Armstrong - Platonic Eros & Christian Agape
Armstrong - Platonic Eros & Christian Agape
Armstrong - Platonic Eros & Christian Agape
that Origen and the Greek Christian writers who followed him
were not wrong in thinking it a suitable word to use for the agape-
love of God revealed in Christ: and that this was done without
losing sight of the ·original meaning of eras or breaking the con-
nection with it.
Before we begin to explore the Platonic doctrine of eras it will
be as well to remind ourselves of what the word meant to the
ordinary unphilosophical Greek. Its primary and always pre-
dominant meaning was, of course, sexual passion, and it could
carry every shade of meaning and overtone appropriate to the
different forms of that passion, from the highest and tenderest
love (in the usual English meaning of the word) to the animal lust
of rape and buggery. But eras for the Greeks was not just the
name of a human passion. It was the name of a god, who was
not only recognized by poets and philosophers (with most unusual
unanimity) as a great cosmic force, responsible for the coming into
being of the world and gods and men and all other living things,
but also had a place in ordinary everyday religion and received a
real cult, and a very ancient one, especially at Thespiae in Boeotia,
where his image was an unhewn stone. (Of course, unsophisticated
Greek thinking did not separate Eros the god and eras the passion.
Any strong emotional disturbance or impulse was attributed by the
ancient Greeks, at the time when the Homeric poems were composed
and long afterwards, to the direct action of a god.) This belief
that Eros was a god had an important influence on later philosophical
My starting-point in examining the Platonic tradition about eras
is the interpretation of Plato's Symposium, put forward some years
ago by my colleague and friend Dr R. A. Markus in an article in
THE DOWNSIDE REVIEW. 1 This seems to me completely convincing,
and an important contribution to our understanding of Plato. His
profound and subtle analysis of the movement of thought in the
dialogue needs to be studied closely with the text to appreciate its
1 The Dialectic of Eros ill Plato's Symposium, DOWNSIDE REVIEW No. 233, Summer
1955, pp. 219-30. This is summarised in chap. VII, Love and Wiii, of our joint book
Chdstian Faith alld Greek Philosophy (Darton, Longman and Todd 1960) My own
work, and that of others which I have seen, has led me since this book was prepared
for publication to take a rather different view of the later Platonic doctrine of eros
and its relationship to Christian !bought from that given by Dr Markus in this chapter.
quality fully, but all I can do here is to give a summary of his con-
clusions. He shows how Plato moves, so unobtrusively that the
movement has often passed unnoticed, away from the conception
of eros as acquisitive, unsatisfied desire (the 'daemonic' Eros of
the myth, child of Poverty and Plenty, half-way between god and
man); how he arrives at a conception of eros which, first of all, is
not indiscriminate desire for any and every object experienced as
desirable, but, if it is true eros, for that object only in so far as it is
good. 'Good' here is obviously not just synonymous with 'desirable',
but implies reference to a standard of goodness, which, as the
whole context makes clear, is nothing less than absolute and eternal
good. Next, and most important of all, Markus shows how Plato
faces the dilemma that, if eros is just desire to possess its object,
it must cease to exist when it achieves possession. The lover must
stop loving precisely when he is united with his beloved. To deal
with this difficulty Plato first introduces the idea that true eros is
'desire for perpetual possession of the good', and goes on from
there to develop a conception of eros as a desire completely different
from that with which he started, a desire which is no longer a
desire for possession but the desire of the lover united with his
beloved to produce, to 'bring forth in beauty'- a desire which is
no longer acquisitive but creative. Plato keeps within the analogy
of sexual love, but goes far beyond the too narrow conception of
that love as self-centred passion with which he started.
