Wheal Jane Minewater Study
Wheal Jane Minewater Study
f \ l R A - S o J VV> “f - 4 '-f
Environmental Appraisal
and Treatment Strategy
N a tio n a l Rivers A u th ority
Wheal Jane is an abandoned underground tin mine in Cornwall. After mine closure in 1991,
underground pumping ceased, allowing groundwater levels to recover, releasing acidic metal
laden minewater into the Camon River. The result was a highly visible and widely reported
pollution incident extending into the Fal Estuary.
• Amelioration of the effects of the metal rich minewater from Wheal Jane on the
Camon River and Fal Estuary.
• Research into the most appropriate and cost effective long term treatment strategies
for achieving various water quality objectives.
This report provides the basis for the NRA’s recommendations, to the DoE, on the long-term
options for treating the Wheal Jane minewater.
The mines in the Camon Valley have been worked as far back as 2000 BC, although
extensive mining only began in the 17th Century. By the 1850s the mines in the Camon
Valley were the largest group of copper producers in the world.
• The deposition of metal-rich silt in the Camon River, Restronguet Creek and Carrick
• Dewatering and lowering of the groundwater table by both pumping and the
construction of drainage tunnels (adits).
• Elevated metal concentrations in the local watercourses and the Fal Estuary.
Following mine closure and the cessation of dewatering, it became apparent that a release
of minewater into the Camon River was inevitable. As minewater rose to the level of
drainage adits, the NRA exercised its statutory powers to instigate an emergency treatment
system. Despite attempts at treatment, there was an uncontrolled release of minewater on
January 13, 1992 after an adit plug failed.
Water quality in the Camon River and the estuary was greatly affected, with concentrations
o f many metals exceeding Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) by up to two orders of
magnitude. The release of high iron loadings also caused short-term discolouration of
Restronguet Creek and the Carrick Roads.
The treatment system, instigated by the NRA, has since been progressively upgraded and
• the addition of hydrated lime to neutralise the acidic water, resulting in the formation
of a metal hydroxide precipitate (metalliferous sludge);
• sedimentation and storage of the resultant metalliferous sludge in the Clemows Valley
Tailings Dam.
The existing treatment system is located on the Wheal Jane mine site and is operated on
behalf of the NRA by South Crofty pic.
The system currently treats on average 155 1/s but now has sufficient capacity to handle up
to 300 1/s. Monitoring has indicated that on average 97.5% of the metals are recovered from
the treated minewater. By the end of 1994, the system had removed some 12 500 t of metal
from the outflowing minewater and has been responsible for minimising the environmental
impact on the Fal Estuary. Monitoring has demonstrated that the effects of the minewater
release on both water quality and discolouration were short-lived. There appears to have
been no major adverse effects from the incident on the biota of the estuary.
Although the existing treatment strategy has significantly reduced the release of untreated
minewater to the Camon River, an overflow of untreated minewater still occurs during the
winter and spring from Nangiles Adit. Metal concentrations in the Wheal Jane mine have
declined since 1992 and are typically one order of magnitude lower, as can be seen on
Figure EX. 1. Metal concentrations in the Camon River have also declined rapidly and are
now at pre-incident levels.
The Wheal Jane complex, together with County Adit, are the major sources of contamination
in the Camon River. However, significant amounts of metals also are contributed from other
tributaries and non-point sources. For this reason there would still be a significant metal
loading in the Camon River even if the two major point sources (Wheal Jane and County
Adit) were treated.
Based on statutory ana other requirements, the following water quality objectives have been
adopted for the Camon River:
• The "North Sea Commitments" objective : to achieve a reduction in the zinc loading
in line with UK commitments made at the 1985 North Sea Conference.
• The "EC Directive" objective : to achieve full compliance with the EC Dangerous
Substances Directives.
In addition a "No Treatment" scenario (do nothing option) has been considered.
The maximum permissible metal concentrations allowable for each of water quality objectives
are summarised in Table EX-1, together with the predicted metal concentrations for the "No
Treatment" scenario.
Notes : EC Directive EQS values based on hardness > 250 mg/1 CaCOj/1.
AA ... Annual Average
(T) ... Total metal; (D) ... Dissolved metal.
n/a ... not available
W here a particular objective does not contain targets for every parameter, the values ascribed in the
prcccding obj*xlive have been applied.
An assessment was made of how much minewater from Wheal Jane would need to be treated
in order for the river to meet the various water quality objectives. The treatment
requirements necessary to achieve the "No Deterioration" and "North Sea Commitments"
water quality objectives are summarised in Table EX-2.
Modelling of water quality in the Camon River has indicated that the EC Directive Objective
cannot be achieved, even if all the waters from both Wheal Jane and County Adit were
treated. This is due to the presence of unidentified diffuse sources of contamination
associated with other abandoned mineworkings.
As part of the development of a long-term treatment strategy, studies have been undertaken
to assess the potential for minimising the environmental impact of the minewater by:
• Passive treatment.
• Active treatment.
• Prevention and control.
The treatment of acidic metal-rich minewaters using passive systems is well established, with
the design of each passive system dependent upon site specific criteria.
A pilot treatment plant has been constructed in the Camon Valley and has been designed to
treat up to 1.7 1/s of minewater (1% of the average outflow). A series of treatment cells
promote the removal of iron, arsenic and manganese by aerobic processes, and cadmium,
copper and zinc by anaerobic processes. The pilot plant also incorporates alternative
methods of pre-treatment using an anoxic limestone drain and a small lime-dose plant which
are intended to enhance the efficiency of metal removal in the aerobic and anaerobic cells.
Passive treatment is based upon "natural” biological systems which must be allowed to reach
maturity before performance can be evaluated. Definitive results from the pilot plant will
therefore not be available for a period of 2 to 3 years.
The preliminary passive treatment plant sizing and costings have revealed that, based on the
current metal loadings:
• The Indicative capital cost of a passive treatment to meet the "No Deterioration” and
"North Sea Commitments" Objectives with a 5% annual probability of non-
compliance would be £15 - 28 million.
Passive treatment within the Camon Valley may offer a technically feasible long term
solution for treating either diffuse sources of contamination, or Wheal Jane minewater,
should the metal loadings decay significantly.
Active treatment systems involve the continuous mixing of reagents with the minewater. An
active system is typically cheaper to build than an equivalent passive scheme but the annual
running costs are greater.
The existing treatment strategy is one form of active treatment. The existing
treatment system has sufficient capacity to meet the "No Deterioration" and "North
Sea Commitments" objectives with a 5% annual probability of non-compliance.
However the capacity o f the dam restricts the life of the existing treatment system to
between 5 and 14 years (ie. until the end of 2000 and 2010 respectively).
Whilst the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam remains available for both effluent
clarification and sludge storage, the existing treatment system offers the most cost
effective method of treatment.
The applicability of various active treatment options has been appraised together with
an assessment of possible sites for the storage of the metalliferous sludge produced
by an active treatment system. The main conclusions from these studies are:
• The most cost effective location for an active plant is at the Wheal Jane Mine
The capital and annual operating costs for an active system, discounted to net present
values, are summarised in Table EX-4.
111 High density sludge product dewatered using frame and plate filters.
131 Assumptions: Continued existing treatment for 1 year whilst plant is built.
Mine site sludge disposal into the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam.
Off site sludge disposal to a licenced landfill site.
A number of potential options for reducing the quantity of contaminated water released from
the mine have been considered but are not appropriate at Wheal Jane. The only potentially
viable method of amelioration is the control of stream/groundwater interaction. The mining
company has carried out stream works in the past to control this interaction. Consequently
the potential for further flow reduction is considered to be small, although this remains to
be confirmed.
The cost o f sludge disposal currently represents about 30% of the costs associated with the
existing treatment system. The sludge is deposited into the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam
under a contract with South Crofty pic.
• The Clemows Valley Tailings Dam is the preferred location for metalliferous sludge
• The installation o f an active treatment plant would, unlike the existing treatment
system, enable long-term disposal of sludge into the tailings dam.
• Disposal to land within the mine site is probably the next cheapest alternative.
• Alternative locations exist within the vicinity of the mine for sludge disposal, but
development costs and planning restrictions could be severe.
• Waste products arising from full scale passive operations should be contained within
the treatment cells where possible.
Three possible sites within the Camon Valley have been considered for the location of a long
term minewater treatment plant, namely the Camon Valley Tailings Deposits, Wheal Jane
Mine site and Point Mills. It has been concluded that:
• The Wheal Jane Mine site is the preferred location for an active treatment plant.
• The Camon Valley Tailings Deposits are the most suitable site for a passive treatment
• The most secure method of recovering minewater for treatment is by pumping from
the Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft.
The economic appraisal has assessed the costs and economic benefits associated with
achieving each of the water quality objectives. Economic benefits have been appraised
relative to the "No Treatment" option.
The approach taken towards the assessment of costs and benefits has been based on the use
of social cost-benefit analysis techniques, including the valuation of environmental costs and
benefits. It should be noted that it has not been possible to place monetary values on all
predicted environmental effects.
Discounted benefit estimates for each of the water quality objectives have been calculated on
the following basis:
The discounted benefit estimates for the base case assumptions are presented in Table EX-5,
which shows that there is no difference in the level of benefits accrued under the "North Sea
Commitments" and "EC Directive" objectives. It is, however, important to note that the
improved water quality associated with the "EC Directive" is likely to provide greater
protection of the conservation status of the area.
A sensitivity analysis was carried out by the development of low and high benefit estimates
for each o f the impact categories. The greatest sensitivity related to impacts on the maerl
industry and property values under the lower benefit case and impacts on the sea bass
fishery, oyster fishery and maerl industry under the higher benefit case.
Other predicted impacts which were considered to be significant, but for which it was not
possible to derive a monetary valuation, include the effect on:
• the conservation value of the area, including the marine biota and bird populations;
• the smaller commercial fisheries (such as crabs) and recreational fisheries other than
that for sea bass;
The costs derived from the economic benefit appraisal have been used together with the
estimated treatment costs to calculate the net present value (NPV) and Benefit Cost Ratio
(B/C ratio) for project lives of 5,10, 25 and 50 years. As the same average predicted
treatment rate (190 1/s) is required to achieve both the "No Deterioration" and "North Sea
Commitments”, water quality objectives, with an annual probability of failure, of not greater
than 5%, a detailed cost/benefit analysis has only been undertaken for the "North Sea
Commitments" objectives.
The cost estimates have confirmed that the existing treatment system is the most cost-
effective method of treating the Wheal Jane minewater. However, the system relies on the
availability of Clemows Valley Tailings Dam which has a remaining life of between 5 and
14 years.
The short-term strategy is the continued operation of the existing treatment facility.
This will enable:
• Further monitoring and the more certain prediction of the decline in Wheal
Jane metal concentrations. These concentrations determine the size of the
required long-term treatment plant and therefore any further reduction will
result in a more cost-effective long-term solution.
• The development of an integrated water quality model for the Camon Valley.
• The identification and assessment of treatment options for the major areas of
diffuse contamination.
The cost benefit analysis for the existing treatment system (Table EX-6) indicates a
benefit-cost ratio of over 4 and a net present value in excess of £10 million for a five
year project timescale.
PV - Present Value
NPV - Net Present Value
B/C - Benefit/Cost
Assumes that the Clemows Valley tailings dam is used solely for
minewater sludge deposition from 1996 onwards.
• Active treatment is the only technically proven method of achieving both the
"No Deterioration” and "North Sea Commitments" objectives with an annual
probability of non-compliance of not greater than 5 %.
• For a 50 year project life, the discounted cost of active treatment with sludge
disposal on site is £15 million, which is less than the upper bound cost of
building a passive treatment plant to achieve the "No Deterioration" objective
with a 50% annual probability of non-compliance.
The cost-benefit analysis for the continued use of the existing treatment system
followed by implementation of the recommended long-term system in 2000 is
summarised in Table EX-7, and indicates that:
Table EX-7 : Proposed Future Treatment Strategy - Base Case Benefit Analysis
Assumptions 5 years operation of the existing treatment plant followed by the commissioning of an Active treatment
Compliance with the "No Deterioration” and 'North Sea Commitments" water quality objectives with a
less than 8% annual probability of non-compliance.
The effect on the present value project cost of delaying the implementation of the long
term treatment system has been established on the assumption that the existing system
is operated for either an additional 1, 5 or 12 years and replaced after this period with
an active system. The projected cash flow and present value of the costs for these
options are summarised in Figure EX.2. Figure EX.2 indicates that, on the
assumption that the tailings dam is solely for the use of sludge deposition from
January 1996 onwards, the lowest present value cost is achieved by deferring plant
construction for as long as practicable.
Period Activity
1996-2000 Continued operation of the existing treatment system.
1996-1999 On-going data collection, planning studies, etc.
1999 Reappraisal of the treatment requirements and detailed design of the long
term treatment system.
2000 Construction and commissioning of the long term treatment system at the
mine site.
2001-onwards Active treatment with sludge disposal to the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam.
Year Existing Existing Treatment Plant Replaced by
Treatment Full Active Plant after:
Costs based on treating an average of 190 1/s to achieve "No Deterioration" and "North Sea Committments" objectives
with a 5% annual probability of non compliance
Detailed studies have been undertaken to establish possible long term treatment options for
the Camon River and in particular the Wheal Jane minewater problem. The main
conclusions from these studies are:
(i) Wheal Jane and County Adit are the two major sources of contaminated water
entering the Camon River.
(ii) Unidentified diffuse sources of contamination exist within the Camon Valley from
other abandoned mine workings.
(iii) The metal concentrations in the Wheal Jane minewater are reducing with time. The
total metal concentrations have decayed exponentially from in excess of 3000 mg/1
in 1992 to approximately 500 mg/1 in 1994. However, the rate of decline has
reduced and a longer data set is required before a reliable trend can be established.
(iv) Water quality modelling using the average minewater metal concentrations measured
during the period October 1993 to September 1994, indicates:
(a) Under the "No Treatment" option the metal concentrations in the Camon
River would be an order of magnitude higher than current levels and there
would be widespread and prolonged iron discolouration in the Fal Estuary.
(b) The current average treatment rate of 155 1/s will achieve the "No
Deterioration" water quality objective with less than a 50% annual probability
of non-compliance for all metals other than iron.
(d) The "EC Directive" water quality objective cannot be achieved by treating
only the Wheal Jane and County Adit waters because of high contamination
from other diffuse sc urces.
(vii) Treatment beyond 2000 can be most cost effectively provided using active technology.
(viii) The preferred location for an active treatment facility is on the Wheal Jane mine site
with disposal of sludge to the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam. The benefit-cost ratio
for long-term treatment in this way is approximately 2.
(ix) The life of the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam can be extended beyond the year 2000
by the use of an active treatment system designed to minimise the volume of sludge
(x) The passive treatment trials are, to date, inconclusive and further testing is required
to confirm the efficacy of this type of system for long term use at Wheal Jane.
The main recommendations from the study are:
(i) The existing treatment system should continue for at least three years from April 1996
to March 1999.
(ii) The treatment plant should be operated to achieve the "No Deterioration” Water
Quality Objective with a 5 % annual probability of non-compliance.
(iii) The pilot passive treatment trials should continue for at least three years from April
1996 to March 1999.
(iv) The following studies should be carried out to determine future treatment needs:
• Further develop an integrated water quality model for the Camon River.
The Wheal Jane workings were dewatered by continuous pumping during the
mining operations. After mine closure in March 1991, underground pumping
ceased, and the groundwater level within the mine was allowed to recover.
Following formal notice of closure from the then mine owners (Camon
Consolidated Ltd), it became apparent to the NRA that a release of minewater
into the Camon River was inevitable. The NRA monitored the rate of recovery
and the quality of the minewater, as well as collecting baseline environmental
data from the Camon River and Fal Estuary.
Despite the efforts of Camon Consolidated Ltd and the NRA, once groundwater
levels in the mine reached adit level, acidic metal laden minewater was released
into the Camon River. The result was a highly visible and widely reported
pollution incident, the effects of which extended into the Fal Estuary.
This report provides the basis for the NRA’s recommendations to the DoE on the
long-term options for dealing with the Wheal Jane minewater. The report has
been produced jointly by NRA South Western Region and consultants Knight
Pi£sold. Specialist economic and benefit appraisal has been provided by
consultants Risk and Policy Analysts Ltd and the report has been externally
reviewed by Dr P Younger from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The Wheal Jane mineworkings are located near the village of Baldhu in the
Camon Valley, which lies between Falmouth and Truro in south west Cornwall
(see Figure 2.1). The Camon River, which drains an area of some 45 km2,
discharges via Restronguet Creek into Carrick Roads, part of the Fal Estuary.
The resultant mineralisation, which comprises primarily tin and copper deposits,
follow the trend of the fractures and fissures and are orientated approximately
east-west. However, subsequent mineralisation, principally including lead and
zinc, with some silver, was formed at right angles to the tin and copper lodes and
are known as "caunter" lodes. The final phase of intrusion involved the
deposition of barren quartz veins and the subsequent development of clay-filled
faults also at right angles to the major tin and copper lodes. The metalliferous
deposits of the region, therefore, are primarily tin and copper but with subsidiary
lead, silver, zinc and other associated minerals.
It is believed that during the Permian age the mineralised zones were exposed
and subjected to progressive erosion. Erosion led to a cycle of deposition and
reworking of the materials and the eventual development of alluvial deposits in
the lower reaches of the rivers. Sea level changes resulted in the flooding of the
valley systems and consequently the metal rich alluvial deposits, in part, now lie
in estuarine environments, including Restronguet Creek and the Fal Estuary.
The country rock in much of the Camon Valley comprises the Devonian strata
of the Mylor series (see Figure 2.3). This is known locally as killas, a Cornish
mining term denoting the local barren rocks. The killas has been extensively
intruded by east-west trending mineral-bearing veins. These metalliferous lodes
extend throughout the Camon Valley and contain high concentrations of tin and
copper. Many deposits are also rich in pyrite and arsenic (Ref. 2).
The alluvial deposits in the lower reaches of the Camon River and in Restronguet
Creek have been covered by the silt and sand-sized waste (tailings) discarded
P c n d c c n W a ic h
Grampound Grit 52
Portscatho Beds 5~■
Falmouth Beds Middle Devonian?
"2 o '
Manaccan Beds
Vcryan Beds
Granite Igneous
G reenstone
Dodman phyllitcs
Blown Sand
-® - Gravel, including the Polcrebo Gravels (Pole)
B Pendower Formation
* | Quartz-porphyry. felsite and microgranite (Elvan)
from mineral workings in the valley. Writers in the 19th century suggested that
some 700 000 m3/yr of material was deposited annually into the navigable
channel of the Camon River and "lodged primarily where the backwater meets
the tide regularly encroaching on the creek" (Ref. 3). The fine particles within
this materia] often passed into Carrick Roads, but most of the material was either
deposited in Restronguet Creek to form the mudbanks visible at low tide or
within the Camon Valley itself.
Earliest mining activity in the Camon Valley may date from 2000 BC, and there
are reports of tin mining by the Romans in the area (Ref. 3). However,
extensive mining activity probably dates from the 17th century. By 1678, the
Poldice mine in the upper Camon Valley was a profitable tin producer and by the
early 19th century the mining area of Gwennap, part of which lies within the
Camon catchment, was reported as supplying more than a third of the world’s
copper output. By the 1850s the Consolidated Mines were the largest copper
producers in the world (Ref. 4). The output from these mines was shipped
through the port of Devoran which, for a short period, was the largest mineral
port in Cornwall.
The quantity of mining wastes deposited over the years into the Camon River and
entering Restronguet Creek has caused considerable migration of the tidal limit.
In 1620, Bissoe was a tidal port capable of receiving boats of up to 200 tons.
An 1827 report indicates that the creek formerly extended much further up the
Camon Valley, but gravel and silt from the mining industry had choked the
upper navigation channel, filling the valley with alluvial matter up to 12 m deep.
Nevertheless, Restronguet Creek was still navigable in 1889 for vessels of
300 tons as far as the village of Devoran (Ref. 3).
The creek has been worked in the past to recover metals. The first reports of
this relate to the extraction of tin and date back to 1778. The year of 1824
marked the start of a 20-year period when extensive volumes of tin were mined
from estuarine muds in the creek.
with only small scale reworking of old mine dumps and alluvial deposits taking
place. The reworking of old tailings deposits continued sporadically until the late
The Wheal Jane complex includes some workings of great antiquity but few
detailed records of the earliest mining activities are available. By the 18th
century the Wheal Jane workings, together with West Wheal Jane, were a major
producer of tin with lesser quantities of copper and arsenic (Ref. 4) and later
became a major producer of pyrite (Ref. 6). Nevertheless, working ceased
temporarily in about 1875. Nangiles and Wheal Widden worked the same lode
structure as Wheal Jane and all these mines were subsequently amalgamated into
the Falmouth Consolidated Group, which was dissolved in 1915.
The modem workings began in 1970 when, after four years of development
work, Consolidated Goldfields Ltd reopened Wheal Jane. During the 1970s,
there were only four working underground mines in Cornwall two of which,
Wheal Jane and Mount Wellington, were in the Camon Valley. Wheal Jane was
the first new major tin mine to be opened in 50 years and one of the largest
metal mines ever worked in the UK.
The development work included dewatering of the old workings, the sinking of
a new shaft (Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft) to 366 m, with deepening and widening of
the adjacent Clemows Shaft. The mill constructed on the site included innovative
refining techniques to process 600 t/day of ore. The concentrates (tin and
copper/zinc) were shipped via Truro harbour to both UK and Swedish smelters,
and the waste product from the refining process, comprising 95% of the mill
throughput, was discharged into the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam. At start-up
the mine employed some 440 people. Water pumped from underground was lime
dosed and discharged via the tailings dam into the Clemows Stream.
Over the next 21 years, the mine had a chequered history, which involved :
• Two changes of ownership - from Consolidated Goldfields Ltd to RTZ
Corporation in 1979 and subsequently to Camon Consolidated Ltd in
1988 (now trading as South Crofty pic).
• The cessation of all underground operations for some six months during
protracted negotiations over the transfer of ownership to RTZ.
2 Background
Wheal Jane Minewater Study
Environmental Appraisal and Treatment Strategy NRA South Western
Knight Piesold
Final Version
Wheal Jane Minewater Sltidy 2 Background
• A merger with the adjacent Mount Wellington mine in 1981, where the
workings had been re-opened in 1975 to exploit the western end of the
same orebody worked at Wheal Jane.
• A merger with South Crofty mine and, in 1988, the reorganisation of
mining operations, which resulted in the cessation of mineral processing
at South Crofty and the use of the Wheal Jane mill to process ore from
both underground operations.
The country rock (killas) exhibits relatively low primary permeability and hence
groundwater flow would have been through secondary permeability (i.e. through
the extensive faults and fractures which exist in this stratum). The dominant
groundwater flow direction in areas of mineralisation, therefore, is along these
features, which in the Camon Valley run predominantly east-west (i.e. generally
perpendicular to the river).
Early mining activity was predominantly based around small scale open-pit or
near-surface workings and resulted in the formation of extensive shallow voids
above groundwater level.
As surface deposits were fully exploited it was necessary to follow the veins of
ore deeper underground. By the 17th century the workings had begun to extend
below the groundwater table and, consequently, some means of dewatering was
necessary. Water levels in mines were traditionally lowered by means of near
horizontal tunnels, known as adits, capable of draining water by gravity. Most
of the early shallow workings at Wheal Jane, for example, were drained by the
Jane’s Adit which discharged into the Camon River above Bissoe Bridge.
The large-scale extraction of ore from these workings created a substantial series
of inter-connected linear voids in the vicinity of W^heal Jane, generally orientated
in an east west direction. These voids extend beneath the Camon River and
across both sides o f the valley floor (see Figure 2.6). The dewatering operations
resulted in an east-west elongated cone of depression around the workings.
The piezometric surface during mining was found to be flat on the line of the
workings but very steep when monitored perpendicular to the workings, due to
the generally low primary permeability of the killas. However, where the
workings intersected strata with a locally increased permeability, high inflows
from the killas were experienced. One such inflow, which occurred at around
160 m below Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft surface level, resulted in an inflow of
sufficient magnitude to merit the construction of a watertight door on a redundant
Dewatering beneath the bed of the Camon River also induced large volumes of
river water to flow into the mine. In 1975, there was a major inflow following
collapse of the old surface workings. As a result the river was permanently
diverted through an 80 m long canalised section.
The Camon Catchment, which drains an area of 45.5 km2, has been greatly
modified by the mining activity. In general, tributaries to the west of the Camon
River are fed from the granite uplands whilst those to the east rise on killas.
Many streams flow over areas of previous mining activity which may profoundly
influence the flow regime.
The Camon River flows into Restronguet Creek, part of the Fal Estuary, near
the village of Devoran.
It is likely that mineralisation within the catchment would have had an influence
on water quality prior to the development of mining activities. Elevated
background concentrations of trace metals in soils and river bed sediments are
characteristic of many areas with extensive mineralisation. However, the mineral
workings and the associated processing industry which developed from the 17th
century onwards would have had a profound effect on water quality. For
example, concern was raised in 1876, following mine closure, that deposits of
ochre (iron hydroxide) might block the County Adit. Indeed, at one time, ochre
was collected commercially in the area and supported a local pigment industry.
In recent years the NRA and its predecessors have undertaken routine water
quality monitoring at Devoran Bridge (see Table 2-2). When the data for 1990
are compared with Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) given in DoE
Circular 7/89 introduced in accordance with the EC Dangerous Substances
Directive (EC 76/464), it is apparent that the EQSs were exceeded at Devoran
Bridge for cadmium, copper, zinc, iron and arsenic. It is almost certain,
therefore, that the Camon catchment has had a long history of significantly
elevated concentrations of trace metals.
Biological monitoring was carried out at some locations as part of the NRA’s
1990 National Biology Survey. This confirmed the poor macro-vertebrate status
of the river.
In recent years the major sources of metal inputs into the Camon River have
been the adits, although the inputs from non-point sources such as run-off from
mine dumps, the sites of former metal processing works and, indeed, from the
accumulated sediments in the valley floor are likely to have made a significant
In addition to the sources of metal associated with the former mining industry,
the Camon River catchment also receives inputs from a number of Consented
Discharges, principally including :
The locations of the major inputs into the Camon River are indicated on
Figure 2.7.
Table 2-2 : Annual Average Metal Concentrations in the Carnon River at Devoran
Note : Those metals for which the EQS is set as a concentration of dissolved metal are indicated by (D)
EQS taken from DoE circular 7/89.
The Fal is a typical ria (flooded valley), formed after the last glaciation about
8000 years ago. The main feature within the Fal Estuary is the deep central
channel, the old river valley, which runs along its entire length. The sides of the
channel rise steeply from a depth of 25-30 m to extensive shallow banks on both
sides, which may be the floodplain of the original river. Although the majority
of creeks are dry at low water, dredging around Falmouth Docks and Penryn
River maintains the depth in these areas to around 6 m.
Restronguet Creek, into which the Camon River discharges, is situated at the
north western end of the Carrick Roads within the Fal Estuary (see Figure 2.8).
The input from Restronguet Creek is composed principally of the Camon River
(average flow of 0.8 m3/s) and the River Kennal (average flow of 1.1 m3/s).
Tidal currents are generally weak throughout the Fal Estuary. However, where
constrictions in water flow occur, such as at the entrance to Restronguet Creek,
stronger currents occur.
The Restronguet Creek has long received both acidic metal-rich minewater and
high suspended solid loadings from the mining areas to the north and west. The
impact of these inputs has extended well into Carrick Roads. However, in
addition to the metal mine waste from Restronguet Creek, Carrick Roads has also
received historically large influxes of china clay waste from the rivers in the east
of the region.
Streams still carry material which, since the tidal creeks such as Restronguet are
well protected from the processes of marine erosion, tends to remain within the
estuarine system. The Fal Estuary also receives in excess of 12 000 m3 of
treated sewage per day.
2.6.1 Landscape
The landscape of the Camon Valley owes much to the widespread disturbance of
the area by mining. The upper valley around Twelveheads shows varied
landform, irregular slopes and mature plant regeneration (mostly heathland) on
areas previously affected by mining activity. The stretch of valley from
Twelveheads to Bissoe Bridge has a relatively high quality landscape value.
Below Bissoe Bridge, the valley floor has been subjected to restructuring as a
result of the deposition and reworking of tailings and other wastes generated by
the mining industry. Much of the valley floor comprises bare ground or is
poorly revegetated, with some unimproved grassland and scrub. Elsewhere, to
the west of the catchment, there are areas of broadleaf woodland.
The Camon Valley contrasts sharply with the Fal Estuary, which is designated
as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) as well as an Area of Great
Scientific Value (AGSV) (see Figure 2.9). The eastern side of the estuary is also
designated as part of the Heritage Coast. St. Mawes, Falmouth and Penryn are
designated as Historic Settlements.
Despite many years of mining activity, the Camon Valley has some sites (see
Figure 2.10), which are of local conservation value. Of particular value are:
The Wheal Gorland SSSI, which covers approximately 0.6 ha, is centred
around an abandoned copper mine of considerable geological interest.
The mining dumps comprise a wide variety and quality of secondary lead
and copper minerals.
T L ^ Tidal Limit
• • •• •• •• • Heritage Coast
xs^SSSSSSSS^ Areas o f Outstanding
Natural Beauty
Cornwall Nature
Conservation Site
T V efJla.
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Proposed Mineral Tramway Footpath
•T n A a m b le
im m o n 'f — \
?1 Farm
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Shaftsv-w^.j Farm
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iPelean C l P e lly n w a r th i
H ouse
This site, which includes both woodland and open water, is primarily of
interest for its dragonfly and damselfly population; including a breeding
species of damselfly that is nationally rare. Buzzards hunt widely across
this and adjoining areas and a colony of sand martins, an uncommon
species in Cornwall with only 150-200 pairs countywide, has been
Elsewhere the fragmented and secondary nature of most of the other habitats
within the catchment limit their conservation value.
The Fal Estuary has a very high conservation value. It is considered by English
Nature to be of national importance as one of the richest estuaries in Britain, with
a high habitat diversity and community type. Major habitat types within the
estuary include subtidal habitats, saltmarsh, mudflats and lagoons. The estuary
is one of the most southwesterly estuaries in the UK, which makes it an essential
feeding station and stopping point during spring and autumn migrations of wild
fowl and other birds, as well as an overwintering haven during cold winters. Of
particular interest are (see Figure 2.11) :
Although the estuary supports more than 100 species of fish, it is most
notable as a nursery for sea bass (Dicentrarehus labrax). The Fal Estuary
sea bass nursery is of national importance in the Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food (MAFF) long-term strategy for the conservation and
management of the bass fishery in the coastal waters of England and
Wales. Two areas in the estuary have been designated bass nursery
areas, namely :
2.7.1 A griculture
Although there is no Grade 1 agricultural land within the Camon Valley, some
Grade 2 land does occur in sheltered areas with well-drained loam soils. Notable
crops include early potatoes and broccoli. Elsewhere, small dairy farms are
2.7.2 Fisheries
The Fal Estuary supports a commercial native class B oyster fishery (see
Figure 2.11). The fishery has unique cultural heritage value - it has the last
remaining sail-powered fleet in the UK. Fishery production has increased in
recent years. MAFF estimate that 400 000 oysters were produced for human
This site, which includes both woodland and open water, is primarily of
interest for its dragonfly and damselfly population, including a breeding
species of damselfly that is nationally rare. Buzzards hunt widely across
this and adjoining areas and a colony of sand martins, an uncommon
species in Cornwall with only 150-200 pairs countywide, has been
Elsewhere the fragmented and secondary nature of most of the other habitats
within the catchment limit their conservation value.
The Fal Estuary has a very high conservation value. It is considered by English
Nature to be of national importance as one of the richest estuaries in Britain, with
a high habitat diversity and community type. Major habitat types within the
estuary include subtidal habitats, saltmarsh, mudflats and lagoons. The estuary
is one of the most southwesterly estuaries in the UK, which makes it an essential
feeding station and stopping point during spring and autumn migrations of wild
fowl and other birds, as well as an overwintering haven during cold winters. Of
particular interest are (see Figure 2.11) :
Although the estuary supports more than 100 species of fish, it is most
notable as a nursery for sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). The Fal Estuary
sea bass nursery is of national importance in the Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food (MAFF) long-term strategy for the conservation and
management of the bass fishery in the coastal waters of England and
Wales. Two areas in the estuary have been designated bass nursery
areas, namely :
2.7.1 Agriculture
Although there is no Grade 1 agricultural land within the Camon Valley, some
Grade 2 land does occur in sheltered areas with well-drained loam soils. Notable
crops include early potatoes and broccoli. Elsewhere, small dairy farms are
2.7.2 Fisheries
The Fal Estuary supports a commercial native class B oyster fishery (see
Figure 2.11). The fishery has unique cultural heritage value - it has the last
remaining sail-powered fleet in the UK. Fishery production has increased in
recent years. MAFF estimate that 400 000 oysters were produced for human
Figure 2.11a Fa] Estuary Maerl Beds, Zostera Beds and Bass Nursery Area
There are no other major commercial fisheries in the estuary, but bass and both
velvet and green shore crab are also commercially exploited.
