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Dep-Ed National Capital Region

Vicente P. Trinidad National High School

Senior High School Department

Grade 12-MPJ (SY: 2018-2019)






Submitted by;

Rosemarie Seraga

Honey Lyn Hemoya

Chariel Bardon

Joseph Lim


The researchers would like to thanks the following people.

First, to all teachers especially to those teachers who help the researchers and who gave

their time and effort to patiently answered our annoying questions and who voluntarily taught us

to accomplish this research and to make this research paper appropriate and productive. Second,

to the family and friends of the researchers who gave and help in financial problem to fulfill the

needs of the researchers. Thirdly, to all the members who participated to make this paper

possible. And lastly, to All Mighty God who gave the strengths, knowledge, perseverance, faith

and good health to the researcher to accomplish this challenging task.



This study aimed to assess the stress level and the academic performance in Practical

research 2 of the Grade-12 Senior High School Students of Vicente P. Trinidad National High

School. Significant differences on the respondents’ stress level in terms of their gender, age, and

track were determined and the correlation between the stress level and Grades in PR2 were also


A descriptive-correlation method was used to evaluate the amount of stress that the

respondents perceive during the past quarter. There were 30 randomly selected grade-12 students

involved in this study. The data gathered were statistically analyzed using Microsoft Excel.

Findings of the study showed that, rank 1 tells that most of the respondent felt that research is

very stressful, while rank 2 says that most of respondents felt that if they make a mistake, they

question their ability to do undergraduate/graduate work, and rank 3 says that most of the

respondents felt that stress is inescapable in school. To describe the correlation of two variables

the researchers used pearson R and hypothesis testing proved that ‘There is a significant

relationship between Grade-12 senior high school student’ stress level and their academic

performance in Practical Research 2’.

Thus, awareness and knowledge on the stress level of grade-12 students will help in the

conceptualization of coping mechanisms in alleviating stress and could lead them to a better if

not the best performance in their academic performance. Hence, further study about stress level

of SHS students is also recommended for a better understanding of the phenomenon.


TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………..1




TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………….…...5

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………….

LIST OF APPENDICES…………………………………..................




Statement of the Problem…………………………………………….

Significance of the Problem………………………………………….

Scope and Delimitation of the Study…………………………………

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………..



Relevant Theories………………………………………………

Related Concepts……………………………………………….

Related Studies…………………………………………………

Conceptual Framework………………………………………..

Hypothesis of the Study…………………………......................

Definition of Variables……………………………………………..



Methods and Techniques of the Study……………………………

Population and Sample of the Study……………………………..

Research Instrument………………………………………………

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………..

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment……………………….








A student, apparently distraught about the poor

evaluation he had received on his master's thesis,
walked into the Engineering Building at San Diego
State University on Thursday afternoon and shot
three faculty members to death before surrendering
to police, authorities said.(Perry & Malnic, 1996)

A. Rationale

The very mention of the word “stress” brings thoughts such as increased rate of

depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease and other potentially life-threatening issues to one’s


  Being a researcher and a Grade-12 graduating students it cannot be avoided to have a

subject in ‘Practical Research 2’ as a requirement for completion, and this issue brought grade 12

senior high school students the high impact of stress level.

B. Background of the Study

The school is one place where a lot of people converge on a regular basis. It is a fact that

when people come together, stress is bound to happen one way or the other. The Administration

may be stressed with the low turn-out of enrollment or the need to generate more funds to

finance important capital outlays. The causes of stress for teachers vary, such as lack of

preparation, family and financial problems, absentee and, sub-par students, among others.

Students also experience their own stressors. The common causes of their stress include their

academic subjects, requirements and projects, oral and written examinations, announced or

unannounced quizzes and graded recitations, finances, issues with parents or guardians, love life,

their professors and instructors, and many more.

Lona (2010) claims that students experience stress since some are trying to deal with the

demands of adapting to a new living environment, new peers, academic pressure, and sexual

concerns. Being in senior high school student can also put financial stress on the students and

their families. These situations can leave them with trembling hands, tense muscles, migraine,

headache, and multiple other symptoms of stress. These can contribute to a host of chronic

diseases ranging from hypertension to peptic ulcers that can predispose them to premature

disability and even death. Stressors are demands made by the internal or external environment

that upset the balance of a person, thus affecting the physical and psychological well-being of the

person and thus would require appropriate action if one is to restore that balance.

