Book Tour Guide Service Mariana Laneva
Book Tour Guide Service Mariana Laneva
Book Tour Guide Service Mariana Laneva
Sofia, 2014
The book applies a modern interpretation of generic knowledge
base, providing a comprehensive picture of the tour guide service.
It addresses the issues related to the creation, organization and
implementation of tour guide service in the tourism business. Spe-
cial attention is paid to the meaning and purpose of tour guiding as
a stimulus for a tourist trip as a mediator in intercultural relations.
The topics and discussions which are most interesting for the tou-
rists regarding their cognitive trips mainly cultural and historical
purposes are thoroughly researched.
INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 5
Chapter 1
NATURE OF TOUR GUIDING ............................................... 7
1.1. Tourism product and the significance
of tour guiding .......................................................... 7
1.2. Tour Guiding during the trip ................................... 22
1.3. Technology of tour guide service ............................. 28
Chapter 2
TYPES OF TOUR GUIDES .................................................. 58
2.1. Based on the affiliation of the guide to the subject
of tourism ............................................................... 59
2.2. According to the type of the tourist activity ............. 66
2.3. Based on the age composition of the object
of tourism ............................................................... 82
2.4. Based on the dynamics during the tour................... 95
Chapter 3
3.1. Interactions between the tour guides
and the Tourist Information Offices ....................... 118
3.2. Interactions with professional organizations
of guides ............................................................... 120
Chapter 4
4.1. Topics and discussions on urban themed tours ..... 129
4.2. Topics and discussions at City Sightseeing tour .... 139
4.3. Topics and discussions on specialized tours –
when visiting sacred buildings ............................... 151
4.4. Topics and discussions on specialized tours –
tours at museums ................................................. 158
4.5. Topics and discussions on specialized tours –
visiting archaeological sites ................................... 165
4.6. Topics and discussions on trips related
to landscape ......................................................... 169
Conclusion ..................................................................... 172
References ..................................................................... 173
Appendix ........................................................................ 178
Options for developing exemplary methodical plan ....... 178
Version 1 ..................................................................... 178
Version 2 ..................................................................... 187
money in their own way from the tourist boom, joined the
multitude of storytellers or tourist guides. They told details
about the sights, guided and serve their guests on site for the
duration of their stay. Along with that they offered tourists
an individualized program, including several days of excur-
sions in the area. This combination of services can easily
recognize the ancient ancestor of a local travel agency.
After the sunset of the Roman Empire and the spread of
Christianity, the main motive for travel in the Middle Ages
became a pilgrimage. Guides were mainly men of the clergy.
Guiding stories were created according to their way of thin-
king. Wandering clerics, theology students who were not sub-
ject to the vow of residence, itinerant students who traveled
to Paris, Oxford and other remarkable places for education to
find some teachers and traders formed the image of travelers
in the coming decades as vagi clerici and vagi scolares – in
the worst case as homeless wanderers.
The subjective experience of the journey becomes a hall-
mark of starting a new time. Settled life and inactivity are
despised, the desire to travel becomes part of newfound
desire for life that destroys the social and spiritual bondage
of the Middle Ages forever. The new humanist movement is
desire to travel, dynamic mobility of the seeker human. Over
time pilgrimage and travel became the vehicle for self-
Tourism activity marks its second rise in the Renais-
sance. At that time travelers are divided into two groups,
named "da Milordo" (aimlessly traveling nobles with money)
and "alla mercantile" (traveling traders, qualified as frugal).
Young noblemen, accompanied by a "tutor" and "tourist mar-
shall" did educational tours around the capitals of Europe to
be prepared for their later work in service of a princely court.
The tutor was mostly a wealthy, well-educated former stu-
dent or scientist, who as a pedagogical mentor and organizer
Chapter 1 ►Nature pf tour guiding 9
With the economic boom after the World War II and the
growth of enterprises, the original unity of planning and con-
ducting travel was no longer appropriate. There could be dis-
tinguished two kinds of enterprises – the planning enterpri-
ses and executive enterprises, which more or less were wor-
king with local tourist and museum guides.
