Research Title: Coconut Shell Charcoal As Pencil Lead: Rationale

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Research Title: Coconut Shell Charcoal as Pencil Lead

Chapter 1



Pencil is a tool used in writing and drawing with a solid pigment core encased in the barrel,

sleeve, or shaft, which prevents the core from breaking or leaving a mark on the user's skin. Physical

abrasion causes pencils to leave a trail of solid core material that adheres to a piece of paper or other

surfaces. In most pencil cores, graphite powder and clay are mixed-together to form a paste. Lead pencils

(also known as graphite pencils) produce grey or black marks that can be easily erased, but are otherwise

resistant to moisture, most chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, and natural aging. Other types of pencil cores,

like charcoal, are mainly used for drawing and sketching.

Charcoal is a matte dark drawing material often used for expressive marks. Its structure is that of

a complex lattice with no distinct or repetitive design causing it to irregularly fold in upon itself, creating

many little dips and craters within its surface. The lack in its uniformity is the cause of its fragile nature,

resulting in a rusty, crumbly, matt material that gets caught in the tooth of the paper. Drawing with

charcoal feels rough and slightly catchy because on a molecular level, the charcoal is fracturing

irregularly. Its flakey texture enables artists to create a vast range of textures. Charcoal can be used in its

raw form as sticks and powder, or it can be mixed with wax binder to make it easier to handle. Some of us

cannot afford to buy these expensive materials. So, the researchers come up with an idea of using coconut

shell charcoal in making a pencil lead.

Coconuts have long been abundant in our country due to its tropical weather and is considered the

most useful tree in the world. The coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine, and building

materials, among other uses. However, coconut shells are often discarded and not put to good use.

This study aims to make a pencil lead out of coconut shell charcoal. This study also aims to

answer the question; Will the pencil lead out of coconut shell charcoal be effective in terms of:

A. Capability in writing

B. Strength


This study will focus on determining if coconut shell charcoal is effective in making pencil leads.

The availability of the materials is needed to conduct the study, since coconut shell is eco-friendly, and

cost effective it can be a very good option as a filler material. The researchers considered to conduct this

study to find out if coconut shell charcoal is effective in making a pencil lead. The researchers will test

the effectiveness of the product by its capability on writing.


The results of this study will be beneficial to the society. This will help also contribute to our

community, since pencil is a very important learning tool. It will help provide a good benefit on the

environment; it will lessen the cases of segregation in the community or simply it will help lessen wastes

in the community. This study will also serve as a useful guide for future researchers who would perform a

relative study.

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