The maeri beds at St. Mawes Bank have had an economic value since the 18th
century as a calcium-rich soil additive. The extensive, dead unattached maerl is
collected by means of a suction dredge by Cornwall Calcified Seaweed Company
in a restricted area under licence from MAFF. Maerl is dried, crushed and used
as a soil conditioner, as animal food additive, for water filter construction and
in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
Mining activity in the immediate area has ceased, although ore from the South
Crofty mine is still milled at Wheal Jane and waste is deposited in the Clemows
Valley Tailings Dam. South Crofty pic holds a water abstraction licence to
supply the mill with up to 2 Mm3/yr from the Camon River and a Consent to
Discharge excess water from the tailings dam to the Clemows Stream.
2.7.6 Housing
A large percentage of the coastline of the Fal Estuary, particularly at the northern
extreme and down the western side, is developed for housing, much of which is
highly valuable, commanding prime sea views across the estuary.
2.7.7 Tourism
Cornwall is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country, with more
than three million visitors per year. Estimates put tourist spending in Cornwall
at £620 million for 1990, with tourism accounting for 20% of the total
employment in the county. The Fal Estuary and surrounding towns rely heavily
on tourism, with almost 20% (£113 million) of the total 1990 tourist expenditure
in Cornwall being attributed to the Carrick District.
The Camon Valley itself is of limited recreation and amenity value with only
informal recreation, including horse riding, walking, dog exercising, bird
watching and mountain biking occurring to any significant extent. However, the
Kerrier Groundwork Trust is involved in the Mineral Tramways Project which
plans a footpath between the north and south Cornwall coasts that will take in the
old mineral tramways and numerous industrial heritage sites (see Figure 2.10).
The Trust also plans to revitalise a number of old industrial sites along the walk,
several of which are in the Camon Valley.
In contrast, the Fal Estuary is used extensively for watersports which sustains
many small businesses. Within Carrick District alone, there are an estimated 161
firms directly involved in recreation-based maritime industries employing some
2000 people, 1% of the total employment in the area. Several companies operate
ferries and pleasure boat trips along the Fal Estuary.
The Camon Valley and Restronguet Creek contain valuable deposits of tin and
copper, which have been worked extensively from the 17th century. Mining
activity reached a peak in the mid-19th century, when the mines in the area were
among the largest producers of copper in the world, and the valley also supported
a wide range of mineral processing and associated industries, including smelting,
acid production, ochre (pigment) works and arsenic recovery.
The mining activities within the Camon Valley and the Restronguet Creek would
have had a deleterious effect on water quality in both the Camon River and the
Fal Estuary. In particular, the disposal of millions of tons of tailings into the
river and estuary over many years has resulted in the accumulation of metal-rich
sediments throughout much of the Camon Valley and Restronguet Creek.
Despite the historical impacts of mining, the Fal Estuary, including Restronguet
Creek, is of great environmental importance. The estuary:
The local communities rely heavily on tourism, for which the Fal Estuary acts
as a focus for extensive water-based recreations.
(1) Leveridge B.E. et al. Geology of the Country around Falmouth. British
Geological Survey. HMSO. 1990.
(5) Holliday, RJ and Bell, RM. The Ecology of Restronguet Creek and the
Fal Estuary, Cornwall. Environmental Advisory Unit University of
Liverpool for Billiton Minerals UK Ltd. (undated).
The NRA and Camon Consolidated Ltd were aware of the potential pollution risk
posed by such drainage and initiated an enhanced water quality monitoring
programme in an attempt to predict the location, time, quantity and quality of the
eventual release of mine water from the workings.
The monitoring programmes of both the mine operator and the NRA revealed
that, following the cessation of dewatering, water levels were rising in the
abandoned mine workings. In addition to detecting a rise in shafts at Wheal
Jane, monitoring revealed a consistent rise in water levels in shafts at a number
of other locations within the Camon Valley, including Mount Wellington, United
Downs and The Consolidated mine workings. This confirmed the presence of
hydraulic connections between the mine workings and suggested that groundwater
recovery was taking place over an area of some 8 km2.
Four major adits potentially drain the workings in the Camon Valley (see
Table 3-1). Drainage would be expected to occur from the adit with the lowest
decant level, which for the Wheal Jane workings, is Jane’s Adit. Subject to the
extent of the hydraulic connections between the workings, the adit with the
lowest decant level has the potential to control drainage from the flooded mine
As the level of minewater approached the decant level of Jane’s Adit, pumping
from No. 9 Adit shaft commenced on November 16, 1991 in an attempt to
prevent minewater release through the adit.
The minewater was treated with lime and pumped to the Clemows Valley
Tailings Dam, to allow precipitation of metals, prior to discharge to the Camon
River via the Clemows Stream. In addition an emergency settlement pond was
constructed at the Portal of Jane’s Adit by Camon Consolidated, However, the
pumping was unable to stem the rise in water level in the workings and
minewater commenced issuing from the adit on November 17, 1991. Flow from
the adit increased to at least 5 000 m3/day (1 million gallons/day) of untreated
minewater, quickly overwhelmed the emergency settlement pond and entered the
Camon River.
On January 4, 1992, the decision was made to suspend treatment operations and
temporarily store the groundwater within the underground mine complex. At that
stage it was believed that adequate voidage was available underground to store
the minewater until the weather conditions improved sufficiently to allow
treatment to recommence. Water levels within the mine progressively rose.
The portal of Nangiles Adit is only just above the level of the Camon River and,
consequently, had been plugged during the working of Wheal Jane to prevent the
flow of water into the workings during periods of high river flow. However, the
head of water behind the plug caused it to fail on January 13, 1992. Within 24
hours, an estimated 25 - 50 000 m3 (5-10 million gallons) of untreated minewater
had been released directly into the Camon River carrying with it an estimated
100 tonnes of metal. The flow declined over the succeeding days, but remained
above 6 000 m3/d (1.2 million gallons per day) for several weeks.
Immediately after the release from Nangiles Adit, the pumping and treatment of
minewater at Wheal Jane was re-started, and were subsequently transferred to
Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft (see Section 4). This effectively lowered the water level
in the mine and significantly reduced the amount of untreated minewater flowing
from Nangiles Adit.
The recovery of groundwater levels within the abandoned workings leads to the
accumulated products of pyrite oxidation being flushed from the system. The
resultant mine drainage is typically highly acidic and contains high concentrations
of dissolved metals and sulphates.
Both the initial release from Jane’s Adit in November 1991, and the subsequent
much larger release of minewater from Nangiles Adit in January 1992, were
Table 3-2 : The Quality of M inewater Releases from Jan e’s and
Nangiles Adits (Ref. 4)
The historic difficulty in achieving the EQS specified under EC Directives in the
Camon River and parts of the estuary have long been recognised by the NRA.
The release o f minewater in January 1992 served to highlight this long standing
problem. The deterioration in the quality of the Camon River was of particular
concern because of the potential implications for the Fal Estuary.
The Company also had the benefit of the defence offered by Section 89(3) of the
Act relating to water flowing from an abandoned mine to the offence of
"knowingly permitting" the release of the untreated water. Likewise, the NRA
could not claim reimbursement of expenses incurred by exercising its anti
As a consequence of this legal advice, the NRA decided to approach the problem
of the release of untreated minewater in cooperation with the mine owners. In
this respect, South Crofty pic have proved to be both cooperative and helpful in
attempting to minimise the impact of the minewater release.
Following the initial release of minewater from Nangiles Adit on January 13,
1992, the NRA reviewed the water quality and biological monitoring programmes
to facilitate:
• Wheal Jane, comprising daily records (except for Sundays and Public
Holidays which are included in the succeeding day’s total) collected by
South Crofty pic since 1971.
Data on evaporation losses in the area are available from The Meteorological
Office Rainfall and Evaporation Calculating System (MORECS).
• Stations at the portals of the two major adit systems currently contributing
flow to the Camon River - Nangiles and County Adits (Jane’s Adit is
plugged at present and Wellington Adit has negligible flow).
Twenty five locations within the Camon catchment are monitored for a wide
range of parameters, including metals, major anions and pH (see Figure 3.2).
These locations include seven routine sampling points, four consented discharges
and 14 non-routine sampling points.
N on-Routine Sam pling Points Routine Sampling Points Sampled Discharge Points
• ■ ▲
1 R19E002 8. R19E043 A. R19E019 H R19E/P/17
2 R19E058 9 R19E056 B R19E008 J. WSTW0026FE
3. R19E044 10. R19E057 C. R19E001 L. WSTW0012FE
4 R19E048 11. R19E047 D. R19E015 M. WSTW0024FE
5. R19E049 12. R19E052 E. R19E003
6 R19E042 13. R19E051 F. R19E021
7 R19E041 14. R19E050 G. R19E004
Heist on
Not to Scale
Investigational Sampling
A. E19A30 p E19A25
B E19A12 G E19A28
C. E19A26 R BJ9A27
D E19A22 L R19A065
E. E19A23
Water quality in the Camon River has been affected adversely by mining activity
for many years and, even prior to the release of minewater from Jane’s and
Nangiles Adits, the river failed to meet Environmental Quality Standards (EQS)
at Devoran Bridge for a number of metals, namely arsenic, cadmium, copper,
iron and zinc (see Section 2). Nevertheless, the release of minewater from
Nangiles Adit, in particular, had an immediate and significant deleterious impact
on water quality in the river.
Metal concentrations in the Camon River at Devoran Bridge showed a rapid and
substantial increase followed by a more gradual decline as the initial flow rate
subsided and treatment of the minewater was resumed (see Figure 3.4). At their
peak, concentrations of several metals in the Camon River were an order of
magnitude greater than had been recorded previously and EQS at Devoran Bridge
were exceeded typically by several orders of magnitude (see Table 3-3).
The release of untreated minewater into the Camon River had a significant effect
on water quality in the Fal Estuary. The pH in Restronguet Creek was
temporarily lowered to 4.5 from approximately 6.5; metal inputs into the estuary
from the Camon River rose to 30 kg/day cadmium, 20 tonnes/day zinc and
30 tonnes/day iron. On January 15th, two days after the release from Nangiles
Adit, concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel and zinc exceeded
EQS specified under both EC Directive 79/923 (the "Shellfish Waters Directive")
and EC Directive 76/464 (the "Dangerous Substances Directive") at Tumaware
Bar and throughout the western side of Carrick Roads, often by several orders
of magnitude (see Figures 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7).
Despite the relatively rapid decline in the flow of minewater from Nangiles Adit
and a consequent reduction in the metal loadings entering the estuary, cadmium
and zinc concentrations remained above EQS in the Carrick Roads throughout
January 1992. Water quality improved steadily during February, March and
April but it was not until October 1992 that concentrations had returned to the
pre-incident level throughout the estuary (Ref. 5).
The most visible consequence of the release of untreated minewater was the
widespread occurrence of a vivid orange brown discolouration in Restronguet
Creek and the Carrick Roads (see Plate 1). This was caused by the formation
of substantial quantities of an iron hydroxide precipitate (ochre) which was
dispersed throughout the estuary.
The discolouration had a serious and detrimental effect on the aesthetic quality
of the whole estuary and became the focus of intense public and media attention.
Flow (1/s)
800 - ■
600 -
400 -
R d runeud KEY
O edt
40 000u*/l
K! Y
EOS <40 **1)
Post-Incident (15/4/92)
E ic ««4o k «
EQ S # . 5 * * !)
K! V
EOS (0.)
Ejkc«*mc« o f
A Scale
• Restronguet Creek
Even prior to the release of minewater, the flora and fauna of Restronguet
Creek was impoverished due to both the high sediment loading and metal
inputs which resulted from many years of mining activity. The head of
Restronguet Creek supports only two species of benthic macro-
invertebrates {Nereis diversicolor and Scrobicularia plana), both of which
have been shown to develop metal tolerance (Ref. 6) and hence are
unlikely to have been affected by the increase in estuarine metal
• Carrick Roads
In general, the flora and fauna of the Carrick Roads do not appear to
have been significantly affected by the temporary increase in estuarine
metal concentrations (Ref. 8). There were no adverse effects on the
health of subtidal beds of the rare Eel Grass (Zostera).
Although the acute affects of the incident on the flora and fauna of the estuary
appear to have been minimal, concern has been raised over the potential effects
of chronic (long-term) exposure to certain metals. A number of issues have
received particular attention, including:
Copper and zinc concentrations in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus have
been widely used as an indicator of long-term exposure to elevated metal
concentrations in the Fal Estuary (Ref. 9).
Samples of algae taken from Restronguet Creek during July, 1991 (i.e.
pre-incident) were found to contain metal concentrations elevated above
"normal" background, as might be expected given the historically elevated
metal loadings entering the creek. However, repeat sampling in the
spring and summer of 1992 (i.e. post-incident) revealed a further increase
above the already elevated concentrations (see Table 3-4). Concentrations
have since declined, but more recent data are incomplete.
July 1991 3.2 150 222 774
March 1992 1.0 270 2958 869
May 1992 1.5 259 5117 2226
July 1992 1.4 204 1706 2020
• Mortality in Swans
Post mortem analysis of swan tissue from birds which died during the
winters of 1993 and 1994 revealed the presence of elevated levels of lead
and zinc in the pancreas and liver.
Although there is no direct evidence to link the swan deaths with elevated
metal concentrations (irrespective of the possible source), research is
continuing into the possible causes of the deaths and any relationship with
the temporary increase in estuarine metal concentrations.
Wheal Jane was the last of the operational mines in the Camon Valley and its
closure in 1991 resulted in the recovery of groundwater levels throughout the
valley as the interconnected mine workings gradually flooded. The acidic metal
contaminated minewaters finally reached adit level in late 1991 and, following
the failure of the plug in the Nangiles Adit in January, 1992, there was a major
release on minewater into the Camon River.
Despite the poor quality of the Camon River, the release of minewater had an
immediate deleterious impact on water quality in the river. Environmental
Quality Standards for a range of metals, including principally arsenic, cadmium,
copper, iron and zinc were exceeded, typically by several orders of magnitude.
The effect on the Fal Estuary was similarly dramatic. Environmental Quality
Standards were exceeded in Restronguet Creek and throughout the western side
of Carrick Roads. The most visible impact was the widespread discolouration
of the estuary caused by the precipitation of iron hydroxides. The contamination
was perceived to be a threat to the ecology of the estuary, the commercial oyster
fishery and to the tourist trade.
Mindful of the environmental and economic importance of the Fal Estuary, the
NRA decided to exercise its statutory powers under Section 161 of the Waters
Resources Act and implement a treatment strategy designed to reduce the flow
of untreated minewater from Wheal Jane. This treatment system has successfully
restored water quality to pre-incident levels and effectively prevented the long
term deterioration in water quality. As a result, the impact of the incident on the
biota of the Fal Estuary appears to have been minimal and the deterioration in
the water quality short-lived.
(1) Steffen Robertson and Kirsten (B.C.) Inc., Vancouver B.C. British
Columbia Acid Mine Drainage Task Force Report. Draft Acid Rock
Drainage Technical Guide. August 1988.
(3) Stumm W. & Morgan J.J. Aquatic Chemistry. 2nd Edition. London
(6) Bryan G.W. and Gibbs P.E. Heavy Metals in the Fal Estuary, Cornwall:
A study of long-term contamination by mining waste and its effects on
estuarine organisms. Occasional Publication Number 2. Marine
Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 1983.
(8) Somerfield, P.J., Gee, J.M. and Warwick, R.M. Benthic community
structure in relation to an instantaneous discharge of waste water from a
tin mine. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 28, 363-369. 1994.
Photograph 4.1 Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft and Lime Dosing Plant
Photograph 4.2 Discharge of Treated Minewater into the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam
The existing treatment system was implemented by the NRA, with the
cooperation of the mine owners, as an emergency response to the release of
contaminated minewater into the Camon River. The primary objective was to
minimise the environmental impact on the Camon River by treating as much
minewater as possible.
As the treatment system developed, operating guidelines were put in place by the
NRA to enable the operatives to manage the system. In essence, these
• Compliance with the target pH values set for key locations throughout the
Details of the target pH values are summarised in Table 4-1 and the location of
the monitoring probes are shown on Figures 4.1 and 4.2.
23/10/92 - 6/94 3 Submersible Pumps operating - 174 174 156 18/2/94 New lime dosing
300 1/s
• • • •
Wheal Jane Minewater Study 4. Existing Treatment System
Environmental Appraisal and Treatment Strategy
The treatment process developed at Wheal Jane was relatively simple, and
involved the following.processes:
• The addition of slaked lime to neutralise the acidic water, resulting in the
precipitation of metal hydroxides (sludge).
In addition to allowing the use of the tailings dam for sludge deposition, the mine
owners, South Crofty pic, provided staff and technical assistance in implementing
the treatment system.
The initial treatment scheme involved the addition of lime to the adit and the
recovery of some 58 1/s of treated water using a submersible pump installed in
No. 9 Adit shaft. Water recovered from the adit was pumped into the Clemows
Valley Tailings Dam where the precipitated metalliferous sludge settled out of
• The pumping capacity was insufficient to control the water level within
the mine.
• The addition of lime to raise the pH increased the risk of blocking the
adit with precipitated metalliferous sludge.
• The discharge pipe from the pump ran up the face of the dam and, in the
event o f a pipe burst, could have seriously eroded the dam wall.
• Pumping the treated minewater into the dam tended to break up the
hydroxide particles making sedimentation in the tailings dam difficult.
Following the failure of the Nangiles Adit plug, treatment recommenced and
additional funding was made available to upgrade the system. Treatment
operations were transferred from the adit to Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft (one of the
two shafts that previously served the mine) as this offered the following
• Use of the mine lime storage and slurry preparation facility for dosing
• Complete mixing of the treated water with the fine tailings effluent stream
to enhance sedimentation.
In common with most tailings dams, the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam is stage
constructed with the dam raised annually to provide sufficient storage for the next
12 months. Neither the need for minewater treatment nor the volume required
for the storage o f the metalliferous sludge had been foreseen when the 1991 dam
raising works were carried out. Consequently only sufficient capacity had been
made available to store the tailings produced from ore processing during
of the dam. This report was submitted in April, 1992 and recommended both
modification of the operating regime and the provision of additional storage to
accommodate the anticipated volume of sludge. As a result of the work carried
out during the summer of 1992; sufficient additional storage"was c'reated to allow
the pumping rate to be increased to at least 174 1/s.
Following the initial development of the existing treatment system, the technical
performance of each component was assessed. Where necessary system
components were either modified or replaced. In particular the following
modifications were made:
Pumping system - Installed capacity increased from 174 1/s to 300 1/s.
Lime dosing - New plant installed and lime purchase price reduced by
competitive tender.
As a result of both the reducing metal concentrations and the modifications made
to the treatment system the annual operating costs reduced from approximately
£1 500 000/yr in 1992 to an estimated £750 000/yr in 1995.
The layout of the existing treatment plant is shown in Figures 4.1 to 4.3.
• Polishing lagoon.
co S.
►-3 a §;
O 1 a
§■ *
a cn
3 § &
5- «Q
jWL4 Soulh Western
Wheal Jane Minewater Study 4. Existing Treatment System
Environmental Appraisal and Treatment Strategy
Although the installed submersible pumps were fitted with special acid resistant
stainless steel impellers, the units initially tended to fail after approximately
three months service and consequently, on average, one pump change took place
every month.
To minimise pump corrosion, a small volume of lime slurry was discharged into
the shaft to maintain a pH of at least 3.5 in the vicinity of the pumps. Shaft lime
addition was achieved by a manually set dosing valve and was monitored by a
pH probe linked to the telemetry system.
Further reduction in the volume of minewater released from the Nangiles Adit
required an increase in the capacity of the pumping system installed in Wheal
Jane No. 2 Shaft. Preliminary hydrogeological studies indicated that a pumping
capacity of approximately 300 1/s would be required to minimise the discharge
of excess minewater from Nangiles Adit. In addition to controlling the discharge
from Nangiles Adit, upgrading the pumping arrangements proved advantageous
Based on these objectives, tenders were issued in November, 1993, for the
purchase of submersible pumps that:
After a full technical and financial adjudication of the returned tenders, a contract
was awarded for the supply of seven stainless steel borehole pumps and
associated electronic controllers. Six pumps were installed in No. 2 Shaft to
provide the required pumping capacity, whilst the seventh was kept on site ready
for immediate installation in the event of pump failure.
Installation o f six borehole pumps in place of the existing units required the
replacement of the shaft capping steelwork and construction of a new pump
lifting frame. Steelwork erection was carefully programmed to ensure that
existing treatment operations were not interrupted and, together with the
installation of the new pumps, was completed in June, 1994. Since then, the
pumps have operated without failure.
The pump installation arrangements are shown schematically in Figure 4.4. Each
pump is suspended in the shaft by means of a collapsible 150 mm diameter
plastic delivery pipe which terminates at the shaft access platform, some 3 m
below surface. Water from the six pump delivery lines is transferred into
4 x 180 mm diameter HDPE pipes which discharge into a 20 m3 elevated header
The approximate discharge capacity of the system, together with details of the
pump installation levels are shown on Figure 4.5. Although the capacity of the
new pumps is slightiy less than the previous units (55 1/s compared to 58 1/s),
adoption of the pumping regime shown in Table 4-3 will maintain an average
annual treatment capacity of approximately 155 1/s, which is slightly greater than
the 151 1/s average achieved during 1993.
Figure 4.4 Schematic Diagram of Wheal Jane No.2 Shaft Pumping System
Figure 4.5 Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft Pumping System. Capacity and Pump Installation Levels
The water level within the abandoned Wheal Jane Mine complex, over the last
three years, has been maintained within a range o f between 13 and 18 m above
ordnance datum (AOD). This range has been dictated by:
• The lowest water level at which the pumps can be safely operated
(10.5 m AOD).
• The level required for gravity drainage of excess flow out of Nangiles
The lowest operating water levels occur during the late summer/early autumn
when the quantity of flow into the mine is at a minimum. During this period the
water level within the mine can be controlled satisfactorily by pumping at a rate
of approximately 110 1/s.
The maximum water level occurs during late wintertearly spring, when the
inflow into the Wheal Jane/Nangiles mine complex peaks. The actual water level
is dependent upon the number of pumps operating and the head required to drain
any excess flow via Nangiles Adit and, therefore, varies with the preceding
weather conditions.
Lime was originally added in powder form into Jane’s Adit. When pumping
from the adit ceased, lime dosing began into the elevated header tank, located
adjacent to Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft.
Aqueous lime slurry is added to the minewater discharged into the header tank
to raise the pH from approximately 3.5 to 9.5. The added lime neutralises the
acidic minewater and reacts with the dissolved metals to form insoluble
hydroxides, in accordance with the chemical reactions given in'Appendix 4 A.
The lime slurry introduced into the header tank was originally prepared using the
old storage silo and mixer arrangement previously operated by the mine. This
system, although offering significant benefits in comparison with the direct
introduction of powdered lime into the adit, had the following disadvantages:
• The silo and mixer tank were of considerable age and, consequently , the
system was prone to breakdown.
• The prepared lime slurry had to be pumped 100 m from the batching
plant to the dosing point. Frequent restrictions and blockages of the
pipework occurred due to the build-up of timescale.
• For operational reasons, it was necessary to stop lime dosing whilst the
storage silo was refilled. This resulted in the cessation of dosing for up
to an hour per day.
• The slurry concentration varied throughout the lime batching and mixing
cycle, making it impossible to add lime to the minewater at a constant
To allow more efficient use of the lime, construction of a new lime dosing
facility was instigated in July, 1993. The facility was commissioned on
February 18, 1994.
• Duty and standby dosing pumps to deliver the lime slurry from the mixer
tanks to the header tank.
• Duty and standby pneumatically operated splitter valves to control the rate
of slurry addition.
The introduction of a system using two mixer/conditioner units allows one unit
to prepare a new batch of lime slurry whilst the other unit is delivering slurry to
treat the minewater. When nearly empty, probes within the mixer tanks switch
slurry delivery to the full tank, whilst the emptied unit is refilled with lime and
water. This system allows continuous dosing with lime slurry of a constant
concentration and, in combination with the automated dosing valve, maintained
a more stable treated water pH.
The quantity of lime added to each batch is controlled by varying the operating
time o f the screw feeder transferring lime from the silo to the mixer tanks and
is designed to allow the slurry strength to be varied between 7% and 13%. This
enables up to approximately 1.5 t of lime to be used to prepare each 12 m3 batch
of lime slurry.
Lime consumption is dependent not only on the efficiency of the dosing plant but
also is a function of both the dissolved metal content and, to a lesser extent, the
pH of the minewater, as illustrated in Table 4-4 (details of the chemical reactions
involved are summarised in Appendix 4A).
The actual quantity of lime used is greater than indicated in Table 4-4 due to the
presence of other metals. Table 4-4 indicates that theoretically a dosing rate of
0.66 kg/m3 is required to neutralise a sample of acidic water containing a total
of 500 mg/1 of iron and zinc. However, laboratory testing of a minewater
sample containing 365 mg/1 of metals revealed that 0.714 kg/m3 of lime was
actually required to precipitate the metals. The actual average lime addition rate
achieved by the lime dosing plant during 1994 was 0.87 kg/m3. This is some
22% greater than the laboratory measured value and reflects a combination of
both the variation in the minewater chemistry and the efficiency of the plant.
The water pumped from underground is neutralised by the addition of lime and
conveyed the 360 m to the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam by either a 400 mm
or 560 mm outside diameter HDPE pipe.
Both pipes are connected to the discharge chamber from the 20 m3 header tank
within which the pumped minewater is mixed with the lime slurry. Full mixing
of the lime slurry and minewater is achieved by the turbulence within the header
tank. The lime-dosed minewater flows into either discharge pipe via a
rectangular notch weir which is used in combination with an ultrasonic depth
transducer to record the flow.
The retention time in the header tank and discharge pipe varies between three and
eight minutes depending on which pipe is in use and the quantity of flow treated.
The maximum retention time is just sufficient to ensure the minewater is
substantially neutralised prior to discharge into the tailings dam. The minimum
retention time, which occurs when the maximum quantity of minewater is being
treated, is inadequate to ensure that the minewater is fully neutralised prior to
discharge into the dam. Under these conditions the chemical reactions reach
completion within the tailings dam.
Treated water is discharged into an open channel at the Northern comer of the
tailings dam (Figure 4.8). Here the water is mixed with the fine tailings product
from the mill and flocculated with an anionic polymer flocculant prior to
discharge into the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam.
Mixing the treated water with the fine tailings was found to be beneficial, as the
relatively dense sand and silt sized tailings particles enhance the settlement rate
and improve the settled density of the metalliferous sludge.
The settling rate is further improved by the addition of a long chain anionic
flocculant at a dose rate of 3 mg/1. The choice of flocculant was made on both
technical and financial criteria, with suppliers asked to tender for the provision
of a flocculant capable of complying with the specification detailed in Table 4-5.
The Clemows Valley Tailings Dam is owned and operated by South Crofty pic
for the deposition of waste produced from the Company’s ore milling operations
at Wheal Jane.
Historically, the dam has been used to store tailings arising from mining the
Wheal Jane ore body. However since November, 1991, the dam has been used
for the co-deposition of the metalliferous sludge produced by the NRA’s existing
minewater treatment operations and tailings arising from processing the South
Crofty orebody.
The dam acts as a large settling lagoon and storage facility for the tailings which
are discharged into the depository as an aqueous slurry. Tailings are introduced
into the dam as a 10% aqueous slurry (measured weight by weight) at a rate of
approximately 7 800 m3/day. Typically milling is carried out continuously for
a 10-day period every fortnight. No discharges from the mill occur into the
tailings dam during the four days per fortnight shut-down period. Approximately
80 to 90% of the water in the slurry discharged from the mill is recovered as
clarified supernatant which is discharged from the tailings dam into a final
effluent polishing lagoon. Water from the polishing lagoon is either returned to
the mill for re-use or released via a licensed discharge into the Clemows Stream.
The tailings dam (Figures 4.8 and 4.9) comprises a structural outer wall zone
confining a centrally located supernatant pond. Wall construction is undertaken
using a combination of locally won earthfill and the coarse fraction of the
tailings, which is separated within the mill, from the fine (slimes) fraction by
means of hydrocyclone. The fine tailings and, more recently, the metalliferous
sludge, are discharged into the supernatant pond to form a low strength,
subaqueous deposit.
Prior to the introduction of metalliferous sludge into the depository during 1991,
the coarse tailings fraction was discharged from a number of open end points to
form a subaerially deposited tailings beach. This beach formed a dense fully
drained deposit which possessed sufficient shear strength to allow the material to
be used as the foundation for subsequent wall raises and therefore formed part
of the retaining embankment.
The supernatant pond effectively acted as a settling lagoon and, consequendy, the
control of pond area was critical to the efficient operation of the depository.
Normally the pond was maintained at a size consistent with the settling
requirements of the finer tailings particles, thereby ensuring the quality of the
supernatant water, whilst allowing the remainder of the depository to be used for
subaerial deposition. Tailings deposition continuously reduces the area and
volume of the pond and, therefore, the pond level is periodically raised to
maintain the minimum pond size.
Prior to mine closure, sufficient coarse tailings was available to ensure that the
peripheral beach rose at a rate consistent with the rise in pond level. Depending
on tailings production, both the beach and pond level rose at a rate of between
0.75 and 1.25 m/year.
Studies undertaken early in 1992 (Ref. 1) revealed that the continued treatment
of some 116 1/s mine water, with a metal loading of in excess of 3 000 mg/1,
would have required the pond level to rise by up to 3 m/yr. Metalliferous sludge
deposition into the pond would have resulted in the pond level rising faster than
the maximum feasible rate of beach construction. The size of the supernatant
pond would have increased, inundating the tailings beach and rapidly consuming
the available storage. Unless the operating regime was substantially revised, the
dam would have run out of storage. Inundation of the coarse tailings beach
would also lead to the deposition of the sludge/fine tailings mixture within the
structural zone of the dam, possibly compromising the future stability of the
retaining embankments.
To prevent the deposition of either sludge or fine tailings within the areas critical
to the stability of the dam, the method of embankment construction was amended
as shown in Figure 4.10. The revised construction sequence involved:
• Final clarification of the water decanted from the tailings dam (this is
especially important during periods of inclement weather).
• Neutralisation of acidic water from both the tailings dam toe drain and
surface runoff.
• Balancing lagoon from which water can be drawn to feed the mill make
up water pump station.
Excess water is released from the polishing lagoon into the Clemows Stream via
a consented discharge held by South Crofty pic.
In essence, the contract requires South Crofty pic both to operate the existing
treatment system efficiently and to store within the Clemows Valley Tailings
Dam the metalliferous sludge produced from the existing treatment system.
Under the contract, payment is made by the NRA to South Crofty pic for:
• The additional storage utilised within the dam as a result of the deposition
of metalliferous sludge.
Supervision of South Crofty pic is carried out by Knight Piesold who effectively
act as "Engineer under the Contract". Knight Piesold’s duties include:
Full details of the responsibilities and procedures followed are set out in the
Operations Manual (Ref. 2).
Description Action
D1 Disconnected None
D2 Mains Failure Inform Knight Pi6sold immediately
D3 Floe Plant Failure Working hours otherwise next day
D4 Pump Station Telemetry Line Failure Working hours otherwise next day
D5 New Lime Plant Failure Inform Knight Pilsold immediately
Description Action
A1 Minewater pH > 5 Advise Knight Pi6sold during working
hours otherwise next day
A2 Treated water pH < 6 Advise Knight Pi£sold immediately
A3 Water and tailings flow pH < 6 Working hours otherwise next day
A4 Combined pump flow pressure Advise Knight Pi6sold immediately
transducer water level < 1 3 5 mm
A5 Decant pH < 8 Working hours otherwise next day
A6 Effluent pH < 6 Advise Knight Pi6sold during working
hours otherwise next day
A7 Shaft water level No alarm triggered
A8 Shaft water level Advise Knight Pidsold during working
hours otherwise next day if level
exceeds 15.86 m
A9 — —
A10 — —
A ll — —
Comparison of the minewater and decant metal loadings for the period between
October 1, 1993 and September 31, 1994, (Table 4.7), demonstrates that on
average 97.5% of the metals were recovered from the treated minewater. The
mass of metal deposited within the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam during this
period amounts to approximately 3000 t.