Along with the guide or the leader of the group tourists
meet the local guide too who is educated about particular
site or place. While it was used the term "leader of the
foreigners" years ago, now it is used the name "tour guide"1.
Generally similarity between permanent guides and local
guides are the concentration and specialization of a place
that actually expect a very high ability to adapt (target group
orientation) to a variety of constantly changing groups within
the cultural and entertainment tourism.
Along with the tour guides there are people serving tour-
ists. Tourist services include all activities in the recreation or
vacation place for guests which are going beyond the accom-
modation, food and therapy (in the strict medical sense). Dis-
tinction is made between the following five areas of supply:
treatment (therapy, fight certain illness, restore health);
recreation (health care, for example, mineral baths);
vacation (entertainment, games, sports, such as cam-
ping sites, holiday villages);
education (courses in art painting, pottery);
purposes of the trips (sightseeing).
Museum guides who are trained by the scientific staff of
the museum have a permanent position there and hold shift
tours with separate groups. They, as well as curators of the
museums are a particular form of tour guides. Local leaders,
with permanent employment, are found in tourist offices.
They perform both commercial and consultancy functions
and taking tours.
Festschrift zur Vollendung der 70. Lebensjahr von Prof. Dkd. Paul
Bernecker, Wien, 1978, S., 29.
4 Енев, Н. И кол., Сборник съчинения, с.177.
14 Mariana Ianeva ► Tour guide service
keep it away from his body and only the current information
should be attached on top of the folder or he should hold
only the necessary papers and maps. The fast and unnoticed
handling with the notes is very important for the professio-
nnals – otherwise the tourist would think that a nervous
beginner is standing in front of them.
The tour guide must understand the processes during the
tour and auxiliary materials (leaflets, terms for travel, com-
pany guidance, guidebook, a map of the country, plans for
excavation, map for walking tours, maps of cities, customs,
passport, visa and foreign exchange permits and returns), he
also is responsible for the storage of the travel applications –
the list of tourists, notes for the hotel and ancillary services,
details of the means of payment in hotels, restaurants and
other businesses, foreign exchange, vouchers, checks, etc.,
tickets, tour operator program in different places, insurance,
passports, airline tickets, etc.).
The methodological and didactic training of the tour guide
runs parallel with the preparation of the content – he is con-
sidering which objectives are crucial to the tour through the
program with the help of the catalog and his own collection
of materials. The tour guide notes with different color or dif-
ferent folder instructions for asking questions, for their own
activity, for the presentation of additional information and
illustrative materials, interactive games, etc.
Planning and organizing the time (on a separate sheet,
preferably a colored folder) occur simultaneously with the
methodological and substantive preparation:
the tour guide judges the distance that should be tra-
the tour guide determines the time of departure;
the tour guide sets the time for visiting the museums
and churches, according to their working hours;
32 Mariana Ianeva ► Tour guide service
all services provided which are a part of the program for the
group (luggage carrying, transfer, theme nights, etc.) the tour
guide must issue a confirmation note form. When he need to
pay pocket money to the group or in case of other random mis-
cellaneous expenses the tour guide receives cash advance.
Confirmatory notes are documents of accountability and
serve as a basis for payment. They verify the provision of ser-
vices of the group by type, quality and amount. The received
books with confirmation forms from the contracting authority
of the trip for a group can’t be used by the tour guide for ot-
her groups, such as unused notes or books will be canceled.
The tour guide does not receive a document when issued a
confirmation note. As an exception he can get the so called
"expense of the customer" with data about type, quantity and
value of the consumed food and drinks by the group.
The serial number of the book and serial number of the
confirmation note or the voucher record in all documents
issued by the specialized organization that provides services
(hotel or other).
