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Psychological Well-Being and Work Life Balance Among Employees of East Cabangayan Elementary School

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A Thesis
Presented to
The Thesis Committee
Department of Business Administration Education
UM Tagum College, Tagum City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Department of Business Administration
Major in Human Resource Management

Kenneth A. Macatopo
Jay Q. Malitoc
Jolino Pagantupan

March 2021

Chapter 1



The concept of work-life balance implies that work is bad and life is

good; it suggests that work and life are two dichotomous entities that need to

be strictly separated and kept at an equilibrium; for some, it even insinuates

that less work equals more happiness. In its most neutral definition, work is

generally seen as a mean for sustenance and survival—labouring the land to

harvest food, then later on, as a way to produce goods and offer services in

exchange for security. Because, historically, work was a necessary hardship

—from latin labor “toil, exertion”—it’s no wonder we see it in a negative light.

But what about creative work? What about intellectual work? When we

research a topic we are curious about and take detailed notes, is this unpaid

work? If the older definitions of work seemed to deem it a way to sustain the

body, many modern forms of work offer an opportunity to sustain the mind

(Cunff, 2017).

Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work

environment. Maintaining work-life balance helps reduce stress and helps

prevent burnout in the workplace. Chronic stress is one of the most common

health issues in the workplace. It can lead to physical consequences such as

hypertension, digestive troubles, chronic aches and pains and heart problems.

Chronic stress can also negatively impact mental health because it’s linked to

a higher risk of depression, anxiety and insomnia. Too much stress over a

long period of time leads to workplace burnout. Employees who work tons of

overtime hours are at a high risk of burnout. Burnout can cause fatigue, mood

swings, irritability and a decrease in work performance. By creating a work

environment that prioritizes work-life balance, employers can save money and

maintain a healthier, more productive workforce. But what exactly does work-

life balance look like? Well, that’s where things can get a bit complicated.

Work-life balance means something a little different to everyone. Over the

years, the knowledge and approach of work-life balance has been constantly

evolving, and it might be helpful for employers to identify the difference in

opinions among the Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials (Philip,


A healthier work-life balance is associated with higher psychological

well-being. For example, by satisfying the need for psychological well-being,

employees are more likely to increase their motivation for continuous capacity

building their work life balance. Although the literature conveys the benefits of

work-life balance for both employees and employers, quantifying such

benefits remains challenging because of the qualitative nature of most of the

work-life balance initiatives. Therefore, reliable measurements must be

identified to help quantify the level of contribution, either directly or indirectly,

of work-life balance to organizational outcomes to an evidence-based support

in favor of such statements. In turn, employers are likely to benefit from their

employees’ acquisition of new knowledge and improvement of skills because

their jobs are being done better and more effectually. Research further shows

higher levels of psychology competence correlate positively to psychological

well-being in addition to other psychological needs, such as hedonic

happiness (Winefield, 2018).


Work life balance is about creating and maintaining supportive and

healthy work environments, which will enable employees to have balance

between work and personal responsibilities and thus strengthen employee

loyalty and productivity. Today’s workers have many competing

responsibilities such as work, children, housework, volunteering, spouse and

elderly parent care and this places stress on individuals, families and the

communities in which they reside. Work-life conflict is a serious problem that

impacts workers, their employers and communities. It seems that this problem

is increasing over time due to high female labor force participation rates,

increasing numbers of single parent families, the predominance of the dual-

earner family and emerging trends such as elder care. It is further

exasperated with globalization, an aging population, and historically low

unemployment (Babin Dhas,2015).

This thesis seeks to look into the detailed regarding psychological well-

being and work life balance among employees of east cabangayan

elementary school, to find out not only the information's readily available but

also provides objective and realistic data for examining user work life balance

as well as to investigate further how psychological well-being affects the work

life balance among health personnel in Tagum City in terms of psychological

well-being and work life balance. It exclusively shows that this investigation

will raise and lead attention to the alleged recipients of this examination and

create an activity mastermind, so it is expected to direct this examination.