C. Research Objectives

  The main objective of this study is to describe the stress level status of the Grade -12

Senior High School students that has been experiencing stress caused by making research paper

and other school related activities and describe its relation to their Academic Performance in

terms of their grade in first grading for first semester in Practical Research 2.

It is also worth nothing that stress is an inevitable part of student-life; as it takes toll on

most students physical health, emotional well-being and Academic Performance. It goes on to

affirm that, students who experienced stressful life events also reported worse health outcomes

and reduced quality of life.

 II. Statement of the problem

1. What is the demographic profile Grade-12 Senior High School Students of Vicente P.

Trinidad National High School in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Track

2. What is the Academic Performance of the Grade-12 Senior High School Students in

terms of grades in Practical Research 2 for first grading?

3. What is the stress level of the Grade-12 Senior High School Students in Vicente P.

Trinidad National High School?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the stress level of the students and the

academic performance in Practical Research 2?

III. Significance of the Study

This study will benefits the following groups and individuals;

Students . This study may serve as a guide and reference for the students undertaking similar

studies and also had the same problem regarding stress problems.

School administrator and staffs. This study will help them to identify and address students

school problems and take the responsibility to make an action regarding this.

Teachers. This research will aid them to their discussions regarding related lessons. It will be

easier for them to tackle related topics about this research. They are also one who carried the

conflicts regarding student’s performance.

Parents. Parents or guardians who are the first affected to the low grades of their children.

Future Researchers. This research will be a useful reference for the researchers who would plan

to make any related study precisely the standard underlying the Practical Research 2.

IV. Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the stress level status of the Grade-12 Senior High School

students in terms of their stress level and to know if it has a significant relationship in their

Academic Performance in “ Practical Research 2 ”.

In this study, the student’s performance refers to the grade in first grading of the Grade-

12 Senior High School students in “ Practical Research 2 ” because this subject requires more

analysis of the data in conducting a research.

The study involves only the thirthy (30) randomly selected Grade-12 students of Senior

High School in Vicente P. Trinidad National High School for school year 2018-2019 that has a

subject of Practical Research 2 that one of the factor that causes the mental health problem of a

student’s in assessing stress level.

  Definition of Terms:

Academic performance- student performance’s that is related to school

Adolescence- the period of life when a child develops into an adult

Anxiety- apprehensive uneasiness on nervousness usually over an impending or

anticipated ill; a state of being anxious

Evaluation- to determine the significance, worth, or condition of usually by careful appraisal

and study

Practical research- means actual doing or using of something rather than theories and ideas. It

involves inquiry methods and immersion activities in order to achieve the correct information.

Research- is a careful, detailed and systematic study of a specific problem, concern, or issue to

establish facts This is best accomplished by turning the issue into a question, with the intent of

the research to answer the question.

Stress- a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and maybe

a factor in disease causation

Stressor- a stimulus that causes stress



The use of terminology “Stress” in our daily conversation has increases. Though we all

talk so much about stress but it often isn’t clear what stress really is all about? We are well aware

with some terms which are used synonymously for stress. These terms are stress, strain, conflict,

burnout, depression and pressure.

1. Theories of Stress

Theories that focus on the specific relationship between external demands (stressors) and

bodily processes (stress) can be grouped in two different categories: approaches to `systemic

stress' based in physiology and psychobiology (among others, Selye 1976) and approaches to

`psychological stress' developed within the field of cognitive psychology (Lazarus 1966, 1991,

Lazarus and Folkman 1984, McGrath 1982).

1.1. Systemic Stress: Selye's Theory

Based on the article of (H.W.Krohne,2002) “Stress and Coping Theories” there are two

theories representing distinct approaches to the field of stress research: Selye's theory of

`systemic stress' based in physiology and psychobiology, and the `psychological stress' model

developed by Lazarus.

This stereotypical response pattern, called the `General Adaptation Syndrome' (GAS),

proceeds in three stages. (a) The alarm reaction comprises an initial shock phase and a
subsequent countershock phase. The shock phase exhibits autonomic excitability, an increased

adrenaline discharge, and gastro-intestinal ulcerations. The countershock phase marks the initial

operation of defensive processes and is characterized by increased adrenocortical activity. (b) If

noxious stimulation continues, the organism enters the stage of resistance. In this stage, the

symptoms of the alarm reaction disappear, which seemingly indicates the organism's adaptation

to the stressor. However, while resistance to the noxious stimulation increases, resistance to other

kinds of stressors decreases at the same time. (c) If the aversive stimulation persists, resistance

gives way to the stage of exhaustion. The organism's capability of adapting to the stressor is

exhausted, the symptoms of stage (a) reappear, but resistance is no longer possible. Irreversible

tissue damages appear, and, if the stimulation persists, the organism dies.