With the exception of manganese, the water discharged from the polishing lagoon
was of better quality than the measured quality in the Camon River upstream of
the confluence with the Clemows Stream. The existing treatment system,
therefore, is effective not only in removing metals from the treated water but also
in improving the quality of the Camon River by dilution.
In terms of mass of metal recovered, between February 1992 and December 1994
in excess of 12 500 t have been removed by the existing treatment operations and
stored in the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam - metal that otherwise would have
been discharged into the Camon River and probably deposited in the Fal Estuary.
Details of both the capital expenditure on the existing treatment system and
operating costs are summarised in the following subsections.
The following major capital equipment purchases have been made since
February, 1992:
Submersible Pumps 70 000
Pump-lifting frame 15 000
Lime Dosing Equipment 120 000
Dam Discharge Pipe 35 000
TOTAL 240 000
The unit operating costs for the existing treatment system, excluding sludge
disposal, are summarised in Table 4-9. These costs are inclusive of:
• Lime purchase.
• Flocculant purchase.
Table 4-9 indicates that the cost of operating the existing treatment system at an
average flow rate of 155 1/s is approximately 11.2 p/m3 exclusive of sludge
disposal. This unit rate includes fixed costs such as plant maintenance which are
relatively independent of the quantity of flow treated, the unit cost for treating
other flows will therefore be slightly different.
Annual Operating
Consumption Unit Price
Commodity Cost
Rate p/m3
Installed capacity 1/s 300
Average treatment rate 1/s 155
Electricity 0.38 kWh/m3 1.8 88 000
Lime purchase 0.87 kg/m3 5.8 285 000
Flocculant 3 g/m3 0.6 27 000
Town water and sundries - 1.8 90 000
Maintenance - 1.2 60 000
TOTAL OPERATING COST 1l^p/m 3 550 000
Hydrated lime and flocculant are supplied by separate fixed price contracts of up
to four years duration.
Sludge disposal into the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam is paid for at the rate
stated in the NRA’s maintenance contract with South Crofty pic. The calculation
and payment mechanism take into account both the volume occupied by the
sludge and the effect of sludge deposition on the settled tailings density.
Reconciled payments made between February 14, 1992 and March 31, 1994
amounted to £1 312 630 for the deposition o f some 30 000 t of dry solids
(Ref. 3). This represents a unit disposal rate of £43.75 per tonne of dry solids.
The additional volume of storage occupied was approximately 131 000 m3 which
is equivalent to an average sludge density of 0.23 t/m3.
As a result of both the reduction in the mass of sludge produced and increased
tailings production by South Crofty pic, the equivalent sludge density achieved
within the tailings dam should be similar, if not greater than, that previously
attained. The cost of future sludge depositioji into the Clemows Valley Tailings
Dam therefore is unlikely to exceeo £43?757lNof dry solids. _____
The maintenance agreement between the NRA and South Crofty pic includes
provision for increasing the sludge disposal costs based,on publishedmdices.
The unit disposal rate therefore has been inflated td(^4^M o^ccount for the
revised disposal cost applicable from April 1, 1995. Baseffon both the current
treatment rate and minewater metal concentrations, the annual cost of sludge
disposal will be of the order of £200 000/yr for a treated flow of 155 1/s.
The total future annual treatment costs for continued use of the existing treatment
system are summarised in Table 4-10 which indicates that continued operation of
the existing treatment system to treat an average flow of 155 1/s will incur an
annual operating cost of £748 000/yr.
The continued success of the existing treatment system is based both on the
cooperation of South Crofty pic and the continued availability of the Clemows
Valley Tailings Dam for sludge disposal. Guideline procedures to be adopted in
the unlikely event of a major operational difficulty or South Crofty pic ceasing
to trade have been developed and are contained in Part B of the Operation
Manual (Ref. 2). In particular, guidance is provided to cover such eventualities
The document also contains outline details of the contingency plans developed to
cover the possibility of the tailings dam being unavailable. The contingency
arrangements adopted are dependent on the particular circumstances, but include:
A preliminary assessment has shown that the risk associated with the failure of
the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam is relatively small. The possibility of the dam
not being available for sludge deposition, as a result of failure, has therefore not
been considered in any further detail.
The contractual arrangements between the NRA and South Crofty pic stipulate
that South Crofty pic are required to give 12 month’s notice of their intent to
terminate the contract. Under this scenario therefore sufficient time is available
to implement alternative treatment arrangements. The legal status of the 12-
month termination period is, in the event of the mine going into Receivership or
Liquidation, less certain and, therefore, the legal implications of this and its
effect on the NRA have been carefully considered.
The performance of the existing treatment system has been monitored throughout
1992/94 and, where appropriate, the system has been upgraded. Limited
opportunity exists for further upgrading the treatment process without significant
capital investment to minimise the sludge disposal costs by means of dewatering
prior to deposition in the tailings dam. The potential for such an upgrade is
detailed in Section 11.
The potential operating life of the existing treatment system is limited by the
available storage capacity remaining within the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam
(Section 12 Sludge Disposal). The tailings dam has planning permission for a
final crest level of 70 m AOD although, subject to planning permission, it would
be feasible to raise the dam to 76 m AOD.
111 assumes co-deposition density of 0.23 t/m3 and 0.1 t/m3 for deposition of sludge only.
Table 4-11 indicates that the remaining life of the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam
is approximately five years (ie. until the end of 2000) assuming continued
deposition of the metalliferous sludge and tailings. However should South Crofty
pic relocate its milling operations off-site by 1996, then sufficient storage would
remain within the dam to allow sludge deposition until 2010.
The operation of the existing treatment system is required to comply with the
legislative framework set out by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the
Water Resources Act 1991.
All site operations are subject to the requirements of the Health and Safety at
Work Act 1974 and associated regulations. In addition the site is covered by the
Mines and Quarries Act 1954.
A site specific Health and Safety Policy has been prepared to cover the operation
of the existing treatment plant.
South Crofty pic, as occupier of the site, has made an application for the
abstraction o f groundwater from the Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft for the existing
treatment operations. This application has been advertised and subject to the
resolution of any objections, an abstraction licence will be granted to the
The discharge o f water from the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam into the
Clemows Stream is covered by a consent to discharge set in the 1970s.
The existing discharge consent was set for the ore processing operations
undertaken by the original mine owners and, therefore, does not take into account
the recent changes in the type of ore being processed or the existing treatment
operations being carried out by the NRA. A detailed review of the discharge
consent considering the implications of both changes in the type of ore processed
by South Crofty pic and the NRA’s activities, therefore is required. This review
is underway.
As the NRA’s existing treatment system and South Crofty pic’s ore processing
both rely on the use of the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam for effluent
clarification purposes, the two processes are inseparably linked and cannot, for
consenting purposes, be considered in isolation.
The existing treatment system was rapidly implemented by the NRA in 1991 as
an emergency response to the impact of acid mine drainage from Wheal Jane on
the Camon River. The temporary treatment operations have removed
approximately 12 500 tonnes of metals from the river system since 1992; this
compared with an estimated 100 tonnes released in the incident of January 13,
• New pumps
• New lime dosing facility
• New flocculant dosing system
The system now installed has sufficient capacity to treat a flow rate of up to
300 1/s although it is currently treating 155 1/s of minewater.
The estimated operating costs for the existing treatment system based on an
average treatment rate of 155 1/s is £748 000/yr, which represents a unit
operating cost of 15.2 p/m3 of treated minewater. These costs are inclusive of
power, consumables and maintenance, but are exclusive of contract supervision,
There is limited scope for further upgrading the existing system, which is
considered to be both relatively efficient and cost effective.
(1) Knight PiSsold & Partners. Clemows Valley Tailings Dam. Implications-
of Minewater Sludge Storage on the operation of the Depository. R7027.
April, 1992.
(2) Knight Pi6sold and Partners. Wheal Jane Minewater Treatment Study.
R7798. June 1995. Operations Manual.
(3) Knight Pi6sold & Partners. Wheal Jane Minewater Treatment Project.
Clemows Valley Tailings Dam. Storage Reconciliation 14.02.92 -
31.03.94. R8423. February, 1995.
Precipitation Reactions
All reactions assume that solid lime is added to a solution of metal salts. Calcium Sulphate
will only precipitate when the product of molar concentrations of calcium and sulphate is
greater than 2 x 10"4 (barely reached when Wheal Jane minewater is neutralised). Therefore,
calcium and sulphate are shown as ions in the equations.
(i) Zinc
Zn2+ + S 0 42 + Ca(OH)2 - Zn(OH)2 + Ca2+ + S 0 42
(ii) Iron
Fe2+ + S 0 42' + Ca(OH)2 - Fe(OH)2 + Ca2+ + S 042
(iii) Aluminium
2A13+ + 3S042' + 3Ca(OH)2 - 2A1(0H)3 + 3Ca2+ + 3S042
(iv) Manganese
Mn2+ + S 042' + Ca(OH)2 - Mn(OH)2 + Ca2+ + S 0 42
(v) Cadmium
Cd2+ + S042 + Ca(OH)2 - Cd(OH)2 + Ca2+ + S 042’
(vi) Arsenic
Arsenic occurs as soluble arsenate (As043) or arsenite (AS033-) in acid
minewater. When iron is present and the pH is raised, the arsenic is
precipitated; if oxygen is present, ferric arsenate (FeAs04) is produced.
r- CM
to 1' $ C
£ £
The existing treatment system initiated by the National Rivers Authority has been
operating for some three years (see Section 4). Under this system, a maximum
of some 174 1/s of minewater has been treated and discharged, through the
Clemows Valley Tailings Dam, to the Clemows Stream. This strategy has
significantly reduced, but not completely eliminated, the discharge of untreated
minewater to the Camon River. Flow from Nangiles Adit still occurs when the
water level within the mine rises above adit level despite the operation of the
This section of the report summarises the hydrological and water quality
information collected since the release of minewater in January 1992.
Rainfall has been monitored at four locations (see Section 3.5 and Figure 5.1).
The most reliable and longest record is for Trevince in the south-west of the
Data from the Trevince and Wheal Jane rainfall gauges were compared for the
period 1992 - 1994 and showed close agreement (a difference of 1% over each
year). The station at Trevince therefore has been used to provide long term
rainfall figures.
The long-term rainfall data from Trevince were used to calculated return periods
for recent years. For example, 1993, with an annual rainfall of 1475 mm, had
a return period of between 10 and 20 years. The wettest three month period
between abandonment of Wheal Jane mine and October, 1994 was from
December, 1993 to February, 1994 when 644 mm of rain were recorded. This
was close to the wettest three month period on record, which occurred between
October and December, 1960, when 666 mm of rain fell.
By contrast, the driest three-month period on record was between May and July,
1976 when only 50.9 mm of rain fell. The driest recent period was from May
to July, 1992 when 118 mm were recorded at Trevince.
River levels have been recorded at each of the NRA’s water quality stations
These data primarily have been used in conjunction with manual flow gaugings
to derive a stage discharge relationship for each monitoring site. In addition,
river water levels were measured in the Camon River between Twelveheads and
the Hick’s Mill Stream confluence as part of the river survey in February, 1995.
River bed levels and local topography were surveyed, as were adit portal
locations and levels.
Groundwater levels have been monitored at a series of existing wells, shafts and
boreholes to provide information on relative river/groundwater levels (see
Figures 5.1 to 5.3 and Tables 5-2a and b). An additional six boreholes (95/1 to
95/6) were drilled in February 1995 to monitor groundwater levels within the
vicinity of the Camon River. Selected groundwater levels for February 1995
have been used to derive conjectured groundwater contours (see Figure 5.4).
Figure 5.2 Relative G roundw ater and River Levels February 1995
Level (m AOD)
WCil L'dlum
(mAOD) 10/10/94 13/10/94 25/10/94 04/11/94 09/11/94 15/11/94 24/11/94 01/12/94 13/12/94 20/12/94
1 105.888 55.178 62.118 70.368 87.098 90.588 90.648 88.818 90.268
2 42.366 36.566 39.166 40.866 40.786 40.896 40.646 40.526 40.696
3 86.734 16.634 62.734 46.704 62.634 50.144 38.464 45.834
4 76.386 74.196 75.086 76.386 76.246 76.256 75.366 74.796 75.526
5 61.948 57.718 58.328 40.948 61.048 61.198 60.958 40.968 60.838
6 69.51 55.56 55.51 55.59 55.58 55.53 55.53 55.53
7 35.613 34.923 35.153 35.163 35.253 35.253 35.253 35.253 35.253
8 75.077 74.477 74.627 74.677 74.677 74.677 74.677 74.677
11 67.6 12.7 22.14 26.72 19.0 29.17
14 90.0 - - - 18.6 19.38
15 80.0 30.83 42.8 39.8 44.72 44.71
1. Goodem Manor Farm: deep, unobstructed borehole. Good datum, easily accessed.
2. Rose Villa, Helston water: potable supply shallow well with submersible, approximate datum.
3. United Farm, Cusgame: deep borehole/well with aged submersible may be obstructed. Data on 4/11 and 15/11/94
considered unreliable, perched water.
4. Saveock Farm, Saveock: shallow well, historically dry during mining as with 3, datum satisfactory.
5. Pulla Farm, Cusgame: ex potable supply well, good datum.
6. Lilac Cottage: poor datum (± 50 mm).
7. Cusgame Manor Farm: disused well, difficult access and barbed wire, data of dubious value.
8. Cross lanes Farm, Twelveheads: abandoned well at bottom of hill, very poor datum ±100 mm, difficult access.
11. United Mines Landfill Site: Borehole W11
14. United Mines Landfill Site: Borehole W14
15. United Mines Landfill Site: Borehole W15
Wheal Jane
66.55 18.22 14.95
No. 2 Shaft
Since recovery of mine water levels, pumping from Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft has
maintained water levels in the shaft between 13 and 18 m AOD.
Nearer to the Camon River (i.e. further from the effects of pumping) the high
hydraulic conductivity of the mineworkings ensures a shallow water table
gradient and levels in mine workings near the river are similar to those in Wheal
Jane No. 2 Shaft. This was illustrated in February and March 1995 when
minewater levels were reduced from around 18 to 15 m AOD over a few weeks.
Groundwater levels, recorded in boreholes 95/1 to 95/4, exhibited a similar
response (see Figures 5.2 and 5.3).
• in the upstream section, groundwater levels are lower than river levels
(i.e. possible flow loss from the river)
• in the downstream section, groundwater levels are higher than river levels
(i.e. possible flow gain by the river)
The potential therefore exists for both infiltration o f river water (river flow
losses) and river flow gains (baseflow).
As water levels in the mine fell between February and March 1995, the position
at which these river flow losses became gains moved downstream and there was
a greater distance over which losses could occur. The canalised section (see
Figure 5.2) reduces the distance over which the river flows over old
mineworkings, thus reducing losses in this section.
Peak concentrations of most metals recorded in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft had been
reached by March, 1992 (see Table 5-3). Peak copper concentrations, however,
were not observed until December, 1992. The differences between the pattern
of copper and other metal concentrations is unclear, but is likely, in part at least,
to be a consequence of differences in the distribution of copper and other
minerals within the mine workings.
Since the peak concentrations were recorded, there has been an almost
exponential decline in the concentrations of most metals (see Figures 5.5a and b).
Metal concentrations recorded in September, 1994 are typically one to two orders
of magnitude less than the peak values (see Table 5-3).
The pumping arrangements in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft are described in detail in
Section 4.4.1 and flow is shown in Figure 5.5a.
Quality of the water pumped from Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft does not necessarily
indicate the quality of water present throughout the mineworkings. Variations
may be expected to arise as a consequence of the interaction of local geology,
groundwater flow and the presence of shafts or adits.
An indication of the variation in quality with depth has been obtained by lowering
a monitoring probe to a depth of 200 metres below surface (see Figure 5.6). The
results show clear evidence of variations with depth. Of particular significance
The depth at which the water quality changes coincides with the Level 5
mineworkings. During operation, the workings at Level 5 and below
experienced significant inflows of high temperature groundwater.
Twelve flow gauging stations were established in the Camon River catchment in
1980, consisting of either temporary or permanent weir structures, and flows
were recorded over a 10 month period.
The present hydrological network consists of four principal river flow monitoring
stations and two adit flow stations where data are collected at 15 minute intervals
(see Figures 5.8a, 5.9a, 5.11a, 5.12a, 5.14a and Table 5-4).
Flow (1/s)
Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Total Copper Concentration (mg/l)
Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb93 Aug93 Feb94 Aug94 Feb9S
Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Ai«93 Feb94 Ai«94 Feb95
Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Ai«93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
as I
1 ON
o o o o o o o o <
o o o o o
k/-> o
CN o■
— in
o o o o
o <N
Contributory flows to the Camon River are measured at Trehaddle on the Hick’s
Mill Stream, and at the portals of the County Adit and Nangiles Adit.
Less regular flow measurements have been taken at Clemows Stream, Wellington
Adit and Jane’s Adit.
Nangiles Adit is in effect the Wheal Jane mine overflow, so the sum of Wheal
Jane No. 2 Shaft flow and Nangiles adit flow is the total point discharge from the
mine. On average this mine discharge makes up around 21% of the Camon
River flow at Bissoe (see Table 5-5).
% Flow
1992-1994 1980
Camon River at Twelveheads 20 14
Hick’s Mill Stream 22 22
County Adit 37 27
Wheal Jane 21 37
There is evidence of flow moving between the rivers and groundwater as shown
by the relative levels of groundwater and river water (Figures 5.2 and 5.3). This
flow has been quantified by examining change in flow along the Camon River
and by baseflow analysis.
It was possible to quantify baseflow in this way only for periods when flow
gaugings at Bissoe were known to be accurate. At high flows, when gaugings are
inaccurate, baseflow could not be quantified, but is likely to represent a smaller
proportion of total flow.
Three example periods are shown in Table 5-6 for which effective rainfall has
been estimated as zero so the contribution from surface runoff is negligible. For
each period, there is a net baseflow to the river between Twelveheads and
Bissoe. The magnitude of baseflow (25 1/s to 179 1/s) represents between 6%
and 46% of the upstream flow. Even if flow gaugings are assumed to have an
accuracy of 5% there is still a significant net baseflow.
Table 5-6 also includes estimated baseflow for 1980, using flow measurements
taken at that time (Ref. 1). Despite the significant dewatering beneath the river,
there did not appear to be a measurable loss of flow. In fact the estimated
baseflow contribution entering the river at 113 1/s was similar to that calculated
using the recent data.
It would appear that, contrary to the hydraulic gradient in the vicinity of the
mineworkings, there is a net gain in river flow between Twelveheads and Bissoe.
It can be inferred that canalisation of the river bed where it crosses the mine
workings has effectively isolated the river from underlying minewater.
A baseflow index (BFI) of 0.62 was estimated at Trehaddle on the Hick’s Mill
Stream which compares well with the baseflow index of 0.66 calculated by the
NRA for the nearby Kenwyn River which also drains a killas catchment. A
baseflow index of 0.62 was also estimated at Twelveheads.
Between 1992 and 1994 the water level in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft was held
between 13 and 18 m AOD (see Figure 5.13). The flows and quality of the
treated minewater are discussed in Section 5.4.
Prior to the winter o f 1993, untreated minewater flows occurred from Nangiles
Adit when the water level within the mine workings exceeded 15.86 m AOD.
However, there was an apparent change in the relationship during the winter of
1993 resulting in flow occurring when a higher level of approximately 16.4 m
AOD was reached in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft. This may be a consequence of a
blockage in the adit system, and illustrates the dependency of the system on adit
Peak flows from the adit, which are rainfall dependent, occur in December or
January of each year (see Figure 5.8a). Mean summer flow from Nangiles Adit,
over the period April, 1992 to October, 1994, is 19 1/s compared to a mean flow
of 145 1/s during winter.
The quality of the water from Nangiles Adit is closely related to the flow rate.
At low flows, the adit discharges only localised groundwater which has relatively
low metal concentrations. However, at higher flow rates, the concentrations of
most metals approaches that of Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft water, with the exception
of arsenic. This remains low, probably due to precipitation within the adit
system (see Figures 5.8a & b).
Flow (mVs)
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
4.5 ■
3.5 / . ‘i
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 F eb 93 A ug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
300 ■
200 C ■
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
■ %
Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
0 \S J »
Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
The flow hydrograph from County Adit (see Figure 5.11a) indicates a variation
pattern similar to that shown in the Nangiles hydrograph with the characteristic
winter peaks. However, discharge from County Adit is consistently higher than
from Nangiles Adit, reflecting its larger catchment area and the influence of
pumping at Wheal Jane which is designed to control the flow in Nangiles Adit.
Mean summer and winter discharges from the County Adit are 234 1/s and
544 1/s respectively, between April, 1992 and October, 1994.
The quality of the discharge from County Adit appears to be improving slowly,
although there is some evidence of an increase in iron concentration during
periods of high flow (see Figures 5.11a & b). There is evidence also of an
increase in the concentrations of iron, zinc and copper, and a small increase in
flow, towards the end of 1991, coinciding with the final stages of the re-watering
o f the Wheal Jane mineworkings. This provides further evidence of the link
between the two mines.
Flow from Wellington Adit is only gauged on a weekly basis. Inspection of the
limited data for 1993 indicated that flow was occurring in the adit but was minor
at between 0.5 and 1 1/s. Limited sampling of the discharge from 1993 to 1994
revealed the water quality to be highly variable (see Table 5-7).
pH A1 Cd Cu Fe Mn Zn so4
2.8 - 6.5 3 - 34 0.02 - 0.13 <1 2 - 168 0.7 - 4.4 < 1 -3 0 32 - 712
All data expressed as a range in mg/l, except pH.
5.9.3 Ja n e ’s Adit
Jane’s Adit has been plugged since November, 1991 and the outlet valve opened
only to allow a discharge to meet the requirements of the Pilot Passive Treatment
Plant (a maximum of approximately 1.7 1/s) (see Section 10). There is also
believed to be a leakage of similar magnitude around the plug which currently
issues into the Camon River.
Upstream o f the gauging station at Twelveheads, the Camon River drains a total
area o f 21.36 km2. The Wheal Maid and Poldice Streams rise in the granite
uplands and combine to form the Hale Mills Stream which flows into the Camon
Flow (m7s)
4.5 ■
3.5 «
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Ai«94 Feb95
S W ,
Tt • ^
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
M * V w * w
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Ai«94 Feb 95
0.6 - ■
0.5 ■
0.4 -
0.1 ^ V : ■ • - .
v W
0 ____ 1 • 1 .........
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Figure 5.13 Flow from Nangiles Adit with No.2 Shaft Levels
Mean flow for the period November 1991 to October 1994 was 175 1/s with a
maximum flow o f 1590 1/s on December 2, 1992; minimum flow at Twelveheads
was 17 1/s.
W ater quality in the Camon River at Twelveheads is highly variable with peak
concentrations occurring shortly after peak flow (see Figures 5 .12a & b). Water
quality in the upper Camon catchment is influenced principally by two sources:
• Run-off and seepage from the Wheal Maid and Poldice Streams which
drain an area which includes mineworkings and a disused tailings dam.
Clemows Stream drains a small catchment area of 2.39 km2. The Clemows
Valley Tailings Dam is situated in the catchment and flow in the stream is
augmented by treated minewater from Wheal Jane.
Flow in the Clemows Stream has been recorded since July 1994. Between
July 21 and October 1, 1994 the mean flow was 147 1/s which was similar to the
mean pumped discharge from Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft. Maximum and minimum
discharge was 230 and 32 1/s respectively. In the absence of long term flow data
it has been assumed that outflow from the Clemows catchment and tailings pond
via the polishing lagoon is equal to Wheal Jane No. 2 pumped flow.
The potential error in Clemows Stream flow resulting from this assumption has
been estimated as ± 15% , leading to errors in loadings at Devoran Bridge
ranging from ±0.2% to 2.8% (depending upon the metal being evaluated.)
Significant errors were not produced because the flow in Clemows Stream was
o f relatively good quality.
The water quality in the Clemows Stream is influenced primarily by the quality
o f the discharge from the polishing lagoon downstream of the Clemows Valley
Tailings Dam. The polishing lagoon receives the outfall from the tailings dam,
which includes both treated Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft minewater and mill
discharge, and the seepage through the dam intercepted by the toe drain. The
quality o f the Clemows Stream was monitored immediately prior to its confluence
with the Camon River between May and September 1994 (see Table 5-8).
Table 5-8 : Clemows Stream W ater Quality
A1 As Cd Fe Mn Zn
0.6 - 7.0 0.01 - 0.05 0.002 - 0.023 1 - 23 0.6 - 3.6 0.2 - 19.6
All data as range in mg/1.
Flow (m7s)
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
.■ ' * iViiSr
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Aug 91 Feb 92 Aug 92 Feb 93 Aug 93 Feb 94 Aug 94 Feb 95
Hick’s Mill Stream rises in the west of the region on the granite upland and
drains a catchment area of 12.46 km2 above the gauging station at Trehaddle.
Mean flow for the period 1992 - 1994 has been 191 1/s with maximum and
minimum flows of 1750 1/s and 47 1/s respectively.
Water quality in Hick’s Mill Stream is generally of a higher quality than is found
elsewhere in the Camon catchment upstream of Bissoe Bridge (see Figures 5 .14a
and b). Nevertheless, the water does contain concentrations of metals which are
above normal UK background values, principally cadmium, copper and zinc.
These elevated values are principally a consequence of a small part of the
catchment which drains abandoned mineworkings.
Monitoring Location Al As Cd Cu Fe Mn Zn
• Twelveheads 7% 18% 4% 5% <1% 3% 2%
• County Adit 33% 41% 28% 54% 8% 35% 13%
• Hick’s Mill 1% 9% 4% 4% <1% 2% 1%
• Wheal Jane1 52% 20% 56% 23% 85% 53% 77%
• Others2 7% 12% 8% 14% 5% 7% 7%
All data expressed as % of the loading at Devoran Bridge based on calculated mean daily
loadings for 4 monitored locations and estimated loadings for other sources based on October,
1993 - September, 1994 data.
1 Wheal Jane complex includes Nangiles Adit and Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft water only.
2 Other sources includes small non-measured point sources (eg. Wellington Adit) plus diffuse
sources. The contributions from these sources has been estimated by mass balance.
A considerable volume of hydrological and water quality data has been collected
from the Camon River catchment since the release of minewater in January 1992.
The major sources of flow and metal loadings have been identified which
contribute to concentrations at Devoran Bridge.
Nangiles Adit acts as an overflow for the Wheal Jane complex. The Wheal Jane
No. 2 Shaft metal concentrations have also decreased from a peak of 6850 mg/l
to an average of 550 mg/l in September, 1994.
It is apparent that the Wheal Jane complex still remains a significant source of
metal contamination in the Camon River. Other sources also have an impact on
the metal loadings at Devoran Bridge and monitoring is continuing, so that
contributions from both point and non-point sources may be evaluated.
The existing treatment system at Wheal Jane is achieving the NRA objective of
preventing further deterioration of the Camon River. Nevertheless at some stage
a long-term strategy for the Camon River, and for the treatment of Wheal Jane
minewater in particular, will be required. The successful implementation of such
a strategy relies upon identifying the principal sources of contamination within
the catchment, understanding their flow and quality characteristics and evaluating
potential methods of treating these sources so that the water quality objectives of
the Camon River can be met.
Minewater and surface water models have been developed to assess the
effectiveness of each treatment option in meeting water quality objectives. These
models include the:
A water quality model for Wheal Jane was also developed but is not considered
to be sufficiently reliable for the purposes of designing and costing a treatment
This section describes the development, use and reliability of the models and the
conceptual model of the Camon River catchment upon which they are based.
Measured flows in the upstream catchment are given in Table 6-1 which includes
average flows for the Hick’s Mill Stream at Trehaddle and the Camon River at
Twelveheads for 1992 to 1994. These flows have been expressed as unit runoff
(flow/catchment area) and show that, on average, unit runoff is 37 % over the
Twelveheads catchment area whereas unit runoff at Trehaddle is between 46%
and 80%.
Unit runoff for the total flow in the Camon River at the confluence with the
Clemows Stream (a gauged area of 36.21 km2) is approximately 100%. Average
annual data are not ideal for describing hydrological processes but the lag in the
system (see Section 6.3.1) means that shorter time intervals produce inconsistent
These observations lead to the following conceptual catchment flow balance for
gauged flows upstream of Bissoe Bridge and Clemows Stream:
<\ Twelveheads
Camon between Twelveheads
and County Adit
0.61 sqkm
County Adit
® Upstream Nangiles Adit
Bissoe Bridge B i
Clemows Stream
2.39 sqkm
ZJ * Temporary
Camon between Bissoe Bridge
and Devoran Bridge
7.3 sqkm
Devoran Bridge
For the purposes of flow modelling it has been assumed therefore that:
(i) the inflow to the Camon River between Twelveheads and Bissoe Bridge
is 5% of the gauged flows upstream and;
(ii) the inflow to the Camon River between Bissoe and Devoran Bridge is
19% of the upstream flow.
As more flow data are collected it will be possible to improve the conceptual and
hydrological models of the Camon River.
The following conceptual model is used as the basis for the empirical Wheal Jane
flow model (Section 6.3).
The Wheal Jane mineworkings pass beneath the Camon River (see Fig 5.1) and
have a high hydraulic conductivity resulting from mine workings and
interconnections. Minewater inflow is derived from rainfall, and minewater
outflows occur into the Camon River from controlled pumping at Wheal Jane
No. 2 shaft (and ultimate discharge into the Clemows Stream) and as untreated
flow from Nangiles adit. Flow from Jane’s Adit into the Camon River is also
possible but this is restricted to a minor seepage by the downstream plug in the
Flow from Nangiles Adit is dependent upon the water level in Wheal Jane No.2
Shaft, with flow only occurring when the water level in the shaft reaches the
overflow level (see Section 5.7). The quantity of untreated flow from Nangiles
Adit is therefore a function of effective rainfall, pumping rate and the water level
in the shaft. If the water level is below overflow level, inflow to the mine can
be accommodated as a change in storage, whereas if the water level is close to
overflow level, any additional inflow will result in a discharge from Nangiles
This conceptual model can also be refined as long term flow, level and quality
data are collected.
For the purposes of the current study the hydrological models (described in the
following sections) are useful and sufficiently accurate for assessing the effects
of treating the major sources of contamination.
A relationship between inflow and outflow at Wheal Jane was developed so that
an estimate of probable future outflows and the treatment required could be
Rather than attempt to simulate all the complexities of the system, an empirical
model was established which related mine inflow to outflow using the period of
intense monitoring from 1992 to 1994 for calibration. It was assumed that inflow
was a function of effective rainfall, and outflow was the sum of flows from
Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft and Nangiles Adit, with an allowance made for change
in storage.
where Nangiles Adit flow is a function of level in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft.
The real situation is more complex than this due to contributions from and losses
to rivers. Even without these variables, there are two unknown quantities in the
relationship: storage coefficient and catchment area.
Initially, the relationship between the inflows and outflows was examined for a
range of combinations of area and storage. Typically the relationship looked like
the upper graph in Figure 6.3 and it was apparent that some form of lag and
smoothing function was needed for effective rainfall.
Jan/92 Jul/92 Jan/93 Jul/93 Jan/94 Jul/94
Flow (I/s)
predicted actual
Therefore there were three unknowns in the relationship; storage coefficient, area
and the recession constant.
A best fit approach was used, therefore, and the variables altered until inflows
approximated outflows. The actual data used for the calibration included Wheal
Jane No. 2 Shaft level and flow, Nangiles flow and effective rainfall, weekly
from January, 1992 to September, 1994. The final fit between inflow and outflow
is shown in the lower graph in Figure 6.3. The variables used were:
The model was then used to predict outflow in the form of Nangiles flow and
Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft water level for given rainfall and pumping scenarios.
The predicted outflow parameters for the calibration period are compared with
actual values in Figure 6.4. There is seen to be good agreement with the flows
from Nangiles. Water levels in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft also show a generally
good fit except at the extremes.
The model is a valuable tool for estimating mine outflows for given rainfall
events, particularly when changes in storage are small, for example over yearly
periods. Under these conditions and within the range of calibration, the accuracy
of the predicted outflow is estimated to be within ±5% .