We must now add something from the other great dialogue on
love, the Phaedrus. The teaching of the two dialogues on eros is
very similar, but there is an important difference in their account
of beauty. In the Symposium beauty is simply good as lovable, and
everything that is good has its own beauty; there is moral and
intellectual beauty which is higher than physical beauty, and
absolute beauty is identical with absolute good. In the Phaedrus
the moral Forms are still described in the most impassioned language
as glorious to see and supremely lovable. But beauty is now one
Form amongst many, distinguished only by the superior vividness
with which it is imaged in the sense-world (250); that is, it is not
here simply the good as lovable (so that all the Forms are beautiful,
participating in beauty in their participation in good) but the
Form or transcendent principle of physical beauty, beauty in the
narrow sense, one perfection among many, not a synonym for all
perfection, sharply distinguished from the (in this life) less attractive
moral Forms. Plato (and Plotinus following him) seem to have
seen that you can talk about beauty in two ways: one which brings
out the real and close connection which exists between aesthetic
and moral values, so that it makes sense to talk about the beauty
of laws and institutions, good ways of life, and moral virtue: and
another which recognizes that moral and aesthetic values can,
and sometimes must, be distinguished, and that in human life
there can be competition, and sometimes conflict, between the
love of beauty and the Jove of goodness. 2
We have seen that in the Symposium true eros is not just any
and every sort of indiscriminate desire but love of the good, and
that, when the lover is united to the good which he seeks, his eros
does not disappear but turns into a desire to produce good off-
spring, a desire for procreation in beauty. In the Phaedrus the true
lover loves his beloved because he sees in him an image of the
beauty which he once saw in the World of Forms, and reverences
him as one would reverence an image or apparition of a god (250-1);
or, as Plato puts it a little further on, with a very interesting variation,
because the beloved is like the god whom the lover followed when
he took the heavenly path to the vision of the Forms (252-3). And
the true lover's eros does not lead him to want to possess and use
his beloved, physically - Plato condemns this in the plainest
terms as bestial perversion (250E) - or even spiritually. It leads
him to try to make his beloved more godlike, to 'work on him and
adorn him' as if he was an image of the patron god (252D). And
it is precisely in trying to make his beloved more like the god that
he becomes more like the god himself (253A). Here again we find
the idea that eros is not just a self-centred passion to satisfy one's
own need by acquiring something good or beautiful. It is a desire
of absolute good or beauty which is somehow inevitably also a
'Cf. the superb treatment of this theme in Plotinus Enneads Vs [321 12, especially
33-38. 'The Good is gentle and kindly and gracious and present to anyone when
he wishes. Beauty brings wonder and shock and pleasure mingled with pain, and
even draws those who do not know what is happening away from the Good, as the
beloved draws a child away from its father: for Beauty is younger. But the Good is
older, not in time but in truth, and has the prior power; for It has all power' (my
living enemy; the poets are for him venerable sources of images
and allegories to decorate his thought. But in his critical re-thinking
of Platonic and Aristotelian theology he carries on and develops
the anti-anthropomorphic tendency. His God is the One or Good
who gives good equably, as the sun's light shines upon all, to all
the beings he creates, by an eternal action at once free and inevitable
which does not break his peace, according to their capacity to receive
it: and even at a level far below the Good divine action is tranquil
and universal, without choice or planning or break in contemplation.
This, I think, is why he so much disliked Judaeo-Christian
theism as he understood it. 7 These barbarian theists seemed to him,
in contrast to his own conception, to think of God as a fussy,
arbitrary little deity who, after aeons of inertia, suddenly decided
to create a world and started to make plans and possibly even
collect celestial machinery in order to do so, and would eventually
destroy it with equal caprice, and in his management of it showed
deplorable favouritism and arbitrariness. And before we attack
him on the ground of the extreme 'impersonality' in his conception
of God (which is not by any means wholly impersonal) we should
remember how far our own traditional theology has followed
Plotinus and the Hellenic tradition in bringing out the implications
of God's infinite and eternal perfection. The Church has seen the
amount of truth there was in the Hellenic conceptions and has
laid upon her theologians the obligation of reconciling them with,
not rejecting them in favour of, the personal revelation of God in
Scripture. The personal revelation must of course, for Christians,
have the priority. And it seems to be true that, while someone
who starts with a wholly impersonal conception of God will have
to reject personal conceptions as inadequate or inferior, someone
who is aware of God as a person will be able to accept the truth
contained in impersonal ways of speaking or thinking about him
without inconsistency or loss of anything essential: provided, that
is, that he is prepared to purify his conception of personality of
anthropomorphic elements, of everything in it that derives from
human weakness or simply from the limitations of created being.
1 He may only have known anything about it through the Christian Gnostics who
were members of his circle at Rome: but the criticisms summarised here do not
seem to be aimed at specifically Gnostic ideas.
8Cp. W. Theiler's very pertinent comment on this passage in Plotin Zwischen Plato
und Stoa, Entretiens Hardt V, p. 70.
[ [2
The first point to notice is that the eras for the Good is given
by the Good. The Good, as we have already seen, creates all things,
gives them being, by a process at once free and inevitable, and the
being, which he gives them is a dynamic being which turns back
towards its source, which looks, tends, strives towards him: and
in us this movement back to our source is eras, a love given by and
conforming us to the Good we love. 'The soul loves him, moved
by him to love from the beginning.' (VI 7 [38], 31, 17-18: the whole
chapter is one of the best expressions of this part of his thought.)