Although Selye's work influenced a whole generation of stress researchers, marked

weaknesses in his theory soon became obvious. First of all, Selye's conception of stress as a

reaction to a multitude of different events had the fatal consequence that the stress concept

became the melting pot for all kinds of approaches. Thus, by becoming a synonym for diverse

terms such as, for example, anxiety, threat, conflict, or emotional arousal, the concept of stress

was in danger of losing its scientific value (cf. Engel 1985). Besides this general reservation,

specific critical issues have been raised. One criticism was directed at the theory's core

assumption of a nonspecific causation of the GAS. Mason ( 1971, 1975b) pointed out that the

stressors observed as effective by Selye carried a common emotional meaning: they were novel,

strange, and unfamiliar to the animal. Thus, the animal's state could be described in terms of

helplessness, uncertainty, and lack of control. Consequently, the hormonal GAS responses

followed the (specific) emotional impact of such influences rather than the influences as such. In

accordance with this assumption, Mason ( 1975b) demonstrated that in experiments where

uncertainty had been eliminated no GAS was observed. This criticism lead to a second, more

profound argument: unlike the physiological stress investigated by Selye, the stress experienced

by humans is almost always the result of a cognitive mediation (cf. Arnold 1960, Janis 1958,

Lazarus 1966, 1974). Selye, however, fails to specify those mechanisms that may explain the

cognitive transformation of `objective' noxious events into the subjective experience of being

distressed. In addition, Selye does not take into account coping mechanisms as important

mediators of the stress–outcome relationship. Both topics are central to psychological stress

theories as, for example, elaborated by the Lazarus group.

1.2 Symbolic Interaction Theory as adapted by Basibas (2000)

The Symbolic Interaction Theory claims that individuals are capable of creating solutions

to their own problems. It adheres that the “self” is influenced and shaped by social processes, in

this instance “stress,” and the capacity to symbolize. Human action is caused by complex

interaction between and within individuals. Dynamic social activities take place among persons

and they act according to how they define this situation. Applied to this study, it means that as

everyone has the ability to find ways and means to handle stress, thus, students can cope up with

the stress they encounter.

1.3 Psychological Stress: The Lazarus Theory

Since its first presentation as a comprehensive theory (Lazarus 1966), the Lazarus stress

theory has undergone several essential revisions (cf. Lazarus 1991, Lazarus and Folkman 1984,

Lazarus and Launier 1978). In the latest version (see Lazarus 1991), stress is regarded as a

relational concept, i.e., stress is not defined as a specific kind of external stimulation nor a

specific pattern of physiological, behavioral, or subjective reactions. Instead, stress is viewed as

a relationship (`transaction') between individuals and their environment. `Psychological stress

refers to a relationship with the environment that the person appraises as significant for his or her

well-being and in which the demands tax or exceed available coping resources' (Lazarus and

Folkman 1986). This definition points to two processes as central mediators within the person–

environment transaction: cognitive appraisal and coping.

Lazarus et. Al., (1984;1978) have proposed a cognitive theory of Bio-physiological

model of stress which means the interaction between the external and internal components. Their

theory emphasizes that an event depends on the individual or person and not on the physiological

responses. According to this theory, the way of how the individual value an event or things plays

a big role on determining not only level of stress but also the kind of coping strategies that an

individual can do to deal with his/her own stress.

1.4 Resource Theories of Stress: A Bridge between Systematic and Cognitive Viewpoints

Unlike approaches discussed so far, resource theories of stress are not primarily

concerned with factors that create stress, but with resources that preserve well-being in the face

of stressful encounters. Several social and personal constructs have been proposed, such as social

support (Schwarzer and Leppin 1991), sense of coherence (Antonovsky 1979), hardiness

(Kobasa 1979), self-efficacy (Bandura 1977), or optimism (Scheier and Carver 1992). Whereas

self-efficacy and optimism are single protective factors, hardiness and sense of coherence

represent tripartite approaches. Hardiness is an amalgam of three components: internal control,

commitment, and a sense of challenge as opposed to threat. Similarly, sense of coherence

consists of believing that the world is meaningful, predictable, and basically benevolent.

