Indicate the main features or purpose of something by recognising it

and/or being able to discern and understand facts or qualities.
Illustrate Make clear by using examples or provide diagrams.
Indicate Point out, show.

Interpret State the meaning, purpose or qualities of something through the use
of images, words or other expression.
Investigate Conduct an inquiry or study into something to discover and examine
facts and information.
Justify Learners give reasons or evidence to:
● support an opinion
● prove something is right or reasonable.

Outline Set out the main points/characteristics.

Plan Consider, set out and communicate what is to be done.

Term Definition

Produce To bring into existence.

Reconstruct To assemble again/reorganise/form an impression.
Report Adhere to protocols, codes and conventions where findings or
judgements are set down in an objective way.
Review Make a formal assessment of work produced.

The assessment allows learners to:

● appraise existing information or prior events

● reconsider information with the intention of making changes, if


Show how Demonstrate the application of certain methods/theories/concepts.

Stage and Organisation and management skills, for example, running an event
manage or a business pitch.
State Express.
Suggest Give possible alternatives, produce an idea, put forward, for example,
an idea or plan, for consideration.

Undertake/ Use a range of skills to perform a task, research or activity.

carry out

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