As soon as a service is done, its value has to be estab-
lished and a confirmation note has to be issued, in all cases,
without exception. When it is baggage transportation, using a
bus or rent a car it is usual to issue the confirmation form
when you release the bellboy, bus or car, when the service is
eating in a restaurant – after the meal. When the breakfast,
lunch and dinner are carried out by the same waiter, you can
issue one confirmation note for the whole day, and to write
down the number and the amount for each meal – breakfast,
lunch and dinner.
The guide record in the daily financial statement printed
on the back cover of the booklet issued confirmatory data
notes. The financial statements are recorded expenses paid
in cash from the business advance, instead of number of
Chapter 1 ►Nature pf tour guiding 51
National guides
Specialization of guides on national level, i.e. national
guides, means mainly higher status to the locals, received
Guides at congresses
Specifics of congress tourism have an impact on the re-
quirements of tour guide services. In general, these features
68 Mariana Ianeva ► Tour guide service
Every morning the tour guide receives the program for the
day from the manager. There are various programs. The
"brief stop" includes more days spent in a resort. A two-week
cruise can be combined with a one week stay at a hotel. Dif-
ferent people go on cruises and it is important for the travel
agent to find the right cruise for every client. The size of the
ship and the number of passengers on board are essential
factors that the tour guide must respect when he choose and
implement the program. There are different sized vessels,
which are measured in gross tons. On a heavily loaded boat,
carrying as many passengers as possible, the space is less,
but prices are lower and the ratio of the crew to passengers
is lower. When booking cruises, the consultant should con-
sider the choice of a tour guide according to the interest of
the clients, their number, the size of the ship and the propor-
tion of the ship crew members to the number of passengers.
Factors influencing the prices of cruises are: the length of
the cruise; type and amount of cabins; position of the cabin;
season of the trip; number of people in the cabin; vessel den-
sity. The price depends also on the board – hotel stay, food and
entertainment, as well as opportunities to visit foreign ports.
To help the client choose the right cruise, the travel agent
should be familiar with the routes, prices, the way to make
reservations, types of cruises, the combined with a flight
cruises, special offered accents and suggestions. The travel
agent has to consider customer`s needs and to put himself
into client`s shoes, in order to choose the perfect cruise for
him. All these features must be taken into account when
choosing a tour guide as well.
The tour guide can take brochures before departure and
study them to collect the necessary information. He must be
prepared to answer questions from customers. Some of the
most exciting topics for them are: shore excursions, how to
proceed in case of illness, issues related to health and ap-
Chapter 2 ►Types of tour guiding 71
26 Cohen, E., The tourist guide: The origins, structure and dynam-
ics of a role. Annals of Tourism Research, 12 (1), 5-29, 1985.
84 Mariana Ianeva ► Tour guide service
trips, 50-60 year olds with their 60%, 60-70 year olds with
55% have a bit below average tourist intensity of all German
citizens. Only in more than 70 years old citizens with a rate
of travel of about 40% have been noted a significant decline.
It is therefore not surprising that in recent years the tourism
industry particularly uses this target group which has the
highest income for a year from annuities and pensions and has
a lot of free time, especially in the developed countries.
But so far the tourism industry has no significant success
in offering special programs for adults, only a few small spe-
cialized tour operators can provide their clientele. The ma-
jority of people from this age are not interested in these pro-
grams. According to BAT – Leisure research institute, 63% of
them have a negative attitude towards travel programs for
adults. The label "adult vacation" causes rather resentment
and is not attractive.
While special programs for adults are avoided appears vis-
ibly increased participation of older generations in certain
travel by ordinary programs. They most often choose urban,
cognitive, round or hobby trips, long vacations or cruises.
There the tour guide more often among younger participants
in the journey comes across a circle of people who are found
more in "trips for adults".
Planning and implementing such preferred by elderly peo-
ple trips should be (along with the knowledge of the tourism
industry) oriented primarily to the knowledge of gerontology
to correspond more to the needs of a given target group.