The recently offered conservation of resources (COR) theory (Hobfoll 1989, Hobfoll et

al. 1996) assumes that stress occurs in any of three contexts: when people experience loss of

resources, when resources are threatened, or when people invest their resources without

subsequent gain. Four categories of resources are proposed: object resources (i.e., physical

objects such as home, clothing, or access to transportation), condition resources (e.g.,

employment, personal relationships), personal resources (e.g., skills or self-efficacy), and energy

resources (means that facilitate the attainment of other resources, for example, money, credit, or


I. Related Concept

According to Merriam Webster, stress is a mental tension and worry by problem in your

life that can cause anxiety and pressure. A stress factor can be physical, emotional, or chemical

that can affect yourself. When an individual or a person react either opened to external or

internal problems and challenges it is called stress.

According to (Hellhammer, 2008) “ the organism processes numerous systems to

coordinate such adaptive responses both at systematic and cellular levels ”.

According to (Pargman, 2006) “ An uncertain reaction to external and internal factor “ a

reaction maybe positive or negative reaction in environmental stimuli.

Stress may result to anxiety and anxiety explained the manner which a person reacts or response

to stress, interpret and accept. Burnout also one of the result of stress which can destroy a

person’s motivation, some of the providers who experience this issue are teachers, officer and


Based on the study of “Stressors and Stress Responses of Filipino College Students”, all

students, regardless of their academic classification pointed out that academics, workload due to

subjects, and time management were their main stressors.

Academics and workload turned out as the top stressors of the students. The courses they

have, the assignments, requirements, exams, other responsibilities, and the meaningfulness of the

tasks affect their perceptions and experience of their workload in a semester (Jonkman, Boer, and

Jagielski, 2006; Student Workload Task Force Report, 2012). These are heavy concerns by

themselves but are often related to other concerns like fear of failing, pressures to succeed in

one’s field, and expectations after graduation in terms of employment and salary (Hirsch and

Ellis, 1996; Sax, Lindholm, Atin, Korn and Mahoney, 2001; Busari, 2012).

The pressure of academic demands place strains on the individual’s physical and

psychological health states as he/she adjusts to college life and living arrangements (Ross,

Neibling and Heckert, 1999). Moreover, strains can also be seen in their interpersonal

relationships with family members and peers through the process of adjustment.The following

are symptoms of burnout.

[1] Trouble sleeping due to worrying or burnout. [2] Getting into too much conflict. [3]Bored

with studies or activity[4]Feeling frustrated with studies[5]Studying very hard and

accomplishing little.[6]I don’t like going to studies.[7]Social activities are draining.

Distress is caused by external factors, emotional and physical pain is both a result of

distress. According to (Layton 2016) fear is a chain reaction in the brain the start with a stressful

stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and

energies mussels, among other things also, also as the fight of light responses”.

Worry is a result of thinking about an existing problem or yet to happen. It causes high

blood pressure, headache, stomach disturbances and other physical discomforts. According to

(Centre, 2010; Davidson 2001) stress is not only negative things that happens positive things also

cause stress. There are two types of stressors the positive stressor (eustress) and negative stressor


Characteristics of Positive Stressors;

[1]It is a short term event, [2]It feels very exciting [3]It’s improve one’s attitude and

performance [4]It’s motivates people.[5]Characteristics of Negative Stressors [5]It causes

anxiety and makes one troubled [6]It’s also short term but can have long term implications [7]It

feels unpleasant and disturbing [8]Decrease one’s productivity and moral.

II. Related Studies

Based on the study of “ Causes of Student’s Stress, its effects on their academic success,

and stress management by students ” conducted by (Essel and Owusu,2017) the study reveals

that the data were collected from the two groups of students who were from the international and

Finnish group, regarding four main factors of stress which were: Relationship, Academic,

Environmental and personal factors. Each had sub factors that caused stress and base on the

results, working with new people was the highest factor in both groups of people who answered

the questionnaire Relationship as source of stress. With regards to academic issues, class load

was the highest. Future worry under environmental factors was the main cause of stress to

students and financial difficulty came up under personal factors that cause stress. The results

show that stress affects the overall school activities of students as well as their social well-being.

