Informed Consent Form
Informed Consent Form
Informed Consent Form
Counseling involves a relationship between you and the trainee counsellor who has
the desire and willingness to help you accomplish your individual goals. Counselling
involves sharing sensitive, personal, and private information that may at times be distressing.
During the course of this counselling experience, if you experience any periods of increased
anxiety or confusion, please discuss it with your counselor.
The trainee counselor is available only during specific times and at other times in case
of any help you can contact Montfort Counselling Centre (MCC) - 080- 2528 4050/ 3320/
● The counsellors work as a team. Your therapist may consult with other counsellor /
supervisors to provide the best possible care. These consultations are for professional
and training purposes however your identity would not be revealed.
● If there is evidence of clear and imminent danger or harm to self and/or others, a
therapist is legally required to report this information to the authorities responsible for
ensuring safety.
● Disclosure of information, if required by law.
I have read and discussed the above information with my counsellor. I
understand the risks and benefits of counseling, the nature and limits of confidentiality,
and what is expected of me as a client of the Counseling Services.
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