Net Zero Energy Building Movement in India - An Overview: September 2016
Net Zero Energy Building Movement in India - An Overview: September 2016
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1 author:
Sumateja Reddy
Andhra University
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Worldwide Buildings consume up to 40% of the total global energy and 36% of carbon dioxide emissions. By the
year 2030, the consumption is expected to increase up to 50%. In India building sector consume a total of 70% of
the electricity generated in the country. Studies indicate more than 50% of energy is used in buildings for occupants
comfort like cooling and lighting. Energy consumption in the building sector will continue to increase until
buildings can be designed to produce enough energy to compensate the growing energy demand of these buildings.
Toward this end, many governments promote zero energy buildings. A zero-energy building is a building with zero
net energy consumption; it means the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is equal to the
amount of energy produced on the site or off the site. These buildings do not increase the amount of greenhouse
gases and less impact on climate. This paper aimed at reviewing some literature on zero energy buildings in India
and suggests ways of improving the energy usage by the occupants.
Keywords: Net zero Energy Building, Design, Energy reduction strategies, Foot print, barriers, Advantages, Goals.
IJSRSET1625102 | Received : 17 October 2016 | Accepted : 25 October-2016 | September-October-2016 [(2)5: 360-363] 360
A. Net Zero Energy Cost Building: The electricity bill environment. NZEB’s achieve one key green-building
is covered every year by virtue of design and production goal of significantly reducing energy use
of energy at the site. and greenhouse gas emissions for the life of the
B. Net Zero Energy Emission Building: The energy building. Zero energy buildings may or may not be
emission is measured in mass of carbon- equivalent considered green in all areas, such as
greenhouse gas emissions related to energy use in the using recycled building materials, such as reducing
building. waste etc. However, zero energy buildings do tend to
C. Net Zero Source Energy Building: A building that have a much lower ecological impact over the life of the
purchases or produces as much energy for a year by building compared with other green buildings that
accounting the energy produced at the source. require imported energy and/or fossil fuel to be
D. Net Zero Site Energy Building: A building that habitable and meet the needs of occupants.
produces at least as much renewable energy as it uses
3. Towards Net Zero Energy Buildings
the energy, over the course of a year.
With a modest beginning of 9565m2 project area in the
2. Deference between Zero Energy Building and country in the year 2014 today (as on August 2016)
Green Building more than 7 NZEB projects (Table:1)with a footprint of
over 33,777 m2 projected area is certified and fully
The main goal of green building is to use resources
functional in India. They are…
efficiently and reduce a negative impact on the
4. Design Stratagy For Net Zero Energy Buildings conditions inside buildings. It harnesses environmental
conditions such as solar radiation, cool night air and air
The key to designing net zero energy buildings are first
pressure differences to drive the internal environment.
reducing energy demand as much as possible, and then
Passive measures do not involve mechanical or
choosing good energy sources. Here is a simple order of
electrical systems. An NZEB will only be cost-effective
if all the passive strategies Like Form & Orientation,
A. Passive Design
Shading, Cool Roofs, Fenestration, Insulation,
Passive design maximizes the use of natural sources
Daylighting, Windows, Natural Ventilation, Thermal
of heating, cooling and ventilation to create comfortable