Artikel On Skin Tear 1
Artikel On Skin Tear 1
Artikel On Skin Tear 1
Correspondence Keywords
[email protected]; emergency nurse, pretibial lacerations, skin tears, wounds, wound dressings
[email protected]
Conflict of interest
None declared Aims and intended learning outcomes risk of these injuries because of general
The aim of this article is to describe the frailty, difficulty mobilising and falls. Skin
Peer review nature and management of skin tears, and tears in older people occur in the lower
This article has been subject outline best practice. After reading the article, limbs, particularly in the pretibial region,
to external double-blind and completing the time outs, you should the forearms and hands (Battersby 2009,
peer review and checked be able to: Clothier 2014). Other groups at risk of skin
for plagiarism using »» Describe the predisposing factors for skin tears. tears include people who are critically ill or
automated software »» Summarise prevention strategies. clinically compromised (NHS Education for
»» Describe the anatomy, physiology and Scotland (NES) 2015). These patients might
functions of the skin. also be older as increases in co-morbidities
»» Summarise the process of wound healing. and complex health problems are common
»» Understand potential complications in this population.
associated with skin tears. A range of co-morbidities increases the risk
»» Explain which dressings are appropriate for of skin tears, including chronic cardiovascular
managing skin tears. and renal disease (Stephen-Haynes and Carville
2011), and poor nutrition and hydration
Prevalence of skin tears (Clothier 2014), while chronic pulmonary
A skin tear is defined as ‘a wound caused by disorders (LeBlanc et al 2008) and suppressed
shear, friction and/or blunt forces, resulting immunity (NES 2015) are risk factors in all
in separation of skin layers’ (LeBlanc and patient groups.
Baranoski 2011). In emergency and urgent Accurate figures for prevalence of skin
care settings, skin tears are usually associated tears in the UK are not readily available, but
with older people, but they are not uncommon some researchers claim that many skin tears
in neonates and infants who have immature go unreported (Clothier 2014, All Wales
skin, and when the epidermis and dermis are Tissue Viability Forum 2015, Stephen-Haynes
not fully cohesive (Bianchi 2012). and Deeth 2016). It is reasonable to assume
Premature babies, neonates and infants that prevalence in the UK is comparable to
who require hospital care are particularly at similarly developed nations with growing
risk of skin trauma caused by invasive devices populations of older people, such as Australia
and the dressings and tapes used to secure and the US. One Australian study found a skin
them. These devices are generally placed tear prevalence of 8% to 11% in patients in
in and around the head and face, or in the public hospitals (Mulligan et al 2009), while
extremities. Therefore, these are the areas US figures, although more than ten years old
where skin tears are seen in this age group. (Baranoski 2005), suggest that 1.5 million
Paediatric risk factors differ from those older people a year sustain skin tears in care
associated with older people, who are at facilities for older people.
A follow-up to the Australian study Prevention should start with early Online archive
(Mulligan et al 2011) suggested an overall identification of those at risk (Bianchi 2012). For related information,
visit emergencynurse.
4.3% increase in skin tears from the 2009 Many prevention strategies are simple and and search using
figures. There are more recent figures easily implemented but might be neglected the keywords
from small-scale US studies (LeBlanc and by older people. Therefore clinicians should
Baranoski 2011) and UK-based clinical audits advise them about potential hazards, including
(Stephen‑Haynes et al 2011), but these are trip hazards such as loose footwear, uneven
confined to care homes, and do not therefore carpets and scatter rugs.
illustrate the true extent of the problem. Areas of the home in which people
Skin tears are not uncommon across all age frequently move around should be clutter
groups, but development of chronic wounds free, for example the route from the living
is strongly related to increasing age (Morgan room to the kitchen and the bedroom to the
2015). Chronic wounds in this context are bathroom, and sharp-edged furniture should
loosely defined as acute wounds that fail to be padded. Clinicians must use moving and
heal within an expected timeframe. However, handling equipment properly to further
many skin tear wounds can, with appropriate protect patients.