Good concept foundations for trips for adults can be included
in the ordinary program. Therefore guides should be aware of
the problems of older people; they must have knowledge of
the aging process and be able to evaluate the social situation
in which these people.
gerontological research shows that reaching a certain
age should not necessarily mean a loss of abilities and
Chapter 2 ►Types of tour guiding 93
this purpose, the project makes the events which include all
applicable income animation events, indicate the optimal
number of participants during the course and the appro-
priate age of the participants. This project selects a sufficient
number of events that will make up the main program. The
second requirement for the main program is its relevance
and applicability, so it acts grouped by regions, determine
the period of repetition, the convenient day and time for im-
plementation. Day and time of the event depends on various
factors such as: the days of arrival and departure of tourists
planned and paid trips, medical and sports services schedule
for use of facilities, transport, etc. The place is always deter-
mined in two versions especially when outdoors.
Monthly animation programs are a specification of basic
programs and are binding. Depending on the latest and most
complete information about the arrival of the guests the
schedule of animation events is prepared in calendar days,
the final venue and exact time. The preparation is done ac-
cording to the compliance with certain technical principles:
a day of arrival and departure is left free;
at the beginning of the stay providing events that con-
tribute to the adaptation of tourists and also to raise
impressions of the animators on the face of the group;
the most interesting events are distributed in about 2-3
days before the end of the stay;
the sequence of some events depends on their commit-
the start depends on the free time, the nature and du-
ration of the event, the opportunities to enjoy the pre-
mises and other facilities.
The weekly program is operational program for animators,
changes may occur in it only by the request of the tourists
and at the discretion of the animator that some events do not
adequately meet the tastes and interests of tourists. They
Chapter 2 ►Types of tour guiding 113
36 www.wftga
Chapter 3 ► Organization of the tour guide service 123
39 EFTGA. (1998) European federation of tour guides association –
Information brochure, Unpublished
Chapter 3 ► Organization of the tour guide service 127
Episcopal cities
They are all successful cities of the Early Middle Ages,
popular as a Roman episcopal cities. By the fifth century
most of their cathedrals location had hardly changed for cen-
turies, except those in Rome and Ravenna (Italy). Others
have not survived to this day entirely.
Everywhere unfolds a residence comparable program to
which the cathedral is baptistery, the palace of the bishop, the
hospital, the belfry and the cemetery. From the ninth century
in the North Alps were built arcades and on the South this is
less common. These buildings housed cathedral canons.
Important examples of such episcopal residence in Italy
are Aquileia, Grado, Torcello, Parma, Pisa; Germany – Co-
logne, Hildesheim, Bamberg and Trier43.
City-states appeared as a consequence of the Bishops and
cities development in the 12th century as the population
increases disproportionately. The expansion of commercial
links between cities and increased production affected the
increase in economic centers and attracting people from sur-
rounding areas. Bishops or earldom provided order and pro-
tection and influence positively the development of economic
life. By regulating urban status laws the lives of residents
were directed in a particular hierarchy. There was a line of
clothing and laws for luxury orders that limited the height of
buildings, or the beautifying procedures castles and houses,
which is visible as at the periphery of Siena in Italy. The
competition with other cities always proves to be an incentive
for military, economic and artistic achievements.
Seaside towns
In the seaside towns can be distinguished two forms:
1. Cites as Genoa or Naples in Italy; new Nessebar in Bulgari
a which arebuilt on hills. When these people because lack
of space are forced that build ever higher – in the hills close
buildings or lower quarters in port with huge buildings as
possible unfolded. In these cities there is a conflict between
the city and the streets between the harbor and the hills and
Port streets.
2. Type of sea cities that are crossed from channels or riv-
ers in which ships can berth directly in front of stores and
houses. These shopping centers to which they belong as Am-
sterdam and Lübeck, meet narrow, tall buildings which size
expands in the back part.
