Marx - Theory of State

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Marx’s view of the state is completely different from the traditional view. He believes that the
State is not a natural institution but rather man-made. Marx viewed the State as a creature of the
bourgeoisie economic interest. It is an instrument of the ruling class for maintaining law and order and
keep a check upon the ruled. The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the
common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.


State was not in existence in primitive tribal societies where all men were armed and communities
were governed according to customary practices.The idea of state was unknown to self-governing tribal
societies which had not yet witnessed the emergence of the institution of private property.
Tribal chief no doubt exercised considerable respect, not because of their superior economic
position, but because of their age, experience and contributions. There was no exploitation or oppression
of one section of community by another.Later, when the mode of production changed, land emerged as a
stable property.This facilitated the emergence of class and class struggle and ultimately the State came
into existence.


Following the birth of private property, the tribal communities got opposing classes whose
interests are irreconcilable.
Emergence of a class that began to convert the hitherto existing communal property into private
property and forcing those who were weak into some sort of slavery and a vast section of the people, who
refuse to submit to the dictates of the private property owners.
This led to constant conflict, violence and the endangering the whole community.To ensure peace and
order in the society, there arose the need for the institution of state, seemingly raising above the classes
and working for the universal interests. Class antagonism and irreconcilable class contradictions is
therefore the root cause why the state came into existence.


According to Marx, the state is an institutional structure composed of allthe repressive
instruments of the society like - Army, Police, Bureaucracy, Prisons, Judiciary, Legislature, Executive.


The State neither originates in the will of the society nor is it maintained for the benefit of all
sections of society i.e., for the benefit of all classes. It did not come into existence to reconcile the interest
of the opposing classes. It comes into existence to maintain law and order and at the same time protect
and consolidate the institution of private property.
Because it came into existence in the midst of class struggles, the state cannot remain neutral;
while working for peace and order, it also should ensure that the interests of the dominant propertied
sections are taken care of.
Such a state cannot but be a ‘Class state’, an instrument of the dominant classes, to ensure
protection and promotion of the institution of private property by monopolizing the use of force and
strengthening and making use of its oppressive organs.

For example,
In a Slave society, the state is a Slave state that works for the interest of the Slave Lords. In
Capitalist society, it is a Capitalist state that ensures subordination of the other classes and ensures rule
of the capitalist class.

The State is a machine that runs for a purpose and came into existence at a certain point of history
to fulfill certain needs. The government runs the machinery of the state, it however in no way define the
character of the machine (State). Irrespective of which type of government comes into power, the state
continues to be an oppressive institution that works as per the interest of the ruling class.


To protect the general interest of the capitalist class, the state should also be autonomous of
particular members of the capitalist class.
In all class societies, the state is a class state, similarly in liberal democracies, there is the capitalist
state. Now one may argue that if the liberal democratic state is a class state, how can you explain certain
activities of the state, that benefit classes other than capitalists?
Marx argues that in order to legitimize the State’s authority and to make people believe that the
State is neutral and exist for all, the state performs developmental and welfare activities that benefits
classes other than capitalists. The State also imprisons and taxed the rich capitalist class. But while doing
all these, the character of the State remains intact, it is still a Capitalist state. Because the amount spent
for welfare activities are insignificant compared to what the governments do for the capitalist classes.
And also the amount paid as taxes by the capitalist class is comparatively negligible to what they actually
earn. Class compromises are necessary to ward off revolution.

The Revolution involves replacing the rule of the dominant capitalist classes by the rule of the
subordinate and exploited working class. The oppressed and exploited class should start by attacking the
state. It is only after toppling the State that the oppressed class can go against the ruling class.
Earlier, after revolution, the propertied class that replaced the previous ones have strengthened
the state instead of destroying it. The real interests of the working class cannot be protected under
capitalism. Hence, they are compelled to organize themselves for socialism and fight against the capitalist
state, that seeks to protect capitalism. The working class revolution necessitates the destruction of
capitalist state and establishment of a proletarian state. And the revolution will be a violent one.


Marx and Engels believe that between capitalism and communism, there is an intermediary phase,
where the proletarian state will have to be the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’. Dictatorship of the
proletariat is the state of the proletariat meant to suppress the propertied capitalist class. Also remember
that the propertied capitalist class just recently lost only their political power i.e., control of the state, but
they are still economically powerful and as such will try all means to oppose this new proletariat ruling
class. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat must be strong enough to resist all these oppositions.
Dictatorship of the proletariat empowers the proletariat and other laboring masses and unleashes the
powers and creativity of the hitherto oppressed classes and communities. The suppression of the
bourgeoisie, however, is not an end in itself for the Proletarian state. The Dictatorship of the proletariat
must organize the economic, political, social, educational, cultural life in socialist terms. But the most
typical function of the proletarian state is to prepare the way for its own withering away so that the
classless society is converted into the stateless condition of life. All public affairs would be managed by
the free and voluntary association (soviets) of the people.

Communism is the future stage of human society which has completely overcome the institution of
private property, classes and class antagonisms. When production reaches abundance, all people become
conscious of their rights and responsibilities, class, national and rural-urban, physical-mental labour
differences cease to exist, then the people become capable of governing themselves, without the need for
a state. Hence the proletarian state withers away.


• Not one - class antagonism but many factors have played their part in the evolution of the State.
• Marxist concept of class struggle is artificial. There has been many instances of class co-operation
between private enterprises and the working classes. They need each other.
• Marx’s argument that the condition of the workers will be horrible as capitalism grows has proved
wrong. There are trade unions that protect and fight for the rights of the workers. Government
also imposes adequate restraints on private enterprises regarding working conditions, adequate
minimum basic payment to workers, working hours, working days, etc. Workers are now
participants in the share of ownership of industries and lead a better life being assured of social
• It is wrong to state that the State only functions to protect the interest of the rich capitalist class.
Modern states are also welfare-states that work for the interest of the people at large. It not only
protects and restraints but fosters and promotes. It would be futile to wish for its disappearance.
• Marx’s idea of a stateless and classless society is a utopian dream. The extinction of USSR as a
communist state and China always keen to protect and promote its capitalist interest are examples
to prove that the Marxist idea of the state is wrong.

Marx view of the State no doubt has been criticized on several grounds. However, it makes an
important contribution in understanding the nature of the state. It is a reality and there is no doubt that
economically powerful people are also politically powerful, who influence the policies of the state

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