Nursing Care Plan. Hypertension

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Patient’s Initials: APR Chief of Complaint: Hypertension Date:04/11/2021

Age & Gender: 32 years old Level/ block/ Group: 3BSN-14

Birthdate: December 1, 1989 Date of confinement:

Address: Dagupan City Clinical Instructor:



Subjective: High blood Decreased STG: 1. changes in 1. changes in STG:

“madalas pressure, also Cardiac After 6 hrs of BP may BP may After 6 hrs of nursing
akomahilo”, called Output r/t nursing indicates indicates interventions,
asverbalized by the hypertension, malignant interventions, changes in changes in the client had no
patient. is blood hypertension the client will patient patient elevation in blood
pressure that is as have no status status pressure above normal
Objective: higher than manifested elevation in requiring requiring limits and will maintain
>lethargic normal. Your by blood prompt prompt blood pressure within
>decreased cardiac blood pressure decreased pressure attention attention. acceptable limits.
output changes stroke above normal Goal was met.
>decreased throughout the volume limits and will 2. decrease in 2. decrease in
strokevolume day based on maintain cardiac output cardiac LTG:
>increased your activities. blood may output may After 5 days of nursing
peripheral vascular Having blood pressure result in result in interventions, the
resistance pressure within changes in changes in client maintained
>VS taken as measures acceptable cardiac cardiac anadequate
follows: consistently limits. perfusion perfusion cardiacoutput and
T: 37.2 above normal causing causing cardiac index. Goal was
PR: 83 may result in a LTG: dysrhythmias. dysrhythmias met.
RR: 18 diagnosis of After 5 days .
BP: 180/100 high blood of nursing 3. it may
pressure (or interventions, decreases 3. it may
hypertension). the client will peripheral decreases
maintain venous pooling peripheral
adequate that may be venous
cardiac potentiated by pooling that
output and vasodilators may be
cardiac and prolonged potentiated
index sitting or by
standing. vasodilators
4. caffeine is a prolonged
cardiac sitting or
stimulant standing.
and may 4. caffeine is
adversely a cardiac
affect cardiac stimulant and
function may
affect cardiac
Name of student: Abrio, Kiara Shanelle P.

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