According to the study of “ Perceived Stress Factors and Academic Performance of the

Sophomore IT Students of QSU Cabarroguis Campus ” conducted by (Aspiras L. & Aspiras

E.,2014). There were 65 sophomore IT students involved in their study. The data gathered were

statistically analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Findings of the

study showed that among the perceived stress scales, the respondents “fairly often” feel that they

cope with the changes that were occurring in their lives and feel confident about their ability to

handle personal problems. Moreover, the respondents “sometimes” feel angry because of the

things that happened outside their control and sometimes feel that they could not cope with all

things that they had to do. On the other hand, it was found out that among the stressors

identified, “Finances” is the major stressor of the respondents. “Not getting enough sleep”,

“Social activities”, “Nutrition” and “Class attendance” follow respectively. The study also

revealed that the perceived stress factors has a significant bearing on the course, gender, age, and

ethnic affiliation of the respondents.

According to the study of “ Stressors and Stress Responses of Filipino College students ”

conducted by (Dy et. Al,2008) in UPLB Laguna, the study reveals that The top five overall

stressors of the respondents were academic difficulty of subject matter, workload due to subjects,

time management because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one’s own, and time

management because of both subjects and organizations. . There were 258 respondents for the

study. Of the respondents, 68% were females and 32% were males. According to their degree,

42% belonged to the soft sciences and 58% to the hard sciences. In terms of academic

classification, 10% were freshmen, 36% sophomores, 33% juniors, and 21% seniors. . Overall,

the males reacted to stress through affective responses and females through cognitive responses.

Students enrolled in the hard and soft sciences both considered academics, workload due to

subjects, and time management concerns as their top stressors. Those in the soft sciences reacted

with cognitive stress responses while those in the hard sciences reacted with affective stress

responses. Generally, all students, regardless of their academic classification pointed out that

academics, workload due to subjects, and time management were their main stressors. They all

reacted to stress with affective stress responses. These patterns can be monitored to maintain the

psychological and physical well-being of adolescent students.

Based on the study of “Causes, Effects of Stress, and the Coping Mechanism of the

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students in A Philippine University”. Journal of

Education and Learning. Vol. 9(1) pp. 71-78. Conducted by Generoso N. Mazo (2015), the

causes, levels of stress, and coping mechanisms vary. The study of Information Technology is

basically a rigorous one as it is designed to prepare students for the actual demands in the world

of work, the IT industry. The study sought to determine the causes of stress, the effects of stress,

and the stress coping mechanisms of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students in

the Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City. It tested some assumptions using the descriptive

survey method with 51 respondents. Thesis writing/research and school requirements/projects

were the most common causes of stress. Sleepless nights and irritable/moody feeling were the

common effects of stress. There was disparity on the causes and effects of stress between the

male and female respondents. The use of computer and praying to God were the common stress

coping mechanisms. There was an observed disparity between the male and female responses.


A tremendous amount of research has focused upon issues surrounding the concept of stress

because of its importance to both physical and psychological health. Stress is conceptualized as a process

involving stressors, stress mediators, and stress outcomes. Several models detail this process. The

available literature presents student stress as a natural part of the transition to college. Students develop

autonomy, and strive to balance academic, physical, cognitive, and social demands. These issues

produce stress.

Graduating students seems to produce more stress than non-graduating students’ work due to

greater expectations for professional development Graduate students often complain of their lack of time

for anything other than academic requirements.

A certain amount of pressure in academic training enhances learning. Students expect to

experience some stress as they work toward graduation. On the other hand, too much stress is detrimental

to students' academic performance, self-esteem, and physical well-being.

The purpose of this study was to determine and document stress levels in senior high school

students across similar fields of study. Specifically, stress caused by making research paper and other

school related activities that can be a caused of stress were explored.


Research Stress

IV. Research hypothesis:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between Grade-12 senior high school’ stress level and

their academic performance in Practical Research 2.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between Grade-12 senior high school’ stress level and

their academic performance in Practical Research 2.


III. Research Methodology

This study employed the descriptive-correlation method in obtaining the essential data.

The descriptive design was used to describe the demographic profile of the respondents such as

track, gender, age, and the perceived stress level status. The correlation method was also used to

establish the relationship between the score on the perceived scale and the average grade in

Practical Research 2 for the first semester of the respondents.

Population and Sample of the Study

Random sampling was used in the selection of the respondents, where thirty (30)

randomly selected Grade-12 senior high school students in Vicente P. Trinidad National High

School for school year 2018-2019 in Punturin Valenzuela City were involved. This sample will

represents the whole population.