The adequacy of the weekly timestep used in the model was assessed by
examining the rate of response of the system to rainfall events. It was found that,
after a heavy rainfall event, there was an initial outflow response which gradually'
29/4/92 10/11/93 Week
Wheal Jane Minewater Study
- *
to end inf
S 'S
c/1 5%
S S t;
30/6/92 7/9/93 22/12/92 11/1/94 4/1/94 18/8/92 1/12/92
53.5 j 48.7 1133.5 1420.4 407.7 447.9 116.2 33.3 6.9 125
572.5 864.7 994.5 347.3 398.6 111.9 44.9 118.8
Environmental Appraisal and Treatment Strategy
115 165 168 126 167 168 172 166 166 116 174 85 174
20 4 4 35 48 71 81 116 240 1 303 1 82
135 169 172 161 214 244 253 282 406 117 477 86 256
15.99 15.30 15.96
I 15.21 15.93 16.05 15.93 17.10 17.77 15.41 18.31 13.86 14.3S
Inflow ([/*) 117 137 135 155 217 231 270 297 424 87 428 173 359
No.2 + Nanfilea ((/•) 124 165 168 154 217 244 254 280 373 116 408 90 302
Mean No.2 level (m AOD) 15.90 15.47 15.31 15.79 16.10 15.49 16.30 16.49 16.87 14.39 17.13 15.62 16.40
Change in storage (l/i) 7 280 330 -1 0 14 -16 -17 -50 29 -20 -83 -58
The Wheal Jane flow model produces estimates of mine inflow and outflow for
given effective rainfall. Weekly estimates of effective rainfall were made for the
period 1952 to 1994 using daily rainfall data and average weekly actual
evapotranspiration data (see Section 5.2). Effective rainfall was converted to
inflow using Equation 6.2 and mine outflow estimated using Equation 6.1. The
model was used to predict average weekly mine outflows for the rainfall events
recorded between 1952 and 1994. These outflows were utilised as input to the
Camon River quality model.
The average annual inflows from 1952 to 1994 occurring as a result of rainfall
are presented in Table 6-3 and are seen to range from a maximum of 250 1/s in
1960 to a minimum of 143 1/s in 1992 with an average of 192 1/s. These figures
indicate that, on an annual average basis, four pumps in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft
pumping at a combined rate of approximately 230 1/s (4.4 mgd) would be
sufficient to control the inflow.
However there is a wide variation in inflow over each year, with peak inflows
typically in the region of 400 1/s and minimum inflows around 100 1/s.
The maximum weekly inflow for the rainfall events from 1952 to 1994 was
501 1/s which occurred in February, 1988 as a result of a weekly effective
rainfall of 171.1 mm. If an input of this magnitude occurred when the pumping
rate was 232 1/s, there would be an excess inflow of 269 1/s. This excess could
either be discharged from Nangiles adit or be taken up by storage, or a
combination of the two. A flow of 269 1/s is equivalent to a rise in water level
of approximately 2 m in a week, so if initial water levels were less than 2 m
below the decant level of Nangiles Adit, there would not be a discharge from the
Following on from this example, it is clear that the most likely time for discharge
to occur from Nangiles Adit is after a period of prolonged high effective rainfall
which has caused water levels to rise despite pumping.
The wettest and driest three month periods between 1952 and 1994, and the
wettest cumulative periods are shown in Table 6-4. The estimated inflow to the
mine (which is equal to outflow assuming no change in storage) is also shown.
Table 6-3 : Long Term Rainfall and Predicted Wheal Jane Mine Inflow
Table 6-4 : Predicted Wheal Jane Inflow over Wet and Dry Periods
Period Rain Effective Inflow No. of
Start End (mm) rain (mm) (1/s) days
23-Nov-54 15-Feb-55 629.9 565.8 358 91
13-Sep-60 06-Dec-60 669.2 566.0 328 91
21-Nov-78 13-Feb-79 637.2 460.6 233 91
28-Sep-82 21-Dec-82 638.7 481.8 260 91
12-Dec-89 06-Mar-90 640.9 567.4 339 91
12-Jul-55 04-Oct-55 66.6 0.0 108 91
01-Jun-76 24-Aug-76 37.8 0.0 100 91
22-Aug-7 8 14-Nov-78 62.1 0.0 87 91
07-Jun-83 30-Aug-83 82.1 0.0 114 91
09-May-89 01-Aug-89 71.2 0.0 125 91
12-May-92 04-Aug-92 118.4 0.0 111 91
27-Oct-92 19-Jan-93 551.0 462.4 279 91
09-Feb-93 04-May-93 178.0 96.6 197 91
18-May-93 10-Aug-93 429.1 212.0 216 91
07-Dec-93 01-Mar-94 643.9 576.1 358 91
11-0ct-60 14-Feb-61 810.2 704.3 374 133
26-Jan-88 05-Apr-88 521.3 450.5 389 77
04-Jan-94 15-Mar-94 475.0 419,0 384 77
The ability of the pump installations at Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft to deal with these
events is discussed below and illustrates how the model can be used to optimise
pumping and minimise mine discharges.
The maximum pumping rate at Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft is approximately 300 1/s
but could be increased to 315 1/s by modifying the discharge pipework. The
lowest pump switch-off level is currently 10 m AOD, which is approximately
5.9 m below the Nangiles Adit decant level. All the cumulative inflows were
analysed from 1952 to 1994 and revealed that there would have been 14
occasions on which, even with pumping at some 315 1/s, water levels would have
risen by more than 1.5 m. On six of these occasions a rise of more than 3 m
would have resulted and, out of these, three would have resulted in a rise of
more than 4.5 m.
There was only one instance of a rise in water level of more than 5.9 m which
would have resulted in flow from Nangiles even if the initial water level had been
10 m AOD. This was between October, 1960 and February, 1961, when a total
of 810 mm of rain fell in four months.
The figures quoted above are based on model results. The error between
modelled and measured outflow for the high inflow January to March, 1994
period was 2%. Beyond the calibration range (i.e. below 13 m AOD), the model
may be less accurate. Long term test pumping at these lower levels would be
recommended before any significant changes are made to Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft
operating conditions.
The flow model was also used to investigate changes to the overall flow regime
during dewatering and rebound. The measured flow during dewatering between
January and July, 1980 was compared with the flow that would have occurred
under current operating conditions at Wheal Jane. The results show that the total
flow predicted is within 7% of the historical measured flow.
Assuming that such a short record is representative, it can be concluded that the
total inflow to the system was similar during mine dewatering and rebound (i.e.
the catchment area and hydrogeological boundaries were virtually unchanged) but
the outflows are distributed in different proportions, with flows in County Adit
and the Camon River at Twelveheads increasing by the same amount as the
reduction in pumped flow from the mine.
The increase in flow in County Adit and at Twelveheads since mine abandonment
can be almost certainly attributed to higher groundwater levels in the region.
Based on the recorded concentrations of iron and zinc in water pumped from
Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft since January, 1992 (see Figure 5.5a) there is evidence
of a decline in metal concentrations in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft water. If this is
so, there are repercussions for the treatment strategy as minewater quality
improves with time.
In both cases a good fit with measured iron and zinc concentrations at Wheal
Jane No. 2 Shaft was achieved (see Figure 6.5a and 6.5b). Predictions,
however, ranged from decay to a constant value within three years, to a gradual
decay resulting in half the existing metal load after 10 years. The extrapolation
values of decay curves of this nature is generally accepted to be unreliable and
Figure 6.5a Measured and Predicted Total Zinc and Iron Concentrations
in No.2 Shaft
Figure 6.5b Measured and Predicted Total Zinc and Iron Concentrations
in No.2 Shaft
inadvisable. For the purposes of designing and costing a treatment strategy, the
concentrations measured between October, 1993 and September, 1994 have been
used. Nevertheless it appears likely the quality of water discharged from the mine
will continue to improve slowly over time.
An empirical model was also developed which related effective rainfall to flow
between September 1991 and June 1994 in the:
Camon at Twelveheads
Hick’s Mill Stream at Trehaddle
County Adit
The 34 month flow record for the Camon Valley was used to validate the model
which could then be used to predict flows for the period of record for which
rainfall was available (1952 to present).
The original model included evaporation from interception storage, direct runoff
(overland flow), evapotranspiration and runoff from soil storage. Modifications
include additional deep moisture storage to represent groundwater runoff or
delayed interflow, depending upon the choice of parameter values and
interpretation, which contributes to baseflow and an improved infiltration
function, giving a more realistic relationship between rainfall and direct runoff.
Each component of runoff (direct runoff and interflow from the upper and lower
soil storages) are separately lagged by the Muskingum method to give total runoff
in each month of the rainfall record.
Parameter values and lags are determined by trial and error, carrying out
successive runs of the model until the "best fit" is obtained between observed and
simulated monthly flows. The "fit” is judged against a graphical display of
monthly means and standard deviations, flow duration curves, a time plot of
observed and simulated flows and selected leading statistics (eg correlation
coefficient, mean and standard deviation of the logarithms of annual flows).
The data used in the analysis (complete months only, based on daily data from
NRA) is summarised in the Table 6-5.
Location From To
Camon at Twelveheads Sep 1991 Jun 1994
Camon at Trehaddle Dec 1991 lun 1994
County Adit Sep 1991 Jun 1994
Rainfall at Trevince Jan 1952 Oct 1994
Evaporation for MORECS square 186 Jan 1972 Oct 1994
The Pitman model requires that all rainfall data years are complete, to allow
continuous variation in soil and groundwater storages from month to month.
Thus final two months of the Trevince record (November and December, 1994)
were taken to be the average observed values. Actual evapotranspiration data
were averaged over the available record to give a series of 12 monthly values
which then were used in each year of the rainfall record, 1952 to 1994. The
model does not require that observed flow records are complete. The use of
concurrent pairs of observed and simulated values ensures consistency between
observed and simulated statistics.
The data available allowed calibration of the model from 1991 to 1994.
Graphical comparisons of observed and estimated flows are given in Figure 6.6.
Overall, the "fit” is reasonable, given the short periods of observed flow records
although relatively large anomalies occur in December, 1993 to February, 1994
for Hick’s Mill Stream and the Camon River at Twelveheads.
A comparison of rainfall at Trevince with recorded flows at the three sites also
shows anomalous behaviour over this period, with higher rainfall resulting in
lower flows in December, 1993 to February, 1994 than in December, 1992 to
February, 1993. There are insufficient data to establish the cause of the
anomalies and the Pitman models were assumed to give a sufficiently realistic
estimate of flows for the purposes of the present study.
The model was then extended to cover the period from January, 1952. The
predicted annual average flows at Twelveheads, Trehaddle and County Adit are
given in Table 6-6.
The extended flow data were subsequendy utilised with chemical data to provide
estimates of future chemical loadings in downstream reaches of the Camon river,
as described in the next section.
County A dit
Flow (1/s)
Flow (I/s)
Actual Predicted
The final water quality of the Camon River depends upon the flow and
concentration o f the various inputs from surface runoff, groundwater inflow,
adits and pumped minewater. The main inputs and their relative contributions
to the Camon River at Devoran Bridge are summarised in Table 5-9. The aim
o f the Camon River quality model is to include the flow and concentration of
each input so that the impact of each, with or without treatment, can be
quantified. Thus treatment strategies can be proposed for the Camon River to
achieve various quality objectives.
The Camon River quality model is a flow and mass balance mixing model which
extends to Devoran Bridge and includes iron, zinc, copper, cadmium,
manganese, aluminium and arsenic. Flow and concentration are entered for each
of the following inputs sources:
The model was calibrated using weekly average data from October, 1993 to
September, 1994. Over this period, flow and concentration were measured
accurately and continuously at most of the sites with the exception of flows in the
Clemows Stream and in the Camon River at Bissoe and Devoran Bridge. Flow
in the Clemows Stream was taken to be Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft flow and the
Cam on River flows were estimated as 105% and 119% of upstream flows
respectively (see Section 6.2.1).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Year Camon County Hicks Wheal Jane Ungauged Ungauged Estimated
at Adit Mill (Nangiles Adit Carnon Catchment Devoran
Twelveheads Stream + No. 2 Shaft) Catchment between Flow . .
above Clemows
Clemows Confluence
Confluence and Devoran
1/s 1/s 1/s 1/s 1/s 1/s 1/s
1952 182 73 179 161 30 237 861
1953 63 160 64 177 23 185 673
1954 169 306 183 187 42 337 1224
1955 118 216 105 202 32 255 928
1956 107 214 94 183 30 238 865
1957 66 190 57 210 26 209 758
1958 103 254 104 214 34 269 978
1959 150 256 133 180 36 287 1041
1960 194 422 237 250 55 440 1599
1961 178 291 185 202 43 342 1241
1962 303 356 327 170 58 461 1676
1963 404 476 460 203 77 615 2235
1964 114 212 124 163 31 245 888
1965 201 311 185 169 43 346 1255
1966 259 467 285 246 63 501 1821
1967 166 279 182 191 41 327 1186
1968 141 240 141 169 35 276 1001
1969 219 342 229 191 49 391 1421
1970 174 298 192 169 42 332 1207
1971 94 180 102 156 27 212 769
1972 186 265 172 169 40 316 1147
1973 154 280 167 191 40 316 1147
1974 264 464 300 234 63 503 1828
1975 152 289 161 182 39 312 1135
1976 168 259 190 170 39 314 1140
1977 235 366 239 203 52 416 1512
1978 267 367 255 188 54 430 1560
1979 258 375 248 211 55 436 1583
1980 202 328 222 192 47 377 1370
1981 193 321 194 187 45 357 1295
1982 251 404 270 214 57 454 1649
1983 156 272 159 173 38 304 1102
1984 202 310 212 185 45 363 1318
1985 169 284 161 191 40 321 1166
1986 226 356 228 195 50 401 1456
1987 168 314 192 186 43 343 1246
1988 228 440 255 238 58 464 1684
1989 181 231 186 160 38 302 1098
1990 231 88 214 205 37 294 1069
1991 150 275 188 197 41 323 1174
1992 163 276 181 143 38 304 1106
1993 227 364 229 221 52 415 1508
1994 239 398 172 218 51 409 1487
Mean 188 299 194 192 44 348 1265
1 2 3 derived from Pitman model 4 derived from Wheat Jane Flow model
5 = 0.05 x (1 + 2 + 3 +4) 6 = 0.19 x 5 7 = 14-2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
The validity of the model was confirmed by simulating the water quality at
Bissoe between October, 1993 and September, 1994 (see Figure 6.7).
As the Devoran Bridge water quality data was used to estimate the average
annual metal concentrations of the additional flow, independent calibration of the
model was not feasible. However, an indication of the response of the model is
shown on Table 6-8, which compares the predicted and actual annual average
metal concentrations for the 1993/94 study period. This correlation will improve
as reliable flows at Bissoe and Devoran Bridge become available.
The model was extrapolated to include flows that would have arisen as a result
of rainfall events between 1952 and 1994. Thus the probability of a range of
resultant concentrations at Devoran Bridge was estimated. Details of the model
input data are summarised in the following subsections:
Concentration (mg/1)
Concentration (mg/1)
Concentration (mg/I)
Predicted Actual
Flow Data
Rainfall records for Trevince were used to calculate effective rainfall and to
generate average monthly flows:
• From the Wheal Jane/Nangiles Mine complex using the Wheal Jane flow
model (Section 6.3).
Metal Concentrations
Measured metal concentrations for the 1993/1994 study period were used for
both calibration and simulation purposes. Use of data collected prior to 1993
was considered inappropriate due to the high metal concentrations associated with
the initial flows from the mine.
Average annual metal loadings were used for each site since there was no
evidence of a consistent variation in water quality with flow as shown, for the
example, at Nangiles Adit in Figure 6.8.
The water quality scenarios set by the NRA are based on annual average and 95
percentile water quality standards at Devoran Bridge. The output from the model
over the 43-year simulation period therefore has been analysed to establish:
Given that the minewater flow requiring treatment is dependent upon rainfall, it
is unrealistic to design a treatment system to ensure 100% compliance with the
objectives. Consequently, the model has been used to estimate treatment flows
which relate to mean (50%) and 5% confidence limits.
Figure 6.9 illustrates the concept used in deriving the annual average and 95
percentile values. These values were then analysed statistically to give the 5, 50
and 95% confidence limits (i.e. the 95, 50 and 5% risk of failure).
The sensitivity of the model has been assessed by examining the effect of varying
the input data. Nangiles Adit constitutes a major source of metals so the
sensitivity of the simulation to potential variations in the quality of the water
discharged via the adit was assessed by varying the Nangiles metal concentrations
by ± one standard deviation (see Figure 6.8).
Annual average and annual 95 percentile concentrations have been predicted for
the combination of conditions shown on Table 6-9. The mean and two extremes
for each case are presented graphically in Figure 6.10, which shows the iron
concentration at Devoran Bridge for various treated flows. The effectiveness of
treatment is discussed in a later section.
To assess the benefits to be gained by treatment, the model was used to predict
the effect of not treating Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft water during 1993/94. The
metal loading in the flow from the shaft was assumed to equal the average
untreated concentration measured in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft between October
1993 and September 1994.
The results are shown in Table 6-10 which indicates a significant increase in
concentration at Devoran Bridge with no treatment. These are the predicted long
term equilibrium concentrations, and it is probable that concentrations
immediately following the initial release would be higher than shown.
The impact of additional water treatment on the quality of the Camon River has
been simulated (Section 7.4) by assuming that the water is treated to the residual
concentrations shown in Table 6-11. These concentrations are based on the
supernatant water produced from lime dosing trials, undertaken on site, and
should therefore provide a reasonable approximation of the performance of a lime
dosing system. The residual concentrations are not critical for the simulation so
have been assumed to be typical for all the potential treatment techniques
Iro n - A n n u al A verages
C o n c e n tra tio n a t D ev o ran (m g/I) - log scale
Iron - 95 Percentiles
C o n c e n tra tio n a t D ev o ran (m g/I) - log scale
Monitoring Location Al As Cd Cu Fe Mn Zn
i) With implementation of existing
treatment system (measured):
• Twclvcheads 7% 18% 5% 5% <1% 3% 2%
• County Adit 33% 41% 28% 54% 8% 35% 13%
• Trehaddle 1% 9% 4% 4% <1% 2% 1%
• Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft* 9% 10% 12% <1% 3% 19% 5%
* Nangiles Adit 43% 10% 44% 23% 83% 34% 72%
• Others2 7% 12% 7% 14% 5% 7% 7%
Load at Devoran (mgIs) 2760 150 9 750 13 610 1 100 9 630
Concentration at Devoran (mg/1) 2.1 0.11 0.007 0.57 10.3 0.83 7.2
ii) Without implementation of existing
treatment system (modelled):
• Twelveheads 3% <1% 1% 4% <1% 1% <1%
• County Adit 12% 2% 8% 43% 2% 14% 4%
• Trehaddle <1% <1% 1% 3% <1% <1% <1%
• Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft’ 66% 95% 74% 21% 73% 68% 71%
• Nangiles Adit 16% <1% 13% 18% 23% 13% 22%
• Others2 3% <1% 2% 12% 1% 3% 2%
Load at Devoran (mg/s) 8 200 1 510 28 1 020 69 090 2 310 34 680
Concentration at Devoran (mg/1) 6.2 1.14 0.021 0.77 52.0 1.74 26.1
All data expressed at % of the loading at Devoran Bridge based on annual average loadings October 1993 - September
1 Treated Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft water quality as measured from polishing lagoon.
2 Other sources includes small non-measured point sources (e.g. Wellington Adit) plus diffuse sources.
3 Untreated Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft water quality as measured from No. 2 Shaft.
The water quality model was set up and calibrated, where feasible, using the data
collected for the October, 1993/September, 1994 study year. On this basis, the
model provides a reasonably accurate aid for assessing the effects of treating the
major sources o f contamination within the Camon River. In particular, the
model provides an indicative means of:
As more data are collected and the conceptual models are refined it should be
possible to link these models together to create an integrated catchment model
embracing flow and quality.
Although the existing treatment system at Wheal Jane is achieving its objectives,
a long-term strategy for the Camon River and the Wheal Jane minewater in
particular will be required. The successful implementation of such a strategy
relies upon identifying and treating the main sources of contamination within the
Hydrological models have been developed which provide reasonably accurate aids
for assessing the effects of treating major sources of contamination in the Camon
River catchment. These models include empirical models of flow from Wheal
Jane mine and in the Camon River^
A model of water quality in the Camon River was also developed which included
flow and concentration from each of the major contributors. The model was
calibrated using existing data and then used to predict the probable metal
concentrations at Devoran Bridge given the rainfall events recorded between 1952
and 1994. The model relied upon predicted flow and concentration input data
over the 43-year period, generated by the flow models and from measured
The models were used to assess the effects of changing existing treatment
pumping rates, and to estimate the treatment capacity required to achieve
particular quality objectives for the Camon River. Further refinement of the
conceptual models and the development of an integrated catchment model will be
necessary if treatment of all point and diffuse sources of contamination is to be
(1) Knight PiSsoId Final Report on the Investigation of Water Infiltration into
the Mine, December, 1980 (for Camon Consolidated Ltd).
(4) Domenico, P.A. and Schwartz, F.W ., 1990. Physical and Chemical
Hydrogeology. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
The existing treatment strategy has been developed on the basis of reducing, as
far as has been practical, the flow of untreated minewater into the Camon River.
Operating on this basis, treatment has resulted in the water quality in the Camon
River improving to a level comparable with that which existed prior to the
release of minewater in January, 1992. However, the instigation and
management of a long-term treatment strategy requires the setting of carefully
considered objectives against which technical feasibility, costs and benefits of the
treatment options can be evaluated.
Given the presence of more than one source of metal contamination in the
Camon Valley (see Sections 2 and 3), it is not appropriate to set objectives for
the treatment of Wheal Jane minewater in isolation. Consequently, objectives
have been set for the Camon River at Devoran Bridge, the monitoring location
nearest the tidal limit and which represents the sum of all inputs to the Camon
River and directly affects the water quality of Restronguet Creek and for Fal
For the purposes of the Wheal Jane Minewater Study, Water Quality Objectives
have been set only for those parameters directly affected by inputs from the
abandoned mine workings.
The NRA seeks to maintain and where necessary improve the quality of
controlled waters. This is achieved by setting objectives for the catchment based
on Water Quality Objectives to protect recognised uses and by ensuring
compliance with the standards specified in both UK statute and EC Directives.
The standards relevant to the Camon River and the Fal Estuary are principally
those specified under :
EQSs for "inland surface" and "estuary" waters. The NRA are required
to monitor receiving waters in the vicinity o f discharges, background
levels o f List I substances and the levels in sediments or biota near the
List II contains substances which are considered to be less dangerous but which
still can have a deleterious effect on the aquatic environment. There are
currently no statutory regulations relating to List II substances. Responsibility
for the implementation of this Directive in the U.K. lies primarily with the NRA
and follows guidance from the Department of the Environment set out in DoE
Circular 7/89 (Ref. 1). Appendix 1 of DoE 7/89 sets out quality objectives for
List I substances in "inland surface waters" and "estuary waters". Appendix II
sets out a series o f National Environmental Quality Standards for List II
As the competent authority for implementing this directive, the NRA has a two
fold obligation. The first is to monitor the quality of popular bathing waters and
to provide the results to the DoE which assesses compliance. The second is to
maintain and improve where necessary bathing water quality so that it complies
with the standards laid down in the Directive. To achieve this, the NRA has to
identify the sources of pollution, quantify the effects and ensure that
improvements take place.
Based on statutory and other reauirements, the following objectives have been
adopted as the basis for the evaluation of a long-term minewater treatment
strategy for the Camon River:
The Camon Water Quality Model (see Section 6.6) has been used to predict the
annual average concentrations of key parameters at Devoran Bridge which would
have been experienced during the period October, 1994 - September, 1995 if no
water treatment had been undertaken (se~ Table 7-1). These predicted values
give an indication of the likely water quality that would be experienced were the
"No Treatment" objective adopted in future.
An assessment of current water quality in the Camon River has been undertaken
based on water quality data collected between January 1,1993 and December 31,
1994 (see Table 7-1). The values for the mean and "face value" 95 percentile
have been used as the water quality targets to maintain no deterioration in current
water quality.
Where a particular objective does not contain targets for every parameter, the values ascribed in
the preceding objective have been assumed.
Information on the water quality in the Camon River between 1980 and 1990 is
available from routine monitoring programmes (see Section 2). The average
concentrations of relevant parameters has been taken to represent the pre-incident
water quality (see Table 7-1). It is apparent that the pre-incident water quality
objective would accommodate a deterioration in current water quality, target
concentrations being somewhat higher than those required to comply with the no
deterioration objective. For this reason, the "Pre-incident Water Quality"
objective has been omitted from the evaluation of a potential long-term treatment
An evaluation of historic data indicates that, in 1985, the total annual zinc
loading of the Camon River at Devoran Bridge was 309 000 kg, representing an
annual average concentration of 15.6 mg/1. An 80% reduction in this loading,
to 61 800 kg/year, corresponds to a target annual average zinc concentration of
3.1 mg/1.
Under the EC Dangerous Substances Directives, EQS for copper, arsenic and
iron are specified as dissolved concentrations. However, there is insufficient data
for dissolved metal concentrations in the Camon River to develop water quality
targets. For this reason, all objectives have been specified as total metal
Using the hydrological model developed for the Camon River (see Section 6),
estimates have been made of the flow of minewater which would require
treatment in order to meet the stated objectives for metals (see Table 7-2). It is
apparent that the "EC Directive" objective at Devoran Bridge cannot be achieved
by treating releases of minewater from adits alone. Contamination arising from
diffuse or non-point sources ensures that EQS will not be met even if both the
major adit sources (Nangile’s Adit and County Adit) were treated.
NA ... Modelling indicates that it is not possible to achieve full compliance with EQSs by treating either
Wheal Jane or a combination of Wheal Jane and County Adit (the two major point sources).
The likely water quality in the Fal Estuary under the "No Treatment" objective
was predicted using the Estuarine Contaminant Simulator Model (ECoS) (Ref. 2).
This is a one-dimensional model which simulates tidally and sectionally averaged
concentrations of dissolved cadmium and zinc for different freshwater inputs of
total metal. The model incorporates established relationships for the partitioning
of metals between sediment and water. The ECoS Model is considered to be of
use particularly in situations where the inputs from freshwater form the major
part of the total metal loading in the estuary (such as under the adoption of a "No
Treatment" objective). The model also provides predictions of annual time series
data for EQS assessment without excessive computing requirements.
The ECoS Model was used to predict dissolved cadmium and zinc concentrations
at two sections across the Fal Estuary :
• Tumaware Bar, in the north of the estuary near the Fal River.
• Carrick Roads outside the mouth of Restronguet Creek.
Under the "No Treatment" objective, EQS for zinc under both the Dangerous
Substances and Shellfish Directives would be exceeded in the Fal Estuary
although cadmium concentrations would remain within EQS (see Table 7-3).
Table 7-3 : Predicted Water Quality in the Carrick Roads under the "No
Treatment" Objective
Metal inputs into Restronguet Creek from the Camon River under the "No
Deterioration" objective would remain broadly similar to current levels.
Consequently, concentrations of cadmium, copper and zinc are likely to continue
to exceed the EQS under the Dangerous Substances Directives for Restronguet
Creek. Concentrations of zinc are likely to exceed the EQS under the Shellfish
Waters Directive at Turn aware Bar.
It is apparent that, under a reduced zinc loading from the Camon River, the EQS
for zinc was still exceeded in Restronguet Creek.
There are no historical data which can be used to predict the likely water quality
in Restronguet Creek and the Fal Estuary which might arise in the event that full
compliance with EQS was achieved at Devoran Bridge.
An attempt was made to model the likely changes in water quality in Carrick
Roads using the Estuarine Contaminant Simulator (ECoS) Model. However,
under these circumstances the contribution to estuarine metal concentrations from
the Camon River is dramatically reduced. However, the accumulated metal
contaminated sediments within the estuary and other minor freshwater inputs
become the controlling factors in determining estuarine water quality. The ECoS
Model cannot be used to make predictions with any degree of accuracy under
these conditions. However, it is possible that the influence of the metal-rich
sediments would be sufficient to ensure that EQS in both Restronguet Creek and
the Fal Estuary would continue to be exceeded even if the Camon River were to
comply with EQS at Devoran Bridge.
Under all the Water Quality Objectives except the "No Treatment" objective, the
inputs of acidic iron-rich water would not be sufficient to promote discolouration
of the estuary to any significant degree. A simple mass balance model, based on
iron loadings entering the estuary from the Camon River, suggests that, under
all objectives except the "No Treatment" objective, discolouration might be
experienced in no more than 0.2% of months (i.e. in the long-term, about one
month every 40 years).
The estimated extent of the discolouration over a 14 day period, under the "No
Treatment" objective, was predicted using the simple mass balance model for
• Low flow summer conditions, when flow from the mine would amount
to approximately 0.1 m3/s, (the best case).
• High flow winter conditions, when flow from the mine can be up to
0.5 m3/s (the worst case).
It is unlikely that any deleterious effects would be experienced under either the
"No Deterioration" or the "North Sea Commitments" objectives.
(2) The estuarine modelling shell ECoS; an evaluation for use by the National
Rivers Authority. NRA R&D Note 111, 1992.
Photograph 8.2 Wheal Jane Minesite and Clemows Valley Tailings Dam
Amelioration of the acid mine drainage problems associated with the Camon
River potentially involves the construction of a long-term treatment system within
the valley. Three sites have been considered as possible locations for such a
treatment works, namely:
• The Camon Valley Tailings Deposit between Bissoe and Devoran bridges.
The Camon Valley site is suitable for the construction of either a passive or
active treatment system. The Wheal Jane mine site is most suited to active
treatment, however the possibility exists to use the surface of the Clemows
Valley Tailings Dam as an additional area for passive treatment. The Point Mills
site, because of land restrictions, is appropriate only for active treatment.
This section of the report is sub-divided into two main parts. The first deals with
the valley in general and includes outline details of land ownership, planning and
environmental issues and potential methods of recovering water from the mine.
The second part (Section 8.5 onwards) provides a more detailed assessment of
the issues relevant to each specific site. In particular, this section comments on
the engineering, planning and environmental factors associated with each site.
Cost estimates for the construction of a treatment facility on each site are
detailed, as appropriate, in Section 10 Passive Treatment and Section 11 Active
Although definitive land ownership searches have not been undertaken, ownership
of the three potential treatment plant sites is understood to be as follows:
Based on the Ordnance Survey's 1 : 25 000 map Beso r i ‘
of 1977 with the permission of the Controller
of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
© Crown copyright. Al 550426. March 1995
Knight Piesold, Station Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 V 9
le lstor
W a te i
SITE jO u e n c h
k W e ll
rm m o n l
S llu jh i W orki-
Com m on
C hytjo c
r a n w 'el
W a te r Farm
The September, 1994 draft Cornwall County Council Structural Plan (Ref. 1)
provides a statement of the County Council’s policy towards development within
the county. Although the Camon Valley is not referred to explicitly in the
report, any development within the valley will need to be in line with the
Council’s objectives which include:
Policy ENV4 All developments must take full account of and respect the
landscape characteristics ensuring that the inherent qualities
of the whole of Cornwall are maintained and enhanced.
Policy ENV26 Development, including that along the coast, should not
lead to or add to the risk of flooding either in flood plains
or on other land liable to flooding.
Cornwall County Council Highways Department advised that proposals are under
consideration to upgrade the A39 Truro to Falmouth Road at Devoran. One of
these proposals involves the construction of a roundabout as shown on
Figure 8.2.
The Camon Valley, in general, has not been identified within the Carrick District
Structural Plan (Ref. 2) either as an area of preferred development or of special
landscape value. However, there are parts of the valley which have been
classified as Cornwall Nature Conservation Sites (see Section 2 Background).
The District Council’s policies reiterate those of the County Council, with the
addition of the following policy:
Policy 10H - The District Planning Authority will not grant planning
permission for development proposals which would conflict
with the implementation of the mineral tramway project in
association with Kerrier Groundworks Trust.
39700m N
Depending on both the size of the treatment plant and local authority
requirements an environmental impact statement would be prepared for the
proposed and, in principle, would address:
• Noise and dust.
• Traffic.
• Archaeology.
• Existing ecology.
• Potential for ecological enhancement.
• Potential for enhanced public access.
• Visual impact.
8.3.3 Traffic
The above list, however, is not exhaustive and due regard will be taken of all
other relevant legislation.
The relative locations of the existing abstraction routes are shown in Figure 8.3.
Where feasible, parts of the Janes Adit have been inspected. The results from
this inspection have been used, together with the available old plans and
geological information, to estimate the possible extent and cost of the works
required to enable the adits to be used for long-term abstraction.
C hapel
Fa rm
Tailings Dam
'W heal
Ba dd on
Fernletgh SITE \
I i Merest'
Six borehole pumps have been installed in the shaft, together with a new pump
handling facility, as part of the NRA’s existing operations.
Part, if not all, of the shaft has been concrete-lined. The long-term durability of
this lining should be checked by selective coring and analysis of the concrete.
Jane’s Adit was driven to prevent the mine workings flooding with groundwater.
The adit is approximately 1.5 m high x 0.9 m wide and was driven a distance of
approximately 2.0 km from the portal at Bissoe to the Wheal Jane mine. To
facilitate construction, a number of shafts were sunk along the line of the adit.
Cross cut stopes and other drives also connect into the adit.
