Travel Experience PDF
Travel Experience PDF
Travel Experience PDF
parents gave me a trip to Singapore when I graduated from high school. I went with
my family to Singapore. I was overjoyed since visiti ng Singapore had been on my
bucket list for a long ti me, and this was my fi nest travel experience unti l now. My
Singapore experience was extremely good. You may witness traffi c discipline, not
throwing rubber on the road, with various culinary products. I sti ll had a fantasti c
experience visiti ng Singapore, despite our short stay. Here is the hope that,
ulti mately, I will be back there.
I am encouraged to travel since I think it's one of the best ways to learn. No
matt er where I travel or what type of vacati on I undertake, I always discover
something new or odd. Travel taught me many things: language, culture, food, history,
society, fashion, and religion. That brings me to the moti vati on for my journey: the
individuals I encounter. Even if I don't understand their language, I enjoy att empti ng
to make people smile or, bett er yet, laugh.