Coursera GA DSA Target SkillSets 2020 Ebook
Coursera GA DSA Target SkillSets 2020 Ebook
Coursera GA DSA Target SkillSets 2020 Ebook
A guide to SkillSets for data-driven
Where skills meet people.
What are SkillSets? About the Data & Analytics Academy from
Powered by goal-based learning programs, each SkillSet connects employees Embrace digital transformation at scale with the Data & Analytics Academy from
with the right skills and content to become competitive, data-driven Coursera, a one-stop-shop for deploying a high-quality data science and
professionals prepared for real-world, on-the-job responsibilities. analytics learning program.
The SkillSets in this guide focus on the critical skills that will help businesses Designed to develop learners at any level of data proficiency across all business
become data-driven from conversant to advanced levels. Skills include functions, the Data & Analytics Academy features expert teaching from top
Statistical Programming, Machine Learning, Statistics, Mathematics, Databases, universities and companies, SkillSets that cultivate data-first teams, and
Data Visualization, and associated sub-skills like AWS, Python, R, and learning metrics that show actual skills developed.
Machine Learning
Data Scientist Engineer Data Engineer Data Analyst
Become a data-driven
organization Data Science & Engineering Teams Product & Marketing
Leaders & Executives
SQL-Proficient Python-
● Develop your employees’ Proficient
Data Analyst Data-Driven Data Leader
skill proficiency in critical Data Scientist Designer
data and analytics skills. NLP Specialized AWS-Proficient
Data-Driven Data-Driven
Data Scientist ML Engineer
● Features over 50 SkillSets Marketer Sales Leader
across 15 unique roles Big Data TensorFlow-
Specialized Proficient Data-Driven
Data-Driven Leader
Reskill your talent for in-demand data and Data Engineer ML Engineer Product Mgr
analytics roles
cutting-edge tools
*Pictured here is a subset of the SkillSets available in the Data & Analytics Academy
Data and AI literacy for
the whole org
Train employees to understand AI applications and make data-driven
decisions, and empower them to work better with data teams. These
SkillSets feature basic-level courses in data and AI awareness so that
anyone can get started.
SkillSets include:
SkillSets include:
Data Scientist
Machine Learning Engineer
Data Engineer
Data Scientist
Data Analyst
Business Analyst
The Data & Analytics Academy from
Coursera includes 50 SkillSets for 15+
in-demand roles and 30+ skill