Water from the Wheal Jane mine starts flowing from the adit at an elevation of
approximately 14.75 m AOD. Below this level the adit only intercepts
infiltration and, therefore, the quality of this water is relatively good.
A concrete plug was installed at the adit portal in November, 1991 to prevent the
uncontrolled release of water from Wheal Jane into the Camon River. The plug
incorporates a 300 mm diameter high level outlet and a 150 mm diameter low
level outlet. Both outlets are fitted with stainless valves to control the flow from
the adit. The high level outlet is connected to the passive pilot plant distribution
main, whilst the low level outlet has been blanked off to prevent accidental
release of minewater to the river.
A limited internal inspection of the adit was undertaken in October, 1993 and
November, 1994. Full inspection of the whole adit was considered unsafe by the
Mine Safety Officer due to:
• Lack of at least two secure access/egress points (one at each end of the
section under inspection).
• The upstream section of the adit, within the zone of influence of the recent
Wheal Jane workings, has been affected by ground movement induced by
mining and therefore was in a less satisfactory condition. A 30 m length
is heavily timbered and much of this timbering is broken indicating that,
locally, the surrounding rock has collapsed onto the timber work.
• Some of the intersections between the adit and the adit shafts have been
stopped up with timber boards and steel supports. These stopings were
generally in a satisfactory condition, but represented a potential long-term
• Due to the tortuosity of the adit and the small cross sectional area,
mobilising men and materials to carry out any repairs would be extremely
Preliminary costings indicate that the adit could be enlarged and made secure for
a cost of £1 400 000.
In conclusion, the adit in its present condition offers a relatively secure method
o f abstracting water to feed a plant located on the Camon Valley Tailings
Deposits. However, due to the size and tortuosity of the adit, internal inspection
and repair would be difficult to achieve. Although the probability of a complete
collapse is small, the resultant consequences would be significant.
The original Nangiles Adit drained water from the upper levels of the Wheal Jane
and Nangiles Mines into the Camon River via County Adit, This discharge route
was subsequently blocked and a cross cut driven from the northern bank of the
Camon River, at a location some 500 m upstream of Point Mills, to intersect the
Nangiles Adit.
The geological plans indicate that part of the adit may be on lode and possibly
has been subjected to ground movement associated with past mining activity.
Therefore, it is anticipated that at least part of the adit will be in a poor
Water removed from the adit would be transferred to the treatment works located
either at Point Mills or the Camon Valley Tailings Deposits. Construction of
such a transfer system would require the negotiation of an easement with the
landowners along the route.
Installation of a new adit would provide the opportunity to recover minewater via
the most direct route appropriate for the treatment works. However, construction
would cost approximately £2 000 000 due to:
As a consequence of the risk and potential costs, a more cost effective solution
can be achieved by upgrading one of the existing adits.
Abstraction from depth within the mine is not considered beneficial as:
• Only limited flow occurs through the mine workings at depth due to the
fact that the water table within the orebody is held nearly horizontal by
drainage into the upper levels and adits. In effect, the voids below river
level contain predominantly stagnant water.
• Shaft probing has indicated the conductivity and dissolved metal content
of the minewater increases with depth and has confirmed the presence of
stratification within the mine. The evidence of stratification suggests that
only limited mixing of shallow and deep water is occurring within the
• Abstraction of the more highly contaminated water from depth within the
mine would result in an unnecessary increase in treatment costs due to the
additional reagents necessary to precipitate the higher metal
The desk studies and associated field inspections have indicated that the most cost
effective and secure method of recovering water from the Wheal Jane Mine for
treatment is from the Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft.
7 ^ ”
- "l \
y- A
i t a
o \
- -! nra b OUNDARYt=
■ n \ J
is ' V
r y \v
if t
! 1 f f I ! f I
V W O N T tN U C O 10 I C F T - V '/
Old Tailings Deposits 29.9
Open Water (Ponds) 1.0
Camon River 3.3
Agricultural Land 6.2
Total Area 40.4
Legal responsibility for the security of the tailings depository is covered by the
Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969. Discussions with the Mines and Quarries
Inspectorate have revealed that as the depositories are no longer in use or
associated with an operating mine, the deposits can be re-classified as disused
and therefore fall within Part II of the above Act.
Legal liability for the security of the tips on this basis lies with the landowner.
Responsibility for ensuring that the landowner maintains the tips in a condition
which does not endanger the public lies with the County Council.
Redevelopment of the Camon Valley site for either passive treatment and/or
metalliferous sludge disposal would require planning consent from Cornwall
County Council.
8.6.3 Engineering
Exploratory drilling at the locations shown in Figure 8.5 have revealed that the
superficial geology generally comprises:
My lor shale - weathered, increasingly intact with depth, blue grey slightly
metamorphosed shale.
A typical borehole log is shown in Figure 8.6, whilst the full site investigation
report is contained in Ref. 3.
Groundwater levels within the tailings deposits vary and within part of the
passive treatment pilot plant site lie at ground level. An area at the south eastern
end of the site is occupied by a number of shallow lakes.
The soft ground conditions present beneath the 1 to 2 m thick consolidated crust
covering the whole of the tailings deposit represent potentially difficult conditions
for the construction of any treatment facility. Structures built on the tailings, for
example, would need to be supported on piles driven into the underlying rock,
or founded on concrete raft structures.
The results from the 1994 chemical analyses of the groundwater and the
superficial materials present within the valley are summarised in Table 8-1 and
are similar to the data derived from previous investigations. These investigations
have revealed that:
3.45 • 3.60 J
4 .o a
MADE GROUND: Very loose dark brownish
4.00 - 4.45 SJ 4.00 grey s l i g h t l y sandy s i l t ( T a i l i n g s
M a t e r ia l).
4.50 - 4.90 B 4.50 4.50
MADE GROUND: Very loose black/d ark
brown/greenish brown clayey s i l t with
occasional fin e to medfia gra v e l
5.00 - 5.45 — U18 5.00 2.0 0 16 25.0 ( T a i li n g s M a t e r ia l).
6.50 -1 .2 9
Very loose s i l t y f in e to coarse SAW)
6.50 ■ 6.95 SJ 6.50 3.60 and GRAVEL (ALLUVIUM).
B 7.00 4.0 0
8 . 00- -2 .7 9
v e ry s o ft dark grey s l i g h t l y sandy very
8.00 - 8.45 SJ 8.0 0 2.00 s i l t y CLAV w ith some fin e to coarse
gra ve l (ALLUVIUM).
8.60 - 9.00 B 8.6 0 4.0 0
• The results indicate that any construction on the site would need to take
due regard of the risks to the health of the site workers and the general
public. Appropriate precautions might include good standards of hygiene,
designated clean areas, washing facilities, protective clothing and the
provision of both dust monitoring and control measures.
The Camon River has been relocated from its original course, within the centre
of the valley floor, to the south western side of the flood plain to allow the
deposition of tailings.
Tailings deposition has been undertaken behind a bund constructed along the left
hand bank of the river (looking downstream). In most places, these bunds are
of sufficient height to contain the 1:100 year flood and, therefore, only a limited
part of the available area now falls within the 1:100 year flood plain.
Development of any treatment facility within the area of the Camon Valley
Tailings Deposits will need to:
• Pay due regard to the need to maintain and protect the tailings
confinement bund from erosion by the river. Services
The site is served only by low capacity domestic water and electricity supplies.
Should an active treatment facility be constructed on this site, additional services
would have to be installed.
A secure supply of minewater for a treatment located within the Camon Valley
could be achieved as outlined in Section 8.5, by means of a pipeline running
from either the upgraded Jane’s or Nangiles Adits.
Subject to the agreement of South Crofty pic, the existing Wheal Jane Mine site
may provide a suitable location for an active treatment works. In particular, the
site offers the following potential advantages:
Detailed negotiations would need to be carried out with South Crofty pic should
this option be deemed the preferable solution. Preliminary discussions have
revealed that South Crofty pic:
• Propose to relocate the existing ore processing plant to the South Crofty
Mine, to avoid hauling ore from South Crofty Mine to Wheal Jane for
• In principle, the company is amenable to the idea of the site being used
for continued water treatment purposes.
• The Wheal Jane Mill, which is used to process tin ore won from the
South Crofty Mine.
The Wheal Jane Mine site already has planning consent for winning, processing
and disposal of waste produced by mining operations. Construction of a long
term active treatment facility at this site is potentially advantageous in that:
• Use of the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam minimises the additional traffic
generated, as the disposal of any resultant metalliferous sludges could be
undertaken on site.
The operation of the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam is covered by the Mines and
Quarries (Tips) Act 1969 and the associated regulations. The dam is currently
defined as a classified active tip as the facility is still in use, is more than 4 m
high and contains in excess of 10 000 m3 of stored waste. Clarification of the
status of the deposit if solely used for metalliferous sludge disposal has been
sought from the Mines and Quarries Inspectorate. The Inspectorate’s lawyers
have advised that although the facility would still be in use, it would be legally
classified as a disused tip.
Preliminary discussions have been held with the Waste Regulatory Authority
(WRA) regarding the legal status of the tip under the Environmental Protection
Act 1990. The WRA has advocated that, in the event of the dam being used
solely for the storage of metalliferous sludge, the facility should be licensed in
accordance with the Act.
8.7.3 Engineering Construction
The site has already been used for heavy engineering purposes and a large flat
platform has been previously constructed by means of a cut and fill operation
upon which the mine complex has been founded. This platform should be
suitable for the construction of an active treatment plant. Services
The site is already well serviced by the existing electrical supply and is connected
to mains water.'
Minewater would be abstracted for treatment using pumps located in Wheal Jane
No. 2 Shaft, which is the preferred abstraction point identified in Section 8.5.
This system has been operational for approximately three years as part of the
NRA’s existing treatment system. The nearby Clemows Shaft also remains open
and could be used to provide a secondary abstraction source, in the unlikely
event of a blockage in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft.
Construction of a treatment facility on the Wheal Jane site should have minimal
environmental impact on the valley. Indeed, the possibility exists to use the
ongoing minewater treatment scheme to assist in the reinstatement of the
Clemows Valley Tailings Dam, thereby producing a further benefit to the Camon
Valley environment.
This site is overlooked by the adjacent properties in Point Mills and would need
to be carefully engineered to minimise the environmental impact.
The site is not owned by the NRA and, therefore, either a long-term lease or the
freehold would need to be obtained before the site could be developed.
8.8.2 Engineering
The ground conditions on this site are unknown. However, the historical
ordnance survey plans indicate that the site was previously used for industrial
purposes and may, therefore, contain old foundations, contaminated fill and
made-up ground.
The installation of new site services, including the upgrading of the road
junction, would be required.
The main advantage of this site is its close proximity to Nangiles Adit and
consequently would require the minewater to be piped only a short distance. The
level of the site, however, is close to that of the adit portal and therefore low
head pumps may be needed to feed minewater into the treatment system.
8.9.1 Summary
Three possible sites with the Camon Valley have been considered for the location
of a long-term minewater treatment plant, namely the Camon Valley Tailings
Deposits, Wheal Jane Mine site and Point Mills. The attributes of these sites are
summarised below:
• Minewater could be fed by gravity to the site either via the Nangiles or
Jane’s Adit.
• The mine site is suitable for active treatment and the surface of the
Clemows Valley Tailings Dam also could be used for passive treatment.
• This site has established processing use and has adequate infrastructure.
Point Mills
• The site is suitable only for the construction of an active treatment plant.
• Minewater would be fed to the plant from the nearby Nangiles Adit.
8.9.2 Conclusions
The preferred location for the long-term treatment o f Wheal Jane Minewater is
dependent on the method of treatment adopted. From the review of the possible
development sites outlined in the previous sub-sections, it can be concluded that
based on planning and other non-technical aspects:
• The Wheal Jane Mine site is the preferred location for an active treatment
• The Lower Camon Valley Tailings Deposit is the most suitable site for
a passive treatment plant.
The potential for prevention and control of minewater emanating from Wheal
Jane has been addressed as part of the overall treatment strategy. The methods
addressed include: -
• Physical control of recharge and hence discharge by sealing the river bed
and other major points of recharge to the mine workings and/or
controlling groundwater movement and flow.
In 1975, following the collapse of old workings during a flood event, the Camon
River flowed into the workings rapidly overwhelming the mine pumps. For mine
safety reasons a stretch of the river was confined within a concrete channel to
prevent such a reoccurrence. This work resulted in some 80 m of the river being
canalised over the most vulnerable stretch of the workings between the County
Adit and Wellington Adit portals. It is believed that other potential inlet points
were identified and sealed during this operation and a subsequent study of water
infiltration to the mine identified no significant inflow via the river floor (Ref. 1).
Since recovery of water levels in the mine, the potential for flow from the river
to the mine workings has been reduced further due to the reduced hydraulic
gradient. Measurements of minewater levels have confirmed, however, the
continuing potential for seepage from the river to occur. More detailed flow
measurements at intervals along the Camon River will be required if this seepage
is to be quantified. Existing river flow measurements indicate a net base flow
to the river at least in the summer months.
If water levels in the mine were to be lowered in the long-term then there may
be significant infiltration from the river to the mine workings. Under these
conditions there would be benefit in sealing those areas of the river bed where
losses are identified.
Catchment treatment would involve sealing off the major points of ingress into
the workings and preventing recharge into the system.
Since the main source of inflow to the workings is rainfall, the only identifiable
method of reducing this inflow would be to install a low permeable cover across
the majority of the catchment which would be impractical and unrealistic.
There are also features on the mine site and in the surrounding area (see
Figure 9.1) which may be net contributors to underground flow, including:
The contribution from these features, based on areal extent alone, is considered
The practicalities and cost of sealing and controlling inundation above the present
groundwater surface indicates that this method is of limited application at Wheal
Jane unless it can be proved to be cost-effective in providing some mitigation of
poor water quality (see Section 9.3).
Abatement measures need to target the above components to either isolate the
rocks from the geochemical processes which result in the generation of acid mine
drainage or to reduce or alter the strength of the resulting reactions. Experience
indicates that such methods need to be targeted to the specific geology and
hydrochemistry of the mine.
The following sections summarise those techniques which are available and which
may have potential for use at Wheal Jane.
Exclusion of air from mine workings can have significant beneficial effects by
preventing or retarding the oxidation process and acid generation. Exclusion of
air can be achieved by:
At Wheal Jane the cessation of pumping led to the inundation of the majority of
the workings and thus this method has been successful in eliminating the
generation of acidity at depth. The potential for inundation of the upper zone of
workings, by raising groundwater levels using underground barriers was
discussed in Section 9.2 and is unlikely to be effective.
Were the upper levels of the mine to be flooded there still remains the potential
for shallow groundwater flow and the exposure of mineral surfaces during
periods of low groundwater levels. Some generation of acid and the leaching of
metals would, therefore, still occur.
Exclusion of air by backfilling and sealing the mine relies upon detailed
knowledge of the workings. At Wheal Jane data relating to the extent of the
shallow workings above adit level is limited and the methods would be unlikely
to prove successful.
Rock surfaces may also be sealed with bactericides (Ref. 7). The rate of
oxidation of pyrite in the presence of water and oxygen is relatively slow, but is
accelerated by the presence of the bacteria thiobacillus ferrooxidans and
ferrobacillus sulphooxidans. It has been shown that the catalysing activity of
these bacteria may be inhibited by the application of anionic surfactants such as
sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate, potassium sorbate
and sodium benzoate. To date, the principal use of bactericides has been in
abating acid effects on surface mines enabling revegetation, which itself adds a
degree of alkalinity to the system. Such examples have shown reasonable success
but none have been in operation for longer than ten years and moreover, on the
worse sites have required repeat applications to control acidity.
The application of sealants relies upon accessing the exposed mineral surfaces
both within mine workings and along fissures which, at Wheal Jane, would be
a difficult, dangerous and costly exercise. Therefore, this method is not
The introduction of materials to the workings which would either reduce the rate
of oxidation or at least inhibit it has the potential to improve the water quality.
These materials include:
Limestone has the potential to neutralise the acidity, raise the pH and encourage
precipitation. The most effective mode of introduction would be to pump lime-
based slurry underground. This would reduce the void space and seal off or
neutralise potentially acid producing rock surfaces, but would require a
significant volume of lime to fill the void. In addition the two factors controlling
the effectiveness of infilling the voids with limestone are:
• Where dissolved oxygen is low the hardness of the water may be elevated
by the lime addition but most metals will remain in solution resulting in
oxidation and precipitation at surface.
Organic Materials
The use of organic materials to treat acidic minewater has been well described
in the texts, particularly in the description o f the passive treatment system.
Bacteria are known to feed on sulphates and to catalyse the reduction of metal
sulphates creating metal sulphides. It has been proposed that the construction of
anaerobic conditions underground may assist in the reduction of acidity.
The method would require the creation of controlled flow through a system
containing an organic substrate, preferably in the final outlet pathways from the
minewater system, i.e. the adits. Providing the bacteria can survive the high
acidity conditions existing within the underground anaerobic system, acid
reduction would take place. The problems however of achieving a significant
reduction in acid discharges relate to the following:
• Adequate permeability to cope with the design flow and retain anaerobic
• The likely need to treat the water and overflow volumes on discharge
from the adit.
• The size of adit and organic cell needed to treat the flow emanating from
Wheal Jane.
This system has potential, but is limited by the volume of substrate required to
achieve other than minor quality improvements. Much work would be required
to prove the application at Wheal Jane. The cost of opening up the adit system
to enable backstowing will also be of significance to enable maintenance and safe
working conditions throughout its design life.
Antibacterial Agents
Research into the use of antibacterial agents to inhibit acid production in surface
coal mines and spoil heaps has been undertaken (Refs. 8 & 9). Agents such as
Caulobacter have been proved successful and have an advantage over bactericides
in that they exhibit natural regeneration. Bactericides may require repeat
application to overcome problems of depletion. Microbial agents are suggested
to inhibit oxidation of pyrite by parasitism, antibiotic properties, competition and
rapid regeneration. Success in the laboratory in reducing minewater acidity has
been claimed, but the method remains very much a research subject with no
known experience of underground application. Again similar costs and practical
difficulties of access for application will arise.
The methods available for prevention and control of discharges from Wheal Jane
involve reduction of flow through the mine by physical means and control of acid
generation by modification of subsurface conditions. Details of the potentially
applicable techniques are summarised in Table 9.1.
The most promising methods involve sealing surface features to reduce recharge.
Canalisation of a section of the Camon River has already proved effective in
reducing mine inflows. There may only be limited scope for further reduction
Research is continuing in the USA and elsewhere into techniques for the
prevention and control of acid mine drainage. Although there is no single
method which could be used at Wheal Jane, a number of small-scale techniques
might provide limited amelioration and should be considered in an ongoing
programme of monitoring and evaluation of treatment strategies at the site.
(5) Ove Arup & Partners. Limestone Mines in the West Midlands: the legacy
o f mines long abandoned. Department of Environment HMSO. 1983.
(6) Moebs N.N. and Krickovic S. Air-sealing coal mines to reduce water
pollution. Report of Investigations No. 7354, US Bureau of Mines.
(7) Sobek A.A. and Kastogi V. Controlled Release Bactericide: An
innovative system to control acid mine drainage. Society of Mining
Engineers Preprint No. 86-342 AIME.
(9) Shearer R.E., Everson W.A. and Mausteller J.W . Reduction o f acid
production in coal mines with use of viable anti-bacterial agents. Proc.
3rd Symposium on coal mine drainage, Pittsburgh, PA.
Photograph 10.1 "Lim e-free” Pilot Passive Treatm ent Plant Site prior to Commencement
of Construction
Photograph 10.2 "Lime-free” Pilot Passive Treatm ent Plant during Construction
Photograph 10.3 "Lim e-free” Pilot Passive Treatm ent Plant, Reed Growth Septem ber 1994
Photograph 10.4 Aerial View of the Pilot Passive Treatm ent Plant and the Clemows Valley
Tailings Dam March 1995
Photograph 10.5 Completed "ALD” and "Lime-dosed” Pilot Passive Treatment Plants
Photograph 10.6 Completed "Lim e-free” Pilot Passive Treatm ent Plant
The likely benefits to be gained from developing a treatment strategy for Wheal
Jane capable of operating for many years with the minimum of operating costs
were recognised soon after the initial release of minewater. One of the options
' that was identified early in 1992 for consideration as part of a long term
treatment strategy has been the use of low input or "passive” treatment
technology (Refs. 1 & 2).
Passive treatment technology is based on designs that utilise systems which, once
established, require a minimum of continued inputs (raw materials, energy and
labour) to maintain their performance. This is in contrast to conventional
"active” treatment technologies which rely to a much greater extent on continuing
inputs, usually of raw materials, energy and labour.
In such circumstances, where the degree to which design parameters used in one
situation may be applied to others is uncertain, it is prudent to construct and
operate small pilot plants to test the validity of these parameters. Accordingly,
in November 1992, Knight Pi^sold were instructed by the NRA to undertake
detailed design works and supervision of construction of a pilot passive treatment
system in the Camon Valley. The design parameters used in the Wheal Jane
Pilot Passive Treatment Plant are derived principally from experience gained by
Knight Pi6sold in the U.S.A. The succeeding sections discuss in some detail the
basis upon which individual design parameters were adopted, the way in which
the construction of the pilot plant has attempted to modify these parameters in
response to the particular conditions at Wheal Jane and the results obtained from
the operation of the pilot plant to date.
10.2.1 Background
Passive treatment systems can utilise a wide variety of processes, all of which are
known to occur naturally, to achieve neutralisation of the acidity and removal of
dissolved metals from minewater. In principle, some or all of the following
processes can be applied:
(ii) The co-precipitation of metals and the adsorption of metals onto metal
The aim of a passive treatment plant is usually to encourage the formation and
precipitation o f inorganic metal compounds, such as hydroxides or sulphides,
since these tend to be more stable than organo-metallic complexes (which are
susceptible to the decomposition of the organic component). For this reason,
whilst processes (iv) and (v) may be an inevitable (and in some cases beneficial)
consequence of the design considerations for the Wheal Jane pilot plant, only
processes (i) - (iii) have been evaluated as an integral part of the design
The pH above which this reaction occurs is itself dependent upon on the Eh
(reduction-oxidation potential or redox) of the environment. In an aerobic
environment such as a reed bed, the redox potential is normally in the range 300-
500 mV. Under these conditions the approximate pH above which the metals
tend to hydrolyse varies between 3.5 for iron and aluminium and 9.5 for
cadmium and manganese (see Table 10-1).
Metal Approximate pH
Iron (Fe3+) 3.5 - 5.0
Aluminium 3.5 - 5.0
Arsenic no hydroxide formed
Copper 6.0 - 7.0
Cadmium 8.5 - 9.5
Zinc 7.5 - 8.5
Manganese 8.5 - 9.5
Note: The actual pH above which metals hydrolyse is dependent
upon a range of factors including temperature, pressure,
redox and activity.
In this way, the dissolution of carbon dioxide, which can be derived from the
respiration of plant roots, bacterial decomposition of organic matter or diffusion
from the atmosphere will tend to increase the bicarbonate alkalinity and thus
enhance the buffering capacity of the system. For this reason, aerobic treatment
systems function most efficiently when a mature vegetation cover has been
established. This vegetation may include species of reeds (which are particularly
well adapted to this type of environment), rushes, some trees and algae.
Where the initial pH of the system is below about 5.5, however, the buffer
system tends not to function particularly well and at a pH of below around 4 does
not operate at all, since at a low pH there is tendency for carbon dioxide to
exsolve (i.e. Reactions 1 and 2 move to the left).
Despite the operation of the various buffer systems and the use of pre-treatment
it is not usually feasible in a passive aerobic system to raise the pH to a level
sufficient to promote the widespread precipitation of copper, cadmium, zinc and
manganese. However, aerobic systems normally contain a flourishing algal
community. During photosynthesis algae remove carbon dioxide from the water
and generate significant amounts of oxygen. The diffusion of these gases in
water is relatively slow, which results in the creation of a micro-environment
around the algal filaments. This micro-environment, which persists through the
normal diel and seasonal variations in light intensity, is presumed to exist around
all species of green and blue-green algae, although limited experimental evidence
suggests that the filamentous green alga Cladophora is amongst the most effective
in generating a high pH micro-environment (Ref. 5).
The algal micro-environment may have a pH in excess of 10, even though the pH
of the water body as a whole may be near neutral. In alkaline environments such
as these, metals such as manganese may precipitate initially either as an oxide or
as a carbonate, which may be subsequently oxidised to an oxide. The deposited
metal oxides then function as autocatalytic nuclei further enhancing the formation
of metal precipitates. These reactions can be utilised to remove small amounts
of metals which would not normally form hydroxides in an aerobic environment.
Consequently, aerobic systems have the potential to remove dissolved iron and
aluminium from the minewater, by promoting hydrolysis and the precipitation of
hydroxides, and mitigate against the resultant fall in pH by the action of the
buffer systems. They also have the potential to remove much smaller amounts
o f other metals in the micro-environment which exists within the algal mats.
Oxygen in the atmosphere will diffuse into the surface film of a water
body relatively easily (particularly where there is a positive gradient
maintained by the use of that oxygen in oxidation of ferrous iron Fe2+ to
ferric iron Fe3+). However, the diffusion of oxygen through the deeper
parts of a water body is relatively slow (even where there is a positive
gradient), although this may be enhanced by the ability of some plants
(principally reeds) to transport oxygen directly to the root zone.
For this reason shallow aerobic systems function better than deeper ones.
However, the continual mixing of the water body will enhance the
dispersal of oxygenated water (by replacing oxygen-rich water from the
surface with oxygen-poor water drawn from depth). In passive treatment
systems this mixing is achieved in two ways:
• The maintenance o f pH
A = Fe.Q.C. I
Pre-treatment systems of the type discussed in Section which are used
to raise the influent pH of minewater, and under certain circumstances to add
buffering capacity, prior to passive treatment usually depend upon either:
The ALD raises the pH of the influent minewater and adds alkalinity by
the dissolution of calcium carbonate to generate carbonate and bicarbonate
10.2.3 The Co-precipitation of Metals and the Adsorption of Metals onto Metal
The hydroxides formed by the precipitation of ferric iron and aluminium are
capable of scavenging other metal ions thus enhancing their removal from
solution by co-precipitation into the lattice of the solid phase as that phase itself
is precipitated. The affinity of a trace ion for a particular lattice is determined
by the relative sizes, ionic charges and electronegativities of the major element
and the trace ion concerned. This process is the basis of a commonly used
method in the active treatment of both potable and wastewaters (Ref. 8).
The hydroxides and particularly the oxyhydroxides and oxides of these metals
have a strong capability of adsorbing other metal ions onto their surface. The
mechanism of adsorption essentially involves the surface acting as a weak acid,
which attracts hydroxide ions, creating a.negative surface.- This negative surface
then attracts and adsorbs positive ions (both of the same and other metals).
These two processes may significantly enhance the efficiency of metal removal
within an aerobic treatment system. Arsenic, in particular, is readily removed
from solution by co-precipitation with iron as ferric arsenate. However, the
contribution that these processes make to the overall efficiency of metal removal
in a passive treatment system is difficult to quantify. For this reason they are
usually disregarded in the design of such systems. Empirical design criteria by
their very nature will, of course, take account of these processes.
• A sulphate source
The surface area loading factor is determined by the need to moderate the pH of
the influent minewater. Sulphate-reducing bacteria can exert a degree of control
over the pH of their environment (Reactions 17 and 18), although this capability
can be exceeded depending on the magnitude of the stress imposed by the
influent pH and flow rate. The flow rate is controlled by the surface loading
Organic material in both aerobic and anaerobic environments has the potential to
adsorb certain metal ions. Copper ions in particular are readily adsorbed onto
organic material such as partially decomposed plant matter. However, the
capacity of the organic matter to adsorb metals is finite and the metals may be
released during the further decomposition of the organic material.
The adsorption o f metals onto organic substrate is a feature in the early stages
of the commissioning of anaerobic cells and commonly gives rise to a
"honeymoon" period during which exceptionally high rates of metal removal are
experienced. As the organic substrate becomes saturated with metals, however,
the apparent efficiency of the system declines, with further metal removal
dependent solely on the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria.
For these reasons this process is not considered in the design of passive treatment
The design criteria for passive treatment plants are based largely on empirical
observations from a large number of minewater treatment projects. The
experience gained from these projects suggests a series of design parameters,
pH AJ As Cd Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn DO. _so4
3.0 40 15 0.1 5 250 20 0.3 250 3-5 1000
All units except pH expressed as mg/1 total metal.
DO - dissolved oxygen
Sampling and analysis of Wheal Jane minewater from Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft
has been carried out regularly since February 1992. The most recent data, for
the period June - September 1994 (see Table 10-3) indicates an iron concentration
which is slightly higher than expected, although most other metals, especially
zinc, are present at much lower concentrations than those used in the design of
the pilot plant.
Date PH A1 As Cd Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn so4
June 1994 3.4 33 7 0.11 0.91 292 11 n/d 135 1179
July 1994 3.9 30 8 0.98 0.80 288 11 0.2 126 1130
August 1994 3.7 28 9 0.81 1.10 287 10 0.2 114 1096
September 1994 3.5 27 9 0.78 1.21 291 10 0.3 119 1171
All units except pH expressed as mg/1 total metal and reported as monthly mean (range).
Although the pilot treatment plant has been designed on the basis of a water
quality predicted from Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft data, since this is considered to
be most representative of the chemistry of the minewater in the long-term, the
plant itself will be fed with water taken from Jane’s Adit. Jane’s Adit has been
plugged effectively since 1991. Consequently, few data are available to assess
the actual quality of the influent to the pilot plant. However, a discharge was
allowed for a short period of time at the beginning of 1994 to enable an
assessment of the likely chemistry of the adit waters (see Table 10-4).
pH A1 As Cd Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn so4
Jane’s Adit 3.8 100'(60) 1.8 0.23 1.5 202‘(150) 28 0.8 138 1530
Wheal Jane 3.6 50 2.5 0.22 1.7 446 14 0.2 224 n/a
No. 2 Shaft
All units except pH expressed as mg/1 total metal, except arsenic which is reported as
n/a - no data available.
Note 1 The presence of suspended iron and aluminium hydroxides in some samples
(apparently flushed from the adit system and easily removed in a settling pond)
suggests that these values may not be representative of the long-term concentrations
to be treated in a passive system; the average concentration of those samples not.
effected by suspended matter is given in parentheses.
The limited data available for Jane’s Adit suggests a slightly different water
chemistry from that recorded in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft. Of particular interest
are the much lower iron, arsenic and zinc concentrations in the adit water
compared with the corresponding values for Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft.
The observed differences may be, at least in part, a consequence of the formation
of iron hydroxides (with associated arsenic) within the adit system itself. This
may have a long term influence on the quality of the adit discharge. However,
conditions within the adit system are unlikely to favour the precipitation of zinc.
It is likely, therefore, that the differences are also in part a function of the
limited duration of flow from the adit, in which case the metal concentrations in
the adit water will tend towards those of No 2 Shaft in the long term.
These interpretations are supported by data from Nangiles Adit (see Section 5)
which indicate that the concentrations of zinc in the discharge from this adit does
indeed resemble that in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft during periods of high discharge
from the adit, whilst the concentration of arsenic in the adit water remains
significantly lower than that in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft.
The differences between the metal concentrations in Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft
minewater, Jane’s Adit discharge and the quality predicted for the purposes of
pilot plant design are of significance in assessing the performance of the pilot
plant. However, the apparent differences are not so great as to significantly
change either the design or the operation of the pilot plant.
Similarly, the implications of any future changes in minewater quality (which are
discussed in detail in Section 6) do not significantly affect the objectives of pilot
plant operation. The configuration of the pilot plant remains suitable to assess
the site-specific design criteria. The predictions of actual minewater quality
requiring long-term treatment become relevant only in the design of a full scale
treatment plant.
pH Target Metal
Treatment system Control Fe & As Zn, Cu, Cd A1 Mn
Aerobic system:
• without pre-treatment o 0
• ALD pre-treatment *** o o< o
* lime-dose pre-treatment *** *** o *** o
* "rock filter" utilising algal
micro-envi ronment o + ? ★
In order to evaluate the performance of the aerobic systems with and without pre-
treatment, the pilot passive treatment plant comprised three separate combinations
of treatment systems, namely:
The design flow of the pilot passive treatment plant is based upon two criteria:
• Ensuring that the pilot plant is of sufficient size to mimic adequately the
performance of a full scale system, particularly with respect to the
influence of rainfall and seasonal performance in aerobic wetlands.
As a consequence of these factors, the following flows were used in the design
o f the treatment systems:
• For the "lime-dose" and "ALD" systems .... 0.5 1/s (30 1/min).
