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Elijah Aszh C. Martinez (STS) MODULE #6

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Elijah Aszh C.

Martinez Module 6 20BSE-1M


1. Using a graphic organizer, list down some technology you see or you use at home, at
school or in your community, and in social media. Categorize them according to their
purpose (transportation, communication, education, etc.). Describe briefly how you or
the community use these technologies you mention.

2. From the graphic organizer you completed at the very start of this section, choose one
technology in each category and give its risks and benefits as regards to their purpose.
Explain briefly each point you included.

Technology Benefits Risks

Vacuum Cleaner- An Cleaning with a vacuum Depending on the vacuum

electrical device that collects cleaner is not only more cleaner model, hundreds to
dust and tiny particles from sanitary, but it is also more thousands of watts of
floors and other surfaces secure than cleaning with a electricity are consumed.
using suction. broom. Vacuum cleaners can Absolutely, if you use a
clean in tens of minutes, vacuum cleaner, your power
however manual cleaning cost will begin to rise.
takes several hours.

E-bike - A bicycle that can be Most cyclists travel at speeds Electric bicycles are a fun
powered by both electricity ranging from 10 to 12 miles way to go about area, but they
and pedaling. per hour, while an e-bike may may also be hazardous, as
reach speeds of up to 20 miles with any motorized gadget.
per hour. E-bikes allow you Minor bruising and scrapes to
to arrive at your location concussions and fractured
faster than a traditional bike. bones might result from an e-
E-bikes are no more risky bike accident.
than standard bicycles. It's
also a terrific alternative to
Smart phone - A smartphone The primary benefit of Students' studies are primarily
is a device that can also utilizing a mobile phone is influenced by mobile phones.
function as a computer. They that it simplifies and reduces Mobile phones divert
function similarly to the cost of communication. students' attention away from
computers but are mobile Mobile phones can be used to their studies. Students spend
devices small enough to fit in get knowledge or information much of their time on mobile
the palm of a user's hand. on a variety of subjects. devices playing games,
Sending and receiving emails, Nowadays, most colleges, watching movies, and other
text messages, pictures, and institutions, and schools forms of entertainment, which
multimedia messages are all provide online education with lowers their GPA.
examples of applications. appropriate study material,
Using a mobile browser to which can be in the form of
access the Internet. photographs, photos, text,
pdf, and so on.





1. Think of an issue (be it environmental, economical, transportation, etc.) and come up with
a technology that would somehow address the issue.
a. Give a description of the features of your technology.
b. What are its benefits and drawbacks to the society?

As time goes on, more and more new models of cars, motors, and other means of
transportation are appearing. As a result, more and more people are getting a vehicle. When
there are many cars on the road, there is also a lot of smoke that comes out, and that's one of
the causes of destroying the ozone layer, because of this issue, I came up with a technology
that would help with this. We know that gasoline powers cars or any vehicle. That's why it emits
smoke. But if electricity is used to power the vehicles, no smoke will be emitted from the vehicle.
So the solution here is electric vehicles. The electric vehicle has many features. It has autopilot,
touch screen device, voice command, and many more that are not in gas-based cars. If this is
what people use, there is no visible smoke coming from the vehicle. It is electric-based, there's
no smoke will come out of it, and it will further help the environment. It’s more advanced than
ordinary cars because there’s more to do here that gas-based cars can’t. However, the range
and speed of electric vehicles are limited. Most of these vehicles have a range of 50-100 miles
before needing to be recharged. You simply cannot use them for long distance travel at the
moment, however this is expected to change in the future. Electric fuelling stations are still in the
development stages.

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