Common to all coastal towns is that they are seeking to
acquire property and rights over the sea, as colonies or set-
tlements as supporting ports abroad. This orientation abroad
is an openness to the new and alien.
Coastal cities play a role not only in an aesthetic and his-
torical perspective but also in an economic. Many ports are
now in a severe crisis, which they can Trans-European Auto-
mated in dealing with a commodity port.
Ideal cities
Ideal cities and towns with a horizontal projection are pro-
duced in Europe during the Middle and Late Middle Ages. Ideal
cities primarily arise for temporary tasks of political, econo-
mic or military nature. They do not break or lose the reason
for its existence (in Italy – Pienza, France – Richelieu).
Numerous forts and fortified cities emerged from 16th cen-
tury to the mid-18th century, by which was seeked to ensure
the absolutism over threatened frontiers and new territo-
ries. At this time there was a star-shaped projection, such as
Palmanova Venetians who planned the invasion of the Otto-
mans. Besides a star, typical for this time is hexagonal pro-
Chapter 4 ► Topics and discussions in the ... 135
the motto "one sees only what he knows," the guide must
continually works to ensure it’s an architectural glossary57.
Historical introduction in talks
Beginners often make mistakes guides provide scientific
accuracy the history of the building, which does not save
names and dates. This presentation is appropriate for special
groups of tourist’s interest. In such cases, the participants
must be given information leaflets before the visit so that you
can skip the dates and facts. Bus arrival is appropriate for a
detailed historical introduction. During the historic divorce-
ment emphasis should be placed on viewing and monitoring,
and talks about the history of the building to be shorter.
Of interest to tourists is to learn whether a church is built as
a show of strength on the nationality of a city based on the
pledge or on other religious fellowship of any craft or order.
Must take into account the position of a church if the
priest's, or pilgrimage, and the organization of church archi-
tecture according to the expectations of the audience.
Organizational skill of the guide
Even before the guide to get inside the church with his
own band, you need to clarify whether there is not conducted
worship. In such a case it should not be disturbed and
guests must obtain an impression of the inside of the
entrance without entering inside. Some churches are barred
only part you can see, some are closed for lunch or have a
certain time, or are usually available only for worship. You
first need to collect information about opening hours, find a
sexton or caretaker and contracts open outside working
hours. Such detailed information should be collected in a
guided report. Money for curators is being paid services in
the catalog or any tourists or participants separately. It is
necessary to take into account that there are vending ma-
The guide can also build your daily schedule that before vi-
siting to make a lunch break or shower close as he informed
about the area. You can also organize picnics in the area of
excavation to be decisive for the overall satisfaction of tou-
rists. Prerequisites for this are interesting places vegetation. In
large, much visited facilities in most cases is prohibited. In
such cases the guide may meanwhile be informed to shoot.
Alternatively, after a brief introduction to the guide to
motivate the participants to navigate the area excavated, to
give time for photography as well as own discoveries and
hypotheses. A prerequisite for this method is that once the
group is now led by a tour guide in the area of excavations
and is served by the oriented and mentoring support66.
In places excavations recommended preparing our buildings
reconstructions that are in the form of sketches, photographs
of models or pictures of the current state of the indicated
reconstruction. With reconstruction participant was able to
recover again in my mind remains and imagine life in antiquity.
In this respect also provide pictures of the daily life, cloth-
ing, haircuts and weapons. They can be distributed to each
participant as photocopies or smaller number of participants
during the tour to be submitted by hand to hand. When stake-
holders can be created and photographic material for compari-
son, showing similar works occurring at this time, samples
from sites visited – presentation influenced by antiquity.
