Workbook: 7 Habits of Highly Effective

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Based on the Book

The 7 Habits of
Effective People
By Stephen R. Covey
Habit 1: Be proactive about taking responsibility for your life.

Your life doesn’t just “happen”. You choose what happens.

You choose if you are going to be happy or sad. You choose
if you are going to be successful or not. Don’t blame other
people, conditions, or things. Take responsibility and make
things happen. You have the freedom to choose.

Think of a situation that is bothering you. Describe it below:

Relate to this situation and write three sentences that start


I can

I will

I prefer

There are some things that we can do nothing about

(politics, the weather, etc). Focus your efforts on the things
you control and you can do something about.
Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

Are you doing what you dreamed you would do? Are you
living the life you always wanted? Are you the person you
wanted to be? You have to imagine where you want to be
and then you can reach that place. Visualize who you are
and what you want in life.

Describe who you are and what you want in life:

Start each day, task or project with a clear vision of your


Each morning, devote 2 minutes to visualizing what you

wrote above.

Stephen Covey encourages you to write your own personal

vision statement. Focus on what you want to be and do. It is
your plan for success.

My personal vision statement

My greater purpose is:
Set some goals. Your goals must be connected to something
important. If they aren’t, they won’t get done.

Write 3 long-term goals that support your mission statement


With every goal you set, it’s important to ask yourself what,
why, when, and how.

What? What is your goal? It should bring your life into

alignment with what you have decreed is your greater

Why? Why is each goal important to you and your mission?

When? Set a deadline for each of your long-term goals.

How? How will you know when you have reached your
goal? How will you reach your goal? How will you
empower yourself to achieve your goal?

Stephen Covey suggests you ask yourself "how" for each

step. For each of your long-term goals, ask yourself how you
are going to achieve it. Each time you write "how", ask
yourself how you are going to do that. When you write how
you are going to do that, ask yourself how you will do the
next step. Keep going for as long as you can. This will force
you to get very specific.

For example, my goal is to run a half marathon.

I will start running 4 times a week. (but how?)

I will run 1 km and then I will increase this distance by 10%

each week. (but how?)

I will make time 4 times a week and make sure I go for 4 runs
(but how?)

I will ask a friend to run with me so that I have an

accountability buddy (but how?)
I will call Susan and ask her if she wants to commit to this goal
with me (but how?)

I will sign up for a race so that I have a goal and I feel

committed (but how?)

I will sign up for the x race.

Now that you have broken your goal into steps, you can
schedule those steps into your planner. Ask yourself what you
can get done each day to complete each step.

Print a planner and schedule each step. You will find a wide
selection of free printable planners on

Start each day with the vision of that goal in mind and get
the tasks you have scheduled done.
Long term goal 1:









What ?
Why ?

Goal 1

When ? How ?
Long term goal 2:









What ?
Why ?

Goal 2

When ? How ?
Long term goal 3:









What ?
Why ?

Goal 3

When ? How ?
Habit 3: Put first things first

To reach your goals and to live a balanced happy life, you

need to recognize that you cannot do everything and that is
okay. Focus on your highest priorities and say no to all other
things. To do this, you need to be clear what your highest
priorities are. These are the goals and vision you established
in habit 2.

Stephen Covey suggests you do this through weekly

planning. Choose a weekly planner that works for you. You
will find a wide selection of free printable weekly planners on It can be a paper-based planner, a
bought planner, a digital planner, a bullet journal, whatever
works for you.

The important thing is that it helps you keep balance in your

life by helping you identify your priorities.

You need a tool that will help you focus on what you do
each day and what you plan for each week.

Invest some time each week to plan your week. Write

down your goals, your highest priorities, schedule your tasks
and appointments.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win

Win-win means agreements or solutions that are mutually

beneficial and satisfying.

Choose two of the most important relationships in your life.

Stephen Covey explains how you can make these
relationships more beneficial for both sides. To do this, you will
have to look for the good in other people. You will need to
communicate clear expectations and be honest in
communication. You need to treat people with respect and
respond to the needs of others.

What changes can you make to make your relationship

more beneficial for both sides?
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Communication is the most important skill in life. People often

focus more on expressing themselves than listening to others.

An effective communicator will first seek to understand

another’s views before seeking to be understood.

Habit 6: Synergize

Synergy is celebrating differences and finding new and

better ways together. The idea is that the whole is greater
than the sum of its parts. When people begin to interact
together genuinely, and they’re open to each other’s
influence, they then begin to gain new insight.

This means you can produce something with another person

that neither of you could have produced separately.
Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

You are the only tool you have in life so invest in yourself so
that you can deal with life and have the strength to
contribute and to reach your goals. You need to make a
conscious effort to feel good. To live a life in balance you
need to take the necessary time to renew yourself. It’s all up
to you. Renew yourself through relaxation. Don’t burn
yourself out by overdoing everything. Pamper yourself
mentally and spiritually. To get a quality life, you have to plan
and work for the results. Determine which activities will renew
yourself. Ensure you do these activities by prioritizing them in
your daily and weekly planner. Stephen Covey suggests you
spend one hour a day making this happen. Be flexible. If you
set a plan and it doesn’t work for you then make another
plan that does. Just make sure that it happens and that it
works. Your activities need to make you feel good. Address
your physical, spiritual, mental, social and emotional needs.

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