Nature of Language
Nature of Language
Nature of Language
Every creature strives to communicate with its own kind. One of the ways in which this
need is fulfilled is by expressing thoughts in the medium of language. Language is the
bridge between individuals that tells them they are needed, that they are not alone.
Language thus gives self-expression and by extension identity. Language is a systematic
and conventional means of human communication by way of vocal sounds.
Functions of Language
1. Gives self-expression and identity. It tells our listeners or readers about ourselves-
in particular about our regional origins, social backgrounds, levels of education,
occupation, age, sex, and personality.
2. It gives shape to thoughts and emotions, and communicates these to intended
3. It is the basic elements with which the history of the world has been recorded.
4. It is a time capsule that allows us to view and re-view any moment in the past of
literate man.
5. It is a repository of information.
6. To express judgment, opinions, assertions etc. It is used to say if a statement is
true or false.
7. To maintain social rapport between people to build and maintain relationship.
One of the main basic human urges is to communicate.
Language a means of communication
Communication happens when the decoder receives, decodes and understands the means
of the encoder.
The encoder and the decoder are called the interlocutors (persons who take part in a
Language is not only human phenomenon. Animals cry, hoot, bleat, coo, dance,
sing…….to communicate their message.
Sounds are basic units of language. But not sounds in themselves or in a jumble. Sounds
have to be meaningful. They acquire meaning when they organize themselves in an
intelligible combinations and forms as:
Sounds >> Forms >> Meaning give us an intelligible(that can be understood), sensible
structure to understand the world around us.
These three components, in fact, represent the three fundamental dimensions of the
organization as well as the three levels of analysis in language- Phonological, syntactic
and semantic.
1. Phonological level: Sounds and their organization.
2. Syntactic level: forms and their organization.
3. Semantic level: Meaningful as manifested in the phonological and syntactic
Features of Human Language
1. Language as a system. It is system of system. Language is not a collection of
sound and forms at random but highly organized system in which each unit has
its place and value. Each sound is related to other sounds, each word is related to
other words to make meaning.
2. Arbitrariness: Human language is an arbitrary phenomenon. There is no natural
connection or relationship between a word and its meaning. The signifier and the
signified are brought together arbitarily. E.g.1 Why is a table called a table?
Tables do not make noises similar to the word. (Hence No connection),we cannot
tell from the sound structure which meaning is behind it.
E.g. 2 Something as large as a whale can be referred to by a very short word, “
3. Open-Ended System: The sounds, words and sentences in language may be finite
or limited, but the combinations and constructions are infinite or unlimited. Thus
creative or productive potential of the language enables its user to manipulate and
make infinite varieties of constructions to express himself or herself. So human
gave the ability to say things that have never been said before, including the
possibility to express invented things or lies.
4. Duality of structure:Human language is organized at two levels or layers
simultaneously:at the level of individual sounds like n,p,b,k, a……. but none of
these individual sounds have any meaning in themselves.Their meaning comes
from the meaningful combinations to produce words. Although our capacity to
produce new sounds(letter) is limited, we frequently coin new words. Hence our
capacity to produce vocabulary is unlimited.
5. Displacement: Human language can be used to refer to any dimension of space
and time. We can use language to refer to the past, the present and the future. It
can also be used to refer to any place here or elsewhere; in neither case does the
language user have to move from his place or her place to refer to time or place.
E.g.: A gorilla cannot tell his friends about his parents, adventures, experiences of
the past. A cat spends the night outside and comes back the next day,stands at
your feet…. says “ meow”. You ask where it was and you get the same “meow”.
Both of these examples show that animal communication lacks the freedom to
apply its knowledge to a new context and that animals cannot talk about past or
future as humans can. Humans can talk about things that are physically distant
such as other countries, the moon, star etc and for that they do not have to move
from their place. Animal communication is confined only for the particular
place/time unlike humans. It is this property of displacement that allows humans
unlike any other creature, to create fiction and describe possible future worlds.
6. Meta-linguistic system: Human language can be used to talk about itself its
features, functions, varieties and levels of sophistications.
7. Cultural Transmission: Human beings maybe born with innate predispositions
to acquire language, but they are not born with the ability to produce utterances in
a specific language. Language is not genetically transmitted. It is culturally
transmitted and has to be consciously learned. ( The process thereby language is
passed down firm generation to generation is described as cultural transmission).
This is very different from animal communication systems where the animals is
born knowing their entire system. For E.g. Bees are born knowing how to dance
and some birds are born knowing their species of bird songs.
We may inherit brown eyes and dark hair from our parents but we do not inherit
their language. For example a child born to Bhutanese parents but adopted and
brought up by American may inherit physical characteristics from its natural
parents but will speak English. Human infants growing up in isolation produce no
instinctive language. All these clearly show that we acquire language in a
culture with other speakers and not parental genes.
8. Language is an individual and social phenomenon: Language serves in
expressing individual needs and urges; it brings an individual into relationship
with the external world.
Language is specific to the home of the species and all human beings are capable of
learning the language in which they are born.
11. The human vocal truct: An elaborate language requires a highly sophisticated
speech organ that will enable the speaker to produce the many differentiated sounds.
Only humans are endowed (provided) with a speech organ of this complexity.
The word is derived from the greek word “etomos” which means real or true. The ending
“ology” suggests the study/ science of something.Etymology is the study of the origins of
words or the history of words (how they evolved, when they entered a language, from
what source. And how their meanings have changed over time)
For example the ancient Greek word “hippos” means “horse” and “potanus” means
“river”. Hence “hippopotamus” literally means “river horse”
A few other parts of the words derived from ancient Greek are “tele” (Long distance)
“micro” (small) and “phone” (speak) and “scope” (look). From these come such words as
telephone, telescope, microphone and microscope.
Behaviorists believe that children learn to speak by imitation and parents then reinforce
or correct their speech constantly. They believe that the child is born with an empty slate
and language items are written on that mental slate as the child grows and experiences
the world which it is experienced.
Rationalists argue learning is a much more complex process. The child is born with all
the facilities to learn the language. The linguistic ability is inherent in the mind of the
child. All that the child does is discover and test (Chomsky)
According to this theory the children can only use certain linguistic structures when they
understand fully the concepts surrounding them. Piaget linked language acquisition to a
child's maturation. To use linguistic structures, they must understand the concept. A
child's comparison of size is difficult if the child does not understand the concept of size.
Pre-Language stage
The pre-linguistic sounds of the very early stages of child language acquisitions are
simply called “cooing” and “babbling”.
Babbling – When the child is around 6-9 months (contain syllable type sounds such as
The child's vocabulary moves beyond 50 distinct words by the time the child is 8 years
old. A variety of combinations similar to “baby chair” (meaning put baby in the chair)
“mommy eat” (meaning I want to eat), “cat bad” (meaning the cat is bad) etc, will have
Telegraphic Speech
Between 2-3 years, the child will begin producing a large number of utterences which
could be classified as multiple word utterances. Eg- Andrew want ball, cat want milk, this
shoe all wet etc.
The child has clearly developed some sentence building capacity by this stage and can
order the forms correctly.