In order to facilitate the learning of important archeology
and historical terms, the guide can make the selection of the
corresponding concepts in clarifying sketch and divided them
according to their meanings. Tour guide, visiting ancient
temples, must be competent in these terms, such as columns,
capitals, cornices, read. Since most of these concepts are
Version 1
Excursion: Sofia – Veliko Tarnovo – Arbanasi – Gabrovo – Sofia
Day 1st:
09:00-12:00 Travelling from Sofia to Veliko Tarnovo
12:00-14:30 A walk through Veliko Tarnovo
"St. Dimitar" Church
"St. st. Constantine and Helena" Church
"Asenevtsi" Monument
"Mother Bulgaria" Monument
"Samodovska Charshiya"
"Vazrazhdane I Uchreditelno Sabranie" Mu-
14:30-16:30 "Tzarevetz Hill"
17:30-19:30 A Tour in "Arbanasi"
"St. st. Archangel Michail I Gavrail" Church
"Jesus’ Birth" Church
"St. Nikolay Chudotvorets" Monastery
"Uspenie Bogorodichno" Monastery in Ar-
19:30-21:00 Theme Evening in Arbanasi
22:00 "Sound and Light" Spectacle
Day 2nd:
09:30-12:00 Ethnographic Museum
12:30-14:30 A Sightseeing of Gabrovo
The Home of the humour and skit
"Dechkovata Kashta" Historical Museum
National Museum of the Education
"Uspenie Bogorodichno" Church
The Clock Tower
Travelling back to Sofia
Appendix 179
Veliko Tarnovo
"Samovodska Charshiya"
This is the oldest marketplace in the city. There were
many shops where traders and craftsmen were doing their
masterpieces and used to sell them to the visitors. You can
also enjoy the local restaurants, trying the national dishes
and our traditional meals. The homes of Emilian Stanev (fa-
mous Bulgarian writer) and Stefan Stambolov (Ex-Prime-
Minister of Bulgaria) are located here.
Tzarevetz Castle
Tzarevetz is located in Veliko Tarnovo, and you can’t miss
its great magnificence. In the period of the Second Bulgarian
Kingdom (1185-1393) Bulgarian borders reached a range of 3
seas and the country was the most powerful one in Europe.
182 Mariana Ianeva ► Tour guide service
Arbanasi has a population with a total of 310 people. It is
located only 4 km away from Veliko Tarnovo. The village has
unique renaissance architecture, which dates from 16th-17th
century. The houses here look like forts. Yet they have really
beautiful and colorful gardens. The doors, furniture and win-
dows are carved, the walls are decorated with different ele-
ments and painted with flowers. There are 7 churches saved
from 17th century, and they all have big fences, small win-
dows and iron-wood doors. You won’t see any decorations
from outside, but once you enter you can see many unique
carvings as well as drawings. Arbanasi takes place in the
UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage List.
Main information
The city of Gabrovo has a population with a total of 76 591
residents. Gabrovo is located 390 m upon the sea level in the
north part of Central Stara Planina mountain, on the both
sides of Yantra River. Gabrovo as a city have formed itself in
the middle centuries. There is a legend that long ago on
Gabrovo’s land a young smith have settled. Bit by bit around
his house a lot of people have got settled as well-tailors,
chefs, furriers, repairmen. Next to Racho’s house there was a
big hornbeam tree, so in his honor they called the city
Gabrovo, which means the city of the hornbeam. Now there
is a monument of Racho the smith in Gabrovo.
In the 12th century Gabrovo was a big handcraft and mar-
ket center, because it was near to the former capital – Veliko
In 1860 in the city was opened the first factory in Bulgaria,
and then Gabrovo became its municipality. In 1825 was opened
the cell school, and in 1835 the first Bulgarian secular school.
Later in 1889 the school was named "Aprilova Gimnaziya" or
"Highschool of Aprilov" in a honor of his creator Vasil Aprilov.
Gabrovo is called the city of Manchester, because it has been
represented a huge textile center.
Appendix 185
Version 2
Day 1st:
14:45h Departure from Sofia
16:50h An arrival in Rome. Transfer from Rome to Ve-
nice – the most amazing and romantic city in
the whole world.
19:00h Transfer from the Airport to the Hotel in Venice.