However, in order to evaluate the pilot plant fully the supporting pipework and
other infrastructure was designed to accommodate higher flows (of up to 150%
of design flow). In this way, there is the potential to operate the system to
"breaking point” to assess the limits of its performance capability, and to allow
for a degree of siltation within the pipework.
• Influent feed
The aerobic wetland is fed directly from a 2 m3 GRP header tank
incorporating a float valve, which ensures the maintenance of a constant
inflow into the system. The header tank is itself fed by gravity from a
valve chamber immediately adjacent to the Jane’s Adit portal via a
160 mm OD MDPE pipe. The minimum operating head at the highest
part of the system is some 2 m.
The inlet and oudet pipes in the header tank are submerged so as to
reduce aeration of minewater (and the consequent risk of metal
precipitation) within the tank. Discharge from the header tanks is
controlled by a pinch valve, with flow rate measured by V-notch weirs
located in sealed chambers to reduce aeration.
) ) (
1 1 11 11 1 11
1 1 1
) ) ) I
The surface area of the "lime-free" aerobic cells was determined by the
following formula:
A = i FeQCm2
• 1 x 750 m2
• 4 x 760 m2
Each cell was formed by excavating in-situ material and importing fill to
form embankments where the existing ground level was below
embankment crest level. The cells were lined with an HDPE impermeable
“membrane. The crest width of the embankments was set at 2.6 m to
allow access for small plant for maintenance works.
• Substrate
PH Cu Ni Zn Cd Pb
4.5 99 21 69 0.8 7
All units, except pH, expressed as mg/kg dry weight; analysis presented as the
mean value derived from 34 samples.
• Planting o f Reeds
• Influent Feed
Minewater exits the final aerobic cell through a vertically piped overflow
structure and enters the anaerobic cell via a 90 mm diameter MDPE pipe.
The influent passes into three equally spaced horizontal feeder pipes
located centrally within a shallow gravel surround overlying the substrate.
The feeder pipe is perforated over much of its length, with the last 5 m
The dimensions of the anaerobic cell were determined on the basis of the
volumetric loading factor of 0.3 moles sulphide/m3/day and the area
loading factor of 19.7 m2/l/min. With a design flow of 0.7 1/s and a
predicted zinc concentration (zinc being the principal target metal) of
250 mg/1, the design dimensions of the anaerobic cell are, therefore,
775 m3 substrate with an effective surface area of 827 m2.
The anaerobic cell was excavated in a similar way to the aerobic cells.
However, a 150 mm minewater collection blanket comprising 40 mm
gravel was placed at the base of the cell. This was overlain by a
geomembrane to prevent migration of substrate into the underdrainage
layer. The underdrainage feeds into a 90 mm diameter perforated MDPE
collection pipe prior to discharging into the adjacent rock filter. The flow
through the anaerobic cell is controlled by adjusting the height of a
flexible rubber pipe at the discharge point.
• Substrate
poor water into the system. The cap was covered with excavated soil
materials, with a 1:100 slope to assist run-off, prior to seeding with
grasses. Two lengths of 100 mm diameter uPVC perforated pipe were
installed beneath the capping layer to act as a vent should there be an
-- accumulation of gases beneath the cap.
• Influent Feed
The outlet from the anaerobic cell (the flexible rubber pipe) discharges
directly into the rock filter.
The rock filter was excavated and lined in a similar way to the other
aerobic and anaerobic cells.
• Substrate
The most readily available material for the rock filter was granite. A
200 mm depth of 75 mm diameter granite cobbles was placed in the base
of the cell. A series of 1 metre wide, 450 mm high berms were
constructed at approximately 10 m intervals along the cell to aid mixing
and provide access for sampling.
Knight Ptfsold
Wheal Jane Minewater Study 10. Passive Treatment Technology
Environmental Appraisal and Treatment Strategy Pre-treatment
• Influent Feed
The lime-dose plant is fed from a header tank identical to that in the
"lime-free’’ system.
• Plant Design
In accordance with the design principles the lime-dose plant is designed
to raise the pH of the influent minewater to a level just below that at
which metals (principally iron) might precipitate as hydroxides. The
amount of lime required is based on the neutralisation process, and,
assuming an influent pH of 3.0 the design lime requirement has been
calculated as 0.037 g/1. However, to accommodate a degree of flexibility
(in, for example, influent pH and flow rate) the plant has been designed
with the capacity to add between 0.01 g/1 and 0.1 g/1 lime to a flow of
between 0.125 1/s and 1 1/s.
• Influent Feed
The aerobic wetland is fed by a 90 mm MDPE pipe directly from the
sludge channel.
The surface area of the "lime-dose" aerobic cells was determined by the
same formula used in the design of the "lime-free” system, namely:
A = I FeQCm2
This overall value of 1080 m2 was also divided almost equally (subject to
construction constraints) into five separate cells of:
• 1 x 210 m2
• 4 x 220 m2
• Substrate
The substrate used was identical to that used in the "lime-free” system.
Planting o f Reeds
The anaerobic system is similar to that designed for the "lime-free" system. The
effective surface dimensions have been reduced to accommodate the reduced
design flow of 0.5 1/s. The substrate volume is 554 m3, with an effective surface
area of 591 m \
The rock filter is similar to that designed for the "lime-free" system. The
- surface area has been reduced to"430"m2 to accommodate the raiuced design flow
of 0.5 1/s. Pre-treatment
The presence of dissolved oxygen and aluminium in the minewater indicates that
the performance of the ALD may be constrained by the precipitation of ferric and
aluminium hydroxides. In order to reduce the risk of ALD failure, attempts have
been made to remove the dissolved oxygen and aluminium in a small anoxic cell
prior to passage through the ALD.
• Influent Feed
The anoxic cell is fed from a header tank identical to that in the other two
• Plant Design
• Anoxic cell
Both the ALD "senior" and the ALD "junior" are designed for a
minimum two-day retention time for their respective design flows
of 0.5 and 0.05 1/s. Both systems were filled with < 40 mm to
> 2 0 mm limestone enclosed within a welded HDPE liner. A
Figure 10.5 Schematic Longitudinal Section Through Anoxic lim estone Drain
void ratio of 20% was used for retention determination. The sizes
of the ALD systems are:
• Influent Feed
The aerobic wetland is fed directly from the combined outlets of the ALD
system via a 90 mm diameter MDPE pipe.
• 1 x 210 m2
• 4 x 220 m2 . _______
• Substrate
The substrate used was identical to that used in both the "lime-free" and
"lime-dose" systems.
• Planting of Reeds
Reeds were planted at an identical density to that adopted for the "lime-
dose" system, namely an average density of 4 plant/m2 in all five cells.
The reed species planted also comprised a 50:50 mix of Phragmites
(Common Reed) and Typha (Reedmace) with 100 Scirpus (Bullrush).
Cells were also fertilized with a general purpose phosphorous-potassium
mixture at a rate of about 400 kg/hectare to promote root growth.
The anaerobic cell was identical to that designed for the "lime-dose" system.
The rock filter was similar to that designed for the "lime-dose" system.
However, the granite substrate was replaced over the middle third of the rock
filter with limestone cobbles to enable an assessment of any potential for
increased pH through limestone dissolution.
10.3.1 Introduction
Tenders for the construction of the pilot passive treatment plant, together with
other works associated with the study, were issued to contractors in
December 1993. The contract was awarded to local contractor E. Thomas
Construction (Mowlem Ltd) in February 1994.
The location chosen for the construction of the pilot plant comprised an area of
approximately 4 ha immediately downstream of Bissoe Bridge (Figure 10.6).
The site was sub-divided into two parts by an area of raised ground comprising
a former County Council refuse tip. The lime dosed and ALD systems were
built on the upper site, with the lime free system located on the lower site.
The whole area has been subjected to mining activity which culminated in the
diversion of the Camon River to the western side of the valley. River diversion
was achieved by means of an earth and rockfill bund, which enabled the valley
floor to be infilled with tailings. The tailings deposits were eventually capped
with locally won material to form a surface that gently sloped towards the
Camon River. Ground levels on the upper pilot plant site varied between 10 m
and 8 m AOD, and between 10 m and 7 m AOD on the lower pilot plant site.
Ground conditions within the pilot plant area were investigated by means of four
shell and auger percussion boreholes and some 12 test pits. The ground
conditions encountered reflected the site history, with the superficial deposits
Thickness Material
0 to 0.5 m gravelly clay capping material (weathered killas)
3 to 4.5 m tailings
1.4 to 8.5 m alluvium
The consistency of the tailings varied spatially across the site but typically
comprised silty sands and silty clays with occasional sandy gravel horizons. The
upper 1 to 2 m of tailings tended to be firm to stiff probably due to a
combination of consolidation and near surface desiccation. The undrained
strength of the tailings, however, tended to decrease with depth and typically at
depths of in excess of 2 m the material was very soft to soft.
Groundwater levels varied across the site reflecting both the proximity of the
river and the heterogeneous nature of the tailings. For construction purposes the
water table was assumed to be concurrent with the surface.
The relatively fine grading of the tailings, combined with the reduction in
undrained shear strength with depth, either required the use of ground
improvement techniques to increase the strength sufficiently for construction
purposes or necessitated shallow construction. As the use of dewatering or other
ground improvement techniques was potentially both difficult and expensive, the
depth of excavation was restricted.
10.3.3 Programme
Site construction work commenced on 14th March 1994 and was substantially
complete by the end of November 1994. Key dates of the construction of each
pilot plant are summarised in Table 10-7.
A number of major modifications to the initial design were incorporated into the
construction of the pilot plant to reflect: ___ _________ - - - - - - -
• To avoid the build-up of excessive uplift pressure beneath the cell liners.
• Act as a possible leak detection system in the event of the failure of a cell
Both the drainage blanket and the granular perforated pipe surround were
wrapped in a geofabric to prevent the migration of fines and the eventual
clogging of the drainage system.
The perforated collection pipes were installed at 10 m centres beneath the "lime-
free” system site and at 17.7 m beneath the "ALD” and ”lime-doseHsystem site.
On both the upper and lower pilot plant sites the underdrainage pipes were
connected to an interceptor main which discharged the collected groundwater into
the river.
Minewater for the pilot plant is drawn off from the downstream plug in Jane’s
Adit and transferred to each of the pilot schemes by a 160 mm diameter MDPE
buried pipe. Air bleed valves and washout facilities have been incorporated to
enable the pipe to be purged of both air and accumulated solids.
The flow rate into each pilot plant is regulated by a manually adjusted pinch
valve and is monitored by both manually and automatically recording the depth
of flow over the inlet monitoring chamber v-notch weir.
To enable each pilot plant to operate without discharge to the Camon River, a
treated minewater return main was incorporated into the system to allow water
to be returned to the Wheal Jane mine site for further treatment.
• treated water collection sump constructed at the outlet from each pilot
• a booster pump located within the Bissoe pump station to convey the
water back to the Wheal Jane mine site via South Crofty pic’s emergency
water supply pipeline.
Power for the pumps serving each of the three pilot plants is fed from the Pilot
Plant Control Building.
10.4.1 Introduction
10.4.2 Commissioning
Full commissioning of any passive plant which incorporates aerobic reed bed
systems is constrained by the time required for these systems to reach maturity
(normally 1 - 2 growing seasons). The algal and anaerobic bacterial communities
can reach maturity under optimum conditions within a matter of weeks or
• Running the plant at first 25% then 50% of design flow as the systems
start to mature.
In order to assess the performance of each component of each of the three Pilot
Passive Treatment Systems, a comprehensive programme of monitoring has been
instigated. The programme comprises:
The results of field and laboratory testing are being recorded and assessed
regularly during the operation of the plant, and the testing programme reviewed
as and when required.
pH A1 Cd Cu Fe Mn Zn
Design values 3.0 40 0.01 5 250 20 250
10.5.2 Commissioning
The three systems ("lime-free”, "lime-dose" and "ALD") of the Pilot Passive
Treatment Plant were commissioned on different dates (and different days of the
week), to facilitate the implementation of the intensive monitoring requirements.
In accordance with the requirements for commissioning the initial flow through
each system was set at approximately 25% of design flow (0.125 1/s for the
"lime-dose" & "ALD" systems, and 0.175 1/s for the "lime-free" system). As
the systems mature this has been increased to 50% of design flow (0.25 1/s for
the "lime-dose" & "ALD" systems, and 0.35 1/s for the "lime-free" system),
prior to the eventual increase to full design flow. The commissioning of each
system is summarised in Table 10-9. None of the three systems will reach full
maturity until the end of the 1995 growing season. Introduction
The pilot passive treatment plant is still in the process of being commissioned.
Consequently, sufficient data has been collected to date to undertake only a
preliminary analysis of the performance of the anoxic pond / ALD and the
aerobic cells in the "lime-free" and "ALD" systems. Insufficient data is available
to evaluate the performance of the "lime-dose" plant, the aerobic cells of the
"lime-dose" system or the anaerobic cells and rock filters of any of the three
An important part of the evaluation of the performance of the aerobic cells of the
three systems will be an assessment of the diluting effect of rainfall. Estimates
of the dilution effect of rainfall for the "lime-free" and "ALD" aerobic cells were
made by two methods:
The results of these calculations for the "lime-free” aerobic cells, for the period
16.11.94 - 21.12.94, revealed that the composition o f the water discharged from
the lost aerobic cell was:
The correlation between the calculation methods i) and ii) was good, the
difference being within the anticipated range for evapotranspiration during the
period from November to January and the inherent errors in the chloride analysis
and flow and rainfall measurement.
Within five days of commissioning of the aerobic cells a thin layer of orange-
brown ferric hydroxide precipitate was observed in Cell 1, spreading rapidly to
Cell 2. No precipitate has yet been observed in Cells 3 to 5. An assessment of
the changes in dissolved iron concentration between the influent and effluent
indicates that, at an average influent flow rate of 0 .2 7 1/s, approximately 95% of
the iron has been removed by the aerobic cells (see Figure 10.7).
The change in pH (see Figure 10.7) indicates that the aerobic cells are currently
unable to raise the pH sufficiently to promote the precipitation of the remaining
iron or accommodate an increase in flow. This is to be expected given that the
maintenance of a suitable pH depends upon the operation of the bicarbonate
buffer system. The buffer system has yet to develop to a significant degree as
the aerobic cells have not yet reached maturity.
The concentrations of arsenic in the influent and effluent reveal a 99% removal
in the aerobic cells, with 95% removal in the first cell (see Figure 10.7). This
reflects the efficiency of arsenic co-precipitation and adsorption which
accompanies the formation of iron hydroxides.
The anoxic pond has been commissioned to 50% design flow, with an effective
reduction in the dissolved oxygen concentration by 40% to around 2 mg/1. This
was accompanied by a rise in pH from 3.9 to 5.1 and a reduction in redox from
+270 mV to +53 mV. A further improvement in the performance of this cell
may be necessary to fully protect the ALD from the risk of armouring with iron
The data available to date are insufficient to adequately evaluate the performance
of the pilot plant. Nevertheless, the complex and lengthy process of
commissioning a passive system has provided the basis for a realistic assessment
of performance over the succeeding months. It is estimated that at least 2 further
years of operation of the pilot plant will be required before final conclusions can
be drawn. In the meantime it will be necessary to use the design parameters in
any discussion of a long-term, full scale passive treatment facility.
Whilst site specific design criteria for a full scale passive treatment system should
become available after a period of two years operation of the pilot plant, the pilot
plant itself has a minimum design life of 5-7 years. This design life is
constrained primarily by the freeboard within the aerobic cells and could easily
be extended by appropriate maintenance work. The pilot plant therefore offers
an excellent opportunity to act as a focus for long-term applied research into
many aspects of the chemistry and treatment of acidic metal-rich minewaters.
A number of U.K. research institutions and universities have expressed an
interest in assisting in the long-term use of the pilot plant should this be deemed
The pilot treatment plant has only recently been commissioned and insufficient
data are available at this stage to undertake a detailed evaluation of the design
criteria. However, experience of currently operating passive treatment systems
elsewhere tends to confirm the validity of the original design parameters. There
is no reason to suggest that the operation of the pilot plant will result in the need
for a fundamental re-appraisal of design parameters.
All four of these issues will be investigated thoroughly during the operation of
the pilot plant. The uncertainty over the area loading factor for the anaerobic
cells, which is essentially pH dependent, is of prime significance. Although the
volume of substrate required is determined by the metal concentration of the
influent, the area loading factor governs the surface area of substrate required
(and hence is a principal determinant of land requirements and construction
costs). Recent experience in the U.S.A. suggests that the design criteria of
800 ft2/US gallon/min. (14 m2/m3/day) might be reduced to around 600 ft2/US
gallon/min. (10.5 m2/m 3/day) without any deterioration in performance of the
cell. If confirmed, this would significantly reduce both the area of land required
and the costs of a full scale passive treatment system.
The modelling of water quality parameters at Devoran Bridge (see Sections 6 and
7) indicates that a full scale treatment plant would require a capacity of
approximately :
• 190 1/s ... to comply with the annual average metal concentrations of the
"No deterioration" objective (assuming a 50% annual risk of failure).
• 210 1/s ... to comply with the 95 percentile metal concentrations of the
"No deterioration” objective (assuming a 50% annual risk of failure).
• 230 1/s ... to comply with the annual .average metal concentrations of the
"North Sea Commitments" objective (assuming a 50% annual risk of
• 2 7 0 1/s ... to comply with the annual average metal concentrations of the
"No deterioration" objective (assuming a 5% annual risk of failure).
• 300 1/s ... to comply with both the 95 percentile metal concentrations of
the "No deterioration" objective (assuming a 5% annual risk of failure)
and the annual average metal concentrations of the "North Sea
Commitments" objective (assuming the same 5% annual risk of failure).
Table 10-10 : Design Estimates for Full Scale Passive Treatment Systems
The principal uncertainty in the budget estimate is the cost of anaerobic cell substrate; the lower
value given relates to the use of the cheapest but as yet unproven substrate (straw) whilst the
upper cost estimate relates to the use of the proven substrate used in the pilot plant (sawdust).
The assessment of potential sites for the construction of a full scale treatment
plant has identified two possible locations (see Section 8) :
• Approximately 40 ha of land owned by the NRA in the Camon Valley.
• Clemows Valley Tailings Dam - 16 ha.
Site reconnaissance, desk study researches and site investigation (see Section 8)
have identified only 22 ha of land (all in the Camon Valley) that would be
suitable, without undertaking excessive ground improvement works, for the
construction of a passive treatment plant.
The cost estimates summarised in Table 10-10 have been prepared based on the
1995 construction rates and a preliminary design developed using the experience
gained from building the pilot plant. In order to show how the costs of a full-
scale plant would be apportioned between the different components, a more
detailed breakdown of the costs of building a plant to treat 190 1/s is presented
on Table 10-11. In deriving these costs an allowance has been made for the
• The 1994 site investigation revealed that the Camon Valley tailings
deposits are very loose. Standard penetration tests indicated that the
undrained strength of the tailings, at depths greater than 1 m below
surface, is probably less than 20 kN/m2 which is unlikely to support the
weight of construction plant and may adversely effect the stability of any
cut slopes. A granular blanket has therefore been incorporated beneath
each cell to both allow vehicular access during construction and to assist
in the control of ground water levels. In the unlikely event of the liner
failing, the underdrainage system also beneficially acts as a leakage
detection and collection system
• The organic substrate within the anaerobic cell will become contaminated
with List I and List II metals including cadmium, arsenic and zinc.
Eventually the substrate will either have to be removed to a suitably
licensed landfill site or the cells used as a permanent depository for the
precipitated metals. To account for the possibility of the metals being
permanently stored in situ, it has been assumed that the cells will be lined
in accordance with current UK landfill practice. As the existing tailings
are contaminated with heavy metals and the Camon Valley aquifer of low
vulnerability, it has been assumed that lining with a single layer of HDPE
will be adequate.
• Table 10-11 indicates that the most significant single cost in the
construction of an anaerobic cell is associated with the supply, mixing and
placement of the substrate. The effect of substrate price on construction
costs has been assessed by considering the use of straw in place of
sawdust. Preliminary cost estimates indicate that the replacement of
sawdust with straw would reduce the initial construction costs by
approximately 40%, which potentially amounts to an initial saving of
some £7 million. This saving would however be substantially reduced by
the need to replace straw more frequently than sawdust, due to both the
form and potentially lower organic carbon content of straw. Any short
term cost benefit may therefore be off set by the reduced cell life.
Table 10-11 : Cost Estimate for Passive Plant to Treat 190 1/s
The distribution of the anaerobic cell and rock filter construction costs are illustrated
graphically on Figure 10.9 and are summarised in Table 10-12 and 10-13 respectively.
Based on treating 190 1/s through a plant built on the Camon Valley Site.
Based on treating 190 1/s through a plant built on the Camon Valley Site.
The treatment of acidic metal-rich minewaters using passive systems is well established.
The design of passive systems is dependent upon site specific criteria and it is normal
practice to develop detailed design parameters through the operation of a pilot scale
treatment plant.
A pilot treatment plant has been constructed in the Camon Valley in 1994 and has been
designed to treat up to 1.7 1/s of minewater from Jane’s Adit through a series of
treatment cells promoting the removal of iron, arsenic and manganese by aerobic
processes, and cadmium, copper and zinc by anaerobic processes. The pilot plant also
incorporates alternative methods of pre-treatment using an anoxic limestone drain and
a small lime-dose plant which are intended to enhance the efficiency of metal removal
in the aerobic and anaerobic cells.
Figure 10.9 190 1/s Passive Treatment Plant - Indicative Cost Distribution
The pilot plant was commissioned between November 1994 and January 1995. Passive
treatment, however, is based upon "natural" biological systems which must be allowed
to reach maturity before any detailed performance criteria can be evaluated. The long
term operation of the pilot plant will provide information of value to the treatment of
acid minewaters not only in the Camon Valley but wherever a similar problem occurs.
(1) Biological Treatment and Evaluation for Acid Mine Drainage at the Wheal Jane
Mine. Final Report for National Rivers Authority by Arthur D. Little Ltd, 1992.
(2) Wheal Jane - The Way Forward. R.M. Hamilton, NRA South Western Region,
(5) L.A. Duggan, T.R. Wildeman, D.M. Updegraff. The Aerobic Removal of
Manganese from Mine Drainage by an Algal Mixture Containing Cladophora.
1992 National Meeting of the American Society for Surface Mining and
Reclamation, Duluth, Minnesota, June 14-18, 1992.
(6) J. Skousen. Anoxic Limestone Drains for Acid Mine Drainage Treatment.
Green Lands 21 (4): 30-35, 1991.
(7) G.A. Brodie, C.R. Britt, T.M. Tomaszewski, H.N. Taylor. Anoxic Limestone
Drains to Enhance Performance of Aerobic Acid Drainage Treatment Wetlands -
Experiences of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
(9) R.S. Hedin, R.W. Naim and R.L.P. Kleinmann. Passive Treatment of Coal
Mine Drainage. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines Information
Circular 9389 (1994).
(10) Health & Safety Executive. Protection of Workers and the General Public during
the Development of Contaminated Land, 1991.
Active treatment can be defined as any process which requires a continuous input
of resources to achieve the required, improvement -in water quality . " Unlike
passive treatment" in which all the necessary resources are provided during
construction, active treatment requires a reduced initial input but the continued
introduction of chemical reagents and manpower to maintain ongoing treatment.
An active system is typically cheaper to build than a passive plant, but the annual
operating costs are higher.
• Technical performance.
The treatment of minewater can be separated into four basic stages (Figure 11.1),
These four treatment stages are achieved in the existing treatment system by:
The assessment of suitable active treatment technology has been carried out in
two principal stages, namely: ______ - - - - - -
• technical appraisal
• financial evaluation.
Budget cost estimates have been prepared- for those treatment processes
demonstrated to be potentially applicable for treating the Wheal Jane minewater.
Capital costs have been established based on. the installed treatment capacity
whilst operating costs have been prepared using the average flow rate treated.
The cost of each option has been compared and the preferred treatment route
derived on the basis of both the technical and financial evaluations.
The active treatment systems have been sized on the basis of achieving both the
"No Deterioration" and "North Sea Commitments" Water Quality Objectives with
a 5% annual probability of non-compliance. As detailed in Section 7, these
objectives can be met by constructing a process plant with maximum capacity of
300 1/s, treating an average flow rate of 190 1/s. The active treatment processes,
therefore, have been appraised on this basis. A modular design, comprising a
number of parallel streams, has been used in sizing each treatment plant, with the
maximum capacity operated only during the winter. Essential maintenance can
be carried out during the summer months when the treatment requirement is
reduced and one or more of the modules can be taken out of service without
compromising water quality.
The first stage of an active treatment process will generally involve changing the
water chemistry to render the dissolved metals insoluble. The solubility of
metals in aqueous solutions is primarily dependent on pH. The concentration of
most metals in solution generally increases as the pH is reduced (i.e. becomes
more acidic) as shown in Figure 11.2. Changing the pH, by the addition of
either acid or alkali, can be used either to increase or reduce the quantity of
dissolved metal.
The minewater pumped from Wheal Jane is acidic, with a pH = 3.5, and
contains a significant quantity of metals in solution (typically 600 mg/1 during
1993 reducing to approximately 500 mg/1 during 1994). The addition of an
alkaline substance can be used to increase the pH, resulting in the formation of
a metal-rich precipitate. The required increase in pH necessary for precipitation
varies with the metal species and the concentrations present as shown in
Figure 11.2 and Table 11-1.
In principle, by carefully raising the pH, the metals can be selectively removed
from solution.
Notes: 11 Residual total values measured from filtered supernatant following lime dosing
through the temporary treatment system.
12] Ref. 7 - Development of Long-Term Water Quality Objectives
[3] (D) = dissolved (T) = Total
The rate at which the chemical reaction proceeds varies with both the form in
which the alkaline substance is introduced and the final pH. Powdered alkaline
substances have to dissolve in the minewater before the pH raising and
precipitation reactions can take place. A finite time is required for the powder
to dissolve and the reactions to take place. The length of this period affects the
required retention time within the process plant and hence the size of the facility.
The rate of some reactions are also pH controlled and therefore the pH has to be
raised sufficiently not only to allow the formation of a precipitate but also to
ensure that the reaction takes place relatively rapidly. For example, the rate at
which iron oxidizes from Fe2* to Fe34 is dependent on pH. The rate of this
reaction can be increased 100-fold by raising the pH by one unit. Processes
involving this reaction, therefore, have to be optimised by offsetting any
reduction in retention time, and hence plant size, against the cost of increased
reagent usage.
The method used to precipitate the dissolved metals from the minewater is
dependent not only on the required effluent quality but also on the optimisation
of the chemical reactions to achieve the most cost-effective method of treatment.
Representative samples from each of the product groups shown in Table 11-3
have been subjected to laboratory testing. Each material has been compared with
reference to cost, product characteristics and availability. This has resulted in
the conclusion that the most appropriate method of neutralising the acidic
minewater and forming metal hydroxides is by the use of either quick or hydrated
(slaked) lime.
Although the cost per tonne of quick lime is cheaper than slaked lime, additional
equipment is required on site to prepare quick lime. Consequently quick lime
only tends to be economically attractive in the long-term.
With the possible exception of copper, the use of lime will enable the minewater
to be treated to meet the EC Directive Water Quality Objective. The residual
concentration of copper in minewater treated with lime varied between 12 and
27 Mg/1» which was just less than the EC Directive Water Quality Objective limit
of 28 /xg/1.
The dissolved metals also can be removed from the minewater by the formation
of sulphides. A sulphate reduction plant has been built in Holland to treat some
60 1/s of groundwater contaminated with up to 250 mg/1 of zinc and other metals
by precipitation as sulphides. The process involves complex biochemical
reactions between the sulphate and the dissolved metals contained within the
contaminated water. A colony of sulphate reducing bacteria is established in a
reaction vessel (Figure 11.3) within which the bacteria convert sulphate (S04)
into hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
The precipitated sulphide sludge is separated from the treated minewater using
conventional separation and dewatering processes.
Sulphate reducing bacteria systems involve both higher capital and operating costs
than hydroxide based precipitation processes. Details of the relative costs are
contained in Section 11.7.
The above process systems have been developed primarily for use in the
extraction of specific metals. The techniques are not considered applicable for
blanket treatment o f the Wheal Jane minewater as, in general, the processes:
• Are metal specific and not designed for blanket metal removal.
• Require subsequent treatment to recover the metals for disposal.
• Tend to require significant additional resources in the form of power,
expert manpower and reagents.
• Are more expensive to build than conventional treatment routes. For
example a solvent extraction plant has an estimated capital cost of
£30 million.
A dewatered sludge sample from the existing treatment process was taken to the
zinc smelting refinery in Avonmouth to ascertain possible revenue from the zinc.
The smelter could not recover useful amounts of valuable metals and imposed a
significant penalty because of the contaminants present. The smelter also
generated a cost for a ’'synthetic*1 product assuming all of the iron had been
removed. Even with the iron removed a penalty cost would be imposed because
of contamination of the product with the other elements present in the minewater.
Zinc recovery would only become viable if the zinc could be separated from the
other contaminants.
metal from the minewater. Theoretically Ferric iron (Fe2+) can be separated
from zinc (Zn), as Ferric iron is virtually insoluble above pH 3.0, whilst the pH
must be raised to about 6.5 to ensure the precipitation of zinc. The work
concentrated on raising the pH to approximately 6 to enable the precipitation of
ferric iron without the co-precipitation of zinc. In principle the process involved:
Significant additional capital costs would be incurred if a zinc recovery plant was
adopted due to the need to provide separate solids separation and dewatering
plants for the zinc precipitate and the remaining metalliferous sludge.
In addition the smelter indicated that the zinc concentrate would have a negative
value unless effectively refined to remove not only the iron but also other
contaminants such as arsenic and cadmium, Production of a zinc concentrate
would therefore require the use of a relatively sophisticated process plant with
operating costs in excess of the value of the zinc produced.
The second stage of the treatment process involves the separation of the water
from the precipitated solids.
• Thickening.
• Modified Thickening (High Density Sludge).
• Hydrocyclones.
• Magnetic Separation.
• Flotation.
11.4.1 Thickening
The size of the thickener is dictated by the quantity of flow to be treated and the
settling velocity of the metal precipitate. The settling velocity can be enhanced
by the use of a flocculant to coagulate the particles, thereby enabling a given
flow to be treated in a significantly smaller tank.
Field trials carried out using a small 3.4 m diameter thickener have demonstrated
that the solid concentration (by weight) can be increased from 0.4% in the treated
minewater to 3% in the thickener underflow (an eight-fold reduction in volume).
The use of thickeners to treat 300 1/s of minewater would result in approximately
262 1/s of clarified water and 38 1/s of metalliferous sludge.
Pilot plant trials have demonstrated that the technique can increase the underflow
concentration from the 3 to 5% achieved in a conventional thickener to 20%.
For a 300 1/s treatment plant, such a process would result in about 294 1/s of
clarified water and 6 1/s of sludge (i.e. a 50-fold reduction in the volume). In
addition, the system should allow a reduction in the quantity of lime used as
recirculation ensures prolonged contact between the lime and metals. The
potential reduction in reagent costs however must be offset against the additional
pumping required to recirculate the sludge.
This technology is both proven and potentially offers the most effective method
of treating Wheal Jane minewater. Full details of the results from the pilot plant
testwork are contained in Table 11-4.
11.4.3 Hydrocyclones
© The flocculated particles were not sufficiently strong to withstand the high
shear forces developed within the cyclone. _______ __. _ .. . _
Sample pH Iron Manganese Aluminium Cadmium Copper Lead Zinc Calcium Arsenic Suspended Total
Solids Solids
mg/1 mg/1 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/1 mg/I % by weight
Minewater feed 2.8 321 10.6 48.4 0.14 1.64 0.15 252 - 4.5 103 -
Minewater feed 278 38.1 0.14 1.82 0.13 74.1
Effluent 17.7 1.8 <0.01 0.04 <0.04 3.21 131
Eflluent filtered <0.6 0.3 <0.01 <0.02 <0.04 0.11
Minewater feed 3.18 38.5 0.14 1.68 0.16 72.4
Effluent 10.3 1.4 <0.01 0.05 <0.04 3.19 44
Effluent filtered <0.06 0.3 <0.01 <0.02 0.04 0.14
Minewater Teed 3.3 315 7.69 37.1 0.13 1.56 0.16 115 3.51 18
Effluent am 8.3 3.82 1.57 0.66 2.05* 49.3* T < 2.5* 1.52 33.4* 45
Effluent am filtered 7.9 0.104 1.91 0.241 0.73* 12.6* D <2.5* 0.121 <1.0* <5
HDS Sludge 8.9 189 850 4 630 41 900 75 1 660 57 78 400 56 900 t 810 27.8
Knight Piesold
• • • •
Wheal Jane Minewater Study 11 Active Treatment Technology
Environmental Appraisal and Treatment Strategy
(fine fraction)
(coarse fraction)
Laboratory trials using a 0.8 Tesla high intensity magnetic separator revealed the
technique to be unsuitable due to the low magnetic susceptibility of the combined
11.4.5 Flotation
Flotation techniques rely on the use of air bubbles and hydrophobic organic
compounds to effect separation. The hydrophobic compounds are chemically
attached to the surface of the particles to be removed. On the introduction of air
into the minewater the hydrophobic compounds become attached to the rising air
bubbles dragging the solid particles to the surface.