Research Objective

This study will be conducted to determine if there is a significant

relationship between psychological well-being and work life balance. The

study will be conducted to seek answers to the following objectives:

1. To find out the level of psychological well-being on work life balance

among employees of East Cabangayan Elementary School in terms


1.1 self-acceptance;

1.2 autonomy;

1.3 personal growth;

1.4 purpose in life;

1.5 environmental mastery; and

1.6. positive relationship.

2. To assess the level of work life balance among employees of East

Cabangayan Elementary School in terms of:

2.1 time balance;

2.2 involvement balance; and

2.3 satisfaction balance.

3. To determine if there is a significant relationship between

psychological well-being and work life balance.

Hypothesis of the Study

The null hypothesis will be tested at a 0.05 level of significance, stating

no significant relationship between psychological well-being and work life

balance in East Cabangayan Elementary School.


Review of Related Literature

Theories, concepts, facts, information, views, and readings related to

the psychological well-being and Work life balance among employees of East

Cabangayan Elementary School are presented in this section. The study's

dependent variable is psychological well-being with indicators such as effect

individual via stress and psychosocial mechanism (Haider, 2017). The study's

independent variable is work life balance with indicators such as turnover

intention, job satisfaction, and perceived strain (Babin Dhas, 2017).

Psychological Well-being

The concept of psychological well-being has been neglected for a long

time in scientific literature. Over the last decades, however, many

psychometric instruments have been developed to measure it. The aim of the

present study was to analyze the concept of psychological well-being and its

relationship to distress and personality traits. It is clinically and empirically

important to establish where the measures of well-being are located in relation

to symptomatology indices and personality traits (Ruini, 2016).

The positive psychological function has six different dimensions. These

dimensions include positive assessment of an individual’s life and personal

history (self-acceptance), the feeling of continuous growth and development

as an individual (personal growth), the individual’s belief that life is meaningful

and purposeful (purpose in life), establishing quality relations with other

individuals (positive relations with others), the ability of the individual to direct

his/her life and the world around him/her (environmental mastery), making

individual decisions (autonomy). Positive Relations defined positive relations

as “strong emotions of empathy and love established with others in a clear

and reliable way”. The positive psychological function has six different

dimensions (Saricaoglu, 2017).

The concept of psychological well-being was derived from the belief

that healthiness is more than just a freedom from physical sickness.

Psychological well-being is the primary goal of human characterized by the

necessity to psychologically feel better and is related to individual’s feeling

about their daily activities and personal feeling disclosure. The foundation of

psychological well-being development is positive psychology function of

individual, which is characterized by self-acceptance, positive relationship,

autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth

(Muqodas, 2019).

Psychosocial well-being is a superordinate construct that includes

emotional or psychological well-being, as well as social and collective well-

being. The term “quality of life” is similar to psychosocial well-being in that it

involves emotional, social and physical components. At the same time, it is

often used in healthcare research to specify how the individual’s well-being

may be impacted over time by a medical condition, thus muddying its

conceptual clarity and specificity. There have been various conceptual

proposals, and even new designs of psychological interventions that put

psychological well-being in the center of mental health. Likewise, positive

psychology, an approach based on enhancing happiness by focusing on the

positive and flourishing, could be said to represent a paradigmatic shift away

from the deficit models that began two decades ago (Eiroa-Orosa, 2020).

Psychological well-being has undergone extensive empirical review

and theoretical evaluation. There is currently no single consensual conceptual

understanding of psychological well-being. Initial understanding of

psychological well-being provided a depiction of the difference between

positive and negative affect. Preliminary research was mainly concerned with

the experiences of positive and negative affect, subjective well-being and life

satisfaction that were formed around the Greek word ‘eudemonia’, which was

translated as ‘happiness’. Happiness was described as the equilibrium

between positive and negative affect. Many early scales, such as Diener,

Emmons, Larsen & Griffen’s Satisfaction with Life Scale on which a vast

amount of research was conducted, used this initial subjective conception of

well-being. The Satisfaction with Life Scale requires participants to indicate a

cognitive rather than affective response in relation to global satisfaction with

their quality of life (Heudrich, 2017).