10:00h A tourist discourse about the history and archi-
tecture of Venice.
A pedestrian walk in Venice with a local guide.
11:00h A half-day tour to the east part of Venice.
Visiting: Saint Marco Square
San Marco Cathedral
The Belfry
The Clock Tower
Doge’s palace
The Sigh Bridge
Day 3rd:
A day off. A possibility of visiting other Venice sights,
which are not included in the main program. Some of the
most popular attractions are listed below:
The Clock Tower
The columns of the Winged Lion and Saint Theodor
The "Corer" museum
The "Marciana" library
The "Guggenheim" museum
Day 4th:
08:30h A trip from Venice to Verona
An hour-long pedestrian walk along Verona’s
Afternoon: "Arena Di Verona" visiting
"Bra" square visiting
"Juliet’s House" visiting
"Delle Erbe" square visiting
Appendix 189
Day 5th:
09:30h A trip from Verona to Padua
11:30h A transfer and Accommodation in the ho-
11:30-12:30h Free time for individual activities
12:30h Guided visiting of "Saint Antonio" basilica
13:15h A walk in the "Prato della Giustina" quare
14:00h Guided tour of "Saint Giorgio" basilica
14:00-17:30h Free time for rest or shopping
17:30-18:30h A short discourse and a visit of the statue
of Erasm Guatemala
Free evening for personal preferences and
Day 6th:
09:00-11:30h A short walk in the city for taking pic-
tures and shopping. Watching local dan-
cers and musicians performances
12:00h A transfer to the airport with an organized
transport. The departure is at 14:45.
17:10 Arriving at the Sofia Airport.
Main information
Verona, as well as many Italian cities, is a rich city in
terms of historic heritage and sights. Verona is the town of
the purest love ever appeared, exactly those between Romeo
and Juliet. Besides, Verona still has a great historic attrac-
tions and sights for tourists. The trip should definitely start
from the most popular monument in the city – "Arena Di Ve-
rona" Amphitheater.
"Arena Di Verona"
This majestic amphitheater was built during the 1st century
A.D. is perfectly preserved ancient-roman monument. In the
ancient times, many gladiator’s fights as well as knight chal-
lenges and spectacles had been organized here. Arena Di Ve-
rona has over 22 000 seats. In terms of size and importance,
this amphitheater is placed on the second place, outdone by
the Coliseum. In 1822, among all the European Monarchs,
Rosini placed the cantata "Saint Union", dedicated to the
Appendix 193
Main information
Despite this is Saint Antonius town and also has a great
university, Padua is unfortunately widely known as a cheap
and comfortable place for recreation and relaxation in addi-
tion to your visit of Venice. Yet the city has many master-
pieces of art and provides a big pleasure with its many
squares and beautiful streets.
"Saint Antonio" Basilica
Saint Antonio’s Basilica is a wonderful architecture mas-
terpiece, which preserves exclusive works of art. The Basilica
was built in honor of Saint Antonio. The construction started
in 1231 and has the shape of a Latin cross. It is assumed
that the architecture style of the church is a combination
from Gothic, Eastern and Arabian style. Statues of Donatello
can be found in here. Church’s interior is richly embellished,
thanks to the generosity of the religious. Official holiday for
honoring Saint Antonio is 13th of July, but tourists are able
to visit the church throughout the year.
"Prato Della Valle" Square
Famous and the most beautiful square in Padua is exactly
Prato Della Valle, well known as "Pra" among local residents.
It has been projected by Domenico Cerrato at the discretion
of Andrea Mimia. The square looks like a big elliptical island,
surrounded by numerous channels and 78 statues of differ-
rent historical celebrities. These statues were being made in
the period from 1775 to 1838. There was an amphitheater
here, and the place is now being used for fairs and many
other events.
Appendix 195
Professor, Dr. Manol Ribov
Associate Professor, Dr. Elenita Velikova
Printid: 04.11.2014