Furthermore, Plotinus is prepared, with all the qualifications and
reserves that in his view necessarily apply to any positive terms
which we use about the transcendent source of being, to say that
the Good is not only erasmian, lovable, but is eros. 'He is at once
lovable and love and love of himself' (VI 8 [39], 15, 1). Our soul,
too, when it is on its way to the Good 'lifted by the giver of its
love', itself becomes eros (VI 7, 22, ro). And its eros persists when it
reaches its goal of vision and is perfectly conformed to and united
with the Good, and is then clearly distinguished from oregesthai,
still aspiring, unsatisfied desire (I 6, 7, 14-19). This is also the
significance of the distinction between Eros-god and Eros-daemon
in III 5 (cp. especially 4, 23-25). Plotinus therefore maintains
two of the most important points in Plato's doctrine of eros: the
first, that true eros is always love of the good, a love, that is, that
carries in it its own principle of regulation and purification, that
is not just blind passion: and the second, that it is not just un-
satisfied desire, desire seeking fulfilment, but a Jove which persists
when it has attained to union with its beloved, the absolute Good
which it seeks. And he makes two important additions : one that
eros is caused by the Good, not only in the sense that he is its
'final cause', its object, but in the sense that he gives it in his eternal
creative act, which is the creation of dynamic being 'homed' on
him, whose being is constituted by its movement towards him:
and the other that the Good is himself eros.
Having reached this point, it might seem natural to our way of
thinking that Plotinus should go on to say that the eros which is
the Good extends to all that he causes ; that he should bring to-
gether his doctrine of the universal free giving of good by the Good
and his statement that the good is eros; or at least that he should
what he produces : the influence of Aristotle, reaction against the dynamic materialism
of orthodox Stoicism, in which the divine substance undergoes an endlessly recurring
cyclic change in producing and re-absorbing the universe (though Plotinus's own
doctrine of divine production probably owes something to the Platonizing Stoicism
of Posidonius), and reaction against the melodramatic imaginations of Gnosticism
which he hated so much.
beauty, the armies of heroes revel with the spirits and angels because
of their sharing in the beautiful, and everything as it were is aroused,
re-kindled and warmed in respect of "the effluence of beauty".
Furthermore, men's souls receive a share of such inspiration, and
through intimacy with the god are moved with regard to the beauti-
ful, and descend to the region of coming-to-be for the benefit of
less perfect souls and out of forethought for those in need of sal-
vation. For the gods and their followers "abiding in their own
characters" benefit and turn back to themselves all that is secondary,
and men's souls descending and laying hold on process imitate
the providence of the gods, which has the form of goodness' (31-32).
Here, it seems to me, we have an authentic development of
Plato's thought about eros, in particular of the Phaedrus (as often
in Proclus, this passage has very little to do with the text of
Alcibiades I ro3A on which he is supposed to be commenting:
it would be unduly polite to call its exegetical foundation 'insecure'
- it is hardly there at all). Eros here is not an acquisitive, grasping,
self-centred desire. It is a great uniting and harmonising force,
which spreads down from above through the vast complexities of
the Proclan divine universe, holding it together and inspiring it in
the ascent to its source and goal: and it is a force which moves the
gods and men who share in it to work for the perfection and salvation
of those less good than themselves. At the end of the second pas-sage
quoted it is clearly presented as a form of the divine goodness which
expresses itself as divine providence: that is, we have here the link
between eros and bonum dif!usivum sui which was missing in Plato
and Plotinus. 16
16 How positively Proclus understood the supreme Good's diffusion of itself can be
seen from the following passage of the Alcibiades commentary : 'The Good from
above - seated as it is beyond the intellectual nature - if it is lawful to say so,
proceeds to the last limits, and illuminates all things and preserves and adorns all
things and turns them towards itself' (181). The 'if it is lawful to say so' (ei thenzis
eipeiu) suggests that he thinks this is a bold use of language, which might shock
some Neoplatonists: it would probably have shocked Plotinus, especially as Proclus
goes on to make clear that by 'the last limits' he means formless matter. In his account
of the action of the Good which follows it is interesting to note that on the human level
the return to the Good comes about through fellowship and consultation, and the
uniting of the many by one good counsellor, to secure that unity and self-sufficiency
(characteristics of the good), which each individual cannot attain by himself (182).
Proclus)s dynamic conception of the divine goodness, and his idea of eros as a uniting
and harmonising force, owe a good deal to the 'Chaldean Oracles' (late second
century A.o.). These, like other theosophical literature of the period, reflect in
mythical form a type of dynamic Platonism which first appears in Philo: cp. H.
Lewy, Chaldaean Omcles and Theurgy (Cairo 1956), chap. VI, especially pp. 345-53.