The volume of the waste product arising from the metal precipitation/water
separation process can be further reduced by dewatering the resultant
metalliferous sludge. The degree of dewatering achieved is dependent primarily
on the resources input into the process.
For the purposes of the Wheal Jane study, the following dewatering techniques
(listed in order of increasing resource input) have been considered:
Stage 1: The lower half of the drum is immersed in a trough containing the
thickened sludge. A vacuum is applied pulling the water into the
drum leaving the solids on the filter cloth (filter cake).
Stage 2: The dewatered cake is removed from the filter cloth by the
application of compressed air and the use of a scraper.
The process is undertaken continuously as the drum slowly rotates, first through
the trough of thickened sludge and then across the pressurised zone where the
cake is removed.
• Free drainage.
• Slowly increasing pressure in a belt contained "sandwich" forming a
wedge zone.
• A final high pressure dewatering zone.
The filter cake product is more manageable than that from a centrifuge or rotary
filter and flocculant consumption is normally lower. However machine reliability
and maintenance costs are generally less favourable.
The product is friable and more manageable than that from a rotary vacuum filter
or centrifuge.
11.5.3 Centrifuge
Field trials undertaken at Wheal Jane using a small-scale scroll centrifuge have
demonstrated that the solids concentration of the metalliferous sludge can be
increased from the 3% achieved by a conventional thickener to 22%.
Although a centrifuge system has not been tested on the more concentrated
metalliferous sludge produced from the high density sludge separation process,
it is envisaged that sludge concentrations of approximately 40% by weight could
be attained. Further field trials are recommended to confirm this value.
In this process the solid/liquid mixture is pumped into the machine and contained
within porous filter cloths where pressure is applied, either hydraulically or by
mechanical screw, to force the water out of the sludge. When the drainage rate
reduces to a predetermined limit, the pressure is released, the machine unloaded,
and the filter cloths washed. Typically a machine would be loaded for 5-6 hours
and take one hour to unload and wash. The very high mechanical pressures used
Filtrate . Sludge in
o io in ln ) n lo lo l o lo l o lo lo l o lo l o lo n
V Cake
by these machines produce a very dry sludge which would be a major advantage
if off-site disposal is necessary.
The choice of dewatering system adopted for the Wheal Jane minewater project
is dependent on the final disposal point. Reducing the volume of sludge for
deposition by the use of dewatering will increase the life of the depository or
allow the waste product to be transported at lower cost. The range of unit
disposal volumes associated with each dewatering option is shown in Table 11-6.
The effluent water from the solids separation stage of an active treatment plant
should have an acceptably low suspended solids content. However, on occasions
some of the precipitated solids may remain suspended in the effluent,
necessitating removal by filtration. Adequate filtration can be achieved using a
sand filter which would remove the solids, thereby ensuring that a consistent
effluent quality is achieved.
Various sand filter systems are potentially applicable at Wheal Jane for the
tertiary treatment o f the water to be discharged to the river. The filter system
would require intermittent backwashing to remove the collected solids and these
would be recycled to the plant feed.
Sand filters are standard technology in the water treatment industry and the units
are relatively cheap. Installation of a sand filter system would also beneficially
provide a holding facility to retain the treated effluent temporarily in the event
of a treatment system failure.
Cost estimates have been prepared to establish both the preferred plant site and
the most cost-effective treatment process. In particular estimates have been
produced for:-
Estimates have also been prepared for the three possible active plant locations
identified in Section 8:-
Detail cost estimates have been prepared for various options, based on a modular
plant located both on the existing site and at the two other potential plant location
sites. The costs of these options are summarised in Table 11-7 which indicates
that some 85 % of the plant costs have been obtained from quotations or approved
industry practice.
The capital costs are cheapest for a plant located at the minesite. This is because
a significant proportion of the hardware is already in place (pumps and lime
dosing equipment) and the development costs for the rest of the plant are
The operating costs derived for the Existing Treatment System have been used
to provide indicative operating costs for active treatment. These costs are
summarised in Table 11-8.
111 Prices based on average treatment flow rate of 155 I/s. Some items are not directly
proportional to flow rate.
121 Disposal cost based on existing treatment and disposal, with tailings, to CVTD.
The actual disposal cost will depend upon the sludge density achieved and would
be adjusted accordingly.
To assess the relative operating costs of each potential active treatment plant site,
it has been necessary to estimate the associated pumping costs, as summarised
in Table 11-9. These pumping costs are offset against the capital costs
mentioned above.
The cost estimates outlined above have been used to build-up costs for the
various treatment options under consideration, as shown in Table 11-10.
1,1 Installed capacity of 300 I/s and average treatment rate of 190 1/s
Table 11-10 indicates that the Existing Treatment System is the most cost-
effective option whilst storage is available within the Clemows Valley Tailings
Notes: Costings are for Active Treatment Plant located on the mine site.
Dewatered sludge deposited to Clemows Valley Tailings Dam (at 45% solids content except the existing
treatment system which achieves a 20% solids content)
The capital and annual operating costs from Sections.U.7.1.and 11.7.2 have
been combined and used to assess the relative merits of the following options as
summarised on Figures 11.13 to 11.16:
• Existing vs Active plant treatment over a five year period - this being the
assumed life of Clemows Valley Tailings Dam.
• Capital and operating costs for the different plant site locations and the
"No Deterioration'’ and "North Sea Commitments" Objectives over
project lives of 10, 25 and 50 years.
• Indicative costs for treating Wheal Jane, County Adit, the Camon River
at Twelveheads and Hick’s Mill Stream to achieve EQS iron
concentrations (for comparative purposes only).
The discounted costs for each scheme are summarised on Table 11-11.
The technical and financial evaluations detailed in the above sections revealed
that the preferred active treatment route is:
Outline flow diagrams for the conventional lime dosed and high density sludge
treatment systems are shown in Figures 11.11 and 11.12 respectively.
I e.
ro a fe
8tr 1 i
8- ?
aCD fi- Co
u §s. ^1
I Co
& «Q
O rj
NRA South. Western
Knight PUsoLd
Wheal Jane Minewater Study 11. Active Treatment Technology
Environmental Appraisal and Treatment Strategy
8 »
Mine Site Point Mine Site Point
Continued Mills Continued Mills
Temporary Tenporary
Treatmert Active Treatment Treatment Active Treatment
1994 Average Flow (155 1/s) North Sea Commitments (Average 190 1/s)
S 1C
J3 10
& ------
a 5
Mine Site Point Lower
Mills Valley
20 ICapital H Operating
£ 10
The main conclusions from the assessment of active treatment options are:-
• The Existing Treatment System is the cheapest option whilst the Clemows
Valley Tailings Dam is available for the clarification of the treated
• The minesite is the cheapest location for an active treatment plant, both
in terms of capital cost and discounted costs over various project
• flow
• metal concentrations
• legislation.
Thanks are expressed in particular to the following companies, and to all the
other companies who have provided information for this report.
The following sub-sections describe the main characteristics of the waste material
produced by alternative methods of treatment, reviews the legal framework for
waste disposal, considers disposal sites both on and off the minesite, and
concludes with an economic appraisal of the options considered.
The nature of the waste product is dependent upon the treatment process
employed. All waste disposal is regulated under various legislation as discussed
in more detail in Sections 12.3 and 12.4. In particular, the legislation is
concerned with the containment of waste in a manner which minimises the long
term environmental impact. The degree of containment required is dependent
upon both the chemical form and the physical properties of the waste and
therefore it is necessary to characteristic the Wheal Jane metalliferous sludge in
terms of these properties.
The waste arising from treatment of the minewater has been characterised under
the following headings:
Table 12-1 shows the average metal concentrations in the minewater at Wheal
Jane for the period October, 1993 to September, 1994. Whilst this table is not
exhaustive it demonstrates the wide range o f metals present and allows the
following broad conclusions to be made:
• the resulting sludge will contain mainly iron and zinc products, zinc
being classified as a List II substance under EC Directive 80/68/EEC;
• it will also contain other metals including cadmium, a "Red List" and
List I substance and arsenic and copper, both List II substances under the
above EC Directive.
Wheal Jane
Average Flow 155
Arsenic 8.6
Cadmium 0.085
Copper 1.12
Iron 238
Manganese 8.9
Zinc 109
The form of the metalliferous sludge produced will be dependent on the type of
treatment process adopted and this will determine the disposal environment
required for long term storage.
The different forms of waste that may arise together with the required disposal
environments are listed in Table 12-2 below. If the environmental conditions
were changed then the metals may become remobilised by going back into an
aqueous solution.
The existing treatment system and the preferred method for active treatment
(Section 11) result in the formation of a hydroxide sludge. Consequently the
following sections of this report relate principally to hydroxide sludges, produced
Even when waste is stored within a contained waste facility some limited leaching
will occur due to the infiltration of rainfall or consolidation of the waste sludge
after placement. The quantity of leachate generated is governed by the physical
characteristics of both the waste and the disposal facility in which the waste is
stored (e.g. cell sizes, permeability of the capping material and waste etc).
These aspects form the basis of the design of a new disposal facility.
The above table demonstrates that the amount of leaching that takes place is
primarily a function of the pH and it can be seen from the TCLP results that
During the pilot trials hydroxide sludges were produced at various pulp densities
as summarised in Table 12-4.
For each water quality objective, the quantity and concentration of the minewater
to be treated has been determined (see Section 7) and hence the resultant mass
of solids is known. The volume of sludge generated is solely a function of the
pulp density achieved across the dewatering process. Table 12-5 shows the
predicted quantity of sludge expected to arise by treatment, to achieve the "No
Deterioration" and "North Sea Commitments" objective, of up to 300 1/s and via
the various treatment options under consideration. A full description of the
dewatering trials is included in Section 11. It should be noted that the pulp
densities achieved are "actual" values obtained from site trials and have not been
optimised. Optimisation of the plant performance by changing the many
variables (such as flocculant type, quantity and dosing point and plant
performance) should reduce the volume of sludge produced.
The volume and physical properties will determine how the depository is
operated and what plant is used for waste handling. The material properties can
be improved to some extent by stabilising the sludge. Cement'addition, at
between 1 and 5% weight of solids, will tend to increase the strength of the
material and therefore allow machines to work on the surface of the depository,
but may increase the permeability. The additional amount of metal leached as
a result of any increase in permeability would, however, be restricted by the
highly alkaline environment caused by the addition of cement to the waste. The
exact amount of cement required to obtain the correct balance between
permeability, workability and strength will need to be optimised by further site
studies, should this option be adopted.
For a passive system the waste products would be stored within the cells. In the
aerobic cells, for example, the bed level would rise as the hydroxide sludge is
formed and the reeds would continually grow above this bed of sludge. In the
case o f the pilot passive plant it is anticipated that the sludge bed of the aerobic
cells would rise at a rate of around 30 mm per year. For the anaerobic cells,
which are initially filled with sawdust (or a similar organic carbon source), the
substrate would gradually become replaced by sulphide minerals as the treatment
process is effected. Since metal sulphides are more dense than the organic
components, the voidage within the cell is expected to be maintained.
The stoichiometry of the reactions taking place within the anaerobic cells
indicates that four moles of carbon are required for the formation of each mole
o f metal sulphide and suggests that the cells will continue to function for about
25 years (Ref. 2). It is therefore anticipated that the disposal of waste (and
subsequent re-filling with fresh substrate) would be required at this frequency.
12.3.1 Policies
The September 1994 draft Cornwall County Council Structural Plan and the draft
Cornwall Structure Plan (1994) details the County Council’s Policy towards
waste disposal. The disposal of waste must comply with the Authorities
objectives which include:
The disposal of metalliferous sludge will need to comply with the appropriate
parts of the following legislation:
These acts support the Government White Paper "This Common Inheritance"
(1990) which sets out the Government’s commitment towards the control of
pollution. - - - - - -
The Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969 relates to the disposal of material
discarded from mineral processing operations. In particular, it is relevant to the
operation of the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam and the Camon Valley Tailings
• Should South Crofty pic cease tailings disposal but retain ownership and
allow the facility to continue to be used for sludge disposal, it would
become a classified closed tip.
• If South Crofty pic cease trading or transfer ownership so that the dam
is not associated with an active mine, the facility would be reclassified as
The legal status of these deposits is uncertain, but are considered to be disused.
In addition, Section 34 of the act imposes a "duty of care" on anyone who has
control of, or responsibility for, controlled waste at any stage from its production
to its disposal. This duty requires each person to take all reasonable measure:
In establishing the appropriate method for waste disposal the most cost-effective
solution is required that is consistent with sound environmental policies. To
comply with these criteria the following factors must be considered:
These factors have been considered in the appraisal of future sludge disposal
options within the Camon Valley and off-site.
Disposal of the metalliferous sludge in the Camon Valley can be achieved by:
The Clemows Valley Tailings Dam (CVTD) is owned and operated by South
Crofty pic for the storage of tailings produced by their mining and processing
operations (Figure 12.1). Historically the dam has accepted tailings from the
Wheal Jane Mine and is now about 25 years old. In 1994 the dam wall was at
a level of 66 m AOD with planning approval up to 70 m. A further rise up to
76 m AOD is technically feasible (Ref. 3) subject to planning permission.
The metalliferous sludge arising from the existing treatment system is deposited
into CVTD which acts as a clarifier by depositing the solid precipitates from the
water as well as a place of storage. This operation is managed under contract
with South Crofty pic, the owners and operators of the dam.
Disposal into the dam is currently the most economic solution for waste disposal
since it avoids the need for extensive dewatering equipment. It has also been
recognised that this arrangement is temporary as it relies on the continued
availability of the dam.
Metalliferous sludge accounts for about 2.5% of the input to CVTD by weight.
Recent analysis indicates that the sludge occupies about ,15 %.of. storage -volume
[I] - Assumes current minewater concentrations and average treatment rate of 190 1/s
from January, 1996
12] - Mill contributes 188 500 tonnes of tailings per year, 97000 tonnes as coarse fraction to dam
[3] - Alternative Fill Materials Required for Wall Building.
Figure 12.1 Location of Possible & Existing Disposal Sites in the Wheal Jane Vicinity
• If sludge only is deposited into the dam then the sludge solids content has
a dramatic effect on the life of the depository.
Alternative Disposal sites have been identified in the near vicinity of the Camon
Valley. These include:
• Lower Minesite
• Lower Camon Valley )
• Upper Camon Valley ) previously identified sites for tailings disposal
• Poldice Valley )
• Wheal Maid )
Prior to permitting the disposal of waste at any of these sites, it is likely that the
Waste Regulation Authority and Planning Authority will require full planning
and environmental studies, and the construction of a depository, engineered to
the appropriate standard. A Waste Management Licence would be required for
the deposit of waste at such a site.
None of the sites (other than CVTD) described above are as yet capable of
receiving waste sludge and so development and operational costs would be
incurred. The cost of this work must be offset by the transport and deposition
fees for offsite storage.
Lower Minesite
Lower Minesite lies to the north of CVTD and consists of old worked areas with
exposed waste rock. It is bounded by CVTD to the south, Clemows stream to
the west and the minesite shaft and crushing area to the east and north. With an
active treatment system located on the minesite, transport costs would be small
as the waste would not even require lorry haulage. The development of the site
would be subject to detailed engineering design, and planning and licensing
The lower Camon Valley site has historically received tailings over many
decades. This is the proposed site for a passive treatment plant and represents
the opportunity to create a substantial disposal capacity. However the site is not
considered suitable for a disposal facility for the following reasons:
• It would require major land raising within the valley (see Section 8).
All of the three sites listed above have been considered as possible sites for
tailings disposal. The studies of these areas suggest that significant space is
available for storage but that a large amount of development work would be
required. This would include:
Disposal of the waste sludge outside of the Camon Valley can be achieved by:
The database search revealed that no landfill sites exist in the South-West capable
of accepting waste of this sort. This was confirmed by the Cornwall Waste
Regulation Authority and by waste disposal companies. The nearest potential
sites are believed to be near Swindon and in South Wales.
Transport costs have been obtained from local haulage companies and from the
waste disposal specialists. The cost to transport waste to Swindon or South
Wales is estimated at between £7.00 and £9.00 per tonne. For the driest sludge
(45% pulp density) this represents about £10.00/m3.
The estimates for "gate fee" have varied from £20.00 to m orethan £50:00 per
tonne. A reason for these high prices is the amount of listed substances present
in the waste. In particular arsenic has a concentration of around 6000 mg/1 in
the waste solids whereas most licensed disposal facilities are limited to about
500 mg/1 or an annual quota which restricts the quantity of sludge that can be
accepted. It is possible that a number of separate sites may be required each
taking a proportion of the waste in order to disperse the quantities of arsenic.
Disposal to an existing landfill is, therefore, likely to be prohibitively expensive.
A preliminary appraisal indicates that only zinc has the potential for economic
recovery from the minewater. Zinc represents approximately 30% of the
dissolved metal in the minewater and has a relatively high market value (approx.
£720/tonne pure, January, 1995). Only one zinc smelting plant exists within the
United Kingdom and this is located at Avonmouth about 180 miles from Wheal
The chemical and physical properties of the sludge from each treatment option
are summarised in Table 12-7 together with details of the preferred disposal
The disposal costs for the options detailed in Table 12-7 are summarised in
Table 12-8 which shows the estimated costs for the disposal of wet solids. These
costs are only approximate for new sites where development costs are uncertain.
Notes Sludge volumes based on an average treatment of 190 1/s minewater at Jan 1995
minewater concentrations.
Disposal to CVTD all based on £11.00/m3.
[1] - Wall building / management costs not included.
[2] - Estimated from local and national waste haulage contractors.
[3] - Estimated from waste disposal specialist companies.
[4] - Estimated to reflect likely development costs.
A detailed study of possible future sludge disposal options has been carried out,
and the following conclusions made:
• Whilst the existing treatment system continues the only disposal option is
• Various alternative locations exist within the vicinity of the mine for
disposal sites but development costs and planning restrictions could be
The assessment of benefits has been based on the use of social cost-benefit
analysis. Within such a framework, the aim is to value as many as possible of
the costs and benefits of a given action, in monetary terms, to ensure that they
are all given equal consideration in the final decision making. This includes the
monetary valuation of environmental costs and benefits where possible and/or
The approach taken towards the estimation of costs and benefits has involved
calculation of changes in producer and consumer surplus associated with a given
water quality. Changes in producer surplus have been estimated in terms of
changes in economic rent earned by the owner of the resource/operations and are
based on a number of assumptions including the appropriate cause and effect
relationships, the implications of these for levels of activity, total revenues earned
by those in the industry and the proportion of revenue which corresponds to gross
profits or rent. In many cases, it has been necessary to rely on information
gained through discussions with industry, as published data were not available.
• The first involves the direct application of one of the main valuation
techniques, such as contingent valuation, the travel cost method or
hedonic pricing. Such applications are both time consuming and costly
and have been beyond the scope of this study.
Within the Camon Valley and the Fal Estuary, there is a range of different
activities which could be affected by changes in water quality. These include:
• conservation;
• extraction of maerl;
Of the above, initial scoping work found that there were no abstractions in the
area which would be affected. The other issues are each considered below.
There may also be educational and technology transfer benefits associated with
the treatment technologies adopted for Wheal Jane. Educational benefits may
arise principally from the operation of the pilot passive treatment system. The
transfer of knowledge and technology gained from Wheal Jane to other sites may
be beneficial in the avoidance of environmental damage. Examination of the
potential benefits from education and technology transfer has been beyond the
scope of this study. The appraisal has been limited, therefore, to consideration
of the remaining six categories of use.
The impacts on estuarine flora and fauna and birds associated with the different
water quality objectives are related to both changes in metal concentrations and
the potential for smothering from the precipitation of iron.
Under the "No Treatment" objective metal concentrations in the Camon River
would increase, although impacts on the river itself are likely to be negligible
(see Sections 2 and 3). Within Restronguet Creek, some changes in structure of
the invertebrate communities might be expected, due primarily to higher turbidity
and the smothering effects associated with the precipitation of iron hydroxides.
Within the scope of this study, it has not been possible to derive monetary
estimates for the value placed on the conservation importance of the estuary.
However, the number of designations applying to the estuary provides an
indication of its local, regional and national importance.
In considering the predictions made above on changes in flora and fauna under
the different objectives, it is important to recognise the link between these
changes and several of the other impact categories. In particular, there will be
links between changes in flora and fauna and the quality, abundance and diversity
of fisheries in the estuary, in the recreational value of the estuary and thus in
tourism to the area.
The most important shellfishery operating in the Fal Estuary is for the native
European oyster (Ostrea edulis) which is based on natural stocks. There has also
been some experimental rearing of small quantities of Pacific oysters
(Crassostrea gigas), but these are not considered to be commercially viable at
this stage. Carrick Roads supports one of the few commercially harvested
natural native oyster fisheries in the UK. The fisheries off Tumaware Point and
Percuil are designated fisheries under the EC Shellfish Waters Directive
(79/923/EEC). Because of high microbial levels (particularly from oysters
harvested from other parts of the estuary such as the River Fal), oysters are
currently relaid in uncontaminated water for a year before they are marketed.
Relaying also takes place to allow shellfish to mature prior to final harvesting and
to wait for the "right price" prior to sale. The banks of both the Restronguet and
Mylor creeks - below the low tide mark - are used for relaying.
The prediction of impacts of the treatment objectives on the oyster fishery has
taken account o f both the direct effects of water quality on the fisheries and their
acceptability for human consumption and perceptions of potential customers
concerning their acceptability and quality.
influenced by any of the changes in water quality implied by the four alternative
Under the "No Treatment” objective, metal levels in oyster flesh may be deemed
unacceptable by the Department of Health and MAFF. Although this was not the
case immediately following the 1992 incident, concentrations of zinc in oyster
flesh were approaching levels at which the Department may have had concerns.
Of equal relevance is public perception over the acceptability of oysters for
human consumption. As occurred after the 1992 incident, local demand can be
expected to decline should water quality deteriorate. This would have significant
impacts on the industry as the main market continues to be a local one.
Given the above, and on the basis of discussions with the Falmouth and Truro
Port Health Authority and with fishermen, the following assumptions have been
made for the base case of this assessment:
• under the "No Treatment" objective, demand for native oysters would be
reduced by 75% from current levels, thus reducing harvest rates;
The assumptions made above for the ’’North Sea Commitments" and "EC
Directive” objectives also could be considered conservative. In the 1960’s,_the_
estuary supported over 100 fishermen using traditional dredging methods. It has
been argued by some, therefore, that with improvements in water quality there
would also be increases in the extent of and harvest levels from the fisheries, and
indeed in natural growth rates of the oyster populations. The more conservative
assumption of no increase upon current levels has been made here for the base
case, however, as discussions indicate that it is unlikely that there would be new
entrants to the industry even with improvements in the quality of the fishery.
The overall market also appears to be limited due to the higher price of native
oysters as compared to over the more common pacific oysters.
Table 13-2 presents estimates of the value of the oyster fishery under the
different water quality objectives. It should be noted that the 1993/94 catch rates
have been used as the baseline estimate for these purposes as these figures are
considered to be a better indicator of the long-term position of the industry than
the lower harvest rates occurring during the mid-80’s which were affected by
high natural mortality rates.
The per annum increase in value under the three treatment objectives is estimated
at £300 000.
In addition to the oyster fishery, there are also a number of smaller commercial
shellfisheries in the Fal system, harvesting stocks of scallops, mussels and crabs.
There is also some informal collection of scallops and mussels around the rocky
foreshores at low tide. There are also reported to be four commercial crab
fishermen harvesting small quantities of mostly green and velvet crab.
Data on the value of these other fisheries are limited. However, anecdotal
evidence suggests that the long-term impact on this industry under the "No
Treatment" objective could be significant. For example, following the release
of minewater in January 1992, significant losses were reported by crab
fishermen, including one fisherman who estimated that on the 20th and 21st of
January alone he lost over £1,000 in crabs which appeared to be affected by the
plume of contaminated water moving through the estuary.
Nationally, sea bass are a high value species and prices have risen significantly
over the past 15 years, together with the share of the wholesale price received
by fishermen. The Cornish sea bass fishery is a 12 month commercial fishery
and includes both inshore (e.g. the Carrick Roads) and offshore activity. The
nature of the commercial fishery here has changed considerably over the last 20
years. Much of the offshore activity is now directed solely at bass, while in the
past bass was viewed as a valuable bycatch. In 1988 the regional fishery
(defined by the ICES Vile designation) included some 319 part-time fishing
vessels and 39 full-time vessels.
Within the Fal estuary and harbour area there are both commercial fishermen and
charter operators. Four boats are commercially licensed to operate in the Carrick
Roads and harbour area, but sources indicated that as many as eight other
unlicensed boats may be supplying the local "pub trade". In addition, other boats
operate outside of the harbour. Log Book returns made to MAFF indicate that
in total 17 boats (including charter fishing boats) operate from Falmouth
Given the significance of Carrick Roads as a nursery area, boats operating from
other harbours are also likely to rely on juveniles using the area. No data exist
to indicate how important the nursery is to the Cornish sea bass fishery overall,
but a limit of 50 to 100 miles has been indicated by MAFF scientists and other
specialists as the distance which young bass travel within the first two years of
leaving a nursery area, with the longer distance being particularly relevant for the
south west fisheries.
Commercial Fishery
Estimates of the value of the commercial sea bass fishery associated with the
Cariick Roads (see Table 13-3) have been based on the following assumptions:
• mean annual catches for a full-time boat are 961 kg per annum, while
those for a part-time boat are 227 kg per annum (Ref. 1); and
Table 13-3 : Value of the Commercial Sea Bass Fishery Associated with the
Carrick Roads Nurseries
In addition to the commercial sea bass fishery, the 1987 MAFF census indicated
that there were 10 charter boats operating out of Falmouth Harbour and another
29 operating out of the other associated ports. Limited data are available on the
value of these activities to the charter operators. However, based on studies
elsewhere (Ref. 1) the calculated value of charter activities to these operators is
estimated at about £132 400 per annum (see Table 13-4). Assuming that rent for
this sector is similar to that estimated for the commercial fishery operations, this
is calculated at about £66 200.
There are 35 angling clubs affiliated to the Cornish Federation of Sea Anglers,
five of these are located in the immediate area and have a total of 161 members.
No data are available on the number of non-club anglers in the area, but
discussions have indicated that numbers will be significantly greater than those
for club membership. This will be particularly true when angling by summer
tourists is taken into account (besides those using charter boats considered
The research carried out by Dunn et al (Ref. 1) found that there were about
490,000 bass anglers in England and Wales and this figure is considered a
reasonable estimate by the MAFF scientists involved in management of the
fishery (Ref. 2).
Given that the Carrick Roads provides 10% of the national nursery areas, it has
been assumed for the purposes of this appraisal that 10% of all sea bass anglers
will be affected by changes in the quality of these nurseries. On this basis, it has
been assumed that some 49,000 anglers would be affected.
The work carried out by Dunn et al (Ref. 1) on bass fisheries also included an
examination of the recreational value of bass angling. This work involved
surveying over 2,100 individuals involved in bass fishing, with interviews carried
out on-site, by post and through bodies and organisations concerned with sea bass
• 38% of sea anglers were fishing with the intention of catching bass, and
bass was the most popular species for 45% of shore anglers and 15% of
boat anglers;
• bass shore anglers made an average of 7.6 trips per year, while bass boat
anglers made an average of 4.6 trips per year (note that these figures have
been adjusted to account for potential sampling biases, with unadjusted
figures being 24 and 11 trips respectively);
• average expenditures for both shore and boat anglers per trip are about
£4.70 and £18.20 respectively (with these figures including travel and
other costs);
• the mean willingness to pay per annum by bass anglers to prevent closure
or loss of a fishery is about £25.80.
Although the above figures indicate the potential importance of the recreational
bass fishery to the local and wider Cornish economy in terms of lost revenues,
they do not indicate the change in the economic value of the fishery associated
with impacts on the nursery area.
Sea bass accumulate heavy metals such as zinc in their tissue and this may
influence not only their breeding ability but also whether they are fit for human
consumption should concentrations of metals within their tissue rise to high
enough levels. Given that many bass are cropped commercially as five year-olds
when they leave nursery areas for inshore coastal waters, there may be health
implications from the consumption of fish from the estuary under the "No
Treatment” objective.
Since 1986 there have been increases in the number of juvenile bass, and
reputedly with resultant increases in catches of fast-growing 5 year-olds by
commercial fishermen. In 1991, however, very few juveniles were produced
in south coast estuaries as a result o f strong northerly gales. Within the Fal
Estuary, it was this small surviving group of juveniles using the nursery area
which were impacted by the Wheal Jane incident in 1992. Due to the small
number of fish exposed to the incident and a lack of suitable sampling methods
for the estuary, it was not been possible to assess how significant the impact of
mine water releases were on the surviving population at this sensitive juvenile
stage. No mortality of larger juveniles was observed.
For the purposes of this appraisal, the following have been assumed for the base
Estimates of the economic benefits that might be derived from the adoption of
water quality objectives involving improvements in water quality have been based
of the following assumptions:
that the recreational benefits to anglers are equivalent to the damage costs
avoided through prevention of, deterioration to, or loss of, the fishery
(thus benefits only occur in preventing a decline from the current situation
* there are no further gains with improved water quality).
Total (£) 263 903 527 806 565 008 565 008
In addition to sea bass, recreational angling in the Fal Estuary is mainly for
mullet, sea trout, flounder, red bream, bull huss and thomback ray. There is
also fishing for pollack, pouting, wrasse, conger eel and green-boned garfish and,
in general, a wide variety of species are commonly caught. The Carrick Roads
may also be an important feeding area for sea trout which migrate up the
Tresillian, Allen and potentially the Kennal Rivers.
Under the "North Sea Commitments" and, in particular, the "EC Directive"
water quality objectives, numbers of migratory fish in both the Rivers Fal and
Kennal would be expected to increase. For the River Kennal, this would result
in the creation of a new and sustainable trout fishery which would be highly
valued by local anglers. At this time though, data do not exist to allow valuation
of the gains in consumer surplus to this group.
With regard to further deterioration in water quality in the estuary, it has not
been possible to predict how changes would affect the productivity and
sustainability of the beds. Although the current extraction site may be considered
to be towards the outer limits of water quality impacts, the Cornish Calcified
Seaweed Company (CCSC) have indicated that they would lose existing buyers
(due to perceptions concerning contamination of the maerl) should heavy metal
concentrations in Carrick Roads rise any higher than current levels. This view
is based on the reactions of buyers following the 1992 incident. In addition, the
productivity of the beds could be affected by smothering as a result of iron
A range of other environmental factors also may be affecting the beds. These
include increases in brown algae populations and associated increases in natural
sedimentation which are thought to be reducing the viability of the beds over the
longer-term. In addition, water sport activities along St Mawes Bank may also
considered likely to be causing damage to the highly sensitive maerl beds
(Ref. 3). It may be that the combination of these factors together with further
degradation in water quality and resultant deposition of precipitated metals could
lead to both the loss of these nationally recognised conservation assets and the
loss of the associated extraction industry.
It has not been possible to derive a monetary value for the potential damages to
or improvements in the maerl beds with regard to their conservation status.
However, an estimation of the impacts on the extraction industry has been
undertaken, based on discussions with CCSC (see Table 13-7).
The estimated changes in economic rent (as measured by profit) when moving
from “No Treatment" to one of the three treatment objectives is about £810 000
per annum. Although CCSC have indicated that it may be possible to move
elsewhere, the transaction costs would be high. Furthermore, extraction of maerl
requires approval and licensing by the Crown Estates and this has proven to be
problematic in the past at the existing and other sites.
A wide range of recreation activities is available in the Fed estuary area. These
have been divided into two categories for the purposes of this assessment:
The current levels of activity under each of these categories, predicted impacts
upon activities and estimated benefits are presented in Sections 13.6.1 to
The two key forms of informal recreation in the area around the estuary are
walking and birdwatching. Walking is undertaken along the banks of the Camon
River, Restronguet Creek and Carrick Roads. Within the Camon River valley,
the Kerrier Groundwork Trust (KGT) are responsible for the Mineral Tramways
Project which involves restoration of the old tramways and numerous industrial
heritage sites in order to create a footpath between the north and south Cornwall
Coastal Walk. The Project is funded by the Government’s derelict land grant
programme, English Nature, the Countryside Commission and British Telecom.
It will involve revitalisation of several of .the old industrial sites in the valley.
