APP000134 - Wood Packaging Certificate
APP000134 - Wood Packaging Certificate
APP000134 - Wood Packaging Certificate
The f ollowing sample was submitted and identified on behalf of the client as below:
Country of Destination
Result Summary
- - -
ISO 12460-5:201 5 - Formaldehyde release in wood-based panels - As
PASS / S ee result
client's r uirement
Thay m<)�CnN'I ty
Sd}tVietnom Ltd
This d:>cc.mtwY is issued by the Ccmpany sWject ro irs GentKaJ Cont/lions ot s,,,,,;oe pmt«I ovtNf&al. a..a&tble on request or acc#J$$bltl a, hnp;l'www.SQ$.COff\'.to!Ienns·1nd:
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Unless othtMNise sua:ed the 185:lJts shotm;, this tt.tSt reponreltYon/yto lhtJ sarpll!l(s}ttJStt!dand such sampltJ{s) at e retainl!ldfor 90 days only.
SGS v,elnaffl Ltd Office: 198 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai St. Dislricl 3 . Ho Chi Mm�- Vi!lnaml (84-28) 3935 1920 1(84-28) 3935 1921 www.SQ$,COm
f I.iii>: Loi 111121. 1915A St. ltQ,slrial Gt014> Ill. Tan 8111h IZ. Tan Phu Disu,a. HCMC. S.R. Vielnaml (84·28) 3816 0999 f (84-28) 3816 0996
Test results:
For Particleboards/ OSB/ MDF (show when wood types are PB/OSB/MDF)
(mg/1 OOg dry
Test Item material) Client's requirement
Formaldehyde content - Perforator value 8mg/1 OOg < Result < 30mg/1 OOg
lcalc. to 6.5% moisture content) drv material
Comment PASS --
Note 1. mg/1 OOg dry material = milligram per 1 OOg of dry material
2. ND = Not Detected
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