Ground Vibrations Caused by Soil Compaction: July 2021
Ground Vibrations Caused by Soil Compaction: July 2021
Ground Vibrations Caused by Soil Compaction: July 2021
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1 author:
K. Rainer Massarsch
Geo Risk & Vibration Scandinavia AB
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Massarsch, K. R., 2002. ”Ground Vibrations Caused by Soil Compaction”. Wave 2002. Proceedings, International Workshop,
Okayama, Japan, pp 25 - 37.
ABSTRACT: Presently used empirical methods do not account for many important aspects of ground vibra-
tions, for, instance the dynamic interaction between the energy source and the soil. Also the influence of dy-
namic soil properties on wave propagation is generally neglected. A concept is presented, which describes the
dynamic resistance of the compaction source. Two cases are discussed, the impact of a rigid plate on an elas-
tic half-space and the energy transfer to the soil from the shaft of a cylindrical compaction probe. Soil imped-
ance and rate of loading determine the dynamic soil response and thus ground vibrations. There is an upper
limit to the vibrations, which can be transmitted to the soil. Based on a closed-form solution it is possible to
assess the relationship between static and the dynamic soil resistance. In the vicinity of the compaction
source, shear wave velocity and thus soil impedance are strongly affected by strain level. A relationship is
proposed for estimating the reduction of shear wave velocity with shear strain. It is possible to estimate the
vibration intensity at the compaction source and to predict vibration propagation from the base and the shaft
of a compaction probe. The variation of force with time (loading rate) of an impacting plate, and thus the pre-
dominant vibration frequency can be estimated from time factors. Resonance effects can occur during com-
paction, which amplify ground vibrations. A case history is presented, which illustrates the compaction of a
deposit of sand using a falling weight. The results of extensive vibration measurements on the impacting plate
and in the soil are reported and compared with the proposed analytical solutions.
Drop height
Particle Velocity
Pdyn / Pstat
ν: 0,3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
qs = (ts π) / T0
Figure 5. Ratio between the dynamic and the static force in dry sand and in sand below the ground water, cf. Figure 3.
It can be concluded that ground vibrations will be to the dynamic energy, which can be transferred
significantly higher in water-saturated soils. Also, from the compaction probe to the surrounding soil,
with increasing soil compaction, the shear wave ve- cf. Equation 8. This depends mainly on the shear
locity and thus ts increases and result in higher wave velocity at large strain (in the transition from
ground vibrations. the plastic to the elasto-plastic zone). However, with
increasing soil densification, the dynamic soil resis-
tance increases, and thus also the level of ground vi-
3.3 Evaluation of the Dynamic Shaft Resistance brations.
From equation 7 and 8 can be concluded that
3.3.1 Vertical Ground Vibrations ground vibrations generated along the shaft of the
The dynamic resistance acting along the shaft of a compaction probe will increase with increasing
vertically vibrating compaction probe can be esti- shear wave velocity. Thus, increasing soil densifica-
mated similar to the concept presented in the previ- tion will results in higher ground vibration ampli-
ous section. However, dynamic shaft resistance can tudes.
be estimate more easily if it is assumed that the Vibrations will be transmitted from the shaft of
probe moves as a rigid cylinder. Along the perime- the compaction probe to the soil as vertically polar-
ter, the dynamic shaft resistance can be estimated ized shear waves. This cylindrical wave front is
from similar to that of a Rayleigh wave and has the same
geometric damping.
τ dyn = v z s (7) It can be difficult to predict along which section
where v is the loading velocity and zs is the soil im- of the compaction probe (or pile) the maximum
pedance amount of vibration energy will be disseminated.
This depends on several factors, the most important
zs = c s ρ (8) of which are the rigidity of the compaction probe
(probe impedance) and the dynamic probe-soil inter-
where cs is the strain-dependent shear wave velocity action (impedance ratio between soil and probe).
and ρ is the soil density. The total shaft resistance
results from the combined effect of the static and the
dynamic component. Again, there is an upper limit
3.3.2 Horizontal Ground Vibrations erwise, too high impedance values will be obtained,
In the geotechnical literature is often assumed that in which over-predict the dynamic soil resistance and
the case of a vertically oscillating probe or pile, only thus vibration levels in the vicinity of the energy
vertical ground vibrations are generated from the source.