Research instrument

In order to acquire reliable information, the researcher used a survey questionnaire as a

mode of data collection. Perceived Stress Scale was used to evaluate the amount of stress and the

level of stress that the respondents perceive during the first semesters.

Data processing and Statistical treatment

Likewise, the data gathered were statistically analyzed using the Statistical Microsoft

Excel software, whereas the following statistical tools were used:

1. Frequency counts, percentages. These were used to describe the demographic profile of the


2. Average Weighted Mean (AWM). This were used to get the mean of the perceived stress

scale and the average grade of the respondents for first quarter in Practical Research 2.

3. Pearson-r. This was used to identify whether there is a correlation between the academic

performance and the score on the perceived stress level scale of the respondents.

Validity and Reliability of the Study

The Researcher tested the questionnaire to respondents. These respondents as well

as their answer were not part of the actual study process and were only used for testing

purposes. After the questions have been answered, the researcher asked the respondents for

any suggestions or any necessary corrections to improve the instruments further. The

Researcher modified the content of the questionnaire based on the assessment and

suggestions of the sample respondents. The Researchers excluded irrelevant questions and

changed vague of difficult terminologies into simpler ones so as to make the survey more

comprehensive for the selected respondents.

Chapter :


The results of the assessment on the perceived stress level and academic performance in

Practical Research 2 of the grade-12 senior high school students in Vicente P. Trinidad National

high School are shown in the following tables:




GAS 15 50%
ABM 15 50%
TOTAL 30 100%
16 2 6.67%
17 16 53.33%
18 6 20%
19 4 13.33%
20 2 6.67%
MEAN AGE = 18 100%
MALE 15 50%
FEMALE 15 50%
TOTAL 30 100%

The table no. 1 represent the demographic profile of respondents shows that 15 of the

respondents under the General Academic Strand with the relative percentage of 50% and 15 of

the respondents under the Accountancy Business and Management with the relative percentage

of 50%. Most of the respondents were 17 years of age but still the mean age is 18 years old. It

shows that 15 of the respondents are male with the relative percentage of 50% and 15 of the

respondents are female with the relative percentage of 50% with N=30.


90-91 2 6.67%
88-89 5 16.67%
86-87 6 20%
84-85 3 10%
82-83 1 3.33%
80-81 4 13.33%
78-79 5 16.67%
76-77 1 3.33%
74-75 2 6.67%
72-73 1 3.33%
MEAN GRADE 30 100%

The Table no. 2 represents the Academic Performance in Practical Research 2 shows that

the average grade of 30 randomly selected students of grade 12 senior high school for the first

quarter was 83% which means satisfactory.



Do you tire more easily and feel 2.73 Moderate change
fatigued rather than energetic?
Are people annoying you and telling you that you don’t look so 2.47 Some change
good lately?
Are you working harder and harder and accomplishing less? 3.27 Moderate change
Are you increasingly cynical and disenchanted? 2.50 Moderate change
Are you often invaded by sadness you can't explain? 3.27 Moderate change
Are you forgetting things? 3.10 Moderate change
Are you increasingly irritable, more short-tempered, more 3.23 Moderate change
disappointed in the people around you?

Are you seeing close friends and family members less frequently? 3.03 Moderate change
Are you too busy to do even routine things like make phone calls,
read for fun, or send out cards? 3.13 Moderate change

Are you suffering from physical complaints like aches, pains, 2.87 Moderate change
headaches, or a lingering cold?
Do you feel disoriented when the activity of the day comes to a 2.69 Moderate change
Is joy elusive? 2.90 Moderate change
Are you unable to laugh at a joke about yourself? 2.87 Moderate change
Do you have little to say to people? 2.93 Moderate change
GRAND MEAN: 2.93 Moderate

The table no. 3 represents the information regarding change (burnout) shows that most of

the description was moderate change with an grand mean of 2.93 with N=30.