The effect individuals via stress on human health is widely recognized

but recognition in the veterinary literature seems more limited. Health has

physical, mental, and social dimensions, and the growth of veterinary

behavioral medicine has led to the development of paradigms for assessing

the impact of stress on each of these. All of these health dimensions impact

on the well-being of the patient, albeit in different ways, and perceived

problems in any dimension are often a cause for concern by owners. It is

therefore important not only those practitioners recognize the relationship

between stress and these problems but also that they are prepared to

manage them. Achieving this requires a clear understanding of the nature of

the risk factors, which increase the likelihood of a stress response (stressors)

and how this response may be manifest in the physical, mental, and social

health of the individual. Only then can sound preventive advice and

intervention be offered with confidence (Mills, 2018).

The effect individuals via stress are both physical and emotional.

Stress that continues without relief can lead to condition called distress-a

negative stress reaction which disturbs the body's internal balance or

equilibrium leading to physical symptoms such as headaches and upset

stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, sexual dysfunction and

problems in sleeping, emotional problems include depression, anxiety and

panic attack. Stress is linked to the leading causes of death. There are few

problems associated with stress disorder. The effect individuals via stress can

also help you rise to meet challenges, sharpens your concentration. But

beyond a certain point stress stops being helpful and starts causing major

damage to your health, your mood, your productivity and your quality of your

life (Zahan, 2019).

The psychosocial mechanism environment broadly influences health

and health behaviors by shaping social norms, providing resources and

opportunities for healthful behaviors, and buffering negative health outcomes.

Several theoretical frameworks and conceptual models posit direct and

indirect associations between the social environment and physical and mental

health. Building on this work, Sorensen and colleagues proposed a

conceptual model identifying social environmental factors of interest, including

social status and social support, and suggested mechanisms through which

these factors influence other social environmental factors, individual factors,

and health (Thompson, 2016).


In the most inclusive sense, psychological mechanisms offer a type of

causal explanation of mental states and behavior, often with reference to

underlying processes, systems, activities, or entities. By postulating and

investigating such mechanisms, researchers have sought explanations of a

wide range of psychological phenomena. However, the concept has been

deployed in dramatically different ways, with very different meanings,

depending upon the particular school or tradition of psychology (and specific

research program therein). In fact, usage has been so diverse as to defy easy

categorization or definition. But a historical perspective, even if rather

selective, can trace the broad outlines of the significance of psychological

(Koch, 2020).

Work life balance

The view that work–life bal-

ance is drawn from
an individual’s multiple life
roles derives from
the early recognition that non-
work (family or
personal) demands may carry
over into the
working day and adversely in-
fluence individual

health and performance at work.

Greenhaus and
Beutell (1985) demonstrated
that this multiple
demand ‘carry over’ is bidi-
rectional: home-to-
work and work-to-home. Posi-
tive as well as neg-
ative carry over is now ac-
cepted, with recent
research identifying the bidi-
rectional constructs
of work–family facilitation and
enhancement, as
well as conflict. Greenhaus and
colleagues have
The view that work–life bal-
ance is drawn from

an individual’s multiple life

roles derives from
the early recognition that non-
work (family or
personal) demands may carry
over into the
working day and adversely in-
fluence individual
health and performance at work.
Greenhaus and
Beutell (1985) demonstrated
that this multiple
demand ‘carry over’ is bidi-
rectional: home-to-
work and work-to-home. Posi-
tive as well as neg-
ative carry over is now ac-
cepted, with recent

research identifying the bidi-

rectional constructs
of work–family facilitation and
enhancement, as
well as conflict. Greenhaus and
colleagues have
The view that work–life balance is drawn from an individual’s multiple

life roles derives from the early recognition that non-work (family or personal)

demands may carry over into the working day and adversely influence

individual health and performance at work. It is multiple demand ‘carry over’ is

bidirectional: home-to-work and work-to-home. Positive as well as negative

carry over is now accepted, with recent research identifying the bidirectional

constructs of work–family facilitation and enhancement, as well as conflict

(Kalliath, 2018).