management, be prevented or resolved. The Charities such as Age UK can visit people
rest of this article focuses on these aspects of at home to offer advice about practical falls
care in relation to older people. prevention, and some emergency departments
(EDs) have close links and easy referral systems
TIME OUT 1 to such organisations. Referral for people
Risk factors and causes of skin tears at risk can also be made to community falls
Thinking about older people, write a list of what you consider teams, which usually include an occupational
to be the risk factors and causes of skin tears. therapist and social worker who can
provide grab rails, properly fitting footwear
Risk factors and causes of skin tears and other aids.
Readily identifiable causes of skin tears There is increasing momentum in the
include traumatic removal of dressings or UK ambulance service to promote fall
surgical tape and blunt force trauma related prevention by encouraging paramedics to
to falls or wheelchair injuries (Hebert 2016). refer patients to falls teams to try to reduce
Clinicians should be aware of the need to injury and subsequent transfer to hospital
adhere to uniform policy, as long fingernails (Snooks et al 2014).
and inappropriate jewellery can also cause skin Paramedics, like district nurses, are well
tears (Stephen-Haynes and Carville 2011, All placed to risk assess patients’ homes, and in
Wales Tissue Viability Forum 2015). Not all some areas paramedics are formally included
causes are obvious. Putting on or removing in falls teams. Such falls prevention schemes
tights and stockings can put vulnerable skin help preserve patients’ independence and
at risk (Hebert 2016), and when activities dignity (Pyer et al 2015).
like these are undertaken by clinicians or
other carers, the risk is magnified. Prevention Anatomy and physiology
strategies, therefore, are important and Despite prevention strategies, skin tears still
preferable to cure. occur, and when assessing or managing these
Additional risk factors include being over 75, injuries it is important to understand the
being female, a history of previous skin tears, anatomy and physiology of the skin.
cognitive or sensory impairment including
from diabetes and dementia, visual impairment BOX 1. Skin tear prevention
(Clothier 2014), agitation, incontinence and
polypharmacy (Herbert 2016). »» Assess for risk on admission to healthcare services and whenever the patient’s condition changes.
»» Implement a systematic prevention protocol.
TIME OUT 2 »» Ensure those at risk wear long sleeves, long trousers or knee-high socks.
Prevention »» Provide shin guards/leg protectors for those who experience repeat skin tears on shins.
What can be done to prevent skin tears in community and »» Ensure safe patient handling techniques and equipment/environment.
hospital settings? »» Involve patents and families in prevention strategies.
»» Educate nursing staff and caregivers to ensure proper techniques for providing care without causing
skin tears.
Prevention »» Consult a dietician to ensure adequate nutrition and hydration.
Community and hospital healthcare »» Keep skin well lubricated by applying hypoallergenic moisturiser at least twice a day.
professionals can reduce the risk of skin tears »» Protect people at high risk of trauma from self-injury during routine care.
by taking the preventive actions listed in Box 1
(LeBlanc and Baranoski 2011)
(LeBlanc and Baranoski 2011).
(Silver Chain Nursing Association and School of Nursing and Midwifery, Curtin University of Technology 2010)
Category II: Partial tissue loss IIa) Scant tissue loss less than 25%
IIb) Moderate to large tissue loss over 25%
Fully immunised, ie has received a total None required Only if high risk
of five doses of vaccine at appropriate
Primary immunisation complete, None required unless next dose due soon and convenient to give now Only if high risk
boosters incomplete but up to date
Primary immunisation incomplete or A reinforcing dose of vaccine and further doses as required to complete the Yes: one dose of human tetanus
boosters not up to date recommended schedule to ensure future immunity immunoglobulin in a different site
Not immunised or immunisation status An immediate dose of vaccine followed, if records confirm the need, by completion Yes: one dose of human tetanus
not known or uncertain of a full five-dose course to ensure future immunity immunoglobulin in a different site
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