4.3.2 ADC Evaluation Board AD9228 Features
4.3.2 ADC Evaluation Board AD9228 Features
4.3.2 ADC Evaluation Board AD9228 Features
The ADC board analog inputs also have the LVDS standard. Although the ADC chip AD9228 is
having differential standard inputs for clock as well as analog inputs, the evaluation board is
provided with single-ended to differential converters for each of the differential inputs. The
digital outputs however are in LVDS format, and provide serial data corresponding to each
analog channel.
ADC board has TYCO make PCB mount connector with part no. 6469169-1 for I/O interfacing
which is difficult to interface with the FPGA kit I/O connector. For this an adaptor board was
made with a mating connector to ADC on one side and a mating connector to FPGA board (for
both Spartan3 & Virtex4 kit) on other side. Adaptor board is a double sided PTH type PCB board
with FR4 material and dimensions 90 mm X 40 mm.
4.3.3 Spartan3 FPGA board features [12]:
Xilinx Spartan3 device XC3S200 package FT256 has been used equipped with 173 user I/O and
76 differential I/O standards which can be configured to support any of the differential standards.
Supported standards are LDT_25, LVDS_25, BLVDS_25, LVDSEXT_25, ULVDS_25, and
RSDS_25. Similarly many other single-ended standards like GTL, GTLP, HSTL_I,
LVCMOS15, LVCMOS33, LVCMOS25 LVTTL etc. In this project work, ports have been
configured for LVDS_25 to interface the ADC board differential serial outputs whose details are
given in next chapter. Other ports have been configured with single ended LVTTL standard.