Work–life balance (WLB) is a contemporary acronym for achieving

balance between work and lifestyle ambitions. Although WLB is not well

defined, the implication is that the two experiences (work and home life)

should be in a state of equilibrium for nurses to be happy and healthy. Nurses

often describe experiencing a lack of balance between their work and life

outside of work. Yet if a sense of balance between work and lifestyle

demands could be achieved, fewer nurses would report stress and more

would be living healthier lives at home and in the workplace (Mullen, 2016).

Balancing work and life stand as an on-going challenge in

contemporary times. Today’s global market place demands conflicting

professional responsibilities in the form of unflinching ‘work–life commitment’.

In organizational context, a high quality of work–life balance is essential to

continue attracting and retaining its employees. This kind of practice is having

significant implications on employee attitudes, behaviors, well-being as well

as organizational effectiveness. In contemporary times, many multinational

corporations (MNCs) have been found focusing on organizing work–life

programs as these are becoming an intelligent choice to help in increasing job

satisfaction among employees and in career accomplishment. On the other

hand, the popular concept of ‘organizational citizenship behavior’ inherently

strives from its employees to extend their discretionary behaviors beyond the

expected normal duties (Kumari, 2016).

Work-life balance is defined here as an individual’s ability to meet their

work and family commitments, as well as other non-work responsibilities and

activities. Work life balance, in addition to the relations between work and

family functions, also involves other roles in other areas of life. In this study,

due to its more extensive associations, the concept of work–life balance is

preferred. Work-life balance has been defined differently by different scholars.

In order to broaden our perspectives, some definitions will be presented (Delli,


Work-life balance is a concept that describes the ideal situation in

which an employee can split his or her time and energy between work and

other important aspects of their life. Achieving work-life balance is a daily

challenge. It is tough to make time for family, friends, community participation,


spirituality, personal growth, self-care, and other personal activities, in

addition to the demands of the workplace. Because many employees

experience a personal, professional, and monetary need to achieve, work-life

balance can be challenging. Employers can help employees achieve work-life

balance by instituting policies, procedures, actions, and expectations that

enable them to pursue more balanced lives, such as flexible work schedules,

paid time off (PTO) policies, responsibly paced time and communication

expectations, and company-sponsored family events and activities

(Heathfield, 2021).

Correlation between Measures

This study is supported by Sajid Haider (2017) 's proposition that

Psychological wellbeing mediates the relationship between work-life balance

and employee job performance. Psychological wellbeing mediates the

relationship between work-life balance and employee job performance.

Positive relations with others are important for obtaining psychological

wellbeing. Coworkers satisfied with each other are likely to develop positive

interactions. Consequently, their likelihood to achieve psychological wellbeing

increases, those satisfying relations at workplace predict quality of life and

wellbeing positive relations with others are important for obtaining

psychological wellbeing. Coworkers satisfied with each other are likely to

develop positive interactions. Consequently, their likelihood to achieve

psychological wellbeing increases. Previous research informs those satisfying

relations at workplace predict quality of life and wellbeing.

Work life balance on psychological well-being can bring phenomenal

changes in his or her life and can also heavily impact a society. A balanced

work life is of advantage to an employee's health. Psychological well-being

stress levels decline drastically to healthy levels. Individuals, derive more

value from their work and from life that leads to greater satisfaction and is also

seen as a mode of self-actualization. The employee can better understand

the nature of his work life balance as work life balance can vary among

individuals. It is at this point of time that an employee starts resting immense

trust in the organization and his commitment levels to the organization

increase. On the social front, the individual gains when relationships improve.

The individual can now willingly devote more time and energy to his social

commitments, which is also vital for a happy life (Issahaku, 2020).