shaft, cf. previous section. However, in addition to The shear wave velocity can be measured in the
vertically polarised shear waves, also horizontal vi- field or in the laboratory, or estimated from empiri-
brations can exist in granular soils, Massarsch cal relationships. However, it is not generally recog-
(2002). This is due to the friction between the shaft nized that the shear wave velocity decreases even at
of the compaction probe and the soil. The horizontal relatively low strain levels. Figure 7 shows the result
stress changes result in a compression wave, which of a resonant column test on a reconstituted sample
contributes beneficially to the compaction of the of medium dense sand. The shear modulus and the
soil, as the lateral earth pressure increases. Figure 6 shear wave velocity decrease when a critical shear
shows the results of field measurements during vi- strain level (approximately 10-3 %) is exceeded.
bratory compaction, Krogh & Lindgren (1997). At a strain level of 0,1 %, the shear modulus and
the shear wave velocity have decreased from 76
50 MPa to 25 MPa, and from 205 m/s to 120 m/s, re-
spectively. This effect is significant, especially in
Velocity, mm/s
Shear Modulus
70 200
Shear Wave
V l it
60 180
50 160
40 140
30 120
20 100
0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1
Sheaer Strain ( %)
Figure 7. Resonant column test on a reconstituted sample of medium dense sand. Shear modulus (left axis) and shear wave velocity
(right axis) as a function of shear strain level (semi-logarithmic scale).
Rc = c/cmax
0,40 5 10 15 20
25 30 35 40
45 50 80 60
0,001 0,01 0,1 1
Figure 8. Effect of shear strain on shear wave velocity as a function of soil plasticity.
pact loading. 6
8 Groundwater
P dyn / P stat
4 qs = 2,09
Pdyn/Pstat = 0,52 ν: 0,3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
qs = (ts π ) / T0
Figure 13. Acceleration measured on the pounder during im-
pact. Indicated is the estimate time factor, T0. Figure 15. Estimation of dynamic soil resistance and vibration
amplification, cf. Figure 5.
From the acceleration measurement the impact ve-
locity can be determined by integration. From the The penetration of the pounder can be calculated by
measured acceleration and the pounder mass the double integration of the acceleration record. Figure
force can be calculated. If the applied stress is plot- 16 shows the movement of the pounder during im-
ted against the velocity, the specificsoil impedance pact, and the calculated penetration depth was about
can be readily determined, Figure 14. 0.35 m. This value is in good agreement with field
observations and confirms the accuracy of the accel-
eration measurements.
2.5 10
z0 = σ/v = 1,47⋅106 / 4
2.0 10
6 = 375 000 N/m3⋅s.
Stress, N/m2
cs: 90 m/s
-5x 10
2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Figure 16. Pounder penetration into the ground as determined
from acceleration record, cf. Figure 13.
Velocity, m/s
Figure 14. Soil impedance determination from pounder impact
record. Figure 17 shows vibration measurements at increas-
ing distance from the vibration source on the ground
The specific soil impedance corresponds to 375 surface. The predominant frequency of 12 Hz can be
kN/m3s. From the measured impedance, the shear estimated from the vibration record and is in good
wave velocity in the zone of impact (elasto-plastic agreement with the frequency estimated from the
zone) below the pounder can now be determined. time factor, T0, cf. Equation 15. The wave propaga-
Assuming a soil density of 1,9 t/m3 and a wave ve- tion velocity determined from the arrival time inter-
locity ratio s = 0,53, a shear wave velocity of 90 to vals corresponds to approximately 400 m/s.
110 m/s is obtained. This shear wave velocity is ap-
proximately 50 % of the shear wave velocity meas-
ured at small strain. 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
From the acceleration record, T0 and the shear
wave velocity, the parameter qs can be determined. It Vibrations caused by soil compaction are important
is then possible to estimate the dynamic soil resis- when planning projects in urbanized areas or in the
tance and the vibration amplification, Figure 15. In vicinity of vibration-sensitive structures or installa-
the present case, qs = 0.52, which is a relatively low tions. In spite of its practical importance, little quan-
value, which is probably due to the large plate di- titative information has been reported in the litera-
ameter and the low shear wave velocity at impact. ture about this problem. Most correlations are of an
empirical nature and neglect important aspect, such
as interaction between the energy source and the
ground, and wave propagation in the ground.
larized shear waves. However, in granular soils, due
to soil friction, also horizontal vibrations are created.
Ground vibrations increase during soil compac-
50 tion and also the vibration frequency increases. An-
other important factor is vibration amplification,
10 m which occurs during vibratory compaction when the
operating frequency approaches the frequency of the
vibrator-probe-soil system.
150 Results of extensive field tests during compaction
trials at Changi airport are described. The energy
Particle Velocity, mm/s