No predictions exist, however, on the numbers likely to use this trail when
The Fal Estuary as a whole attracts many walkers, but due to private ownership
there is limited public access along the Restronguet Creek foreshore and
hinterland and between Turn aware Point and Messack Point. The most heavily
used stretches are the Flushing to Mylor Churchtown footpath through the
Trefusis Estate on the west bank of the Carrick Roads and the St Just-in-Roseland
to St Mawes route on the east bank.
No surveys of user numbers exist, but Table 13-8 presents visitor numbers to car
parks on the key routes, thus indicating magnitude of use.
The implications of the different water quality objectives for informal recreation
relate to two factors:
• the impact which changes in water quality have on the flora and fauna
which support bird populations.
For the "No Deterioration", "North Sea Commitments" and "EC Directive"
objectives, potential changes in levels of activity and/or satisfaction gained from
informal recreation will depend on the nature of any improvements in habitat
quality. Adoption of a large scale reed bed based passive treatment system in the
Camon River valley may provide an attraction for users of the Mineral
Tramways footpath.
If the water quality improvements associated with the "North Sea Commitments"
and "EC Directive" objectives result in significant increases in marine species
diversity and abundance, this may result in improved feeding grounds for
overwintering wildfowl and other birds. This would obviously increase the value
of the estuary for migratory birds and thus birdwatching.
The economics literature has been reviewed in order to identify whether or not
any UK studies exist which address environmental quality changes similar to
those predicted here and thus could be used for benefit transfer. None of the
studies identified relate to the same kinds of water quality changes (e.g. gross
episodic discolouration), but there are studies which have examined informal
recreation users’ willingness to pay (WTP) for the protection or enhancement of
existing water related habitats (see Table 13-9).
From an examination of Table 13-9 it can be seen that the mean WTP value
varies from just under £5.00 to over £60. In order to err on the side of caution,
a value of about £5.50 per household per annum has been "selected" as" a
reasonable benefit estimate for willingness to pay to prevent deterioration of the
current recreation experience associated with the Fal Estuary. This value
corresponds to the lower estimate found for low flow alleviation in work carried
out by the University of Middlesex for the NRA.
For the purposes of aggregation, this value has been multiplied by the number
of households in Carrick District Council, which currently stands at around
33 000. On this basis, the total per annum willingness to pay to maintain the
quality of recreation is estimated at roughly £181 500.
Again, in order to be conservative, it has been assumed that this value covers not
only informal recreation, but also local residents WTP to protect water sports
activities (see also the discussion given below).
The Fal Estuary is one of the world’s largest natural harbours and the protected
waters of the Carrick Roads offers an extensive range of water sports, providing
one of the largest water sports centres in the southwest. The first World Water
Sports Festival and the Tall Ships Race will be hosted on the estuary in 1998.
The variety of water sport activities available in the estuary include:
• Sailing: the most popular sport on the estuary in terms of both numbers
of participants and expenditure; the types of boats used range from one
person sailing dinghies to ocean going yachts.
• Bathing: although there are no EC bathing waters within the estuary limits
(as defined for this study), certain beaches are used by both locals and
tourists for bathing.
• Rowing: there are two sliding seat rowing clubs located on the Penryn
river, with a total combined membership of 45. Teams from the clubs
are of a high standard, with members competing nationally. Local
interest in the sport is growing.
• Pilot Gig Racing: one of the fastest growing sports in Cornwall, with four
clubs operating on the Fal estuary.
• Diving: there are 14 diving clubs in Cornwall, all of which dive the Fal
Two of the key local organisations are the Restronguet Creek Society (which has
an amenity and recreation brief) with 300 members and the Carrick Maritime
Action Group which represents 4 000 local water users. Data are not available
on levels of expenditure by local residents, but the scale of activity and the
associated industry indicates that it is likely to be significant.
The range of water sports activity available in the estuary is also important to
tourism. It is estimated that 6% of tourists to Cornwall (and other regions in the
West Country) will undertake water sports when on holiday. Estimates have
been made of the annual number of visitors and tourist expenditure for Cornwall
as a whole and then for the area within Carrick District Council (see
Table 13-10).
C arrick District
Under the "No Treatment" objective, widespread media reporting on the changes
in water quality, particularly on any incidents of gross discolouration, is likely
to lead to an immediate reduction in the demand for water sports in the area.
Following the 1992 event, operators experienced immediate reductions in
bookings of 15% within a few days. In the longer term, the impacts on water
sports usage are likely to depend upon whether or not the Local Authority advise
against undertaking water contact sports, as was the case in 1992. Following
discussions with operators and the Authority (given the predicted degradation in
water quality under this objective and the likely impacts of media coverage on
public perceptions), it was concluded that over the longer-term there would be
at least a 50% reduction (for the base case) in the current number of tourist
related water sports users. Some argued that the tourist related industry would
cease altogether, but this seems unlikely given the level of sailing and other non-
contact water sports carried out in the area.
It must also be noted that the three principle EC bathing waters for the Fal area
(Gyllyngvase, Swanpool and Maenporth) could also be impacted under the "No
Treatment" objective. Following the 1992 incident, discolouration was
observable at all of these beaches for a few months. These beaches may be
similarly affected on a periodic basis.
The current levels of activity are predicted to continue under the "No
Deterioration" objective. Furthermore, operators did not identify current water
quality as a barrier to the further development of water sports ingeneral. On
- this basis, it is concluded that the further improvements in quality under the
"North Sea Commitments" and "EC Directive" objectives would not have much
influence on the levels of tourist related activity and expenditure.
The economics literature was examined to determine whether or not there were
any willingness to pay studies specific to different water sports activities, but no
studies were found. As discussed above, a figure of £5.50 has been taken as an
estimate of WTP for all recreation activities for local residents, although it is
recognised that this is probably an underestimate given the level of water sports
activity in the area.
With regard to visitors, changes in expenditure* and thus rent, has been used
instead as a means of calculating economic losses. Due to the absence of WTP
information specific to the estuary, it was believed that this would provide a
better indication of net national losses than transfer of other benefit estimates.
There are difficulties, though in using expenditure data as they do not reflect the
willingness to pay of those using the estuary to partake in activities there as
opposed to other sites in the Southwest, or England and Wales as a whole. It
could be argued that in terms of net national effects, all of the activity currendy
undertaken on the estuary would merely shift to other locations. Thus, there
would be a transfer of expenditure away from Carrick District and the Falmouth
area to other counties/regions, but at a national level the economic impact of this
would be neutral.
In order to address this issue, the potential for shifting water sports activities to
other areas was investigated to identify whether there was any "spare capacity"
at a regional and national level, or whether activity would move outside the
country (e.g. to Spain). Discussions with the Southwest Region Sports Council
have indicated that most of the activity would shift to other locations, with the
largest proportion remaining in the region and a smaller proportion shifting to
other regions. A review of the key factors affecting tourism to the area,
however, indicates that increasingly the Cornish market is being affected by
lower priced activity holidays overseas (British Tourist Authority, 1993 - see
Section 13.9.2). On this basis, it has been assumed here that about 10% of the
total expenditure would most likely be lost both to the region and the nation, with
the remaining 90% effectively being a transfer of activity. Based on typical
profit levels of this sector, we have assumed that about 25% of total expenditure
equals gross profits or rent to the operator (Southwest Region Sports Council,
personal communication).
On this basis, the estimated benefits of moving from "No Treatment" to one of
the other objectives is estimated at roughly £153 000 (see Table 13-11). These
estimates do not account for losses which would be incurred, however, should
the Local Authority advise against participation in water sports or use of
identified bathing waters under the "No Treatment" objective.
No No , North Sea EC
Treatm ent Deterioration Commitment Directive
Total bookings per annum 1 125 4 500 4 500 4 500
Average expenditure per 200 200 200 200
booking (£)
Total annual expenditure (£) 225 000 900 000 900 000 900 000
Net national expenditure (10%) 22 500 90 000 90 000 90 000
Economic rent (£) 5 625 22 500 22 500 22 500
Local resident W TP (£) 45 375 181 500 181 500 181 500
Total economic value (£) 51 000 204 000 204 000 204 000
Increm ental benefits (£) N/A 153 000 153 000 153 000
N/A - not applicable
The further reductions in zinc concentrations which would occur under the
"North Sea Commitments" objective and zinc and copper under the "EC
Directive" objective are expected to result in greater life expectancies for both
moorings and buoys. These would become greater than 4 years and 10 years
Estimates have been made of the benefits associated with moving from the "No
Treatment" objective to higher water quality objectives (see Tables 13-12 and
13-13). The increase in life expectancy and thus reductions in maintenance costs
result in per annum benefits in excess of £33 000 in moving from "No
Treatment" to "No Deterioration" and of £66 000 in moving from "No
Treatment" to the two higher quality objectives.
13.8.1 Introduction
There are numerous residential properties located along the banks of Restronguet
Creek and the Carrick Roads, with more or less direct water views extending out
over various parts of the area. Discussions with estate agents and other relevant
authorities concerning these properties have indicated that the value of these
residential properties are at least partially related to their water views of the
harbour, and that aesthetic changes in water quality due to ochre discolouration
would affect the value of these properties. Because there are a relatively small
number of commercial properties in the area, these have not been considered
further (although other impacts on income, etc. are considered elsewhere in this
A total of eight key residential areas have been identified, which include a total
of 540 properties, with more or less direct water views of the Creek or Roads
(see Figure 13.1). The relative importance of the eight sites is as follows:
Site 2: 14 properties just south of Weir Point, along the western banks
of the Carrick Roads.
Site 6: 44 properties located at Loe Beach and along the banks of Pill
Site 8: 100 properties along the south eastern banks of St Just Pool.
Although properties at the above sites are those which are most likely to be
affected by discolouration, it should be noted that there are large numbers of
residential and commercial properties along the lower part of the estuary (e.g.
St Mawes and Falmouth). These properties taken together will have a value
orders of magnitude greater than that estimated above.
Under the first scenario all of the properties located in Sites 1 to 6 would be
affected. Under the second scenario, Sites 1 to 8 would be affected, and it is
likely that other properties in Flushing, St Mawes and Falmouth would also be
affected on a periodic basis. As indicated earlier, should periodic discolouration
in the Falmouth area affect the use of bathing beaches, then property values in
Falmouth may also be affected.
The two objectives were presented to two different estate agents to elicit their
views on the effects which discolouration would have on property values. From
these discussions, a consensus was obtained that some properties would be
severely affected, while others would be less so. Surprisingly, the two agents
both indicated that most of the properties would experience from between 20 to
40% decreases in value, with the remainder experiencing, say from 5% to 20%.
These high values reflect the fact that some buyers purchase a property for
location only, then proceed to demolish the existing home and rebuild.
Given the magnitude of these guesstimates, the economics literature was also
examined to compare these values to those which have been found through the
application of hedonic pricing techniques. Significant positive effects on house
prices have been found for proximity to urban parks, greenbelts and forested
areas (Ref. 4). Of more relevance are two studies which have estimated the
value of proximity to rivers and canals. Garrod and Willis (Ref. 4) applied the
hedonic pricing method to the valuation of different countryside characteristics,
with proximity to rivers or canals being one of the characteristics examined. The
study found that this would raise the average house price by 4.9%. The second
study (Ref. 5) focused on waterways and canals and found that premiums ranged
from about 2% to 5% depending on geographic location. This second study also
elicited estimates from about 60 estate agents on the price premium associated
with waterfront locations. From this, an average figure of 18.6% was estimated
for location on the waterfront and about 8% for locations adjacent to the
waterfront. These findings suggest that estate agents tend to overestimate the
premium associated with waterfront locations and associated amenities.
P D evon
Tolcarne Treverri
? Fm ,
R e s tro n fu e t
s. Crow^ick
T re w ith
Restronguet Carwarthen
'bltaughan I
ir Point
o Pu^pry-^ IJrethern
it wood Polhendra Cfe *>}(+
T reth*w ell Lanhay
food la n<
R o se la n d ierran s
T re ge w i
Tr«fu*i* Point
Porth Fnv
tie Point
Carncknath Point
7"T ' P o rthm ellii
- Porthbeor ,
feCG Station A Black Rock Beach H ead
Gyllyngvaee & Slock f>ou»«
t Beach
Swanpool Point Pendennis
Beach} * St Anthony Hi
Under the "No Deterioration" objective, property prices would remain at present
levels; while further improvements in water quality under the "North Sea
Commitments” and "EC Directive" objectives are not expected to have any
significant aesthetic effects and thus would not have a significant affect on
residential property prices (although there may be some increase in value of those
properties directly located on the foreshore due to the relationship between
improved water quality and potential uses of the waters).
Table 13-14 presents estimates of the value of all residential properties under the
different water quality objectives.
Because prices for individual properties were not available, these estimates have
been derived by taking the mid-point for each council tax band as representing
the average value of all properties within that band, with the exception of
residential properties exceeding £320 000. For those properties valued less than
£320 000, it is believed that this approach provides a reasonable estimate as
prices are likely to be distributed between the upper and lower limits in each
band. However, because there is no upper limit from which to calculate a mid
point, all property prices valued greater than £320 000 are taken as £320 000.
W hile this may tend to bias the total value of residential properties downward,
only 10% o f residential properties are valued at greater than £320 000.
The 10% change in the capital value of these properties when moving from the
"No Treatment" objective to the improved water quality objectives is estimated
to be equal to about £8.4 million. Given that this is likely to be an underestimate
of the true effects as losses are also likely to occur to owners of properties in the
lower part o f the estuary, adoption of the "No Treatment" objective could
represent significant losses in the capital values of property assets.
Total (£) 75 415 500 83 795 000 83 795 000 83 795 000
There are over 3 million visitors per year to Cornwall, with only London and
Devon having significantly larger numbers of visitors. Out of this number, there
are approximately 575 000 tourists to the Carrick District.
Tourist spending for the county as a whole is estimated at £620 million per
annum, with £113 million of this being in Carrick District. Out of the total gross
spending of £113 million, it is estimated that about £44 million remains in the
District as an important source of net income.
The impacts on tourism and thus on the regional economy will be related to the
effects which the different water quality objectives have on public perceptions of
the area, on the loss of key species (e.g. sea bass or waders) and on any
restrictions placed on certain activities, such as water sports.
Perceptions of the area as one of high ecological quality and thus natural beauty
are likely to be damaged under the "No Treatment" objective with periods of
significant discolouration. This is likely to affect not only the numbers coming
to the area for recreational purposes, but also the numbers of more general
tourists since "natural beauty" is such an important part of choosing Cornwall
as a holiday destination. In addition, it is unlikely the estuary would be selected
to hold major water sports or sailing events in the future.
It is less clear what the impact of improvements in water quality above current
levels (as represented by "No Deterioration") would mean. It could result in
increased tourism as a result of higher quality marine ecosystems and thus
species diversity and interest. Increases in water sports may also occur if this led
to people viewing the area as a healthier location and engaging in more activities
as a result.
The area is currently viewed as a seaside holiday resort. If the image of the area
as having good clean beaches, etc. is eroded as a result of decisions concerning
the long-term management of discharges from Wheal Jane, this could have
serious implications for the tourist industry. The reality of this is illustrated by
the fact that after the 1992 incident there were immediate cancellations of
holidays to Truro, Falmouth and the surrounding area. Introduction
The preceding sections presented estimates of the per annum benefits gained in
moving from the "No Treatment" objective to the three alternative objectives.
Table 13-15 provides a summary of these incremental benefits. In examining this
table, it is important to note that it has not been possible to value a number of
impacts in monetary terms. These include:
• Property related benefits represent a one-off change in capital value, with benefits
assumed to occur immediately.
From the above, the present value of benefits for each of the higher quality
objectives has been estimated. These have been calculated on the following
• the discount rate used is 6% (the Treasury rate for the NRA); and
Table 13-16 presents the discounted benefit estimates for each of the use
categories and in total. As can be seen from Table 9-1, for the base case the
incremental benefits estimated for the "North Sea Commitments'* and "EC
Directive" objectives are the same. The further improvements in water quality
obtained under the "EC Directive" objectives were predicted to provide no
additional benefits to the six use categories. Furthermore, the difference in
benefits between the "No Deterioration" and "North Sea Commitments" and "EC
Directive" objectives are accounted for by impacts on the sea bass fishery and to
moorings owners only.
The incremental gains in moving from the "No Deterioration" objective to the
"North Sea Commitments" and "EC Directive" objectives are estimated at
roughly £1.18 million for the 50 year time horizon. This value represents the
further benefits to those involved in the sea bass fisheries and to owners of
moorings and navigation buoys only. Of equal, if not greater, importance is the
fact that the improved water quality associated with these two objectives is likely
to enhance or at least ensure protection of the conservation status of the area, in
particular with regard to certain marine biota and bird populations.
• High Estimates: this assumes that the "no treatment" values for the six
activities are significantly lower than those assumed under the base case
(representing higher levels of environmental damage compared to the
current situation), and that the higher water quality objectives lead to
significant increases in activity and thus benefits. The areas of use which
would benefit under the "North Sea Commitments" and "EC Directive"
objectives are the oyster fishery, the extraction industry, water sports and
• Low Estimates: this assumes that the economic values under the "No
Treatment" objective are similar to those for the current situation
(representing lower levels of environmental damage), and that there are
no further gains over the base case for the two higher quality objectives.
Table 13-17 presents the assumptions made for these two cases concerning the
incremental benefits resulting from changes in water quality. Table 13-18 then
gives the discounted benefit estimates for the "high estimates" case, while
Table 13-19 gives those for the "low estimates" case. Table 13-20 summarises
the implications of these two cases with regard to percentage changes in the end
present value estimates.
The change in estimated benefits is from roughly 43 to 47% under, the "low
estimates" case, while the increase in benefits varies from around 36% to 65%
under the "high estimates" case. It is important to note those assumptions which,
account for these changes in value.- Under the "low estimates" case assumptions
concerning benefits to the maerl extraction industry account for the largest share
of the difference (45%), while reductions in the impacts on property values
account for over 28% of the decrease in total discounted benefits.
At a more general level, however, the sensitivity analysis indicates that the
uncertainty associated with prediction of the potential benefits which might arise
from implementation of the "EC Directive" objective, in particular, is important
to the comparison of options. These benefits may be far higher than those
assumed under the base case.
Property related benefits represent a once-off changes in capital value, with benefits
assumed to occur immediately.
-43% 0% 65%
In accordance with Treasury guidelines, this appraisal has focused on the net
national economic impacts of the different long-term water quality objectives
associated with different long-term management options for Wheal Jane. As can
be seen from the above discussion, the net national benefits associated with
preventing any further deterioration in water quality are significant, with a
discounted value of over £32 million (over 50 years).
• impacts on fisheries;
• impacts on water sports and recreation in the area;
• impacts on the local property market; and -
• impacts on tourism.
Expenditure on sea bass angling and water sports was estimated at approximately
£3 million and £6 million respectively. Although much o f this expenditure would
be likely to transfer to other parts of the country should opportunities be lost in
the Fal estuary, losses to the local economy would be considerable.
(4) Garrod G and Willis K (1991). The Hedonic Price Method and the
Valuation of Countryside Characteristics, Working Paper 14, Countryside
Change Working Paper Series, Town and Country Planning, University
of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The development of an integrated treatment strategy to reduce the impact of
metal laden acidic minewater on the Carnon River has required an assessment of
the sources of contamination and the detailed appraisal of the potential methods
of remediation.
The water quality studies detailed in Sections 6 and 7 have identified that:-
• Wheal Jane and County Adit are the main point sources of contamination.
• Unidentified diffuse sources both upstream and downstream of Bissoe
Bridge make a significant contribution to the metal loading in the Camon
Water quality objectives and possible scenarios for achieving these objectives
have been identified in the following Sections:
7 Development of Water Quality Objectives
9 Prevention & Control of Discharges
10 Passive Treatment Technology
11 Active Treatment Technology
12 Sludge Disposal
The conclusions from these sections are briefly summarised in the following
subsections and comparisons made regarding the technological and economic
merits of each of the identified treatment schemes. Conclusions are drawn from
these comparisons and a recommendation made regarding the future treatment
strategy for the Wheal Jane minewater problem.
Al As Cd Cu Fe Mn Zn
The predicted contributions from Wheal Jane and County Adit without treatment
of the Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft minewater are summarised in Table 14-2.
A1 As Cd Cu Fe Mn Zn
Wheal Jane and
82% 96% 87% 39% 96% 81% 93%
Nangiles Adit
The total dissolved metal concentrations in the Wheal Jane No. 2 Shaft
minewater have declined from in excess of 3000 mg/1 in 1992 to approximately
500 mg/1 in 1994. Inspection of the data indicates that the metal concentrations
Continued data collection will allow both seasonal trends to be established and
the development of a model to simulate the decline. Until such a model has been
developed extrapolation of the data to predict future concentration is considered
to be inappropriate. Minewater treatment requirements therefore have been
assessed on a conservative basis using the average annual metal concentration
measured between October 1993 to September 1994 inclusive.
Three water quality objectives have been developed by the NRA for the Camon
River as summarised in Table 14-3. Numerical modelling of the major sources
of contamination entering the Camon River has enabled the treatment
requirements necessary to achieve these objectives to be estimated, as detailed in
Table 14-4.
Notes : EC Directive EQS values based on hardness > 250 mg/l CaCOj/1.
AA ... Annual Average
(T) ... Total metal; (D) ... Dissolved metal.
n/a ... not available
Where a particular objective does not contain targets for every parameter, the values ascribed in
the preceding objective have been applied.
(a) A maximum treatment capacity of 300 1/s is required to achieve both the
"No Deterioration" and "North Sea Commitments" objectives, with a 5%
annual probability of non compliance (i.e. on average 1 year in 20 will
not comply).
Some engineering works were carried out in 1975, where the river crosses the
outcrop of the orebody to reduce flow from the river into the old mine workings.
It has therefore been assumed that the potential for ground/surface water
interaction has been substantially reduced, however, this remains to be
Potential future treatment options have been appraised both on a technical and
financial basis. Treatment methods which have been demonstrated to be
technically viable have been costed for project lives of 5, 10, 25 and 50 years.
Where appropriate, allowances have been made for:
• Capital Works
• Power
• Consumables
• Plant Operatives
• Maintenance
• Sludge Disposal
• Planning and Design Engineering Fees
• Upgrading Jane’s Adit
Costs have been calculated using a combination of sources, including the existing
treatment system, quotations and tendered rates. No allowance has been made
Since the costs have been discounted to net present values, no allowance has been
made for inflation.
The Treasury discount rate of 6% has been used to calculate present values for-
each treatment option. These values have been used for both comparison and
cost benefit analysis purposes.
The existing treatment system has been progressively developed by the NRA
since its inception in 1991. Between 1991 and December 1994, the system has
successfully removed some 12 500 t of metal.
The system now has an installed capacity of 300 1/s, but has been operated to
treat an average annual flow of approximately 155 1/s. The predicted frequency
of compliance with both the "No Deterioration" and "North Sea Commitments"
water quality objectives at this flow rate is summarised in Table 14-5.
Table 14-5 indicates that, with the exception of iron and zinc, the existing
treatment system achieves the "No Deterioration" Water Quality Objective with
a relatively high annual probability of compliance.
As detailed in Sections 4 and 12, the operating life of the existing treatment
facility is limited by the storage capacity remaining within the Clemows Valley
Tailings Dam. Sufficient storage is available until the end of 2000 for co
deposition o f metalliferous sludge and tailings or until 2010 without tailings
addition. This storage capacity can however be increased by dewatering the
sludge prior to deposition, using active treatment technology (see Section 14.8).
The estimated costs for the continued operation of the existing treatment facility
are summarised in Table 14-4 and have been discounted to present values using
a discount rate of 6%.
Based on sole use of the dam for sludge deposition from January 1996 onwards
Continued operation of the existing treatment system beyond the end of 2000,
and hence the discounted cost for a 10 year project life, is dependent on:
(a) The land area available within the Lower Camon Valley may be adequate
to allow a passive treatment plant to achieve 50% compliance with the
"No Deterioration" objective. Subject to the confirmation of the
performance of the pilot treatment plant, passive treatment may therefore
offer an alternative to the existing treatment system, provided the risk of
non-compliance is acceptable.
(c) Sufficient land may be available if both the Camon Valley Tailings
Deposits and the surface of the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam are used
to construct a passive plant. Construction on the surface of the tailings
dam would be both technically difficult and expensive. Additional costs
would also be incurred in pumping water from underground and on the
water transfer system between the two sites.
Passive treatment within the Camon Valley may offer a technical and financially
viable option for treating:
(b) Wheal Jane minewater, should the metal loadings decay significantly.
• The existing treatment system offers the most cost effective method of
treatment whilst the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam remains available for
both effluent clarification and sludge storage.
Various treatment options for attaining the water quality objectives at Devoran
Bridge have been considered and costed in Section 11. The costs associated with
the preferred active treatment option (high density sludge process followed by
dewatering by frame and plate filter press) are summarised in Table 14-7. These
include full construction and annual operating costs to achieve both the "No
Deterioration" and the "North Sea Commitments" water quality objectives, with
a 5 % annual probability of non-compliance.
, .. ,1] High density sludge product dewatered using frame and plate filters.
121 Assumptions: Continued existing treatment for 1 year whilst plant is built.
Mine site sludge disposal into the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam.
Off site sludge disposal to a licenced landfill site.
; j ^ • The most cost effective location for a treatment plant is at the Wheal Jane
Mine site.
• “ : The costs presented in Sections 14.6 to 14.8 have confirmed that the existing
*- treatment system is the most cost-effective method of treating the Wheal Jane
minewater. However as previously indicated the system relies on the availability
of Clemows Valley Tailings Dam which has a remaining life of between 5 and
14 years. Comparison of both active and passive treatment indicates that:
• For a 50 year project life, the discounted cost of active treatment with
sludge disposal on site, is £15 million which is less than the indicative
upper bound cost of building a passive treatment plant to achieve the "No
Deterioration" objective with a 50% annual probability of non
• The identification and assessment of treatment options for the major areas
of diffuse contamination.
The effect on project cost of delaying the implementation of the long term
treatment system has been established on the assumption that the existing system
is operated for either an additional 1, 5 or 12 years and replaced after this period
with an active system. The projected cash flow and present value of the costs
for these options are summarised in Figure 14.1.
Figure 14.1 indicates that on the assumption that the tailings dam is solely used
for the sludge deposition from January 1996, the lowest present value cost is
achieved by deferring plant construction for as long as practicable. In particular,
for project lives in excess of 25 years, the present value of the proposed
treatment strategy can be reduced by up to £900 000.
Period Activity
1996-2000 Continued operation of the existing treatment system.
1996-1999 On-going data collection, planning studies, etc.
1999 Reappraisal of the treatment requirements and detailed design of the long
term treatment system.
2000 Construction and commissioning of the long term treatment system at the
mine site.
2001-onwards Active treatment with sludge disposal to the Clemows Valley Tailings
The cost estimates prepared for the Recommended Future Treatment Strategy
have been discounted to present values and used in conjunction with the data
from the economic benefit assessment, detailed in Section 13, to calculate both
net present values and benefit cost ratios.
Net present values (NPV) and benefit/cost ratios (B/C) have been calculated for
the recommended future treatment strategy based on:
• A treatment plant located at the mine site (i.e. continued use of the
existing treatment system until the end of year 2000 followed by active
• Disposal of the sludge from the active treatment plant both on and off
• The 3 benefit scenarios derived in Section 13.
• Compliance with the "North Sea Commitments" water quality objectives
with a 5 % probability of non-compliance.
As the same average predicted treatment rate (1901/s) is required to achieve both
the "No Deterioration" and "North Sea Commitments" water quality objectives
a detailed cost/benefit analysis has only been undertaken for compliance with the
"North Sea Commitments" objectives.
Year Existing Existing Treatment Plant Replaced by
Treatment Full Active Plant after:
Costs based on treating an average of 190 1/s to achieve "No Deterioration” and "North Sea Committments" objectives
with a 5% annual probability of non compliance
The sensitivity of the analysis to variations in the value of the potential benefits
was assessed by means of the lower, base and upper case benefit values derived
in Section 13.
The results from these analyses are summarised in Tables 14-9 and 14-10 and are
discussed in the following subsections.
The cost benefit analysis for the existing treatment system is summarised in
Table 14-9 indicates that for all 3 benefit cases considered:
• The net present values are greater than zero by a significant margin
indicating that the cost appraisal is insensitive to minor variations in either
the treatment costs or the economic benefits.
• The net present value increases indicating the greater potential benefits of
continued long term treatment.
• The cost benefit ratios decrease with project life but remain significantly
greater than unity. ...... -
The cost benefit analysis for the recommended Future Treatment Strategy is
summarised in Table 14-10 and indicates:
• The net present values increase with project life indicating the
greater potential benefits of continued long term treatment.
• The benefit cost ratios increase with project life, with the exception
of the higher estimate benefit case.
‘ C-f * ’* *' ►
" . * •”«' \# .
a) '" ‘ Base Case Assumptions . , ~ ,
:-w- ■ - > -
Sludge Disposal On Site (preferred option) Sludge Disposal OfT-Site
,.5 years' 10 years 25 years; , ;50 years ■ 5 years ■ : .10 years 25 yean 50 years
PV costs ~ . 7-48 . ‘ 9.49 • ■ 12.96 . ; ;14.87 ■ .■ h 7.48 1 0 .0 9 " 14.59 17.06
PV benefits 24.40 —. ; 31.06 ; 40.34 - 45.44- 24.40 31.06 40.34 45.44
NPV 16.92 21.57 27.38 30.57 16.92 20.97 25.75 28.38
B/C Ratio 3.26 3.27 3.11 3.06 3.26 3.08 2.76 2.66
Assuming: 5 years operation o f the existing treatment plant followed by the commissioning o f an Active treatment facility;
• The benefit/cost ratios are greater than one, but with the exception
of the lower estimate assumptions, decrease with project life.
• The magnitude of the NPV confirm that the benefit values exceed ,
the treatment costs by a significant margin. »- - ' *•
A comparison of the net present values for on and off site sludge disposal reveals
that on site disposal is significantly cheaper .than off site, storage___
, .• « : r.svo'v i- 'f ^
] »-,!..*• V . 5 ■ - - J< - v-.hjm ' ' __ ___________
....' " C T m ‘J ‘ -
v ;t i '1'r «•'* ' fi , >■.>'' *’’ ;
\ i
Detailed studies have been undertaken to establish possible long term treatment
options for the Camon River and in particular the Wheal :Jane,.minewater-
problem. The main conclusions from these studies are:
(i) Wheal Jane and County Adit are the two major sources of contaminated
water entering the Camon River.
(iv) Water quality modelling using the average minewater metal concentrations
measured during the period October 1993 to September 1994, indicates:
(a) Under the "No Treatment" option the metal concentrations in the
Camon River would be an order of magnitude higtfer than current
levels and there would be widespread and prolonged iron
discolouration in the Fal E s t u a r y ___________
' ~~ j
(b) * The current average treatment rateofl55..I/s will achieve, the "No—;
Deterioration" Water Quality Objective with less than a 50% i
. annual probability of non-compliance for all metals other than "j
iron.- r. - ^ . JJ.J i •/-•'* :
(v) The existing treatment system can be operated to achieve (b) and (c) in
(iv) above. The system^ offers the most cost effective method of
l - - tre^ tm e n t/T ^ System is governed by the tailings dam which
has available storage until, at least, the end of year 2000.
(vi) The benefit-cost ratios for scenarios (b) and (c) in (iv) above are in excess
of 4 over the next five years.
(vii) Treatment beyond 2000 can be most cost effectively provided using active
(viii) The preferred location for an active treatment facility is on the Wheal
Jane mine site with disposal of sludge to the Clemows Valley Tailings
Dam. The benefit-cost ratio for long-term treatment in this way is
approximately 2.
(ix) The life of the Clemows Valley Tailings Dam can be extended beyond the
year 2000 by the use of an active treatment system designed to minimise
the volume of sludge produced.
(x) The passive treatment trials are, to date, inconclusive and further testing
is required to confirm the efficacy of this type of system for long term
use at Wheal Jane.
(i) The existing treatment system should continue for at least three years
from April 1996 to March 1999.
(ii) The treatment plant should be operated to achieve the "No Deterioration"
water quality objective with a 5 % annual probability of non-compliance.
(iii) The pilot passive treatment trials should continue for at least three years
from April 1996 to March 1999.
(iv) The following studies should"be cairied out to determine future treatment
needs: . -. ' ^ o J .>
1 •* “• f • *' . -* i -| : ;•
Further develop an integrated’water quality model for the Camon
River. , >
>* * ■ 'j 'f o ’& V k IW i l i L 'J l j ‘ j I ♦ i
•r ■ “ 1r Ji -IfC-V-f'Z '• V 0 f / ^ V i *
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