Theoretical Framework

The results of the study revealed that women working with banks and

schools have stable psychological well-being and so their overall work-life

balance was high as compared to those who work with colleges and IT

companies. It may be due to higher work pressure and work complexities.

Women employees can balance their work-life balance by taking some

initiatives and decisions for themselves. This study emphasizes the need to

understand the necessity of the balance between work and life and keeping

oneself psychologically fit (Koradia, 2017)

This study is anchored by Seligman (2016) stated that, there are five

building blocks that enable flourishing: Positive Emotion, Engagement,

Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (hence PERMA) and there are

techniques to increase each. Different people will derive well-being from each

of these five building blocks to varying degrees. A good life for one person is

not necessarily a good life for another. There are many different routes to a

flourishing life. Positive Psychology is descriptive, not prescriptive. In other

words, we are not telling people what choices to make or what to value, but

research on the factors that enable flourishing can help people make more

informed choices to live a more fulfilling life that is aligned with their values

and interests.

This study is anchored to the study of Ruini (2013), who stated that the

concept of psychological well-being has been neglected for a long time in

scientific literature. Over the last decades, however, many psychometric

instruments have been developed to measure it. The aim of the present study

was to analyze the concept of psychological well-being and its relationship to

distress and personality traits. It is clinically and empirically important to

establish where the measures of well-being are located in relation to

symptomatology indices and personality traits (Ruini, 2013).

This study is supported by Sajid Haider (2017)’s proposition that

Psychological wellbeing mediates the relationship between work-life balance

and employee job performance. Psychological wellbeing mediates the

relationship between work-life balance and employee job performance.

Positive relations with others are important for obtaining psychological

wellbeing. Coworkers satisfied with each other are likely to develop positive

interactions. Consequently, their likelihood to achieve psychological wellbeing

increases. It also concluded that informs those satisfying relations at

workplace predict quality of life and wellbeing positive relations with others are

important for obtaining psychological wellbeing. Coworkers satisfied with each

other are likely to develop positive interactions. Consequently, their likelihood


to achieve psychological wellbeing increases. Previous research informs

those satisfying relations at workplace predict quality of life and wellbeing.

Moreover, this is also supported by the proposition of Mills (2018)

stated that The effect individuals via stress on human health is widely

recognized but recognition in the veterinary literature seems more limited.

Health has physical, mental, and social dimensions, and the growth of

veterinary behavioral medicine has led to the development of paradigms for

assessing the impact of stress on each of these. All of these health

dimensions impact on the well-being of the patient, albeit in different ways,

and perceived problems in any dimension are often a cause for concern by

owners. It is therefore important not only those practitioners recognize the

relationship between stress and these problems but also that they are

prepared to manage them. Achieving this requires a clear understanding of

the nature of the risk factors, which increase the likelihood of a stress

response (stressors) and how this response may be manifest in the physical,

mental, and social health of the individual. Only then can sound preventive

advice and intervention be offered with confidence.

This is also supported by Harinderpal Singh's (2014) proposition that

psychological well-being has undergone extensive empirical review and

theoretical evaluation. There is currently no single consensual conceptual

understanding of psychological well-being. Initial understanding of

psychological well-being provided a depiction of the difference between

positive and negative affect. Preliminary research was mainly concerned with

the experiences of positive and negative affect, subjective well-being and life

satisfaction that were formed around the Greek word ‘eudemonia’, which was

translated as ‘happiness’. Happiness was described as the equilibrium

between positive and negative affect. Many early scales, such as Diener,

Emmons, Larsen & Griffen’s Satisfaction with Life Scale on which a vast

amount of research was conducted, used this initial subjective conception of

well-being. The Satisfaction with Life Scale requires participants to indicate a

cognitive rather than affective response in relation to global satisfaction with

their quality of life.

Likewise, this study is supported by Delecta (2013) proposition that the

Work-life balance is defined here as an individual’s ability to meet their work

and family commitments, as well as other non-work responsibilities and

activities. Work life balance, in addition to the relations between work and

family functions, also involves other roles in other areas of life. In this study,

due to its more extensive associations, the concept of work–life balance is

preferred. Work-life balance has been defined differently by different scholars.