If I make a mistake, I question my ability to do 3.60 Almost always 2
undergraduate/graduate work. true
I tend to dwell on negative comments I receive on tests and papers 2.53 Very often true 11
If other students or professors do not agree with me, I think I am 2.97 Very often true 9
I feel as though other students are more advanced or brighter than 3.17 Very often true 6
I am.
I have personal difficulties that are very hard to deal with while I 3.17 Very often true 6
am in school.
I question my decision to go to undergraduate/graduate school. 3.17 Very often true 6
I feel guilty if I take time off from studying to do something for 3.17 Very often true 6
I feel overloaded by all the demands in school. 3.10 Very often true 8
I have had to give up much or all of my social life to succeed in 3.27 Very often true 5
The course scheduling constraints make my day-to-day 3.13 Very often true 7
planning very difficult.
I found myself indecisive about what I would like to do when l 3.13 Very often true 7
finish school.
Stress is inescapable in school 3.57 Almost always 3
One of the difficult things about school is having a life 2.90 Very often true 10
outside of school that needs attention.
I feel I must be competent at school, work, and home all of the 3.33 Very often true 4
I felt that research is very stressful. 3.67 Almost always 1
GRAND MEAN 3.08 Very often true

The table no. 4 represents the information about students stress (cognitive stress) shows

that the rank 1 tells that most of the respondent felt that research is very stressful, while rank 2

says that most of respondents felt that if they make a mistake, they question their ability to do

undergraduate/graduate work, and rank 3 says that most of the respondents felt that stress is

inescapable in school.




STRESS Pearson Correlation 3.084** 0.086

LEVEL Sig.( 2-tailed ) 0.002
N 30 30
ACADEMIC Pearson 0.086 3.084**
Correlation 0.002
PERFORMANCE Sig. ( 2-tailed ) 30 30
**Correlation is significant at 0.05 level.

Figure 1.

The Table no. 5 shows that there was a positive correlation between the two variables,

r=0.086, p=0.002 and N=30.

Therefore: r > 0

Decision: Reject Ho, Accept Ha

There is a significant relationship between student stress level and academic

performance in Practical Research 2.



Summary of Findings and Conclusion

Even in man’s regular life stress is really inevitable. Everyone was experiencing this

serious matter. Even though everyone experiencing this still not everyone can explain what really

stress is all about. Every field of study is stressful to some degree. The purpose of this study was

to determine whether or not student stress levels were caused by having a subject of Practical

Research 2 for grade 12 senior high school student.

Since the result of the study was rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting alternative

hypothesis which proved that there is a significant relationship between grade-12 student’ stress

level and academic performance in Practical Research 2.

Therefore the researchers claimed that making a research paper is one of the factors that

can cause much stress for students specifically on graduating students. And based on the survey

most of the respondent answered that it is almost always true that they felt research is very

stressful when it comes to cognitive stress. (SEE TABLE 4) Infact it is the rank 1 when it comes

to ranking of questions.

At first it is very difficult for the researchers to find a local studies regarding this issue

since K-12 program is just started in the Philippines only last year 2017. Therefore related

studies were very irrelevant. Also one of the struggles encountered by the researchers was to find

counter arguments since the topic was stress level of students when it comes to academic


Limitation of the Study

The greatest limitation to this study is the small sample size. Graduate program

representation was small. Vicente P. Trinidad National High school was the only school

measured. The senior high school department only had two tracks the GAS and the ABM that’s

why the sample population is not enough to represent the whole grade 12 senior high school

students. Using more school with a complete senior high school track would have increased the

credibility and the sizes of the comparison groups.

The sample used was a convenience sample and no generalizations can be made about the

larger population. Randomly selecting students from other tracks and grade levels would have

made the results more usable.


1. Management of the school should make room for stress management courses in the school

curriculum and also organizing stress management forum and campaign to help address stress

among students

2. The student union in collaboration with the sport council and management should organized

games and social programs for students.

3. There should be frequent interaction between academic staffs and students on how best to

schedule intensive courses in the cause of the semester work

4. Guidance and counseling unit should be part of the school management system so that

students can come there to discuss issues affecting them.

5. Good eating habit should be priority of students in relation to stress management

6. Enough sleep and exercise is an important remedy to stress management.

7. Creative games should be organized during lectures that have longer hours from 3-6 hours in

order to some extent relief stress from students and refresh their mind and make them active.

8. There should be a good balance between working hours and study hours so as to avoid stress.

9. Try to listen to music as much as possible.

10. Watch more funny videos and favorite anime/movies.

11. Try to read books.

12. Hang-out with friends every free time.


Although the researchers used quantitative method in this research, we advise future

researcher on this same topic combined both qualitative and quantitative to get an in-depth

theory about the study. In this case Personal interview and observation is very important to get

more real evidence of the challenge of stress.


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