In order to broaden our perspectives, some definitions will be presented.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 represents the study variable in which the independent

variable is the psychological well-being with the following Self-Acceptance,

Autonomy, Personal Growth, Purpose in life, Environmental Mastery, Positive

Relationships. First is the self-acceptance, having a positive attitude toward

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Psychological well-being Work Life Balance

 Self-Acceptance  Time Balance

 Autonomy  Involvement

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

the self which includes good and bad qualities and having positives feelings

about the past. Second is the Autonomy, it is construed as an individual’s

capacity for self0-regulation independent of others, whereas in EDATVA, it is


conceived as a construct defined as a complex process of reflection and

decision-making interdependent of others, constituting a relational construct.

Third is the personal growth, you have a feeling of continued development;

see yourself as growing and expanding; are open to new experiences; have

the sense of realizing your potential; see improvement in yourself and

behavior overt time; are changing in ways that reflect more self-knowledge

and effectiveness. Fourth is the purpose in life, refers to the tendency to

derive meaning from life’s experiences and possess a sense of intentionally

and goal directedness that guides behavior. Fifth is environmental, effects of

built and Natural setting provide a better understanding of the way in which

mental and physical environments, along with insights into how the design of

these environments might be improved to support better health outcomes.

And lastly is the Positive Relationship, contribute to positive experiences.

Love, kindness, fairness, and social intelligence are positive traits. Positive

institutions are held together by positive relationships. … Christopher

Peterson has a three-word summary of positive psychology: “Other people

matter.” (Ryff’s, C.D., 2014).

The dependent variable is the Work-life balance with the following

indicators, first is time balance, refers to equal time being given to both work

and non-work roles. Second is Involvement Balance, refers to equal levels of

psychological involvement in both work and family roles. Lastly Satisfaction

Balance, which refers to equal levels of satisfaction in both work and family

roles. Therefore, in order to achieve a work life, balance these components

should be considered (Gehrke, 2015)

Significance of the Study


This study will serve as a guide on how psychological well-being

affects work life balance. This study will serve as reference future activities

and find respect for learning the psychological well-being affects work life

balance. They could use the gathered information as a basis in conducting

research studies on their own.

Furthermore, the survey result will benefit the following employees, Admin,

human resources graduates, and future researchers. The study;s findings

may serve as a basis of employees to study the different behaviors they

encounters, the Admins of East Cabangayan to learn what should they do for

their employees to work confortable in their perspective workplace, for human

resources students in learning the psychological well-being affects work life

balance and to the future researchers, this study will serve as their reference

for their future research activities. They may use the information collected as

a basis for their research studie .

Definition of Terms

To better understand the terminologies of this research, the following

terms are here defined theoretically and operationally.

Psychological well-being. In this study, it refers to inter- and

intraindividual levels of positive functioning that can include one's relatedness

with others and self- referent attitudes that include one's sense of mastery and

personal growth

Work life balance. In this study, it refers to involves looking at how

working people manage time spent at and outside of work. Time outside of

work may include managing relationships, family responsibilities, and other

outside interests and hobbies.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design, research locale, population

and sample, research instrument, data collection, and statistical tools.

Research Design

This study used a quantitative non-experimental research design

utilizing the correlation technique. This method will be used when the

objective is to describe the status of the situation as it exists at the time of the

study to explore the causes of a particular phenomenon. In correlation

research, it involves collecting data to determine whether the degree of a

relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables (Gay,2006).

This study appertains to quantitative information about the said

spectacle. The quantitative feature is an appropriate schedule for gathering

the target respondents' data to answer the questions. The process of

gathering the data was based on the use of the questionnaire. The study's

focus was to determine the psychological well-being and work life balance

among health personnel’s in Tagum City.

Research Locale

The conclusions of this study are focus to Tagum City, Davao del

Norte's unique platform of Psychological Well-being and Work-Life Balance

among employees of East Cabangayan Elementary School.

Presented in figure 2 is the Philippines' map consisting of 17 regions in

which the municipality of Tagum province of Davao del Norte is located in

Region XI.

Tagum is the first-class City of the province Davao del Norte

Philippines; Tagum is located 55 kilometres north of Davao City, the main

economic and administrative center of Region XI that takes about 1 hour and

30 minutes travel to Davao City. The city lies between 7o26' N latitude

125o48' E longitude. It is bounded by the Municipalities of Asuncion, New

Corella, and Mawab on the north, Maco on the east, and B. E Dujali on the

west. Carmen lies on its southwestern borders, while it faces the Davao Gulf

directly to the south.

The location of the respondents is located at Tagum City, Davao del

Norte. Since Tagum is the first district of Davao del Norte and composed of 23

Barangays. Furthermore, the respondents' place and the study's conduct are

located in Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines.

Population and Sample

Quota Random Sampling will be used to measure Psychological Well-

being and Work Life Balance among employees of East Cabangayan

Elementary School. Random Sampling, also as probability sampling, is

method sampling in which each sample has an equal probability of being

chosen. A selection chosen randomly is meant to be an unbiased

representation of the total population. If for some reason, the sample does not

represent the population, and the variation is called a sampling error

(Taherdoost, 2016).

Figure 2. Map of the Philippines Highlighting Davao del Norte

Research Instruments

This study will use researcher-made questionnaire for the independent

variable and dependent variable. To promote responses, the questions were

kept as simple as possible and of interest to the responders. The first set of

questionnaires deals with Psychological Well-being among employees of East

Cabangayan Elementary School with two indicators; effect individual via

stress and psychosocial mechanism.

In evaluating the level of psychological well-being, the following five

orderable gradations with their particular scope of methods and description

were considered:

Range of Means Descriptive Equipment Interpretation

4.3-5.8 Very High This means that the

psychological well-being
is very much felt.

3.5-4.2 High This means that the

psychological well-being
is much felt.

2.7-3.4 Moderate This means that the

psychological well-being
is moderately felt.

1.9-2.6 Low This means that the

psychological well-being
is less felt.

1.0-1.8 Very Low This means that the

psychological well-being

is not felt.

The second set of questionnaires embarks on work life balance. It was

composed of three indicators: turnover intention, job satisfaction and

perceived strain.

For the work life balance, the following five orderable gradations with

their particular scope of methods and description were considered:

Range of Means Descriptive Equipment Interpretation

4.3-5.8 Very High This means that

work life balance is very much

3.5-4.2 High This means that the

work life balance is much felt.

2.7-3.4 Moderate This means that the

work life balance is
moderately felt.

1.9-2.6 Low This means that the

work life balance is less felt.

1.0-1.8 Very Low This means that the

work life balance is not felt.

Data Collection

After the approval of the panel members the researcher had undergone

the following steps and procedures in gathering data of the study.

The researchers will ask permission by mailing a letter to the employees of

East Cabangayan Elementary School, the researcher obtained their


permission. . Upon the approval, the letter of endorsement was required to

accommodate the researcher to manage the survey questionnaire to the

respondents of the study. The researchers will personally hand the

questionnaire and explained the research tool and its purpose. Furthermore,

the researcher will retrieved the survey questionnaires after the respondents

have answered all the items. Finally, the researcher will tallied all the data

gathered from the respondents, subject to statistical analysis. The statistical

result was analyzed and interpreted. With the data, conclusions were drawn

and recommendations were formulated based on the findings of the study.

Statistical Tools

The statistical tools that will be used for data analysis and

interpretations are the following:

Mean. This statistical tool will be used to determine the psychological

well-being and work life balance among employees of East Cabangayan

Elementary School.

Pearson (r). This statistical tool will be determine the significance of

the relationship between the psychological well-being and work life balance

among employees of East Cabangayan Elementary School.


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JOURNAL, ISSN NO: 1301-2746, Vol 8, Issue 9, September 2019.
Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

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